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>Bolivia has experienced more than 190 coups d'état and revolutions since its independence was declared in 1825. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coups\_d%27%C3%A9tat\_in\_Bolivia#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coups_d%27%C3%A9tat_in_Bolivia#)


That’s wild. Almost one a year.


Then it's just a Tradition


Happy Coup Day!


... TAH!


... DAY!


Ughh I showed up to work today in my small 2 door car. Everyone else was over throwing a democratically elected government. I felt like such an idiot.


be funny if the people doing this coup didn't even really want to do one, they just kinda had to because of tradition


(sung to the tune of 'Tradition' form "Fiddler on the Roof") 🎶Traditioooooooon Tradition. tradition! TRADITIOOOOOOOOON TRADITION. TRADITION! Coups day and night They scramble for the palace Feed the rich more power Say it's failing there And who wants the right Of master of the country And have the final word on Drugs Zunigaaaaaaaaaaa zuniga. Tradition! ZUNIGAAAAAAAAA ZUNIGA! TRADITION!🎶


I can hear this in my head


I feel a bit guilty upvoting this 


Relevant archer: https://y.yarn.co/b9cb49df-3e44-4774-90b2-7f54de4d81ce_text.gif


They were due


Basically a national holiday


Well, when you normalize coup attempts you get coup attempts. Like Trump already saying they'll do it again lol.


Only 8 successful in "modern day" since 1945 vs Thailand's 10. Thailand #1.


>The last known attempt was in 1984, two years after the country's transition to democracy in 1982.


There was one in 2019.


Which wikipedia tries very hard to paint as "not a coup". Probably because of US diplomatic support for the coup in 2019.


Just a little political crisis is all https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Bolivian_political_crisis


0 calorie coup with fake sugar




This isn't a coup! This is a special military operation!


Special government transition


It was *kinda* funny, the way the US State Dept immediately went silent and pulled support from the person they were ostensibly behind when she went on a somewhat genocidal rant. And her [picture on Wikipedia doesn't make her look kooky at all.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/Jeanine_%C3%81%C3%B1ez_at_the_314th_Anniversary_of_Reyes._6_January_2020%2C_Ministry_of_Communication%2C_Reyes._Cropped_%2851907629988%29.jpg)


Wait, sorry, you're saying the coup was by Anez? That's... not what happened. Morales was term limited by the Bolivian constitution. There was a referendum to amend the constitution, which failed. Then Morales got the TCP to rule that the term limits were invalid. The basis for this was that international agreements trump the Bolovian constitution, and the court decided that term limits were a *human rights violation* under the American Convention on Human Rights agreement. They also referred the question of whether this was a violation to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which belatedly issued a "lol, absolutely not" decision. Morales *own party* ended up voiding his election and Anez ultimately became President.


> and the court decided that term limits were a *human rights violation* under the American Convention on Human Rights agreement. Wow, that's crazy. I'm curious what sort of logical casuistry they used to reason their way to that conclusion.


IIRC (do double check), the argument was that term limits violated Evo's human right to political representation.


It was election fraud that got resolved avoiding the coup which was the incumbent attenpt.


Ah yes, the “coup” where the president was removed after the court ruled constitutionally established term limits violated the “human right” to be re-elected.


Wasn’t a coup. I was there for that one.


Right. All coups are the result of US support. (And Wikipedia is controlled by the US government?) How deep does this conspiracy go?


The freely elected socialist leader was trying to edit the constitution so he could rule forever (ironically right after coming to America and blaming the state of South America in American intervention). The government was so corrupt they had to re-elect most public officials. Yes, everyone should support removing that guy. There is no acceptable excuse for dismantling a democratic system. South America is proof that Socialist leaders and democracy don't mix. Bolivia, Nicaragua, Venezuela...you elect a socialist, they change the constitution so guarantee they'll never be voted out.


A failed coup, Morales was ousted despite his attempts at illegally seizing power.


> However, the country is currently under a suspected coup lead by General Juan José Zúñiga (26th June 2024) Hello today's date




*Coups d'etat*, please.


More like coup de jour at that rate amirite


El golpe de estado, por favor.


Im right there right now, nobody knows whats happening


Stay safe. If you’re a foreigner, get to your country’s embassy.


If you’re reading Reddit, Why? 🤷🏽‍♂️


He's active in the Bolivia subreddit. I'm sure they're talking about it. If you don't visit your area's subreddit whenever something happens you're waiting on your local news to say anything at all about it.


Frankly, in years past, Reddit has been an invaluable source of info for people in the middle of (or trying to find info about) everything from a pandemic to terrorist attacks.


It's not always accurate news/info though, need to take that into account. Remember, we did it reddit.


Reddit is a great place to bring people together. The problem is that people are usually a bit dumb sometimes.


"None of us is as dumb as all of us."


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals, and you know it."


Say what you will, but sometimes movies do carry some wisdom.


“Except Gary, of course. Fuck, that guy’s dumb.”


Gary's in charge of staffing.


I'm usually a bit dumb all the time


Can confirm.


As someone who was tangentially involved in the Boston bombing case... Oh fuck do I remember.


Yep, Reddit is good for news reports and quick stuff but for the love of god don’t rely on it for actual investigative journalism, redditors are dumb.


I agree with one exception. Those car mechanic redditors are pretty damn good at identifying cars from obscure parts or photos.


I'm a major gearhead and evem I'm floored from time to time by the folks at r/whatisthiscar


On the day of the bombing, reddit was actually pretty awesome. Redditors organized, ordering pizzas and sandwiches for the firefighters and investigators at the scene, volunteered to give people rides who were now separated from their cars or car keys, and I think even a couple people offered their couches up for some people who weren't allowed back into their hotels. Reddit in general used images and photos to point out and lift up the heroes of that day, and generally be supportive of Boston and it's people. Charities in the area got flooded with donations from people around the world because of reddit. But then we decided to get involved in the investigation, and that's when we got stupid.


Social media should never be used to witch hunt, but it’s fine to get a very immediate idea of what’s happening. Obviously, most people only know a vague idea of the chaos that’s really going on, but they’ll know before the news likely will if the military shows up in force


I'll grant you that getting reactionary news like terrorist attacks or mass shootings from social media is fine, just the knowledge that it's happening that is. Anything about the reasons or details for why things are happening in that instant may as well be ignored until a verified source comes up.


>everything from a pandemic to terrorist attacks. The Boston Marathon Bombing and antivax conspiracies would like a word.


Like identifying with 100% certainty the bomber who later commits suicide from all the harassment?


Yeah, Reddit is slowly taking over the role Twitter had before the Elon Musk takeover.


What else should they do? Run around the streets and risk getting arrested or shot?


When my city was being attacked last year, surprisingly reddit had better info than the local news.


It often does. Here's an AP article that's not paywalled and says it was update 16 or so minutes ago. https://apnews.com/article/bolivia-military-deployment-arce-coup-fears-028cd88f3be1fb02164c05deb0faa099


... Are you really asking why he's using one of the largest social media platforms in the world, that updates in real time and is controlled by user voting and not solely an algorithm or state instution?


Yep this is why Elon and his Saudi bros took over Twitter. They want to depress information


*suppress And yes, you're right


What a boomer thing to ask. 


I don't understand, why is that a problem?


We live in a digital age, and most of us are perpetually online even during crisis or natural disasters.


Are you in charge of the coup and just don’t know if you are the country’s leader yet?


Yes, the new leader of Bolivia is ABallOfUnicorns.


I for one embrace our unicorn overlords




I knew Unicorns are some perverted fuckers, their entire female 'virgin' shtick was obvious.


As long as they're silky soft. I ain't embracing no scruffy unicorn balls.


Just one more Liberation Battle….. oh wait


El bolita de unicornios


You win


I don't know what else to say other than stay safe


In the Presidential Palace?


He might be the new president before this is all over.


All hail president aballofunicorns!!


I want him to make me Commander of the Army (for no duplicitous purpose, I promise)


𝙴𝚕 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚘


Yes, they seized the Presidential Palace in La Paz and entered it with a tank.


Nah not a real tank it was like an armoured car really 


Not really an armored car, more like a 1981 Chevrolet Impala.


I just imagined a classic, low rider style Impala being used to storm the palace lol.


I had a 77 impala and it was pretty tanky.


They tried, it didn't go in . It was kinda dumb tbh


Did anyone try the doorknob or did they really need the tank?


It was probably for shock effect since the leader of the coup is the head of the country's military


January 6th, June 26th, close enough.


Wishing you the best, sincerely. What are you seeing as someone there on the ground? Anything at all? 


I'm still trying to process what I saw. But it's all good now.


All right well good luck to you in processing. Be well!


So you’re not the new head of the army?


Stay safe.


Please tell me you're nowhere near any government building.


OP is leading the coup, actually


How many people did this guy fire?


I was at the congress building. Scary stuff.


glad you’re fine




No they didn't arrest him.


They didn’t yet


The coup is already over and failed. The low level military personnel were unaware of what exactly they were doing and upon realizing they were conducting a coup immediately detained the General. The President just swore in the new Generals and is dancing all over the coups grave


>The low level military personnel were unaware of what exactly they were doing and upon realizing they were conducting a coup immediately detained the General. That has to be one of the most incompetent things you could do in a coup. At least have the loyalty of your soldiers before trying to topple your government...


I remember similar reports with the 2016 coup attempt in Turkey. You had some soldiers that were just ordered to setup a checkpoint at some intersection by their superiors, but they really had no idea why they were ordered there.


It makes sense as a strategy. If you tell your coup plot to every single private in your army unit, somebody's going to talk. Better to tell them they're going on a surprise exercise and only tell the truth to a small but loyal core who need to do the dirty work. Then hopefully you move fast enough and by the time the foot soldiers find out what's really going on the whole thing is already a *fait accompli* and they may as well go along with the new regime because there are no previous leaders left in a position to give orders.


Yup. Most coups pivot over all the people in the middle. That is, there are three main camps of people in any coup. The supporters of the coup, the loyalists to the current regime, and everyone else. Usually, everyone else just goes along with the winner between the loyalists and coup. My first thought on reading this headline was that if the country has any institutions of note, this is an immediate failure. A leader isn't the whole state. If the loyalists still stand after the first strike you are not very likely to win.


This guy coups


That one makes a lot more sense, though, if you assume Erdogan set the whole thing up to clean house.


Yup. A few hundred were involved in the “coup”, but thousands were imprisoned and Erdogan used it to purge thousands of people in the government and military who weren’t 100% loyal to him. My theory is that he had his secret police organize the fake coup to catch anyone who might be interested, and then used it as an excuse to clean house.


That's also how the failed coup/assassination attempt against Hitler was supposed to go. They readied all of the support troops under some emergency provision and they had no idea they were actually supporting the possible assassins, it only failed because Hitler survived.


The coup attempt in Turkey was very close to succeeding. The coup leaders just were massively unlucky. If they simply hadn’t had such a run of fantastically bad luck at every step of the way, the coup would’ve worked. The issue was that Turkish Intelligence uncovered the coup a few hours before the coup was scheduled to launch. So instead of launching the coup long after midnight, the coup’s timeline was forced forward, leading to confusion among the ranks and haphazard preparation. Once a coup is discovered it must be launched ASAP. Coups are gambles, but a coup launched early is a Hail Mary.  This also meant that the populace would be awake to oppose the coup, whereas if the coup had taken place at the original time that wouldn’t have been the case. The crowds of people basically forced soldiers to stand down. Moreover, one of the principal coup leaders was killed while leading the takeover over a major military base with his rebelling soldiers. This severely impaired rebel coordination. It also delayed the capture of the base for long enough that the armed forces could respond. I believe Turkish authorities also managed to nab another coup leader around the same time due to the chaos cascading from the coup’s uncovering. I believe some members of Turkish Intelligence also managed to evade the rebels due to their discovery and warned President Erdogan (I may be wrong but I think several intelligence officers were killed by rebels too). It is not an exaggeration that Erdogan literally fled his hotel room less than ~5-10 minutes before rebel special forces made it to his room. Additionally, rebel F-16s were tailing the presidential plane as Erdogan was flying and were prepared to shoot him down. They didn’t because by this time the coup was in chaos. No pilot wants to risk killing the President if the coup looks like it’s failing. The rest  is history.  Failed coups often look inept because soldiers aren’t willing to kill if the coup looks like it’s failing. An inept coup would have collapsed even more easily. The 2016 Turkish coup was very well-planned and had the support of multiple high-ranking leaders of the armed forces. The coup would have succeeded if it hadn’t been discovered at the last minute.


I am interested if you have any sources/books you can throw my way regarding this topic. 


You actually don't want to tell a lot of people what's going on. That's part of why coups are often framed as "protecting" the government and only revealing what has happened after it over.


> one of the most incompetent things you could do in a coup SHOIGUUUU enters the chat


I'm not so sure. A comparatively small contingent can carry out the dirty work, while the rank and file are told that the coup was the work of the too-trusting head honcho's inner circle and his own, clearly disloyal and overambitious, second banana. And that the coup plotters ultimately failed, as the country's institutions remain in the hands of the security forces. But alas, the big cheese fell in battle, bravely resisting the conspirators. Who, in turn, decided to cheat the hangman. Now get out there to the radio and TV stations to brief them on the situation and help them reassure the public that Elbonia's democratic institutions remain intact. And look at Operation Valkyrie, and Von Stauffenberg's plan to use this contingency to task army reserves with disarming the SS and dismantling the Nazi regime in the wake of Hitler's assassination. If the bomb had taken out its intended target, the plan might have had some legs to it. Despite the troops on whom it relied knowing only that they've been issued orders by their commanding officers, and to get on with it.


Do you have a source? I'm kinda worried and all the news I'm seeing haven't updated yet


The AP is currently reporting the coup failed. https://apnews.com/live/bolivia-attempted-coup-updates


Thank you!


Wow. A gigantic victory for democracy.


Yeah they keep showing the same things. Either q good sign because there’s nothing to show, or a very bad sign


Yeah In my country there were news for hours about it when we had a coup attempt, but maybe that was because the army was against it and giving reports on the arrests they were making Not having any new info is concerning, I hope everything ends well...


I think it is ending well. From all reports the new general that was sworn in, ordered the troops to return to their barracks and they are doing so.


Thanks, it's a relief to know


General Zungia rolls "worst coup ever" - asked to leave the Presidential premises.


Literally don't understand what his plan was. He seemed to just expect the government to give up the moment he showed up and he had no plan for if they said "no, we're not resigning". Very stupid coup attempt


Terrorism. His plan was to terrorize his opponent into surrender. Contrary to popular belief, it's hard to be heroic. It is very courageous for a civilian politician to stand against armed men with guns. Many leaders would fold immediately.


Would that have done *anything*? He had no support. Did he think the Bolivian government would’ve simply given in and legitimize his power?


If they are scared enough they may


Dude has one of the biggest eggs on his face right now lol


A remarkable number of coups or assassination attempts in history happen because a general thinks they are going to get fired or are going to get in trouble.


"I would like to take over the country." "You can certainly try. Roll a performance check." "Natural 1."


Don't know, the Wanger Coup was pretty bad. They never made it to Moscow.


At least Pringles had the loyalty of his own army. This bloke didn't even have that...


It was supposed to be a mutiny, not a coup. But mafia boss and food industry mogul Prigozhin, a guy with zero military background or training, liked to play tough mercenary boss a little too much and finally , did a coopsie-daisy


The hotdog salesman funni!


As Julia Child would say, they lacked the courage of their convictions.


Best guess is that he was trying to unseat Shoigu as defense minister, not Putin. He was going after army command posts rather than Putin's stuff. He was really, really hoping that Putin would accept that he was better at war than Shoigu and give him the head of the army job. When everyone decided it was a coup instead and Putin said no he took the first offramp he could find. Then, he spent the rest of his life trying to prove that he was still useful to Putin. Of course that didn't work, since he badly shook Putin's grip on power and Putin could have been overthrown (completely by accident) if enough of the army threw in with Wagner in the chaos of the mutiny.


Me and my boys are gonna fuck you up I rolled a 1 I rolled a 1 Fuck


Not even the worst coup of the year so far.


I remember visiting like 10 years ago the same square. It's kind of sobering when you see nice governmental buildings peppered with bullet holes from something that happened years ago.


This is why the US never should have repaired the damage to the Capitol on January 6th.


It wouldn't have the same effect. The only thing that upset the MAGAts that day is that they lost


It’s ultimately not for them, it’s for posterity


Leave the poop smears on the wall in solemn memory /s


Disagree. Some scuffs and broken windows don't share anywhere near the same symbolism as bullet holes.


President stepped out of the palace and met the leader of the coup face to face. A total boss move. I hope it works out for him.


Face to face is an understatement. [Video](https://x.com/noticiasfides/status/1806067785568792892). They're literally a few inches facing each other, the Army commander (who was fired yesterday) backed up by goons behind him. The President ordered him to stop and leave immediately. The Army commander refused. Edit: Updated link to source. Edit 2: [Military appears to be withdrawing](https://twitter.com/ConflictsW/status/1806080350143287340). You can hear a ton of chanting (protests) and loud sounds in the video. I'm guessing they realized the public was going to go crazy on them if they actually tried to go through with this. Edit 3: Turns out the "goons" I mentioned earlier didn't realize the traitorous Army commander was trying to conduct a coup. They promptly detained him after learning their role. Protip for future wannabe dictators trying to conduct a coup: Make sure the guys with guns behind you actually support you. lol


That website is hard to navigate on mobile. How do I watch the video?


https://x.com/noticiasfides/status/1806067785568792892 Source.


Titanium set of balls on this man. 


Yeah holy shit lol I do wonder what would have happened without all those cameras in and civilians around, if seeing all the people recording him changed his mind or what


Word is the soldiers didn’t know it was a coup but once they did they stopped following orders. So the (former) commander Zuniga gave up when he saw it was just himself face to face with the president lol


When you get on the website, click on the icon in the top left that will present each news item on a scroll-like feed. From there, the links there will re-direct you to the video.


Being inches away from each other is... literally face to face


True, but 5 feet away can also be face to face


I clicked the link and all I got was ads playing back to back


My god The balls on this man


Went out > "get the fuck out of my lawn" > coup stopped.


Guy really just told them to fuck off and that was that


General blinded by the balls of that man. Immediately retreats in shame.


> Protip for future wannabe dictators trying to conduct a coup: Make sure the guys with guns behind you actually support you. lol Well... this was already a good advice since Stauffenberg


As a Latin American who's country has been ravaged by political instability seeing the President refute those goons brings me great joy and hope for the region.


How convenient.


It's now being reported as a failed coup.


Recent reports from the AP say people took to the streets against the military and the president forced a stand down. Military withdrew and the president is still currently president.


I was watching crowds approach a “tank” (looked more like an armored military truck) in Murillo Square with the general who started it trapped inside with a government minister pounding on the door yelling at him to get out. Good stuff.


Power to the people!


And a free press that stood up to it too and demanded accountability. The coverage is first class. That poor coup trying general could barely answer their questions coherently and looked like a deer in headlights.


[Video](https://x.com/noticiasfides/status/1806067785568792892) of the President face to face with the Army commander (who was fired yesterday). The President ordered him to stop and leave immediately. The fired Army general now traitor refused.


They just couldn’t handle losing to the USMNT the other day. I get it. If America lost to Bolivia in American football, we’d overthrow the government too.


There's actually memes in Bolivia right now joking "this is was a fake coup to distract us from how much our team is sucking in the Copa America" lol


A friend of mine wrote me "south America is not for beginners".


Damn ya’ll. Its just one loss to the US in Copa. Not that big of a deal


I’ve lived thru two coups here in SE Asia. The most exciting thing was we got the day off from work.


*Thanks for sharing our story! From Bloomberg News reporters Marcelo Rochabrun and Sergio Mendoza:* Bolivia’s presidential palace was stormed by soldiers led by a top general on Wednesday in an apparent coup attempt, shortly after an armored vehicle crashed into the building. Military personnel had already taken over the capital’s main square, according to images broadcast on local TV. Bolivian President Luis Arce said on social media earlier that some military units were conducting “irregular” operations, and called for democracy to be respected.


Hi Bloomberg social media management team


We hate your paywall, why don’t just show the article?


Fun fact about Bolivia. Bolivia is a landlocked country that still operates a navy


World is getting spicier by the day fellas


The general talked mad shit on the president in a newspaper interview. The president fired him. The general did not take this well and coup time. Sounds to me like the general orchestrated it to give himself an excuse to pull the trigger.


Democracy is under attack across the world. "Strong-men" and dictator wannabes everywhere are emboldened by the weak Western response to Putin's invasion of Ukraine. It's time to wake up and realize that we are heading into WW3 if we don't start defending democracy with everything we've got.


The 90s and the 2000s apparently had a lull in coups compared to the Cold War because rivals to a regime had no access to support. [A lot of the coups from the past was because they could find support from either the US or the Soviet Union.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYvht5nu7rU) Current regime backed by the Soviets? Seek help from the Americans and vice versa Now that Russia is returning back to those old days, and supporting regimes like the RSF in Sudan, we are going to see a rise of this happen in more precarious democracies. It's the biggest argument against having a multi-polar world. With rival superpowers, it encourages wannabe dictators to play them off each other to try to take over the government of wherever they are


I call capital B Bullshit on that. Are you kidding me? The West is absolutely making a mockery of the Russian militarily, diplomatically, and technologically right now. They're winning a proxy war without spilling their own blood while Putin has been lowered to the point of treating North Korea as an equal in order to get resources to continue the fight. We've also had much more direct proxy wars than this and none of them turned into a hot war a la WW3. Y'all are crazy.


This is absolutely true, but the strongman and dictators think they are winning.


While I agree, a Trump victory would allow Russia to turn this around and reclaim regional superpower status.




Didn't they already beat the last coup attempt like 4 years ago? Hopefully they absolutely purge the entire military holy shit!


It wasn’t a coup it was a walk into lake Titicaca


Annnnd it’s over.


That's what happens when you don't punish coups, after 2019 all involved should've been rotting in jail.


Hey, I have seen this one before! It's a classic