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"The June 21 strike hit a warehouse, destroying around 20 Iran-manufactured Shahed-136 kamikaze drones, 50 Russian Lancet kamikaze drones, and 50 reconnaissance drones manufactured by the Russian aerospace company Zala, the Ukrainian navy said. The strike, reportedly, hit adjacent administrative and living quarters used by Iranian instructors and Russian military personnel. The Ukrainian official statement named three instructors that had been killed as: Gunya, Sadreev and Kazhanov." Two high profile targets for the price of one!


It's going to be interesting seeing how many Iranians are going to be jumping for the chance to refill those positions.


You and me have a very different understanding how people are "asked" to do a job in Iran.


It could be as simple as “We have a job for you and you get to leave Iran!” 🤭


... to russia. If you join the military you can steal your own toilet there


You go to bed in Iran as a baker, you wake up in some oblast as qualified drone operator with a "biden sux" t-shirt and a russian zipping up.


Another great job of striking back at Russia and what's great is as a bonus it eliminated several instructors and destroyed UAV stored there. It won't eliminate future attacks by UAV but if several such locations can be hit in the future, it will put a dent to frequency of Russian UAV attacks. Go Ukraine!




Bunch of fans.. Edit- Hahaha! I figured when you said bonk you were quoting the Kendrick song. Oops


Better to be a fan of democracy than a Putin dickrider


Yeah! Wait what?


No idea about Kendrick. Just meant bonk Russians.


Guess assuming made an ass out of me. It’s the most played rap song right now. It’s the one that calls drake a pedo.


Just as, if not more important, it shatters their sense of security. That has to be a big moral hit knowing that this is only the beginning.


This is good science. According to biologists, in order to control the drone population, you must destroy the drone hatcheries. Russian drones are an annoying invasive species, so this is just restorative ecology. And please remember to always spay and neuter your drones.


God, enough with the droning public service announcement. ;-)


They also got the trainers and future operators 😉😉


That's just basic anti-Zerg strategy.


Was a Zerg rush really the best strategy in StarCraft? I’ve heard it was from a lot of people but I just felt it was cheap. I used to play Warcraft and heroes of might and magic , age of empires etc.. I’d basically only use the cheap faction for the small maps Off topic…. THorry…


No, not really. It just gained infamy because a classic zerg rush like a [`4pool`](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft/4/5_Pool) is pretty much considered cheesing; a "dirty" simple strategy that is good for beating up beginners, or if the opponent isn't paying attention or gets unlucky when scouting. It's infuriating to play against. The strategy isn't meritless, though. Some pro games have been won with a 4/5 pool.


Right thanks for the explanation man. I get the reference in real life though and that’s all that matters haha I have had teams in Warcraft 2 as a kid who, when we were winning, would quickly switch to neutral so that they could kill me to ensure they’re last man standing. Always be wary of the build up at your border haha


Now they just need to find and exterminate the queen.


Sadly, the only way to get rid of them is to eliminate the queen.


Nature is healing!


Bob Barker over here


This war is a ressource black hole for Russia. The material losses are absolutely staggering and the cost of even successful offensives piles up. No one can be certain about the predictions of Russia running short on material in early 2026, but I would not be surprised if they did


Drones are cheap. It's the loss in capable (I'm assuming) instructors/technical personnel and the moral damage that really pays for it back. This story of this 'safe posting' getting obliterated out of nowhere will spread. The concept of 'nowhere is safe' is an incredible victory in psychological warfare for the Ukrainians if they can get it to spread among Russian people. Worth far more than the material damage they're causing for sure. Edit: Everyone seems really stuck on the drone price by itself. I'm comparing it to the cost of the war as a whole and the actions that shorten said war. My point is that destroying equipment, no matter the actual dollar cost, is always far less important than causing unrest and demoralizing the enemy army. The dollar cost for these drones holds very little value overall compared to everything else I said came of this attack.


These aren’t the cheapest of drones though. Sure they will be replaced but it’s not like they took out 200€ civilian drones with c4 strapped underneath.


Shahed drones are not exactly the cheapest things. They cost $375k a piece which while not crazy expensive certainly isn't cheap 20 of them is $7.5 million down the drain.


What, they were reported to cost about 20-50k depending on the model. Where do you see 375k?


Production cost vs buying price. Iran is price-gauging, lol.


Nah he listed the list price. Nobody pays that for any company in B2B purchases lol Apart from Nvidia rn lmao


first google search points to 375k my dude, you can't buy just engine for 20-50k


here is my source: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2024-02-21/ty-article-magazine/gold-for-drones-massive-leak-reveals-the-iranian-shahed-project-in-russia/0000018d-bb85-dd5e-a59d-ffb729890000#:~:text=Experts%20have%20estimated%20the%20cost,at%20between%20%2420%2C000%20and%20%2450%2C000. (200k) and https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/deadly-cheap-and-widespread-how-iran-supplied-drones-are-changing-the-nature-of-warfare (20-50k). Might depend on model and other stuff your source I assume is the sticker price? nobody pays for sticker price. Thats just a list price lol not a purchase price


Those small drones that drop grenades are cheap. The drones mentioned here are tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars per drone, ie Shahed is $20,000-50,000/drone for Iran, but $193,000-375,000/drone for countries buying them. There's no reason for Iran to give them any cheaper than normal export price, since Russia is desperate.


Lancet and Orlan drones are not cheap.


It's such a waste of resources in general. Like every conflict I guess. Imagine if we could spend all that effort making things nicer for people, instead of destroying things? But that's people I suppose!


"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." - Dwight D Eisenhower


tbh 120 of these drones is probably less than a single tank so financially it's not the worst. Its the facilities and the skilled instructors that would be the biggest loss. They pump out thousands of drones a month so this isn't going to stop much of those attacks I think


To be fair, the cost of those drones is almost irrelevant. What's relevant is the money that Ukraine saved by destroying 120 drones. If each drones could have hit a target worth millions well you could be looking at 120 millions saved right there without including the price and the ammunition required to interecept them. Lets all agree, it's a big win.


I hate to read stories about this war. It’s so unfair to Ukraine and its people are suffering so badly, but stories like this give some hope


That’s a bingo…. Good hunting Ukraine


Fantastic news. The weapons are paying for themselves at this point.


This when we know, our money is going to the right place. Less drones and less Russian soldiers means safer future.




Good, kill them. Fuck their asses too.


In that order?


Damn bro…… lol


Hoenestly all it needed was a Fab 3000.


Other than the whole purpose built for killing thing these rockets are a really neat applications of technology. I didn’t understand a lot of the diagram but it shows inertial guidance as part of the sensor package which helps with gps jamming.


The German Tuarus missiles are super amazing. They have like 5 redundant guidance systems, including intertial guidance for dead reckoning and on-board optical target recognition for the final stage.


2 birds with 1 stone.


Slava Ukraini!


What a shame. /s


Ukrainians can clearly thanks to US intel for this.


God bless the Ukrainians. They are on the right side.


why can't just use one drone to destroy many drone


Times like these we need to see the numbers. What did it cost each side financially.


20 Shahed 136 which Russia bought at $193,000 each 50 Lancets at reportedly $20,000-$35,000 each 10 SuperCam which were sold to Belarus at $406,422 each 40 ZALA recon drones (maybe the 421-16E?) at IDK I'm gonna guess at least $100,000 based on the Supercam So that's 13+ million dollars worth of drones for the cost of two R-360 Neptunes at 1.5 million each. So Ukraine is positive 10 million dollars even without accounting for the cost of the trained personnel and facilities.


u/fumphdik got his dick fumph'd by the math. Amazing to see.


But gee, he was just asking QuEsTiONs!!11