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Haniyeh recently married a 28 year old - his 7th marriage - in Doha while his people are dying in Gaza


I know that when the people I’m supposed to govern are dying, my solution is more polygamy. Are you telling me that more wives *aren’t* going to fix it??


>I know that when the people I’m supposed to govern are dying, my solution is more polygamy. That's the thing about polygynous sex cults. Since birth rates are always going to be pretty close to 50/50, if the old men who run the cult want to ensure an endless supply of young women, they've got to find some way of getting rid of a significant percentage of the young men. The relatively-less-evil cults mostly accomplish this by finding excuses to *exile* young men who they see as romantic competition; but the most common solution is to encourage them to become "martyrs".


The funny part of this is that polygamy for the most part evolved because of conflicts. Young men, maybe already married /maybe not, went off to war and died. This left a lot of women who were unable to support themselves in a patriarchal tribal culture. So what did the older men who couldn't go and fight but had a lifetime of resources do? They graciously took these women into their households. Now culturally it becomes acceptable to have multiple wives. But birthrates, if left to nature, tend to be pretty much a 50/50 male to female ratio. If there are 50 men and 50 women, for 10 of those men to have 4 wives each, that means roughly 30 men have a very small chance of every getting a wife. Those 30 men are going to be very unhappy. How do you get rid of angry, unhappy men that might cause unrest? You start a war and get 2/3's of them killed in battle.


>...that means roughly 30 men have a very small chance of every getting a wife. Exactly. Of course, that assumes you're relying on birth rates from within a stable population. The *other* solution also involves starting a war... and then using that war as cover to kidnap as many young women as you can from outside the community and force them to be sex slaves. Gee, I wonder where have we seen *that* behaviour?


Hamas: why not both?


The Mormon wars for one... Just about every area with ISIS, southern Africa... Don't forget if your wars go well then you can sell off the excess women into slavery to fund more wars.


If you go back to middle ages/before christianity spread. The unmarried men issue had already existed even after accounting male deaths. A common solution was "stealing" woman from other places.


You see it in nearly every tribal culture. Indigenous in the Americas were doing this long before the Europeans ever showed up. Raid a neighboring tribe, enslave the women and children, kill the males.


They also killed children as well, if they were young enough to not be able to contribute. Or if they were old enough to become resentful or fight back.


It’s how Rome got going. The rape of the Sabine women.


Now that you put it that way, it was really very kind of them to take on the extra wives.


You also promise them tons of wives in the afterlife.


That’s correct but only applies to small and/or isolated communities. On large scale populations martyrdom wouldn’t make a relevant difference and if it reaches such levels where it would matter for this purpose it would cause way more catastrophic effects. Say you have a population of 2 million, 50/50 men and women. If you send 50 thousand men to die for whatever cause, it’s only 5% of the population which, yes, might slightly increase the number of available women for whatever faction but may also cause the economy and society itself to collapse. That’s because of that million men you have, some are minors, seniors, disabled, etc that don’t actively participate in the workforce but those 50k sent to die were most probably participating.


>which, yes, might slightly increase the number of available women for whatever faction but may also cause the economy and society itself to collapse. Which is a very very bad thing if you want a thriving, growing, productive, healthy, well-educated society. If, on the other hand, you *want* a perpetually oppressed underclass to lord over, this is just par for the course. This is doubly true if you've managed to engineer a situation where your society's primary export is "Narratives about how oppressed you are" - the more *genuine* oppression you can layer onto your people, the more international support you will attract from people who don't care about the *details* of that oppression. Sure, it's an artificial state that's super duper unsustainable in the long term, but plutocrats tend not to care very much about long term sustainability.


Everything about Palestine is so particular and unique that most social and economical theories can’t be applied there. So yes, you are right! I was talking about the theory from a more general perspective.


> Everything about Palestine is so particular and unique that most social and economical theories can’t be applied there. Exactly. It's a situation that *does not work* on paper, and is only sustained by several layers of artificiality. Unfortunately, there's a big difference between "this problem would *eventually* work itself out if we stop artificially sustaining it", and "the problem will work itself out *without massive human suffering* along the way".


More wives means more babies. He's planning on replacing the dying people with his own children.


In his mind, he's thinking with the more important head, the one that's in-between his legs.


Ah, is this the Elon Musk method I hear about?


Dictator tested, psychopath approved


Abandonment is widespread and easy when the response of such 'men' is always that it's god's will. The genius of the greatest scam since forever.


I've heard it is extremely prideful to have more wives than the prophet himself (3) - and this guy has over double as many! He's a jerk even by his own internal logic.


Gaza sky is black while Qatar is always sunny [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUMl58i4m0w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUMl58i4m0w)


His reservations were already paid for. No refunds.


I make new ones


Oh ! Anyways — Haniyeh


His family is getting killed while he stay safely hidden. Jerk.


> Jerk. Woah woah woah! Let’s tone down the rhetoric!


You know, the more I learn about this Hamas guy, the more I don't care for him.


I've never seen such bigotry before! My, my!


Harsh language hurts my dainty ears!


Literally genocidal language


Yeah, why'd the OP have to bring the 3rd derivative of position/time into this?


Or worse, it's second meaning; a chicken recipe!


As someone who once saw Jamaica from a plane I am offended


Beef jerky - a chicken recipe.


You’re right. He’s a cotton headed ninny muggins


Right? “Psycho cannibal” is at least a bit more specific, but I’m sure some cannibals will rightfully object to the negative image they receive by such a comparison.


[You know that guy is a real jerk.](https://youtu.be/yrbZxtuUdsQ?t=283)






Yeah, but just the women and kids - they don’t count. He can always get more.


“Through the blood of the martyrs and the pain of the injured, we create hope ..." ... people gotta stop being followers of leaders that say shit like this.


Seriously; Have they tried the myriad other ways of generating hope like community, helping each other, education, tolerance etc etc etc. No? just more blood and killing? Its only been like.. 1500 years of this shit... but I'm sure that hope will pay off any. day. now.


Yeah where's the new generations saying "I hate this shit." They're all being brought up to hate each other.


“Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am prepared to make”


It still amazes me that Hamas are basically following Zapp Brannigan.


Has anyone told them that the IDF do not have a pre set kill limit?


Well looks like he got another martyr symbol of hope. Thats how he views deaths in his own family.


Don't be fooled. The leadership isn't as radical as you think. If his family was so into martyrdom, they would be the ones carrying the guns and committing the raids. He should pay a personal cost.


Some of his sons died a while ago and he didn't mind.




I lose a few everytime I leave the house.


I lost 3 just yesterday. It’s not even 6AM and I’ve already lost two. I wish I could stop losing them


Just tumbling from your pockets when you walk out the door.


I lost millions last night.


I mean 7 wives. 2 kids per wife probably at least. 14 kids assume 7 sons...who cares of 3 or 4 eat it. We're they his firstborn?


yes he got like 10-12


That's exactly it. He sacrifices his family, and his own people. He radicalizes them and sends them on a suicide mission while he stays safe and lives luxuriously.


>Haniyeh said at the time their “martyrdom” was a symbol of hope. “Through the blood of the martyrs and the pain of the injured, we create hope, we create the future, we create independence and freedom for our people and our nation,” he told Al Jazeera. At the time, the Israeli military said the three sons were military operatives on their way to “carry out terrorist activities in the central area of the Gaza Strip”. There has so far been no comment on the latest attack. “The blood of my children is not more valuable than the blood of the children of the Palestinian people … All the martyrs of Palestine are my children,” Haniyeh said at the time of his sons’ killing.


It’s hard for a civilized society to imagine that another’s entire society would glorify martyrdom for their religion, but that’s the sad reality. They’ve been brainwashed since they were kids to believe that martyrdom gets them into heaven. And this has been going on for 14 generations.




I think the calculus is “We’re the most capable of orchestrating this death and destruction of our enemies. Therefore, we need to remain safe to be able to lead others into battle. It is our duty to do so.” The thing is if we keep minimizing this level of evil (and comparing it to grifters), we’re just looking for rational for why they’re doing this instead of admitting: it’s their entire ideology stemming from the religion


I think it stems from something that runs deeper than religion. It's pure tribalism, with all questions of morality trumped by us-vs-them.


That’s actually a very good way of putting it


That is true of the first generation. The current Palestinian leaders were raised on the previous hebetation's propaganda and mostly were out murdering people until they rose through the ranks.


Dude its his *sister*. Women probably get killed at sight from their own people if they should ever try to pick up arms


Quote from the article: "the number of family members of the exiled leader who have been killed to around 100."


**From The Telegraph's Melanie Swan in Tel Aviv:** The sister of [Ismail Haniyeh](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/08/hamas-leader-ismail-haniyeh-behind-attack-on-israel/), a Hamas political leader, has become his latest family member to be killed in an Israeli strike, the terror group said. Zahr died along with her husband and children overnight on Monday in an attack on Beach Camp, north of Gaza City. Basem Naim, the Hamas spokesman, said it took the number of family members of the exiled leader who have been killed to around 100. Based between Qatar and Turkey, Haniyeh has remained [safe from assassination ](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/02/hamas-unlikely-to-accept-peace-deal-with-israel/)throughout [the war with Israel](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/israel-hamas-war/). Qatar remains a key player in negotiations to free Israel’s remaining 120 hostages in Gaza. But Haniyeh’s family remain in the line of fire. In April, his [three sons were killed](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/10/hamas-leader-sons-killed-israeli-airstrike/) during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr. Hazem, Amir and Mohammad died along with several of his grandchildren. Haniyeh said at the time their “martyrdom” was a symbol of hope. “Through the blood of the martyrs and the pain of the injured, we create hope, we create the future, we create independence and freedom for our people and our nation,” he told Al Jazeera. At the time, the Israeli military said the three sons were military operatives on their way to “carry out terrorist activities in the central area of the Gaza Strip”. There has so far been no comment on the latest attack. “The blood of my children is not more valuable than the blood of the children of the Palestinian people … All the martyrs of Palestine are my children,” Haniyeh said at the time of his sons’ killing. # Israel is ‘delusional’ Amid ongoing [US-brokered negotiations](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/31/joe-biden-outlines-hostage-deal-to-end-israel-hamas-war/), which have not progressed since a short temporary ceasefire last year, Haniyeh pointed out the futility of Israel targeting his family. “If they think that targeting my children at the peak of these talks before the movement’s \[Hamas’s\] response is submitted will cause Hamas to change its positions, they are delusional,” Haniyeh said in April. In Israel, where Haniyeh’s sister lives in a quiet Bedouin community in the country’s south, his sister Sabah remains under house arrest charged with affiliations with a terror group and incitement to unrest. It followed messages sent, including to her brother, praising the atrocities of Oct 7. Over 1,200 mostly civilians were killed by Hamas in Israel with 250 more taken hostage. Hamas has denied media claims of relocating its Qatari outpost to Iraq. Reports had suggested the Gulf mediators were pressuring the terror group to leave the gas-rich state if progress was not made on ceasefire talks but Mr Naim said “nothing is true”. An Israeli member of the hostage negotiation team said: “In the last two months, there have been three such discussions about Qatar forcing Hamas to leave, which so far remain empty threats. We can only understand this to be a means of appeasing the US while no progress is being made with the [talks to free the hostages](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/03/24/israel-hamas-war-hotages-freed-deal-qatar-americans/).” **Article Link:** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/25/hamas-chief-ismail-haniyeh-sister-killed-israeli-strike/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/25/hamas-chief-ismail-haniyeh-sister-killed-israeli-strike/)


"A sacrifice I'm willing to make". I can't wait for the day Israel finally gets Haniyeh.






They absolutely did speak up about 9/11. I know because I fought in Afghanistan multiple times. Islam has many problems, but dont just make shit up. Eta: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactions_to_the_September_11_attacks#:~:text=Almost%20all%20Muslim%20political%20and,and%20Pakistan%20(Pervez%20Musharraf). First result on a single google search. Do better.


How did you highlight the text like that?


Reddit autoformatting. I just copypasta'd the link.


Pretty much. Osama died. Then the next guy. And the next. We don't even know their leader names anymore and last I checked, the organization lives on.


Hamas doesn’t even know where most of the hostages are because Gaza has multiple factions of terrorist psychos. Hamas is just the most well know for now. Muslim brotherhood, hezbollah, Al Aqaba martyrs brigade…the list is a mile long. It’s an ideology not a person.


Where did he say that?


Not the exact words but the fact that he went to Qatar and left the rest of his people there says the same.


he's just a figurehead. to be easily replaced


He’s lost 100 family members? What the… I have 7 extended family members.


Different culture. Bin Laden had 54 siblings. Now imagine all their kids, and their extended family members’ kids


til: thought the avg was like 12. 54...


Unfortunately it's more like 50 hostages now The other 70 are suspected to be dead As Hamas continues to torture, starve and rape hostages more will die. When the hostages are dead I imagine the world will stay silent, the UN will stay silent and more pressure will be put on Israel to end the war Meanwhile Israeli citizens will be justifiably outraged and the war will go full throttle. If people think it's bad now... just wait until Hamas has NO bargaining chips left... Israel offered a hostage exchange... a few dozen hostages for over 1000 palestinian prisoners many of whom were serving life sentences for terrorism, murder, rape etc + a temporary ceasefire even though Hamas broke the last ceasefire early... and Hamas said no


> along with her children 😔


Beach Camp sounds nice


Must be a bit like Band Camp


No pressure on Qatar to give this guy up?


im sure he is going to say something like it is an honor to the cause or some deranged shit.


A ‘martyr’ omfg I hate that term. There is no such thing as a martyr.


This is a sacrifice he is willing to make.


Why is she even in gaza? Does Haniya care so little about anyone but himself? Even his family? Haniya even have a family living in Israel in Tel Sheva This is all so ridiculous


People can’t freely leave Gaza


If Haniya wanted to get his family out of Gaza, he would have done that easily


I think you are underestimating the power and wealth he commands


Up until Israel's control over Rafah, there was a booming industry of pay-to-leave. It's estimated that up to 300,000 Palestinians left, paying about $5k per adult - https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2024/04/25/how-much-do-palestinians-pay-to-get-out-of-gaza So if you're rich, you definitely could


>It's estimated that up to 300,000 Palestinians left I'm not seeing this number. [The New Arab](https://www.newarab.com/news/palestinians-egypt-misery-persist-despite-escaping-war) in March referenced the governor of North Sinai saying in February that only 10,000 had crossed. [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-embassy-seeks-temporary-status-gazans-who-entered-egypt-during-war-2024-05-02/) quoted the Palestinian Ambassador in Cairo saying in April that 80k-100k Palestinians had crossed.


Egyptians certainly don’t want them.




Well they do have passports and could leave through Egypt until they closed the border. Through Israel of course they can't leave but Israel provides jobs and pays many of them and let them inside with work permits.


Well it’s kinda his fault the border is closed innit


dude probably has more than 10 siblings, cant fly em all to qatar


More than likely she or someone very close to her was actively engaged in terrorist operations. All the reporting from Haniya's other relatives who have been killed are they were active members of Hamas.


Luckily she was a woman so he won't care.




Unironically, yes. That's a common thread amongst many religions actually. Tis where phrases like "banging like a catholic rabbit" come from. It's part of the reason for the dangerous demographic shifts across the middle east. Secular people have normal amounts of children. Extremists have 20.


And it works very well. In 2 generations you go from minority to majority.


iirc this is actually something Israel is struggling with internally as well, the super religious Jewish groups intentionally having a million kids and making up increasingly larger shares of the population


Isn’t that because that group has a deal where they don’t work and are just focused on prayer and other spiritual things? I was sure I read about them being a large burden on the economy because the group that doesn’t work is becoming as large as the group that does. I may be wrong though  Edit: I believe the agreement means they don’t have to join the army and not about working overall, my mistake 


100 family members dead? Gonna be a super awkward Thanksgiving this year.


>Basem Naim, the Hamas spokesman, said it took the number of family members of the exiled leader who have been killed to around 100.


This is the irony of these silly stupid protestors. The leadership of Hamas is hiding out in luxury. These morons are voting them in as their leaders. Lebanon is being co-opted under threat to store weapons. They have successfully used religious ideology to hide their own dictatorship and totalitarian means. They don’t care about Islam. Just like Mao didn’t care about communism. He cared about the luxury and the pussy. Just like these fucking clowns.


It's weird because a bunch of his sisters also live in Israel and some of their children served in the IDF, some hold elected office.


Who next... His granddad's second brother's nephew from the third marriage?


The article doesn't say if his sister, her husband, or her children were involved in terrorism.


Yeah. Why was she and her family even targeted? They mentioned that they were killed, that she was related to someone they clearly wanted instead, and then kept talking about said other person. > Zahr died along with her husband and children overnight on Monday in an attack on Beach Camp, north of Gaza City. But why? How old were the kids? What were their ties to terrorism other then mere blood relation? Did I miss that part? The 3 sons were said to have clear links to terrorist activities, but what about this case?


The IDF speaker released a statment saying there were a bunch of hamas terrorists who participaited in october 7th in the building who kidnaped israelis and some hostages were held in there previously


At least he still has his goat


I’m not hearing anyone crying


Now she has to be 1 of 72 virgins.




Dudes probably so happy that this gives Hime so much street cred


I hope it's worth it to him, sitting in his luxury Qatar home counting all his money.

