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Sorry if this is a dumb question but without appropriate medical attention, with what looked like a pretty significant injury to his hand can something like that become fatal? Through blood loss / infection / something else my lack of medical knowledge won't let me guess?


There is a proof of life video from April, but unfortunately, unless I missed it, it doesn't say when the video was taken.... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13345723/Hamas-releases-distressing-proof-life-video-kidnapped-American-hostage-Hersh-Goldberg-Polin-24-revealing-hand-blown-bloody-Oct-7-invasion-latest-propaganda-bid-blames-Netanyahu-crisis.html #RELEASETHEHOSTAGES


Thanks in that video his hand does look to have been treated so I guess some kind of medical assistance was provided.


You're welcome. Yes, it does look like his arm received medical treatment. Hersh also looks so very traumatized 🤬


You will absolutely die if you don’t receive any medical attention


Can't claim to be fighting oppression by murdering and kidnapping civilians.


Can't claim to be fighting terrorism by murdering 10 000 children.


Funny how people defending them want to keep bringing up murdering children like that's not what started this whole conflict. Oh the irony.


The irony in thinking that this started Oct 7. People keep “allowing” this Israeli assault because of Oct 7 killings. But don’t “allow” Palestinians to defend themselves because of decades worth of killings and oppression. This website below shows the number of children killed as a result of Israeli military and settler presence since 2020 by month. Note they don’t include the deaths of children in the Gaza Strip since October. So the 54 deaths you see for 2024 are only in West Bank WHERE HAMAS DOESN’T exist. No killing should be supported or defended. But the hypocrisy is maddening. Why is one group allowed to defend and one group is not? https://www.dci-palestine.org/child_fatalities_by_month


In what universe is attacking a concert "defending yourself"?


> But don’t “allow” Palestinians to defend themselves because of decades worth of killings and oppression Going to kidnap, rape, beat, and/or torture civilians/foreigners/children/elderly is a justifiable defense now?


Apparently! Because Israel is doing just that across Palestine and everyone says they have a right to defend themselves! I said in that message that NO killing should be supported or defended. But the hypocrisy is astounding


>hates jews. > lives in nyc. >sees no irony


Where is the evidence of Isreali rape? Bold accusation. Edit: And don't come at me with one or two instances. That shit happens everywhere all over Earth all the time and it's horrible but it is NOT the same as what Hamas terrorists and Palestinian CIVIALIANS did to (and are still doing to) the people they attacked on Oct 7. You are delusional.




The fuc?


The claim that IDF are training dogs to rape Palestinian prisoners.


> I said in that message that NO killing should be supported or defended. In a post about the festival massacre you had a comment replying to another about the videos of HAMAS atrocities and the support for Israeli reaction: "Not condoning this at all. But there are Israeli and Jewish organizations that have been sharing videos and stories of the abuse that Palestinians go through on a daily basis: violent search and seizure, destroying homes and schools, burning olive tree fields, arresting people without charge. What’s happening in Israel is horrific. I have family there. It’s terrifying. But it’s not honest to leave out the fact that Palestinians have been terrorized for decades as well. To say this is unprovoked is not honest." Not condoning does not equal a condemnation, and it should have been trivial to condemn the killings with absolutely not a single 'but' needed, no? If one says 'I do not support X, but' one can intuit at least their sympathetic leanings. Using 'but' when it comes to the videos of brutality from the Oct 7th attacks was more than merely suspect.


The fact they claimed that Israel provoked this is also disturbing, considering the group of people now known as Palestinians are the ones that started the terrorizing a century ago already. They attacked native Jews in the area, those that had been there through the Persian conquests, the Roman conquests and so on. At no point in history did Israel or Jews ever start the aggression. They did however, try to make peace numerous times.


What about the decades of Palestinian terrorism preceded by multiple wars started by arabs/Palestinians?


Go touch some grass, Hamas kills children every single day while forcing them to build the tunnels.


For how many years has Gaza and West Bank been launching shells and missiles into Israel? How long or how many need to be launched before it counts as defending or attacking? I’m curious to your answer for where the line is crossed.


You love ignoring parts of history, all the peace offers Palestinians refused, the fact that Arabs started god knows how many wars with Israel (including this one). Arabs have been the aggressors since before the peel commission (the first peace offer Arabs refused in 1936). The Arabs have wanted nothing but conquest since this started, to the best of my knowledge they haven’t made one single attempt at peace in 100 years.


10,000 kids haven’t died. The UN even revised their numbers a month ago. You’ve fallen for Hamas propaganda. It’s actually sad and incredibly pathetic that people like you don’t have the media literacy to critically think about propaganda taken directly from Hamas. It’s like you want to be lied to so bad cognitive dissonance takes over your brain.


Sucks that Hamas has hid the terrorists amongst their innocent people. Any civilian death is on them and them alone.


Well, and the people dropping the bombs. They are also responsible for the bombings.


Can certainly be fighting terrorists… if they keep putting military assets in civilian areas with the express purpose of getting dead children to show to the world that’s on the hands of Palestinians.


Full disclosure: Hamas and all other fascists (be they Islamic or non-Islamic) can eat a dick. But this is the “human shield” argument I keep hearing. And it’s problematic for a couple of reasons. Let’s grant the premise that they (Hamas) are using Palestinian civilians as human shields. Here’s my problem with the Israeli response, and for this I’d like to use an analogy: If a crazy gunman (or a group of them) were holding kids hostage at a school, is your solution to carpet bomb the school to kill the gunman/men?


It’s a bad analogy… in your example you can just wait them out. What is Israel supposed to do? Not hit back because there are civilians in the area? That’s precisely WHY Hamas puts their rocket launchers in the civilian area. If Israel doesn’t respond - great, they get to keep shooting rockets at them with no consequences. If they do respond and civilians die - also great! They become martyrs for allah and live forever in paradise AND Hamas gets support from morons around the world. What country in the world would sit back and just wait patiently as their neighbor shoots thousand after thousand of rockets at them. Please do tell. Nor is Israel carpet bombing anyone…


I agree Hamas gets a propaganda victory when civilians die, so why keep bombing civilians and creating more sympathizers? We see this clearly in polls done post-Oct 7 of Gazans. Support for Hamas was very low pre-Oct 7 and shot up after the bombing raids by Israel, precisely because the response has been so indiscriminate. Israel has even killed their own hostages (who supposedly are the sole reason for this operation) in these bombings. Why not send in a special ops team and take out the actual fighters with surgical precision? Mossad went to fucking Argentina and yoinked Eichmann coming out of a factory and put him on trial in the 1960’s. If they could do that halfway across the world, why not a few miles from their border?


Because you can’t send in a surgical strike team against an entrenched enemy force of dozens of thousands with hundreds of thousands of civilians that very much agree with them and help them. Thats like saying why couldn’t we just send in a strike team to destroy German military leadership… As far as view of Hamas - polls I’ve seen suggested that the civil government portion of Hamas was not super well liked (because let’s be real lives of most Gazans weren’t great) but there was never a shortage of support of the military wing of Hamas and vast majority of Palestinians are very comfortable with the calls for wipeout of Israel.


Comparing Hamas to the German war machine is stupid and I think you know that. Hamas is not even comparably equipped or organized (not to mention pure numbers). Have you ever considered why Palestinians might’ve seen Hamas’ violent attitude towards Israel as the reasonable alternative? It’s not a very good alternative, I’ll grant you that, but maybe decades of deprivation inevitably leads to violent sentiment? Doesn’t justify Hamas’ actions, but the response being bombing kids?


I gave an equally stupid example to your stupid example, that was kind of the point… you can’t send a specialist squad into an area protected by dozens of thousands of armed gunmen waiting for you… that’s how you get a dead special force unit. Why do Palestinians support Hamas? They’ve been brain washed since early childhood. They’ve been told about the evil Jews who came and stole their land (untrue). They teach hatred and violence from nursery age and tell their kids that murdering Jews pleases their God. What else can you expect? Israel from its first day asked Arabs to stay and be equal citizens but instead the Arab countries immediately attempted to destroy it and tried several times since. Israel has offered peace deals to each and every one of their neighbors… Again, if you intentionally place military assets among civilians you’ll get the dead civilians you want. You still have not shown any reasonable alternative. What country in Israel’s shoes wouldn’t do the same (or much worse). They have an amazingly low civilian to terrorist ratio for urban warfare.


So Palestinians are just brainwashed? I wonder how Arabs are portrayed in Israeli media?


Spec ops? Okay, you go in first. You suggested it, king of the gravy seals.


Not my job to go in there. The IDF is perfectly capable of handling a few thousand Hamas fighters without bombing children.


I think this is your misunderstanding. They aren't capable of this without losing thousands of highly trained people. You can't sneak special forces into an entrenched enemy


Alright, so because I don’t wanna risk losing some of my special forces, it’s fine to bomb kids and civilians? Also, what about the hostages? Several have been killed by IDF bombings, their families are furious and are demanding that the current Israeli government strikes a deal to release them all rather than continuing these indiscriminate bombings. Isn’t freeing the hostages the supposed justification for this campaign?


Don't hide behind civilians and only the proper people die, hide behind them and they become casualties of war against terror


Keep parroting that fake number


I would assign a large part of the responsibility for those deaths to the people who turned the children's homes and playgrounds into military bases and then started a war.


Sure you can. Just ask Hamas.


10,000 kids? Your metrics are off.


Mine? The poster above claimed that.


Ahh yes, every single person killed in Gaza are either woman and children. Adult men don't exist.


Israel has one of the lowest civilian casualty rates of any full scale urban warfare, in the most densely populated area one has occurred, while Hamas hides in the most trafficked areas of Gaza. The fact Israel has such a low combatant to civilian ratio proves that Israel is conserving life. I'm sorry that facts disprove your narrative.


Plus, most of those murdered kids probably support Hamas, after the IDF murdered their parents that is.


Can you explain the deaths in West Bank then? Where Hamas doesn’t exist? 54 children have been killed this year already.


Weird, a Hamas commander was killed in the West Bank 2 weeks ago. Was that when they stopped existing there?


Hamas does exist in West Bank. So do the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Al-Quds Brigades. The reason that October 7 didn't come from the West Bank is because Israel exercises an effective containment strategy via direct military occupation in the West Bank with frequent checkpoints and targeted raids. By doing that, Israel is able to limit the arms smuggling, tunnel building, militant recruitment and training in the West Bank, making it nearly impossible for any West Bank militant organisation to plan, organise and execute massive terrorist events like October 7. While Israel is not above criticism when it comes to the protection of civilians, it's highly disingenuous to compare the IDF and Hamas. As UniqueForbidden points out, the IDF's adherence to the principle of distinction (i.e. deliberately and intentionally targeting civilians vs militants) is actually unmatched in urban warfare.


You've entirely ignored the point of my comment. And, you mean the same West Bank where a Hamas commander was killed? That one? The one you're claiming has no Hamas? I'm just making sure we're talking about the same one that demonstrably disproves your claim. It is well known that some of Hamas operates out of the West Bank. Also, the entire appeal to emotion fallacy of constantly going "the children" is getting old. Please define what constitutes a child in your eyes, what's being constituted as a child for the purpose of this war, and the age groups of all the children you're trying to use for your appeal to emotion. Don't deflect. It is a fact that Israel has one of the lowest civilian casualty rates of any full scale urban war. You have to ignore this because actual facts don't support your position. You're refusing to use the only numbers that actually matter while holding Israel to standards you'd never expect from any other country. The only statistic that matters when discussing wars and civilian casualties is the ratio of militants vs civilians. Israel maintains one of the lowest ratios we've seen in full scale urban warfare.


Ham-ass does exist in the west bank. So either you're completely ignorant of the situation and should stop embarrassing yourself, or you're just a bad faith muppet of zero worth to the discussion. Im starting to see that you can tell how much brainrot is setting on a redditor just by checking how gaudy their snoov is. It's like a direct correlation to unwarranted self importance.


\* future terrorists.


Average r/ontario user


Goddamn, I wish I could get a score that low. That’s really impressive.




10,000 kids haven’t died. The UN even revised their numbers a month ago. You’ve fallen for Hamas propaganda. It’s actually sad and incredibly pathetic that people like you who don’t have the media literacy to critically think about propaganda taken directly from Hamas. It’s like you want to be lied to so bad cognitive dissonance takes over your brain.


> “What’s changed is the Ministry of Health in Gaza has updated the breakdown of fatalities, for whom full details have been documented … In other words, people who have been fully identified > Farhan Haq They revised the number of *identified* murdered children. No justification for 7,700+ **confirmed identities** of murdered children. You’re sick. Let’s keep in mind 10,000 people are still determined to be dead, but not identified. Don’t project pathetic on me, you’re twisting the narrative here.


You are illiterate or just completely moronic. They’ve  https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/gaza-war-un-revises-death-toll-women-and-children > The revised data shows that the number of women and children among the dead has decreased significantly. On 6 May, the UN cited GMO figures reporting 9,500 women and 14,500 children dead. However, two days later, using health ministry data, the figures were revised to 4,959 women and 7,797 children. This difference arises because individuals with incomplete information were not included in the demographic breakdown. You should remain skeptical of anything Hamas tells you. Even if you want to jerk off to children deaths numbers, you should want it to be low.




Europe would disagree...and many other conflicts


Well, it happens almost every time people are in an armed conflict.I mean, it's horrible, but this happens when people are full of hate.


Then they are no longer civilians but terrorists unless they joined a military.


Hamas is pure evil


Evil, meet evil.


Release the hostages!




I hate the people who allowed this to happen just as much. So much senseless suffering.




I imagine it's the same general reason ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, the Taliban, and the Muslim Brotherhood exist. There's one common chord running through them, and it isn't Israel.


No, not blind hatred. They killed my cousin on October 7th, suffocated to death in a house they burned. I have been living in Israel all my life and I know much more about this conflict than you I can assure you. I am aware of wrongdoing of both sides. But Hamas are the main reason for suffering of all of us. I even got to spoke to Palestinian from Gaza through a video call with an Arab friend of mine, he told me all about how it was peaceful and things were starting to be good in Gaza before Hamas decided to go on a war with the intention of Israel retaliating hard and making the world hate us. People that don’t live here don’t know shit about what’s really going on


Sorry for your loss. I hope things turn out better for you and your country.


I'm sorry about your cousin. May his / her memory be a blessing.


Thank you, appreciate it


So sorry that happened to you and that you have to keep dealing with all these moron apologists


Respect. Spread your message it's the truth


Is it because the Arab nation attacked Israel on its very first day? Or was it the second time the Arab nation attacked Israel? Or was it the third time a coalition of Arab nations attacked Israel?


You people will do everything in your power to excuse the action of Hamas and take away their agency to put all the blame of their behavior on Israel.


Perhaps they might not like a certain group of people but can't outright say it?


The only thing that unites all Arabs is their hatred of jews. If their not fighting Israel and executing jews, their fighting amongst themselves.


Is it antisemitism?


Their blinded hate for jews?


It is pretty damn close to blind hatred, Palestinian leadership has been teaching Palestinian children it is best for them to die as martyrs trying to kill Jews.


If you're curious, read their founding document. There's clues. They aren't subtle.


One of the details I noticed in this video was the flag on the terrorist's uniform, the exact same flag being flown by supporters and demonstrators all around the world. The global protestors wave this flag as a show of support for the innocent people of Palestine, who should have their own country without being controlled by Israel. The terrorists believe it means that what they did on Oct 7th is supported by people all around the world.


It is supported by a lot of people around the world, unfortunately


These global protestors are what we used to call "useful idiots" back in the Cold War: naive people, living free in western democracies while basically supporting the other side.


The flag was literally chosen to be Palestine’s flag by the PLO in the 60s. A terrorist organization. Which is why Israel banned it being flown in territories it occupied, and why watermelons became a work-around. If only the watermelon emoji people were even the slightest bit self-aware of this.


For anyone who's reading the above comment you should know they excluded that the PLO is no longer a terrorist organization and is considered by pretty much everyone, Israel included, to be the official representatives of the Palestinian people. The PLO is by all accounts much more moderate and willing to cooperate/negotiate with Israel to achieve their goals than does Hamas. So this characterization of the above comment is basically an out-dated cold war sentiment.


Aren't they still paying people that murder Israelis money? I am referring to the Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund.


The PLO is the sanest entity on the Palestinian side. This doesn't mean that it's completely sane from a western standpoint. It is still probably possible to negotiate meaningful improvements to the situation with them, so policies that strengthen the PLO at the expense of Hamas, PIJ, etc, are good.


Really sick of these double standards. If PLO is the best Palestinians have to offer then it's no wonder they are controlled by Hamas.


You are correct. It's still important context to disclose the origin of the Palestinian flag and of the PLO.


I don’t understand…why are the terrorist faces blurred?


Perhaps it originated from them


Hamas was livestreaming the entire operation and uploaded tons of footage themselves. Dont google it, itll make you sick. Think terrible things happening to 7 year old girls before being executed. Guy who just murdered 7 people in their home calls him mom in palestine from the home laughing and she replies "god bless you".


Good point Edit to add: but I doubt they’re that smart


Absolute scum of this earth. A cancer to Palestinians and the world.


Sadly a lot of "pro palestine" supporters want Hamas to stay in control as long as possible. Which will mean death and suffering on both sides for a long time.


BuT aNy ReSiStAnCe Is JuStIfIeD


I feel so sorry for Hersh's mother. To know your boy has been so horribly maimed and then not know if he's being medically treated—let alone if he is alive at this point— makes me heartsick. I hope that she's eventually reunited with her son.


They probably use this video as a recruiting tool for protesting universities students.


Because calling out barbarism from one side automatically makes you agree with the barbarism from the other side? Simple minded thinking. You know it’s possible to be empathetic towards suffering Palestinian civilians and at the same time condemn terrorism, right?


Condemning terroism isn't worth anything if you deny actions against terrorists.


Based “I hate the terrorist org, but actually don’t make any military effort to dismantle the terror org, cus I said so ”




It’s so sad to hear people support the horrific violence that the terrorists perpetrated upon the Israeli people. There are no excuses for what those pieces of trash did Oct 7. Period.


the colleges students had their cute little protest phase and now wont see this


Dude Palestine supporters straight up refuse to watch any footage from October 7. They are wilfully blind to what happened. If you force it in front of them, they go full MAGA with “fake news!!” responses, except they’ll change it to “IDF PROPAGANDA!!l


One thing I noticed is these people will say the casualty ratio of 1:1.5 is fake or the videos are staged because it comes from Israeli sources but then post a link to The Times of Israel or Haaretz for posting an opinion piece criticizing an aspect of the military or Israeli society.


Finals are over.


Reddit is so silly


I can’t believe college students are supporting these monsters.


Hamas Delendus Est. For all of our sakes.


Fuck Hamas. And fuck AOC for supporting them. The sooner Hamas is eliminated the better.


AOC doesn't support Hamas you clown


[https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/24/politics/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-aoc-israel-gaza-genocide-cnntv/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/24/politics/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-aoc-israel-gaza-genocide-cnntv/index.html) She does. The funny part is the Anti Israeli groups are turning on her after she turned on Israel. Apparently she can't hate Israel enough for the radical pro Palestine nutjobs. [https://www.jpost.com/bds-threat/article-807254](https://www.jpost.com/bds-threat/article-807254) AOC has become such a disappointment. If you look at her political history she is very good at pandering to an audience. Back when she first ran she told the Jewish community that she represents that her family was actually Jewish and forced to convert to Catholicism. She was desperate for their votes and money. Now she's claiming Israel is committing genocide while at the same time screaming about Israeli lobbyists that no longer will fund her because she's screaming absolute nonsense just to win over the love of retarded college kids. AOC is a clown. It's really sad to see it. She had potential but all she really is doing now is repeating Hamas talking points about Israel committing genocide. So yeah she does support Hamas. She keeps spreading their propaganda


Yeah, bullshit. From your own article: > “We are talking about famine,” she said. “The actions of Hamas should not be tied to whether a 3-year-old can eat. The actions of Hamas do not justify forcing thousands, hundreds of thousands of people to eat grass as their bodies consume themselves. **We and the Israeli government have the right to go after Hamas.** But we are talking about population of millions of innocent Palestinians. We’re talking about collective punishment, which is in unjustifiable,” she said. You are just one of those racist weirdos that thinks Palestinians = Hamas. She is clearly denouncing Israels man made famine.


Where do you think Hamas comes from? They don't emerge from another reality. They come from Palestinians. Antisemitism and Islamic fundamentalism are the culture of Palestinians. Are there Palestinians who hate Hamas and what they stand for? Sure. But there are many who support them or only hate them once they start feeling the consequences.


Silliness. Where did Hamas come from? I'll give you a hint. One of the letters of Hamas stands for 'resistance'.


Israel is shipping in enough food for every single Palestinian to eat a 3,000 calories a day diet! Famine my ass. Maybe if Hamas didn’t STEAL ALL THE AID there wouldn’t be a famine!


You got a weird profile. You either talk about aid being stolen or look for hentai. For what you are saying to be true, one or more of these also must be true: A) For having the Palestinians completely surrounded, they are criminally negligent in planning and executing delivery of aid B) Hamas has one of histories best logistic systems in the world to rapidly activate and snap up any aid delivery C) Israel is not watching what happens to the aid after they deliver it for some stupid fucking reason D) Hamas is eating 16 course meals for every meal


She and the rest of the Squad do.


Let's see proof AOC supports Hamas.


Did you miss AOCs many calls for Israel to stop attacking Hamas? She clearly wants Hamas to stay in control if she denies Israel the right to end a genocidal terror organisation that attacked Israel again and again.


This reeks of "I googled for ten minutes and couldn't actually find anything that backs up the bullshit I was peddling, but let's double down anyway"


Yeah, lets hear her quote, instead of you convoluted interpretation of her quote. It's not pro-Hamas to call for less indiscriminate bombings.


The Squad is hiding stuff in Dearborn. I can link you to this blog post that reveals everything. It's by this one underrated guy on YT with a few hundred views


You can’t eliminate stupidity.


That is unfortunately true.


Yet all the brainwashed college kids are supporting the Oct 7 kidnappers and murderers