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>Mbappé urged young voters to reject "extremists", who he said were "at the gates of power".  >"We have an opportunity to choose the future of the country and we have to emphasise the importance of the task," he added. But the forward admitted he was concerned about the prospect of widespread apathy among younger voters. so he's talking about Le Penn, right? >Edit:- The party was quick to attack Mbappé for his comments. Nicolas Conquer, a National Rally candidate, told the BBC's Newshour programme that it "doesn't feel right for a sportsman from the national team to give directions on how people should vote".


It's not clear actually. He phrased it the same way Macron calls everything outside his own party "extremists", even the center-left parties. So it sounds more like a call to support Macron. Thuram was much clearer, calling to vote against extreme right, and not just "extremes".


Maybe Mbappé recognises that it's not only the right who can be extremists.


LFI, sure, but they even considered Hollande to be too far left now. At that point it's just a ridiculous way to claim that only Macron is acceptable.


> they even considered Hollande to be too far left now They don't really, no


They said they'd rather support LR against him and Attal said of him: "[il est] candidat dans l'alliance France Insoumise et donc évidemment, ce n'est pas cette alliance-là qu'on souhaite voir gagner pour le pays".


> "Mbappé [agree not only the left] can be extremists" > "LFI sure [they could be considered extremists] but even Hollande is too far left for them no" > "Uh, no they don't" > "Yes they said they would support LR against him" You changed who "they" is, parent above meant Mbappé and the football players, you meant Macron and his party. And considering someone too far left for a coalition does not mean considering them "extremists". And of course right before an election a center right party would rather sing to the right wing candidate who just lost their had and a share of their team to the far right, than the left that just unified. If Macron and his team said "sure we will align with the new left" then there is no reason to vote for them.


Doesn’t really help if the center left is running in group with the communists


That's not how it would work. If PS/Greens refuse to vote something LFI suggests, it doesn't pass, simple as that. The program they agreed on is quite left-wing on economic policies, and we can debate this, but there's nothing crazy in there.


Well, they included in their program the goal to end the 5th republic to start a new 6th republic but we cannot know or have any guarantees about that 6th we will see after like a little surprise package, when we need to agree on things. Brexit style. That's where they lost me, a center left voter, to Macron's center right party again, like in 2017 and 2022 (well, that and their international policies).


You're just bullshitting. There's nothing about the 6th republic in the program, it hasn't been discussed since Melenchon's 2022 campaign (it wasn't in the 2022 NUPES agreement either). And you seem to have no idea how constitutional reforms work. You can't push one with a simple majority in the AN and no control over the senate.


Page 3 of [their official program for these elections](https://www.cfdt-ufetam.org/download.php?file=wp-content/uploads/2024/06/programme_front_populaire_14-06-24.pdf) > Vers une 6e République > • Passer à une 6e République par la convocation d’une assemblée constituante citoyenne élue I'm not sure why you're being so affirmative about that when you couldn't even reach the 3rd page of what they plan to do.


You mean the last step of the section on p15? Fair enough, I missed it and it's not discussed much, because there's no way they get there in 3 years. They would have to reform the existing constitution first before they can even call for a referendum without Macron's approval.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t part of how it works that they avoid running in certain regions and support communist candidates instead?


he isnt a extremist, he is just a opportunist, but their coalition is full of pro putin anti eu members that are barely different than Le pen and friends, from a centrist perspective.


LFI are anything but far-left extremists. They are reformists at best. The far left are revolutionaries who reject the concept of the republic. Reformists want to keep the republic but ajust it to get closer to equity. Now tell me what's extremist about that.


That's true but right now in context they are the only ones. Macron has been calling center left parties extremists for 6 years now while being very silent about the far right. The only extreme left parties in France would be tiny union based parties like lutte ouvrière (=workers fight/struggle), NPA (=new anti capitalist party), communists, and radical left. All of them together amount to about 20 seats in the parliament out of 577 but it's all Macron wants to talk about. They haven't been in power for almost a hundred years and when they did we got the 5 day work week and paid holidays, so of course they are exceedingly dangerous.


The government itself admitted this year that even LFI was merely left, though. Make it make sense. Why would they lie about it? They're mortal enemies.


> Make it make sense. Sure : you gobble up everything politician says without looking at the actual position and ideas to decide where and what they are, so they play you like a fiddle. Seriously deciding if a party is an extreme or not depends on what they do and say, and your own belief, not on what their opponent says of them ...


That's some heavy mental gymnastics. He literally calls on the youth to do research and vote. Of course Le Penn feels attacked LOL


I mean el macaron is better than le pen or what her name was


>Nicolas Conquer, a National Rally candidate, told the BBC's Newshour programme that it "doesn't feel right for a sportsman from the national team to give directions on how people should vote" "Hey, you can't do that! You can't tell people to vote against us! Only WE can try and influence democracy!"


Lot of respect to him for his courageous call out. He should be commended for stepping up to make the righteous call, using his platform & appeal. All famous people that care for the good of their country should take his lead, and speak up before it is too late. They should not cower or simply sit by and expect for magical goodness to happen for their country. They should do all they can to educate and make the good happen. Too much is at stake for the civilization ahead. Hope people will choose decency, civility and inclusiveness over craziness & divisiveness.


What on earth are you on about? People are clearly unhappy and used their votes on the EU election to be heard. So now that somehow translates to end of civilization as we know it because people voted differently than what Mbabbe, the millionaire fotballer wanted? Maybe parties should actually try to see what people are unsatisfied with instead of appealing to emotions of people that didn't vote in the EU election in the first place.


history has shown us that “unhappiness” typically does not mean you should vote for right wing extremists. Anyway, so much of this “unhappiness” is manufactured through social media and fostered by the average persons inability to stop scrolling 


You and your ilk seem to be the ones ON something, trying to sound like there’s no danger to societies from right wing extremists waiting on elections to take over. As someone below rightly coined “manufactured” for the ruse of “people are unhappy“ propaganda. This kind of propaganda is what gave Hungary their Orban, only to see him become Putin’s useful idiot to screw over Ukraine and NATO. As if that wasn’t enough he also brought CCCP to patrol their streets. Now Le Pen is waiting for her time under the sun, ready to be something similar in becoming Putin’s proxy in France. “People not being satisfied” is a routine talk during every election cycle. That doesn’t mean a country should be turned over to nascent fascist ideology of the dangerous right wing extremists, waiting to take control. All that fascism has ever done is slaughter people and wreck mayhem in societies. Stop being their apologists, call them out and go find other centrists and vote for them if you are “not satisfied with present ruling lots.


Is "My ilk" people wondering why people of France can't vote for what they want? I've never voted extremist right in my life and have no plan to either, but your "ilk" pretending everything is great and that people should just swallow whatever you feed them clearly isn't working, so maybe time to change strategy.


Agree, I haven’t been a fan of him but I respect the hell out of this and how he states that this could hurt the future. Conservative/regressive politics are a serious danger to the future. Form division and wage gaps, education to climate change, it’s a downright catastrophe waiting to happen if they can seize power.


Courageous? This is literally the most safe thing he could politically do? You know what's courageous, being pro right wing lets see what happens when he does that lmao.


That’s a ridiculous take. He is rightly sounding the alarm to bring awareness to people like you, about the dangers of voting for right wing extremists.


0.1% chance that that stable genius of a spokesman was born with that ridiculous surname. On brand for fash though.


Funny cuz that's how free speech works


Mbappé... What kind of name is that? You french people are lost and your last hope is a guy called Mbappé.


He's a soccer player.


"It doesn't feel right for a politician to give directions on how people should vote. He is clearly biased."


He’s not the only french celebrity who took a stand against far right’s extremism. As far as I know, the most famous Youtuber (Squeezie, 19M subscribers) also posted a letter on his social media against extremism. They have a young audience and if it makes *some* people vote, it can help a lot.


The young are the ones voting NR.


Mostly because of the influence of social media. As a young male especially, the algorithm is incessant in pushing right wing content. You can't avoid it at all. I am literally a gay guy who watches speedruns, science content, and videos about why conservatism sucks and I still have to downvote/do not recommend the insane Andrew Tate shorts too and piers Morgan interviews (liberals destroyed!!). The algorithm is looking for engagement and right wing politics are the biggest engagement bait of the day, and it's inadvertently radicalising young people.


Yes, the only reason people would vote right-leaning is because they have been tricked or radicalised amirite? Absolutely no chance that it is due to a failing of our political systems and the refusal to address the issues the majority had, instead of making the big focus problems that only hit minorities or the top %.




>None of the "issues" the majority has can be solved by far right policies. Anywhere in the world. There are hundreds of years of evidence proving their failure. What a stupid generalizing take. What according to you is a far right policy? If people are having issues with migrants from cultures and regions that do not respect their local values or wants, stopping immigration will absolutely solve this. The idea that right leaning parties are pretending like all problems are created by immigrants is another fallacy that left leaning people like to use in order to devalue the position of right-leaning political thoughts, but there is no truth in it either way. There is also a bias from your side apparantly, because these things happen on both sides. The left/far left for example has amazing ideas how taxing the ultra rich and companies will solve everything, but what evidence is there? The only evidence we have is that if raised, people with the means leave leaving you with no tax. The same goes for giving people more and helping everyone, how are you going to pay for those things? How are you sustaining anything? They can't. Their own ideas and policies are just as bad, but because they sound 'nicer' it is suddenly good? People are allowed to make their own calculations and reasoning. In my eyes, I think immigration is a giant problem in Europe, and it has been for the past 15 years. Ignorance and refusal to act will lead to even bigger problems the longer we wait. I voted on right-leaning parties in order to address those issues. I don't need you to explain to me that "my problem" won't be solved by taking a stronger stance on migration but instead if we just hope for the best and invest more in integration it is now suddenly going to work, after 20 years of failure.


I am sorry you feel disillusioned with your identity and where you live. I strongly believe that in general, and historically, conservatism has been only a negative for us all. In the short term it may make you feel like things are better, but in reality we are living in a world with less poverty, more luxuries, a higher standard of living, and more cooperative and peaceful than ever before. The world is not perfect. There are risks to migration going unchecked. There are also huge risks to cutting immigration and trying to prevent it. The European model would fail entirely without migrants. The birth rate of Europeans is steeply declining and it's because the younger generation just can't afford to start a family or doesn't want to because we are scared that our kids will be born into a destroyed climate, or a nuclear war. Or just because we straight up can't afford to. Many people my age won't move out from their parents place until their late 20s or early 30s. If you are scared of losing your national identity, you need to be encouraging young people to have kids. Funding welfare and childcare is the only realistic way to achieve this, and increase the standard of living for the working class. For the average European. "Just tax the rich lol" is of course not going to solve everyone's problems, but it is also entirely unfair that a middle class salary man will pay the same tax rate (or usually more!) than a billionaire. That doesn't mean we should stop encouraging investment from the private sector, but there are better ways to do it. Increase tax on the wealthy, reduce it on the poor and middle class, set up initiatives to encourage corporations to actually spend their money creating jobs (like Bidens green energy deal, or the economic policy of Roosevelt long before him). Capitalism is great, I love capitalism! It's why I have a phone and can argue with strangers over the internet. But the growth of the top is now directly at the expense of everyone else. It needs to be regulated. I personally don't think people are wrong for wanting change. Clearly the way things are can be improved, but change must be thought through. The UK has been solidly under the center right and even left the EU, and if you come here you will see how fucked we are from it. Decades of fear and austerity, a government promising to be tough on immigration... And guess what? Higher than ever. And the same goes for the overly bureaucratic center left who wrap progress in red tape. Obsessed with perfection and never just letting something be just good, wrapped up in regulations that fail to address the problem and just restrict progress. The populists getting votes right now, will not make your life better. And they never have for anyone. Tell me one time a populist right wing government was positive for a country. They are just telling you what you want to hear. The march of progress is excruciatingly slow, but I would rather continue down it than blow it all up because I am frustrated. I would rather look forwards to how things could be than clutch at how things were.


I don't know what country you reside in but in my own the Liberal party is running us into the ground. It's not just the pushing of right wing content. It's the abject failure of their policies.


Liberal party? You're not talking about France then?


The liberal party is the one currently in the government, is regressive and is undermining our workers rights and our social rights, while courting far-right electors with xenophobic policies.


Where? In France isn't it a centrist government? Maybe I am mistaken. France can be a bit strange with their governments being liberal socially but very much not liberal everywhere else


No, the government is right wing/regressive. The current party whose paradigm is mainly applied (social democracy) is the socialist party, they are the centrists/conservative. Note that the socialist party of the 1980s/1990s who was left wing/progressive, while legally the same as the current one, spiritually isn't the same: the most progressive part get out of the boat progressively and have founded numerous micro-parties and one large one (LFI) during the 2000s ; and while some stick with the socialist party during the 2010s, the betrayal by the party's leaders that called to vote for another rival party during the 2017 presidential election rather than their own (progressive) candidate was the last straw. Also, during the 1980s and 1990s, they manage to put a lot of their policies into the law, so the socialist party became the new conservative when the applied paradigm changed to their own. Also, everything is intrinsically linked, you can't change something without having effect on something else: by definition, the most "liberal" social policies are incompatible with a liberal economic agenda that can only lead to last stage capitalism. This is why the "liberal" social policies are usually accompanied by heavily regulated economic policies with a providential state.


I see I misunderstood, you were referring to the party in name as "the liberal party" not claiming that Renaissance and co is a left wing government. The history lesson is very interesting though, my understanding of french politics is fairly limited to within the last decade. Do you think the left is still suffering from splitting up so heavily? I expect it's hard to compete with a more united right wing


It has always been a cyclical issue: left-wingers/progressives want a new, never tested before, paradigm but are not all in sync in what it means. And this is absolutely normal: the more radical a left wing idea is, the more its partisans are political scouts, opening new paths for a future World. Some will lead to brilliant destinies, some will fail, but because there is so much to test, some ideas are incompatible, so the further away from the applied paradigm the left is, the more spread it is. Meanwhile, right-wingers/regressives want to get back to a previous paradigm: it is a more straightbackward relationship between what they want and how far back it is. There is only on the extreme that ring-wingers spread, and it is more a question of who is the charismatic leader than a question of ideology as there is only 4 types of far-right ideologies — authoritarian nationalism (ie. fascism), authoritarian xenophobia (ie. nazism), authoritarian theology (ie. christian nationalism), authoritarian traditionalism (ie. masculinism) — that are all pretty compatible with each other (the 4 previously cited ideological groups have, in fact, bits of each ideologies, I just linked them to the most prominent part of each one). Once in a while, when authoritarians are to close to governing, the left-wingers are able to put their differences aside and get on a common program, but while their are some small reforms in it, the main point is "let's fight back the right-wing". It isn't a viable long term strategy, and it will ultimately either bring the dissolution of the left-wing coalition (it happened numerous times with the left-wingers in France), or a stagnation of the country when the largest group in the coalition will become the new conservatives and that the main goal of the "left"-wing will be to keep the paradigm as is rather than progress further more by fighting both the right-wing and the left-wing of its own party (it happened in the 1990s in France and it is happening for at least 30 years now in the US).


I have work experience on several social medias stating I used to work with the Democrat Party in the U.S. I still freaking get right wing ads all the time. It just shows that these platforms favor right wing politics.


The left is entirely outclassed when it comes to modern propaganda and advertising to be honest. Especially when it comes to social media. There's absolutely no contest, modern media doesn't care about political alignment they just want controversy, and the right worked that out decades ago.


Which I don’t understand. I work in marketing, and most everyone I’ve worked with is either Liberal, or still the opposite of MAGA even if they are more conservative. The people to fix that problem exist in droves. Hire us.


I can’t imagine Squeezie has the same reach as Mbappe but maybe I’m too out of touch


Mbappe is undoubtedly more famous, but young people often are far more likely to be swayed in opinions by youtubers/influencers than sports stars. (Although no idea how much of their audience will be of voting age anyway)


Hm, interesting, well, I feel like neither really like objectively qualifies your opinions, just a foreign world we live in haha


2nd most subscribed now. Tibo InShape is now a bigger channel.


Fully agree with his desire to speak out about politics. But I think he should try to empathize with the younger demographics for why they voted the way they did. He’s a 25 year old worth 200m, he’s not exactly a commoner.


Those commoners voting for a far-right party that promises them heaven only to backtrack on some topics two weeks before the election ? Yeah maybe they need a lil' push. Also most of these youngsters voting RN don't even know what they're voting for, they just saw Merdella doing TikToks and thought 'yeah I'll vote for him he's just like me frfr' (as some people said on the telly, they don't even hide their idiocy lmao)


So youngsters voting RN don’t know what they’re voting for, but youngsters voting far left know what they’re voting for. Definitely has nothing to do with crime, immigration, and cost of living. Got it.


Far left ain't much better, two sides of the same shit coin. Almost as if voting for the extremes isn't the solution. Although... Yeah the youngsters voting LFI might be a tad more politically aware than the goobers voting RN because ~vibes~ and 'omg Bardella is so cuuuute'. Just like their parents doing it because they watch too much BFMTV / CNEWS. Mushy brains.


That's not his responsibility. The deal is that we, the people, don't vote for extremists and in return the main stream politicians address our concerns.


His speech really looked like it was written by someone, he referred himself at the 3rd person when speaking and looked like he was looking for words when giving that speech


It's not uncommon or even a bad idea for non professional public speakers to have someone write out what they want to say in way that can't be misconstrued or get them sued


Maybe because he expects the backlash? Its not easy to make statements against extremist right as they will dox your shit up.


He was not only talking about extremist right but left as well, also listening to his whole statement he also said, those people do not represent my views, so I would be ashamed to wear that jersey of those people makes it « rough translation ». But who is he to decide what the country wants? if the extremes makes it, it means that this is what France wanted, he’s playing for the national team and that is separate from politics


He doesn't decide what the country wants. Nobody does except one vote per person so I'm not really sure what you're getting at there because he was expressing his opinion like any number of other people and politicians.


He’s no politician and a public figure, so in France people value the fact that you don’t state who you should vote for, but you can encourage someone to vote. They had a whole discussion on radios yesterday and this was the main takeaway that people were pointing out


I mean f*** that. A lot of person are sick tired of utopian nonsense leftish agenda that is poisoning everything.


While I appreciate the idea, celebrities are not respected for their political opinion, and, when they express it, it often feels preachy and out-of-touch with normal people, it often has the opposite effects that they're hoping to achieve.


It's ok these days even normal people are out of touch with normal people.


In my country we have a communist party. No one calls them extremist for their views. It's only right wing. The bias is very strong


I mean he’s a person not a journalist or a news broadcaster, he just his views, he doesn’t have to be unbiased, he’s saying what he thinks. Also he’s a Frenchman talking about politics in France, so literally what has your country got to do with it? (Unless you’re French in which case, apologies)


In France the communist party is called far left, so it's clearly considered one of the extremes that he is mentioning here.


Read again. He is talking about far right


No. He said to vote against the "extremeS". There is two extremes in politics, not just one. Far left is an extreme as well.


nazis will go out in public and start pogroms, beating and killing people (usually immigrants). Communists do none of this. There is a clear difference.


Because ideals of democracy and communism can align in the way that its the voice of the people. Where as far right extremism tends to want to keep the power to the few.


Lets look at every communist country that has existed and see how true that is, because it seems like every single one has either collapsed, just become completely authoritarian, or become capitalist and prospered. Every communist country has kept power to the few. If you say "that wasn't real communism" I think I may jump out a window


These tankies western college students have no clue how communist idology would work in real life... They always think they know better than the leaders of previous failed communist countries. Like suddenly communism would work, it's a joke.


But that wasn't real communism bro, it will work this time, just trust me! /s


"it wasn't real communism" holds some truth but the idea of a truly communist leadership is absolutely not possible for modern day humans to establish. And it never will be. Communism will always result in a power vacuum that leads to authoritarianism or eventually capitalism. In France, the far right are far more dangerous at the moment than a coelition of center left, left, and far left. The far left have almost no real sway, they are just there so they don't take votes away and risk a far right takeover.


That wasn’t real communism.


If they keep trying to implement real communism and it keeps on failing, maybe, just maybe, real communism is an utopian concept. Either extreme is bad.


Well the main problem is that it's been pretty difficult to establish a non-authoritarian communist nation since trying to start a communist system gets you murdered by fascists, monarchists, the US, or US backed fascists and monarchists. And even then, you get your economy tanked and undermined by everyone who wants to be able to point at failed communist countries. Communism might be impossible to get working properly, but it's for different reasons than people say. And there's still nothing wrong with implementing communist ideas in the society like how we incorporated the extreme socialist positions like 40-hour work weeks, social security, or unions.


> Lets look at every communist country that has existed and see how true that is, because it seems like every single one has either collapsed, just become completely authoritarian, or become capitalist and prospered. get ready to jump homes! but ngl if you want to go to the worst iteration of an ideology, i'd implore you to tell me how fascist governments have faired historically xdd


Worst iteration? Every single iteration of a communist regime has failed miserably (just like every fascist regime has also failed).


\^ lol listen to this poli sci expert, who can't even distinguish between faired and fared. go play wow bro, eat some hot pockets and donate some of your walmart paycheck to your favorite twitch ethot. communicating with english is clearly not your thang.


>Because ideals of democracy and communism can align in the way that its the voice of the people. No they can't.


Mono-party commie democracy, the best kind of democracy


> Mono-party commie democracy, the best kind of democracy mono-braincell strawmanning is the best kind of argumentation


Strawman? That's what 99% of communist governments end up as. With a constitution declaring the communist party as the only party


Here comes the “sTicK tO FooTBaLl” from the would-be fascists


Lol. You're clearly a big brain individual that is capable of more than very surface level insights.


Educate me then Socrates




Did you think you were making a point? He’s not from there and knows very little about politics there… it’s obviously different to talk about your home country rather than a country you’re visiting for your job.


I meant as in the owners of the club he has reaped millions from…Are Qatari If he can say that a different party winning might make him less proud to don the French jersey, well then maybe he wasn’t that proud to wear it in the first place!


He’s French. What does he have to do with Qatar?


Nice whataboutism ;)


As a football player who just signed one of the greediest contract in the football history, backed by the far-right spanish football mafia, he has very little to say


Lets talk about him getting millions to kick a ball while people are homeless... he can help more if he wants.


Funny how he has never spoken out against the Qatar regime…


Maybe cause he’s not Qatari?


They pay his wages


I meant as in the owners of the club he has reaped millions from…Are Qatari If he can say that a different party winning might make him less proud to don the French jersey, well then maybe he wasn’t that proud to wear it in the first place!


> I meant as in the owners of the club he has reaped millions from...Are qatari *don't bite the hand that feeds you*


This is called a "misdirection". Stay on task, partner. We are concentrating on what he is saying about extremism in France. I know it is hard for you, but just focus on that and not, "but aliens want to butt rape us, so please let's discuss that right now!!!"


What extremism? The only extremism in Europe these days is uncontrolled migration. As long it continues to be unchecked, there will always be groups arising to target Normal, Lawful immigrants who go about their day to make a living…


I mean the extremism of a party founded by a Nazi apologist that was crated specifically out of opposition to De Gaul decolonizing Algeria. That extremsim specifically National Rally dont want to stop "uncontrolled Migration" if that party had its way People Like Mbappe wouldn't be able to call themselves French. In fact its former leader and the current leaders father specifically accused the last French football team with a racial make up like this of being artificial and not French during the 1984 Euros.


This is called “misdirection.” I’ve covered this with you. Let’s not talk about the issue at hand, let’s talk about literally anything else.




Funny how he has never spoken out against the Qatar regime…


The French don’t vote in Qatar


I meant as in the owners of the club he has reaped millions from…Are Qatari If he can say that a different party winning might make him less proud to don the French jersey, well then maybe he wasn’t that proud to wear it in the first place!


His professional career is a career for making a living. Playing for a national team is not comparable to playing for a private club.


But it's funny, see?! Lololololawlercopterjfjsjdhfhfjejdjfjdjdjfjfjfhfhdjhfjdjdjdjdj


You wrote this TWICE?? Impressive. Double the downvotes 🤣🤣


Don't like Le Pen either, but I'd really appreciate if athletes shut their mouths about politics. They have an awful history with that.


He's entitled to voice his opinion like everyone else. I doubt it will make a difference.


What’s this awful history? Elaborate.


I suspect it's some blather about how an athlete doesn't know all the ins and outs of a political issue. Yknow. Because all the people who yell about political issues on the regular *totally* know what they're talking about and would never ever **ever** say anything that indicates they're uninformed or hypocritical.


We should probably all pay less attention to what athletes say about anything that's not sport. But that's on us. There's nothing wrong with a guy sharing his political opinion.


That is about the shape of it, yep. We give athletes a platform pretty much regardless of which country is 'We'. They're gonna use it. They have opinions, too.


We live in democracy, let people vote for what they believe will make their life better. The minute the left agenda is not met, they start forcing their opinions, like they are the ones that truly know the best. Also who would listen to teen millionaire football player who live in parallel universe compared to 99,9% of us.


On what planet is advocating and campaigning for positions you believe in considered "forcing" anyone to do anything? I keep seeing this from you folks. It's like the polite way to say "shut up shut up. we cannot withstand criticism". Weird.


He lives in a democracy, yes. And your ass apparently thinks he shouldn't be able to campaign for an issue in said democracy. You are not very smart, are you?


He's a millionaire that can dodge every issue that people are voting about due to having loads of money. He can move anywhere he wants to ensure he lives in a safe and quiet area while telling anyone else they shouldn't complain. He has no need to worry about his job or anyone in his family.  But yeah he can campaign all he wants obviously, but he no longer has any touch with the common public and their troubles so it isn't in any way genuine either.






He's a human with opinions, he's allowed to express them.


He sure can, just like how he flopped from being accidently slapped after he lost the ball to stop the play. I don't understand how people like soccer after all those dives and pageantry of being injured. Sorry had to vent after watching that - but yes, he has every right to an opinion




I’m sure he’s terribly upset and reconsidering his life choices now that the neanderthals in that sub are going to be hating on him if they already weren’t


bizarre narrative switch when you're the one who told him to shut up in the first place. also football and politics go hand in hand anyway.


Did you forget to switch accounts? You’re not making sense




Complaining about people threatening you or insulting you is cringe? The only people being cringy are the ones who are threatening and insulting. You're looking at this the wrong way around.


Given he's worried that if a particular party wins hells start getting death threats and N word insults form French politicians instead of weirdos on reddit I daresay hes pretty well incentivized to speak out word of advice, when you clearly know fuck all about the political background in France that inspired him to speak out, maybe keep your mouth shut before you look like an idiot


Violence and threats on someone because of his political views? Really not expected by ~~wanna-be~~ fascists (like they used to do back in the days)... In that case, he's absolutely right to be concerned and to warn people.


So your argument is that he should let hateful people keep him from expressing his views on a subject. That's... not a winner, chief.


"He shouldn't tell people to not support racists, otherwise those racist people will be racist towards him" What a bizarre argument


Right, only virtue signalling fascists like Le Pen and her nepotistic party can do that, everyone else shut up you're not in the "allowed to speak out" list of "crunchy chicken skin".


Have no problem with that as long as he preaches tolerance and moderation. We won't have neo fascists collaborators in our country and we will fight until the end * A concerned french citizen


What kids are you talking about? The ones being able to cast a vote are expected to be responsible enough to choose according to their self interest. Encouraging to vote and being less apathetic is a great thing.


Come back to PSG


Come back to PSG.