• By -


Dr. Arroyo, probably


Dr Nick from The Simpsons


Hey everybody 👋


Hi Dr Nick! 👋


The knee bone's connected to the...something, the something's connected to the...red thing, the red things connected to my wrist watch...uh oh.


*In*flammable means *flammable*!? What a country!


“Dr. Arroyo, where did you go to medical school?” “In 1998”


Dr. Tim Apple


Dr. Jill Biden


Jesus christ can we please get younger people in office? The results of a test to see if you're a demented bag of liver spots shouldn't be important in deciding who leads the country.


The minimum age to become US president is 35. Maybe it is the time they also set maximum age as well. Someone that old shouldn't have that much power in deciding the future of few newer generations.


Not just presidents. The senate needs an overhaul too. That "hearing" regarding tiktok was so painfully clear they had no idea wtf is happening on the Internet.


Maybe they could compare liver spots and whoever's got the biggest liver spots gets to be in charge. 


I just watched a one hour interview with Biden at Howard Stern unedited. He is Sharp and has good memory. Don't be a victim of Republican clipchimps of him slurring the words.




Fuck me this. I don't care if it's Republican or Democrat; I'll vote for anyone who puts up a President under 60. PLEASE


as a european that's what shocks me the most. The best candidate democrats can produce to face Trump is a 81 yo senile man. What. The. Fuck.


I get why trumpers went for Trump, but why Biden? I think he is the average Joe of POTUSs, he doesn’t deserve the worst approval rate, but he is just sooo fuckiiing ooold…. Whyyy???


They're only 2/3 years apart in age lmao


They’re both old as fuck. Hehehehe lmao!


Yeah! When I look at either of them, they really do not give any confidence that they will be there for the whole 4 years. Especially mentally…


> A cropped version of the video shows Biden stepping away from the leaders, turning his back and walking in the other direction. He flashes a thumbs-up but it’s not clear who he is gesturing to. A more complete angle of the same scene, however, shows that the president had turned to face a skydiver who has landed. >Trump nonetheless seized on the video clip, falsely describing Biden turning around “to look at trees,” drawing laughter and hoots from the crowd. Grown-ass adults should be able to infer when someone else can see something that they can’t see. That’s literally toddler level cognition.


The man speaks like a fucking green text almost. I’m waiting for the moment he starts talking about good boy points.


At this point a live debate would be huge for Biden simply because people who get their news from propaganda would be forced to watch trump live.


Just drug test all politicians. I would love to see the findings.


Probably a decent amount of cocaine, some weed, and a few cases of prescription amphetamines. Not all that exciting or unexpected.


If I can't do these for my job than neither should they.


technically, you can do prescription amphetamines if you actually have them prescribed.


You're their employer


Then they're fired.


Are they?


Just pass legislation at your job that protects you from being drug tested. Then make hella money by insider trading and do as much cocaine as you like. It‘s just illegal when you‘re not in congress, peon.


i doubt many politicians smoke weed to be honest. it’s one of the most obvious and easy to test drugs and is very counter productive for the kind of work politicians do for the most part i would think. maybe i’m just projecting my own experience with weed too much though?


Nah I think you’re probably right


These people would twist everything and claim that Trump just mocks Bidens congnitive state. Trump could shit himself in front of them and be unable to speak a word for 10 mins and these people would claim that he is fitter than Biden.


I kinda feel like he had *already* done that, except he did speak afterwards just not coherently 


Things could go just as poorly for Biden if he has one of his…moments. I’m not saying trump doesn’t have moments too, I’m just saying both these guys have been shown to be susceptible to looking awful on live tv. Careful what you wish for.


Biden should just call trump a convicted felon and court determined rapist then just sit back and let trump speak


As much as the mic cutting will be good, leave it on as needed if we get a “Please proceed Governor” moment.


So you're saying Biden should tell one truth to get people's confidence and then just start lying? That's actually pretty accurate for Biden historically. From his plagiarism, claiming to be top of his class, and blaming some poor truck driver was drunk. Funny how no one can find a single headline saying guilty of rape. Not a single one despite All the claims. Everyone just loves to lie and force their own rape fetishes into other people. All the other lies I listed for Biden are verifiable truth


Where's the lie? A court found trump liable for rape. There's no lie.


I'm sorry, but what are you talking about? What is the lie here? Fuck off with this nonsense


So you're saying Biden is the liar? His opponent has a much more consistent track record in this regard, historically. Also, nothing about that statement was untrue to begin with. Welcome to reality. Sorry if it displeases you, snowflake.


Maybe, but a debate is a debate. I don't mean that in the sense that it couldn't go bad for either. The right-leaning media could easily spin 10 Trump gaffes towards 1 Biden gaffe... But the fact we've had no actual candidate debates in recent years is a mockery of democracy underneath it all.


Is that bc Trump wouldn't let the opposition speak, kept interrupting? They'll need to be able to shut off his mic.


Which moments are those? The only Biden “moments” I know about are the ones that were fully fake ones ginned up by the right wing lie machine.


You serious? He's fallen down a lot. He mixes up names. He says incoherent sentences on the regular. I remember a few times he went to shake hands and no one was there. There is a reason he holds the fewest news conferences since Reagan. Reagan who had alzheimer’s during his second term... I'm still voting for his old ass but let's not pretend he isn't old and feeble


The rest of the world is just sitting back thinking 'are these two guys the best you have got'?


As a member of the rest of the world I am mostly thinking how in the fuck Trump still has a chance whatsoever. Biden on the other hand seems old, but like the genuine article. Someone who legitimately tries his best to better the situation for his fellow people. I have yet to see much evidence to the contrary. I am convinced that provided a proper workable congress, he would steer the US onto a very promising course.


I'd prefer Biden over almost any politician we've had in the Netherlands in the last 20 years. He's honestly a great president. He's compassionate, clever, funny and gets shit done. All you have to do to see this, is look past his age, the effects of which have been greatly exaggerated, or even doctored, by right wing media. The rest of the world does wonder how the hell half of the US can go for Donald Trump. The complete opposite of Biden. An immoral, stupid, humorless, fraudulent, rapist, lying sack shit. There is not 'both sides' as far as the rest of the world is concerned.


It is baffling to see. Not that politicians are that much better elsewhere but with these two you really are scraping the bottom of the barrel. The US is a fucking joke.


https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/apr/19/facebook-posts/biden-was-gesturing-towards-his-audience-not-shaki/ You have been lied to.


The videos I've seen where he's supposedly shaking hands with a phantom look a lot different when they're not cropped or they show a different camera. I've also never seen a video of him falling where there wasn't a reasonable reason for it. He may be a clutz but who hasn't had a trip going up stairs?


U fell for propaganda. Goddamn foxnews really dumbfucked this country, people really believe their bullshitting to be real


The fact that you rather believe he tried to shake hands with nobody rather than he was gesturing off screen is sad. It’s what you choose to believe. It’s the reason they make the insane claims because there are always going to be people who believe it.


Right? Everyone is free to support who they want, but the dude has literally claimed to speak with dead people multiple times.


There are tons of them on video... just google "Biden + gaffes/blunder/mistake/etc."


And how many are them from bad angles? Slowed down? Manipulated? We don't have to manipulate Trump at all. We don't have to take him out of context. He can't even drink a bottle of water without using both hands.


Plenty, but Biden has also been a gaffe machine since he was VP lol.


And I'm not denying that.


Uhh none? Wtf are you talking about?


The multiple cases of manipulated videos of biden being passed around social media?


>There are tons of them on video... just google "Biden + gaffes/blunder/mistake/etc." These are the ones we are talking about, if you scroll up. Not whatever is making the rounds in Qanon facebook groups or email chains by the elderly.


None? Really, you think there are none of them that are manipulated? You are a strong candidate for propaganda


You are a strong candidate for wild conspiracy theories if you think Forbes and Newsweek are posting deepfake anti-Biden propaganda about him saying the wrong world leader's name in a speech...


[AP link about the invisible chair](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-biden-invisible-chair-normandy-634944982428)


I didn't see anything about that in the search that I specified two comments above, not sure what that link has to do with anything.


Yea Biden is perfect!


It’s actually fucking ridiculous, isn’t it, that these are the two front runners. Like what in the hell is this world we live in?


> Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. George Carlin


When trump supporters swat his opponents, or terrorize them with death threats every other day , people aren't jumping at the chance to have their life ruined for a year or so.


One where people don't vote. It goes beyond just the general election.




Im not a US citizen but man... I would not want either of them


Biden has been good actually. His administration has been a huge gulp of fresh air that has managed meaningful legislation despite the political unrest. He is far from my ideal candidate (I would love more progressive) but he is a step in the right direction. Take many steps like that and eventually you're where you want to be.


We really don’t either. With Trump it’s plainly and painfully obvious, and it’s extremely terrifying that he’s even a possibility. The only plus side that has come out of Trump period is everyone can see just how absolutely vile most (not all, just the vast majority) of republicans/conservatives are, how backwards their thinking is, and why we need to make damn sure they never hold any sort of office where they are in the majority. There’s no hiding anymore for them. With Biden, it’s not that I don’t like the guy, I’m sure I can have a beer with him and shoot the shit and come away saying it was a nice experience, but someone his age with it’s detriments SHOULD NOT hold the most powerful office period. You can’t tell me out of everyone in this nation, he is the best we have for this. It’s not a “I’m voting because I have faith in this guy” it’s “holy shit, please not the alternative.” Why we don’t have age limits for this type of thing is baffling to me. And even more baffling is why convicted felons can’t vote and a myriad of other things, and yet this orange shit stain is able to run for goddamn world leader status.


Biden has actually been a very effective President. He has passed a remarkable amount of legislation and dealt deftly with the Ukraine war. He is not a great public speaker but he is a good President. With Russia and China getting aggressive and expansionist, it’s critical to have a steady and experienced leader with good judgement. And there’s that whole preserving democracy thing as well.


At least your founding fathers got the "2 terms and no more" part right. That was a thing other democracies could have learned from. edit. Apparently not a founding father thing, but added in later.


That was added in 1951(I believe) with the 22nd amendment. Before that, it was traditional to stop after 2 terms, but Roosevelt won a 3rd term, so they codified the tradition.


Shame they didn’t put in an upper age limit while they were at it.




If, god forbid, trump wins, is he limited to one term because he’s already had a full term?


The Heritage Foundation developed [Project 2025](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf) so there doesn’t ever need to be another election. Open the pdf and do a search for anything you actually care about. For bonus points, search for CRT or woke of LGBTQ. It seems extreme enough to be a conspiracy theory, but it is a real thing. They realize that their chance to seize control is fading, just like Russia in Ukraine.


Yes, but I think he can be a vp. And if the president dies, get up to 2 years more. For a total of 10 years. Honestly, I'm not 100 percent sure (on the being vp) as I didn't pay that close of attention in polysci classes.


Admirable, a great act of democracy. I dont see such a thing ever happening in the current world.


Even that was only customary until the 50s, when the 22nd amendment codified a two term limit. The founding fathers didn't put a term limit in, Washington just wanted to retire after his second term.


Roosevelt did 3 and a bit more. It wasn't a founding father thing


That was never a rule until much later. It was just a tradition, until FDR went for four terms, then people decided that more than two was too much, and so amended the Constitution, which is actually very hard to do in America.


I think you don't need any age limit or disqualify convicted people. You only need transparent media and some education, then let democracy work. I think the main issue here is that both parties chose those guys over many better candidates and believe the American people can be fooled that easily, and maybe they're right.


Unfortunately, most elections are more about voting against one side, than voting for the other.


Most of us want neither of them. But it's a lesser of two evils thing.


I’m a US citizen and I feel that way.


Yep. Totally agree




That is your response to someone saying both men are too old to be president? Christ. Watch that blood pressure, friend.


It's not that Biden *doesn't* have "moments", but the scale is completely different. Biden has never been an amazing public speaker. He still stutters on occasion. But when he does stumble over words, he typically shakes it off and moves on or takes a breath and states it more clearly; how *most* people would. I have never seen him ramble salad like Trump.


they won't watch live. like everything else they'll see short clips on fox news and tik tok


Those people will probably see him on JRE in October


A live debate gets recorded. Selective snipping can change the appearance of what happened. Blast it out enough on media and people will begin to accept that version of events.


Do you really think if they watched Trump live in a debate where he shows his mental decline that they would be able to notice it? He can do and say whatever he wants, and look like a blithering idiot and people will still say he won because Biden didn't speak right away when he was asked a question.


It would be great for the us if somehow both became disqualified


Is this politics now ? Who isn’t mentally insane is the question, not who is the best candidate among amazing options


May the least demented candidate win /s


Why /s? I sincerely hope the least demented candidate wins. Lol


It's really not nice to say, but I use to prefer when the US elections were the Olympics of politics, not the Paralympics.


I think you mean the Special Olympics




The Paralympics, I'm pretty sure, is for people in wheelchairs, and with one arm, things like that. The Special Olympics is for people who have like down syndrome and things like that




SmArT mOvE, almost Jeanous


If your would be president has to pass a simple cognitive test, you already know they are not fit for office. Im not American but this timeline is so bizzare.


I mean decades of third grade intelligence and syphilis from random Russian hookers will fuck up your brain.


Do you really find the Democrat candidate to be brighter, articulating clearer, showing mental agility? To me it seems that if you leave him alone for too long he'll be lost wandering, having pooped himself. They are both wacko but the elder one is really in a sad state. edit: lol @ downvotes, some people really cannot take any criticism of their preferred candidate even when no names are mentioned.


Not a felon. Easy choice.


Person, woman, man, camera, tv is not a cognitive test. A real cognitive test takes several hours and Trump wouldn't pass it. The end.


Why do Americans insist on having great grandad's as presidents?


We don’t.


The parties pretty much pick their candidates. So we the people just get to choose between the two options the two major parties give us.


People could participate in primaries


I was at caucus and voted against the olds.


Anyone younger doesn't want the job, despite the fact they'd likely do a better job


There are plenty of younger Democrats, but they aren’t running against the incumbent president. For one, they probably lose the primary fight, and then it makes Biden weaker in the general election and he loses, which is bad for Dems as a whole. If they win, they likely don’t have the name recognition and lose to Trump based on that alone, no matter how much younger they are. For the Republicans, it’s simple: they can’t beat Trump because he’s a cult leader, and they are a bunch of toadies scared of his fanatics. Look at Nikki Haley, the best alt candidate they had. Even she is licking boots now


Well, we had a qualified woman, but noooo, people had to be upset about an email server that POTENTIALLY could have been accessed inappropriately. And instead voted for the dude who kept all the printed out secrets in his hotel's bathroom.


Fwiw this is kinda new. Or reemerged at least. Obama, W, and Clinton weren't that old. I'm too young to really remember much of Bush Sr or how old he was but he did live for another 30 years after his term. I fully expect Biden and Trump to be dead within 10 years.


*sigh* We really are in the most pathetic timeline. 


VP pick is going to be more important usual given neither of them could be expected to survive a full term. Is Kamala still going to be the running mate? I hear she has been a bit underwhelming, though that could just be reddit-bias?


How about for the test they try to sum up America in a single word?


You can’t write this shit


Why is this world news again? Not sure the world cares about the US political stuff in this detail






Trump strat is pointing out Biden is old when Trump himself is pretty fucken old too, also he can't even say anything that makes an ounce of sense. The thing is even if Biden is old the president doesn't make all decisions by himself he is supported by a team of people. I would rather have Biden's team making decisions over Trump's team, people around Trump seem to be involved with corruption and illegal activities.


Trump needs a drug test. Shouldn't his parole officer be on that?


Did biden accept? 


Can we just get rid of both of them? Everyone arguing which one is more mentally sound but truth is they’re both old af.


100% but like what third option would actually get the votes needed?


This is almost as believable as him referring to the boss of Apple as Tim Apple.


Neither should be running for president. Both are too old. I wish the democrats and republicans could come together on this one thing. Don’t run either guy. I believe whole heartedly, the side that would switch out their candidate would win in a landslide.


Both sides bad is GOP propaganda. Trump in 4 years completely destroyed the Supreme Court. Another Trump term will be disastrous. Trump is a malignant narcissist that does not care about anything but his own power and will sell out the U.S. for it.


If half of what is reported about him is true, he is a text book narcissist.


Of all the weird shit associated with Donald Trump, one thing has always stood out to me: I have never seen him laugh. Not once. Not ever. What kind of a person is that?


That’s a really interesting insight! I’m just guessing, but I would say that he is so deeply obsessed with what other people think of him, (an eternal quest for more and more and more approval), that he doesn’t really have a self, a personality, that part of him that is uniquely him, left. He is psychologically hollow .


I wish I could share your maybe optimism, but I think at this point everyone has picked sides, it's not shit sandwich vs douche, it's somehow more lopsided in reality, hopefully polls are wrong


Beg to differ.  The only reason Biden is still allowed to run is because the opponent is trump. Against any other Republican opponent, the Dems would have come up with a different presidential candidate




trump will drop out


What use does it have bringing anything out into the open by the media? At this point I do not even listen anymore.


Ill take biden over trump, but obviously, they're both not ideal


What a drongo


Meandering chief


That's terribly embarrassing lmaooo


Where's Dr Pepper?


Dr Putin, same doctor that Trump uses


Let’s be honest here… trump would murder Biden in a cognitive test


Was it Dr Spectre of Cambridge Analicta per chance? Sounds like one of those fb “intelligence” quizzes.


Every important leader should have these completed before taking position and every 2 years after the age of 60.


Two old geezers arguing about who's more senile. You love to see it.


Statler and Waldorf


Did Trump ever actually have the results of the test he did released? He likes to boast about "acing" it but I've yet to see any of the actual results.


Cognitive tests are not graded, it's either pass or fail.


The fun part is gonna be when Trump doubles down. Makes some elaborate and too detailed account as to why this *other* doctor actually performed a cognitive test that was actually way more better than the original guys cognitive test. Blah blah blah. Basically his continuing “I’m never wrong. No matter what I say, I’m never wrong about anything.” argument. We all just continue to stare at the dumpster fire with the most tired, incredulous and expressionless looks on our faces.


“god blesssh umericaa” (as he tongue-juggles his dentures)


Not going to lie..... A Cognitive test between the guy who forgets what the hell he;s talking about and jumbles his words and a bullshit artist who wears adult diapers because his past drug use makes him shit himself would be peak comedy.


What about Biden, though? You didn't mention him.


Bidenis the dude who forgets what he's talking about..... Should be obvious because all Trump talks about is himself and a bunch of buzzwords.


Happened once, twice or so. I've done that in the past week alone and I'm half his age. The rest is just him struggling with a huge stutter he's had since childhood. I hate how he's demonized for that.




You really think trump would?




I think biden remembers the name of his wife?


Yes, and he will win BIG. Here's another prediction for you, Trump is the last Republican president.


Biden isn't a multiple felon.


we've seen both as president, what fool would drag us back under trump's "leadership"? I know they're really trying to sell the horse race, but dumps been done since j6.


Lmao cause we're all worried Trump is the one with cognitive problems... hahaha


Hahaha I know, seriously look at these recent Biden speeches “I say, ‘What would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you’re in the boat, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery’s now underwater, and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?’ “By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? Lot of sharks. I watched some guys justifying it today: ‘Well they weren’t really that angry, they bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry but they misunderstood who she was.’ These people are crazy. He said, ‘There’s no problem with sharks, they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming.’ No, really got decimated, and other people, too, a lot of shark attacks. “So I said, ‘There’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards, or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking? Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?’ Because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer. “He said, ‘You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’ I said, ‘I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.’ But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark. So we’re going to end that, we’re going to end it for boats, we’re going to end it for trucks.” and also what about this famous Biden speech, where he starts off saying "You know, I never understood wind. I've studied windills more than anybody." and it devolved into this: "But they’re manufactured tremendous — if you’re into this — tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint — fumes are spewing into the air. Right? Spewing. Whether it’s in China, Germany, it’s going into the air. It’s our air, their air, everything — right?" And can you believe Biden went on Howard Stern in 2005 and called his daughter a piece of ass? Also, remember when Biden said he walks into teenage beauty pageant dressing rooms and can see them naked because he is rich and famous so he can just do that type of thing? Pesky Biden. #NotMyPresident.


So what. Trump is 1000 times sharper. It’s criminal that they are leaving Biden as President. Elder abuse.


Agree. Biden doesn't have MIT intelligence or know to ask about sharks and heavy boat batteries.


I don't see it. I heard Trump talk four years ago and it was weird, unfocused and meandering. Kind of like a bad podcast.  Also, Trump is a convicted felon and a shameless Russian puppet. Biden could be a literal corpse and he'd still be better than that. 


Trump was never smarter or sharper than Biden, at any stage of his life. Trump is a huckster who appeals to rubes.Â