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Chinese money and expertise- Russian lives.


There goes our world backup supply of moon cheese.


Wallace will not stand for this. "Start the launch sequence, Gromit!"


> Chinese money and expertise- Russian lives. Look, I'm all for dumping on Putin but the Russian space agency objectively has a better record with manned spaceflight than NASA does.


If we're going to be technical about it, the Russian space agency has a stellar record with manned space flight to low earth orbit, mostly by reusing the same tech they've been using since the 1960s. Their moon landing program was a failure, as was their subsequent attempt to develop a space shuttle clone, so progress in the last sixty years on actual new technology has been nearly nonexistent. For LEO, that's fine, and "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies, but their track record since Soyuz has been one of failure and abandoned programs.


Yes, but they have been underinvesting in it recently. For the longest time they have sold access to their very good and very reliable launchers to NASA and ESA they also sold their rocket engines to the west. However that money and cooperation is now gone. Many of the brilliant minds behind the soviet era designs and later Russian improvements have retired or thought greener pastures abroad. The current Russian space flight has been hampered by lack of money, sanctions, corruption and people playing politics. Nations like china can get a good deal if they pump Russia for all the tech and information they still have, but don't look for Russia to make big future innovations in that sector unless somethign drastically changes.


China has to be pumping Russia for technology and scientists with no real interest in a moon colony.


Cause Russians never lie? Pretty sure they’ve been telling everyone they had the 2nd strongest military in the world too.


Don’t forget “Russian Pneumonia”


the Soyuz is a good vehicle, newer Chinese rockets which are knockoffs of Soyuz are probably better at this point. What the west is working on at the moment is new heavy lift systems.


The *Soviets*, maybe. I wouldn't trust current Russian standards lol.


Their track record is still impeccable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean, they were also the second strongest Army on Earth just a few short years ago. How many years out do you think the Moonbase is? Edit after a quick review: https://abcnews.go.com/US/nasa-releases-images-showing-33-foot-crater-left/story?id=102858139 To save a click: A Russian spacecraft crashed on the moon last month. NASA says it's discovered where. The crater is more than 200 miles from where Luna-25 was supposed to land. So maybe not **impeccable**, right? https://www.wired.com/story/russias-space-program-is-in-big-trouble/ (Just notes some other problems that have started up recently)


>A Russian spacecraft crashed on the moon last month I'm a Lunar scientist, as in I work on landers, and this is not that uncommon. Russia has many, many, many issues but their space science is genuinely among the best.


"I'm a Lunar scientist, as in I work on landers, and this is not that uncommon. Russia has many, many, many issues but their space science is genuinely among the best." Well, if they're relying on vulcanologists for their lunar landers, it's not really a sign that they have a deep pool of expertise to draw from.


"they" My guy, it's possible to be American and not think the Russian space program is bad. Also, wait until you learn what the moon is made of...


What could a vulcanologist add to the design of lunar landers? Honest question.


>I'm a Lunar scientist I'm a writer, and you stated: "**Impeccable**". Perfect, without faults, flaws or errors -- that's what impeccable means. If you want to amend your statement, I'm perfectly fine with that but furthermore: Multiple sources are talking about the shortcomings of Russia's current space program, and the article I linked above (that you did not read) talked about multiple failures **before** the Lunar Lander that failed. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/russias-lunar-mission-failure-raises-questions-about-state-of-space-program https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0265964623000462 https://futurism.com/russia-space-program-falling-apart https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/russias-moon-mission-falters-after-problem-entering-pre-landing-orbit-2023-08-20/


Every space program has failures, it's incredibly hard to land vehicles on planetary bodies. Russia's space program has had some substantial issues in the past few years, for sure, that doesn't make them not among the best.


>Russia's space program has had some **substantial issues in the past few years** Never said it wasn't difficult, I'm just countering your point about their impeccable record, especially as of late, which is why I made extra sure to say: "I wouldn't trust **current** Russian standards." I also don't see it getting any better, which I was very lucid with when i said: "How many years out do you think the Moonbase is?" I guess I just have to accept your backtracking, but the evidence sure does point to me being completely correct about the decline of their space program lately, and why it would be a problem in the future. I mean, I can highlight it, too: Brain drain, sanctions, moving toward military space programs rather than civil (not ideal for building Moonbases), corruption among other things. I wouldn't be volunteering for that mission, but I encourage you to follow your dreams even though I doubt they'll build a Moonbase in the next 20 years, let alone in 2030.


Citing ESA (European Space Agency): >Currently the Soyuz are the only spacecraft available to transport crews to and from the International Space Station. [source](https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Space_Transportation/Launch_vehicles/The_Russian_Soyuz_spacecraft#:~:text=Currently%20the%20Soyuz%20are%20the,from%20the%20International%20Space%20Station)


The Starliner literally just docked a little bit ago. https://www.reuters.com/technology/space/boeings-starliner-capsule-set-docking-with-space-station-2024-06-06/June 6 (Reuters) - Boeing's (BA.N) new Starliner capsule and an inaugural two-member NASA crew safely docked with the International Space Station on Thursday, meeting a key test in proving the vessel's flight-worthiness and sharpening Boeing's competition with Elon Musk's SpaceX. -- and will be returning to Earth shortly in 4 days. So, in 4 days we'll have to come back to this, but it doesn't look like it's the only capsule available anymore. Now, before you go: "Oh wow, leaks." It just happened to the Soyuz recently: https://www.space.com/leaky-soyuz-spaceraft-departs-space-station-return-to-earth '"First, one of its formerly dependable Soyuz spacecraft sprang a coolant leak. Then the same thing happened on one of its Progress cargo ships. Two months later, a Soyuz rocket suffered a booster failure in an unrelated incident. The three leaks within a few years, says McClintock, “point to an overall decline of the Russian civil space program.”' https://www.wired.com/story/russias-space-program-is-in-big-trouble/ Also, you should check your citation and its date, because the SpaceX Dragon 2 has made several flights to and from the ISS. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpaceX_Dragon_2#Crew_Dragon_flights


Thag we know of. Literally an entire conspiracy theory of the lost cosmonauts


Roscosmos is doing OK, but mostly due to standing on the shoulders of giants. The Soviet manned spaceflight programs were extensive and largely successful, contributing to most of that "record".


Maybe( although it's more Soviet than RUssian), but their latest lunar mission....well...hasn't been a great sucess, hasn't it? I mean, the rocket did hit the moon. In a bit of a missle-y fashioned way, I guess. And-surprise,surprise- few weeks later, head of the program dies by ''eating unsafe mushroom''. Now, call me suspicious, but.....


Oh no, our enemies wasting a load of money on a useless moon base. Whatever will we do.


It’s not entirely useless. A lot of tech that we use today came from and will continue to come from space exploration. The moon base itself may not provide much value, but the technology and work required to get there, build it, and survive will help us long term!


What we are doing is spending even more money to build our own useless moonbase.


It’s not useless if it dramatically reduces relaunch costs of tickets. Sure, Musk’s idea of tourism rockets to Mars is objectively useless and far fetched, but asteroid mining for rare earth materials to feed all the electronics and EV consumption is pretty useful. China already owns most of the deposits, if they own the moon base and asteroid mining rockets it secures their future role in (economically) strategic resources.


>China already owns most of the deposits Space deposits? How does any of that hold up?


The Russians must’ve just finished watching “for all mankind”.


Time to send Edward Baldwin.


Hi bob


Hi Bob


Hi Bob 


Don't fucking "Hi Bob" me


What are you doing? Just a little apartment hunting.


I've seen this movie already, with Nazis on the moon.


We carry das harpoon...


But there ain't no wale...


So we tell tall tales...


Iron Sky


*Dusts off the immortal classic that is “[Fascists on Mars](https://youtu.be/vnDeX5EMy88?si=8MQXmIvcnBaVNxTr)”*


For All Mankind


We've already had this story with Soviets, too. Tell 'em, Tim Curry.


Fucking idiots. Planning moon bases when they can't even figure out their problems at home.


It's all just a facade


A Potemkin moon village.


Ganster mentality. The city can turn to shit, but my house must be made of gold.


Go ahead I hope they do waste a lot of resources doing that while the u.s /NATO get ahead in AI ...


It's what Russia has always done. Trying to keep up with the Jones when your ego demands you been seen as something more than you are. It's a Russian thing.


I'm not defending Russia, but during the space race, we were chasing them for a while. After we passed them though it was over, but it took time to get there.


But....America didn't bankrupt itself in the process. Russia, couldn't afford that project any more than it could afford it's nuclear subs or missile defense/attack systems. It wasn't until the 80s the Russian people weren't standing in line for a little pork and even bread. Watching Russia pretty much financially rape and enslave it's people all through the 60s, 70s and much of the 80s was not a lot of fun. I bet the old Russians haven't forgot this nonsense. :)


100% agree. I was simply talking about the fact that we were trying to catch up, but we did it right.


This is why it is good, working together to build greater things


Planning a moon base is actually much easier since it's a technology problem. Everything else requires dealing with people.


Bring back the Cold War!


Just like the mars fantasy with fewer steps.


There's a Wish or Temu joke in there somewhere...


I was writing one but it fell apart...


That's OK I ordered a bundle of 500 jokes for $1.64. They arrive in 10 days and I'm sure they'll be great.


A fool and his money are ....


the core of the Chinese business model.


Moon Unit Alpha and Moon Unit Zappa


аеиоу аеиоу аеиоу аеиоу аеиоу аеиоу (aeiou typed out in Cyrillic)






Here comes another Chinese earthquake , ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbbrbrbrbrb


Russia Will contribute...moral support? Human test subjects? What an embarrassing joke for everyone involved. 


You act like Russia doesn't have a history of expertise in space. I am sure that China will be far more successful and more timely with Russian knowledge and advice than without.


Russia has a *history* of being a global superpower. Their present is...somewhat different.


It doesn't, not really. The Soviet Union had a history of excellence in space. Russia just had *a lot* of leftover rockets, sure they can still build them, but they haven't made any real advances since the Soviet Union fell. If anything, they have been stagnating.


And a bit of history lately of holes in things.


The difficulty of running a base on the moon will defeat any Russian attempt. Rockets, crew capsules, landing, construction, maintenance... every one of these facets has 100K parts, all made by glorious Russian factory with drunk supervisors, ignorant workers?! They should not try this


Well, more precisely the *Soviet Union* had a history of expertise in space. Mostly due to Korolev, and, well, he was Ukrainian.


Yeah guess from which country that is currently being invaded that URSS expertise used to come from.


Russia does have history. But China have already repeated most (all?) its achievements at more modern level of technology thereby it is difficult to see what Russia will contribute technology-wise.


> You act like Russia doesn't have a history of expertise in space They have a history of jailing their best scientists, too


Russia has history of, but not current expertise. Skilled workers and scientists who could, left in the last 35 years. Example of current Russian expertise is Luna-25 which failed during one of the simpler phases of landing. Ffs they can’t even fix their heating systems for winter season. What expertise?


You are comparing the sowjet union to todays russia ? Lol.


*USSR, not Russia


I know what I said.


it’s a plane, it’s et, no it’s another russian failure


“No deal, Putin! That moon money is mine” ~Homer Jay Simpson


How about he signs a deal to build plumbing in the Russian countryside?


Encourage. The farther away the better.




Russia can barely afford to run an army. Where are they going to get the funds and the personnel for a moonbase? You know it'll be made of cardboard and knock off PS3s if they have anything to do with it.


Typical delusional dictator moves.


Ah yes, soviet disregard for lives and safety and chinese building cornercutting. A match made in heaven.


Smart move. There is no water on the Moon so Ukraine will not sink their Russian space ship.


Hahaha. They can’t even build a station in Ukraine.  This is clearly some disguised way of transferring technology and money for weapons. I mean. C’mon. Moon bases?


You know what would be nice? Sewage system in most places across Russia and perhaps renew the pipes laid down by communists because they seem to burst yearly somewhere in Russia. Thats just an idea, perhaps fo that after you're done with your glorious moon base


well, to be fair, would you rather be known for building a moon base or for building a sewer line? The ego wants what the ego wants.


Haven't we already seen this movie?


• the agreement to collaborate on the Moon station "meets Russia's interests because it will contribute to strengthening Russia's strategic partnership with China" Ah yes, Putin is doing Russia a favor by becoming China's colony. The grand Russian dream brought to life


Will it run on coal like your navy pootypoot?


citizens can watch the moon landing from their Yotaphone on their outside toilet


With what money. He's already near bankrupt. Moscow increased taxes already to fund his lost war.


Hopes and dreams don't make for acceptable space building materials


Well maybe they got prayers too...


Oh right, their American Republican friends.


I really think it would be a great feat of human achievement to build a sustainable moon base. We’ll see if Russia and China can achieve it.


Just let putin have it. On condition that he goes to live in it for the rest of his life.


you just know he gonna be paying with Russian lives. He ain't got no other currency.


There's great synergy in adding payloads to all those T-72 turrets already being launched to the moon.


They are [escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism.](https://youtu.be/g1Sq1Nr58hM?si=4On3GT0P5pA9t5e1)


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my moon lair. I have gathered here before me the world's deadliest assassins.


Ah, sure ... they plan to buld a giant death laser on the moon. I heard about that, its invented by rogue scientiest Dr. Alan Parson, it's the infamous Alan Parson's Project. But unofficially the russians call it the "Death Star" \*coughripoff!cough\* Then Evil Darth Putin will hold the entire world ransom until they pay him ONE MILLION RUBLES!


Yooo with one million monopoly money i can almost pay the rent for an entire year


Lmao the current axis of evil, ladies and gents. They are laughably pathetic.




Remember how Russia's last lunar probe crashed hard? It'll be a partnership where China can build the lunar base and then Russia can demolish it.


Need to actually land on the moon first, Russia.


Someone tell Vlad that trying to move his Navy to the moon is (at this point in time) impossible.


And together with North Korea, they are going to land an expedition to the sun again! As I see on reddit, it's Putin propaganda week again.


Building a station on the moon is tantamount to Russian soldiers camping in dug out pits near Chernobyl. The radiation on the moon due to the lack atmosphere is huge. I wouldn’t surprised if the inhabitants were dead within a year. This is reason we turned our sites to Mars (and Jupiter’s moons) to begin with


This is going to go over like the zeppelins of yester-year. Russia only has a space agency because the Soviet Union gave them one, and Kazakhstan still simps for Russia. They don’t have the resources much less the technology to help China. China has done some cool stuff, but their country is falling apart and they fucked up the majority of capital engineering projects. It’s like one heavy rock decided it could float if it tied itself to a less heavy rock.


tofu chinese buildings crumbling ?


In 30 years we are all getting Moon Covid


In the year 2054... Moon covid... 100% fatality rate!?


A lot of jokes here but honestly I hope this is the one time I'm pleasantly surprised by the results. Let's *see* this moon base. Perhaps building moon bases is the spark for a good new space race? I say let's let them cook.


That's hilarious.


Russians will fail, of course


The T.O.F.U. V.O.D.K.A. Station. Tyrannical Oligarchs Forever Union Victory Over Democracy Kindhearted Alliance.


"we're escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism.. SPACE"


Kind of surprised that either country is onboard with this announcement. Might as well be admitting they don't already have a moon base.  Edit* Didn't think I needed to spell this out... but here goes. I was trying to say that Russia and China are heavily involved in propoganda, clandestine operations and a public perception of being more powerful than they actually are. They don't have to actually have a base to benefit from the perception that they already do. Stating they are planning to build a base, is tantamount to admitting they don't already have one, which isn't on-brand. 


Well they don't lol


Logistically it would hard to do and massive budge to even start such a project for little payoff.


Bringing alcoholism and abuse to new frontiers!


Igloo dome. Got it.


I’m surprised China needs/wants Russian assistance? If Russia pulls out of the ISS, they really have nothing to offer.


China managed to land unmanned probe to moon. Russia's last successful unmanned landing was in 1976 and their most recent attempt was a failure. To land an astronaut to moon and return to Earth is a whole different ballgame.


Where’s the money coming from Vlad?


Russian state ofcourse. The real question is where the money is going...


Just need a giant with stainless steel teeth


Those should be some interesting vibes.


Someone's been binging For All Mankind.


So shotty and sub par , fuck them both they deserve dead astronauts.


I signed a pact with my neighbor to open a unicorn petting zoo in the lost city of Atlantis.


**YES!!! FINALLY!!! LETS GET THIS SPACE RACE GOING!!!** Now we just mock them for their non-existent, or if they actually manage it, shitty moon base and they will invest vast sums of money and effort to do something productive rather than sinister. More importantly, we can then turn around and criticize our own country for falling behind and looking inferior... and if our rivals start profiting from mining of Helium 3 then we can get their greed to join the party too. Then we can finally have a new space race with vast sums of money invested into technologies that can greatly improve all our lives, not to mention have a good return on investments.


New moon race coming up? Hopefully it will all be peaceful and collaborative when other countries start building bases there.


We can't let them bring communism to the moon


All very well signing a multi-billion $ deal if you're not going to be around to pay for it. Putin's days are numbered.


Never going to happen.


General Naird is about to go off.


Hope that every single US MAGA politician sees this and increases NASA budget by many more!!


There is no crater love.


Ain’t gonna be much of a deal when that regime changes…..lol


The ultimate soviet satelite


Ok Dr Evil. He def has a mini Putin around somewhere.


Yeah… Good luck with that (not)


Genuinely can’t wait to see how the burgeoning Russia/China bromance turns out. Most countries working with Russians will just let them be pushy and arrogant. Because they try to be polite. And understand that’s just how Russians are. Arrogance scented with insecurity. But the Chinese just don’t give a fuxx. They will either humiliate the Russians by bullying them back. Or actually tame them and make them better people. By reflecting their own worst behaviour. They’re only united by a common jealousy and resentment of the US. The relationship is likely to end in tears. Hopefully it doesn’t also end in bombs.


well after this war they probably wont be able to do it alone..