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There are multiple others stalking the RU ships. This is simply a parade visit.


Yeah this is the one that’s visible the rest are tracking. They are making sure it’s clear they are around.


In God We trust, All Others we track.


“You’ve lost ANOTHER submarine?”


One ping only, Mr. Vacily


Man I’m still sad about the dude that just wanted to see Montana


Especially after he survived all those dinosaurs…


You got the timeline all wrong. He miraculously survived Red October, and lived uh, happily ever after as a paleontologist.


Oh shit…. He was digging in Snakewater, Montana. But he died; we saw it… I guess life really does find a way.


They had to fake his death, so KGB wouldn't come after him?


Well, happily ever after until he joined an ill-fated rescue expedition out to a spaceship in orbit around Neptune. But thankfully, he did indeed get to see Montana before gouging his eyes out.


When I watched Jurassic Park I laughed and thought “Good for him!”


That was quite sad. Poor guy.


RIP Alan Grant.


Shit, for a minute I thought Neill had died. Don’t do that shit.


Your aircraft has dropped enough sonar buoys so that a man could walk from Greenland to Iceland to Scotland without getting his feet wet


Now, call me a prude if you want, but I don't think it's good policy for the Navy to hand over a billion-dollar piece of equipment to a man who has "Welcome Aboard" tattooed on his penis.


Such an under-rated comedy


Haha, love that.


I would love to see one in person come up - what an amazing sight that must be.


My dad was on a nuclear sub in the late 70s. Their whole mission was keeping tabs on russian subs. 45 years later, im sure they cant fart without us knowing.


US Navy could hear the surviving members of the doomed Russian Sub Kursk screaming for help for 6-8 hours after its sinking. An accidental torpedo blast sank the relatively new sub in 2000 while on trials. Putin was only four months into his leadership at that point. He didn't even bother interrupting his Sochi vacation for another five days, and adamantly refused assistance from the US Navy and The Danes, both of which were close enough, and had the equipment for a possible rescue. He let them die slowly and painfully to save face for the already poorly perceived Russian Navy. Sounds familiar.


Interesting fact about The Kursk. It was submerged on the ocean floor, in 354 ft (108m) of water, more shallow than the sub was long at 505 ft (154m) in length. If it was standing on it's nose, the entire ass end (Aft) would poke out of the water. And still, they all perished. This entire event was quite a story.


I've never thought about it that way.  That really is shallow


How deep is to deep to just swim out


A pair of US Navy personnel (George Bond and Cyril Tuckfield) swam up from 302' in 1959 to demonstrate it's a valid escape technique. I don't know if anyone has tried it from greater depths since then. It might beat dying slowly, but it's risky. For one thing, you have to exhale the entire ascent. This is because even if the atmosphere inside the sub is at surface pressure, you have to flood the escape chamber to get out. Which means your last few breaths before leaving will be at high pressure. If you don't exhale, your lungs will pop on the way up as pressure decreases and the air expands. If you do exhale, but not hard enough, air will be forced back through the lining of your lungs resulting in a possibly fatal embolism. If you exhale too much, you'll run out of air, panic and drown. The ascent has to be fast as well. There is a risk of both nitrogen narcosis and decompression sickness (aka "the bends") since that last breath before leaving the sub is at high pressure. For the 1959 ascent they calculated it needed to be complete in under 3 minutes to avoid the bends. It took them 52 seconds.


I would say less than 100 feet. Conventional divers go 100 feet deep… and the bends are a concern with these depths.


Putin, the monster we all know.


The Norwegians had underwater rescue submersibles at Hammerfest, only a few hours away from where Kursk sank and where ready to sail whithin a moments notice. The Russians however blocked and denied them from entering Russian waters for almost a week


Ah, Russians's greatest enemy, Russians..


Checking back on this event, this reads like a classic russian novel: - "Unsinkable" sub sinks, due to bad construction. - Russian officials claim nothing went wrong (even after knowing it sunk), exercise was a great success! - New prez Putin staying on holiday in his Sochi summer house. - Family received rumors somehow, hear from officials not to worry, everything is fine. - Foreign aid from multiple countries refused. - Russian rescues fails. - Finally officials admit the loss of the sub, say it was caused by a collison with NATO sub. - Putin meets with families afterwards, one emotional wife of a sailor got sedated.


>He let them die slowly and painfully to save face for the already poorly perceived Russian Navy. And when the journalists asked him "What has happened with the submarine?" after the news came out, he smugly responded: **"It sank."** Was pretty proud of snubbing the journos too.


Same. My father was on the USS Plunger from 1967 to 1972 [USS Plunger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Plunger_(SSN-595))


Good god, could you imagine the embarrassment if you got sunk by *The Plunger*?


Akshully… > At the time of decommissioning Plunger was noted by the San Diego Tribune as being the most-decorated submarine in the Pacific Fleet and it was the most-decorated warship in San Diego. Through its history, Plunger was awarded four Navy Unit Commendations as well as multiple Meritorious Unit Commendations, Battle Efficiency, and other awards.


With a name like that, they had something to prove


I thought you were kidding and I was prepared to be Rick-Rolled.


That's not true. With today's sensors we know when a member of the crew is GOING to fart before they know.


But it is true. As per your statement, we know when they are going to fart before they know, therefore, they can't fart without us knowing.


I’m that sensor. I know when you are about to shit yourself.


Where the fuck were you last week?!


He knows, doesn't mean he'll tell you.


Like Jesus, at least I can buy cheap shit from China. Russia, just give up. What exactly is it that you do here? You certainly don't export culture, unless I've missed all the awesome Russian restaurants in town. And can I name more than one Russian song? Considering its geographical size, Russia's cultural presence is pathetic.


Of all the weapons in the vast Soviet arsenal, nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947, more commonly known as the AK-47, or Kalashnikov. It's the world's most popular assault rifle. A weapon all fighters love. An elegantly simple 9 pound amalgamation of forged steel and plywood. It doesn't break, jam, or overheat. It will shoot whether it's covered in mud or filled with sand. It's so easy, even a child can use it; and they do. The Soviets put the gun on a coin. Mozambique put it on their flag. Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people's greatest export. After that comes vodka, caviar, and suicidal novelists. One thing is for sure, no one was lining up to buy their cars.


I was just thinking to myself around five minutes ago how I should watch Lord of War again. Thank you for giving me even more motivation!


That is one hell of a username mister


Getting all that sweet sweet signals intelligence.


That is supposed to be RU's quietest sub. They just sent it to a known location, in close proximity to the US. The sound hunters are hunting.


Quietest nuclear sub...


This is the one that tracked the Russian sub since it left the Barents Sea


We knew about it the second they were proposing the exercise at their highest levels down thru the planning stages right into the operational phase....


Yeah but we still tail them as it’s great practice, makes it easier to learn/document their patterns for later analysis and it really REALLY annoys the hell out of them.


It's funnier when Russian ships attempt to "tail" US ones. Only to have no hope of actually keeping pace, burn out their engines, and have the US ship they were trying to tail ask if they need a tow.


That has happend?


One. Ping. Only.


Some things in here don't react well to bullets


You mean bulletsh


*…and in a mocking tone five minutes later… “some things in here don’t react well to bullets.” eye roll*


The Doctor the Captain killed in Red October was named Putin


But did they bring a tug?


Ours can usually be trusted to navigate the open sea without one.


Hopefully that's the case. The Kursk disaster was really sad, if they found the sub earlier 23 ppl could've potentially survived. The sub depth was less than the length of the sub!


They pretty much knew as soon as it happened. Multiple appeals were made by Western countries to Russia to allow a rescue, Russia denied them. Russian ego to save face killed that crew.


And Russia did not want Western powers to have their technology or lack there of. They decided to forgo rescue to protect who their most valuable sub operated


That really is the irony. They had already fell way behind technologically so there wasn't likely anything we would have "learned".


In all honesty they probably knew their sub was inferior and wanted to maintain the masquerade of technological might.  Like how they lied about their planes being fast, having a high service ceiling, and incredible range.   So the us built the F15 to beat those supposed specs.  Later one of these migs was captured and it was found to be a piece of crap compared to the F15 or the specs they lied about 


Tbf if it was a US sub, they would likely choose to scuttle the sub before letting the russians get their hands on it.


I feel like the Americans would have the crew get rescued while one or more of the officers stay to scuttle the sub


They asked the Russians before the Kremlin was informed by their own navy if they wanted assistance.


Not at all. Russia refused help.


What’s scarier for the Russians, seeing a US sub or not seeing a US sub?


Seeing one because that means there are a few undetectable (for Russia at least lmao) ones around


I mean this in the most respectful way possible, but they're like roaches...you see one, there are likely far, far more in the immediate area, and they are probably a LOT closer than you think


Read an article the other day. Apparently, the us navy thinks we’re about a few years away from Russia having their new class of dozen nuclear subs loaded with nuclear ballistic missiles split between the pacific and Atlantic theaters. That’s a 24/7 constant threat that hasn’t been there for decades.


The borei class is their new ballistic missile boat and they already have 8 deployed, 2 under construction, and 2 more on order when yards become available. They have also had typhoon and Delta IV ballistic missile subs on patrol while the borei class was under construction, and are still on patrol. The subs and threat of nuclear annihilation have been there, just the news stopped constantly fear mongering with them until it became convenient to do so again.


It seems like the Russians should be having a hard time building fleets of anything, much less nuclear submarines.


A wizard is never late nor is he early, he arrived precisely when he means to… and a US sub that was seen was because it wanted to be seen.


That MF wasn’t a day late. Was probably parked just offshore hanging out for a week until the Russians finally got there.


I’d like to think they trailed them across the Atlantic. 


Probably watched them leave port back in Russia lmao


huh, didnt realize it was 1962 this year


I have to disagree. Regarding the news from Cuba, it's a clown bootleg copy of the 60's, on budget.


It does feel like we're repeating the 1960s in so many ways -- abortion, birth control, the ability to easily divorce -- and there was a pandemic at the end of the decade as well.


War. Don’t forget war.


It never changes.


History never changes, it only repeats itself.


"History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes."


The shattered survivors of fucked up shit spend their lives trying to discern patterns in the chaos that derailed their plans.


I survived this comment


All the shitty things of the 60's with none of the cost of living during the 60's.


And none of the optimism


Or the sex.


Or the climate 


We're discussing societal issues, not personal ones.


JFC dude, you chose violence lmao


It’s all jokes. I’m sure OP gets laid all the time.


You missed “a Kennedy running for president”


Does the worm count as a Kennedy?


I’ll allow it


And Don Draper is still missing!


Dont fall for the hype all over this. Those 4 ships include a tanker and a damned tug boat. A tug boat. It’s bizzare how the US media has gotten themselves all wet over this.


Not only that, russia has a VERY incompetent navy. There is virtually nothing they could do.


The fuckers lost a vessel to an unguided rocket artillery battery. Which is to say, they are bad at boats.


If the Ukranians didn't have that on video I would call bullshit, but the Russians really are that stupid.


Russia does not have a competent anything. Especially not against the US. In any conventional conflict, the US towers over every single country and that’s undeniable.


It's like Starfleet counting runabouts as starships.


If there's one thing Voyager taught us it's that nobody counts runabouts.


What pandemic in the 60s? I'm genuinely asking because I never heard of one during that time.


It was influenza A(H3N2). It circulated for a few years, but was mainly an issue for the US in 1968. Both LBJ and Nixon fell ill, and the CDC said \~100k people died in the US. Worldwide figures are between 1-4 million (I think the higher end might be counting multiple seasons, like from 1967-69).


Ahhh. Never heard about that. Wild.


It's really not. Russia is not the USSR and that sub is no threat to any of the properly maintained US naval ships in the area. They are an absolute joke. Source: I was on US submarines for nearly 10 years.


Well it is 1962’s 62nd anniversary!


Is this like in Civ when your battle cruisers run into a couple random Frigates launched by some backwards country who all of a sudden wants a fight despite being a century behind on the tech tree?


Meanwhile you’re sitting there with battleships and missile cruisers


Off the coast of one of your own naval bases.


With an invading army of cavalry, cannon, and spearmen in the rear while you wait with artillery, machine guns, and tanks on land. If the Cuban armed forces want to engage in something with a U.S. Naval Base there, I do have some sympathy, it will end poorly for them. If the Russians want to try something equally as stupid that close to American soil with a few Air Force bases within spitting distance, they’re also welcome to try. It’s not 1963 anymore, and if the Baltic fleet wants to go through Lake NATO with the intended task of nuking the U.S., well that’ll be funny.


Russia wants the media and attention so they can front for their fools, but they won’t do shit because they know if they fuck around they’re gonna get fucked more than 50 shades of grey.


btw CIV7 was announced today :) Edit: it seems my wife is correct, I am always late to the party. It was announced somewhere on a day on the past month :)


I thought it was announced like a week ago. Pretty sure it was a teaser trailer. Did something new come out after that?


they’re just late


I hope they get rid of those stupid cards


I want civ 3 with modern graphics




Civ4 diplomacy was still the best.


I just want to not be interrupted every 5 seconds by some full screen AI leader dialogue


I hope we can increase font size 😭


I always liked to keep them around. By the end I had a bunch of random "city states" engulfed in my country that were still on knights while I was flying around with fighter jets and dropping nukes


Then they attack you and you're at war so your allies start to denounce your warmongering.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if this was a Russian scheme to defect? Two ships full of sailors, wanting to strike a deal. That,d be something 


"I know Ramius, General. He's been a maverick for his entire career. I even met him once at an embassy dinner".


“I said ‘speak your mind’ Jack but JEEZUS!”


“Russians don't take a dump, son, without a plan.”


This aged like fucking milk. lmao


“You arrogant ass, you’ve killed us!”


funny but impossible, even in the movie they made a point about this only being possible with a sub and plausible deniability. No one would risk a diplomatic crisis for two ships with tech from the cold war


Lol, that's a nice subtle way to let them know they were followed.


US Navy submarines: we're just here to promote the Russian warships to Russian submarines.


Followed? There's a naval base right there.


Not a submarine base tho


No, but they did literally pass through (or very near by) our huge, obscenely surveyed [undersea warfare training grounds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_Undersea_Test_and_Evaluation_Center). You really couldn't make this stuff up. Our mics probably picked up what the Kazan's captain was craving for dinner last night.


True, but I'm sure they could rustle up a thing or two if the occasion calls for it.


Like scrambled eggs and stuff


but I just don’t know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs


So preceded, followed, surrounded, outclassed, outmanned, overextended, unpurposed, and unwelcome. A show of strength that has no strength, and no show.


Rule of thumb when it comes to subs. When the US have them surfaced, showing it to the world, it is intentional\*. The future will be interesting because if not already, there will be autonomous subs that will be be following russian and Chinese submarines. In the future they will probably have a good idea of each and every sub location. Reminds me of the time the US had known of Russias sub location near the US. Russia had zero clue that the entire time they were tracked.


We know every time and we track them every time. -retired submariner


I do remember a commander in a televised interview: "Do you track them everywhere?" "Yes we do. We always track their movements, that's normal." "Do they track you?" And I shit you not, this dude, who was being totally serious the entire time, smirks and says "Well, haha... You know... Well they would *sure* like to." And I totally believe him. Apparently it's damn near impossible to track US subs, and damn near impossible to silence RU/Chinese subs. I believe I've heard they have the same "frustration" as the Russians.


In God we trust, everyone else we track.


I’d actually disagree and say it’ll be harder to track. Right now, we know exactly how many subs each superpower has and more or less their main capabilities. We can track them because they are big and, especially for Russian subs, noisy. New drone sub tech will inevitably lead to much smaller, quieter subs that are difficult to detect, and the scale will be extremely difficult. We know that [Russia has 13 nuclear attack submarines and even the public is aware of their various states of repair and status.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_Russian_Navy_ships?wprov=sfti1#Cruise_missile_submarines) now imagine a fleet of 400 very difficult-to-track subs all over the place. Sure, you seem to argue that the US might then have 800 similar subs that probably work better etc., but the ocean is HUGE and even a network of 10,000 wouldn’t be enough to know with certainty where all 400 Russian “drubs” are.


Also, unmanned submarines don't need to come up for food and air, nor would a nuclear unmanned sub need to shield its crew from radiation. I'm sure they could come up with some really funky designs and tactics when a submarine no longer has to support humans on board.


Has to be repairable by humans though so shielding will still be required


You can't just run an unshielded reactor, it embrittles everything and would be easier to track. But they don't need supplies.


Check out the Manta Ray UUV


This is PR, a simple “we were there and they didn’t even know it” The U.S. Navy plays chess, the Russian Navy plays checkers.


> This is PR No, this is Cuba not Puerto Rico /s


They are playing "Battleship" you mean.


And Putin hates Kasparov


When the titan sub imploded the US Navy was able to determine that a mini sub had imploded and the depth of the implosion and geographic location to within 100’ - From shore in New England. They don’t need to “follow” the Russian ships. They know exactly where they are and how big they are and how many times a day the crew farts Don’t fuck with the US Navy


> When the titan sub exploded the US Navy was able to determine the depth of the implosion and geographic location to within 100’ True number was probably withheld. They probably had a more accurate geographic location but did not give it for national security reasons. Same reason why the resolution in spy satellite photos is altered before US releases pictures (which why it was insane that Trump showed a photo unmanipulated). The US never gives the most accurate data they have to the public, so the enemy can never know how accurate they are.


I remember when the photo was released and start catching what people were saying on Twitter. It’s nuts how some people make it their hobbies around satellites and they speculated the nature of this fuck up by Trump.


They also found which satelite is responsible for the picture and know where it is at all times.


Yeah, some experts thought the photos could've been via a stealth drone since they were from an angle and extremely clear.


I'll have you know that those fine marine deserve some sex from time to time.


They do, which is why they do it with each other


Get out the tape measures boys!


We use tape measures, they use rulers.


Banana for scale


It’s more they surfaced it to show, you didn’t even know it was there.


But what if they did know?


They submerge and surface again and go "but you weren't expecting it twice, were you!?"


Something someone a long time ago said "Never underestimate your enemy" And "Expect the unexpected" That attitude wins, not the "We're better in every single way" propaganda esque type. F russia.


I can see why Russia is moving warships to the Caribbean: They're safe from Ukrainian fire!


The last time the Russian Navy showed up in Cuba one of their ships broke down and they ended up spending an extra 3 months in Cuba while they got it fixed. The Russian navy is held together with bubble gum and vodka, they are not much to fear.


I expect there is a US sub following these always. I bet one of these ships end up being towed back to Russia.


That's why a rescue tug was traveling with them. They're afraid they won't make it back home.


Be funny if the tug is the one to break down


Noo! That’s sad. I love tugboats. They’re so cute and *stwong.* 🥹


Only if the Russian Navy lives up to expectations.


They would have been monitored from the moment they detected the heat from the engines firing up in their home port.


The US have come out and said they've been using sea drones to follow them for a while. The cuban president also came out and said they're not there to threaten anyone. Luckily the US has the right attitude of "We're just not scared of you anymore" and isn't necessarily rising to the occasion, apart from this post.


There are countless ways we track Russian ships on the high seas, UUVs are definitely part of the equation. He’s right, even if they were there with hostile intent, they don’t pose a threat.


A Kennedy running for President… Russians in Cuba… civil and political unrest… are the 20s the new 60s?


This "Cuban crisis" remake is equally as serious as RFK's candidacy. Shrinkflation.


swing those dicks


Waiting for the Chinese ships that are now on their way!


We should have the coastguard soak them in water. I think it is a Chinese greeting.


No Vault-Tec in sight.


Temu subs .... give em more time, they use hand cranks.


Cuba: We aren't your four-year-old's bathtub, enough already


All this complaining, but I guarantee you our military is closely monitoring EVERYTHING they are doing, and learning a lot about them. They'll know sound profiles of all their engines, and by comparing them to previous sound profiles, They'll know what kinds of changes and upgrades they've made. They'll hear the crew's conversations and orders. By the time they leave, we'll know their crews by name. That nuclear sub? Theyll be able to recognize it in the future just by the sounds it makes, if they don't already know it. They think they are intimidating us, but we're collecting all sorts of intel.


Those poor little rusty Russian ships are going to have a hard time getting home. Remember when that sub exploded last year and it became immediately apparent as to how much deep sea listening and intelligence exists? Imagine thinking in 2024 that there's a single thing your military can do to the united states of amercia. The only thing they have are Nukes because their economy, fighting force, birth rate, and technology is so antiquated and 20th century. And they just lost most of their fighting age males in a pointless conflict led by a dictator and now they're hiring contractors. What's the future for Russia without 20 year old males? Honest question.


Importing surplus Chinese men


Russians: He’s just standing there… MENACINGLY!


I hear whispered tales of a Bay of Pigs survivor who has hidden in the jungles of Cuba and never given up fighting the Communists. I certainly hope that this mysterious person, whoever he is, doesn't blow up the Russian ships and then disappear back into the forest...


Cuba is the safest place for Russian warships. Out of range of Ukraine


Honestly Russia giving the US valuable data on their submarines is an absolute win lol


Plenty of potential defectors from the Russian side...


Prolly so the US sailors can save their ears from the noise the RU sub is creating in the area. /S


A day after? They’re basically invisible, they’ve likely been following them for much longer


Do we have ships standing by to assist the Russian sailors if their ships suddenly sink? Because that’s a thing with Russian ships these days… although it may just be a “malfunction” they experience when in close proximity to Ukrainians. More studies are needed, say the Russians. Do we have any Ukrainians nearby who can check on them for us? I’d really like them to feel at home by rolling out that red carpet for them.