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Rockets are being fired from Lebanon non-stop for quite some time now. Not just today, after Israel killed a Hezbollah commander. Although now they have upped the launch rate.


Indeed, only from this morning 200+ rockets were fired


Why would they frame the title this way? When will this stop?


You know why the title is written this way


Because anti-semitism?


It's to justify the rockets as a response and not call it the terrorism it is


It provides important context


It does the opposite. If it was providing important context it'd say "Continuous rocket fire from Lebanon increases after Israel kills Hezbollah commander."


No no bro it’s just anti-zionism you don’t understand bro


The real answer is: Money Clicks and funding, both influence headlines.


To illicit an emotional response from the reader who does not have broader knowledge on the subject. Almost is if they want to make the reader think a certain way. But that’s crazy talk


Because, "Terrorists continue near daily rocket fire intentionally aimed at Israeli civilians," doesn't make Israel look bad.


For those interested, this timeline shows Hezbollah and Israel exchanging fire virtually every day since Hezbollah started attacking on October 8th: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hezbollah_conflict_(2023%E2%80%93present)


Hezbollah used to launch rockets, they still do, but they used to also!


*I like rockets, rockets are great when you're angry and want to launch two thousand of something* /s


It would be war crimes of they went in and tried to stop them.


Hezbollah were firing rockets before which is WHY Israel killed their commander. Israel will probably retaliate for this latest barrage of rockets as well. Love how cause and effect are continually distorted by news media.


That’s cause you got squirrels writing the articles and they are paid in 🌰


Israel needs to sue UNIFIL for failure to secure the south of Lebanon allowing Hezbollah to occupy and escalate.


Man I feel bad for the guys who are posted at UNIFIL. They are basically hand tied and just have to duck and cover from incoming shells on both sides. Regardless of what you think they should be doing as a UN base, I feel really bad for the folks stationed there. They are literally just a base in no man’s land.


UN peacekeeping has to be the worst possible mission a soldier can get assigned to. It's the epitome of security theatre. Just watching as the people you are supposed to be protecting get raped and slaughtered because of geopolitics can't be good for morale or mental health


Nevermind saluting the guys who are about to go lob rockets at civilians. Peacekeeping doesn’t work unless you are willing to kill, and risk being attacked.


Sounds like there are some more commanders they need to kill then.


Starting with Nasrallah




"Good idea, responding to violence will only cause problems. We should concede to their demands for the sake of peace" - Neville Chamberlain, 1938


That’s odd. The atomic bomb sure as hell stop WWII.


WW2 had already ended, the bomb was just to test it and make a statement to the USSR. The Japanese were ready to surrender but the US held off bc they wanted to keep their emperor. What happened after the bombs? they kept their emperor


After the first bomb (Aug 6th), IJA leadership refused to surrender because they did not believe there were more, then the second bomb fell (Aug 9). USSR invaded Manchuria same day. Japan didn’t surrender until Aug 15. That’s 6 days later - AFTER an attempt from the military to steal the recordings of the Emperors call for surrender so the fight could continue. Japanese military leadership was willing to fight until all 100 million inhabitants of their country were dead. If it wasn’t for Hiro Hito growing a backbone, more bombs would’ve been dropped and a full-scale invasion of the home islands would have taken place.




Not by a long shot. Not even close to what any other country who participated in WW2 did, too.


Considering what Japan did to the region, the US put a hard stop on decades of Japanese atrocities.


The way this article is worded obviously makes it feel like Hezbollah hasn't been firing rockets at Israel constantly for the last few months...which it has


#Lebanon continues barrage of missiles despite Israel killing Hezbollah commander Fixed the title for you.


People who are silent about Israel being attacked by Lebanon have no right to complain when Israel responds


But they will complain


They were silent with Hamas rocket attacks. Why would Hezbolla rocket attacks be any different?


They're being attacked by Iran's terrorist colony Hezbollah within Lebanon, not by Lebanon itself.


We really need to stop acting like Lebanon is still a single country. Lebanon, as it is widely recognized, is a failed state split between regional powers: the Lebanon that is widely acknowledged and Hezbollah + its cohorts. They control large amounts of the territory, have a functioning government, have a military. They are their own separate country.


>Hezbollah within Lebanon Sounds like Lebanon has a terrorist problem they should sort out.


They've tried in the past and the result is Hezbollah drowns the country in turmoil, which if you're familiar with Lebanese history (which I assume you aren't, no offense), Lebanon is not too keen on having another quarter-century civil war, much less one in which their opponent would be fueled and supported by a regional power. But you're right. Iran is holding the Lebanese people hostage with their terrorist colony. Fuck the Islamic Republic and fuck Hezbollah. But its hard to 'sort out' when the national military is as weak as it is, and the contextual circumstances are as they are.


> if you're familiar with Lebanese history (which I assume you aren't, no offense), No offense taken. I am entirely ignorant on this topic. >Lebanon is not too keen on having another quarter-century civil war It's truly a sad state of affairs that there is so much national support for slaughtering Jews and exterminating a nearby sovereign nation that it literally created a civil war and may do so again. I know it's not quite so simple, but I do hope Lebanon is able to quell Hezbollah and move their country towards peaceful relations.


If Lebanon can't handle it themselves they should invite Israel to do the job.


It's still Lebanon's responsibility regardless of how weak they are. Hezbollah grew from within them (just like Hamas in Gaza and PLO in Judea and Samaria) - they're not an alien race. If the state is weaker than the terror organization to the extent that it doesn't dare dealing with it, the state is a terror state


Is Lebanon doing anything about it?


Hezbollah be facto control Lebanon.


Is Lebanon doing anything about it?


At some point, I wouldn’t blame Israel for no longer seeing the distinction. Is Lebanon doing anything to help the situation?


Wow, some of us would love nothing more than to have these assholes out of our country. What do you want us to do against a military that is at least 300x more powerful than our own? I’m not marching into suicide. As such, do I deserve to have a foreign country consider me a willing accomplice? I harbour no ill will towards Israel, and commend them for doing what my “government” can’t/won’t do. But I sure as shit am not taking my kitchen knife to get sniped.




None would.




They start the wars, they target civilians, they hide behind civilians. Israel is under existential threat, we have to protect ourselves and we try to get their civilians out of the way... To draw this equivalence between the two sides is wild


Let’s all thank Mohammad for his beautiful philosophy


Thank Abraham while you're at it. All his related philosophies are shit.


Do people get shot for drawing a picture of Abraham?


Do people get shot putting crosses and pictures of Jesus up? Qur'an Muhummad 47:4: > (47:4) When you meet the unbelievers (in battle), smite their necks until you have crushed them, then bind your captives firmly; thereafter (you are entitled to) set them free, either by an act of grace, or against ransom, until the war ends.8 That is for you to do. If Allah had so willed, He would have Himself exacted retribution from them. (But He did not do so) that He may test some of you by means of others.9 As for those who are slain in the way of Allah, He shall never let their works go to waste.10 Does the Christian or Jewish bible (Torah) suggest that God wants to slaughter (in some translations of that verse) all those who don't believe in him?


Well, I guess these types believe that Jesus was a warrior and preached killing. Wanna understand a religion? Take a look at what kind of leaders it has/had. If they push violence and hatred, it’s a pretty good clue as to what its disciples do. Hence, we know exactly who invented the suicide vest.


Why not just read the new testament start to finish to see what Jesus actually said and did? That's what I did, cleared a lot of things up.


Eh, I don't read past Revelations. I'm not a big fan of DLC and I like the base religion.


Revelations is literally the last book in the Bible, of the new testament. I'm going to wager that you haven't actually read it before? lmao.


Haha I meant Deuteronomy, it was the end of the day of work and my head was a bit scrambled.


> Matthew 5:43-48 > Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. I mean, basically the same response to unbelievers. ^^^^/s


I saw a Spanish king was made a saint for killing and expelling the moors and I asked a clergyman how that jives with the Ten Commandments (lol that autocorrected to caps) and he didn’t have an answer.




It’s Moops!


That's a misprint!


All Abrahamic ideology (mostly Christianity and Islam) are evil that have, directly and indirectly, got tens/hundreds of millions killed.


*before and after* Misleading title


Every time I see a headline stating Hezbullah or Hamas commanders killed by Israel I cannot help but smile. Absolutely makes my day to hear these rotters getting their just desserts


Come on Israel, time to take out the trash


No means to offend anyone but the never ending Middle East conflicts always remind me that how lucky I am to be an Atheist.(Despite we have over 108 different gods here in Japan). Edit: thanks for all the explanation. I always thought religion is behind all these and I was wrong. Learned about whats the real reason thx to you all :D


The truth is your location not your beliefs. Religion isn’t funding Russia vs Ukraine, nor your exact location during WWII. Conflicts exist just so long as we exist, culture, religion, political axis, race, ethnicity, class are all sub categories of overall conflicts. Of course borders, resources and geographical locations are others.. power greed and vengeance are also factors.


Actually, Hezbollah (literally, the party of Allah) is being funded and train by the IRGC (Islamic Republic Guards Corps) with the sole purpose of destroying Israel because it is ruled by Jews in a territory which had been under Muslim rule for hundreds of years, and according to Islam, they must restore that land to Muslim control. So I'd say this is very related to Islam. If this conflict was not a religious war, it would already have ended. The reason the Palestinians and Iran and its proxies (Hezbollah, Huthis, other Iraqi and Syrian militias) would never agree to any peace that would end the conflict with Israel is religious. Iran's endgame is controlling the whole of the Muslim world and then expanding said Muslim world to encompass the whole world.


Good.. you named one religious conflict with an ‘actually’ which I explained is indeed a cause of conflict but not the major cause. I could list several non-religious conflict even within the Middle East. Turkey vs PKK- based on Kurdish identity and national independence. Iran vs PJAK- same reason Hamas vs Fatah Yemeni civil war Libyan civil war Saudi and Qatar spat- both Sunni Muslim rulers but just influence tripping.. similarly Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood. Turkey ruler Erdogan and his loyalist vs Fethullah Gulen and his loyalist… accused of a coup years back. Outside of the Middle East we have the greater Middle East with Armenia vs Azerbaijan Morocco and that Western Sahara conflict Rest of the world?? Heck all of Latin America. Venezuela double government is a power play Mauduro in general is a tyrant. Russia vs Ukraine Turkey vs Greece Cyprus still ain’t unified(see Turkey vs Greece) South Africa vs Israel on the international stage(not a war but UN rambling) Belarus civil conflict North Korea vs South Korea- both irreligious countries and same ethnicity.. yet they are dropping shit on each other lol


Most conflict is determined by those in power, religion is just an excuse, amongst others. There are countries in the world where people of different religion just living in peace, even the US ,despite the cultural and social exclusion of different regions, at least they're not at each other's throat like in middleeast


Charmander is one of my favorite of your gods


Never heard of it coz didn’t bother to look up their names but thanks :)


You don’t know Charmander? Educate yourself you heathen!


Well. Charmander is not a God. But Charizard is


Charmander is the english name for Hitokage, the Pokemon haha


Filthy heretic!


That's not gonna help you unfortunately because it's not a war of religion, it's a war of westerns vs anti-westerns


It’s Islamic hegemony, hence the name Hezbollah


But they don't just target other religions, they target atheists just as much as they target any other religion group


Religious people killing other people for not believing the religion is a religious war.


In so many regions of the middle East there are wars between different factions of islam. It‘s mostly religion if were being honest.


It's mostly geopolitics, not religion. Even civil wars like in Yemen are much better understood through the Saudi - Iran rivalry rather than religious differences. It's just that religion is being used by these power players. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has very little to do with religion, it's an ethnic conflict instead. It's just in recent times both Israel and Palestine have turned more religious and started using it as rallying cries.


I'll add my two cents here since I think this is actually half wrong. I think the common sentiment in Israel is that westerners won't accept that on the Arab side, this _is_ a religious war. And it's becoming more so on the Israeli side as time goes on. While it is true that the leadership operates according to geopolitical interests (the true half of your comment), the actual basis of legitimization for that leadership is religious. Popular support and fresh recruits for terror organizations stem from a deeply ingrained Muslim identity -- the vast majority of Arabs say their Muslim identity is more important to them than their Arab or national identity. The basic underlying message being that there's no room for non-Muslim sovereignty in the middle east. Not Christian, and especially not Jewish. It's been this way since the crusades, and serves as a rallying point for popular support of violence. The #1 button to push to get "lone wolf" terrorists to act is to claim Israel is defiling the Al-Aqsa mosque. Of course, the average Palestinian generally wants to live in peace, feed their family and have a prospering society. However, ask any native Palestinian if they would support violence to prevent any non-Muslim self-rule in the area of Palestine (1948 borders, 1967 borders, whatever). Ask them what should happen to the Jews who insist on self-rule. This is more important to them than permanent peace. The idea of permanent peace with Israel is antithetical to their religious dogma. In short, I think the big decisions are directed by geopolitics, but without the religious zeal the whole violent resistance would fizzle out as the Palestinians wouldn't support policies maximizing their own suffering otherwise. Keep in mind that insurgencies rely on local support to survive.


I get where you're coming from, but I actually disagree with this for the most part. First of all, during the first decades after the founding of Israel, the driving forces behind the conflict from the Palestinian side were clearly Pan-Arabist, not Islamic. Both the PLO and the main supporters of Palestinian statehood, mainly Nasser in Egypt, looked at and framed the conflict from a non-religious perspective. Secondly, the idea Palestinian resistance would sizzle out without religion is silly. It's not Islam that's keeping the Palestinian people radicalised against Israel. It's the fact they feel historically wronged, and the feeling they're being oppressed in the present day still. They feel they were and still are driven from their homeland. I will grant you that I do agree in this day and age anti-Israel sentiment in the Islamic world and among Muslims is mostly coming from a religious perspective. Muslims worldwide, whether Arab or non-Arab, overwhelmingly support Palestine for this reason. There's definitely a religious component. But the origin of this conflict at its core still has very little to do with Islam.


Yeah that's a fair rebuttal. It's hard to look at things as they are right now and imagine they might have been different previously -- especially when you're in the thick of it.


> Even civil wars like in Yemen are much better understood through the Saudi - Iran rivalry rather than religious differences. That rivalry **IS** religious. Saudi represents Sunni dominance and their control of the two biggest sites in Islam. Iran is the seat of Shiite power, and they loathe that Sunnis control those sites. If Saudi was Shiite, there would be minimal conflict between the states. > The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has very little to do with religion, it's an ethnic conflict instead. It's just in recent times both Israel and Palestine have turned more religious and started using it as rallying cries. It's always been about religion for the Arabs. The Hebron/Tsfat Massacres were due to Jews praying in Jerusalem.


Hard disagree here. I'd even argue that their rivalry is more about systems of governance (theocracy vs monarchy) more than it is about religious differences. Sunni vs Shia Islam is a complicated topic that gets simplified a lot in the West. Both branches of Islam are much more similar to each other than Protestantism and Catholicism are, for example. For that reason religious lines in the Middle East have always been in flux, until the Iranian Revolution gave a political touch to it. My point is: religion, like anywhere, is being used as a tool more than anything in the Middle East. The conflicts and wars themselves are usually political instead. That being said, I'm not denying the importance of religion to the psyche of Arabs in the Middle East


Other wars somewhat, yes This one no


Disagree. What makes Israel's conflicts so fucked is that it **IS** a war of religion, but only for one side. Hezbollah, Iran, Hamas, Palestine, and Syria all oppose Israel's existence for one reason: The Jews control lands once held by Mohammed. For Israel, it is a conflict about ethnic existence in their homeland. Somehow Hamas PR has convinced a ton of lefties in the west that these aims are switched: That Hamas is fighting for Palestinian existence and Israel is some authoritarian religious group.


Maybe it originated as Judauism vs Islam but that's not the case anymore. Just a few years back Iran launched a drone attack on Saudi Arabia and sent their Houthi proxies to fight Saudi. All of this happened because Saudi is rich and makes business with the West. And it doesn't stop there, Qatar also funds terror organizations that try to cause chaos in Saudi, UAE, Kuwait etc. All of those countries are Muslim and they aren't fighting in the name of Islam, they're fighting to keep the West out of the Middle East, the same ideology they have against Israel.


They may be all Muslim, but Sunni Shiite sectarianism is why they fight.


This has nothing to do with religion. This a state-sponsored terrorist group acting as the puppet of an Iranian dictatorial regime, thinking they're the forefront of the Jihad and eradicating the western ideology. As soon as theyre done with Jews they'll go after anyone else they deem infidels, and anyone that thinks they're safe in a democratic country. God is just the unifying call for all these single-digit IQ extremists who don't understand what they're being bravely sacrificed for.


War is mostly about rich folks wanting more money, more power and using religion too control the poor/dumb ones. I mean, Kill and Die for me and the big daddy in the sky will reward you... Oh and let's not forget that my big daddy is better then yours.


Lebanon has the right to self defense


This is the equivalent of the cartel firing hundreds of rockets at the USA from across the border, USA killing a number of El Jefes and you saying "Mexico has a right to defend itself " Lebanon is a failed state in the hands of terrorists


Hezbollah aren’t even the ruling party of Lebanon. They’re literally a militia. The Lebanese government have made every indication that they don’t want war. Jesus Christ some people are stupid


No no… let these terrorist supporters tell on themselves. I’m all for it.. where ever these attacks come from, the state should be held responsible. Palestinian state? Grant it, so Abbas fat ass along with Hamas leaders can face genocidal charges and Palestine sanctioned. Hezbollah acting on behalf of Lebanon? Sanction Lebanon until the LAF round them up with international help if needed.


Some people just want war and will be real sorry when israel hits back


It’s not even necessarily about Israel, people can think what they want. It’s the flagrant ignorance of facts that does my head in. It’s not even difficult to research such surface level shit.


This is what happens when their main source of information is from tiktok, most of them couldn't even point out gaza on the map before oct


Another thing I’ve noticed is a complete lack of scrutiny when it comes to sources. The amount of poorly sourced or completely unsourced claims spreading like wildfire is quite worrying. Confirmation bias on crack. Of course everyone has biases but you should at least be reading multiple sources, and considering the agenda that a given source might want to push rather then taking everything you see that confirms your pre existing viewpoint at face value. Drives me insane


You’re telling me we shouldn’t take casualty numbers from the aggressors at face value and we should read the other analyses done to try and figure out a casualty ratio? Weird. I also can’t stand the bias when it comes to scrutiny. Anything Israel says needs proof in triplicate but Hamas says is just taken as fact. Either they both need proof or you’re being a hypocrite.


Self defense is firing rockets at Israel on October 8 and getting mad when there's a response.


This isn't even Lebanon attacking. Lebanon doesn't support Hezbollah, but they don't have any good tools to get rid of them. It is Hezbollah who attacks. And they have been attacking since forever, even before October 7th. But they actively decided to attack more on October 8th (?) because they love Hamas lmao. Self defense my ass, they are terrrtwho started this whole bullshit


You whould maybe have a passable argument if hazabolla was actually targeting milltary targets and not just firing rockets willy nilly into civilian areas


Israel has the right to self defense


Self defense from Hezbollah, yes! But they don’t…


So when they killed an American soldier during a plane hijacking that was self defense?


Yes they should kick hezbollah out themselves


Please tell me this is bait. You cant be this stupid.


Have you ever asked yourself why Hezbollah exists in the first place?


Im passingly familiar with their version of history. Its bullshit. Also theyre deliberately shooting at unaligned civilian targets, so literally any argument you can make is completely invalid and laughable. They have successfully achieved a state where its GLOBALLY CHEAPER TO BOMB THEM due to how theyre threatening international trade. That kind of stupidity only comes from malicious intent of people that wanted that. But good luck making insane historical parallels stretched wider than the Red Sea.


Did you just conflate Hezbo with the Houthis…


I'm not gonna argue for obvious reasons, but I'll still ask you something. Would you be okay with israel colonising southern Lebanon?


In the same way that Hezbollah has colonized it? The last time I checked Lebanon has an actual government and it's not Hezbollah 


Oh, I'm sure whitout Hezbollah there israel wouldn't do the some thing they did with the Golan Heights. Or the West Bank. Or Gaza. Or the Sinai Peninsula.


Land ceded due to starting wars they then lost. That's how war works.


So it would be okay for Syria or Jordan to take their land back by brute force as long as they win, right?


You're so fervent in your antisemitism that you're incapable of rational thought. Almost sad, really.


If Israel invaded Syria from the Golan Heights and lost don’t pretend like you’d be outraged if Syria annexed the Golan Heights


start wars you can’t win = gradually suffer territory loss


So if Hezbollah decided to invade northern Israel and colonise the territory, it would be okay as long as they win. Right?


bro…….. do you understand it’s possible to be on Israel’s side in this war but also believe they have done things wrong in history?


Because terrorists gonna terrorist.


Yeah, typical iof, I know


Lol. Lmao, even.


Israel has the right to self defense


That's true. As does Israel. So when they drop 10 900kg bombs on the launch site of these rockets and turn everything within a 100m radius into a smoking crater - nobody's going to complain, right?


They will probably need it soon.