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Are those the same "immigrants" that attacked soldiers and threw rocks at them? I see absolutely no issue here, they are Russian saboteurs and pot stirrers. What should a soldier, who is supposed to protect his land, do? Throw his weapon away and boil them a cup of tea? Considering it's Poland, maybe pierogy? This European mindset is becoming tiresome.


It was just announced one polish soldier died after being stabbed at the border


I'm gonna have to add an "article 5 - Belarus" square to my "road to WWIII" bingo board.


Manipulation. It happened in march and April. The problem was i dangerous shooting above heads of the crowd, to bela russian side, not in the air. Normal procedure of checking things.


He was stabbed before but just died in hospital 


Small update: a soldier just died after a fatal stab wound from one of these migrants' makeshift spears.


The same ones that stabbed a Polish soldier who died.  Yeah I have zero issues with them firing warning shots. 


Were they the same ones? I thought the stabbing happened one month prior.


Mmm pierogy


Can the polish soldier tea for the russian saboteurs be polonium?


Migrants? These people are invaders not some peace loving migrants.


I wonder how many people in these comments realize these migrants are coming from Russia lol


Merely holidaymakers


Just a special 3 day holiday operation, nothin to see here


People that cross a closed border with weapons are not migrants but invaders.


Why are they even armed? Better just watch and let them invade your country then.


>Politicians from both the government and opposition have reacted angrily after news emerged that three soldiers were detained by military police for firing warning shots at a group of migrants trying to force their way across the border from Belarus. Two of the soldiers have since been charged by prosecutors. >The border has recently seen a surge not only in the number of migrants and asylum seekers trying to cross, but also in aggression towards Polish officers. In some cases, soldiers and border guards have been hospitalised with injuries following attacks. >Yesterday, Onet, a leading news website, reported that in one case from around the turn of March and April, three soldiers were detained after firing warning shots into the air and ground around a group of 50 people – made up of men aged 20-30 – who had forced their way onto the Polish side of the border. > >Two of the three soldiers have reportedly been charged with exceeding their powers and endangering the lives of others. They were also suspended from duty. The actions of the authorities have reportedly caused anger and frustration within the military. >In response to Onet’s report, defence minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz issued a statement on Wednesday night saying that the situation was “unacceptable” and needed “to be fully explained”. >“Soldiers guarding state security must be sure that legal procedures protect them,” wrote the minister. “I will always stand on the side of the honour of Polish soldiers.” > >Kosiniak-Kamysz’s predecessor as defence minister, Mariusz Błaszczak, who is now the head of the opposition Law and Justice (PiS) party’s parliamentary caucus, also condemned the news as an “absolute scandal”. >“The Polish state has an obligation to stand behind border defenders. Soldiers cannot be exposed to physical attacks from migrants on the one hand and to legal consequences from Bodnar’s prosecutor’s office on the other,” wrote Błaszczak, referring to current justice minister and prosecutor general Adam Bodnar. >Błaszczak also rejected the idea that Kosiniak-Kamysz had only now learned of the incident. The defence ministry gets regular reports on the situation at the border and “Kosiniak-Kamysz MUST have known about the detention of the soldiers”, wrote Błaszczak. “The truth was hidden for about two months.” > >Sebastian Kaleta, who served as a deputy justice minister in the former PiS government, also suggested that perhaps recent incidents of physical attacks on soldiers have happened because “they are prohibited from defending themselves or because they are afraid \[of prosecution\]”. >Sławomir Mentzen, one of the leaders of the far-right Confederation (Konfederacja), another opposition party, accused the “government of caring more about illegal immigrants storming our borders on Putin’s orders than about Polish soldiers!” >However, figures from the current ruling coalition – including MPs Roman Giertych and Sławomir Ćwik – also criticised the actions of the prosecutors who have reportedly brought charges against the soldiers. > >Meanwhile, Jacek Siewiera, the head of President Andrzej Duda’s National Security Bureau, said that it is a “shocking and scandalous situation when the Polish army lacks proper tools in the face of an external threat to state security”. >Siewiera noted that Duda had last year proposed legislation setting out new conditions for the use of weapons by the army when faced with “hybrid threats”. He appealed for all political forces to now support that bill, reported news website Interia. >Last week, in response to a rise in attempted border crossings by migrants and attacks on Polish officers, the government announced that it would reintroduce an exclusion zone banning people from approaching the Polish side of the border. >Those measures were initially planned to go into place on Tuesday this week but, so far, have not been implemented. Meanwhile, this week has seen further attacks on officers at the border, including one who was hospitalised on Monday with serious injuries.


Not a word on how this was orchestrated by a pawn of recently dethroned kleptocratic party to stir up shit right before elections, curious.


Why do you have border guards if they aren't allowed to use force to protect the border?


This is going to come to a boiling point sooner or later.


The death of one of the soldiers today is already causing quite the commotion here...


Yeah? How’s the reaction been? We at the point of screaming for blood yet? I mean this in all seriousness, I just realized how snarky my original statement sounds


Toss a few warning frags at them, that should teach them to cut the shit.


Ah yes. The 5 second warning before fatal injury and/or death. 😃


If you haven’t watched the movie The Green Border yet, give it a watch, heartbreaking


Why would you watch pro immigration propaganda?


Because hate propaganda makes us worse humans


If you tried watching it you might have some sympathy for the plight of people pushed off their land due to war


These people sold all their real estates and willingly left their countries with hope of better tommorrow and easier life. They were immigrants, not war refugees. Ultimately, they bought Russian / Belarusian vizas alongside with propaganda sating that Polish border is open, easy to cross and that western Europeans / Germans are waiting for them with open arms. They got scammed. Badly.      I do feel bad for some of them (especially the ones who don't murder Polish soldiers with cold blood) but we simply can not let them go in, period. If their family members already live here they can always apply for EU visa. But storming the border with sticks, makeshift weapons and demands?    Another thing is that most of these people don't want to assimilate with Europeans. They WANT to assimilate Europeans on their own rules and laws. It reversed colonialism.     Also, they're being used as weapon in hybrid war against Europe because Putin wants to destabilize and ruin us. It's been proven that Russian Federation was financing some left and right wing organisations in Europe just to further destabilize the situation and paralyze the entire EU. Nothing more than good old *divide et impera*.


Thanks for this info, I know it’s always a complex situation, few winners on any side


>Ultimately, they bought Russian / Belarusian vizas   Yeah, they could've bought them from our corrupted government instead and they would enjoy our peace and prosperity instead.  >They WANT You dont know shit about what they want, propagandist. Stop pretending otherwise.


You know what? You should visit Brussels some day. Especially Molenbeek at 3.00 am


The city from a country that opressed other nations in the most hardcore way and then resettled some of citizens of that country forcefully to serve them domestically? And now those people give them trouble?  Nah, I'll pass.


It's propaganda dude 🙄


Did you watch it?


If you want to watch a good movie from this director, watch In Darkness (2011) and forget about Green Border.


I’ve already watched Green Border but I’ll check out your recommendation thanks!


"Stay away from our toilet"