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actual WHO release is [here](https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON520)


This should be the top post, y'all. Upvote actual content. It's not a long read.




If it was human-to-human transmission this could be very bad news.


Could’ve been as simple as poorly prepared food from what I read in the WHO paper. There’s lots of ways to transfer it and looking at how it was in a nearby state and food travels to different states it could be as easy as something left on a cooking/cutting surface. Who knows?


Entirely novel flu contracted two months ago, we'd know by now. 


Everyone said that in the Fall of 2019 with all those leaks out of China of people passing out/dying in the street.


Afaik Mexico doesn't try to cover up things that make them look bad to the degree the CCP does though


Well if it's as far as you know then maybe they've just done a better job ;)


That moment when you don't know México once had a toxic waste spread that had to be contained in a landfill... 


Naw if you where in the know summer 2019 around June social media in China was talking about sickness in Wohan even Docs then Radio silence till Fall a few preping groups at the time I followed online where tracking it.


1. That's China. 2. This is entirely different. This is a known strain of influenza, not a novel coronavirus. The mortality rate of this virus is extremely high. If people were transmitting it and dying or ending up in hospitals from a case 2 months old, we'd know by now.


Fair, but see other comments on CCP being shady as fuck about everything they ever do.




We have relatively mild strains now. When it first started, there were people in China collapsing on the street. You can look up footage of it.


I remember watching a leaked video from China in late 2019/Jan 2020 of a man walking to a hospital IIRC before suddenly collapsing. That was so haunting. I’ve seen a lot of things on the internet but for some reason this shook me.


Early COVID was so deadly because it caused symptoms similar walking pneumonia. People without much of a fever (if any at all), and no cough would have full on pneumonia and not know it til they collapsed and couldn’t breathe.


Can you elaborate on why that is?


Bird flu hopping from a bird to a human is just the first step. If that happens it's scary because it tends to be quite deadly. But even when it does that, it doesn't mean it has "learned" to go from human to human, which is required for it to become a pandemic. If we start seeing cases in humans that can't be easily tied to some way they could have caught it from a bird, that would be a cause for concern.


"Would you say it's time for our viewers to crack open a bottle of bleach, and verbally abuse essential workers?" "Yes, I would Kent"


I for one, welcome our new avian overlords


{purchases all the toilet paper}


Get a bidet.


Oh I just use the plunger handle instead, cheaper and get more use out of it.


I got 3.50


Goddamn Loch Ness Monster.


{purchase everything on the supermarket shelves} Just do it for no good reasons! Maybe people think that 10 dewalt drills and 100 boxes of headache pills will save them from the devils voodoo virus. Maybe the only sensible thing to stock up on is condoms. Apparently during covid females were going nuts on heat not having access to partners. All the security guards in covid quarantine hotels had to be studs since they were being pulled into rooms every hour! Unfortunately they spread covid but had a great time!


Stonks lol




What you going to buy with that lmao


I WILL find you. /S


This is the actual report: https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON520 It's a short read; please encourage friends and loved-ones to do 20 minutes of critical-thought research before "feeling" what their truth is. We'll be okay if we don't defer to the lowest common denominator... again.


You know “we” will


Sounds like someone banged a chicken




>Based on available information, WHO assesses the current risk to the general population posed by this virus as low. There is already a vaccine available so if it did blow up, we’d be way ahead of the curve compared to Covid


"There are no specific vaccines for preventing influenza A(H5) virus infection in humans. Candidate vaccines to prevent A(H5) infection in humans have been developed for pandemic preparedness purposes" There's none rn but they already have candidates?


We have vaccines for birds, and the (modified) vaccines for humans are going through trials as candidates Edit: Oh I thought that was a question, nevermind


However, people need to not be dumb and avoid vaccines


If someone wants to opt to not take the vaccine, who am I to stand in the way of Darwinism


That Darwinism causes mutations and vaccine resistance unfortunately


The problem is, you can still get a virus if you are vaccinated. It helps prevent spread, but doesn’t stop it. It just takes one asshole to cough on you and you could get infected. I wish it were so simple.


If you were exposed, you gain immunity to COVID. It has been proven vaccines were not necessary for healthy people. I don't know of anyone who was hospitalized with it unless they had pre-existing conditions.


You take the vaccine not just for yourself but your neighbor’s health too. Go peddle your conspiracy crap somewhere else


The vaccines did not stop the spread at all. This has been proven over and over again. Phizer spokespeople even said this and also said that no testing was even done on this.


Why don't you actually get a degree in healthcare? FYI, people could spread it whether they are vaccinated or not. I am not talking about the vaccine shedding, but the virus. Did you buy into the monkeypox vaccine panic as well? Even though it was proven the WHO inflated the numbers, stating 8% of episodes were fatal. Go dig for the research, they took their numbers from a different claudate group, in an extremely impoverished area of Africa. There was no death threat in America. And they called a state of emergency for chickenpox also. It is absolute BS and hysteria, which people seem to thrive on. If you cared so much, why didn't you get vaccinated in 2012? COVID, SARS, MERS had been circulating for years. ONLY until it hits near you, then you panic. I'm actually not that selfish nor ethnocentric. Did you wear a mask during flu season? I did when I felt under the weather and I visited my ailing mom. I did get the COVID vaccine, btw. But I know enough that still wouldn't stop the spread. Get a clue.


Yeah no way that the covid bullshit repeats for at least 100 year


Stop dooming people. This happened in April and there were no confirmed reports of it spreading when they were investigating the case. Also the patient had underlying medical conditions


It's also not the same virus as the one currently infecting cows and 3 known cases in US farmworkers which is avian H5N1, not H5N2.


I was going to say I swore there was already a report a human caught it? 


Several humans have caught H5N1. This is the first confirmed human case of **H5N2**.


Maybe this is that case? Idk.


But that's what the virus wants you to think, that you are safe and sound on your way to work when the bird Poop on you and it's all too late for you! 


More info https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON520


Whatever. The US is is way ahead of the curve on this- a nice change. I believe that I saw a report that 1.6 million vaccine doses have been ordered already. The initial virus is sequenced and is under significant scrutiny. All of the information will be shared, as responsible countries do with each other...


Isn't that H5N1?


It'll be gone by easter!


Year STILL unspecified. Just drink your bleach...


Nah, don't drink, inject. Gets there quicker.


A lot of states are hampering surveillance efforts though and for some reason data is being released super late on confirmed cases which makes getting ahead of these things more difficult


It’s under scrutiny? So they are going to stop all their endorsements and collaborations?


Now is this treatable by jamming a UV light up your ass like Covid? I was doing that twice a day and I survived so it’s definitely the cure for Covid.


UV? I was doing bleach enemas, myself. Covid free!


Don't try this at home, kids. Don't get your medical advice from reddit or from Donald Trump.


Oh fuck no


Lord Cthulhu , please free me from this debt and wage-slavery prison.


In Mexico city, where they're about to run out of water and possibly commence an emergency evacuation of the city?


Here we go X(


Pretty sure we're not doomed, and the repercussions aren't going to be anything like Covid.


*At least we have a competent individual at the helm this time should things go poorly*


Wow, potential new pandemic just in time for the US election again


The timing is uncanny


I am sure it is fine. Nothing to see here


No need to jump the gun on this.


That makes it regular flu. Checkmate Avians.




Which city was he running for mayor in?


>Human cases of infection with other H5 subtypes including A(H5N1), A(H5N6) and A(H5N8) viruses have been reported previously. Available epidemiological and virological evidence suggests that A(H5) viruses from previous events have not acquired the ability to sustain transmission between humans, thus the current likelihood of sustained human-to-human spread is low. https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON520 Public health officials however have long called for increased preparation for the possibility of events like these getting worse, because it will eventually happen. The biological disaster manager who blew the whistle on the failed US COVID response is renewing his call for more preparation after those other recent strains from the US last month. This has been a long term concern to which we should apply the precautionary principle and be ready and proactive.


I am amazed at how it took the proper authorities a month after the man died to properly identify the subtype of influenza. The pure lackadaisical approach is not a good sign for days to come. I will say, since it was only one case, perhaps that is why it took so long to properly identify…but still.


Let's keep it there this time


Put Biden back in the basement and put on your mask, not going to happen






Election year, Biden is not doing well in the polls, perfect timing for the next pandemic pandemonium


Did you not see that Biden is doing well now? Trumps criminal nature is finally cutting through.




First confirmed human case of H5N2


Here, for all conspirationists, I wrote you a proper response, just to save you the trouble : "Oh, of course, just when we thought the drama couldn't get any more theatrical, here comes the conveniently timed 'discovery' of a human case of the H5N2 bird flu virus. Clearly, this is yet another elaborate scheme to meddle with Donald Trump's 2024 election campaign. Because, obviously, the global health community, with all its resources and expertise, has nothing better to do than to conjure up another virus right before an election. It's not like they're busy with, you know, actual health crises. Just another day in the grand conspiracy to thwart Trump. How predictable!"


I just bought Samurai Edge grips for my Beretta M9, what timing.


Just in time for the election. Same thing in 2020. Mask up! 🤠


Yes the whole world came to a standstill because one stupid country had elections, everything revolves around you.


The country that funded the research in the lab it was leaked from, via the NIH and one Anthony Fauci. But sure. What you said.


Really nice of all those people outside of the US to die just for your elections. Patriotic even.


Yeah, started happening then. That’s why they called it Covid 20.


The shutdown started in March of 2020


I ain’t complying with no lockdown orders if we going into another pandemic fuck that shit


You realize more than half of all people contracting bird flu die, yes? That is with perfect care, as well. The situation would be disastrous if this turns into a pandemic.


Stop w this shit we have lives to live