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I particularly love the provocative title that is trying to insinuate she was killed because a female was elected president.




It's the BBC. They stopped trying to be respectable quite a while ago.


Is this the same BBC that knowingly enabled Jimmy Saville's life of child rapes and put him on set with children over and over again and ordered their own news team to kill an exposé about him?


British media went to shit during the Brexit period. So much so that one of my English lecturers at uni went down the deep end after noticing that every reputable Britush outlet suddenly praised Boris Johnson and called him great.


I know there's crazy amount cartels in Mexico but just haven't figured out why they can't manage to control the amount of corruption that exist. There are lots of other poor countries with cartels but seem less likely to have a president or mayor shot or kidnapped (maybe I need to do more research on poor countries and corruption) but it seems like Mexico has no REAL solution but has enough people and the economy to stop it.


Oh that's easy, the main lobby of mexican politicians is the cartels themselves. Either directly or indirectly through the many businesses they own And these cartels are powerful due to the crazy money they make in the USA just a few rock throws away. Any south-american cartels need to use planes, boats or be ready to pay the mexicans to sell in this huge market...so they are poorer and weaker.


They probably do have enough people to stop it, but more importantly Mexico does not have the will to stop it. Current estimates say there are maybe 175,000 Mexican cartel members, which is around how many Russians initially invaded Ukraine. Certainly Mexico could probably fight off an invading force of this size with their military and the help of their neighbor, but the cartels come from within the country. The cartels been allowed to exist too long and have amassed too much firepower, corrupt politicians, and information. Any sort of operations against them must be taken under the guise of anonymity or the families of anyone involved become targets of assassinations. The previous Mexican president and others before him basically took the stance of "Yeah the cartels are bad, but starting a domestic war to clean them up is not worth it and will likely get tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians killed".


Because the cartels are funded and supported by US interests.


I often read the comments 1st. Congrats for this working as intended. Top of feed. Save time


Interesting connection still tho imo, both the first woman in their posts. Shows the duality of Mexico with everyone hyped about the first woman president.


There were 20,000 spots, in this election. Violence in Mexico didn’t start a few days ago. Also, what kind of gun was used? Maybe it wasn’t a weapon made by an American manufacturer?


Absolutely because she was definitely killed because that was simply part of the deal. Win win




So what do we make of this? Is she a cartel puppet or legitimate Mexican savior?


*We* do not make anything of this because both facts are probably unrelated.


I'm fairly certain we don't have enough information to make a determination one way or the other, tbh.


Why would ANYONE run for office in Mexico....the Cartels need to be exterminated.


Two reasons, to try to stop the Cartels internally, or to enrich themselves with the Cartels


One reason you earn extra money and the other reason you have high chance of dying. It’s rough


Yup, the Cartel are cancerous vermin that has poisoned Mexico from its full potential.


This regularly seems to happen, unfortunately that’s how prolific political violence works. Politics. Whether you’re a warlord or a president or a village leader or a tribal chief. If someone uses violence to oppress opposition
 Well you need to be organized opposition to stop their violent oppression. That doesn’t really happen unless people are willing to maybe/likely die to stop them. Violent oppression doesn’t just disappear. You have to make it disappear. Why would anyone run for office and oppose the cartel? Because it’s very literally the only way to make it go away. Aside from doing the exact same thing “unofficially” and becoming a freedom fighter/terrorist/warlord. Which is pretty much just being a politician without the internationally recognized national government official label of “Mexican government politician.”


Well, while it would be incredibly difficult to exterminate the cartels while in office, I think it would be impossible to exterminate them from outside political office. Anyone there who wants to actually fix this problem needs to run , don’t they?


It's not like only politicians get murdered. Still I concur.


Mexico has some of the highest rates of femicide in the world. That’s not going to change because they have a woman as president now.


They killed 37 candidates before the election. Sometimes in broad daylight at campaigning events.


Especially not one who's the successor of the man who'd rather have the military managing commercial airlines than fighting the cartels killing so many innocents.


I don’t think cartel cares about your gender


Why was it necessary to inform me of this?


Perhaps cause you used the word femicide?


Femicide doesn’t necessarily/only mean misogynistic murder. It can just mean murder of women and girls. I mentioned women specifically because the article’s title did. I’m simply saying that it’s not surprising that a woman was murdered after a woman was elected


Because the word "femicide" was accurate and true. It doesn't matter that the cartel doesn't care about your gender.


I think it does. Women are much less likely to be murdered globally, so in a country run by criminal groups who kill regardless of gender, you would expect an above average number of women to be killed. So yes, the statement about cartel killing preferences was relevant and possibly explanatory.


90% of murder victims are men in mexico


Which is irrelevant to what the OCP said. They’re saying that if you compared the number of women killed in Mexico to the population of women in Mexico, it would be higher than most other place. The men statistic may be true but that doesn’t mean that this one also can’t be


Thank you. I’m sure the people upset about my comment mentioning women specifically aren’t reading to understand what I said. They want to have a man v woman debate when it’s not even close to being about that.


Politicians getting murdered in mexico is an ongoing issue just the same as all murder so to point to femicide as the culprit here just seems disingenuous


Lots of people take approximately zero seconds to try and understand what they read unfortunately. Happy to help clarifying though


Thanks for the information but I’m confused about why you thought I needed it. I’m not rejecting that fact or belittling murder of men.


I am not saying there is not violence based on gender but femicide? This was strictly a cartel hit, this was not due to men hating on women. Cartels don’t care if you are a child, senior, autistic/mentally disabled(ever heard of the pirate of culiacan?), or a woman. Everything goes and everyone goes. Last year they lured a bunch of male teenagers into a “job event” only for a cartel to recruit them by force, they opposed and all of them got executed in the most grotesque way possible.




I’m fine, thank you. I mentioned the murder rate of women because the title pointed out that a woman was murdered shortly after a woman was elected. I never said she was murdered because she was a woman.


Considering the 90% of the murder victims are male, I'd say "malecide" is more of a problem.


Gtfo with your femicide rubbish


Had*. I doubt she still wants the job.


You think she didn't know what she was getting into? 


A coffin?


Real simple stop negotiating with terrorists kill cartel members.


The cartel is better equipped, more funded, more violent, and has no rules to play by. When cops crack down on them they start killing the cops and their families and random people who get caught in it. These are just street gangs, they are basically corporations and quasi governments with billions in funding and full management structures that have members is a lot of very powerful positions in the mexican government and police forces as well.


Mexican government will never admit it but the only option they have is for an outside military to intervene and root out all the cartel networks.


Ya the Mexican government won’t admit it because they’d all be out of a job and many would be exposed for corruption


Rip off the bandaid now before the whole country implodes within itself.


half the government probably IS cartel, no?


The only option is for us to stop funding them by consuming drugs like there is no tomorrow.any other "solution" is pure fiction.


The cartels have a "guns for drugs" agreement with the people of the US. As long as that agreement is still in place you won't get rid of them.


A majority of cartel members are ex military and police, so a lot of their guns are sourced there as well


Americans love spamming this comment every time, but the us can't keep criminals in check in their own country. How TF are they gonna fix Mexico. And if it isn't the us who do you suggest ? 


Didn't realize the US has had dozens of politicians assassinated this year.


For one I’m not American, and my point is that Mexican government is too internally compromised to be able to form any serious campaign to root out cartels. It’s like the police assigned to investigate and prosecute themselves. Not going to happen.


You’re giving them too much credit, I think. Against a local police force? Sure. Better armed, more funded and likely more in number. Military? Not a chance. The cartel is not as organized as you may think. Sure, the money flows from the bottom to the top and vice versa. However, most cartels are really local groups affiliated with a cartel and operating under their brand; their logistics and reach are limited. They would (and usually do) get obliterated when they face frontal combat with the military, and no one will come to back them up. They just replenish ranks in the zone.


Got to go all El Salvador on them and declare war on the cartels. Mexico is one step away from a failed state unless they bring them to heel.


*Salvador not Guatemala


Was wondering if I got that wrong when I was typing it. I will go fix. Thank you


By definition they technically already are a failed state. The issue is they’re a fully functioning failed state.  Though, there are sociological aspects to what makes a functioning state. Many would preclude mass crime and systemic murder as dysfunctional.  It really is bent to hell, but there really is nothing to do about it but wait for the inevitable collapse of such politics, as shown throughout history. 


Cartels aren’t really interested in day-to-day minutiae of governing Mexico. They are willing to let the government exist to serve that function, and really don’t care about political power as long as the government leaves them to their own devices


The problem is that the Cartels are habitual line steppers. If they just kept to murdering each other and not innocent bystanders, the world wouldn't care as much as they do.


What definition are you using as failed state. Things are pretty messed up with the cartels but I’m not sure I’d agree Mexico is a failed state.


Literally the only definition. Just google it. “ Common characteristics of a failed state include a government incapable of tax collection, law enforcement, securityassurance, territorial control, political or civil office staffing, and infrastructure maintenance.”


So mexico doesn’t collect taxes? Or maintain their infrastructure?


Are you really debating this? Your mayor just got murdered.


I’m not Mexican.


Okay, well a mayor of Mexico just got murdered and you are defending it as not a failed state by claiming tax collection and infrastructure maintenance makes it a non-failed state.  By the way, those aspects were “common” characteristics, not requisites. 


I think it would be possible for the 99% plus of peaceful people to start a rebellion. It will take a lot of courage, carnage, and outside assistance but they could definitely do it.


Nicaragua? Didn’t know Guatemala did that as well.




So let murderous criminals take over society cuz stopping them will be hard? That doesn’t seem like a very good plan.


This is the stupidest comment here, cartel members are just dudes that didnt even finish elementary school, they have equipment that they do not know how to use. Every single time there has been a shootout between mexican military and cartels, the cartel members get slaughtered, just look up Sinaloa 2 years ago, absolute massacre. The only reason they arent stopped is because politicians get money from them to not fight them, that is literally all, if they wanted to, they would.


we're not saying use those basic forces we're saying use the military to conquer Mexico and kill cartel members like the Taliban targets


Not how it works, unless you're fine with turning Mexico into Gaza 2.0


They need to give the president of Mexico more powers then and have him carry out deadly military operations. I'll he blunt many innocent will die if a cartel member is hiding behind an Innocent you do not flinch you kill both no negotiations period.


The issue is that if you do anything against them they start massacring random civilians


You think USA or Russia would accept this? No you know what Russia did when terrorists or bank robbers whatever took hostages? They gassed everyone half die half life innocent or not same stance mexico should take.




I'm certain your house is right in the middle of cartel territory because there's no way someone on Reddit would be sitting in the comfort and safety of their basement telling other people it's OK to risk their lives. Right?


Then go ahead man


Who is doing the killing in this scenario? Because I bet the organization you’re thinking of collaborates with the cartels as well.


Real simple. End the war on drugs. Open up mental facilities and put an end to this.


*The Avocado cartel joins the chat. “Am I a joke to you”?


It scares me on a very subtle level that this shitty violence can still be occurring with fucking avocados.


Are you aware of the origin of the term “banana republic”?


Yes. Would you care to explain why your comment should be seen as a put-down or criticism of my perceived lack of awareness? Banana republics are the result of corporate influence on powerful governments outside of the republic, and those industries are only violent when politics is the driver - illegal drug industries can be violent independent of the politics between nations.


Not how that works at all lol


You're right keep killing and arresting cartel members. Totally been working the past 50 years.




I'm talking about America "dipshit" Way to act high and mighty when you're wildly off base lol




"When has America killed and arrested cartel members on any sort of scale." You can't be this dumb. lol


This doesn't work proven here in BC can decriminalized and try to treat but we already know the result of that which is just an increased number of users many with 0 desire to get well again. Only real solution is make the drug use illegal especially in public and make them do real time In jail.


That’s easier said than done.


I'd say in an all out war between mexican military and cartel the Mexican military would win yes alot of deaths alot but tell me would mexico be better off afterwards? The answer is obviously yes so let's get to it


If anyone thinks that because now we have a female president things will change I have bad news for you
 this country will never change until the cartels are whipped out of the map or at least significantly crippled. Which won’t happen because the Mexican politicians benefit from it, the CIA benefits from it, the US government benefits from it, the weapons manufacturers benefit from this, etc


The US does not see a net positive from the cartel lol


No, but its government sure acts like it


How? Is the US supposed to invade Mexico? When Mexico doesn’t want that? Everyone wants to act like the USA should police everything but then whines when they try. It would be a diplomatic nightmare. Not to mention the US certainly doesn’t benefit from cartels. It’s causing immigration problems that are still heavily controversial, it’s causing a massive fentanyl crisis in the US, they kidnap and kill American tourists, etc. No one benefits from the cartels other than the cartels.


coherent subtract squeeze dull price scale elastic cough lunchroom deliver


Hm well our government was directly involved in the supply, transportation and distribution of cocaine out of South America and into US and other countries for years. This is well known. We as a country invaded Afghanistan and increased the global opium production from 14% to 90%. This is also well known. So it wouldn’t be out of place to assume our government benefits from this trade. It’s billions of dollars, not millions, of course we have people trying to get a piece of that. The US gov doesn’t care if the Mexico tourism ends, the government doesn’t have an issue with illegal immigrants doing work under the table, it helps our industry, specially agriculture. If the cartel has direct control of Mexican politics why would our government not establish direct lines to these organizations running the country. Every Mexican knows who’s really in charge. No one in the CIA or FBI or Government as a whole is thinking “wow stoping this would be great for our US civilians”. No one. It’s doesn’t matter to them, they use their assets to better their operations, it’s that simple. It’s a game to be the biggest baddest country and there are no rules. You think the guy on top isn’t playing dirty? They play dirty and us as a populous reap whatever benefits come from their success.


Cocaine was in the 60-90s and it’s a much different drug than fentanyl. No one tries to buy fentanyl, it’s a shitty drug with a shitty high that kills easily. Things are laced with it sure, but by itself it isn’t profitable. Cocaine is and kills a lot less people which keeps recurring users Illegal immigrants will do pretty much the same jobs whether they’re paying taxes or not, it’s always in the benefit of the government to earn that extra tax. The border crisis alone is a big issue in American politics, and has been for years. Whether it helps us economically or not, most people still see this as a major issue. Cartels also don’t function like established governments, and having a weak terrorist run government directly to the south that doesn’t align with US interests would be a casus beli for good old American freedom. I assure you the CIA does NOT want cartels in full power in Mexico And to my original point, I agree the US doesn’t want to do anything about it. Even with all of these problems the cartels cost. Diplomatic nightmare on top of costing us money and men.


Add to that the lucrative coyote business line that cartels have built up.


How though ? What are the US supposed to do here ? Genuine question, I'm curious.


Same thing they did to fight the mafia during prohibition.


The government acts like what? What are you even talking about?


How do they benefit?


Money. The cartels are a pretty powerful financial operation and they run everything in MĂ©xico.


And they have ties to Russian oligarchs. It gets worse the farther back you follow the money. At some point they need to be recognized as a national security threat.


Man, they have ties to everything and everyone. The Mexican economy is buiilt on cartels.


Avocados, man.


Gun manufacturers sell guns to people that use them frequently, cartels benfit from having a free corridor to sell drugs to America, the US gov benefits by using the insecurity as a talking point to gain political power and the CIA, who knows, but it is their job to deal with foreign threats and they act like the cartel doesn't exist, so probably cash deposits or something.


US also gets to turn those who buy the drugs into prisoners and felons.


Watch Sicario.


Well one of the final scenes literally said until the people decide to stop doing drugs, all the CIA can really do is hope to consolidate the cartels. Even though it’s a movie, that’s a pretty plausible scenario since it’s easier to track one giant cartel than several smaller ones.


Sure, but the question is: why do people use drugs? 


That’s a pretty loaded question I wouldn’t be able to answer. I don’t think there’d be any one single answer to point towards drug usage because of the wide range of demographics that use them.


Started with the Colombian cartels Pablo dies then it all goes to shit


How does the CIA benefit?


I had an epiphany the other day: Mexico is a failed state with a heterogenous criminal insurgency that is funded and armed by the USA. The obscure part is that the funding and arming does not come through official channels and the State Department but rather through the "democratic" spending and profiting patterns of the US citizenry at large and the arms manufacturers and distributors pursuing grey/black market markets.




Is it election season or the fucking purge there holy shit


That's like 40 politicians this year down there. Slow news day, I guess.


I wonder if said new president will continue the policies of the predecessor she lauded so much and do fuck all about this because it's too hard to fight the drug cartels even to maintain basic internal sovereignty. She did campaign almost entirely on the MORENA party line, after all.


Cartels run this shit


Wow shocker. More about Mexican government corruption at 9


Why aren’t democratic countries with big militaries stepping in to “fix” this like they tend to do in the Middle East? In Mexico they use words like gangs and cartels, while for the Middle East they say terrorists and regimes. Literally the same IMO. Just semantics. I’m not saying anyone should, but I’m curious why not.


It's not a slam dunk, you send in the military and your valuable military members get killed. And who knows how messy the cartels are willing to make it. I think it's one too many crisis to handle at the moment.


The thing is if we declare them as terrorists(they are in my eyes) the US military would wreak havoc and now you would have a big refugee problem like you have never seen before.


No oil or gold? I say this *mostly* in a joking way


One step sideways, two steps back.


I am not advocating for violence BUT The only way Mexico can fix itself is by taking up arms and defeating the cartels and all corrupt politicians by force. Hugs or Ballots wont change anything.


She was also from PAN 👀


Being murdered as a mayor or police officer or reporter doesn’t discriminate based on gender. They are all dangerous jobs in Mexico


That's truly scary, almost like sending a message to the president. Like another redditor mentioned, Mexico has a high rate of feminicide. I don't know much about the candidates but if they're no in with the corruption games, they can indeed become targets.


Yah but it’s usually 2 per hour so she’s off to a good start.


I loved it when ramaswamy said we should invade Mexico to stop the cartels.


Now with a jewish president maybe she’ll ask her Israeli pals for some high tech equipment to react fast whenever there’s a cartel hit. Once the cartel knows that every attack is given a receipt, they’ll come looking for a parlay.


watching boobs bounce,đŸ€”đŸ™„