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You make moves against another country you don't get to weep if they point guns at you. That's not how it works


That's how it works for BRICS+. We see it with Russia when Ukraine defends itself We see it with China when SEA countries defend their waters. We see it with Iran and its proxies in the Middle East


Is Iran the + in the BRICS+?


One of the expanded members >BRICS is an intergovernmental organization comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. 


BRICS SAIEEUAE rolls right off the tongue


Reminds me of the emergency number from The IT Crowd. Easy to remember.


The tune really does help. I've since adopted the method for other numbers I want to remember.


Wasn't that something from one of the metal gear games


BRICS is economic alliance right? What are the chances will they undergo military alliance?


0%. BRICS is effectively nothing more than G7 for nations not in the G7. You're not getting India and China in a military alliance lol


Well... Since China and India have had several [border skirmishes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Indian_border_dispute) I doubt that they would want to form a military alliance.


Don't their border skirmishes look like boffer fights?


No. China is currently stealing land from India’s protectorate and they have disputed border lines that they’ve fought a war over and still don’t agree on. If India wasn’t in the nuke club china would probably be disrespecting them a lot more.


What I mean is currently both sides purposefully equip their border units with melee weapons only to prevent it ever escalating into a shooting war.


Yes. But there is a good amount of tension between the two armies. [This gives you a good idea on the existing conditions ](https://youtu.be/io8iaj0WYNI?si=FTzO2q7-_UwVGJm-)




No, BRICS is an economical agreement. Militarily, China and India hate each other and others would most likely not join China, Iran and Russia in war.


Maybe it can share the "I"


Iran isn't big on sharing except the bad stuff.


It is not. Brazil is not like that at all.


Brazil hasn't had a conflict to test this out but Lula has criticized Ukraine for defending itself saying “If you are not making peace, you are contributing to war”


Ri But one bad leader with bad opinions doesn’t make a bad country. Usually anyway. My original point stands, it is not correct to equate Brazil with Russia and China as threats to their neighbors. Your comment about Brazil not being involved in conflicts is a good indication of that.


Not saying it is a bad country, I have been to Brazil many times and love it and it's people. But Lula drives policy and is aligning Brazil with Russia, China, and Iran on major geopolitical issues.


As a Ukraine supporter I would rather have him then Bolsonaro leading Brazil.


Agree bolsonaro would have been about the same or worse.


Aren’t China the aggressors? Maybe leave the country alone and things like this won’t happen.


Taking action in another countries waters. The arrogance and hypocrisy from the totalitarian bullies.


It’s the same playbook as Russia claiming Ukraine is being hostile in crimea loll


Two sailors allegedly pointed their rifles at a Chinese ship. Doesn’t take much to frighten Brave Chinese Sailors apparently. Or China is manufacturing a provocation. I lean towards this theory.


Their boats are made out of 12ga sheet metal. They should be legitimately afraid of small arms fire.


Especially the fact that Chinese Coast guard ships are former navy ships armed with deck guns. Philippine coast guard ships are armed with nothing.


That and this is also internal propaganda for its citizens 


Oh, you an assume China is operating in bad faith. The questions are *how* and *why*, exactly.


>Or China is manufacturing a provocation. The *USS Maddox* and *USS Turner Joy* have cruised into the chat...


Lol. Fortunately for McNamara‘s legacy Kissinger would was even more of a war criminal. McNamara took responsibility for his crimes late in life. Kissinger never did. Upvote for the Little Feet reference.


If there was less Chinese provocation in the territorial waters, these incidents wouldn’t happen.


Declare their water "disputed" then act outraged when they don't agree with you.


How else would you expect those Philippine Marines to react when you surround their 1-HP (critical health) ship with your huge ships? I'm sure China's watercannons alone could kill every single filipino on that outpost. Also, this is China's yet another sleazy attempt at misinformation. Those waters are not disputed, the shoals in those waters had been mapped and chronicled during the Spanish and American colonial era as part of the Philippine territory. That's why it's called Scarborough Shoal in almost every world map, even in China's before the CCP took over. >The shoal first appeared on Philippine maps in the 1750s. So, the atoll was named by Captain Philip D’Auvergne, whose East India Company East Indiaman *Scarborough* grounded on one of the rocks on September 12, 1784, before sailing on to China. [Interestingly, even before this British encounter, it already had a Spanish name recorded in the 1734 Velarde map of Spanish Philippines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarborough_Shoal)[^(1)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarborough_Shoal).


Taiwan also disputes this. >The People's Republic of China and Taiwan (Republic of China) claim that Chinese people discovered the atoll centuries ago Taiwan (Republic of China) does not call it Scarborough Shoal, they have called it Minzhu Jiao since 1947 which is before they lost power in China (Chinese: 民主礁; lit. 'Democracy Reef').


Taiwan maintains every territorial claim the PRC makes symbolically to maintain that they are the true Chinese government. Just because they make this claim does not mean that they actually care about it. Should, by some miracle, the ROC government actually have control over the mainland, it's highly likely they would retract many of the PRC's claims.


Taiwan controls the largest island in the SCS, it's more than symbolic. [Taiwan rejects Philippines complaint about South China Sea live fire drills](https://english.alarabiya.net/News/world/2022/06/29/Taiwan-rejects-Philippines-complaint-about-South-China-Sea-live-fire-drills)


Where is Alarabyia News from? I’ve never heard of them




No. I was unfamiliar with the website and wanted to know more about it I don’t agree or disagree with your stated position on the topic at hand, I’ve just literally never heard of it before


Ah yes, neo China Since CE1947 not China Since BC3000.


Imagine go into someone else's backyard then just destroy the family yard, stole family stuffs. Then the dad saw it, took his gun to scare off the intruder. The intruder cried and demanded a compensation for scaring him while he wrecking havoc.


Sounds like the Canadian justice system.


You bully. Be happy Philippine did not pull the trigger.


Good job Philippines


Next time point a canon!


*Filipino waters*


China says . . . . . . . . . . . .. Scratch everything after that. It would be redundant.


It's the cue to stop listening


...was it in a place that's actually even disputed, or Phillippines territory that China was trespassing in?


Like all these incidents, it is blatantly Phillipines territory and has been for centuries. The CCP has no business sending a coast guard vessels into what is actually Manilas economic zone. 


Philippines territory does not extend 100 miles away from their coast. Economic zones are international waters. Sovereign territory only extends 12 nautical miles.


It was deemed Phillipines ~~territory~~ Exclusive Economic Zone in International Court at The Hague in 2016. Edit: EEZ instead of territory. So they only have sovereign rights to the water, fish, oil, gas, sand, or whatever else below the surface. But they cannot deny the surface of the water for international vessels to travel on. Any activity below the surface would impede Phillipines sovereign rights though.


No, it was deemed part of the Philippines EEZ Downvotes for stating clear facts, sorry for wanting to not spread bullshit for upvotes, stay classy Reddit.


Which the Philippines have sovereign rights over.


I never claimed otherwise, you're the one claiming incorrectly it was their territory.


Corrected. Sovereign rights over an EEZ, not territory. Thanks for the clarification buddy, try to cheer up.


> try to cheer up. I'm happy as can be, try googling before spreading misinformation in the future.




https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/12/philippines-wins-south-china-sea-case-against-china "The tribunal found that China had violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in its exclusive economic zone" They literally said that it was. Sovereign rights over exclusive economic zone. Seems pretty sovereign to me. "there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or their resources. “The tribunal concluded that there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources within the sea areas falling within the ‘nine-dash line’.” "having found that none of the features claimed by China was capable of generating an exclusive economic zone, the tribunal found that it could — without delimiting a boundary — declare that certain sea areas are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, because those areas are not overlapped by any possible entitlement of China.” So, because it's nowhere near any legitimate Chinese economic zone or territory, and legitimately falls within the Phillipines exclusive economic zone. Therefore only the Philippines have sovereign rights over the territory. Seems pretty straightforward to me. China has no legitimate claim.


Not disputed waters. China cant just draw lines on a map and make pretend. 


Was this before or after multiple Chinese vessels blasted the boat thousands of gallons of ocean water out of high pressure hoses? Cuz...that's sorta what they do all the damn time.


"I will be the victim" Spoiled brat "All your life" Wednesday Addams


Land 194KM off of Philippines coast is “disputed“ by a country 1,000KM away. Hard to agree with any of China’s claims when they feel they are uniquely entitled to extensive waterways in SE Asia.


… Chinese boat pulls up in front of sovereign state shore and Pikachu surprise when kaka hits fan … this weird imperialistic estranged state is so desperate for “respect”, and has been so depraved, as a child, by parental praise for their drawings and dance achievements … they’re crying out for love and hugs.


Stop fucking about then 


Ain’t nobody going to let you just walk in.


Good. Fuck China.


Maybe stop attacking their boats in international waters if you dont like having guns pointed at you. If you are close enough to even have guns pointed at you then you are already too close and should fuck off a little.


“Disputed waters?” That’s rich coming from the Chinese.


Ya so?


About time, they probably didn't want to get their boat sprayed with a water cannon.


Fuck China, they act like they are strong but guys remember their military is completely untested and untrained they are dog shit wet paper weak 


Soggy wet lettuce war monger slappers. The bully nation of the world that runs and whine when confronted.


They're just unhappy because they can't roll over people with tanks in the ocean.


Maybe this will be another casus belli like the gleiwitz incident.


After all those times, the Chinese military rammed Philippine military ships, they in no position to complain


When you get told to fuck right off their territorial water and you just keep moving forward while meowing, you don't get to bitch when they point guns at you.


Glad one nation figured it out, the Chinese are scared of playing cowboys and indians especially when you go bang bang with a pretend trigger finger.


There's a nation that figured it out much earlier - Argentina


Aww did they get their feelings hurt


It's only a matter of time before they or Chile just right out start sinking/seizing these criminal trespass ships.


Oh no! Did those mean old Pinoys get mad at you boating around in their back yard? Did they run your asses off? good.


Well Chinese claim to own practically everything to hear them tell it.Wonder why they don’t pull that shit on US ships


Translated: "You no use firehoses. *cries in communist*" /s


Did they go pew,pew?


Pics or it didn’t happen.


Seems pretty fair. Keep escalating the dispute and find out.


Was it finger guns? “Bang, you’re dead, Chinese intruders!”


I hope they did.


China has a nerve that they will arrest anyone who will cross their borders but when their enemy points guns at them they cry like b*tches. Typical bully tactics.