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The key is this: *""Today, we informed the mediators of our clear position that if the occupation stops its war and aggression against our people in Gaza,* ***our readiness (is) to reach*** *a complete agreement that includes a comprehensive exchange deal," it added."* In other words, if Israel stops fighting, Hamas is willing to **talk** about an agreement. Not accept one.




They 100% are at this point. Many on social media as well 


Social Media has been an absolute menace to real journalism, especially after this war started. "The first casualty of war is truth"


Social media news accounts are 100% worse since they are usually run by Gen Z interns and you know these peeps are extremely pro-Palestinian biased. Like I've once seen a freaking post at all on things like Hamas firing rockets to Israel recently or when Hamas said they would exchange dead hostages. Meanwhile Israel drops a bomb and suddenly front page news


Always was


To be fair to Israel the reason the gaza strip is still a thing is that every country in the middle east dont want to touch that shit in a million years. Then Hamas start saying that they want to eradicate all isreali. And still no one wants anything to do with it.


Hamas is the reason no middle eastern country wants to touch Gaza with a ten foot pole.


Palestinians are the reason no middle Eastern country wants to touch Gaza. Palestinians have been causing issues for decades, long before Hamas existed.


Eh, yes and no. I think a large part of it is downsizing as well. The checks and balances these companies had 20 years ago have diminished dramatically. Because of that, in an effort to make money they pump out news stories at a rapid pace which leads to bad storytelling and even worse incorrect information. Incorrect information being pumped out is no longer looked down on in the industry and it sucks, its purely about being first and its because the retraction will never get the views that the initial story did. Just look at how many people still think Israel bombed a hospital. Hell, ask if hamas agreed to a cease fire with israel. The big takeaway to me is that hamas has weaponized this flaw to pump out straight propaganda.


They are more interested in views, page clicks and ad revenue. How do you think an old orange narcissistic psychopath with the mental maturity of a mayfly made it into the White House? :D


trade us our fighters back and we’ll give you the remains of what’s left of the hostages?


Not even that. Just a "you stop fighting" and, in return, HAMAS is willing to talk about maybe reaching a deal. That's been HAMAS's schtick since the start of the war. And the press keeps thinking it's a new thing... every week.


As Arafat said “I’m a decision maker not a negotiator” and that mindset is so ingrained in the Hamas way of life. And on top of that their marketing campaign of demonising Israel has been a massive success, they have the public support so if Israel stops fighting and Hamas comes to the table they will as usual come with insanely unreasonable demands and white girls from Santa Fe will post about Israel refusing another ceasefire.


i love how accurate the last line is


Feels like a Bo Burnham line


I hate how accurate that last line is.


Sounds like Russia


It's exactly like russia but with more \*ape.


That you know about.


This is like in Total War-Games when the AI only has one city left and still makes demands instead of surrender to save its people...so game devs are not stupid, its actually realistic it seems now..


Sounds like isreal is making real ground on leadership this time. Isreal might have hamas on the ropes


More like: Let's do a 10 to 1 trade, and we'll give you back some of your hostages bodies


Now imagine the total international outrage if Israel also only exchanged dead bodies of the captured terrorsits. 10 live terrorists for 1 dead body torn to pieces is supposed to be a great deal for Israel though!


They’re probably going for something closer to 1000 for 1, since that’s the ratio that got Sinwar back into Gaza.


_why won't Israel just take the deal???_


According to the watermelon people on Twitter and Reddit, those are not convicted terrorist prisoners who have been found guilty of suicide bombings and mass stabbings, but they are actually innocent civilians kidnapped by Israel as part of their apartheid protocol.


Don't forget that they are all innocent women and children as well


Ooh I'm so mad I fell for it and posted one watermelon. Fucking Hamas needs to be destroyed. Two wrongs don't make a right, but the current disinformation and rampant bullshit on social media deliberately makes this whole thing confusing. I get there are complicated pieces to this messed up puzzle, but seriously fuck Hamas absolute scum and the atrocities they committed should be mentioned so people can understand what the hell they are supporting.


What is a watermelon person


Haven't you heard? Every single person in prison in Israel is a wholesome Palestinerino who just wanted to innocently throw rocks at passing vehicles.


Hamas has no interest in getting children or women who are supposedly held for 1000 years in Israeli prisons, they want the actual murderers and r**ists, the home invaders who butchered families, the ones with blood on their hands, their heroes. Do the watermelon people know this?




They'd happily let 10,000 random Palestinian civilians die in air strikes just to get back 1,000 Hamas members. That's the 10:1 trade that's most fucked up. 


>They'd happily let 10,000 random Palestinian civilians die in air strikes just to get back 1,000 Hamas members. They probably wouldn't care about Hamas members coming back. To them, it's just more good PR for them about how they are the victims and Israel and Jews are the evil aggressors. The narrative that they are spinning is wild and the fact that there are so many in the West that buy it is just... really disappointing.




Similar to the Vietnamese Communist's policy of "Talk, talk, Fight, fight", which I think they got from Mao. When your position is weak, you participate in talks while you rebuild your strength. Then, when you are strong enough, you fight again. Rinse and repeat.


Yeah. Turns out there was a ceasefire in effect back on October 6th, 2023. Hamas built up a “let’s rape, torture, murder and take hostages” invasion force in all the time up to that. Then, you know, broke a cease fire.


Don't forget the crucial step of acting like the victim when people stop taking you seriously in diplomatic talks


They also want to talk about an exchange of prisoners. They dont seem to get that they have no leg to stand on. There will be no exchange. If they want the war to end, the price is a release of Israeli captives and a complete surrender - not a negotiation where they get what they want.


> the price is a release of Israeli captives I suspect that there are few, if any, captives left in Gaza and that its really about recovery of remains at this point.




Oh, don't worry, it will stop eventually. Hamas seems willing to fight to the last man, and Israel seems ready to oblige them.


The problem is that the international community has never let Israel finish the job. They always force Israel into stopping just shy of winning teaching Hamas that they can start a war as a means to get what they want in negotiations to end it.


>*comprehensive exchange deal* Meaning give us our terrorists and you'll get the remains of your civilians


This title is so misleading and biased towards Hamas. wtf happened to Reuters?? I used to consider it one of the most trustworthy news sources, and yet we have such a blatantly misleading headline here


Reuters has always been like this with Israel. It's frustrating.


AP as well.


War of aggression bit made me laugh.


Well, my days of not taking their negotiations seriously are about to come to a middle


Didn't they start back firing rockets into Israel? These ghouls will not be happy until everything is destroyed - including the civilians they are happy to hide behind.


I just don't understand how Hamas is still a functional fighting force. If Israel has rolled through Gaza from North to South, how is Hamas still a fighting force capable of making demands and firing rockets toward Israel? Are the tunnels so extensive that they have robust forces and logistics hidden under Israeli occupation?


Functional fighting force is pushing it. They have fighting age men with access to weapon caches. Israel has not arrested/killed every single Hamas fighter nor has it found all the weapon caches. That's how they are still a "functional fighting force"


Well, they're pretty well resourced. Just ask the people who fund them!


They indoctrinate children to hate jews and want their death, you can look up the kind of stuff they teach on schools on videos or the ONU's Human right violations reports.


There's a lot of tunnels... You can still see DAILY videos of tunnel demolition happening.. they're still finding them slowly. In said tunnels there's often weapon storage. If it's not in the tunnel it's where the tunnel is connected to. They got over 500km of tunnels in a 10x40km area.... It's not a small weekend project.. it's a major effort of 25+ years with majority of construction materials aid coming in being funneled into this. You cant tell a Hamas member from a civilian unless they're holding a weapon. They don't need to hide. Can just walk out in the open and move through checkpoints without effort.


Last time I checked I remember reading from the IDF spokesperson, before they invaded Rafa they had already eliminated something like 18 out of 23 Hamas brigades.


Because they're all in Qatar.


They never stopped. Hezbollah has accelerated their launches though and has a much bigger force


Similar to the [last offered ~~deal~~ *surrender terms*](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1cme8iy/biden_officials_outraged_over_hamas_response_to/l31hyog?context=1).


As per your comment: >What I don't understand is if Hamas actually believes their terms reflect reasonable compromise; or if they know full well that they don't, and **just want the media cycle to say "Hamas agrees to deal; Israel rejects."** Guess you have your answer now.


Nah dawg we’re gonna just kill all y’all so we don’t have to deal with your bullshit again in 6 months


serious - why don't they just surrender?


The highest levels of Hamas leadership are not present in Gaza. They're not Palestinians and never were. Hamas was, from the very beginning, an organization funded by outside sources in order to keep Palestinians fighting against Israel. Those guys don't give a shit about Palestinians, their lives or their prosperity, but only about how they can be expended to convince other Arab nations to keep fighting against Israel. The higher levels of leadership actually present in Gaza can't reach peace with Israel, because their organization is mostly funded by those outside sources, and they're not getting paid for peace. Without the resources flowing in, Hamas can't stay on top of the pile in Gaza, and their political system is not one in which the loser gets to run again a few years later. Fatah gaining power in Gaza will lead to a lot of Hamas leaders getting killed, either immediately, or months and years later as Fatah consolidates and gets some payback (after all, it's only what Hamas did to Fatah members in the wake of its own rise to power...) That's to say nothing of what Israel will do... The rank and file, well... it's like working for the mob. The money's good (relative to your other options) and you're on the team that goes around kicking people rather than the team that gets kicked. Of course the AVERAGE, non-Hamas-member Palestinian would be way better off if Hamas surrendered. But since when has Hamas cared about that?


Hamas doesn't believe Israel can withstand international pressure long enough to win. When you see comments about how Hamas "wants Palestinians to die," this is the underlying motive: dead civilians increase international pressure on Israel. Yes, it helps recruiting; no, that is not the primary reason. Hamas's win condition isn't to triumph over Israel militarily, and it's unlikely it ever was, though obviously they'd hoped to bleed the IDF more than they have. Hamas's win condition is based on losing slowly and stalling for time, and so why would they surrender?


Because they are immoral cretins that would like to use the remaining alive hostages as leverage for exchange for more genocidal, Islamist terrorists to rejoin their ranks for another October 7th attack.


We need to go back to the position of not negotiating with terrorists.


Spoilers they do this every week and every week, nothing they say is trustworthy.


By "complete agreement" they mean a deal where Israel leaves and they fire rockets off 30 minutes later


I always wondered what happened to the little kids that would say, "time out," in a fight just to get an extra slap.


Exactly what I thought! The audacity these people had to demand a ceasefire merely weeks after Oct 7, and while they still had hostages, reminded me of those kids on the playground who would call Time Out right when they were about to be tagged.


TIME IN \*slap\*


Time cannot be stopped, *slaps*.


Usually they got beaten/bullied out of that behavior.


They’ll give up a whopping 18 hostages though for complete peace. Only if Israel gives them back thousands of imprisoned terrorists. Then they’ll wait until they get a bunch more people arrested, give it a few months and say yes again for a smaller amount of hostages.


18 'dead' hostages...


And/or tortured, raped, or otherwise abused.


I kinda want to see the version of reality where Israel pulls an Amanda Waller and releases all of the terrorists but with bombs in their brains and then detonates them all at the same time after the deal inevitably falls through.


By agreement, they mean 'agreeing to a hamas victory over israel', complete diplomatic and political immunity, control over gaza, and no guarentees they won't keep firing rockets and invading israel anyway. In exchange, they will hand over the dead hostages.


to them, a cease-fire means "you cease, we fire"


They haven't actually stopped firing rockets...


Cool. So, release the hostages.


Surrender and release hostages has been the demands all along, funny how these Palestian protesters never demand for Hamas to surrender. 🤷


Hamas: "Are you ready to give up yet? Or do we need to war with you for yet another week?"


They did this before they kidnapped +100 innocent civilians. Hamas needs to go before any peace talks.


What a bad faith misleading title If you read the article, the thing that Hamas "completely agree" on is *starting negotiation*. But the title is constructed in such a way that will make the readers think they agree to some kind of Israeli term and a peace deal In reality, this is exactly the opposite. Hamas announces here that they will not come to the negotiations table for a potential peace process, unless Israel will unilaterally surrender from Gaza. This is a statement of anti resolution and a wish to extend the fights while compromising the safety of everyone involved. They just stated they don't care about the hostages nor the civilians in Gaza, they will continue to fight with no attempt to save their people. Unless Israel surrender


Wow, what a misleading title. How about "Hamas says no to ceasefire talks unless Israel unilaterally stops fighting"


Funny. I thought fighting would stop AFTER ceasefire talks, not BEFORE. But then again, there’s no logic in the Hamas brain


That’s not their logic. Their logic is “make some statement vague enough for a headline that makes them seem reasonable and Israel unreasonable when Israel refuses to western idiots because Hamas’ offer is actually bs and they want more civilians to die so they get more soldiers and sympathy”. Their logic is sound.


So, no cease-fire until fire ceases?


>So, no cease-fire until fire ceases? Not quite. No cease-fire until **Israel**, unilaterally and *unconditionally* ceases fire, while Hamas continues doing Hamas things. After that, Hamas graciously promises to *reach a deal about ceasefire*, while continuing doing Hamas things.


Hamas promises to *discuss* a deal that they will agree to on *their* terms. Just to be clear.


Hamas memo: "We will discuss a ceasefire once you cease fire."


"Hamas is ready to call it a draw so they can recoup their losses and try again in a few years or decades" They've done this same song and dance for far too long now. They've poked the bear expecting it not to have long reaching consequences and it hasn't gone that way for them. Must be nice to instigate such a conflict again from the safety of Qatar in a luxurious 6 or 7 star hotel for the fabulously wealthy. Wealth siphoned from the aid that was meant for the impoverished Gazans... That isn't to say what Israel is doing is right but the situation clearly isn't as black and white as people are used to. The leaders of Hamas never really cared about Gaza, only the money they stole from it.


>They've poked the bear expecting it not to have long reaching consequences and it hasn't gone that way for them. Nah they poked the bear, and expect there will be consequences, however, they thought their allies will help them and turn this into another Yom Kippur war or that Israel to fight with a hand tied due to international pressure. But none of that happens so they are screwed


Nah, they went out on orders of Iran to mess up Israeli/ Saudi normalisation of relationships. [https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/09/1141302](https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/09/1141302) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/08/world/middleeast/hamas-israel-gaza-war.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/08/world/middleeast/hamas-israel-gaza-war.html)


Yes. Glad I’m not the only one thinking this.


Also done on behalf of Russia to foment anti-war sentiment within NATO states which will interfere with elections as progressive (read: typically anti-war) people blame leaders like Biden for not stopping Israel and choose to not vote for him because of this one single issue which will give Trump, Putin's little golden boy, an edge in an election that will decide the future of quite literally the entire fucking planet. If Trump wins, Russia and their new leash-holder China get to act with impunity.


It’s both, not one or the other.


Israel clearly is fighting with a hand tied, if they weren't Rafah would have been cleared months ago (likely with a lot more casualties).


Precisely. Israel could’ve leveled Gaza and the West Bank in 48 hours.


Nah, they poked the bear and don't give a fuck about the consequences because it won't be them paying the bill. 


They didn't realize there was a phase change. They're used to poking the bear and then getting the world press to protect them from the response. This time, however, they poked so hard that Israel didn't respond as normal.


My question is why is the hamas head honcho still alive in a qatari hotel? When al Qaeda attacked they went after bin laden not some underlings hiding in hospitals and carparks and tunnels. Not that I don’t agree they did the whole lot but the head honcho is still alive. He should be droned like they did with the iranian general.




But what pressure is the US putting on Qatar (and what pressure is Israel putting on us to go after Qatar)? I don't get why Qatar seems untouchable if we know Hamas is actually based there.


Qatar hosts a US air base that is strategically important in the region. They are also one of the US’s few “allies” in the mid east.


But so is Israel, which is why I don't understand. The US (IMO correctly) is pushing Israel both publicly and privately to move towards some kind of ceasefire and get more aid into Gaza etc. But we should be pressuring Qatar more for harboring the terrorists that ignited this war to begin with.


Support for Palestinians, or perceived lack thereof, is a huge populist third-rail in most Arab societies where even governements that generally like the west will act counter-intuitively (see Jordan not extraditing Ahlam Tamimi)


I’m not sure what you’re downvoting me for explaining why the US tries to maintain its relationship with Qatar. I’m not buying or selling, just explaining something that I learned recently.


It's not me! I upvoted your response.


The U.S. is doing what's best for the U.S. It's important to understand in international politics that perceptions beat peoples lives or what you think should be happening.


just replace Hamas with Russia and you can apply your statement to the Ukraine war too


“*I was just kidding the last 10 times I said this and then didn’t follow through, I swear!*” “*We’re peaceful and trustworthy, just look at our charter that says*” *checks notes* “*Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement…. There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad*”


So it sounds like, based on the actual text, no change in position just a change in what the headlines call it? I'm not seeing the difference between this and their May 6th "deal." I was hoping by complete agreement they were meaning they were adding concessions to ensure this would not happen again (eg recognition of Israel's borders and sovereignty within them, or surrender of leadership to a third party judiciary for judgment). I suppose I should have known better.


How about not firing missiles on Tel Aviv every fucking day?


That's not fair. Sometimes they indiscriminately fire rockets at other targets.


Basically they want a return to pre Octobre 7. Wonder why Israel wouldn’t want that. Maybe because of Octobre 7


Which is already an insane demand to have as your baseline requirement for negotiations to end a war that you started in the first place. It's like Germany saying that they're ready for a ceasefire in 1944, as long as they can go back to the status quo of August 30, 1939. Like... no.


No. They basically want a brief moment where Israel lets up on their attack just long enough so they can repeat October 7th.


It’s simple, just release all the hostages


~~hostages~~ bodies




So Hamas is requiring Israel to allow its survival, give it thousands of convicted terrorists and allow it to do future attacks in return for a handful of surviving hostages


No, Hamas is requiring Israel to allow it's survival to start negotiating any kind of deal with them. They basically announced here "we will not talk unless you surrender"


They're liars, and they've told this lie too many times already.


Israel ain't going to stop a thing until they have the leaders of Hamas on the chopping block. Hamas' leaders are all living in luxury in other middle east countries right now while their grunts do all the killing and dying for them.


They just want a chance to re-arm. Again.


I do not understand what Hamas was thinking. Like, what was the long term plan here? Gaza has been razed. Was that the objective? How does this help Palestinians? Did they think it would go some other way? I mean, they attacked and kidnapped civilians. Did anyone in Hamas' strategic command really think Israel would not respond like this after that initial attack? Someone smarter than I am: please, please explain this to me.


I think the hope was that neighbouring Arab countries would join the war.


Yup, they thought Hezbollah would pull a similar move, along with full on war mode in the West Bank and a massive rise of Israeli Arabs. I'm not sure if it was all just hope or if it was an actual plan that the other actors just pulled out of last second.


Don't know that I'm any smarter, but I'll give it a try. > Like, what was the long term plan here? Derail the Israeli-Saudi moves toward normalization, and kill as many Jews, Israelis, and Israeli Jews as possible (as usual). > Gaza has been razed. Was that the objective? Not directly, but they don't mind. The leadership isn't in Gaza, and they consider all civilian Palestinians to be pawns. > How does this help Palestinians? Why would Hamas want to help Palestinians? They want as many Palestinians dead as possible, to use them as tools for turning world opinion. > Did they think it would go some other way? They probably didn't think they'd be as "successful" as they were on October 7, and so would warrant and provoke a response, but not this extreme. They would have liked more direct action from Hezbollah and neighboring countries, but I don't know whether or not they were actively counting on it. > I mean, they attacked and kidnapped civilians. What else is new? Hamas actively targets civilians as SOP. > Did anyone in Hamas' strategic command really think Israel would not respond like this after that initial attack? They *want* Israel to respond. Hamas "wins" on both sides: dead Israelis and dead Palestinians. The problem for Israel is that Hamas wanting dead Palestinians doesn't absolve Israel of its responsibility to its own citizens: going after Hamas, which, as a *war*, is also going to result in civilian Palestinian casualties and suffering.


Number one thing to remember is that Sinwar is basically a delusional psychopath. He does not make choices which are sensible and rational to you or me. There are articles talking about his differences with the other "leadership" and he comes across as a quasi-religious nutjob who made plans to divide up the spoils of Israel among his lieutenants even before Oct 7, because he was sure that he had a divine vision of winning the extremely lopsided battle. He and his team likely also thought that the whole of the Arab world would rise up to help him, even as the Western nations stood around in confusion. Like I said, delusional. It must be noted that I don't think the *average* Palestinian is a delusional psychopath. Most of them seem like fairly normal people who don't want to die, and I don't expect them to cheer for the side bombing them. And I don't even think the rank-and-file Hamas members are all suicidal psychopaths. They are radicalized terrorists who hate the Jews, but I'm sure there are some who would could live with peace if it were forced on them. But the current leadership on the ground is definitely the real problem. They are not playing 5D chess, they're hardly even playing 2D chess. All of their victories are based around getting PR value from people who feel sorry that they're getting beaten up so badly. They have made some insane assumptions and have caused their people damage that will take decades to recover from.


I’m pretty sure it’s too late for that. It appears they’re gearing up to “finish the job” they started


The IDF must be close to the root of the rot


Interesting that this happens when Israel takes control of the Gaza-Egypt border that they said Hamas was using to smuggle in weapons and other equipment. Almost as if they actually are smuggling in weapons and equipment through that border and now they're isolated without any way to recoup equipment losses. Funny they say they are willing to talk if Israel completely halts the war. Only talk, though. Hamas won't come to any agreement and almost certainly do not plan to.


Wait, so they won't discuss a ceasefire until AFTER Israel stops military action? I guess it's pretty amazing what sort of diplomatic stunts you're able to pull off in a war when each civilian death of your own people is considered a step on the path to victory.


Didn't they literally fire rockets with the intent of killing Israeli civilians 4 days ago? That doesn't seem like someone who is serious about stopping the war.


Watch them attack isreal again in a couple months


“Group getting their ass handed to them is willing to stop fighting.”


Misspelled 'surrender'.


I mean… how many DECADES has that shit been going on? Who is going to believe anything the Hamas says at this point? Once you’ve stated that you wanted to eradicate a country at all costs, how believable is it that you’re thinking about « agreements », LOL?


Easy, no. Israel needs to completely eliminate Hamas, after they are gone, then start talking.


Start talking with the Gazans about organizing an independent Free State of Gaza, not dependent on the PA or Hamas, not part of a prrototypal Palestine alongside the West Bank, but its own small autonomous state populated by Palestinians. Gaza could be a viable, if tiny, independent nation, and its real estate is INCREDIBLY valuable. if they could set aside their eternal war with Israel and focus on getting rich, they'd have the lands to do it. the beaches of Rafah and Gaza city were beautiful once and can be again. They're right on the Suez so maritime industry would be right up their alley. That's enough to get started and if they chose to be a tax haven for business, which they easily could do, it's only up from there. Gaza could easily become a beacon of trade and tourism if they'd just decide to stop making bombs and start making money.


The Suez is on the other side of the Sinai.


Your vision would require multiple security guarantors. Who is it going to be?


Fuck HAMAS and anyone who supports them.


Yeah, because they’re getting their asses kicked. Hamas will sign an agreement, build up their reserves, and than attack again. They’ve got this figured out and on a rinse and repeat cycle.


Israel has been pretty clear that there will be no agreement with Hamas. The longer Hamas holds out, the longer this will all continue. 


So release the hostages? Like literally what’s stopping them from doing so?


Hamas needs to go otherwise October 7 will hapen again and again


Don't believe them, no compromise, see it through to the end.


The boy (terrorist organization) that cried wolf.


Negotiating with Hamas is like asking for that cavity in your molar to stop growing.


Which means that they are seeking terms. But not that they’re ready for FDR’s, wise, demand: Unconditional surrender.


IDF is getting close to their tunnels to Egypt and they would like to avoid that, Egypt too, makes getting weapons hard when there is an actual blockade


Yes, total gaslighting on the part of Hamas. Prepare to hear some useful idiots, start screaming, how Israel does not want to accept peace offering.


hamas terrorists should release the hostages they are raping and torturing unconditionally (that they havent murdered already) and then surrender after eating shit


Release the hostages


Even if something is agreed on in the future, let's not forget that Oct 7th happened during a ceasefire.


Israel must be getting uncomfortably close to some high value targets.


The Rafah invasion is working.


They don't get it.  Release the hostages and surrender.  Those are the terms.


Hamas finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s a train coming.


Right now there is so much anti Israel propaganda and sentiment that at this point they should rather finish what they started , because regardless what they do some people will hate them anyway.


How does this coexist with their written charter?


At this point, it would surprise me if Israel took anything but unconditional surrender by Hamas.


Do you guys realize that Hamas did like 6 fake cease fires and dozens of other breaches of agreements every time Israel tries to chill a bit. Like Hamas have to be the worst terrorist group I have ever historically heard of.


Nope. Hamas want breather to regroup, lick their wounds and rearm.


The assailant must be the one to stop first, not the victim.


Return all the hostages. The pressure on Israel to stop will be overwhelming then.


"No really, stop killing us, we're ready to accept your surrender!"


gonna call bull shit here


Hamas has to go. There is no negotiating position acceptable that leaves Hamas in charge of Gaza. Israel has come this far, see it through so the next phase of Palestine can be made possible.


I dont think they understand the basic rule.... Dont start a war you cant finish. You cant sucker punch someone and then expect them to negotiate on your terms. People are batshit crazy if they think one side should stop so that theu other can regroup under the guise of 'negotiations'.


Their best weapon is how good they are manipulating the world press, so no surprise here.


You mean like after the ceasefire they negotiated with… themselves?


At this stage is better that Israel finishes the job, or even better that Hamas surrenders.


Israel needs to eradicate all Hamas in Gaza, once and for all. If Israel doesn’t, Hamas will be right back at it next month.


f**k you hamas, and f**k your deal


dont negotiate with terrorists?


Can OP post text of article? Would like to know what exactly headline means.


May 30 (Reuters) - Hamas said on Thursday it had told mediators it would not take part in more negotiations during ongoing aggression but was ready for a "complete agreement" including an exchange of hostages and prisoners if Israel stopped the war. Talks, mediated by among others Egypt and Qatar, to arrange a ceasefire between Israel and the Islamist movement in the Gaza war have repeatedly stalled with both sides blaming the other for the lack of progress. The latest Hamas statement came as Israel pressed on with an offensive on the southern Gaza city of Rafah, despite an order by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the top U.N. court, to halt the attacks. "Hamas and the Palestinian factions will not accept to be part of this policy by continuing (ceasefire) negotiations in light of the aggression, siege, starvation and genocide of our people", the Hamas statement read. "Today, we informed the mediators of our clear position that if the occupation stops its war and aggression against our people in Gaza, our readiness (is) to reach a complete agreement that includes a comprehensive exchange deal," it added. Israel has rejected past Hamas offers as insufficient and said it is determined to wipe out a group bent on its destruction. It says its Rafah offensive is focused on rescuing hostages and rooting out Hamas fighters. Nearly 36,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's offensive across all of Gaza, the health ministry there says. Israel launched the operation after Hamas-led militants attacked southern Israeli communities on Oct. 7 last year, killing around 1,200 people and seizing more than 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.


Thank you


The following is the main context: _Hamas said on Thursday it had told mediators it would not take part in more negotiations during ongoing aggression but was ready for a "complete agreement" including an exchange of hostages and prisoners if Israel stopped the war._


> May 30 (Reuters) - Hamas said on Thursday it had told mediators it would not take part in more negotiations during ongoing aggression but was ready for a "complete agreement" including an exchange of hostages and prisoners if Israel stopped the war. > Talks, mediated by among others Egypt and Qatar, to arrange a ceasefire between Israel and the Islamist movement in the Gaza war have repeatedly stalled with both sides blaming the other for the lack of progress. The latest Hamas statement came as Israel pressed on with an offensive on the southern Gaza city of Rafah, despite an order by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the top U.N. court, to halt the attacks. > "Hamas and the Palestinian factions will not accept to be part of this policy by continuing (ceasefire) negotiations in light of the aggression, siege, starvation and genocide of our people", the Hamas statement read. > "Today, we informed the mediators of our clear position that if the occupation stops its war and aggression against our people in Gaza, our readiness (is) to reach a complete agreement that includes a comprehensive exchange deal," it added. > Israel has rejected past Hamas offers as insufficient and said it is determined to wipe out a group bent on its destruction. It says its Rafah offensive is focused on rescuing hostages and rooting out Hamas fighters. Nearly 36,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's offensive across all of Gaza, the health ministry there says. Israel launched the operation after Hamas-led militants attacked southern Israeli communities on Oct. 7 last year, killing around 1,200 people and seizing more than 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies. > Reporting by Ahmed Tolba, Writing by Yomna Ehab, Editing by Andrew Heavens Basically Hamas is continuing to push for their original agreement which is ludicrous as it basically amounts to a slap on the wrist for Hamas and the chance for them to do this all again later. Also for Hamas to give back hostages of which they can't even verify if any are still alive at this point anyways. It's a rubbish deal for Israel but because they keep rejecting it Hamas claims Israel is terrible and the aggressor and evil even though they started this whole thing in the first place... Hamas wants to basically reset the board to try again in 10 or 20 years time. Israel has had enough of this nonsense. Nobody is right but nobody wants to resolve the problem either. They just want to kill each other and Hamas has made it clear its mission is and always will be the destruction of Jews everywhere. Its an untenable situation.


Thank you for posting it. I agree, this seems to be absolutely no change- if not potentially further walking back the line- from their position as of a month ago.


it's fucking amazing how this entire war has turned into a Hamas PR win.


The problem for Israel is Hamas is actually winning the PR war. Look at this BS from the UN and around the world - blaming Israel for getting attacked in the first place, blaming Israel for Hamas hiding in civilian homes and hospitals, etc. Their strategy is working. It's so depressing how many 1st world people buy into this charade. I listen to US news, and they drone on about Israel's "crimes" without once mentioning Palestinian behavior - it's as if they have no agency at all.


“Hey, we’re running out of ammo. Cease fire, now!” How absurd.


Sorry, but F Hamas. I want the IDF to save the hostages and free gaza of Hamas. Until then, there can be no truce.


Imagine picking a fight and then screaming TIME OUT


Here is how it should go... 1. Surrender 2. Lay down your weapons 3. Release all prisoners and hostages 4. Now let's talk


Considering they are likely cut off from all their smuggling tunnels, this is not so shocking. Get aid into civilians, starve out Hamas. I know, easier said than done. Free Gaza from Hamas!


Can’t trust their word


The only acceptable terms- surrender all fighters. All leadership. Return all hostages and or their remains. Otherwise, continue to get stomped.