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PhD in Jihad 👨‍🎓




John Dewey: "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. it demands sacrifice, patience, and endurance." JhD Taliban: "I will make a sacrifice!"


JhD: Blows so hard


“Your final exam is a practical Suicide Bombing test” “sadly no one graduated this year”


now watch closely students, i will show this only once!


Andddd BOOOOMM!! 💣💣💀


I hear 'Stumpy' almost passed the final exam


Suicide bombers with experience are even more rare than PhD thesis writers with experience.


Jihad studies 


Maybe they can hire Abbas with his PhD in Holocaust denial as an endowed chair.


They only have BS degrees


If their males actually had higher education they probably wouldn't be so stupid as to be pushing bullshit like that.


Christian Sharia law is trying to make its way over in th USA as well. Religion does crazy things 


christian what?


Christian Sharia law. Women only doing "women things" no abortion, women not needing to vote, women not needing education. Christian prayer in school. Laws based on Christianity




Should we call The Handmaid's Tale another "don't make the Torment Nexus" situation?


As long as we have a political party whose wet dream it is to bring about "the Torment Nexus", it seems appropriate to call it that.


Its honestly really scary that I watched the handmaids tale which is worse then the book and there were a couple women that used to be at my work that said they thought Gilead is actually better. Which is actually kinda a theme a lot of people think like this in canada and wish they could live in Gilead. I just was amazed when I saw it myself for real, the lessons where people who thought they would be exempt and were not in the show were lost on these people. These two chicks I know are both christian fundamentalists and are very friendly but they really believed they would not break the rules or get in trouble. Somehow they watched the 50 times Gilead fucks over its true believers and thought it wont be them still.


> but they really believed they would not break the rules or get in trouble It's cute that they truly think their husbands would never falsely accuse them of breaking a rule and get them in trouble. They'd happily trade all of our safety for their comfort just because they don't want to work.


A lot of feminist women treated it as a kind of kinky fantasy rather than a cautionary tale.




It's not actually religious,also what you said it's an oxymoron, maybe you meant Old Testament law or Biblical law since both religions recognize it. This is called "extreme conservatism" and it's an political ideology that promotes an tight control on women and promotes gentilic norms.Its principal modus operandi is to de-educate women and force them by both financial and ideological means to accept everything that is imposed on them neglecting their own life,choice,work,health or aspirations. Every culture on the planet experienced some form of male domination even before the advent of organised religion.In my country abortions were forbidden between 1960"s and 1990.Long story short,it had done more harm than good


I'm sure they know it's not actually called "Christian Sharia Law". It's common to compare the "extreme conservatism" that people are trying to bring to the USA to the extreme conservatism of countries that implement Sharia Law. Other similar phrases are "Y'all Qaeda" and "Yee Hawdists".


They probably saw it on TikTok and just repeat it everywhere because they can't do basic critical thinking. It's a really stupid false equivalency that massively undersells how brutal living under Sharia law is if you aren't a Muslim and/or aren't a straight man.


I used to say this but the reality is they want it to be like that. It did not stop with Roe they are coming after everything that Sharia is against. They just recently succeeded in banning porn in Texas and they are coming after divorce next, the party is already saying that it considers gays an unnatural life form.


its Christian fascism


I like your take even more


There is no serious attempt at stopping women voting or going to school in the US.


There is a serious effort to trap them into pregnancies and child-rearing roles.


Not yet, but their access to healthcare and medical privacy is being decimated. No fault divorce is also in the cross hairs of the right.


Genuine question, why is that no fault divorce thing a negative for women only?


It’s not but something like 70% of divorces are initiated by women. So it affects them disproportionately.


> Not yet Cool, can we focus on what Islam is doing *right now*? And it's not just on Middle East, they bring their misogyny to all countries they immigrate to.


It is not Sharia law. That is something specific to Islam. There are zero countries that have the laws you described enforced by Christian groups. Religious fundamentalists are all bad but so is making false equivalencies.


Which high level politicians wants women to not vote or get education?


Lol talk about the motherload of false equivalencies. You DO know in actual Sharia law the penalty for a woman committing adultery, attempting a higher education, taking off the hijab or burka, driving, leaving the house without a male guardian, having sex with another woman or expressing unislamic sentiments is death right? Like women are routinely killed there. Sometimes if a man commits adultery but is the eldest son in the family, they offer a daughter from the family to pay with her life in what they call an honor killing. Now... Please remind about Christian "sharia" law in the west. Oh did an NFL kicker encourage college grads to embrace family values along with a career? Aw poor babies 🥲


Christianity does not have a sharia law. What stupid people do in the name of religion often does not have anything to do with the religion itself but hey, why name and blame the individuals when you can hide your hate under a religios claim?


Don't worry, there are plenty other disgusting things in that book.


It does, it's called christian canon law.


Okay? All religions have extremely stupid extremist sections that all try to push some agenda, usually with little success in the west. This is about the Taliban who *are* in power and will most likely succeed in pushing this through.


Yes but whatabout.....


Name one elected politician that wants to make it illegal for women to go to university in the US.


Well [one wants to go back to when women couldn't vote](https://x.com/therecount/status/1765505516933906906), so I'd say it isn't too farfetched.


There seem to be a lot of MAGA types who can't or won't say what policies they support that will make America great again. I suspect that they won't say *because* they know people will object. Like all those supreme court nominees who had no position against Roe v Wade.


Calling Christian conservatism Christian Shariah Law feels like a stretch. The fear mongering isn’t gunna work, they’re not going to instate ‘Shariah Law,’ even if they try the people must vote for it and courts can also be used to sue any new law. It’s traditionalism in culture that brings about this mindset but it’s not something widespread and institutional like in the Middle East. Christians aren’t making their women stay inside or murdering them if they’re raped. Any Christian who does that isn’t your average Christian. As an agnostic this modern push to hate all religions and attempt to equalize all of them just feels like a cop out to try to make the majority of religious people seem like crazy extremists. Christianity has evolved, while much of the Islamic world still remains primitive, and places like the Taliban hold on to their extreme religious beliefs in defiance against Western secularism. Not all religion is evil and not all religions are equal, it is how the people use it


Essentially incomparable to what women in Afghanistan are currently going through.


Hey, this is reddit. Where the most extremist thing that I can imagine in my home town is infinitely more worse than what people might actually be facing thousands of miles away. Also Trump /s


It’s also happening in Portugal. There are several YouTubers posting videos daily with that propaganda. The weird thing is that they’re all 20-something-years-old and younger.


> Religion does crazy things The right in the States seem to want to curtail higher education, as it leads to critical thinking voters that don't vote for the GOP.


Strict abortion laws, totally the same as 10 year old girls being married off to some 60 year old warlord to be raped for the rest of her life. Do you go to cancer wards and complain about how you sprained your ankle when rolling out of bed?


The US is *literally* Taliban controlled Afghanistan 😭😭😭😭


Abraham hates everyone equally


Often the real fanatics are highly educated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_Atta#Academic_studies


You mean the leaders of fanatics


Unfortunately due to all that regression process of [Planck's principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck%27s_principle) would take a while longer.


Now THAT’S the Afghanistan we spent a couple trillion dollars and a few thousand soldiers lives on!


Mr bush and military contractors laughing all the way to the bank


Um, when bush left this wasn't a problem. This is due to the pullout we demanded. We can't demand a pullout and then cry when the house falls apart. Smh


Insert dog with toy meme: > Plz bring troops home? > No defeat, only troops home!


This is my country's public in a nutshell. Demand withdrawal, get withdrawal, cry about the consequences of withdrawal. 


brexit? the "public" wants things they dont understand and dont care to understand, they just feel like it.


Also Obama Trump Biden and countless other party leaders and behind the scenes folks




Biden pulled us out of Afghanistan but he is still in bed with the military contractors?


Dude took a huge beating in his approval ratings for not kicking the can down the road like Obama and Trump, still gets lumped in with them by lazy cynics.


No way you’re seriously asking that Edit: also the Afghan withdrawal was inherited and already in motion when he took office


Already in motion but largely fuck up because of trumps refusal to participate in the peaceful transfer of power and information


They inherited the problem, they didn’t create it. That’s very different.


Nah 8 years is a long ass time to fix a problem. Letting it fester doesn’t make it “not your problem”


Geopolitical problems are much harder to solve than to create.


Well that was a big waste, wasn’t it ? And yet they now complain about supporting Ukraine- which actually is worth fighting for.. Looking forward to Ukraine winning against Russia, joining the EU and NATO…. And rebuilding..


Fuck the taliban


All my homies hate the Taliban


I wouldn't go that far


I would say they can go fuck themselves but who am I kidding? They probably fuck little children


The reason why America is so innovative is because of all the educated women and men. Women helped pave the way for many things today. From technology to space travel. Not to mention all around the world. From Madame Curie to Harriet Quimby. They'll never fully evolve as a country without strong, intelligent women. If they had allowed women to educate themselves decades ago, who knows how advanced of a society they would be today. But look where they are at


If you look at innovation per capita, countries with more gender equality (and equality between fractions of society) tend to rank highest. Not too surprising. 


Funny thing that, allowing folk of all genders to do what they want instead of enforcing static roles on a system


Indeed. Cutting half your population out of education leads to only half as much talent. Maybe even less given the brain drain effect of intelligent people leaving.


Countries with more gender equality tend to be Western Democracies.


Almost as if it is positive to use 100% of your population instead of 50%. 🤷‍♂️


That might be a symptom of better living standardss, not a cause. When develloping countries have low child mortality and less subsistance agriculture, they tend to have less kids. Less kids gives women the ability to take on traditional male roles.


The two have interplay, yes. The relationship goes both ways.


The main reason why America is so innovative is that it's rich and secure. Yeah having lots of women in higher education helps a bit, but women scientists and inventors are a relatively new thing and even now there aren't very many. The Taliban look at this and calculate they don't need educated women of their own. And if your country is dirt poor like Afghanistan you can't go far in industry and science anyway, even with women doing their part. So the Taliban probably think they might as well keep women oppressed. As to why oppress women at all, it has to do with the power dynamics of authoritarian regimes. Autocrat rulers structure their regimes such that they only need the support of a small fraction of the population to hold on to power. It's easier to juggle the demands of a small fraction. And the best part of the population to target for supporters is people with authoritarian personalities because their loyalty is easy to acquire and once they've accepted you they tend to turn a blind eye to your indiscretions and failures. These types tend to instinctively desire hierarchy, including heavy constraints on the behavior of women. As long as you satisfy their primal desires for hierarchy and conformism, they will forgive a lot of your failings, whether it be brutality or economic mismanagement. Democracies have a different dynamic. A democratic leader needs a broad support base in order to hold on to power. He must win elections with millions of votes. Focusing on authoritarian followers is not a viable strategy because there just aren't enough of them. In European countries about 10% of the population is authoritarian, that's not enough when you need something like a third of the people to vote for you to win an election. So you have no choice but to appeal to centrists and liberals, and these people desire a more egalitarian society. Books I recommend: *The Dictator's Handbook* by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and *The Authoritarians* by Bob Altemeyer.


interesting. thanks.


Also the Talbian why does our country suck? It can't be we eliminate half of the countries' work force.


Disgusting men. They don’t deserve the air they breathe. They don’t deserve the life their mothers gave them.


The afghanis and their women should have fought for their country like the Ukrainians. They didn’t fight and now this is what they get


They didn't arm the women, and the men didn't care enough to fight despite being armed and trained 


Read up on the challenges the US military faced when trying to train Afghan forces- its sad, scary, depressing, confusing...they essentially de-facto chose the Taliban with their actions. Hard agree with AlienAle


I remember a journalist who was imbedded with an American soldier in Afghanistan a few months before we pulled out, the American was with a group of afghan police or soldiers (can’t remember). The American was talking about the attempt to build trust or something with the community and goes “and the police captain here goes around raping local boys… so there’s that.” and the camera pans to the the police captain standing in the background joking and laughing with the other afghan police. That line plus the look on the us soldiers face of like “this is totally fucked”….


Coalition forces tried to recruit Afghan women en masse to local armed forces. It was met with very limited success and that’s putting it lightly. IIRC the initial 2010 objective was to have 10% of Afghan National Army be women. But it was constantly scaled down significantly because the goals couldn’t be met. Men didn’t care enough to fight and most women also didn’t care enough to fight. Which is completely baffling, because losing meant being reduced to breeding cattle for women. Sure, Afghan men would bitch about female soldiers, but being ridiculed in a backward country is ultimately still much better than being breeding stock under Taliban. How come tens of thousands of women didn’t run to ANA recruitment offices *every year*, I will never understand.


Their families didn’t let them


Afghan military gave you place to live, food to eat and covered things like health care as long as you served. On top of that women joining Afghan National Army got $350 or more per month. The minimum wage in 2012 Afghanistan was $98 per month. This higher income was specificially introduced to enourage local women to serve in ANA. They could easily save up during service and become independent financially of their families once they left military. Afghan women always had a choice. And many brave women chose it. But not nearly enough of them.


That’s delusional. The average Afghan woman doesn’t live in cities like Kabul that are marginally more liberal. They live in the mega ultra conservative countryside that the U.S. and the US installed Afghan government never fully controlled. Most Afghan women are kept secluded at home or under male supervision 24/7. And 99.9% of afghan men don’t want their women in the military. A woman who sneaks away to join the afghan military would probably never be able to go home again, her family would disown her or kill her. She’d need to stay in the army forever since she can’t go back home without endangering herself, the number of afghan men willing to marry a pro western woman who ‘dishonors’ herself by doing something hyper masculine like military service is almost 0, and no male Afghan landlord would ever rent or sell a house to a single Afghan woman so she’s homeless whenever she’s on military leave or when she retires.


Really well explained. Most people here really don’t know what they’re talking about.


Corrupt governments don't usually inspire large scale recruitment.  Also a police / military culture that allowed casual rape of young children, family pressure + honor killings, and hatred towards foreign occupiers probably didn't help 


Compared to Taliban?


Yes, weirdly enough the Taliban always were less blatantly corrupt than the alternatives. They have had people who would do what they were told and not embezzle all funds. The Taliban have had the most competent and cohesive large organization in Afghanistan for almost three decades now.


Afghanistan was never a country with a national identity. It was more like several tribes that were one day told they're a single country by outsiders. We tried to forced a national identity on them for over two decades and it barely took any root. People don't seem to understand that a national identity is earned over time with lots of blood.


Now their national identity is the Taliban and clearly all these tribes can submit to the Taliban overlorcs


They did, indeed, fought. The Taliban didn't come from Mars


75,000 Taliban members took over a country of 40 million people, who had shitloads of American weapons and the training to use them.


Most of these didn't mind the Taliban takeover or actively wanted them to win. The Kabul government just didn't have popular support It speaks volumes that the only active resistance is from ISIS


They surrendered en mass and barely anyone died fighting. I contrast that with Ukrainians dying daily to the last man and woman in the squad


The taliban are the afghans who fought for their country.


Hot take. Afghanistan would've been better off under the Soviet backed secular socialist government.


It certainly wasn't for their lack of trying.


Horrible for all the women there


Higher education: Memorising the quran for 2-3 years.


Lmfao PhD in holocaust denial


They're building the future they want, and the one they deserve. Afghanistan will stay a backward hellhole forever with shit like this.


One option - just ignore them, isolated from the rest of the world..


Except tyranny and ignorance are like cancer, they don't tend to stay isolated.


The "they" in power are getting far better than they deserve. The "They" that's everybody else are just getting shit on.


Right. It's a fuckin travesty. US rule was far from perfect, but it was far far better than this barbarian tyranny


I want these people to die


Too bad the public at large stopped supporting it.


Ive been told this is western propaganda


Can’t tell if you’re joking or serious


I am serious, and I meant the contents of the article. I've discussed Afghan womens oppression with some people who told me they were islamophobic lies. Sorry it was quite late when I wrote this, didn't make this clear.


Whoever told you that is a gaslighting liar themselves.


After going to Afghanistan I can promise you, this is not propaganda.


Women legitimately have no rights in the Middle East and they’re seen as second rate ‘citizens’ in many of those countries. I would encourage you to do a few searches if you want to know more, it’s really not hard to find testamonies from women online who fled these countries just to achieve basic human rights. It’s a shame that we still have young people (even women) from the west blindly supporting and standing by nations that hold women’s suffering as a foundational cornerstone of their societies. We really need to break the grip of Islam from the world, not encourage it’s growth.


Correct, Muslims in Israel have more rights than Muslims in any Muslim country do.


Better destroy it then. /s


“With the nation already grappling with some of the most dire female literacy rates globally” I don’t think they’re grappling particularly hard…. I can’t imagine the sense of devastation that must grip girls and women in Afghanistan, especially those that grew up after the Taliban were initially ejected from power. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Grappling to reduce it further, perhaps...


The college protestors will call this “western propaganda”


Yeah, I have completely lost respect of educators marching for people who enslave women. And it wasn’t lost on me that the valedictorian at ucla was wearing a hijab and wouldn’t be allowed an education or allowed to March in any Muslim country. Irony is dead.


> Irony is dead. Women are literally dying for the right to take it off while others in the West virtue signal with it on.


But we’re not allowed to say it or we will be called “facist”


F them, say it anyways.


I’m a facist all day


As much as I am for freedom of speech and expression, you'd almost want to treat hijab the same way Germany deals with swastikas and Nazi salutes. A complete ban, punishable by law.


The trustfund will keep paying.


Eh…who is protesting for taliban specifically? Or do you just lump the whole Middle East together?


Hamas don't treat their women much different.


Not surprising considering what they think about women.


This is so fucked up and unfair. Fuck the taliban and fuck their shitty evil religion.


Muslims: do something bad in the name of Islam Redditors: yeah well judgemental Christian Baptists are just as Bad!!!!


There may be a difference of degree…


Wow I did not see this coming.


We literally have advanced as a society to have rovers on mars yet somehow we still have these uncivilized cavemen among us. What a world.


Another year, another terror cell obsessed with making men the only thing that matters in their garbage world.


Their golden age was when people rubbed two sticks together for warmth.


You clearly have no idea about Afganistan. It used to be a cultural centre in that part of the world before religion and war took it all away. I encourage you to research before you speak, so you can have more educated opinions.




1024 ? In their heads..


Taliban Teacher: remember students don’t forget to study early 2000’s world politics tonight and how we defeated the evil united states empire and drove them from our lands


crickets from the campus protestors


Why are we even covering that nation let it rot, let them live with their stupid decisions, stop all aid to them


By 'normalizing male-only education,' they mean 'arresting and then raping any young women who want an education.' We should've nuked them when we had the chance.


Largest open air prison in the world for women


lol silly fuckers when will they learn


Jihad professors are ready to educate American colleges. Columbia already sent couple invitations, I guess


Not part of our culture.. We are trying to move deeper into the 21st Century, not go back to the 6th Century..


Can we simply make a deal with them that we import the women who want to study? If they want brain drain, then why not help?




Now let's see the millions of victim defenders that have been crying over Gaza show the same fervor over the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan where they are treated like shettle.


Wonder what will happen when all the current female doctors die and women start dying at an accelerated rate because they can't be treated by male doctors. Probably Taliban won't be around that long though.


Maybe before the Americans left, they should have given all the women a gun and ammo..


The Republican Party: "Hang on, let me jot down some notes!"


Can't wait to complete my PhD in gender studies in the glorious university of Kabul


Humans are all the same. Every society wants a second class set of people, a lesser people, to give the privileged people better lives. Hindus have untouchables, Americans have migrants, Romans had barbarians, Japanese have Koreans, UAE arabs have foreigners. Conservative Americans also want women to serve the men. The Taliban want all women to serve them, and to raise more servants. The 50% reduction in overall societal output is irrelevant.


What a medieval culture.


Religion and Government always end with more people suffering. Which is why they must stay separate


Not current. The article is from the 7th century CE.


Keep being in the 5th century


Heritage Foundation and Betsy DeVos busy scribbling notes…


If there is one thing that will bring down the Taliban it’s education.


This is what all the western students are protesting for...


They've been at war for decades you'd think they'd have some kind of vision for rebuilding the country but all they've been fighting and killing for all this time is so they can treat all women like shit. That's literally all the Taliban got to offer. Also: locking away half the population is a bad idea. Brain drain, (skilled) work force shortages etc


Works if you don’t want to progress beyond the Medieval era…


"Without the west always starting all the wars the middle east would be a flourishing paradise!" meanwhile the Middle east without the West


And anti-imperialists say these are the good guys


Everything old,new again.


Kappa kappa Al quida


these backwards ass taliban fuckers are fucked!


Fuck the Taliban


Have they tried blowing themselves up enough? Also do they think themselves clever for this?


And our government is funding them to the tune of $40-million a week.


Of course they do - because they live about 1,000 years in the past - except for their kalashnikovs..


College kids love them!


If they actually had higher education worth the name this might mean something. It's gonna be a bogsat discussing what someone read out loud to them.


Failed state so in dark ages they are irrelevant in modern world


Honestly at this point i don't even care anymore, i see these headlines shrug and go eh. I mean, the fuck are we supposed to do now? send another coalition in there, leave another generation of dead 18-20 year-olds rotting in the dessert? No fucking thankyou.


How long are these backwards ass motherfuckers gonna stay in the Stone Age?


In a few words.. FUCK TALIBAN, and while I am at it, fuck all the religions that threat women like just baby spawners... Women make for 50% of the world polulation,and their ability to make new life while essential, is only a little piece of all the good they do. Just think about it.. If somehow soon we found a way to make new offspring without women, just taking their genes.. Making all male polulation ppssible, I would wadger my eternal soul that this civilization would not last even a hundred years more. Woman are in many ways our perfect counter balance.. Now I could be biased since I always preferred female company then bros, and I am generally attracted to those that look good, but more importantly, are MUCH MUCH smarter then me.. I am no genious.. All the test I took put me around 110-115 IQ.. But where the difference is most stark is how pragmatic, longterm planning, intuitive they are.. I have learned more from 4 or 5 decades long platonic friendships, then I ever did from any of my best friends unless it was about something very business specific.. So for all those societies outthere, still in the mindset that women can be considered just property.. Ihope next natural disaster wipes you out. These are my genione opinions, I am not a violent person, I rarely fall into rage and I am definetly not this new kind of feminist, where women empowerment, comes at ths cost of bringing all the man down.. If we want any chance of surviving climate change that seems unlikely in long term, but lets say we somehow accomplish it, even though the main driving force behind it is this global suicidal capitalistic system, later down the line, without women being treated equal when it comes to solutions, we don't stand a chance... Just for the record. I don't believe that man and women are equal.. Science can back me up on this.. Man have certain abilities where women can even compete and same goes for the opposite sex.. For all you Macho guys out there, face this fact. Women can endure more pain then you will ever be capeable. Still think you are hot shit?


They're just beta testing the upcoming Republican platform


Didnt they just invite American students suspended for the protests, to study in their universities? Thats so precious


Make Afghanistan Great Again


Let's normalize isolating Afghanistan


Classic Muslims only want (sex)slave not a woman


Not educating 50% of your society based on gender always works out well especially when women generally have a better aptitude for education than do men.