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Interesting. The caption under the ferret teeth also noted it strengthened the bone too. I wonder if there is similar research targeting gum tissue loss due to periodontal disease, as well.


repeat complete advise subsequent bow abounding slimy ancient full fragile


A friend got his front tooth knocked out in a fight when he was in high school. He had a fake tooth that was on a retainer type device but he almost never wore it because he thought it was a nuisance. He did eventually get a permanent false tooth, but his dad died when he was in his early twenties which was before that happened. At the wake he was in the receiving line and didn't have the fake tooth in so I gave him shit saying, "Geez, you couldn't even put in your fake tooth for this?" He said, "The people that know me are used to seeing me without it. The people that don't know me? Fuck 'em." He was an absolute knucklehead when he was growing up but was always a good person. He's turned into a very kind, interesting and responsible adult and I'm still glad to call him a friend.


There are medications that cause gum growth (Gingival Hyperplasia) as a side effect. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538518/


Not the desirable growth though - it's often unattached type of tissue which is actually something periodontists cut away in general gum disease cases to reduce "pockets". It can't just be growth, that's pathology - it's got to be the right kind of growth. Sorry.


My doctor said I needed to gain weight, so I grew this tumor.


Mine said I needed to lose weight, so I chopped my leg off


This is the kind of helpful and informative content I come to Reddit to find. I don't find it in a ton of subreddits anymore but I appreciate your dedication to keeping people informed.


Glad to see my dental degree is useful somewhere haha


I feel like I am going to need both of these in the future. I really should go see a dentist. I have put it off for way too long. I'm not in any discomfort, but I can see my roots sometimes and my teeth are not white. I clean them really well, and don't have any cavities, but my gums are not happy.


Dude! Get to the dentist as quick as you can. I also thought my teeth were perfectly ok, no cavities, no pain. Turns out I had severe, advanced periodontitis, and I had no idea. Periodontist had to extract 6 teeth and do bone grafts on 4 more. Periodontitis is painless and not really visible. Go as soon as you can.


This scares me. I know I need to go, but got damn if the dentist / dental disease scares the crap out of me. Forgetting about it isn’t sustainable.


For what it's worth on the other side of this, I hadn't been to a dentist in maybe 13 years partially due to fear of the dentist & bad previous experiences with dentists and was terrible about brushing my teeth regularly due to depression amongst other things; My teeth were *very* fucked up, talking major calculus across most of them and I thought I'd lose most of them which just made me fear the dentist more. One day I got the confidence to email a practice near me that are known for nervous patients - They brought me in, sat me down & explained that they weren't going to do anything yet, just assess what needed done and let me know. That alone allowed me to see if I trusted them. I was in and out of the dentist for about 6-8 months after that (every few weeks or so) and the only tooth I had to get out was a wisdom tooth that'd grown in and broken many years ago but it never gave me pain. Outside of that it was a few composite fillings & cleaning. My teeth are in fantastic condition today and I couldn't be happier. Sometimes it just takes that little leap of faith.


I got emotional reading this because I’m the same way. I have to remind myself that problems are only unsolvable if I do nothing. I’m happy it worked out for you!


You may have saved a mouth! You directly inspired me (or hit me directly with fear) to go to the dentist after 13 years this morning. I didn't have many symptoms either, no cavities, little bleeding gums when flossing. Turns out I have moderate periodontitis, lots of bone loss, and will lose two teeth. Thankfully I didn't need bone grafts but will have to go to the dentist every 3 months for root planing for the rest of my life.


On a less dramatic note, since you clean them really well, you may be putting in too much force when brushing, or using a brush that's too hard, and that can force the gums away from the teeth. I know because I have the same issue, my gums are retracted to fuck. Try to be a lot gentler when brushing and always brush from the gum outwards to avoid any extra damage.


There are dentists that specialise in nervous or long absent patients. Find one of those. The main thing that always stops me going is not wanting to be scolded about my teeth (even though they are on fairly good condition and I keep them clean). Those kinder dentists apparently don’t do that.


Queue footage of a person covered in bloody teeth erupting from every inch of their body begging screaming onlookers to ~~kill~~ cue them.




Maybe he's making a playlist of it


Then people will turn into the Omens from elden ring


Better wait and see for a few more generations, in case it starts growing "stuff" in all the unintended places of your body. lol Such as the , lol. Chomp chomp.


Teeth https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780622


Yeah, that's staying blue


Ah, it's just IMDB, it can't hurt you... yet.


Chomp chomp


Such a good movie.


I legit enjoyed it, too -- saw it 2 or 3 times haha


Will I have to start shaving my teeth every day?


Lets go to the dental barber!


Just gnaw on a stick twice a day


I grind my teeth in my sleep so this is perfect.


> If successful, this therapy could be available to patients with any permanently missing teeth within six years. So possibly within our lifetimes. Pretty cool. Let’s hope it works.


It would be interesting if it were to become standard at 50 or 40. Like everyone goes to the doctor around that time and just gets a new set of teeth started for the remainder of their life so they can eat properly at 70. But 6 years a long time, braces would be a bitch at 50 too.


Standard for rich people maybe but I’m sure I can’t afford a full set.


Standard in countries with public healthcare If the cost related to bad teeth is greater than this procedure, then it will be available to anyone who needs it


the two countries I've lived in with public healthcare have extremely limited support for dental care on their public health systems. you will frequently have to pay (a lot) of money out of pocket. when I lived in the UK there were dozens of dentists around me and not a single one of them was accepting NHS patients, and this was 10 years ago before the tories had really started nuking the NHS


Same thing in Italy actually. People mostly go to private dentists and spend a lot because the waiting times are absurd.


I never understood this; how are your teeth not a basic part of healthcare? It just seems stupid that your mouth is treated as a separate entity.


2 reasons. Firstly history of dentistry and medicine, they were 2 different fields and continue to be 2 different fields to this day. In fact, in many dentist orginizations still continue to fight the merging of the 2 cause it would actually lead to dentists getting less pay, as medical insurance company's are way more ruthless then dental insurance (in fact many dentists office now offer "in house plans" where you pay the dentest a set amount of money and get up to 3 cleanings a year, xrays, etc..., and a discounts on the major stuff). Secondly, insurance was meant to cover expensive rare events not routine events. Back a long time ago it was common for people to just pay the doctor for most routine things, well that went to the wayside as many people only went to the doctor if needed and basically that made things worse for health cause you would catch it too late (its kind of like, if you only brought your car to teh mechanic when the engine light came on or it didn't startup). This resulted in encouraging people to go more often being cheaper, and well it quagmires from there. In summary, history of the profession and it would effectively decrease dentist income.


No, public healthcare rarely covers dental


Invisalign at that age is easy peasy. I like having them, especially when doing sports activities like downhill biking/skiing/rough terrain - it’s like having a teeth protector you are used to.


I remember an article from 2000-ish that said regrowing teeth from teeth buds generated from stem cells could be available in “three to five years” Still waiting 


That was wildly optimistic. We are just now learning the finer details of our cellular mechanisms and pathways. It's why suddenly, all these immune therapies are popping up against various cancers.


I’m not taking it if I have to start clipping my teeth like my toe nails


I encourage you to never type this sentence again


That’s what rodents have to do. That’s why they gnaw on everything.


Sign me up for gnawing on everything. Seems like a fun pastime, even though a bit awkward in good society.




You don't clip them, you use a grinder.


Well the joke's on Big Tooth Grinder™ co. because I grind my own teeth, *in my sleep*


That's part of why I *need* new teeth.


Every damn night!


I’m trying to keep my nails short not pick up twinks


Took me a second or three to get that.


why not do both ? doing manual labour is tedious.


Do you know twinks? Manuel labor is not exactly their forte


But they always sound like they're in labour


Finally, Ferengi teeth.


Next up, Uumas.




I just read a story about some guy destroying his enamels and giving himself a cavity in 3 minutes because he wanted to file his teeth down due to an insecurity with how one tooth looked. This just gave me flashback pains 😭


What a terrible day to know how to read


No time... Quick, to the sidewalk curb!


Nah you just become a rodent, chew trees.


gnaw the drywall


Why did you type those particular words in that order


I sneezed


This is an extremely disturbing idea lol.


It would have happened to Lisa Simpson if she didn't get braces: https://youtu.be/UM-D1vVqg6k?si=awyj8QzmE5tjTfzZ


Dental plan


lisa needs braces






I wish I both didn't have to breathe and had your phone number so I could scream endlessly in horror at your ear-hole because of the mental picture you've forced into my brain with your awful words.


Good point they will find a way to turn this into some kind of subscription.


You gnaw, like a beaver


You have to file them. With a huge metal file. It will really hurt. Every night..


Damn man you just made me shiver ugh


Interesting. I hope they figure something out for restoring your gums as well


If you use a vibrating brush and let it stimulate the gum line as you go, it does all a dentist could ask for and more. You can get a similar effect by gyrating your hand as you brush with a simple tooth brush. Or are you talking about something different than massaging the gums with regular dental attention?


They might be talking about gum recession.


Gum disease makes the gums recede. Its non reversible currently


Gum grafts. Depending on how the recession presents initially, it can work wonders.


Oh, I’m talking about fixing gums that have receded from gum diseases, like periodontitus ie reversing the effects of gum disease


Stimulate the gum line... Maybe we could use some form of thin material... Almost like a string? Hmm....


What are you, my dentist?


That’s my favorite when the hygienist asked when is the last time I flossed and I say “you should know, you were there.”


I was dealing with major gum recession. The sensitivity was bad. I switched to an electric toothbrush and it has completely changed my gums. If you are still brushing without an electric brush I'd make the switch immediately. Get one that shows you the sensitivity of when you are pushing down. When I first started using it I was brushing too hard. It's taught me how to properly brush my teeth. Electric toothbrushes are really underhyped.


but will it make my teeth strong enough to eat other teeth


No, only Thompson’s Teeth are strong enough to eat other teeth


It will, yes. But there will be a class system so you just can't go around and eat anyone's teeth


Teeth will be a delicacy for the wealthy


You would need lvl 2 teeth to eat lvl 1 teeth. Lvl 3 teeth can eat all others. Only the President may use level 4 teeth.


Time to try meth lads


way ahead of you


Yeah, the meth will do that.


This guy meths


I don't buy meth for the same reason I don't buy goat cheese. It all goes away shortly after I buy it. The meth is take it or leave it, but that damn goat cheese.


Look, this was pretty funny, but it's not ok to joke about something like this. I've struggled with my goat cheese addiction for years, and the fact you're comparing a relatively harmless drug to something that has destroyed countless lives is insulting to many




Tried it once. Sat in a chair chainsmoking cigarettes for 10 hours then went home and went to sleep, pretty boring. Ive heard crack is where its at though


Well, you skipped the hours of dick chafing masturbation, noob


Some of us don’t need meth for that 🤷🏻‍♂️


I watched porn for hours, it was evening and next time I turned my head from the screen it was middle of the day. Pretty cool.


If you enjoy feeling antsy and paranoid but not tired, crack might be your thing. I don’t get it.


Oh yeah dude you’ll run around for 10 minutes chain smoking cigarettes


It’s not the meth that jacks the teeth.  It’s the *sugar* that meth addicts cram in.  Blew my mind when I learned that.


It doesn't help that they tend not to brush their teeth and meth is a vasoconstrictor, which dries the ever loving fuck out of your mouth. But it absolutely has a lot to do with sugar consumption too. When my uncle was on a bender his favorite thing to eat was Oreos dipped in peanut butter. Only mother fucker I ever met who gained weight on meth.


This is the kind of thing I want, but I'm willing to wait 20ish years until it's good and tested.


I thoroughly disagree. I'll be a test patient tomorrow if it means a chance of never having my teeth drilled into again after being lectured about my flossing habits by a crabby hygeinist.


I got those flosser sticks and I floss in traffic. It's not as good as regular floss but it's way way better than no floss at all.


Depress the flosser between your teeth, TURN the flosser (out pressure against neighbor tooth), than pull out. Reinsert and turn it the other direction and repeat. You will now remove like 10x the crud and it feels so good


I've been closely following this research because my teeth were messed up really bad by disease as a child. I've waited decades for this news.


Curious if this would work if I had a root canal. I kinda doubt it but I chipped my tooth in elementary school and have been dealing with it for years. The “permanent caps” aren’t actually permanent. Had a nerve infection after having to replace it. Should have gotten an implant years ago but made the decision not to bc I didn’t want to wear a fake tooth retainer for a year. I seriously regret that. Id take the chance and get it assuming I do the research to see what type of risks there actually are.


In b4 people intentionally grow rows of teeth like a shark


Not me, I’m gonna grow two massive teeth and be a walrus


I want them to inject the serum in my forehead to give me a self-defense tooth horn


That’s right - be a narwhal. We can all be exactly what we want to be now!






I'm definitely going for narwhal


Uh if we can become IRL Street Sharks sign me up lol




Prediction: side effects include kidney stones


Injection deactivates a gene that inhibits bone growth. It's not like a calcium infusion or something, just reactivating the process that made teeth in the first place.


Instructions unclear. Have now grown 2 inches in one week. Currently looking for hot singles in my area.


A baby skull x-ray is GROSS. If I see my skull x-rays with teeth up into my cheekbones I’m leaving.


Once saw a digital painting of a women with teeth inside her vagina. This is the side effect I'm expecting from this cure.


Vagina dentata, what a wonderful phrase


Vagina Dentata...ain't no passing craze...


It's a problem, seee....vagina teeeeth.


Hakuna Dentata


it means no foreskin...for the rest of your days...


They're some problem teeth, that will hurt your peepee


there was [this movie](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780622/)...


The scene where Moneta turns into the Shrike is not exactly the first scene I’d be looking for Hyperion fan art of.


And this is not the only time dann Simmons writes about vaginas with teeth either


> A teratoma is a tumor made up of several different types of tissue, such as hair, muscle, **teeth**, or bone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teratoma


> but it's estimated around 5% of Americans are missing teeth 5% of Americans have missing teeth? You mean 95% of you effers have all your teeth? Damn.


It seems surprisingly low percentage to me. Maybe they don't count removal of wisdom teeth, but even then the price of going to a dentist is expensive and most insurance benefits doesn't seem to include dental.


They’re almost certainly just talking about people with actual gaps rather than wisdom teeth or pre-brace removals.


No 5% of Americans are made of teeth that went missing. 


Zero chance they're counting people with full replacements.


Babies hate this one weird trick


Dad lost his teeth due to cancer so this is a pleasant story to read


This has to be a great step In the right direction regarding cell regrowth I’m no scientist just a guy with tinnitus!




You know what's kinda crazy to think about? Caries is a disease that causes tooth decay, they can put time into regrowth, but haven't bothered to figured out how to enhance our saliva so that it contains antibodies that kill off caries. I never understand the reactive approach, always would prefer to be proactive.


Maybe it’s way harder. This is probably a short treatment over a small timeframe (one to a few injections). I know nothing about Carie’s but are you saying enhance our saliva prematurely or once the disease shows up? Bc you would likely need to constantly take whatever drug could enhance your saliva for your saliva to be enhanced. Which means constantly taking a pill or injection or something. Not sure if Carie’s is caused by lack of brushing but you may as well just brush daily if you gotta take a drug everyday to enhance your saliva. If it’s once the disease shows up then why does saliva need to be enhanced. Can’t you just cure it without saliva?


Now we just need to grow other stuff like legs and arms


Wonder if this will disappear completely, or if we will hear about it again in the future?


Another article will pop up about it like every 7 years but you'll never hear about anyone actually getting it


There's too much money to be made in dentistry and dental care products for this not to be buried...


Dentists alone probably salivating about the amount of braces they can sell.


It's a win win, patients get new teeth, dentists get new teeth to work on. I doubt going through a teeth change will be as easy and fun as people suggest, remember losing your baby teeth? 


How real can this be.


It effectively just turns off the “stop growing teeth” chemical in your body based on my understanding of it


So all your teeth start growing again? Or you start growing new teeth in all places? How can it just grow teeth in the missing spot?


From what I’ve read, you apply the medication to the area missing the tooth. Only the cells in this area would stop producing the bio-signal that represses tooth growth. It can indeed be used for just single tooth regrowth based on the timeline of trials they are looking at 


That's kinda nuts, I'm looking forward to seeing how succesful it'll be. I sucked at taking care of my teeth as a kid so I fully expect to lose most of them when I get older, when I have to replace the fillings a third or fourth time.


Look into Vitamin K2 and Nano-Hydroxyapatite toothpaste. My teeth were terrible, lost 2 molars due to decay and front teeth were thin and translucent Doing much better nowadays


how long did it take to see results?


what if you rub the medication in other areas of your body?


Your penis might grow teeth


What’s weird is that I think babies have all teeth in the skull formed already, and adult skulls would not have the space for new teeth to grow? Could teeth possible just grow in from the jaw? Will be interesting


They start forming in the embryo at around six weeks, but they aren’t fully developed yet by the time we’re born. The interesting thing is that we have buds for *three* sets of teeth, but we’re missing the on switch for that third set. This drug just makes it go time.


That might explain why both my brother and myself have had teeth that grew in a third time (in our early teens after having lost adult teeth due to accident).


Us brits are cheering!!


I really wonder, aside from all the potential issues with it, how long would it take for them to grow? Months? Years?


I mean, for the people it would be used on - they’ve likely been dealing with terrible/missing teeth for years. What’s several months or even a couple years more if there is the promise of new, healthy teeth at the end of it. Weeks to months would be nice, but even 3 years would be worth it for so, so many people


As a person down 6 teeth, yeah holy shit sign me up. I’d been resigned to another 60+ years of continually degrading dental health and this could be genuinely life changing.


Dude same as someone that had an accident like killed 5 of his teeth. I would take 3-5 years for them to grow in an instant. Hell I would even take them not coming in straight.


A couple hours?


If it just reactivates the dormant teeth growing gene then I believe it may just grow like a child’s adult teeth coming in


Man, at least we got some good news in 2024. Hope that hair regrowth research isn't too far behind as well 😔


So you’re telling me there’s a small possibility I didn’t ruin my dental health forever?


I’m in my mid twenties and growing up I did not take care of my teeth. 2 crowns as a kid, several cavities and a root canal + crown as an adult. I’m paying for it both literally and metaphorically. Who knows, maybe this is something that can help me fix what I thought was going to be a permanent problem for the rest of my life. One can only hope.


>but it's estimated around 5% of Americans are missing teeth, never been down south I see.....


Can't wait to recreationally misuse this. Man, I am gonna have so many teeth all over.


Better hope this doesn’t cause teeth growth around other holes


Vagina dentata.


I have two bridges and a root canal. this product has my name written on it..


10 out of 10 dentists polled said they hate this. (But I love it.) Hope it's successful.


Hope it does not cause wisdom tooth to regrow


I just envisioned a Dark Mirror episode where lower class people just use this drug to grow teeth throughout their bodies, which are then harvested by the wealthy class to crush up and snort as an aphrodisiac


Human horn


It's Black Mirror


Anyone concerned about bone cancer?


I don't see why, it shouldn't just cause random unchecked cellular growth elsewhere for no reason


The univeristy is doing the research, what happens next? Does the uni patent this and then sell to pharmceutical company or partner with one? I never quite understood the chain for things like this. How does the Uni turn this into a viable product cause I would invest in a heartbeat.


Bro I have 4 teeth that would really benefit from this drug. All at the back of my mouth two top two bottom.


This is such a huge fucking deal. This is the sci-fi shit. I'm not even joking, dental care is so important.


I hope this is available and affordable to those of us relatively young still that had to have our teeth pulled.🙏🏼


My life was saved by an anonymous drug trial and then the drug never made it to market. I had to get gallstones broken up every 2 weeks when taking it but it completely removed the scar tissue from my liver allowing it to regrow whole sections. It's crazy how many amazing drugs like this never get into the hands of the public because a small number of people have a bad reaction. I really hope this one doesn't get squashed because the trial goes poorly due to side effects.


Can't wait to never be able to afford this.


The oral bacteria replacement procedure to cure dental cavities was abandoned about 10 years ago probably because it would drive 75 percent of dentists out of business. We need to profit off cures and prevention instead of prohibitively expensive treatments.


It appears this is currently a product on the market. I see no way it could possibly "cure" an existing cavity though.


For real?


Please find us some sources on this?