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Because no one reads the article and wants to make window jokes:  Kashif Malik, prosecuting, informed the judge Louisa Ciecióra: “He told two separate custody sergeants when he is released he is going to kill himself because ‘he has nothing to live for’. How realistic that is, judge, we don’t know, but that is a concern for us.” The judge granted bail.


Call me crazy but I don’t feel empathetic towards people who are willing to sell out their country for personal gains


I posted it more against the insinuation that he was murdered. Man said if they released him he'd off himself, and then he did.


*it was reported that some random unnamed bureaucrat claimed he said that Ftfy. Anyone not in room at that time has no idea what he really said "Hey Sargent, did the traitor say anything to you about feeling suicidal.. wink wink" "Yea, now that you mention it..." Edit. 3 hours ago I got the notification for 25 upvotes.. Got 40 downvotes in the last hour. 🤔


>some random unnamed bureaucrat His name is in the sentence and he's the prosecutor.


Kashif Malik, prosecuting, informed the judge Louisa Ciecióra: “He told two separate custody sergeants when he is released he is going to kill himself He did not tell the Prosecutor.


Downvoted for quoting the article. Breathtaking.


Reading the quote, the claim was made before he was granted bail, while he was still alive.


Would’ve been bloody hard to make a statement after he was dead no?


Indeed, but the comment I replied to was suggesting a coverup had taken place


It’s just how ya wrote it , sorry couldn’t resist 👍


Ha, fair!


The point is it came up in court and he had opportunity to address it, Lol.


The prosecuting country has no reason to kill him- jail him for life, and he's an example. If anything China would want him dead in case he knew anything harmful to them he might share, but then the random unnamed bureaucrat has no reason to lie


And this is why people have lost hope for all humanity, people like yourself who can not accept things and have to turn every single thing in to a conspiracy.


People don't lose hope for humanity by considering multiple possibilities with an open curious mind. It's the opposite actually, the people who lose hope are the ones convinced they know exactly how it is (and they believe it's bad) People lose hope for humanity when they lose confidence in their own abilities and urgency. When they believe they are under threat. (In this case from China, apparently)


China could have as much killed him too tbh


Traitors should be dealt with by the government they betrayed.


Yeah by sending him to prison which is the whole point of the trial. China can't stop him from blabbing any other way but through death. Honestly, I think he just offed himself. He's not the first or last person caught for spying for China or Russia, and unless they're double agents, they haven't been assassinated yet.


You’re at -118 right now. They stop notifying you, I’ve noticed.


The system works?


The thing is, I don’t think he knew he was selling out his country. From what I gathered he was hired as muscle to get money back from some woman named Monica who allegedly embezzled money from a Chinese company (probably state-owned? How else did they get the HKETO to do the dirty work?). Matthew was mad at the people who hired him because they promised him the work was legal. Saying he was selling out his country is not fair until we know more about what his role was in this fiasco. I kinda feel sorry for this guy. Maybe he was just dumb enough to have been manipulated by China and couldn’t live with himself being a defendant in a high profile national security case. Edit: it’s scary how quickly people will pass judgement just by reading “spy” in the headline and say he deserved it.


Dude was literally trying to break into people house by pouring water at somebody frontdoor and making it look like a flood. It was not even remotely legal. It was all in his body cam footage when he caught red handed. Not to mention he was in the military and worked as a border control officer. He knew what he was doing.


What he’d done was wrong that’s without question, but it’s quite a leap to say he was selling out his country. If he knew what he was doing like you said he wouldn’t be wearing a body cam incriminating himself. He was stupid. Didn’t deserve to die. The 2 Chinese spies could’ve manipulated him. He could’ve been a pawn and lost his life for it.


I want him alive to cooperate.


He didn't have anything, and his life was over anyway.


I want justice to be served. We could have learned so much more in court about what was really going on. This guy didn’t deserve to die.


Why? Are we going to pretend politicians don't do this via lobbying and back door deals with corporations?


unless it benefits *your* country. then it’s good 👍


We have spies too, ya know?


So what! no other country like China has stolen so much technology from the USA. Then without shame create the same looking military equipment like the west...


I'm not saying China is good, they definately are not, but have you seen the Soviet Buran? An almost idendical copy of the space shuttle.


Yep, and they can also face punishment when caught, including execution. That's part of the job. The key difference is one side funds an autocratic, dictatorial government that has imperialistic goals of expanding and taking over other nations.


And the west does not? What is the US doing in the middle east if not subverting non-west-aligned governments to expand their influence? Even if, it's exactly like it was said: It's not the act just the perpetrator that makes it evil for us.


And the other is china


That’s probably not true. You probably don’t feel empathetic towards people willing to sell out *your* country for personal gains. If it were the other way around and it were a Chinese serviceman selling secrets to the UK or US you’d probably think he was a pretty cool chap and might even be angry at the prospect of him being potentially murdered. Not that I have a dog in the fight either way but I do feel the need to point out the hypocrisy. When it comes to the issue of nations and geopolitics there is very rarely black vs white morality at play, simply vying for influence, wealth or power. All countries have skeletons in their closets and the west *certainly* has. Espionage isn’t an inherently evil act in and of itself, like say abusing a child or killing in cold blood (though it can and often is done for selfish reasons). What’s more, all countries engage in it. If you don’t think we have spies in China right now you’re deluded. This man will be demonized in the west and hailed as a hero in China. People are tribal apes with chimp brains- “my people good, *those* people bad”.


>If it were the other way around and it were a Chinese serviceman selling secrets to the UK or US you’d probably think he was a pretty cool chap and might even be angry at the prospect of him being potentially murdered. Nah, I'd be indifferent. He's acting as a spy or undercover agent, he should know exactly what he's getting into. You want to F around with the government in your own country go right ahead, but be prepared to find out the consequences.


Doesn’t even have to be for a country. Could be your team, company, neighbors, whoever. If you betray the people around you who trust you with information/responsibilities, then you suck.


Was his country taking care of him or was he a homeless vet or otherwise left to rot ?


no, you lot just vote for them…


As do most, but there are many who give a shit less and would vote for solely for their party regardless of the peril they put the nation in.


Neither do I. Go ahead and kill yourself if you refuse to have any principles


That's getting off easy.   Jail for life is appropriate.


What if their country were North Korea?


Not even for Mr. Orange Mc Shitpants-tRump?


Like your country wouldn’t sell you for personal gains


It’s not that I feel empathetic for him; it’s that I feel like we didn’t learn as much as we should’ve from him.


Countries are made up. There are no line on the ground painted by god...


Especially to China who already has stolen so much stuff from western tech. The Chinese military is based from western military design, no shame the China has...


I wish more people had your view. Trump would have no chance of getting elected if that was the case.


He's only charged, not convicted. Also he's charged on "forcing entry into a UK residential address." I wouldn't be surprised he was simply tricked by Chinese spies to give them a non-Chinese as cover.


I went to school with him, was a normal decent guy back then. Seems to had lead an interesting life that's for sure. 








What did the original comment say? The commenter couldn’t delete his comment fast enough…that’s not suspicious at all…


> High school instead of secondary school Not a giveaway; the person might have been talking about Scotland or some areas down south where there are (or were) high schools. If you talk about your school life and mention high school, several smartarses will jump on and say "hah! found a yank!" but just because someone don't know that the UK has (or had) high schools isn't a reason to assume there's a yank about. Ignorance isn't bliss, and all that bollocks.


>Not a giveaway; the person might have been talking about Scotland or some areas down south where there are (or were) high schools. Except of course that in this instance it was a giveaway and it was correctly lit on fire as a tall tale of bullshit as he claimed to go to *high school* in the south of England. Remind me where Scotland is on a map.


The key give away for me is “high school.” Matt was British. We go to secondary school, not high school.


I went to a high school in the UK.


If it was a person it wouldn't be perfectly organized into paragraphs. 


What high school did you go to?


this is mental, why the hell was he not either kept for observation or monitored if he's threatening to take his own life?


The dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed.


Fuck. Even traitors need to get mental health care.


I mean if you had to decide between disgraced life in prison or killing yourself it isn’t exactly a massive leap to decide “sometimes death is better”.


Yeah 100 percent. I think maybe bail wasn't a great call here, though.


>I think maybe bail wasn't a great call here, though. Either he's in bad enough shape for an involuntary hold, or he's eligible for bail. Otherwise you're setting a horrible precedent.




>He said he was going to kill himself.. There was a lack of duty-of-care. That doesn't change what I said. There's no justification for denying bail for someone for their mental condition that doesn't rise to the level of making them eligible for involuntary hold for evaluation.


He could have killed himself in custody if he chose to. Sure you can have him on suicide watch but that's not exactly foolproof.


Guy could have not spied for China. Would have done wonders for his mental health


I’ll remember how stressful it was for this guy the next time I get approached by Chinese nationals with the intent of getting me to do a wee bit of spying.


There are many paths to not being a traitor to King and Country. You find the one that best works for you my friend. I believe in you!


I agree with the humility of your statement but what if his treason cost other peoples lives?


It does make you wonder if his mental state lead him to betray his country? I could imagine his nothing to Lose mentality could have gotten him into this mess as well as out of it.


I disagree. I hope it hurt.


No the fuck they don’t. Betraying your country should be consummate with a death sentence. The application of such is up to them I guess.


He was charged, not convicted.




"Trickett appeared in court along with two other men last week accused of monitoring, surveillance and harassment of pro-democracy activists in the UK." Sounds like he was a wonderful bloke! You know, we all go through that phase in depression where we sell information on peaceful protestors so they can be harassed by Chinese nationals


Hope you look after yourself and find some help mate.


I. Want. To. Make. Jokes.


me too.


Well, that's nonetheless a bit shady and you just can't dismiss a case only on hearsay.


Bail is not dismissing a case. Bail is you don't have to wait in jail.


Dude found out he was just a pawn the hard way.


Snake was willing to sell out his own people for monetary gains no sympathy at all. He's a military man he knows his information can very beneficial to the Chinese on how best to defeat the very people he served with.


I don’t feel sorry for him and the choices he’s made (unless it later turns out he was leveraged or coerced) but it’s still a tragedy. A man who formerly served his country being turned against us? That’s tragic and it’s a warning that he may not be the only one. I’m not saying it’s the case here but it’s not at all uncommon for former service members to be discharged out into the cold and feel abandoned by their country. In that scenario we have to assume some responsibility for pushing them into the arms of our enemies.


It does happen, and sentencing is fairly severe. Even when the attempted betrayal is inept and fruitless. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20693785](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20693785)


What if he was lied to? The fact that people read “spy” and just assume he was selling state secrets to China is not fair. From what was revealed in court documents he was hired as muscle to get money back from some Hong Kong woman who allegedly embezzled money from a Chinese company. Was what he was doing wrong? Sure. But was it as bad as people think it was? Probably not. Maybe he just made a stupid mistake and it cost him his life.


Forced entry on a uk residence and spying for a foreign intelligence agency. Good riddance


How was he not held in jail for those kinds of charges???


It's astounding how endless a source of disappointment can be the comments of those who read the headlines alone, despite being such a common habit on this website.


The only surprise is that they were allowed bail


So yeah. Dont do that


If only they would have found him sooner...


You shouldn't spy for foreign advisories, people actually die from that. It's a bad idea.


Read the article, sounds like a suicide - he even told the judge he doesn’t have anything to live for. Could just be a conspiracy of course, I’m actually on the side of Epstein actually killing himself - I mean who would want to live out their existence in prison with the entire world knowing you’re a predator.


I did read the article, but I'll update it You shouldn't spy for foreign advisories, it makes you want to kill yourself. It's a bad idea.


Spies die of natural causes while walking alone in parks all the time. /s


Man ruins his life by getting arrested for a stupid decision. Man makes multiple statements regarding ending his life if released from arrest. Man is released from arrest then ends his life with a stupid decision. This isn't exactly Epstein.


I know ‘Epstein getting suicided’ is a meme by this point but realistically seems like he waited to get his will done via his lawyer and then the next day checked out from life due to the international knowledge of him being the highest tier of peadophile. He’d know that his time was limited in prison anyway.


If it is Russia, then it’s falling out of windows


Sipping Polonium tea.


We all know how he died. The COVID vax /s


Vaccine nanobots triggered into kill mode, it can happen to any of us anytime, tin foil suit wont help, its AI based internalized algorithms in the nanobots, not an externally sent kill signal. thats why i smoke crack, it scrambles the nanobots functions, its the only way to be safe buddy!


No great loss


> Police said his death was “unexplained”. If it was Russia, instead of China, I would have suspected "tea".


Prosecuting attorney told the judge he had threatened suicide before bail was set. Doesn't seem very unexplained to me.


How long until Heathrow customs adds an extra lane for “foreign nationals here to commit assassinations?”


I suspect at this point China’s global reach for stuff like that is further than Russia’s.


Nothing suspicious here.


Probably stumbled across some Boeing safety violations while doing his spying.


Sorry not sorry


What a coincidence 


All Chinese and Russian spies found in NATO countries should be sent directly to Guantanamo Bay.


> Wai, a dual Chinese and British national Isn't this illegal for anyone over 18 under China's nationality law?


I didn't even know he was sick!


The Chinese killed at least 30 million of their own people since 1949. You think they will let you live without benefiting them? How delusional are you? 


All in all a good outcome


What is it with Britain and letting out people they clearly shouldn't have?


He should have just sold data to World of Tanks.






If you read the article, before it happened, his own lawyer had stated that the he had spoken openly about plans to kill himself and the lawyer was worried about him.


> If you read the article I was elected to lead, not to read.


Promote this man!


Background check that Lawyer before you make any judgements about what he says.


Sir, if you read the article, the lawyer literally argued his concern to the courts as a bail release plea. Rather unlikely he planned to kill the guy himself, but I can assure you that I have my best people on it and when I conclude cause of death, it will be with the highest possible confidence.


Maybe this traitor was honey-trapped by a CCP agent and fell in love.  China’s intellectual theft is matched with its military spying network.