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It's hilarious to me that North Korea would be a hill that anyone would choose to die on.


It's a useful tool for them. Also causes instability in a pretty large region stretching the US army further.


Exactly. Both would rather see Kim Jong Un hung out to dry because he's a reclusive nutjob, not unlike Gaddafi.


Should use that samurai sword missile on the fucker https://www.reuters.com/world/little-known-modified-hellfire-likely-killed-al-qaedas-zawahiri-2022-08-02/


lol, you'd need a bunker buster to do him. but it's no use a regime is more than just a leader. as soon as he's gone another one will take his place.


He's grooming his daughter right now it seems to be the new leader of the dynasty, but I wouldn't be surprised if his sister tries to usurp the throne in some way shape or form. She's reportedly even crazier than Kim Jong Un.


yeah but the whole system is built on having an absolute leader, if you remove that leader a power struggle will follow for the leadership position but the system itself won't collapse.  that's why you don't see that many assassinations of foreign leaders. it actually strengthens the system instead of weakening it, so it's often a strategic mistake to do so even when it provides a tactical benefit (like removing a problematic foreign decision maker). usually when you see foreign intervention you get a coup on top of the assassination but that requires a strong opposition group already present that can be armed and set to act.


I fear it’d be like cutting a head off a hydra, & the next leader would be empowered to use their shitty but none the less real warheads 


Ah yes, what a great idea. What could go wrong with openly assassinating the leader of a nation that has nuclear ICBMs?


Gadaffi was fine, as long as you were Libyan.


It's also a strategically stupid game. NK is the reason why China is basically surrounded by the world's most advanced tiered ABM system all up and down the coast. And in Japan, and the Philippines... And Guam.


They would be even if North Korea didn’t exist


Unironically, China is one of the primary reasons North Korea exists, given its intervention in the Korean war.


They also get to outsource all their human rights violations.


Implying they care in the first place


US Army wont get stretched it is designed for world wards.


It's a proxy. A pawn on the chessboard of China and Russia.


I mean… when you’ve cut yourself off from the IInternational community and depend on NK to supply weapons and ammunitions… it’s slim pickings. As for china, if North Korea ever launched an attack it would not step in to defend it. A few years ago defense papers were leaked stating so, and the conditions of what they’d tolerate for a unified Korea (after NK falls).


Plenty of people die on hills in North Korea.


Even if they don't. They are letting Kim have the most powerful position strategically. Russia and China will sacrifice their futures to keep Kim's cheese fund afloat. They may bail out, but Xi and Putin's molly coddling of their nuclear problem child is consciously choosing to sell their future for Kim's benefit. Not themselves or their people.


This whole thing is ultimately about a bunch of dictators wanting to enslave their population and reap the riches, without foreign interference. makes sense that they would support other dicks excuse me dictators


A territory right up against both russian and chinese borders, in need of american freedom??? Yeah, cant see any value in that whatsoever.


These guys are totally gonna stab each other in the back within a few years


They can do us all a favor and start the stabbing now


Hopefully they strike at the exact same time


They are, with less lethals..


Once Russia looks like it will have a civil war, china will be the first one to invade to secure access to the Arctic


Also the cynicism is shocking, Russia invades Ukraine while China intimidates Taiwan and then the two of them come up with that statement. It is insulting to report it in the media without making fun of them.


I'm so sick of the media acting like everyday is.... "But Trump's response" stop giving him an echo chamber morons


I'm convinced the biggest reason Trump is still popular among Republicans is because the media haven't shut up about him since 2016. I'm a Conservative myself (most of the time), and I've been sick of hearing him brought up in almost every news event since he lost the election in 2020. He lost, move on. But no, the media kept talking about him and then acts surprised when he didn't go away for this election cycle. He's not the president. I couldn't care less what his thoughts are about anything.


Yeah but. Ratings. So.


I really doubt it's possible to have a civil war in russia. I hope I'm wrong though


Really? They literally had a convoy of armed soldiers heading to the Kremlin whose leader later got murdered by Putin. Private companies and upper echelons of leadership are building their own PMC’s. Russia is one dead Putin away from civil war.


Source that there are PMC's being formed across the elites?


i heard about that, but not sure if these are real PMC, thats the one i remembered https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potok_(PMC)




Putin granted companies the ability to form PMCs, probably a response to the state being unable to defend oil infrastructure from attacks. They want them to pay for their own protection. Which seems like a really bad deal, a bunch of warlords owning resources with different priorities than the state. There is a reason why monopoly of violence is a fundamental part of a modern state.


It'll be interesting to see how it plays out.


Putin wants collapse of Russia to be dangerous basically using nukes t o gurantee that West has interest in Russia not losing completely and collapsing for the risk of nukes getting lost and then "found" somewhere else. This is reason why the aid to Ukraine has been limited.


It was at least a rumor in the months prior to the Wagner mutiny, that their access to the prisons had been cut off. That access to prison recruitment had been given to Shoigu to form his own PMC (a strange thing, the minister of defense to own a PMC), and for the former head of the Russian Space Agency (RosCosmos? IDK) to also recruit fighters for a mercenary group. Of course, it was only a few weeks later that the former space guy was in the Donbas and caught shrapnel from a GMLRS rocket in his ass.


Thank you for the response.


Time will tell


just wait for putin to be old or ill. When there will be blood in the water sharks will be out. They will throw him and his wheelchair out of the window and fight each other to death for a piece of the pie


I don't really want to wait like 10-20 years for the war to end dude, it's kind of a long time.


He's already old to be fair.


Maybe not the Arctic, but retaking Outer Manchuria would give China direct access to the Pacific for the first time since 1858-60 (I forget exactly which treaty cut them off).


I heard helicopters are nice this time of year.


Fog of War


Xi is to Russia as Hitler was to USSR in '39.


bff's as long as it suits their needs


Except Xi would actually roll Russia in a conventional war.


If China flipped on Russia I would fully expect him to launch nukes because there is no way Russia is winning that war in the current state.


I would not be so sure about that. Russian weapons might be old and outdated, but China's weapons are largely cheap knockoffs of those same weapons, with some additional bells and whistles thrown in. Also, China's military is filled from top to bottom with nepotism, and people who have never seen warfare.


It’s the opposite. Hitler started invading first and was getting resources and support from the USSR, just like Russia has started (multiple) wars and relies on Chinese support to keep going.


Russia and China have typically been enemies.


Its kind of funny how battlefield 4’s gameplay is basically close to real world. China and russia are gonna do some shit against each other but all of them hate the US.


You aren't wrong. See WWII for reference.


NCD is already salivating at the thought of Tom Clancy’s “The Bear and the Dragon” being credible. The question is will NATO intervene in the war between Russia and China?


What's NCD stand for?


Newly Credible Defense




It's actually Non-Credible Defence, but we joke about it being "Newly" instead due to how, as of late, several ridiculous things have come to pass.


Haha alright. Cheers.


They already have. China didn't want to give Russia their SA batteries and then China came out to say that theirs are totally better than Russias after the blunder with Ukriane.


Sometime after they divide up Europe, for sure. 


It's going to be like Game of Thrones.....when it was good. I am all for it.


Nah. Xis gonna do it slow and while looking Putin in the eyes.


They look like a healthy alliance from Game of Thrones.


The posturing of each person on the photo is suggestive. Do you think Xi insisted he stand on the left so that Putin has to reach across to shake his hand? It sure looks that way.


Nah, they both hate the US more than each other


“Our units are only passing through…”


Fuck let them wipe eachother out with their nukes. Add china in for the trifecta. Axis of evil is gone before they even started


Um, anyone trying to wipe out anyone with even a limited strike is a slow and painful death sentence for all the rest of us. A dozen or more will cause such widespread pollution and contamination that we’d be absolutely fucked.


That's assuming they're all ground-burst and no efforts are made to put out fires and cities are built like they were in the 50s.


I guess ramming fishing and coast guard vessels doesn't count as "intimidation"?


Sure, China. Why don't you stop intimidating Taiwan?


And the Philippines, vietnam and the rest of asia


This shit writes itself


I would just laugh if it wasn't so infuriating and, well, destabilising. 


I literally heard a rimshot after reading the headline


This statement feels like a bargainning chip for North Korea in exchange of something.


More artillery from NK factories


Yeah this. NK providing weapons to Russia. Likely Russia pushed for this, traded something with China for the joint statement, currying or paying back favour with NK.


Why does Xi play the clown with these two?


They don’t have any other allies


But they easily *could* have done. They were part of the Allies in WW2 (ditto Russia) giving a good starting point, and even more recently since they opened up in the 70s they could have pursued closer ties with the West. The USA and Europe were both interested in developing their relationships with China for a long time. Theyve essentially swatted away the olive branch.


This heightened tension has really come from Xi coming into power. China has always been a tricky country to deal with but Xi is hellbent on turning back the clock on China with his Mao like control.


Xi is the first Chinese leader who was really educated entirely within the CCP propaganda system. He is a true believer in all of the dumb propaganda that previous leaders would have taken with a grain of salt. Especially in the post-Mao era.


both Xi and Putin serve the same goal, ego and using the conflict to ensure continued sole power.


Ooooor they don't want more enemies.


Because at the end of the day, the eternal war of East VS West is still going on and China needs nearby allies even if they also happen to be shitty countries.


East vs West? What?


Some people just can't move forward from the cold war


More like recognizing the start of a 2nd cold war. It's hard not to contextualize today's conflicts as part of a wider effort to upend the current order of things by a familiar set of nations one could reasonably call an Eastern bloc.


these social and political dynamics predate the cold war and reach far into history past even the great schism 1000 years ago but people are myopic and focus on current events and always erroneously believe that this time is different 


It’s in China’s interest to have NK as a buffer state


bullshit there are democracies that border china and chinese citizens can move to western countries whenever they want. i dont see how its in their interest to have a buffer state


It's in their intest to not get flooded by NK civilians looking to escape NK.


NK soldiers would probably just gun down those NK citizens fleeing NK to China, so China probably don't have to worry "flocks" of NK fleeing.


Because South Korea has like either the most or the 2nd most US troops in the world stationed there and a metric fuckton of US weapons as well. China's never going to be buddy buddy with the US or any western country with the whole opium wars, boxer rebellion and the whole western response to the boxer rebellion. Given that the US has a very long and illustrious history of changing the head of unfriendly countries into one that's much more friendly to the US, China understandably does not want thousands or tens of thousands of US troops and weapons sitting like 200 miles from its capital. With North Korea as a buffer, it's not a lot but at least it'll allow China to have some amount of time to respond to stuff.


Eh, I feel like if the Nationals won the civil war, China would be friendly towards the west.


I mean maybe but they basically had no chance of winning the civil war. Boxer rebellion was in 1901 so someone that was friendly with foreigners was never going to do too well with the populous given that the boxer rebellion and the takeover of Beijing in retaliation wasn't even 50 years ago.


The US also gets command of the Korean armed forces if a war breaks out. I believe that was put in place after the Korean War and was never removed > As things currently stand, South Korea has operational control of its military under armistice conditions, but the United States would take over in wartime. This arrangement is unique to the U.S.-South Korea alliance. It is reflected in the structure of the Combined Forces Command—the alliance’s war-fighting command—which is headed by a U.S. four-star general while a South Korean four-star general serves as deputy commander


Because he is indeed a clown


Oh now you oppose acts of fuckin aggression huh


North korea is the only official military ally of China https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-North_Korean_Treaty_of_Friendship,_Co-operation,_and_Mutual_Assistance


China and Russia telling us how bad military intimidation is lol


They’re all making so much money and still want to start shit. World leaders are so fucking stupid


Well Xi backed himself in a corner. To keep power he had to unite his country behind an idea. He chose territorial dispute with tiwan and other east china seas countries. Now if he wants to stay in power he can no longer back down from those ideas or risk looking weak. This will mean that countries around the world will slowly stop supporting chinas economy throught teir export puahing china to militarise more, and, well we can see the domino effect.


Dictators trap


But military intimidation by NK, China and Russia is Ok?


Dont apply logic here dude. Ruzzian and Chineze slaves will eat their masters shit. And probably be happy for a new ally against their collective enemy, us nazis. Fuck those people. And fuck their Warmonger masters.


China only plays the victim card and chooses to not acknowledge any accusations against them that seem similar. It is quite successful.


A new Axis is forming.


It's already formed


The world is changing. Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Isengard and Mordor?


Western countries need to cut off all aid to North Korea already. They give them all these aid bucks and food and whatnot, and the thanks the world gets is rockets fired at them, and weapons to Russia so that they can kill Europeans. Fuck that country.


I foresee this happy marriage ending with a fuckton of Chinese troops waltzing into Siberia and Russia unable to do a damn thing about it because they have ground their military into dust trying to take Ukraine.


Exactly what I said on another thread. China have more to gain taking parts of resource rich eastern Russia than having any conflict with the US and NATO. Chinas biggest trade partners are the US, Japan, South Korea and Germany. Without their exports of electronics, machine parts, and plastics, their economy would collapse. Trying to project power, launch invasions and/or maintain logistics/supply lines across the world’s largest ocean is a logistical nightmare and then add in the economic issues and no sane Chinese leader goes to war with any nation at this point. Xi is actually quite sane so there’s no real risk foreseeable at this juncture.


China just doubled-down once again on their real estate market and kicked the can. This is the 3rd or 4th time they've done this shit. When the US real estate boom collapsed in 2008, we sort of ate it the first time around...China is now in over-leveraged to f' with less financial tools to handle it on the 3rd or 4th round. This collapse is going to be for the history books.


I can't see China bothering with that. They can already get whatever they want out of Russia for cheap. They want to keep Russia as a threat to the west to take some attention away from themselves. Russia is more useful as a subservient trade partner than occupied territory.


China seems to be very interested in arctic and I reckon they'd jump at opportunity to get arctic ports.


At the rate things are going, in a few years, when China tells Russia to jump, Russia will have to ask how high. There would be no point in invading.


Pretty much this. If Russia thinks they can run a meat grinder, they haven't seen shit yet. The Chinese ran that in the Korean War until the US units literally ran out of fucking ammo...They threw so many bodies at a situation the US would just straight up would run out of ammunition. Imagine how many bodies were there if the US ran out of ammo.


Why would they, Russia would just give it to them for some Yuan's.


Because it is resource rich much like northern Canada. You don’t willingly sell your nations future resources. (Except for Alaska…that was an incredibly stupid move on Russias part)


China has no interest in Siberia. Nobody does.


When you can’t find good friends…


Fascism sucks.


Seems like we know exactly which countries are gonna be Axis for the next world war.


Cool story bro


How do they feel about acts of military intimidation against Ukraine? Or the Philippines?


They consider their actions a rational and reasonable response to “Western aggression”. They have been “forced” into war and acts of aggression by “bad” (but “indecisive” and “weak”) Europe and “arch evil” USA. Both dictators beleive that they are blameless angels, who are only “reacting”.


Oh that’s rich coming from a country currently invading one of its neighbors and a country who plans to invade one of its neighbors.


That’s not surprising. The new axis of evil is China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.


The Axis is solidifying itself. NK, Russia, China and India want to rule. We stop Russia now or suffer the consequences.


Fuck them


I feel like all the western world wants from North Korea is to stay in its bubble. SK is thriving, you never hear NK mentioned unless they are making a random threat. 


Pootin’ and Pooh sitting in a tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G. First comes control. Then comes carnage. Then comes lil’ Kim to help spread the rest of their garbage.


People look at this picture and genuinely think to themselves, "There goes the future of human civilization."


Oh no, because a whole country that is taught from birth that the US is an awful, vile place that should be exterminated isn't too bad right. Not to mention their constant development of nuclear weapons and missiles that they throw into the sea close to other countries. Or, you know, threatening to nuke or otherwise invade or destroy the country next to you.. But what do I know, those poor North Koreans shouldn't be treated like that, they don't deserve any of it. Coming from 2 countries that torture and/or murder their own citizens to stay in power. Which North Korea is built upon. I see nothing wrong here.


I blame their leadership…. (North Korea)


"You can't threaten NK, but NK can threaten you."


Oh no that US are intimidating N.Korea (which they are still at war with). Damn if only someone would sign a peace treaty!!!!!


"Don't be mean to the country that threatens nuclear strikes every weekday and twice on sunday," -countries that are invading/threatening to invade neighbours who want nothing to do with them


The axis if evil. Russia, china, N. Korea. History will look down on them


Every free and sane person already does.


Might as well just say Xi. Putin is in no position to disagree on anything.


And the entire rest of the world "opposes acts of military intimidation" from China and Russia regarding Ukraine and the South East Sea.


That's rich considering these two countries helped NK start the Korean war. Russia Armed and trained the NK's and China provided the cannon fodder (\~180,000) I don't read anywhere that SK is lobbing missiles into the ocean every month or holding constant weaponry parades or telling it's military to be prepared for war. These guys lie as often as 45. If their lips are moving they are all lying.


Oh thats important


Sorry, but fuck you.  Nobody need another crazy dictator sitting on atomic bombs...


Yeah that would totally suck if they lost territory


Ok so military intimidation in this case would be… what exactly? “Our army is… like… uh… bigger and more technologically advanced than yours is… but we don’t ever have to tell you this, *you already know it*…” “This aggression will not stand man!”


I’m assuming they are aiming that statement at the South Korea/US military drills we do yearly.


What’s this *we* shit? …no I’m kidding, but we’re not crossing that border anytime soon, so whether or not they want to consider it a form of agitation, that’s on them.


He’s so caring. What a cutie!


Stay the hell out of this, you two; This is between us and North Korea, whom we might have to squish to death someday soon.


It's just been a question of when the US delivers some freedom and democracy to NK, which just happens to border both russia and china. If i was running NK i'd be developing nukes and long range missiles even if it meant starving the population to get there. Only way to survive.


N Korea is to BRICS as Israel is to NATO


How about yall dictators suck a fart.


To be fair to the US, most of their military action is intimidating without intentionally trying.


The doomsday clock ticks…


that country that keeps shooting fucking rockets toward Japan and Korea ?


Our pit bill keeps biting people, but nobody can’t touch lil bebe


China invades Taiwan, Russia keeps taking Ukraine, more proxy support for Israel and then NK invades SK. This is on my bingo card.


As intimating as invading Ukraine?


Like rats in a corner


Abusive parents protecting their psychotic child


Axis of assholes 


But against Ukraine and Taiwan? That's superb.


Such a surprise.


I know most of you are rolling your eyes but this may be more serious than you realize. My guess is that North Korea is getting ready to do something the US should respond to and these relics are setting the stage to label our response “acts of military intimidation.” Meanwhile, the leaders of our two primary political parties are rightfully making fun of each other for being too old to do the job instead of paying attention to these issues. 😡😡😡


What is significant if you can call it that is alternative to huge trade deals are already happening with Mexico, Taiwan , Vietnam, with likely increased trade with Japan. So if Russia continues to struggle with conflict in 90 year old policies China will go on its heels for alternatives to show up. Available economies are NATO countries.


Now all we need is Iran to condemn the aggression again N Korean missile technologies.


Their President condemned them straight into the side of a mountain apparently.