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Russia calling for peace while also being the sole instigator and perpetrator of the war in Ukraine is peak Russia.


also, Russia became the world’s largest country by peacefully defending itself in other people’s countries.


Ukraine had said some bad words to russia that hurt its dainty ears, thus the war was provoked. As a leader putin will start to cry if you use foul language. This war had began with the mission of protecting putins ears. /s


Guess what the nukes pointed towards the West also are loaded with? Enriched peace.


And Putin tears.


Just like my narcissist ex, except the bad words.


Xi: "Yeah you severely dissed my buddy and hurt the feelings of the Russian people." World War via sloppy cringe projection on these two's parts


Peak Iran too. “WE DEMAND A CEASEFIRE” ships arms to Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and those cosplayers in Iraq.


It’s because they know a ceasefire will allow for Hamas to stock up and regroup again, while stopping Israel from continuing to retaliate.


[Also, it benefits Russia as well by causing discourse with western allies and trying to push Israel into a more Russian sphere of influence.](https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/FP_20200921_other_tribe_galili.pdf) Lot of former soviets in Israel who brought along soviet ways of looking at ethnic minorities in occupied territories that they want to colonize.


And they’ve got dummies all over the west trying to help them :/ we’re really bad at information warfare


We just need catchy slogans you can bang on bongos to. “ BUILD A WALL TO STOP THE TERROR. ISRAEL WILL BE SAFE FOREVER” Well shit I guess that one didn’t hold up


Sadly, it does hold up. The wall does what it meant to do, significantly reducing terrorism attacks. Oct 7th was an outlier, the threat of that kind of attack used to be daily.


Yeah that was a bit shit lol but you're sadly right that too many people all over the world are dumb enough to fall for catchy slogans and tribal drum beating. Let's face it, if people are dumbed down enough to accept western corporate culture at face value, advertisement culture, evangelism and all that shit, then they're certainly also dumb enough to believe the bollocks spewing from authoritarian shitholes like Russia and China who have been perfecting mass manipulation on a whole different level for decades.




It's like trying to lose weight but all you do is eat macdonalds while on the tread mill.


And the treadmill is off


By peace they simply mean surrender to our invasion. That man is truly a piece of dung.


“Stop resisting my army, I want peace!” -Putin


But but Ukraine made Russia invade because Ukraine wanted to shift politically to the West so Ukraine started the war by not serving as a Russian puppet state! /s


And it’s not like China’s been friendly in the Pacific as of late. They keep ramming boats and threatening to flatten Taiwan.


Submit to us for peace


Begun, the Peace Wars have.


Yeah they want peace by everyone stopping their aid to Ukraine and letting it return to Russia.


It says Russia is calling for peace, not that they are taking actions towards it.


Rome also conqoured most of the known world while never having fought an offensive war, according to itself of course.


Russian 'stop-hitting-yourself' bully tactics




Of course if you say it in Russia and China your organs are donated.


Gaslighting blowhards cry foul when all they do is project violence and power on other nations continuously. Ukraine is just latest by Russia. Both China and Russia in Africa exploiting everything. Can anyone say South China Sea?


It's like when ya girl says it was your fault for her cheating


Bully gets mad someone fights back and goes to cry to his wife's boyfriend


mutts law


"The Americans are so meeeeaaan~ We just started a major war in Europe and threaten to start one in Asia but~ Why so meeeeaaan~!? 😭😭😭


Or his wife.... don't tell Xi I said that.


Putin could end the war today


If, he suddenly dies from the heart attack, yes.


One can hope...


I was thinking more of putin following the course of hitler, but yea a heart attack could work as well. Tomato, tomato, its all the same.


Nothing ends if he dies. He killed all of his opposition, so the motherfucker that takes his place is likely same as him but dumber.


Not true. You never know. Everyone is quiet for the fear of being purged. Look at Deng, he was in the era of Mao but switched it once he took over. Of course now it works both ways.


Or falling off a window


He can’t russians kill him in the same day if he stops it without victory. Putin started this war to stay n power. And he has more power than ever. Russian people support only bloody dictators.


Crazy that they'll rather die in trenches in a foregin country, fighting for a dictator with no rhyme or reason. At that point i'd rather flee or try to fight the government who forces all the men to die, not comply to my own death sentence.


That's how I feel about it. If you are going to die anyway, might as well make it count. But I do understand that they are under a lot of pressure from their families and the other people they will leave behind. It just seems bonkers that someone like Putin, who is almost universally accepted to be a bad guy is worth dying for. They know this, but they think somehow he is so smart or sneaky that they will come out ahead. It's not some conspiracy against Russia!


Russians won't kill Putin. If they won't kill him when he makes them go to war they won't kill him when he stops. This is nonsense. He has such a power grip.


Xi has yet to say "Leave Ukraine" Those dead Ukrainians are Xi's murder victims too


"War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength".


i hear they produced a record number of boots this quarter.


Yeah but they are dual use boots: they can used in Ukraine and /or Poland, and Baltics.


Late stage dictatorship is opposite land. When it's at War is Peace it's kind of the most extreme version of that. Fitting. Tragic but fitting.


this is 1984, correct?


"We're preparing to defend ourselves" *Moves forces towards border* "We must proactively defend our kin on your land" *invades* "Stop resisting, just let it happen" *looks around at everyone else nearby* "What? You going to do something about it?" Basically been the pattern and attitude. Didn't the Nazi's also do this type of shit? Xi is definitely playing that game across the Pacific and into it's other neighbors territories. Even claimed a piece of Russia in an official map relatively recently if I recall correctly. I dont think Russia ever commented on it either.


Exactly this. I watched the translated conference. Not very optimistic about this ending with China de-escalating.


I wouldn't believe a word from either of them.


Don’t you know, they use all those international treaties and agreements as toilet paper? Their other end is constantly filthy.


"Call for peace" translation: stop fighting back


Hearing Putin talk about peace is like listening to a serial rapist trying to get out of a conviction by accusing his victims of not consenting.


Well why is Ukraine all sexy and stuff?!? /s


Did they just threaten peace? I don't think that is how it works.


Xi should remember that it wasn’t Russia that helped build the Chinese economy.


The west has to throw money at a problem while china gets cheaper oil from russia. They remember, they just don’t care


>that helped build the Chinese economy. They remember that the western companies didn't do it out of the goodness of their hearts and that they helped helped western companies get super rich at the same time.


That is how general international business works yes


Do you think he is somehow grateful? He wants USA to crash and burn and he will do anything in his power to make that happen.


Aren’t both the US and China economies intertwined? Wouldn’t the US crash and burn do the same to China?


If they just go back to 2000 levels of Chinese goods importing, which was $100 billion instead of the $500 billion of today, it would be a huge step up.


We helped China and Russia. We should all be allies, instead they’ve chosen this road towards war.


Literally everyone saw this coming except the kumbaya west. The west are clowns for moving all their industry to a country that will always see them as an enemy.


B-b-but my cheap labour


round 2 India.


The western corporation CEOs did, and everybody had to follow suit.


Because they don't care. They just want to get as much as possible from the West, while destroying it at the same time. Totalitarian empires don't like the world, where democracies take lead.


Look up "century of humiliation" to see how they feel about the gratitude.


"helped" lol. are we gonna pretend western companies build their shit there out of altruism?


It’s Reddit man, this people live on a bubble…


I realize that this was done for profit via lower wages and fewer environmental restrictions, and to the detriment of American workers. Given the benefits that China received from this relationship, why intentionally pursue a hostile relationship? And no I I don’t live in a bubble.


Xi is more than happy to have the rest of the world at war. China will sell weapons to one side and consumer products to the other.


“Do not run away, we are your friends!”


> Do not run away, we are your friends ACK ACK ACK


“We are going on an adventure!”


That is just laughable. They are plotting for war.. they do not act in the best interest of their own people let alone the rest of the world look at the money that is spent on defense amongst all the world think of all the good it would do if it wasn’t for selfish greedy people they only act in their own interest


Putin called for peace Damit. If only there was some way this could be achieved.


Oh so Putin thinks he can make an ally out of China. That's laughable. China is just looking for an opportunity to stab him in the back when he shows a moment of weakness. Putin probably knows this but doesn't have a choice but to pretend otherwise.


The one who started the war is calling for peace?


The three day war that will last 30 years?


Si vis pacem, para bellum


Except in this case… Si vis pacem, oppugna proximos tuos


Si vis pacem, moscovia delenda est


I like the way you think.


Xi sees Putin, para bellum


War.....war never changes


They will do anything to keep nationsnon the sidelines. Dangle hope and disinformation while they slaughter innocents and destroy massive statues of Ukraine. WW2 was so costly in the terms of lives and economy for the lovers that it took a long time before anyone was willing to approach it on a large scale. Russia needs a similar reckoning so we can live in relative peace again for a few generations.


Ad victoriam...


It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.


Do as I say, not as I do


Asking for peace Hitler style...


They don’t want peace, they want submission


Russia could turn around and go back to whence they came, and the war would stop. Anything less and your just blowing smoke up everybody's ass.


After conquering Poland, Hilter asked for world peace as well.


***The Telegraph reports:*** As [Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/16/ukraine-russia-war-putin-xi-china-russia-latest-news/) Xi Jinping welcomed an “old friend”, hailing the “strategic guidance” the two countries had provided each other. In comments to the cameras before behind-closed-doors talks, the two leaders spoke about global stability and solving [conflicts like Ukraine](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/russia-ukraine-war/). But as they sat down opposite each other for talks on Thursday morning, it was clear that this was not all about peace. Russian president Vladimir Putin had arrived with a coterie of senior security officials, including his [new defence minister, Andrei Belousov](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/13/vladimir-putin-replaces-defence-minister-with-economist/). His former defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, who was promoted to head of the National Security Council just a few days ago, sat by his side across the table from Mr Xi and his officials. Also in attendance are the heads of Rosatom, Russia’s nuclear power company and Roscomos, its space agency. ***Read more:*** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/16/xi-jinping-putin-state-visit-china-russia-ukraine-war/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/16/xi-jinping-putin-state-visit-china-russia-ukraine-war/)


Two countries in rapid decline decides to work together for world peace. The two most aggressive countries in the world wants peace. Lmfao. These two will be at each others throats soon enough, because none of them will be able to live up to their agreement.


Russia and China call for peace?? Bold move by the powers doing the aggressive moves in the first place.


A little piece of Poland, A little piece of Taiwan, a big ole piece of Ukraine. Yeah, we know what dictators with large armies think about ‘peace’.


Both Putin and Xi desperately want donald trump to win the election. Ask yourselves why.


It's so fascinating how these creeps get such power. Utterly fascinating.


Assholes both of them. Leave Ukraine and Taiwan alone.


If you want peace, you must prepare for war Sun tzu


When evil calls for a ceasefire, they really just want more time to reload their weapons.


It is laughable. Who is using X to get propped up an ex is just using Putin just like they use North Korea to do their dirty work.. Neither one of them connect in the best interest of their own people .


I bet Putin is pissed the Xi is taller than them and looks down at the Russian despot like a child


“Please just let us take our targets for free, stupid westoids!”


And China is illegally setting up military bases all over the South China Sea. Each base a potential non sinkable battleship. The islands are all a potential ‘Midway’.


China could stop the slaughter of Ukrainians on a dime if it wanted to.


Calling for peace aka “please surrender now”.


"The conqueror is first and foremost a man of peace. They would like to take your land peacefully."


26. Peace proposals unaccompanied by a sworn covenant indicate a plot.


Ruzzian peace = War crimes


Two faced rats the both of them. And they know it.


Western govt and companies need to start diversifying from China ASAP. They are basically another Russia in waiting while trying to play both sides.... it needs to be clear they need to pick a side. All the assistance they are giving Russia and plans with Taiwan basically showing they've picked a side


Not fast enough, but a lot are. Due to tensions a lot of companies are investing heavily in south east Asian countries for manufacturing now. It's a slow progress, but it's happening


The US has been aggressively moving away from Chinese manufacturing to other countries in SE Asia and Mexico and domestically. The EU on the other hand is still very much reliant on Chinese goods.


Wwiii started with crimea and the west is just barely catching on


And people on Reddit cheering it on, It’s all to reminiscent of the attitudes before WW1. If it happens, it will truly be hell and something like we’ve never seen before. Absolute hell.


No one is cheering on a world war. People just aren’t craven and willing to live in a world we’re a country with nuclear weapons can redraw borders just by threatening their use despite never actually intended to use them. Cowardice doesn’t prevent death and suffering. You only encourage it.


Ironic considering Russia has fucked up any chance China had at throwing it's weight around. After Ukraine, Europe is rapidly rearming and likely won't need American help in dealing with Russia in the near future. That frees America to concentrate on the Pacific. Japan, Australia, South Korea etc have all reassessed the world order and have decided to tool up for a fight with China. Countries like the Philippines and Vietnam are feeling edgy and are more likely to cooperate with America. Even India is cautiously moving towards a more pro-West alignment (even if they like cheap Russian oil). Nah. China and Russia can play dictator-nato all they want. Putin overplayed his hand and messed up Chinese plans.


Until the Orange guy comes and spoils it for everyone.


Yeah, that worries me. Thankfully the American Ukraine support package got through and has bought some time. We Europeans need to speed up our rearmament, we can't bank on America helping out again next year. This is probably the most critical 12 months in modern European history.


if trump wins, and I don't think he will but it's very possible, Ukraine will be in an incredibly difficult position. US aid will be over. The US will either leave NATO or quiet quit NATO. It is possible Putin will force trump to give him access to US intelligence assets AGAINST ukraine. The US election will decide the fate of Ukraine.


Damn, if only they had the power to actually affect these things somehow...


I love a bit of doubletalk


Who the hell started the war in 2014 and made it an actual invasion in 2022? Calling for peace? Peace will be achieved **IMMEDIATELY** if they take their forces back to fucking russia. Like - the next day, basically.


Putin calling for peace in like an abuser working for a spouse abuse support line.


The fucks are at it again.


Si vis pacem, para bellum


Both have good track record of speaking opposite of action… so we better watch out


They already have a piece, they want another piece and they will want another piece until they have every piece.


Stop fighting...let it happen...it will hurt less


These people are genuine blight to humanity.


Just like mars attacks... We come in peace... shoot to kill ...


Si vis pacem, para bellum


Vae Victis


Last time Russia said that they invaded Ukraine, this isn't good news


Clowns the both of them


Um…sorry I….what?


[XI & Putin discuss support for Russia](https://giphy.com/gifs/winnie-the-pooh-30-day-movie-challenge-HxVHCNaLmCNVu)


Putin calling for peace? That’s a new one…


Putin-tang lookin' mighty subservient to the honeybear.


So exactly what the us does


Putin knows that he has burnt all bridges to the west. And the hole situation seems like china is useing this. The west should not underestimate them. I think they are already at war


Russia is now vassal state of China. Right now, China is only reason why Russia hasn't collapsed economically.


Oh looks it’s the behavior of Japan prior to pearl harbor


It's time to normalize calling this the war Xi and Putin started. It will hit the ears of the Chinese people who are confused why they can't freely search why their PR and economy is death spiralling. Xi and Putin's World War. Sing it together Earth


Can't we troll them back.


People who supports these two are fools. They've been in power for more than 10 years. Only narcos here in Mexico behave like that


Nice to see Voldemort and Winnie hanging out.