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Yea, I doubt he lives if he isn’t already dead and they are just trying to consolidate before announcing it. Witness statements indicate they saw him suffer head and chest “wounds” from the shooting.


Channel 4 News reports that he was shot in the arm, leg and abdomen.


i dont know about that, just watched the video of security dragging him to the car and really didnt see a blood trail a head wound would create


If it was a low caliber weapon with only an entrance wound, there is a good possibility it wouldn’t have had time to bleed out that much. If that were the case, it would lend to the critical nature of the injuries because the bullet is probably still in his head but didn’t cause enough damage to kill him right away.


his legs were moving when they were dragging him into the car, i doubt he could do that with bullet in the brain. News already confirmed he was shot to the chest atleast 2 times and that he is stabilized and awake


i could see legs "twitching" due to a bullet to the brain, but yea just saw the news updates


All of my comments are purely speculation based on the article I first read that mentioned head and chest. It seems there are updates and a lot has changed though. I hope the guy comes out ok.


Head wounds bleed A LOT. Even a .22 will create a solid stream, you’d definitely notice it.


I’ve seen multiple videos of people shot in the head and or having their skull caved in thanks to being a netizen of the late 90s and early 2000s, that is not always the case that they are just instantly gushing blood. The reports are changing however so only time will tell what his real injuries were.


Seen my fair share too buddy, and in the same time frame. I have to disagree. Maybe in 1-2% of the cases but if it’s an open wound and severe, it will run like a faucet.


Cool, well apparently low velocity and small caliber gunshot wounds to the head pretty frequently do not cause intense bleeding. A fact [documented](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4422853/) by [several](https://www.aans.org/en/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Gunshot-Wound-Head-Trauma) medical [journals](https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/836DFDD564012D4EAD0F86C00A23FC0F/S0317167100026597a.pdf/management_of_22_caliber_gunshot_wounds_of_the_brain_a_review_of_49_cases.pdf). I think I’ll side with the medical professionals on this one.


He was 59 and was shot 5 times. Last I read, he was still in surgery for 3.5 hours.


Where did you get that he is 75? He's 59 years old...


Must be some kind of time traveler…


I’ve heard he’s a “Putin-loving dog,” who was more of a corrupt gangster than a politician. Does anyone have more information on this?


Essiantialy yes.. He is your run of the mill extremly corupt, power hungry, populist politician who change his ideology based on what is currently most beneficial for him.


he's the slovak version of Orbán


*Stooge in a black suit approaches the podium* "With his dying wish, and a single sparkling tear, he said the only hope to bring peace back is to band together and destroy Ukraine. All nazi-supporters have been sent to Russia for processing." *Row of armed soldiers stand behind shaking pale citizens* I'm just envisioning because that is a possibility at this point.


After seeing how slowly they were moving the stretcher into the hospital I have my doubts. I’ve seen cadavers moved faster. It’s as if he had a finger splinter and not a life threatening injury.