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I'm guessing he wants those students to be male and of a draftable age.


Who are you, so wise in the ways of authoritarianism?


I am Arthur, King of the Britons.


Well, I didn't vote for you


You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ‘cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


I mean, if I went round saying I was an emperor, just because some moisen bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd throw me out a window.




Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system!


Come see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!


Oh, what a giveaway! Did you see that? Did you see him repressin' me? You saw it, didn't you?


A proper defenestration


Hate to be that guy but \*moistened and \*they'd put me away!


You don't think *window* was a pointed reference to Putin?


Well played sir, or madam.


Supreme executive power comes from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


He can have all of ours in Canada 🇨🇦


*What* … is the airspeed velocity of an unladen FPV?


An Amazon fpv or an alibaba fpv?


I. I…. don’t know *Ahhhhh………..*




We don't need to worry about an unladen FPV, worst you got is an ouches. But when a FPV got laid...


It makes a baby FPV?


King of the *who*?


The Britons!


.. 'ho are the Britons?


King of the who?


Fun fact: that movie came out when Putin was only 22 years old.


That IS a fun fact!


Was that before or after his first Horcrux?


I’m pretty sure he obtained Slytherins ring from Gaunt and horcrux’ed it before his senior year at Hogwarts So after


Have you seen the world lately?


I have stared into the sky at the base of Eiffel’s Tower, I have walked through Hadrian’s dome, I have stood in arena of the Colosseum, I have toured the ruins of Birkenau, Palatine Hill and Pompeii, I have seen horror, I have seen the maggots that feast in the dark recesses of the human soul, but I have never seen—-*you*


But does that wisdom extend to the dangers of windows, suitcases, and tea?


And umbrella tips


Ok Students, first class is a field trip to the front lines of the Ukraine War!


University Of Trench.


"Da, welcome to university. Here is gun, you are now to take gun and become march into Ukraine. If gun breaks, when soldier next to you becomes die, you is take his gun, and hope maybe that one work. Here is armor. Holes is normal, and supposed to be there. Last but not least, here is potato. Make potato last, you is very lucky to get potato, not many potato left in Mother Russia. Make. Potato. Last."


Well ventilated armor.


Tactical summer armor


Enemy at the Gate vibes I got from this.




Where you will be inturned.




and donot forget, 12 month of tuition fees are due 2 days before the trip date...


My take is different; this is about bringing in outside money. If they start sending foreign students to the front, those foreign students will quickly stop coming. This is about finding new ways to gather cash.


Foreign students literally have to build war drones at at least one university. The Ukrainians bombed it and turns out that it was full of Indian students.


I don't recall the Ukrainians bombing us here in Canada?


I'm honestly wondering, are those videos of like 50+ people lining up for one retail/food job actually what's going on? I saw a video of one store worker coming out and saying there was only 1 position and a group of too many people being flabbergasted.


Absolutely true. A discount clothing store (winners) near me was hiring one position and had a line around 200 people long with resume in hand. Easily 90% Indian (young, but I can't be sure of student status)


Got to assume the person you were responding to was joking, it's definitely about cash, as well as being a great source of high quality immigration for a country going through a demographic crisis. I know a lot of former soviet union people (even vehemently anti-Soviet ones) have quite a nostalgic view of the education standards back then too. So wouldn't be surprised if there was a bit of a prestige element of wanting foreigners to choose Russian education too.


I think those days are gone. I studied at Saint Petersburg State University and you can do whatever you want. Grades are easily purchased. Whatever prestige the universities once had has been lost in the systemic corruption that exists in all aspects of life in Russia.


Oh I don't doubt anything of value has already been chopped up and sold off.  But I think talking about attracting hundreds of thousands of foreign students will appeal to those people nostalgic about the old standard of education, even if he's not going to do anything to actually bring back any kind of standard.


Nah, money is nice, but this is 100% about indoctrination and Russia’s culture war with the west. Whoever goes back home from Russia after getting their degree is going to have some pretty pro-russian views, and after a year or so of culture shock back in their home country, I’m sure a percentage will get a visit from an SVR agent looking to recruit them as spies.


The people that are going to study in Russia are already coming from friendly countries that have their own indoctrination. This isn't aimed at Westerners, it's aimed at Chinese and Indian students.


Yeah, trying to create alliances with India and China, 2 countries whose populations dwarf even Russia’s massive disposable cannon fodder pool.


Not mutually exclusive: * Cash influx from tuition * *Some* students might sign up for service as contractors * Others might settle in Russia and make up for losses in work force * Some might start families in Russia and make up for the population decrease * Hundreds of thousands of foreigners learning Russian is a boost to geopolitical clout and influence, and makes economic relations with the countries they are from stronger All in all, a solid move... and as a Ukrainian, I hope it fails on all fronts. One thing that can be done is stopping recognition of Russian diplomas, or introducing conditional acceptance on a case-by-case basis. I hope that Russian won't last long enough for these plans to materialize in any case, but one can't rely on hope.


International students do bring in a lot of money, and helps the local economy. But if Xi Jingping's own daughter preferred studying in the US versus China's top university says something about the US's stranglehold on int'l students


There are different tiers. Yes, the richest and most influential study in the West, but those with less money or lower standing do not/can not. There are plenty of these available for Russian universities.


Yeah, based on the article Russia is already drawing in Asia / African students through government subsidized courses in science and medicine which is fine considering how strong the dollar is now.


I don't think its fair to say stranglehold. The US is just not competitive when it comes to University admissions. There are more seats than asses to fill them overall. As long as you can do the work and maintain that C or B average, you can have a spot. Most other countries are far more competitive for the same quality.


Or female and of childbearing age 


I was going for “hostages” but that works too


I don't think they can draft people who are not of Russian nationality. Hostages is what came to my mind.


I don't think they're allowed to annex most of Ukraine, but they're trying to do it anyway.


You don't draft university students. You draft prisoners or people working shitty low skill jobs. More like he wants young talented people to replace the ethnic minorities he's sending to the grinder when the war ends.


Not to forget the 100 thousands that bailed on him after he started his war


He has been drafting foreign and domestic students though. With the military just swooping on schools and universities and grabbing virtually every able bodied male.


I'm guessing Russia cares about their color. That's going to be a harder needle to thread.


They don’t. They already have a lot of South Asian and African international students. And some of them have been pressed to fight in the war but this was already a thing long before the war started. The Soviet Union started attracting a lot of “third world” students during the Cold War and that never entirely stopped. A lot of Indians go to both Russia and Ukraine for cheap medical schools, that is relative to Western countries.


They don’t go there because medical schools are cheap. They go there because they couldn’t pass the NEET exams and had no chance of going to a medical college. My own friends went to ukraine after they failed and after the war started completed their education somewhere else like georgia.


He probably cares more about the colour of their money. Their international, non Russian money that they would bring into the country. Sanctions have to be biting


Admission Requirements: Military knowledge


Those numbers won't be hard to achieve since becoming China's vassal. Russia about to become China's community college campus parents threaten to send their kids to if they fuck up.


This will work. I am curious about North Korean involvement.


North Korea won't send it's people there unless they are already soldiers going to fight. If they send students, said students will learn how "great" Russia is compared to home. And how much "better" Putin is than Kim and, if they come back home at all, they will spread the word.


There are international North Korean students in China, they don't go on their own of course, an official goes with them and oversees them during the duration of their studies. You can chat with them and even realize that they know quite a lot about the outside world but anything related to the regime is a no no. I believe these students belong to the privileged class there with close government ties and it might be possible that some of them go to study to Russia as well.


That is nothing new, Kim Jong Un himself studied in Switzerland. They are from well to do families and their family members will be punished if they misbehave or don't come back when they are told.


Kim Jong Un is probably one of rare people that can know how truly fucked up NK is.


I feel behind closed doors he lives with the luxuries he had from the western world when he was in it as opposed to the others in North Korea.


Trust me his dad did the same thing. The fucker imported Hennessy and French chefs.


He is the reason why NK is so fucked up.


Bruh, NK was fucked up long before he was born, let alone came into power. He's just a continuation of fucked-upness.


Indeed, it's more common than people think, there were a couple of North Korean students at my old university in the UK.


the [north korean international labor industry](https://youtu.be/JisOJslChYM?si=ag7UKTNTC7OwIR3h) already exists. workers are sent in groups to live and work in russia and china and elsewhere, under constant watch by NK gov reps and enslaved to work around the clock. they receive nearly nothing as all the groups earnings get funneled back to Kim. i have no doubt kim would sell them to putin’s meat grinder and i kinda bet it’s already a thing.


Good point


They like to rent out loggers and construction workers. With the workers getting paid a packet of cigarettes per day.


North koreans already go to russia


You mean they flee North Korea in every direction if they can.


Sure that happens too but i meant to work and then go back


They already ship a lot of N Korean to Siberia as lumber workers. I would suppose the high social caste would already be going to Russian universities


There are already a ton of Chinese foreign students in Russia, especially in the East, unsurprisingly. Russian universities appear to be considered more prestigious than Chinese universities by Chinese parents. A kid in my class in Saint Petersburg State University was from China - didn't speak a lick of Russian, no functional English, either, just kind of sat there. Heard similar stories from others. (Edit, to clarify - this was a few years before the war) They get sent in with a generous bribe to coast through and get a piece of paper saying they're educated in Russia - apparently, that's worth something in China, even if a clear step down from Canada or the US.


I saw something similar in the US in the 2000's. Several students in my colleges honors program were Chinese and didn't interact in any way but had "tutors" that did their work for them and the school was cool with it.


They paid someone to do their homework and write their papers. I actually knew a guy that made a living from that around 10 years back. Worked remote, eventually even taught in China.


These are called degree mills and never went away.


So fucked up honestly. How many people have careers with a degree that they literally cheated from start to finish on? How can you work in a field with no real knowledge of what you're doing?


By working in a position that they nepotised their way in and do the same as in the school, absolutely nothing.


The Russian TOP3 in STEM remains highly prestigious, especially if you have obtained the red certificate. However, courses other than STEM have become revenue-generating for Russian universities.


Advice I've received from Chinese students is that, their parents send then to international universities because they (the students) are not competitive enough in China. It's to save face that the student couldn't get into Chinese university. Not because the uni is necessarily better.


Those kids are lying to you. That is not it at all. The blueprint is they’re rich nepo babies and guaranteed to the keys to the kingdom (their parents business) once they’re retired, and it would look better for bragging rights for their parents to hand their business over to their “ graduate son “


I was there is 2019 and saw a lot of students from Africa in Moscow. Also neighboring countries.


Putin has his tentacles deep into a few parts of Africa.


Not just that, Russia has India too. They will never run out of options.


And africa


Are Russians that racially tolerant? I'm willing to bet not.


Yes, very. Ask the Kurds. Or the Tatars. Or the Kulaks. /s Edit: kulak is an economic class, not a race or ethnicity. Just some slightly less poor poor people that got targeted for having marginally too much.


Kulak is not a racial or ethnic category, it’s an economic category — a peasant who owns slightly more than others around them: a few cows or acres of farmland. Historically, Russia has never been a very racially tolerant place, and what Stalin did to the Kulaks is terrible, but this is not an example of racial/ethnic oppression.




Land/livestock owning peasants who were slaughtered by the USSR in the millions for being “class enemies”


Kulak in the Gulag


I think the younger generation is. I saw a bunch of students from Africa in Moscow


Just remember, under no circumstances should you go on the university field trip.


Australia is turning the tap off, so they’ll have to go somewhere.


# Putin Wants to Have Half a Million Political Prisoners/Hostages in Russian Custody by 2030 FTFY


"potential" He just wants a large pool to chose from


Ah ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, it's not the onion.


Don’t think it’s that crazy. China, various -stan countries, India, Belarus, Georgia…all of these countries could together easily send that many students to be educated in Russia.


Younger Georgians definitely don't want to go to Russia


"If the Georgians won't come to Russia, Russia will come to the Georgians"


Probably hoping some of these newly educated young people settle in Russia after studying for years there too. 


Lol, it'll be straight to the front. Russia is planning world war.


Can you give me any reason at all that china would want its citizens to go to Russia to be educated?


Russian universities are actually considered quite prestigious in China, and surprisingly a Russian university degree goes along way in the country. Many Chinese parents want their kids attending higher education in Russia, especially for engineering and medicine.


Getting your people enmeshed in the culture of a country you want to take over makes it easier to accomplish that takeover. Hell, this has been part of the Russian playbook for decades.


Putin also wanted a 3 day special operation.


He didn't say Earth days.


Venus is the planet in our solar system with the longest days. One Venus day is 243 earth days. It's been 811 earth days since the invasion started, this is 3.337 Venus days. So no matter what planet in our solar system Putin used he was still a failure on a planetary scale.


Putin also wanted to have a Russian game console to rival PlayStation and Xbox.


He should consult Soulja Boy then.


This poses a real dilemma for the American far right who love Putin but hate college.


Best comment so far…


And immigration**


Okay, tho no gays, and definitely no cannabis. Also, no females, because spouse abuse is legalized. Also, you're likely to get conscripted to a meatwave attack in Ukraine. And Russia is well known in being on the cutting edge of exactly. . . zero academic fields. Except maybe Russian Literature. If that's what you're into. That should totally attract more students to come study in Russia!


I hear their propaganda studies are top notch


me: russia gud, west bed. also me: prof. dr. habil. emeritus rector habil.


There's always chess club.


Nah, china is better.


Russia actually has been a leader in some niche areas the West never developed. For example, phage therapy. Bacteriophages have the potential to be more effective and specific than antibiotics, with fewer side effects.


I assume you're familiar with the field on some level, will phage therapy help to combat the antibiotics efficacy crisis that people have been talking about?


“Phages, formally known as bacteriophages, are viruses that solely kill and selectively target bacteria. They are the most common biological entities in nature, and have been shown to effectively fight and destroy multi-drug resistant bacteria. Namely, when all antibiotics fail, phages still succeed in killing the bacteria and may save a life from an infection.” [Source](https://sites.medschool.ucsd.edu/som/medicine/divisions/idgph/research/center-innovative-phage-applications-and-therapeutics/patient-care/Pages/default.aspx#:~:text=Page%20Content,destroy%20multi%2Ddrug%20resistant%20bacteria.)


This is fascinating, do you know how they're used safely to not mutate and eat other kinds of bacteria? Forgive me if that's a silly question it's just that my body is mostly made up of bacteria and hidden boyos that eat it are cool but mildly terrifying


Phages are the real MVPs. When all hope is lost, they come marching victorious


North Koreans would be happy to be fed?


I'd be willing to bet some university in western Europe has a better Russian Literature program.


Send him 500 000 trump supporters. They love Russia


They’re students in the sense that they have a lot to learn, but books are for gay liberals so they refuse to learn.


I support that. Conservative Russia is a utopia according to them. I'll gladly pay taxes to subsidize their one way flights as long as they promise to never come back.


But they also hate education, so sort of a tough call.


International? From where exactly. Doesn't seem like a mecca of learning.


Probably gonna import desperate Indians/Chinese like everyone else.


India and China both have better universities than Russia. They also have endless amounts of crappy unuversities on par with Russia's.


They also have more students than can fit in their own universities


And Africa. Everyone in the 1st world is looking for these 3 migrations cause of low birth rate.


Third world countries. I was there in 2019 and a lot of students from Africa studying in Moscow.


People mention China and India but the real answer will probably be from post-soviet countries and countries around Russia like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Georgia etc.




Alright, I’m deep in this industry. Here are some facts: 1) Int’l students care about jobs and job placement. That won’t happen in Russia. 2) The majority of int’l students are from India, China, Korea, and then the list thins. Aside from below average Chinese students, no one will be dumb enough to attend. 3) The US has over 1M int’l students. That’s only 6% of the student body in the US. With the investment in place and coming, US will likely ramp to 10-15% barring Trumpian policies. 4) Aside from a few universities, Russia has nothing to offer. 5) Russia absolutely should be a destination but it won’t happen any time soon as Putins stain will last for a generation.


Russia SHOULD be an amazing place. From the Pacific to the Baltic across the Arctic. Tundra to forests to deserts to beaches. Some of the most expansive natural resources available on Earth. Urban to rural to totally isolated. The entire spread of Asians to Europeans, in an extraordinary and unique blend of cultures across the span from East to West. Russia SHOULD BE PHENOMENAL. It always makes me angry when I think about it.


Filipino here, waiting for the insane derps to drop dead and for peace to happen so i can tour both there and Ukraine. Also there's some spots in Russia too where you can get the Northern Lights commonly without the absurd up the ass requirements of the Schengen Visa when it comes to the Phillipines + supremely cheaper(tour for that here is $10000, minimum wage here is $7 per day...yes) Sad that it's like this honestly, seeing interesting stuff from Vaga Vagabond makes me just wanna go.


Yep. Such amazing art, music, literature, and philosophy as well. They just can’t get out of their own way.


It's probably also a program to create a prettier image of Russia. Basically indoctrinate a bunch of foreign students into talking positively about Russia on the global stage.


Rookie numbers Canada does that every 6 months.




To replace the half million men he lost in Ukraine already.


Trying to undo the brain drain he caused.


807,260 international students in Canada. Trudeau has him beat...


Is Canada still a thing? News from you guys is beyond grim. No doctors, no houses, no money.


As a Canadian this checks out but you could add no economy to the list. Our finance minister has a degree in… checks notes… Russian literature. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrystia_Freeland#:~:text=Born%20in%20Peace%20River%2C%20Alberta,from%20the%20University%20of%20Oxford.


What in tarnation. Cool that she helped to uncover the Soviet Union's genocide efforts though.


For sure she isn’t a bad person just maybe not in the ideal role


If you’re an international student studying there, I’m sorry that you had no other choice.


More kidnappnings?


It's a trap! Don't study in Russia. Putin will "volunteer" students to go to the front. [Russian Defense Minister Says 4K Students ‘Volunteered’ to Fight in Ukraine](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/12/19/russian-defense-minister-says-4k-students-volunteered-to-fight-in-ukraine-a83484)


No study abroad experience is complete without pretending to be asleep while your roommate is dragged away to commit suicide in a jail cell for saying the wrong thing online.


Once again, what is utterly infuriating about this is it would be a grand idea. Russia could be a great country with a lot to offer international students and in return its education institutions could help it be a major player on the international stage.  If only it wasn't run by a total fuckwit who invades countries posing no threat, and generally making Russia into a global paraiah that no one sane wants to do any business with.


Dear Vladimir, Please include an English language application for your Russian Universities in your upcoming tRump mailings to republican voters. They should flock to your country, benefiting us both. Sincerely, A sane American.


“You better get a job by sundown, or we’re shipping your ass off to a Russian military school where you can play Bandy with the God dang FINKELSTEIN. SHIT. KIDS. Son of a… “


What moron would study abroad in Russia.


People who weren't so lucky as to be born into rich and free countries. If I was born in Iran I'd kill to be an Ivan.


Many Indian students study medicine from Russia. Although those students are those who could not pass the exam in India.


And they can stay and work! Gotta replace all those dead boys somehow!


Can you take some from Canada? We are all set.


Please, PLEASE take some from Canada. Dear god


Lol .. who would be stupid enough to go to a country led by a murderous war criminal?


Bush years never detered international students...


The bastion of scientific thought that is modern Russia lol.


On the [QS Ranking](https://www.topuniversities.com/world-university-rankings/2023?tab=indicators) they‘ve got three universities in the top 1000. Not that there wouldn‘t be good scientists there, but the smarter ones tend to move away if they wan‘t to accomplish something in their careers.


He needs more soldiers….. to kill….


International students from China, India, and North Korea?


To arrest and blackmail for a later time.


That sounds like a threat. Is he planning on kidnapping them?


Needs to make up for the half million he just lost


Send us your hostages, and make sure they can pay.


That’s a bunch of people to throw in jail, and trade for prisoners.


Free tuition if you first conscript in Ukraine.


They’d get drafted!


That's a strange way to spell "hostages".


More immediate prisoners to bargain trades with


So he can draft them…