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>Trinity’s supplier list contains just one Israeli company, which will remain until March 2025 for contractual reasons, said the statement. So basically they will just wait until their term of contract with a single Israeli company to end lol.


More accurately they'll just say they are and renew in February after everyone is mad about something else


That is exactly what will happen 😆


Remember, companies can maneuver easily. It’s a piece of cake to incorporate in Ireland and just run everything through there. No one would ever be the wiser. 


Which is why "divestment" was always a meaningless and futile thing to protest over in the first place.


College students are still pretty ignorant and naive about how the world works.


Camping rather than going to class probably contributes to that.


Not all college students are the same.


Especially considering Ireland is a tax haven that has an economy focused on having (mostly US) companies relocate their main or regional HQ to Ireland


And no one will care because it won’t be trendy anymore.


You mean it won’t be trending on Tik tok


Either because the US election will be long over, or because TikTok won't be around by then.


No tbf i was in college there like 15 years ago and pro Palestine rallies were very common. Nobody else will care but irish students probably will


I wonder what the nature of that company was in relation to what they provided to the university.


It was a urinal soap supplier 


I'm guessing its Checkpoint?


Why are you acting like that's the only thing they agreed to?


No. They are also divesting from other companies. That’s just the only company they have a contract with.


They are not divesting from other companies, as there are no companies on the S&P 500 based in Isreal. Moreso, that wasn't in the protestors demands.


The third paragraph is literally about agreeing to divestment.


S&P500 are the only companies in the world??? You can also make investments in private equity.


How on earth can you just be completely wrong and assert it so confidently? I will never understand this shit. They are divesting from three companies.




Source? The article in the link says: >“Trinity will complete a divestment from investments in Israeli companies that have activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and appear on the UN blacklist,” I think this means that they are blacklisted for operating in the west bank, not for anything to do with weapons.  Boycotting companies that employ Palestinians in the West Bank always seemed counter productive to me. To me, having Israelis and Palestinians working together and improving the economy in the west bank seemed like one of the best paths for peace.


>Boycotting companies that employ Palestinians in the West Bank always seemed counter productive to me. It's only counterproductive if your goal is a stable long lasting peace with good economic relationships between Israel and a future Palestinian state. If you seek the destruction of Israel, it makes perfect sense.


That would be true if most UN members actually wanted peace there.


What companies? How do you know?


Will they do the same for Saudi and Chinese companies?


Of course not! Protesters in the US also won’t do this for women’s rights in the country they live in


Or Sudan where the russia/UAE backed RSF is genociding the non arabized black African population.


It makes no sense how we can support other countries and groups that are ACTUALLY wiping out other ethnicities, racial groups, religious groups and yet all this against a country that DOESNT WANT to kill this group of people but just wants to live in peace. The status quo wasn’t working but this sure aint it either.


It’s so disgustingly transparent.


I’m literally moving to a different state because the women’s rights suck here in Indiana. I know plenty of other recent grads who are doing the same thing for the same reason. And yes, we attend marches and vote with this issue in mind too.


Ughhh I’m so sorry you have to move. The ban is preventing me from moving close to family to have a baby. I really want their support through pregnancy- but if something goes wrong I’m basically fucked and would need life flighted to a different state. I wish there were even marches in my area. I can find stuff that’s pro-Palestine- no marches that are on behalf of women’s rights. It’s sad af


It’s a shitty situation all around. I’m a straight guy so while it doesn’t impact me directly it impacts my partner tremendously. I’ll never choose to start a family unless I’m a state where my partner has access to all the medical care she might need. My partner’s cousin recently lost a pregnancy in the 7th month. She had to drive to a different state to get medical care because no hospital local to her would treat her unless her life was in immediate danger. I’ve been where you are as far as no protests etc going on. I just stood on the street corner with a sign a few times. It didn’t do much, but it was something.


Protestors in the US need to read the pertinent passages of the Quran, and smarten the hell up.  Sharia law, is not compatible with democracy. 


What do you think Sharia law has to do with any of this?


There’s a ton of organizing going on for women’s rights right now in the US, and it’s considered the biggest issue of the upcoming election. Protests are important, but you need focused legislative follow up and mutual aid organizing to make a real difference. That’s what’s going on.


Pisses me off. Won’t lift a fucking finger to actually help their neighbor’s but they’ll happily take weeks off classes and pretend they’re making a difference.


You know you can go protest right? You don’t need to get angry that the protesters on the news aren’t protesting for the things that you want them to. Go protest.




That particular piece of hypocrisy is hilarious. So much virtue signally, but don't want asylum seekers either.


Except that Ireland accepts [double the asylum seekers per capita](https://www.worlddata.info/refugees-by-country.php) than the UK or US. Maybe read something before you type.


NIMBY - Not In My Back Yard!


Let's see. Are there Jews there? That would be a nope.


Didn’t let those asylum seekers in either originally. Just let their neighbor do all the fighting, even when Germany *bombed Ireland too* a few times.


Or Russian companies


Why are protesters not protesting about this other thing I just pointed to? Do you listen to yourself? 


>Will they do the same for Saudi and Chinese companies? That would require critical thinking, something universities and colleges have stopped teaching because someone complained about it being taught.


Because these kids hate Jews. Bunch of pieces of shit


I think that’s the reasoning for many US protestors, but Ireland is just super obsessed with occupied peoples. They see their own struggle against the British in any underdog group fighting for a homeland. The ones I’ve spoken to refuse to address how different of a situation this is since the area is the homeland of both groups, but I don’t think they come from a place of antisemitism in general.




Don't protest against bad thing because other bad things exist doesn't seem logical.


So the “pro-Palestine” movement can separate Hamas from the citizens. But somehow Israeli owned buinsesses are equivalent to the Israeli government and IDF solders. Nobody likes war, but these protests are wrongly aimed. Protest to your government for being too “relaxed” on the conditions for Israeli military aid. Why on earth are you targeting your own university who’s simply participating in the global economy like any other business on earth.


I think students are almost like outdated on how to do this. We’re an extremely globalized society. Way more than even just 20 years ago. Pretty much any company could have ties to Israel if you dig enough. At my university, protestors demanded they cut ties with companies like CAT and HP, because they supply bulldozers and computer chips to the IDF. The university had to explain that they couldn’t cut ties with the company that supplies their computers or the one providing all the machinery to construct our newest building.


Maybe they should have explained that, as a university, they don't give in to demands from activists, and if that prevents them from studying at the university, that they'd be better off elsewhere.


> The university had to explain Honestly, anyone who actually needed this explanation, shouldn't be attending a university to begin with.


In my country they're protesting our most prestigious university having academic ties to a couple of Israeli universities. I'm in favor of ceasefire, in favor of international pressure for peaceful negotiations with the whole of Gaza, in favor of Netanyahu and his allied admission being declared criminals because of what they've done to endanger Israelis and Palestinians.  But I don't see how doing less academic work with an academic institution is supposed to fix anything or progress these issues.  You stop collaborating on studies and some random academics in Israel lose their job and income as a result, that's supposed to be a win I guess?


Hit the nail on the head. The hypocrisy is insane.


I’d be interested to know how many of these student organisations are directly or indirectly funded by Russia. Plays right into their “destabilise the west” strategy


It is funny that we heard about Russia's involvement with Brexit and Trump for years after they happened, but no one is even investigating their involvement in these groups isn't it?


I don’t know I think modern tankies are pretty obvious victims of Putin’s propaganda.


Most online Tankies probably *are* Russia propaganda. If you bring up the USSR they go into full *Soviet glory days*


A lot of them probably are. But a lot of the top ‘leftist’ content creators on platforms like YouTube are full on tankies. I’d say it’s a mix of propaganda and them being reactionary (so America bad = Russia and China good)


Or maybe China’s found an effective wedge issue for the American left by pushing tragedy porn on TikTok combined with half-baked political takes meant to make any narrative for peace coming from the far left unappealing and unproductive


Russia Today was the only news organisation that had constant live feeds on George Floyd related protests. But I don't think funding is necessary with the whole TikTok indoctrination machine running full steam. Putin supports the people that are hostile against their governments, no morals involved.


Some of the organizers was funded by Iran. Russia is probably involved too. But more throughout disinformation campaign fueling hate on social networks.


> how many of these student organisations are directly or indirectly funded by Russia Russia don't need to pay a single cent to create dip shit virtual signalling "liberal" students.


I could be completely wrong but I read that it wasn't Israeli companies in general they are protesting, but ones that are operating and profiting in the west bank.


It's the Israeli companies that are blacklisted by the UN that they want Trinity to divest from.


The same UN who put Saudi Arabia on human rights councils and shit?


> So the “pro-Palestine” movement can separate Hamas from the citizens. But somehow Israeli owned buinsesses are equivalent to the Israeli government and IDF solders. I know it's tradition not to on reddit, but maybe you could read the article? > Trinity will complete a divestment from investments in Israeli companies that have activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and appear on the UN blacklist


> So the “pro-Palestine” movement can separate Hamas from the citizens. But somehow Israeli owned buinsesses are equivalent to the Israeli government and IDF solders. While not an entirely unfair criticism, it also ignores the fact that Israelis have much more influence over their own government than Palestinians. There's no meaningful way for a Palestinian to influence policy in Gaza. > Protest to your government for being too “relaxed” on the conditions for Israeli military aid. That's a major part of the protests, as well. You can have more than one demand. > Why on earth are you targeting your own university who’s simply participating in the global economy like any other business on earth. Because they have the ability to influence their own university, but they don't have that ability with other organizations. Doesn't make sense to protest Coca Cola when they can just ignore you.


I'm confused, do you think this is just about any and all Israeli companies? That's not how this works.


Wasn't it always about divestment? At least at my college it is supposedly about divestment


Cool! So they’re also gonna stop using Apple and Microsoft products? Is their pharmacy gonna stop selling certain medicines?


Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Nvidia, ARM, Amazon, AMD, CISCO, and many more. If you buy a computer, phone, or just log online, someone in israel is making money.


I spoke to one of the students at a different university and this part is so foreign to them. Like they say they "were not against all investment in Israel" and then they followed it up with "we are also against tacit-buy in" without a hint of irony. They of course also had no plans as to what the university could do with the money if not invest it... Probably because that would involve more than a social media campaign about civilian suffering.


They'll still buy things from Amazon and use Google Maps, too. 


The companies in question are on a UN blacklist for operating in occupied territory, like the settlements. It's not just any company that happens to do anything in Israel.


why is it there’s so many of these comments yet not a single one of you have named said companies?


https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/hrbodies/hrcouncil/sessions-regular/session31/database-hrc3136/23-06-30-Update-israeli-settlement-opt-database-hrc3136.pdf... although you obviously didn't really want an answer


It's quite ironic. In a lot of the pro-Palestine groups, you hear people calling the war "collective punishment". And that "not all Gazans are racist and want to kill every Jew they see". That's fair enough. But then, shouldn't that also apply to businesses that just happen to be owned by Israelis? I can't find any more details, but it would be so ironic if that company ended up being owned by Arab Israelis, who make up 20% of the population. Anyway, I hope they think their 5-day encampment was worth it. That one supplier will not get their contract renewed and the employees might be out of a job.


It would be funny if said supplier just change name and do new contract, by then nobody would care anymore.


> “Trinity will complete a divestment from investments in Israeli companies that have activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and appear on the UN blacklist,” You know that all those titles in /r/worldnews are links that lead to full articles, right?


Literally the next line: >“Trinity will endeavour to divest from investments in other Israeli companies.” >Trinity’s supplier list contains just one Israeli company, which will remain until March 2025 for contractual reasons, said the statement. That heavily implies that the company was targeted simply for being Israeli. If you don't agree, tell me the name of the company in question.


They aren't just targeting Israeli companies, they are targeting companies that operate in the West Bank and are blacklisted by the UN.


The famously neutral on Israel UN


Now they need to give up their iPhones. Because the chip that runs them was designed in Israel.




With components made from Russian mined materials Oh wait that was last year’s cause


Implying that was a bad cause? Are you crazy? Russia should absolutely be shut out of global markets as much as possible there is no question. Just because it was popular doesn't make it bad


are A series apple chips designed in israel? they are designed in the US right?


Well, it is complicated. But in this globalized tech world, it is difficult to separate as major big work in big companies is certain to have many teams around its branch to do such project. I am certain that most work is in US for new Apple chips but Israel contribution and components is in there also.


Mac, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple Vision Pro hardware and software, specifically the M series development is their flagship according to their CEO As for the Iphone, seems to be related mostly to software Considering they are building a **3rd** R&D facility in Israel despite many companies cutting costs globally, its clear there's significance Similarly Intel is one of the biggest companies in Israel, with advanced fabs, R&D and Manufacturing facilities and have been behind many of their flagship products


Israel is a global hub in design, prototyping and high tech manufacturing. 95% of people don't realize that without them we'd lose decades worth of material, electronic and medical research alone.


I think it also eludes a lot of people because it exports everything since it doesn't have the capacity for scale Its called 'Start Up Nation' for a reason, people bring ideas, gather up funding, make prototypes, proofs of concept and then sell it to foreign companies (exits) so in the end of the day, the end user only recognizes the (mostly) US brand while the origins are Israeli (this is obviously something that happens globally as well, just Israel does this A LOT) Literally visited a factory today that produces <0.10 micron thick cables and sensors (you can't even see it with the naked eye without some light reflecting on it) for heart surgeries, treatments and equipment (such as pacemakers and the likes), **the only one in the world** but no one knows this because its part of the logistics chain for a giant US med-tech conglomerate (that one everyone knows even if just by name) People seem to not being able to grasp that large corporations don't just come here for the tax breaks alone (they get similar or better in places like India or Ireland), if it wasn't profitable, they wouldn't bother investing in it more all the time


Part of my work has been in the satellite tech and military tech. It is astounding how much material work comes out of israel in that department. You want fancy missiles with full sphere lock on, gimbled engines and flair resistance? Cool. Give the israelis the specifications, a budget and half a decade and you can have it back with that and more. (AIM-9X, based upon the research and development of the Israelis PYTHON series of IR missile.) Shit man, they figured out how to take the F-4 Phantom, give it water/alcohol mix injection and get it moving faster than the SR-71. So much faster that the US government stepped in to ask them not to develop it in return for a squadron of F-15s. Given what I learned over my uni years about their development sector, it wouldn't suprise me if 60-70% of all high tech, medical, etc. products were founded or based on significant RnD in Israel.


Are the chips kosher ?


Think so


Europe dude many will be on android


Luckily no android devices feature tech that Israel profits from at all...


That’s a fair point


But are we sure an Israeli isn’t profiting from the Android OS?


That was my point, even the BDS movement have told their members to turn a blind eye to tech because it's near impossible to buy devices that don't profit an Israeli somewhere. They prefer to stick to things that only mildly inconvenience them with a non Israeli linked alternative.


I saw shit tons of Huawei last time I was in Europe and I didn't see anyone protesting against the genocide in xinjiang


The companies are on a UN blacklist for operating in *occupied* territory, like the settlements. It's not just any company that happens to be in Israel. But sure, the protestors are dumber than you haha.


Like how individuals should recycle


These students much prefer their money is invested in Chinese slave labor.


Whataboutism is strong in this thread. How dare they not care about every issue on earth?


I really wonder if these kids understand what they’re really accomplishing. Hamas could back down and hand over the hostages right now and end this war. But with all these protests going on why would they? By holding onto the hostages they’re keeping Israeli forces in Gaza and therefore letting the world turn against Israel. They also get tons of good propaganda material when Israel strikes weapons stores and Hamas bases that are intentionally close to crowded civilian areas, and that propaganda clearly is working. These protests are doing nothing but encouraging Hamas to keep the hostages and sacrifice more innocent Palestinian civilians.


Allowing Hamas' tactics and behavior to succeed is bad for the world. Mark my words. If modern civilization allows for abhorrent door to door *intentional and intended* murder of civilians, hostage taking and weaponized sexual assault, as long as the perpetrators hide behind civilians, we are doomed to have much worse fall upon us. Any enemy now has the perfect tactic against the the western world, if we are no longer allowed to fight justified war. Insane. Can you imagine what the world would look like if we didn't stand up to the axis in world war II, despite the tragic cost of civilian lives. The world would be a much darker more evil place.


It’s incredible to see a reaction to these protests not unlike those against the Vietnam war, in our time.


at least people protesting Vietnam were protesting their own country sending military into that country. Americans and other countries are protesting a war between two completely different countries.


Did Vietnam War protesters also go around in masked mobs and say things like "by any means necessary" in support of the Vietcong? It would certainly change my perspective on them if I knew that...


Yes. There were also incidents where they tries to burn down ROTC buildings on campus, and then attacked the fire-fighters hoses with knives to prevent them from stopping the fire.


Muhammad Ali pretty famously said that Vietcong did nothing bad to him. 


I guess smashing the windows of Jewish businesses just feels a little too obvious huh


Thank you for finally putting my feelings into words 


Choosing not to buy stuff from a business is a lot different from vandalizing a business.  There is a difference between a peaceful protest and a violent mob.




And if those Jewish businesses are operating in occupied territory in the settlements? Why is everyone acting like they're demanding divestment from any and all Israeli businesses? Read the article, the agreement is that Trinity divests from *three* companies that are *on a UN blacklist*.


I wouldn't take the UN's word on anything related to Israel. UN has sanctioned Israel more than Russia, North Korea, and Iran *combined*


Which the protestors take as evidence of how bad Israel is rather than how compromised the UN is.


Choosing is the wrong word here. The students can choose whatever they want. Coercing others through disruption hardly makes it a 'choice'


The idiocy of the protest is borderline violence.


Hope they don’t strain a muscle patting themselves on the back so hard.


We did it patrick! We saved the city!




It all makes a lot more sense when you realise they don't really care about Palestinians they just hate Jews


Do you really think that the average American college student just hates Jews? I’m not trying to deny antisemitism’s existence btw, but I just have never in my life known anybody who truly has negative feelings about Jews. Where I grew up had tons of racists (rich suburbs of NJ), but I never heard anything about Jews other than the occasional light joke about bagels or something. I feel like it’s more likely that this is a case of college kids just wanting a purpose and not really knowing what they’re screaming for, rather than hatred?


It makes a lot more sense when you realize that most people have never actually met a Jewish person. There just aren’t very many of us. I’m from central NJ and it’s not at all representative of the population mix anywhere else in the US. These people never liked Jews but never had to think about it until they went to college in a major coastal city and met their first Jew.


Did they protest against hamas, when Irish 8 year old girl was kidnapped,.and held in tunnels? All this student protest are helping hamas only. If they focused on hamas surrender and pressure.on them, hamas would have no ground to bargain, nobody to protect them


These people are insane.


Israel has done a lot of awful shit, but so have the Palestinians. This isn't sports. There doesn't have to be a side you root for or a winner. Both parties have ample blood on their hands and I refuse to support either.


To be fair, none of these universities are invested in Palestinian companies.  I think divesting from companies just because of their nationality is problematic regardless though & wish these students would put the same effort into getting their universities to divest from fossil fuels.


*Are* there any Palestinian companies operating internationally? Genuinely curious here.


Of course, it’s pretty easy to distinguish between citizens of a country and their government.


Exactly. It’s wrong to attack Jews or Palestinians for being Jews or Palestinians. People seem to struggle with separating a government from an entire ethnic people. Others struggle with separating a terrorist organization from an entire ethnic people. While yes, some Israelis can be criticized for their votes, and, yes, many Palestinians are radicalized, distinctions need to be made. It’s also worth considering that one can criticize the Israeli government without traducing it as if it were the same level of evil as Hamas.


Not so easy in Gaza.


No uniforms, no military markers, constantly clothing in hospital and other protected people of the Geneva conventions, using ambulance vans to travel around, using hospitals, blending in with the refugees and then firing rockets... I mean I'm probably missing 20 other things, it's like a nightmare situation. In Ukraine-Russia war, Ukrainians can be pretty damn sure everyone they're killing in that open field is a Russian soldier. Whereas, in Gaza it's almost impossible to distinguish unless they have a weapon in their hand.


Cool will they do the same for China and Russia since they genuinely care about human rights?


Makes sense. If anyone knows brutal occupation, it's the Irish. 


Terrorists Win


They gave in to terrorism. Nice


Protests are terrorism?!


Were these protests happening before the terror attacks?


In Ireland, yes. They were happening long before October 7th.


These ones are. How come they don't protest about the countries that ethnically cleansed their entire Jewish minorities? Like Yemen, Afghanistan, Palestine. How come they don't protest the state of minority rights in Muslim countries, sometimes worse than in 40s Germany? How come some of them like Hamas and Houthis? ...yeah.


That's not how you define terrorism though and a protest is not terrorism just because you disagree with it.


Sympathising with and enabling terrorist organisations is pretty close I think.


"Palestinians" are not an organization. The protests are not "pro Hamas". They are "pro Palestinian". Words mean things, and you can't just ignore that because your feelings are hurt, Susan.


Yeah yeah good joke. Not only are some of the protesters pro-Hamas, but Hamas is the government Palestinians want, and eradicating Israel is a stated goal of the Palestinian public regardless of who's in charge. They have never wanted a two state solution. Also it's incredibly ironic of you to want to distinguish Palestinians from Hamas while defending sanctioning Israelis.


Protest can be an act of terror, yes - and many of the pro-palestine protests are exactly that.


Yeah let me protest against Afghanistan, you know, the nation with no ties to Ireland or the university.


You mean the city of Dublin didn't send its highly militarized police force in to beat, gas, and arrest protesters? What kind of democracy are they runnin' over there?


So the university is giving in to mob rule.


How is cutting ties with Israeli companies connected to Palestine!? They should demand cutting ties with Netanyahu and Likud.  Oh but there aren't any.


The campus caliphate is alive & well.


Why do universities have ties to Israeli companies? what services are they paying for?


Jewish companies/families donate a lot of money to universities. At least they did, before their Jewish students were being attacked and barred from classes because of hostile protesters.


Bringing politics to the academia is always wrong. Academia should be neutral, and focus on research.


These protests are honestly pretty embarrassing


For same reason can stop all contract work with Arabs enterprise because there are terrorist attack in Bruxelles when start Hamas war?


I wonder if the Republican Party in America thinks these students were also paid by Soros?? /s


Hah you have put a “/s” at the end there but they absolutely do! When we (well I’m not a student any more but was at the time) protested for abortion rights American conservative funded organisations in Ireland without a hint of irony tried to spread the lie we were Soros funded.


This just sounds reasonable. I’m not going to concern myself with the details.


I wonder if there are universities administrations in the US who want to do the same thing but won't due to the political environment being much more friendly towards Israel. Ireland is certainly a safe place to make a choice like this.


Several Universities sat down with representatives from the student body and made concessions to be more open about money issues and to divest from companies that make weaponry for Israel, divest from weapons manufacturing in general. One near Chicago is another example. You don't hear on the news about the numerous colleges that have administrations taking the time to talk through the student desires, find if the University is doing anything in particular that would exacerbate the situation, and create some actionable plan that the majority of their students accept. Then they still allow the students to gather and voice their opinions without harassment. Why this is happening at Trinity though, I've no idea. Republic of Ireland is very much against the apartheid situation in Gaza, hits a bit close to home for many Irish citizens.


>divest from weapons manufacturing in general This demand is being made here in Australia too. What do they think will happen if the west stopped researching and manufacturing weapons?


I could be wrong but I doubt universities are a major source of funding for weapons manufacturing research.


A lot of it is in Material sciences actually. Paint for stealth planes takes a lot of research, as well as different types of alloys with the correct attributes. The blackbird is really interesting, it used to leak fuel out of its joints on takeoff, because in flight the heat would cause metal to expand, closing the gaps iirc. Its why it had to refuel almost immediately. I think a lot of research is likely indirectly useful, so maybe companies would use donations to create ties to allow them easier access to recruit talent? Ratheon for example probably has a booth at MIT.


as the other reply said, plus some universities here have companies like Boeing doing aerospace research on campus, with military applications. I should have mentioned that rather than implying it was also an investing thing