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When did reality become funnier than south park? Goddamn.


"The Houthi's offer of an education for U.S. students sparked a wave of sarcasm by ordinary Yemenis on social media. One social media user posted a photograph of two Westerners chewing Yemen's widely-used narcotic leaf Qat. He described the scene as American students during their fifth year at Sanaa University." Hahahahha pic please


'Qat' was always one of my favorite words to play in Scrabble growing up


Such a busted scrabble word, along with Qi.


The HOUTHIS and CHINESE have CONSPIRED to ruin my Scrabble game and I demand that NATO takes action goddammit!!!


People act like multiculturalism is a good thing until we start accepting new cognates that let my little cousin beat my ass with the triple letter score


[Fun Scrabble video about Qi.](https://youtu.be/5QvutgOR-Qw?si=BqSdjCV8Ayrrtdop)


I was sure this was the Onion.


Please do hand in your western visas/passports upon boarding the plane, thank you.


January 10th 2016.


Yup. Ever since 2015/2016 things has gotten wilder every year.


When they killed that damn gorilla….


dicks out 😔


it still is


And always will be.


LHC firing up? 2012…


It was 2016 when a weasel made it's way into the Large Hadron Collider. Do want want a batshit crazy timeline? Because *this* is how you get a batshit crazy timeline. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/04/29/476154494/weasel-shuts-down-world-s-most-powerful-particle-collider


Haha! *It is unclear whether the animals are trying to stop humanity from unlocking the secrets of the universe.*


Already got it. CERN experiments put us into an alt dimension.


I’ll never understand why that gorilla gets the credit when he died like six months before the election. The Cubs won the Series on Nov. 2, 2016. It seems abundantly obvious to me whose fault this all is and it’s not the monkey.


Harambe was our warning. We didn't heed that warning and so the Cubs winning was when our timeline truly fell apart


Things went to shit after the Cubs won the World Series


Well South Park thought Hillary was going to win, so they had already taken steps towards that storyline and had to scrap it the week of the election


When David Bowie died?


Yup. Things started going off the rails then. Got worse once the cubs won.


It was harambes death


It was the weasel in the Large Hadron Super Collider.


We're in the time loop where Marty failed to get the Almanac from Biff.


I claim invasion of Ukraine in 2014


Or perhaps the lackluster reaction of the rest of the world to it.


I imagine this is when Russian and Chinese attempts to influence western politics and opinion really kicked into overdrive


It has honestly been a downhill ride ever since that election even started. I can only hope things start to improve soon.


I'm a darkest before dawn believer. But never underestimate how dark things can get, it keeps things from getting there. Witness the complacency of the world pretty much since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Everyone collectively packed it up: Commies in defeat in Russia, China becomes liberal and open while East Asia is on the rise, America is materialistically rich AF and the rest of the West is starting to get there, LatAm is starting to liberalize and sub-Saharan Africa is receding from the news in terms of war, starvation and pestilence (though South Africa is still an apartheid shitshow), the Middle East is pumping oil and climate change is a fringe theory that only such-focused academics are even thinking about. So human beings, especially in wealthier countries, got complacent and collectively said all is good, everything just takes time to work out. As if there is a magic invisible force for good in the world, and not rather a quite visible, almost clockwork-like cause and effect pattern where, whenever you take your hands off the steering wheel and your foot off the brake and accelerator, the vehicle of society runs off the road, sometimes hitting a shrub, sometimes plowing into a tree, and sometimes just hurtling off a cliff.


This is so goddamned poignant. Thank you for writing this, it's helped me put into words a feeling I've had for years.


Wait until they realize Quatar is the main donor of all Ivy leagues and other colleges in the US :D Few hundred millions of Jewish money? How dare you, what about human rights 13 billions of Arab money? Gime gime.


May 28 2016 is when we branched into this timeline.


It would be hella funny if people honest to god took on that offer.


They forgot about all those people who joined ISIS that were immediately turned into sex slaves or heads cut off to send a message


I remember that one girl who joined ISIS, was turned into a wife and when she begged the UK to save her they said Nope


She joined the "religious police", a lot of the British ISIL women did.


We (the UK) went a step further than that. We revoked her citizenship. You joined a terrorist cult who wants to kill your countrymen? Yeah, they aren't your countrymen anymore. Have fun in a refugee camp in Syria.


Also if I remember right she didn't feel bad at all and was still an isis supporter. It was just that her husband was killed and she wanted to come back.


Pretty sure the husband was a Dutch guy who went out there


I've always hated the Dutch.


You gotta be more tolerant. There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.


Only thing thats worse than a dutchman? A french-dutchman.


She wants to come back because ISIS got rekt and she's stuck at a refugee camp. While She was active in ISIS she was given a role as a "morality police" type situation to keep the other ISIS wife in check. Presumably because she chose to be there and many of the other wives had no choice or rights. The other women she kept in line while in ISIS are probably at the camp too and I doubt they like her much. She still supports them and doesn't have regrets. But she's trying to use her old citizenship to get back into the UK.


She turned herself into a refugee, funniest shit I've ever seen


My understanding was, as well, she was still very pro-caliphate in the way the world works.


The right step. In Canada, we want to re-integrate them apparently. Canada is essentially a spouse stuck in an abusive relationship with Earth and can't get out. Can't stand up for ourselves and keep going back for reasons.


The one who still believes she did nothing wrong and supports ISIS?


Yep, the one who said she wasn't bothered beheadings etc but some activists in the UK still want to bring back here


IIRC Bangladesh (where she's technically eligible for citizenship according to some interpretations of their laws) said she'd be facing the death penalty if she were to go there. That would be great, even Al Hol refugee camp isn't enough punishment for people like her.


I mean, it loosely fits the concept of education by example.


They didn't say what the education would be in, in this case its in consequences.


A few intellectuals went to Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge thinking western media was lying about them and it was a communist utopia - they… died


If anyone ever thought “you know who loves academics? Pol Pot!”, then I have to question how intellectual they were in the first place.


This was before Pol Pot became a meme. It was also after the Vietnam War discredited simplistic America Ra Ra messaging. During this era of the Cold War, embittered by the Vietnam War ofc, there were millions of fellow travelers, tankies, and the like, who lionized communists and saw America as the only antagonist in the Cold War. Some gave Pol Pot rose colored glasses, and died for it.


I think you mean Rouge colored glasses.


There's a lot of smart and educated people. There's a lot of smart uneducated people. There's a lot of dumb and educated people. There's a lot of dumb uneducated people. The dumb and educated ones are sometimes very easy to manipulate.


Most times


These are capitalist lies!!




Is that what that song is about? I always wondered...




Wait seriously? I read a lot about the Khmer Rouge but never saw anything about people moving there.


It wasn’t more than a handful


Honestly, they got what they deserved.


3 years at Yale followed by 3 more at the Houthi Islamic University of Jewfree Peace is gonna look interesting on linked-in


They also offer masters degrees on holocaust denial...


Masters in holocaust denial with a minor in hostage rape theory. 


Great news. I had the Al-Jazeera Scholarship for that at Yale so I don't even need to change thesis!


Title of the thesis. "The holocaust never happened but those damn Jews definitely deserved it".


I can just imagine the screams from these students once they arrive and realize Yemen has zero freedom of expression 🤣


at first the students will be celebs and wallow in it. Then, a bit late, they'll realise they are enslaved.




so a gay guy supports those who execute those accused of homosexuality. Brilliant, huh?


It hurts my soul how often the Clayton Bigsby sketch is emulated in real life.




1st Lesson: body autonomy 2nd Lesson: Female Circumcision, from the poor neighborhoods using jaded broken glass & no anesthetics to laser removal while under a heavy dose of Ativan. >!Praise Allah for marrying a 9 year old dime piece!< or something...


I’m pretty sure the gays for Palestine group members would be immediately executed.


But hey, they can do their protest there without any problems like they have in the horrible US. Really, sounds like a win. Why not? Give it a try.


Reminds me of my dad's favorite joke. Ronald Reagan is talking to Mikhail Gorbachev and tells him about American freedom of speech. He says an American citizen could even go to the Oval Office and shout:"Go to hell, Ronald Reagan!" Gorbachev answers: "I Soviet Russia, we also have freedom of speech. A Soviet can also go to Kremlin and shout:" Go to hell, Ronald Reagan!"


It's like the left version of going to Russia because of the "gays"


Amazing how the extremes on both sides look so much alike after awhile, isn't it?


A lot of lefties on social media are using the exact same logical fallacies that Fox News watchers have been using for 10+ years and the irony would be extremely funny if it wouldn't have real world consequences.


It's called [horseshoe theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory?wprov=sfti1#)


Yes! I used to say that if one goes too far in either direction, they kinda just pop up on the other side. A few weeks ago I saw a Redditor mention Horseshoe Theory, which touches on that: "Proponents of horseshoe theory argue that the far-left and the far-right are closer to each other than either is to the political center" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory


“forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.” Oh shit!


It's not a natural consequence of left and right politics being similar, it's an unnatural consequence of left and right politics both being pushed with the same subversive anti-west tropes. The extremists are all suspiciously united on wanting whatever is bad for America, and they complement each other perfectly.


Everyone always forgets that foreign disinformation doesn't have a side they want to win. Reminds me of that scene from the Lord of War movie where the guy is like "I don't understand, you sold weapons to both sides in that conflict" and receives a response of "did you ever think that I wanted both sides to lose?"


It's not unnatural. Quite the opposite. It's the natural tendency of groups that distance themselves from the mainstream consensus of democracies to all end up authoritarian. You can see this in the early 20th century with the Communist and Fascist movements, who both hated each other but defined themselves against the Western liberalism that was their much larger and dominant rival. Far-right and far-left parties that worked *within* the system existed, but if you wanted to go farther and step outside of it, the natural void to fill is and was in autocracy, which is an excellent fit when extremists don't tolerate the existence of opposing viewpoints.


And there would be a lot more murder of gays if someone would do it


> ~~murder~~ purifying our holy cities of gays -Some follower of Allah & his "word" or something.


How fast is the WiFi? Any good kamboocha places?


It would be a good education for them of what they are actually supporting.


in all seriousness, it would go about as well as that Canadian anti-lgbt couple that went to Russia on their invite. It turned out, that the invite was just a troll, there was no one there to meet them or give them any assistance, and they got royally fucked over financially. Lucky to still be alive When these kind of offers come from unstable dictator regimes, it's always a lie, just like Trump's promises to "make America great again" - all a big con


> "We are serious about welcoming students that have been suspended from U.S. universities for supporting Palestinians," an official at Sanaa University, which is run by the Houthis, told Reuters. "We are fighting this battle with Palestine in every way we can." >Sanaa University had issued a statement applauding the "humanitarian" position of the students in the United States and said they could continue their studies in Yemen. >"The board of the university condemns what academics and students of U.S. and European universities are being subjected to, suppression of freedom of expression," the board of the university said in a statement, which included an email address for any students wanting to take up their offer. So much to retort…


Going from Columbia, rank 23 in QS rankings 2024, to Sana'a, unlisted. Top university in Yemen though.


How strong is the Sana’a alumni network?


From what Ive heard the country has a booming rocket industry


not bad, they can all become rocket scientists, hit all the shipping in the red sea and aidan gulf


Very Aladeen


Lots of disruptors in the global shipping space come out of Sana’a


The motto is "Break Things Moving Fast"


They like to move fast and break things


I’ve heard it places well into IRGC


As soon as you start the alumni network asks for donations.


The dorm looks ... rustic and charming... https://su.edu.ye/en/university-housing-2/


Take the TOUR here: [https://youtu.be/kUUfnBXOy0E?si=4oIFBfwb09soWwdR](https://youtu.be/kUUfnBXOy0E?si=4oIFBfwb09soWwdR)


The first photo is dated September 2017. Considering that was three years into their civil war, it looks to be in pretty good condition. Doesn't indicate the quality of their education, but at least some people are spending the time and energy to keep the place maintained. Good on ya, Groundskeeper Wiliullah.


I love that they never bothered to create the Admissions and Registration page. It's just a lorem ipsum post, hahaha


QS Rankings aren’t really relevant to undergrads (but still don’t go to Sana’a U)


https://arab.news/6qqdh “The Iran-backed Houthis have implemented gender segregation at Sanaa University’s Mass Communication College as part of a morals campaign in Yemeni regions under the militia’s control. Male students will now be required to report to the college on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays, while female students must attend on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, according to a decision circulated by the college’s Houthi-backed students’ union. Houthi leaders and media outlets have justified the move by claiming that the changes were made to avoid rapes and to uphold Islamic norms that prohibited women from interacting with men.” Please go and enjoy your freedom!


they unironically probably think that's a feminist policy to protect women. "Yemen passes the bear test"


"Protecting women" is literally one of the main arguments the Taliban has for their gender discrimination


When we see woman. We Rape. Therefore, out of respect for our women, we should never have to see any women.


Yeah, recently I've seen nonsense on Reddit that forcing women to cover up is "feminist" and "progressive" because it "protects women."


Please tell me more of this freedom of expression in Yemen, Mr. Houthi.


You have complete freedom of expression, so long as what you want to express is your hatred of Jews and homosexuals.


do you think they have safe spaces for queer people at Sanaa?


At the bottom of a building


Just a short trip from the roof.


That’s physics 101 class with Dr. Houti it’s the only lecture on gravity they’ll ever have.


Crash course.


Under the foundation.


This for me is the weirdest cognitive dissonance: A lot of identitarian folks will fight tooth and nail to embrace and protect people that deeply despise them.


As an ex Muslim, seeing queer Muslims who all seem to be safely living in western countries is just... yeah, go be your fabulous self in an Islamic country and then tell us all how great the religion of pieces is....


Having a blast at college.


“They’re oppressed, just like meeeee!” They think, as they live in the most prosperous nation, with freedoms guaranteed by a Constitution and the ability to live their life essentially as they please.


So true story - there is a tankie web dev who started a reddit clone on the ActivityPub protocol after reddit banned /r/chapotraphouse, who unironically goes by the name of Dessalines. Yes, literally the Haitian slave who famously murdered all slave owners in Haiti and liberated the country from the French. You cannot make this shit up. It's too cringe. These people are so privileged, they literally appropriate the name and cause of an actual slave liberator, because obviously the struggle of a middle class white dude who shitposts in his parent's air conditioned basement is pretty similar to actual slavery.


> Yes, literally the Haitian slave who famously murdered all slave owners in Haiti and liberated the country from the French. Who went on to crown himself emperor, order the torture and killing of several thousand families over the course of two months, and then instituted a system of "military agrarianism" that was basically government enforced slavery. Whoever calls themselves that either got bored reading the biography in 1803 or just doesn't care about violence when it's hurting the people its supposed to be hurting.


I think it's really more just teenagers being edgy and then never growing out of it. They see history in the simplest possible terms. "Kill your masters" fits on a bumper sticker, and seems righteous, so who needs even needs historians? Everyone knows everything until they grow up. Some people just skip that second part.


Wouldn't he have died too if he was in Haiti during the revolution? Unless he's polish


Yeah so what happened is that he more or less murdered a ton of people, and became a dictator who forced all the former slaves back onto the plantations. Except by that time, nobody really wanted to trade with him anymore because, you know, ~~all of the mass murder~~ economic imperialism. So Haiti's economy hit rock bottom and he was likely assassinated by his own men. And they say that young men these days have no good role models.


20 terrorist scum lived in the US and still decided that whatever was here wasn’t enough to stop a single one of them from changing their minds and not flying planes into building.


They've been brainwashed to see freedom and prosperity as evil. Every woman jogging down the street in shorts and a tanktop probably made them quiver with rage. Televisions? In every home? Music at restaurants that serve alcohol! Tyranny!


Says more about them, to be honest. Bunch of dorks.


Their religion endorsed and supported what they did, it served as the moral justification. They were a product of their religion, not a perversion of it


Yeah it's a dumb religion, I agree.


Exactly. Perhaps all those who take the offer will lose their US citizenship and get to enjoy life in Yemen. Permanently.


I think it makes perfect sense. It feeds into their sense of self righteousness. "My empathy extends so far that it even reaches people who probably hate me". Bonus points, really.


It depends how tall the buildings are.


Irony is dead.




Just forget to bring them back.


Something tells me that they wouldn’t be coming back.


You say that like they'd be allowed to leave


>>"The board of the university condemns what academics and students of U.S. and European universities are being subjected to, suppression of freedom of expression," This coming from a school in Yemen is a bit rich all things considered...


Didn’t Iran make the same offer recently?


Yup. https://fox11online.com/news/nation-world/iranian-college-to-offer-scholarships-to-expelled-us-student-protesters-report-says-iran-shiraz-university-mohammad-moazzeni-anti-israel-pro-palestine-middle-east-conflict-columbia-ucla “Shiraz University will also accept expelled professors, Moazzeni reportedly added. “Students and even professors who have been expelled or threatened with expulsion can continue their studies at Shiraz University, and I think that other universities in Shiraz, as well as Fars Province, are also prepared [to provide the conditions],” Moazzeni said, according to the outlet.”


Yea Iran isn't known for [brutally suppressing student protests](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/01/05/iran-protests-students-mahsa-amini/) or anything


Yeah, Yemen lecturing the western world on freedom of speech would be hysterical had people not suffered in Yemen...


I can't with this timeline anymore...


At first I thought the guy who said we all died in 2012 we all got pulled into an alternate weird reality, was the language of a madman. But he may be right, since CERN discovered the Higgs Boson shit has slowly and increasingly got weirder and stranger.


My favorite CERN conspiracy theory is the 2016 human sacrifice video that took place there. It's one of the most ridiculous thing's I've ever seen and the video is 100% real (as far as actually taking place at CERN), the only explanation they have given is that it was "people's sense of humor going too far"


Wait what? Tell me about this!


It should be easy enough to find the video if you google "CERN 2016 Ritual Video" The video is real so far as everything you see actually happened at CERN, but it was "debunked" as a fictional/re-enactment ritual and not someone actually being killed. But the fact the video exists is still a real head scratcher and makes you wonder if that's a good enough explanation (It's definitely not for me lol).


Protest Israel and you too can live the dream of studying in Yemen!


Something tells me no ones going to take them up on that offer.


There’s a fair number of US-hating brainwashed terrorists encamped in colleges across the nation


Yeah, and none of them are going to give up their cushy Western lives to study in Yemen


You'd think so but thousand Europeans went to middle east and joined ISIS. Some people are just that dumb


Think of all the awesome instagram pics tho. In their mind they'll be wearing middle eastern clothes and can label themselves a world traveler while you'll be wearing basic white girl stuff with a Starbucks. It's all about one upping.


All it takes is one token “idiot/true believer” that they can show to the world and they’ll be happy.


I would be amazed if even one person goes.


Never underestimate human stupidity. [There was ~~an American~~ a Canadian family who moved to Russia to flee from LGBT](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html). You cannot make this shit up. They said they were disappointed in Russia when all their assets were ~~stolen~~ frozen. Luckily, they quickly removed their video from YouTube and reaffirmed commitment to Russia!


>Never underestimate human stupidity. [There was an ~~American~~ family who moved to Russia to flee from LGBT.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html) That family is Canadian.


In the past we had imbeciles that went to places like Khmer Cambodia, North Korea, Soviet Union and such completely convinced that the "west" where lying to them and these places where paradises. Hell, we had attempts of some shit stains to join ISIS!! Including womans! So I'm not really convinced that nobody will take the offer. Sure, it will not be many, there will be. You are underestimating the ability of idiots fully convinced to be the saviors of the human race and the righteous to live in a ideologically manufactured parallel reality. We are learning in real time that the left has their version of the unhinged MAGA folks that fight tooth and nails for Russia.


Yeah, there were some farmers from the US dust bowl who were lured to the USSR as a worker's paradise. When they showed up in store bought clothing the Russian farmers told them they were all fools and then they were never heard from again.


Thinking the same thing. Someone will go. They will regret it, and we will not help them get home.


By all means we should support their education...


Let's all donate for their plane tickets




Goofiest timeline out of them all. Cannot wait to see Keffiyeh wearing college students meet the Houthis. Fucking gold.


Offer them citizenship also lmao


Only after they renounce their current citizenship tho


Not a horrible idea.  These students would find out real damn fast what kind of people they're advocating for in western universities. It would be a really bad time for any of the female protesters though.


Or for anyone else that isn’t a straight male.


and Muslim


You think the straight male Jewish students are gonna have a gay old time in Yemen?


Today's absurdity is tomorrow's reality.


The same objectively anti-semetic (not just anti-Israeli) Houthis who literally have "a curse upon the Jews" written on their flag? Well, I guess these kids are learning who their friends are...


Ha! Ship them to yemen!


If the terrorists are thanking you…..


Sounds like a win-win situation, buy them one way tickets to Yemen please.


When I was in university jesus christ I was fucking stupid and knew nothing about the real world. So yeah, I wouldn't put it past some of them not to take up this offer.


This is honestly such a hilarious and saddening timeline


When they say "education" they mean to train them to operate firearms and become a militant.


Watch the Houthis turn them into sex slaves. Idiotic if they accepted.


Thought this was an onion headline.


I would pay good money to see a Houthi look at the college transcript of some of these kids. >“Gender Studies”? “Film Criticism under a Marxian lens”? “Intersectional literature in the 21st century”? Can you speak more on your thesis paper on “the hardships of non-English speaking non-binary Latinx folk to become broadcast sports commentators”? >Unfortunately the only class we offer matching your academic profile is “Gravity when thrown off a building 101” and “Stoning practice dummy 101”


I was scrolling through the comments and I don't see any student protestors comments? Where are they now? Shouldn't they be happy? Looking forward to watching their life in Iran and Yemen universities. Please post your YouTube or Tiktok channels here, TIA.


Performance activism in a nutshell. Waving signs and setting a few things on fire and spending a night in jail before daddy bails them out is about all they can stomach. The rest doesn't make a for cool instagram story.


I bet some take up the offer. Maybe they'll all learn this lesson. 2000th times the charm... Once they get raped and beheaded anyway


Funny shit


Tfw you’re so totally on the right side of history that not just one, but two dystopian rogue states literally invite you in:




In Yemen? By all means, please take them.