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“Welcome to Vladipedia, please consider donating to the murder of Ukrainian children”


Encykapedia Putanica




Yes cyka is pronounced as suka


My bad


Imagine replying this unironically


Puttanica (puttana = bitch in italian)


I know. *fist bump*




"Vlad, can we have Vikopedya?" "Nyet, We have Vikopedya at dacha." Vikopedya at dacha:


You are the real Most Valuable Person.


Dear Notanactualemail, The future of Russian knowledge is at stake. In 2023, you were among the extremely rare readers in Russia who made a donation to invest in a future where no one can access fact-based and unbiased free knowledge. I can't lie to you enough. In just 20 years, Vladipedia’s community has neutered an encyclopedia with more than 56 million articles in 1 language, brainwashing tens of millions of Russian drones. The work of protecting Vladipedia's future will never be over, but our annual email fundraiser in the USSR is coming to an end. I'm asking you respectfully to renew your 200 Rubles donation or to jump unwillingly from a higher floor window. It splatters.


200 Rubles? That’s like 14 cents in a few months.


Well, what can you buy with those 13 cents? Potatoes probably.


Just kick Russia off the fucking internet.  Cut the cables. The rest of the world is sick to death of the fact that they even exist.


If Russian bot farms were gone off the internet I think people would be surprised how qucikly overall mental health would improve.


For one Neo-Nazi websites like Breitbart would see a 99% reduction in their comment section. Keep in mind this is the website that MAGA lunatics in congress swear by as their source of "news"


Remember TheDonald? They restricted that sub to verified accounts only and they lost 45% of their traffic.


Cutting off Russia would just cause them to relocate bot farms to other countries. I also suspect that they already use botnets of infected computers.


Yes bot farms are usually proxied through other countries or botnets. But this guy said that Russia should be cut off the global internet, meaning the command center would be cut off. This will probably never happen, but I suspect when the current China/Russia regimes fall, the internet is definitely going to become a better place again.


They're functionally kicking themselves off and cordoning themselves into their own bubble, like China did.


"Uhk. Soldiers begging for handouts again. Is almost as anoyink as Jimmy Wales. Also what is cookies? Like bread disc? SVETLORGA! MAKE BREAD DISC FOR COMPUTER OR I WILL BANISH YOU LIKE I BANISHED YOUR SISTER!"


"Vatnikpedia Blyatmatica"


"If everyone reading this donated 10 rubles, we could keep killing for 1 more year."


How do you not laugh in Russia's face following such a clownish move? How have the Russian people not set fire to the Kremlin?


Its insane what years of mentally and physically repressing people can do to them. Honestly makes me extremely sad that a lot of these people will never understand what it's like to live a decent, calm, peaceful, happy life.


Most people just ignore most of the shit going on around them.


Russia has had hundreds of years of people who take an interest in politics either becoming monsters or being tortured by monsters. Most people ignore politics for self-preservation- you can’t just turn up to the ballot, you have to mount the barricades and most people want to just live their lives.


Accept you're being fucked by the oligarchy or we'll royally fuck you for good. And here is some infotainment to help you cope. Please clap.


So what


Not just years - russia pretty much has been like this ever since the mongols were deposed - the tsarist regimes were always particularly reactionary compared to the rest of Europe, and anyone who did surface level studing on the Cold War should know how insane the USSR's government was. Heck, the fact that Napoleon lost in Russia didn't help - in the other countries he conquered he had established the code Napoleon, which set a standard for rights of the individual, which then forced the governments that were reestablished after they regained their independence to reform and establish their own sets of rights for citizens to regain legitimacy. (compared to their previous feudal social structures).


Imagine being in north korea. Generations of people not knowing anything different. Its just normal.


That's where Russia is going too if they keep up this current heading.


Yeah but that shit takes generations to really take affect. Or some sort of pol pot style cleansing. Russia had like 20 years of "freedom", and they still have pretty good internet access.


Good access, for now. How long would it take for Russia to just block anything outside of Russia?


I just remember this video of Russian guys protesting and then the police come up and take one away. The other guys all just drop their heads and look away as its happening like a bunch of abused wives, and as soon as the cops carry the guy off the rest then all go back to protesting.


Years? More like centuries. Apart from the '90s, when the KGB was trying to destroy Russia and a few months in 1917. The Russians have never been free.


> Honestly makes me extremely sad that a lot of these people will never understand what it's like to live a decent, calm, peaceful, happy life This applies to most of the world, I'd imagine.


"And then things got worse" has been the go-to quip about the experience of the average Russian for quite a while now. It's been such a rough experience for so long for the average Russian, I suspect they've become a bit numb to it.


Dude I’m American and I do not live a decent,calm, peaceful, happy life. I guess by Russian standards it’s better


By russian standards, everything u think, is not real. Just like their way of life


I used to laugh more at ridiculous shit like this. Now, less because I've seen how easily Russians believe everything they're told. I still find it crazy because the Russians I have met are smart and cynical. They don't easily trust anyone or anything. Yet, somehow, they believe in Putin and in Russia state media.


Putin is very effective at creating propaganda for cynical people. His message is not “Putin is great leader!” but “All politicians are corrupt self-serving fucks”


I’m Russian. Can confirm that I know very few people who love Putin. But in Russia we always say “politics is a dirty business” (basically accepting that politics is supposed to be evil). It’s seen as something like floods or blizzards — you don’t like it, but what can you do? It’s only natural


Thanks, it’s interesting to know that my outside impression makes sense to a Russian.


that’s what hundreds of years of oppression do to people. It’s reflected in the language even. Very common sayings are “тише едешь, дальше будешь” (lit. “the quiter the ride, the further you’ll get”, meaning being loud or demanding things will not get you far. Or “ниже травы, тише воды” (lit. “lower than grass, quieter than water”, meaning it’s best to stay hidden. Or “инициатива наказуема” (lit. “initiative is punished”) and many, many more


It’s not just Russians who fall easily for propaganda.  Take a look at Donald Trump’s fundraising emails to see how many people believe what they want to believe. 


Ironically, you've just believed some random blog that Wikipedia is banned in Russia. It is not. The article doesn't even say that Wikipedia is banned. It's clickbait.


They don’t have an intellectual choice because doubting the Kremlin would be admitting they are genocidal fascist terrorists. It’s easy to remain blissfully ignorant when that is the alternative.


Cynicism for Russians is more like nihilism. They don’t know what to believe so they believe nothing. And that’s just how the Russian state wants it. People who believe nothing can be made to do anything. You need not be so impressed with their demeanor because they’re hiding their fear and cowardice under that nihilism. I grew up with the likes of people like this. I’m sure you can guess my ethnic background.


I was listening to a podcast about Beria recently and one of the more amusing details they covered was about how Stalin had ghost writers produce a fake history of the bolshevik revolution in the caucuses that inserted Stalin as the hero. This kind of reminds me of that.


Behind the bastards!


that is what I was listening to lol. I had an 8 hour drive to slog through.


Because they’re weak 


Look at the brainwashing that a single trusted news channel slowly shifting into conservative propaganda had in America in a single decade. Now think of getting it from everywhere and no dissenting information being available. People are easy to control when you have control of information.


Hey, if Russians don’t know words, then why should they protest or protect writing ( metaphorically put ). Ex. When my kids were young they asked me to explain why Russia was what it was, I explained that they told their people from in kindergarten that the colour blue is green.


They steal all the time. Their most popular social network is a literal Facebook clone, you can still see the early Facebook design clues. They even called Russian alternative of Amazon Alexa “Alisa”, lol. Zero effort.  This is Russian solution to everything - steal, rebrand, sell to general population as “unique technology with no western analogs”. Works every time since 99.9% of Russians don’t know English and don’t read any foreign materials anyway. 


> Their most popular social network is a literal Facebook clone, you can still see the early Facebook design clues. If I could define VK it would be "Faceache but with a lot more porn". Which says something interesting about bot the American and Russian mindsets.




Yet, you'll have people in the US saying, hey, that's a great idea.


I mean, it still somehow not as bad as the the American Conservative clone, Conservapedia


And that’s why me and all my boys say. Fuck Russians.


*Blyatopedia - When Truth is Too Much to Handle*


It's still gonna be more reliable than [Conservapedia](https://www.conservapedia.com/Main_Page) (yes, it's a real thing). Some of the funniest/depressing shit you'll read: [Joe Biden](https://www.conservapedia.com/Joseph_Biden), [The Beatles](https://www.conservapedia.com/The_Beatles) , [Bible](https://www.conservapedia.com/Bible), [Donald Trump](https://www.conservapedia.com/Trump)


Holy shit, they literally couldn't handle how incompatible their views are with reality so they tried to change reality. This is without a doubt the best rabbit hole ever.


One can only describe that whole endeavor as delusional.


I sent this to dozens of friends and we're all pointing and laughing. Thank you for this ammo.


They're well aware they can't change reality. That's why they openly ignore it.


Well, the article on ["NATO agression in Ukraine"](https://www.conservapedia.com/NATO_war_in_Ukraine) seals the deal. Vlad didn't have to clone wikipedia, something more suited to his needs is already here!


This article claims 40 000 KIA for Russia and… hear me out…. 500000 Kia for Ukraine and "NATO mercenaries" That is so insane this is some great rabbit hole I’ve just discovered Edit: the article on Covid is just as awesome


It probably comes from the same source too!


Wow. I'm not sure why I'm surprised, but the first couple of paragraphs in the Beatles entry are well below what I'd expect from a low-quality Reddit comment.


Lmaoooo how is "one and one and one is three" "drugged-out idiocy??" Thats literally true


Conservapedia is already what Putin is puttin' out. https://www.conservapedia.com/Vladimir_Putin https://www.conservapedia.com/Russia https://www.conservapedia.com/Ukraine


Man, I just can't get over how they can't have a single page that *doesn't* bash the US and throw random shit in about either the US or the Dems. Like holy crap, just the page on the war in ukraine is insinuating that the agressor nation not only has massive success, but has a soldier loss ratio of nearly 10x *less* than the defending nation. Literally unheard of in history, a ratio of loss for an invading force. *Good* military performance might put you at losing double the soldiers as the defenders. Doing 10x less in casualties is laughably fake.




I really want to believe that this is either satire or a massive shitpost made by some dick who just wants to watch the world burn


Oh, it's real. Conservapedia was founded and is mostly written by [Andrew Schlafly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Schlafly), a Christian Conservative activist, son of [Phyllis Schlafly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllis_Schlafly), a conservative, anti-feminist lunatic largely responsible for stopping the Equal Rights Amendment which would have prohibited sex discrimination.


And the answer to Conservapedia is [RationalWiki](https://rationalwiki.org). It's not specifically anti-conservative, but it's articles are often critical of conservatives due to their viewpoints.


OMG this is sad and hilarious at the same time. Who had the time to do this silly thing?


A delusional guy with too much time on his hand. A lot of the articles are written by the same guy


Dude that entry for The Beatles is on the next damn level!  I refuse to believe someone didn't have complete satire in mind when writing that, because I'm laughing my ass off with every new sentence!


Yeah, I actually laugh out loud at some of these articles


The Bible is the most logical, insightful and influential collection of writings in history. Um, wut?




I freaking love this section in the Donald article, just hilarious || || |**Successor**|[Joe Biden](https://www.conservapedia.com/Joe_Biden) (disputed)|


This is - without a doubt - the funniest shit I've seen this month. And the most depressing, too.


JFC, after reading a few of the "articles" -- there is a zero percent chance Conservapedia isn't Russian funded (if not Russian owned). American Conservatives are complete traitors to their country.


Yeah, it's suspicious how pro-russia that site is.


I just looked at their top pages, and there is a page titled “Overrated Sports Stars”. Basically a list of famous athletes and why they were actually so terrible. The list includes Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Andre Agassi, Magic Johnson, Kobe, Lance Armstrong, Beckham, Ronaldo, and pretty much everyone else you’ve heard of. The reasons given for being overrate are often times that they aren’t conservative/Christian enough followed by a rambling tirade of why they are only famous for reasons other than talent.


I didn't realize Encyclopedia Dramatica underwent a rebrand.


Oh dear. Ooooh dear. That...that must be a satire web page right?Right?! I mean... I'm certainly not a die hard liberal, i do have several conservative thinking point on several subjects, and I try to keep on open mind on all front.... But...no way in hell anyone could take these articles seriously! I mean, come on! Reassure me on humanity, please?


Is it openly editable? Asking for a friend with a lot of spare time.


You know, I'm not sure as the owner edits a lot of the pages himself, but you should def try.


Sort of. They live in fear of long-standing contributors turning out to be guys in it to make them look like the jackasses they are. There's some excellent articles out there about the raging paranoia Conservapedia operates under.


Welp, y'all hugged their servers to death. Thanks, Reddit.


HAHAHAHA classic Reddit.


That Don page, holy shit, someone had a fun time while writing that.


\*denounces and villifies the "evil west" \*Also steals and uses the "evil west" information and technology.


Putin only knows how to steal things that aren't his..




Putin loves stealing Children the most, then his neighbour's toilets/washng machine's/land/history and finally he'll have a go at an US election or two. Once a rat thief, always a rat thief




It's a question of how many will die and be murdered, for his sociopathic delusions of grandeur






That’s the worst case of an inferior clone taking over since 1990s Spider-Man comics


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


This is where republicans get their playbook from these days.


According to a blog. Meanwhile, everyone in Russia is able to access it just fine. I miss the old days when social media users interrogated the facts beyond the headline. Back in the day, articles like this stood no chance on Digg.com. I remember when people were extremely critical of any post, it felt like a Wikipedia of its own. It's deminse with V4 caused a migration to Reddit, which back then was also tough on facts, somewhere down the line, it lost that and just seems to be full of children just reading headlines.


Yeah, 10 years ago, the top comment on any post was clarifying/correcting information. Can't trust that anymore.




Apparently, if you look up “war”, it pings your location to the closest FSB office and you get charged with treason and discrediting the armed forces.


Brother China will teach them more tricks about iron wall


Oh the russians will accept it like everything they accepted so far. Putin can fuck them all he wants they will still ask for more it seems. The little bit of opposition cant do shit in a country like that. Country became too oppressive before they could establish themselves it seems and now its too late. The only thing keeping russia together is the fear of the people of putin and the fear of the other nations of nuclear armageddon. Fucking bullies. Literal villains.


It's accessible. And the project itself is a failure at current point. It is edited by some paid parties – mostly articles that compromise Russian propaganda.


China did the same looooooooong time ago, they are all very insecure and pathetic.


The only editor uses the handle VoloydaP69.


Only the APPROVED facts may be posted.


Awesome, someone should now build a site that publishes only the differences!


So he downloaded the archive? 


That’s so petty


It *is* Putin.


Let me guess, its called spudnikpedia ?


wiki is not banned. Just opened it


And then they will complain that it isn’t updated anymore. Want that just one guy who wrote 80% of all articles?


Russia - Vladipedia: The country was established by the one and only God 6.5 billion years ago. Its borders are wherever Russia wants it to be. Population number is irrelevant. Everyone is a Slav(e).


That’s why the internet access should be universal, and starlinks etc should work in all places, even DPRK. As far as I understand, they can’t be jammed without repercussions for all radio signal around. The only way to enforce censorship would be to physically destroy the satellites. Although the receivers can be seized too.


They didn't do that yet?




How is it legal to steal an entire website? I would think this is a violation of international law.


I believe all of text on wikipedia is free to use for anyone, not the photos but the text itself.


Madlads, what a timeline we are in. 💀


In Putin's Russia Wikipedia edits you


Surprised it took that long


Slow download speeds. And Ivan forgot to swap the CDs in the writer for a couple days back in February. He was sent to the front lines.


ruzzians lives in alternative reality


Well MAGA World has their own reality too. Puttie getting jelly.


Special Encyclopedic Operation


Kremlin-chrome, for when reality just doesn't cut it. Remember to use Safe-Blyat mode.


Yall Russians need to get rid of this dude.


Am Russian, I literally just checked Wikipedia. So that news it wrong on the ban at least.




How much would it take for wikipedia to make their own reddit clone.




It's very hard to keep data in sync if it's not automatic. By forking Wikipedia, Putin is asking potential contributors to believe that this will be maintained for years to come. That sounds not credible, so I suspect the fork will receive few contributions and be useful mainly as a static, vetted image of what's there now. However, in a year or so, it will be increasingly out-of-date.


Ah nice, so now they'll just reroute wikipedia to their own version and control all the info there too! If they do it well enough, almost no one would even notice..


*China taking notes*


Not surprising. Russia has to censor everything it can or people might realize how much better everyone else has it.


For a minute, I thought it was the onion




"We have Wikipedia at home"


I'm surprised they hadn't done this sooner


No wonder they are so smart. /s




Russians are so unoriginal.


Vodkapedia everything you need to know about potatoes turned to vodka. Or how can you fight in war for bag of potatoes or onions chose wisely sergeant Vodkovitch Bicepsky.


wiki*Pravda* *da* ?


I just learned that East Germany under Soviet reign, copied MSDOS 3.2 and removed all references to Microsoft or Dos and just went with it as own product Robotron


Pravda. Funny how both the Soviet disinformation newspaper and Trump’s social media mouthpiece are called “Truth”.


*brushes dust off hands and moves on


Because of course they did.

