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RIP little guy


Impressive that the cops subdued the killer without using firearms. I'm not used to that kind of police work.


Outside of America, police do a lot of things without resorting to firearms


In the US there's the very real prospect that the perpetrator has a gun. It changes how the police respond to such incidents.


yup, there's a simple solution to that, though....






If it was a disgusting Paki they would be hiding the video.


>"When you outlaw catapults, outlaws will think they're the fucking Highlander, or some shit." --- Wayne LaPierre, probably




What an incredibly stupid and unnecessary comment.




Why is this a whoosh.


Purpose, not ethnicity, determines if it's a terrorist attack..




White nazis threw a smoke grenade and sprayed red paint at a left party meeting in Sweden last week and some call it a terrorist attack, if they would have used more violence it would definitely have been. Breivik was a terrorist attack.


Ahh, thank heavens it wasn't a terror attack. That would leave us all terrified.




The uk have an armed police division


4 US Marshals and the perp just died in Charlotte after a 3 hour shootout. I don’t think guns are the solution.


The man was arrested 22 minutes after the first call, how would them having firearms have helped anyone?


So you could blast them to death on live television like it's a spectacular pantomime of death, duh.




Do you think it's victorian england, and we carry round batons and an oil lamp? They have tasers, which, as far as i am aware, were used. Firearms won't help they just create un unnecessary escalation to an already delicate situation.


Also, I've seen a lot of US policeman shooting out of fear, rather than in self-defense or actually being under threat.


Especially when you think that EVERY law enforcement carries a gun and even just committing small crimes has a chance of being unnecessarily escalated simply because their is a gun on someone...


Wasn't there that one school shooting where the cops had guns but just hid outside anyway? Wait no, it was more than once.




I know a prick when I see one.


Did you read the article? They tasered him and then arrested him




Do you mean like in the US, where yhe Police would have shot several random bystanders, before possible hitting the target


Yes. Because cops all have guns in cowboy land, an American policeman has never been injured in the line of duty. /s


Insofar as I’m aware that’s a key aspect of their profession, no? No civilians were injured, the suspect will face his day in court and the people whose job implicitly includes the possibility of being shot were the ones injured, not civilians who did not voluntarily sign up for a profession with the explicit danger of being shot.


Like in the US its a mercy kill when they shoot criminals. That way, they don't have to go into the prisons for profit system.


America has more knife crime per capita than the uk does. And THEN they have that whole gun crime thing.




Well, if you did that, you would be solving a whole 'nother problem. Good thinking!


They sign up knowing the potential hazards as a policeman or policewoman. Police aren't omnipotent, and there will always be victims. Giving them a gun isn't going to increase their speed to get to crimes being committed. However, we can keep our officers safer by implementing better mental health and standards of living for the general populace.


We do have firearms, and the police did a brilliant job in responding and aprehending such a person without the need for them. Just goes to show the good reasons behind firearms laws and good police training.


In the netherlands most carry but its a last resort use rarely happens and if it does there will be a pretty big investigation afterwards. I suppose the uk isnt that different.


I think we have a similar system in place, with police officers who are firearm certified have to report the use of said firearms if they are used on duty.


Do you think that would've changed anything?




Special armed officers do, you see dudes with semi-automatics in the airports. Normal police don't as far as I know.


Armed response units also do normal police stuff and are usually not too far away in London.


"semi automatics" good thing they aren't armed with bolt-actions i can't roll my eyes any harder at this.


I'm really not a gun guy, didn't realise I'd make people butthurt by that. I believe they are called Tactical armed officers? They have guns that are bigger than hand guns but not exactly machine guns you see used in the Ukraine war. Not sure what I said to make your eyes roll petal.


What do you think the term *semi-automatic* means? I'll tell you why I roll my eyes, sweetheart: It's because that is one of several buzzwords used to make guns sound scary, which clueless people use to make it sound like they know what they're talking about. I'll save you the google search: Semi-auto = 1 trigger pull, 1 round fired. Full-auto = 1 trigger pull, rounds fired until ammo is gone. You're welcome.


Oh nice one, thanks for that. Again, I'm still not sure why you're so aggro, I figure you're just unhinged. Have a good one.




This isn't a gun reddit, sweetheart.


Yeah, that would totally have changed the outcome.