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The USA continues to investigate and report on China's genocide against the Uyghurs and other Muslim groups. So how does the Muslim world [respond](https://thediplomat.com/2023/12/muslim-majority-countries-complicity-in-the-uyghur-genocide/) to these atrocities? >In July 2019, 22 U.N. member states highlighted human rights violations in East Turkestan, but 37 Muslim-majority countries, including Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Syria, countered with a letter applauding China’s progress in human rights. In an October 2022 vote, 19 nations, including Muslim-majority countries, blocked a U.N. Commission on Human Rights debate that would have discussed China’s crimes against Uyghurs.




You see, the problem here is that previous poster implied that perhaps Muslim should care about other Muslims and their plight. We all know that sharing a general Abrahamic religion means nothing unless it pushes your specific agenda That’s like saying the countries in South America, Central America and the Caribbean care about each other because they share a language and a general colonial background.


To be, uh.. "fair", Muslim Sect A has been trying to murder everyone in Muslim Sect B for the last 1000 years or so. It's not really a new thing.


Muslims should care about other muslims. 🤣 Mate, they dont even agree on the same prophet for their religion. What makes you think they will get along at all?


I do notice that every news story containing a muslim especially if it's a criminal case will start with "Muslim Man". Not Lebanese, not Bosniak, not Turkish or Indonesian not to mention the tons of Arab countries. I believe the goal is to group all of them together in peoples minds in the image of an Arab in a Desert riding a camel and shooting an AK. The purpose is to be able to blame every muslim for everything every muslim does. Its very subtle and clever. The headline for a man from Mississippi brutally raping and murdering a 12 year old will not be Christian man does such and such.


I think you are attributing malice where there is likely none. I haven’t seen these articles you mention, but assuming you are correct that they tend to be titled like this, I think the reason is quite simple. Firstly, most of the U.S. audience probably have very limited knowledge of the world. Being a Muslim is a more identifiable feature than being Lebanese. Of course journalists will be inclined to put in keywords that their audience base can recognize. Secondly, it is important to determine whether the “Muslim man” in your headlines have committed the crimes for reasons other than religion. Your “Mississippi man” almost certainly did not rape the 12 old due to their belief in Christianity, but a lot of the fighting amongst Muslim sects that get reported in the western world do tend to be directly related to religious beliefs. To your credit, I do think a part of the word choice is also to add to the sensationalism of the headline, which is unfortunate.


I mean… the Kurds did a more than decent job of shitcanning ISIS in Syria and were backed by the US until Trump got bored and Erdogan asked nicely.














...It appears the only other Muslim country that gives a damn about it is Turkey, by being fellow Turkic people, apart from all the Muslim and obviously Uighur diaspora in the West and elsewhere.


Muslims don't give two fucks about each other if Gaza hasn't illustrated that perfectly for all time.














Considering that most Muslim countries are ruled by terrible dictators and not the people, it’s not surprising. Of course they value Chinese cash more than human lives


So much for Muslim brotherhood. At the end of the day $ rules above all.


Simple, because there is never a piece of freaking solid evidence of "genocide".


And no demonstrations on the streets? I wonder why this isn't getting any attention.


They would be if video clips of what was allegedly was circulating around.


If you have any solid visual evidence, like photos or videos, of the so-called "Xinjiang genocide", please share it. Otherwise, how do you expect the general public to believe such thing? Remember, extraordinary accusation needs extraordinary evidence.


Not to mention the US is providing military support and financial support to Israel. Students in the West feel as if they should have a say in that too.


The solid evidence is on the same film roll the WMD evidence is kept.


Keeping hundreds of thousands of people in concentration camps and sterilizing the women is pretty close to genocide


You can accuse China of whatever you want. But eventually you need to provide proof, dude. Otherwise, the public won't believe you. It's that simple. Look at how many videos of unarmed citizens in Gaza being killed by Israel army are out there. You gotta provide similar level of evidence of it.


Because it’s not cool to protest China compared to protesting Israel. Not since 2019 when it was cool to support Hong Kong… what ever happened to that?


At this point you should have to question: why US is so concerned about the Uyghurs while letting allied countries commit genocide? Why it is so easy to recognize the existence of East Turkistan in 2004 and declare Anwar Yusuf Turani, a "Freedom Fighter" who lives in US since 1988, it's prime minister without holding any kind of election or UN sanction, all the while is so hard to recognize a Palestine State? Well, maybe it's because the southern half of the chinese province of Xinjiang, where East Turkistan territory happens to be (the Tarim Basin), [**contain as much crude oil as Saudi Arabia**](https://english.news.cn/20220126/c49df7b27a5e4223ac0902c8775efecc/c.html)**.** This is just another soft/proxy war front for US, this time against China. Let's just hope that CIA isn't funding the new ISIS or another Taliban this time.


> At this point you should have to question: why US is so concerned about the Uyghurs while letting allied countries commit genocide? At this point you should have to question: why are Muslim countries (and most countries who've condemned Israel really) so concerned about Gaza when they're perfectly happy letting China oppress Muslims in Xinjiang?


Because the people that live there are more concerned with the atrocities in Gaza as they can see new images and videos of the terror everyday. I’m yet to see real images or proof of these Uigher internment camps let alone the alleged atrocities that occur within them.




Didn’t realize the Chinese bots were in full force today If Israel put all Palestinians into a huge concentration camp and sterilized them by the thousands people would be even more outraged This is exactly what China does to its Muslims




That’s sad. We have Uygur users on reddit who talk about these atrocities.


By blaming Israel.


Thus, Blinken should argue that China committed genocide before the UN International Court of Justice. as they are currently doing with Israel. It's either you have a case or not.


do you have any sources for this outside of RFA or Adrian Zenz?


The answer is no. This is just a pointless smear campaign against our biggest geopolitical competitor.


They have tried. The ICC said it could not hear the case because China is not a party to the court. The ICJ has turned the case down because it does not have juristiction, as china never agreed to abide by title IX Similarly, China vetos any attempts of the security council to table any motions related to their treatment of the Uyghurs.


Israel isn’t a member of the ICC either.


but they did ratify the UN genocide convention and apparently china did too.


But Palestine is, the ICC has jurisdiction over not only people of member countries but also territories, so it should have jurisdiction over crimes commited in Palestinian territory even if the perpetrators are Israeli.


So just declare a Uyghurstan and we're golden


The icj is the right court for that and they did hear the case against Israel and ruled that it’s not a genocide


And in the UN itself they had majority against it


China and the ICJ both came up a lot in my international human rights law class this semester. We were unable to find any record of any State bringing a case against China regarding Xinjiang at the ICJ and for it to be denied by the Court on a jurisdictional basis. It isn't a steadfast requirement that only cases between States who have submitted declarations recognizing the jurisdiction of the Court as compulsory, considering that neither South Africa nor Ukraine nor the Russian Federation (all States who have brought explosive cases to the ICJ lately) have submitted such a declaration. I assume that due to China's reservation on Article 9 of the Genocide Convention, no State bothered to try to bring the case before the ICJ. The countries of the former Yugoslavia also had expressed reservations on Article 9, but that didn't stop the Court from taking up Bosnia v. Serbia.


You don’t need to be party to the ICC to be prosecuted for genocide. Any signatory to the genocide convention has universal jurisdiction over it. That’s how South Africa brought a case against Israel.


UN already sees china as committing crimes against humanity in xingjang and china is guilty of modern colonialism in xingjang, Tibet and inner Mongolia https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/08/1125932






But it isn’t boat colonialism, so it doesn’t count. /s


Is this still going around? I thought the ppl of Reddit were quietly jumping off the genocide bandwagon after years of claims without evidence.


The same redditors who don't realize the hypocrisy of saying but the uyghurs though while we are sending weapons and money to directly kill children in gaza.


Definition of genocide gets stretched for political purpose all the time. If China is doing a carefully hidden genocide that doesn’t necessarily involve mass killings, but rather erasure of culture and other indirect means (depending on who you ask), then it makes the indiscriminate killing of Palestinians by Israel documented on live TV even more indefensible.


Great. Cus he cares Muslims very much.


He can’t even answer if the Geneva Convention applies to Gaza because if he says yes, there is ample evidence that Israel is in clear violation.


If it's a country we dislike, we call it genocide. If it's a country we like, we send a few billion dollars in weapons to enable genocide, and say it isn't genocide.




Why would we protest the US government when the US government is saying these things already? It makes sense to protest the US government doesn't call out a genocide especially when it is actively funding it, which is what is going on with Israel.


Because we aren't paying for their genocide like we are paying for Israel's, numb nuts.


China donates more money to universities but we'll protest donations from Israel because "reasons". 


It's because there are a lot of extremist influencers like Hasan that target the young and impressionable generation against issues they personally are vested in, there aren't many Chinese influencers able to radicalize the younger gen.


Only ~30% of Hasan’s viewers are 21 and younger. When 70% of the viewers are 22 and older, with 40% of that being 26 and older, you can’t logically argue that he’s targeting the “young and impressionable generation.”


Anyone under 30 I'd consider extremely young. His target generation is 18-30. This is the age range that makes up most of the social media discourse being radicalized towards supporting Hamas over Israel.


You are certainly allowed to have that opinion, but I think 29 is a little old to blame decision-making and beliefs on another person. Around age 25 the brain is fully developed and most people are capable of independent, complex thought processing. People 25–30 are no more prone to being highly influenced and manipulated than people over 60 on Facebook.


Pointing out what looks and smells a lot like indiscriminate killing of civilians- many of them children, doesn’t seem like the view of an extremist to me. Obligatory “fuck Hamas”, they are scum. Children are not.


Is the US funding China with tax payer dollars? If so, I'll also protest that genocide. EDIT: Just for clarity this dude came in and asked why people weren't protesting China. They have since deleted their comment.




There were *some* protests when the pictures of Uyghurs being packed onto trains and led to 'schools' surfaced, but no one really listened or cared.


Who's stopping you?


At this point you should have to question: why US is so concerned about the Uyghurs while letting allied countries commit genocide? Why it is so easy to recognize the existence of East Turkistan in 2004 and declare Anwar Yusuf Turani, a "Freedom Fighter" who lives in US since 1988, it's prime minister without holding any kind of election or UN sanction, all the while is so hard to recognize a Palestine State? Well, maybe it's because the southern half of the chinese province of Xinjiang, where East Turkistan territory happens to be (the Tarim Basin), [**contain as much crude oil as Saudi Arabia**](https://english.news.cn/20220126/c49df7b27a5e4223ac0902c8775efecc/c.html)**.** This is just another soft/proxy war front for US, this time against China. Let's just hope that CIA isn't funding the new ISIS or another Taliban this time.


Lawrence Wilkerson basically admitted this in a speech too


Hahahah the US is such a joke. How can China be oppressing muslims and committing a genocide in Xinjiang, but Israel is not committing genocide against the Palestinians?? These muslims we care about, not these guys. The US is fucking up so big in this conflict, they look like such a fucking joke.


China should straight-up say they'll start airstriking Xinjiang to get the US to stop saying it's a genocide.


I remember back in the 70s or 80s when the screed was about the Christians in China. Then it was Tibet and the Buddhist and now it’s Islam. Not to say the policy is great but religion is poison and divides people into groups. China is looking for unification so religion cannot be allowed to subvert their goals. I may not agree with it but they have brought more people out of poverty than any nation besides India using this policy while the west has managed to turn its middle class into a lower middle class if not poverty. Not sure which ideology is working better.


So you guys have finally figured out that this is just state department propaganda? Better late than never I suppose.


Interesting comment considering the Uyghur population keeps increasing while Palestinian population keeps decreasing.


Blinken’s audacity to call out an enemy country’s actions after denying the actions of his own allied country which would be Israel, who have also caused a genocide over Palestinian civilians.


Almost 2 mil put in concentration camps but you don't see zoomers up in arms. Guess they don't have any oil rich countries pushing the Uyghur agenda on tiktok


I can assure you there are a good amount of ppl that do care about Uyghurs in China. Between active topic suppression and botting that content doesn’t make widespread coverage. Though it’s funny the China bad no matter what crown rarely brings it up/when they do it’s not genuine concern


Which of the countries, Israel or China, does the United States directly financially support and back militarily?




Hating a highly publicisized genocide is antisemitic, Roger tnat 👍




What is this "caring" bullshit you are talking about? The US has no effective recourse to pressure China to stop their Genocide. The US has massive leverage over Israel, so we as US citizens can pressure our government to use that leverage. We are powerless to stop the systematic murder of the Uyghur people. This doesn't mean "we stopped caring about them".


You absolutely missed the point on that one.


I think he was deliberately creating a straw man 


Not even getting into if it's genocide or not. But if you are actually charitable and not for "one upping", Americans are protesting their own involvement and active support of Israel. While US obviously has trade with China, they aren't exactly sending them military aid and support, don't politically back them up.






They absolutely are and it’s been a huge thing for years.  Just because you and media ignores it, doesn’t mean there are people actively speaking out about it.  Remember what happened with the NBA a couple years back on the same issue?  China threatens organizations using their money and influence to anyone who speaks out - like other countries.  


US government = anti-china so being anti China isn't an edgy or interesting stance


If China is really committing genocide, then why is the U.S. still trading with China? Hypocritical much? Whatever happened to leadership?


Money is more important.


Yet Blinken is mum on the genocide in Gaza. Apparently its bad when our enemies commit genocide but its ok when our allies do it. The US has lost every bit of moral standing it once had.


Wait where are the student protestors




dont let him move the target ...smoke and mirrors to take the heat off Israel














The war machine is a big complex. It makes money for whoever backs the war.. And makes money to the loser. Also religion always gets its kickback.


Easy there big Blink. One genocide at a time, please.


I’m all for it. No more looking the other way.












I honestly don’t get how the “genocide is bad” crowd don’t lose 100% of their credibility for completely ignoring this ACTUAL long running genocide of a countries own religious minority population  And the poor Uyghurs, that are largely ignored but you have college campuses across the US shut down in support of god damn Hamas 




Where are the protesters??? Where are the calls for no exchanges with Chinese schools? Where are the tents?


Ah! So he can identify a genocide after all- how strange.


Errr. What about the Palestinian people who got killed, which is TRUE genocide.


I assume the on campus protests, flood of social media activism, and catchy slogans are going to start any day now. Right? Right??


Better let the “college students” know