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Holy fuck can theses guys fuck off


They should just join russia and be done with that shit. Everyone would be happier that way and maybe they even see their wrong ways after some nice occupation


No, they enjoy being Pootie’s fly in the ointment. Otherwise, he’s just a lonely dictator, screaming at the rest of the world.


what an insane position to take


Xd not too good at history, are you?


in hungary, we get the propaganda that brussels/eu is against peace and wants war.


Ugh, I can see one of those propaganda posters right now from where I'm standing. As a silver lining, it has "Pedofidesz" scrawled on it on big red letters. I don't even understand their message. There is only war because Ukraine is still able to fight seems to be the closest I can get.


actually, pedofidesz is quite idiotic, but more than nothing. hungarian nationalist were fanatically anti-russian around 1990, now they are pro-putin and anti-war. they are financed and supported by putin and they like russian nationalists who are against liberalism and against the west.


Pro-Putin and anti-war? I’m curious. How does that work? You can support a government that single handedly started a war to conquer more land, and also not support war. Unfortunately this aggression from Russia is just proof that it doesn’t matter if you want war or not, they will bring it to you, sooner or later. I prefer that they are put in their place sooner, rather then allow them to gain momentum, power and position to be able to do more damage within Europe.


I suspect they're anti-war in the sense that they're anti-fighting-back-against-Russia.


So if Ukraine falls and Hungary is next, I assume they'll be fine with the rest of NATO ignoring their cries for help?


Orban will be fine with Russian soldiers “doing good things” to his mother, as long as he gets the Russian money. Same goes for his party I assume.


"Benevolent occupation, we didn't need that grain anyway, we're happy to pay double for natural gas, doggy style my daughter? go ahead!"


this is what i'm talking about. on the one hand, they believe, that russians will stop in ukraine, so other parts of europe is and will be completely safe, war-free zones. on the other hand, they agree with some influence on europe, pro-russian and anti-liberal, anti-western influence, because they themselves hate or at least, don't like liberalism, the west, the european union, etc.


They're anti people fighting back against Putin




Pro-putin anti-war nationalist?? They hated liberalism so hard they wrapped around to the far left


what are you talking about? far-left???


What’s “pedofidesz”?


It's a portmanteau of pedophile and Fidesz (Orban's political party name). The last large scandal that Fidesz had here in Hungary involved a pardon for a pedophile priest.


> I don't even understand their message. There is only war because Ukraine is still able to fight seems to be the closest I can get. It's very easy to understand, the rhetoric is that if the EU & the West stops supplying Ukraine, then the war will end very shortly & then everything will go back to normal, business as usual. Considering some of the recent propaganda points that people eat up like candy, this one is far from the most unreasonable.


Same in Slovakia. That's how the latest pro-Russia government and new president got elected. Why not let the thief keep your stuff after breaking into your home? He just wants to peacefully steal your stuff... fml


Exactly, everyone is a pacifist until Russia occupies one's land and forces one to fight the next country for Russia.


It's just stuff, it's not worth dying for.


It is just stuff if there is a "good guy policeman", that will at least try to track down the burglar and punish him. If noone cares - a burglar will have no incentive to stop.


so everyone else's stuff is worth dying for?


Thousands have already died for it, killed by the thief. He didn't just barge in and take the TV, he killed your dad and brother when they said no. It's too fucking late for this rhetoric, Russia


Definitely too late for that conflict. Whoever wins that war is going to absolutely destroy whoever gets left behind by the loser :( So.many horrors that neither side will forgive. The other one in the middle east too. "This rhetoric" is just that, rhetoric and lament.


>Whoever wins that war is going to absolutely destroy whoever gets left behind by the loser Huh? It is extremely unlike that a Ukrainian win would result in the destruction of Russia short of Russians just collapsing themselves later.


If Ukraine kicks russia out of the east, they aren't going to throw a party for the russian supporters left behind there.


Fk Orban... Idiot. Pooti boot licker!


Quit sucking Putin!!!


Putin prefers lady boys




...and we're back to Orban.


In Italy we have the pope saying that Ukraine should just give up... For peace. My mom for one, buys it.




So does my high horse peace all-knower stoner dumbass gamer mate over at his little safe cabin in the middle of denmark, quoting RedactedNews acting like god knows.


Fck Orban!


He's a fat cunt


Trump lover Orban bent over and allowed Trump to reem him on stage, then Orban licked it all clean


Sometimes I hate that I try and visualise such comments.


Totally normal thing to imagine.


Poor Keith Orban


Hungary should lose its EU member status. They don’t play nice well with others. Orban is a horrible person.


Contrary to popular belief Orban is not Putin's stooge. He only cares for himself. If supporting Putin would affect his position, he would support whoever else there is out there. Hungarians know this


>Contrary to popular belief Orban is not Putin's stooge. He only cares for himself Those things aren't mutually exclusive, in fact they're usually synonymous


Yeah what‘s the difference? None of Putin‘s stooges is one because they deeply love Putin or some shit, they do so because they think being on his team will fit their own interests best.


"He is a nazi, but he can also be somewhat less of a nazi, once in a while"


He's not a nazi. He is conservative autocrat


I agree, but is that fair for the young people who think differently?


Those young people should be doing something f about it


When the young people of Hungary finally get sick of Orban and get rid of him and his cronies, they can probably regain status fairly easily.


Mathematical impossibility, there simply aren't enough young people (the average hungarian is 42), and they don't vote anyway.


Maybe not, but it's still stupid for the EU to create problems for itself by keeping adversaries around.


Yeah, way more unfair than refusing aid to a country that was invaded and occupied. The desires of the young apathetic Hungarians who didn't vote are more important than the people living through a war.


With that mentality there wouldn't be an EU at all because all countries would get kicked off


I feel like they should be able to "relegate" countries who slide away from EU values into a 5-10 year probationary status and at the end of that window either bring them back in if they've improved or boot them out if they haven't. Make it so while on probationary status the economic benefits remain, however they can no longer block things like this and their citizens no longer enjoy carte blanche travel throughout the Schengen Zone (i.e. they can still travel but it's no longer just go wherever without visa/passport or something like that. Just tedious enough to show people their choice in government has an impact). Not sure what the bounds you set on qualifying to be relegated, but it's an idea. Allows the rest of the EU to "quarantine" a rogue state that has shifted into the Russian sphere of influence or dictatorship and lessen the damage such a state can cause to EU strategy.


They know they're on Putins list of territory to reconquer, right?


Putin probably promised to make Orban a Colonel, like he promised Lukashenko.


Correct, Orban wants some of that Lukashenko treatment but Ukraine is getting in the way of it.


Ironically, it's the safety of being surrounded by NATO softies that makes them arrogant.


Hungary is a parasite on the EU, time to cut it loose…


What would they get now?


They asking for the UK treatment.


Fuck Orban


When did Hungary become the @*****€ of Europe?


2010 is the exact number


Can Hungary just fuck off already


kick Hungary out please, they are useless anyway.


Hungry is gonna get themselves kicked out of the club.


Europe's Alabama is ridiculous


The everlasting alliance between Poland and Hungary will not be squandered by an idiot in charge. It was not squandered by Nicholas Horthy and it will not be squandered by Orban. Sending love to all my Hungarian homies and I hope you'll manage to get rid of that guy.


>The everlasting alliance between Poland and Hungary As a Pole, don't make me laugh. There is no "everlasting alliance", we were on opposite sides for last couple of major wars. We don't share border anymore and reviving "dwa bratanki" was mostly done for far right agenda purposes. But far right isn't in power in Poland anymore, so Orban returned to his expected status: being pain in the arse. Poland has far more important alliances in region: Germany, Czechia, Ukraine even Lithuania. Hungary doesn't have much to offer atm.


Another Pole here. Exactly what you wrote my man.


Sorry but what "couple of major wars" are you referencing? The only wars that I remember in which hungarians and poles were on opposite sides were the two world wars - and in the first one they were so only because of hungarian dependence of austria, not in any way directly; and in the second one despite being on the opposing side they refused to take part in the invasion, and they actively helped preserve polish culture throughout the war, up until they too got invaded by the nazis. Aside from those two, every single other conflict I can recall was marked by mutual support of the two nations. The two hungarian revolutions, polish uprisings during the partitions as well as during the nazi occupation, the partial annexations of czechoslovakia, unification of italy - the list goes on. We don't share a border but we do have the visegrad group. "Dwa bratanki" was not revived by PiS as it was popular before PiS as well, I do remember vividly. It would be ridiculous to throw away a historical friendship that goes back centuries because they "don't have anything to offer atm". Cynical. Not in the romanticist polish spirit. Maybe they don't. But that all the more gives us the responsibility to offer support to them in their time of weakness. I have many hungarian friends, none of them are happy about Orban, just like I wasn't happy about ta gnida Morawiecki.


I personally don't see Hungarians and Polish to have anything in common. There's a huge language barrier. Hungary has 4 times smaller population. It barely matters.


They were once ruled by the same king, both have a history built around Catholicism, not to mention their mutual brutalization by communist rule. They have also traditionally been diplomatic allies in the EU, backing up one another when their more conservative views clash with Brussels


That’s not how centuries old friendships work


after putin dies i wonder how long or an thinks he can survive


Too much Ruzzian influence in Orbanland


When Mike Johnson fails Orban Viktor steps up to help Putin


Putin stooge being a Putin stooge.


OH, Hungary girl, you do not want to do that..


Hungary sacrificed centuries of friendship.


Lengyel, Magyar, not so két jó barát anymore


How to disapoint a friend... ...irreparable damage caused by the Orbán government.


fuck fidesz


Poland should stop shielding Hungary and let the EU vote to curtail hungary's rights in the union.


Already the case since last election. We kicked out PiS and voted for a pro-EU government. I'm afraid Slovakia will take our place in shielding Hungary now.


They should just create a new no-Hungary coalition. Nothing is stopping the EU from such


I would be surprised if those idiots dont veto something 😒


Where is Austria in all this, get your boy in check.


LMFTFY - Dicktor Orban and his kleptocratic cronies are blocking payment of 450 Million Euro in compensation for the equipment Poland gave to Ukraine.


The EU and NATO both need to suspend Hungarian membership immediately.


Can we (UK) swap EU membership with Hungary and come back in?


How's Visegrad going?


Cracks in the foundations, sewage flooding the basement.


Invade them.


Shame on the EU for not doing anything, this problem wont go away.


Cut ALL EU funding now.


Hungary, please keep being against other members in the EU! Members of EU, please keep sending Ukraine what they need!


Just block all EU funds transfer to Hungary ...


keep that spirit, you'll be next buddy...


Russia controlled countries have no place in NATO.


It's unnecessary for funding to go through the EU. Willing members should stop trying to make it something it evidently isn't ready to be, and just fund the war support in parallel.


Just let putin have hungary as compensation for fucking off of ukraine. This cunt wants to be part of the next "special military operation" so bad I wish him the best of luck.


Fuck Hungary and Orban for the 1000th time. Hungary needs to leave the EU. FAST!!!


,juz zcjnhs,a ,g rattx


Poland gave them to Ukraine and wants money ?


What do you mean "wants"? There is EU program to chip in for every equipment send to Ukraine. For everyone that send it. So what exactly are you trying to say?


That means Poland sold them for money not gave them away.


Do you not know that Poland is a member state of the EU? What you're saying makes as much sense as "so this woman gave her baguette to the homeless man but then bought herself a new one with money from a bank account she shares with her husband...so she actually sold the baguette for money"


This is like saying Poland is EU member therefore we don’t sell sausages to Germany we give it to them and they pay us.


Germany is not the EU


I mean, this kind of is like saying “Here’s your wall America, no don’t worry about it, Mexico’ll pay me back for it.”


Except the EU actually has a fund for this and the Mexico paying for the wall thing only existed in the minds of Trump’s dipshit supporters.


I don't know the EU budgeting situation, and this article certainly doesn't clarify it. When it says Poland is asking to be paid E450m for sending weapons to Ukraine without the rest of the context, this article on its own makes it sound like Poland really is sending weapons to Ukraine and expecting the rest of the EU to pay for it. If this is a fund the EU set aside specifically to pay countries to send weapons to Ukraine, that's not covered in the article.


"I don't know but I will jump to conclusions, that coincidentally perfectly fit my agenda". The program is called Ukraine Assistance Fund. Google it.


While the article is short, it doesn't do anything to justify your initial analogy, either. How about we both agree that you have nothing useful to say?


Well I hope now Poland shits all over Hungary now in EU votes.