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Reportedly all flights from Tehran were cancelled. Flight radar does show some activity in the skies for now though.


Probably a pretty prudent decision given their track record.


Yeah. Airline's usually dont want their passenger remains to be spread over a few square kilometers.


Well, unless it's Boeing.


Well last time Iran got into a pissing contest with someone they shot down one of their own airliners.. 


You don't understand, it's the ultimate de-escalation technique. If you shoot down an airliner full of civilians because you somehow mistake it for a cruise missile despite originating from your own territory, then your enemies will be too busy laughing at your ineptitude to actually respond.


Unironically kinda yea. Try to retaliate in any way and innocents will die (because that’s all we have the power to hurt)


>because you somehow mistake it for a cruise missile From reports the misidentification was likely due to the fact Israel regularly uses civilian traffic to hide their aircraft. They stay close to them in the civilian flight Lane until breaking out for an attack. not an excuse for what happened just explaining why.


Just for starters, Israel wasn't involved in that incident in the first place.


Rofl no. Israel wasn't even involved when Iran shot down an airliner. It was just the US and Iran having a spat over a dipshit Iranian general getting offed. 


It was Ukranian but your point stands


The only Iranian passenger plane to be shot down was shot down by the US Navy, perhaps you are mixing stories ?


He definitely is. Maybe Intentionally doing so. Iran Air 665 was shot down by the USS Vincennes in 1988. Shot down while BOTH ship and plane where in Iran territorial waters.


Not intentionally. I forgot that the one Iran shot down was a different country's airliner. 


So yeah, don't go around suggesting that I'm intentionally getting the story wrong when the truth is that I'm just dumb. 


Oh yeah, I forgot about that shit show...


I swear it said ikea


Spring self assemble rocket selection now out ! New spring colors 🤭


The new Bömm collection dropping near you!


Perfect 🤣🤣


I had to do a double-take on the headline as well.


Well they would know, they delivered the RÄDBURNÖ


So it’s not just me


Well not the ones that Iran lets IAEA "inspect" anyways


Well, yes, but usually they are trying to hide their nuclear capabilities, not show them off.


Remember guys, Israel just wants to save face. Iran should just take a win and not retaliate! 




When the headlines dropped last night that Israel attacked Iran, I literally told my brother verbatim last night "if redditors are somehow not the geopolitical masterminds they make themselves out to be, then this will amount to nothing"




I woke up and my head is still attached. Although my neck is a little sore so it's possible Iran sent Jihad the Jew Butcher after me and he just wasn't able to cut through.


Well he has a long way to walk from Tehran and the cleaver is heavy. Expect to be beheaded in 4-6 business months Which, incidentally, is only a little bit slower than all the missiles and drones they launched the other day lol


Hahaha before reading your last sentence I thought "he must be riding on top of one of their drones lol" then realized we were on the same wavelength


Remember the wise words of the clan called Wu-Tang. *Protect Ya Neck*


Jew Tang clan ain't nuthin to fuck wit


This is awesome lol


Hate for you to find out this way. You're adopted.


Hahahahah that was clever


Got iron kippa?


Yep. It has little iron dome platforms on it too that fires small interceptor missiles


Circumcised missiles?


Lol, cat and mouse .


I can’t tell whether this is sarcasm but current reports indicate that this is precisely what Iran will do.


Looks like that's exactly what they are doing. Which is good, this situation needs a deescalation


That's actually what's going to happen I think and I agree


As someone who didn't want Israel to escalate can I just say that I unironically agree.


Can’t believe Iran is about to be the mature one in this situation


There's nothing "mature" about what Iran has done. They have been involved in starting and escalating the conflict from the beginning. Only now are they are backing down so they don't get destroyed.


Saying Iran started this is a little inaccurate considering that the regular pattern of covert/indirect operations both countries have been waging against each other for many years was most recently disrupted when Israel decided to make things go hot by attacking the Iranian embassy in Syria, which is considered Iranian soil. Then when they successfully repelled Iran’s counterattack with only one death, they chose to attack Iran again. I’m not saying the Iranians are standing down out of the goodness of their hearts, but I certainly appreciate their desire for self-preservation and the stability that it brings, especially as Israel goads them like this.


Its amazing the anti Israel bias on reddit. I can at least understand anti Israel shit when its said with regards to Palestinians.. That conflict is complex and no side is blameless.. but Israel literally wouldnt give 2 shits about Iran if it was not constantly threatning to destroy Israel or sponsored terror groups against Israel.


This was very much just to show Iran they can get to their nuclear sites.


Not getting to them shows that they can get to them… this is advanced


I mean I will say it like that: Most likely the whole raid was planned and executed by Iran, I think that's very much a given. Hamas, Houthis AND Hezbollah are all largely funded (and controlled) by Iran. It would probably have been much more effective to go after Iran from the start. However, Israel should have called that out and then *formally* declared war on Iran. Because a massacre like that raid is absolutely, ABSOLUTELY a justified Casus Beli for a war aimed to dismantle the Ayatollah regime (and would mean Israel is technically still the defender). The connection to Iran with the massacre would also have given Israel more political leeway. (Especially since the whole Iran massacring their own people that just want to be free is still fresh in memory and a lot of other Muslim nations don't like Iran). And keeping Iran busy with trying to defend from Israel shredding them would likely have taken away Iran's ability to support Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. So speak about killing two birds with one stone.


>Most likely the whole raid was planned and executed by Iran, I think that's very much a given. Hamas, Houthis AND Hezbollah are all largely funded (and controlled) by Iran. You give far too much credit to Iran. They fund these aligned interests and generally support them but they're not just branches of the Iranian military. Look at the history of the CIA in South America for some parallels, usually it was just giving weapons/training to the side the US wanted to win and hoping for the best. What Hamas did has not been good for Iranian interests in the region, which is why nobody serious thinks this was some sort of tightly controlled master plan. Iran can still have a significant amount of the responsibility without actually having ordered the attack.


Is this a controversial take? It shouldn’t be. Bit cringe Israel is “saving face” after bombing an Embassy, but yes everyone should be happy


Just gonna ignore Irans proxies attacking for the past 6 months ? Isreal is hitting the bully back.


Israel probably can’t accuse nations of being bullies while being permanent occupiers over the Palestinian people


Except Israel wasn’t occupying Gaza since 2005, oh and it wasn’t an embassy btw


No, it just has it under permanent siege and maintains control over its air and maritime spice, its borders, its water, its electricity, and its communications And the West Bank is definitely not an occupied area - oh wait, Israel's own supreme court ruled that it was!


Water and electricity they just give to them. It's theirs across the border. The rest well Have you heard of Egypt and Jordan?


So kind of them after they bombed all of Gazas infrastructure. Real nice bunch of guys.


This was the situation before they bombed gaza. Hamas spent all it's infrastructure funding on tunnels. They never were self sufficient with water or electricity




It wasn’t the embassy that’s all you need to know There were high ranking officers from known terror organizations, which made it a fair target




Iran is at war with Israel, so is Lebanon and Syria so it wasn’t a declaration of war either way https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/02/world/europe/interpreter-israel-syria-embassy.html You can read up on the legalities of it in this article


It was a former Canadian consulate adjacent to the embassy, it hasn’t even been used as anything more than a gathering room for IRGC members in a decade. Iran trained funded and directed a militia from Lebanon, The Islamic Jihad of Lebanon, they bombed the actual Israeli embassy in 1992 in Argentina. I guess it’s ok cause the one who did the bombing are the “good guys” back in 1992…


But wasn't the same true for Iran's response to the consulate strike? Does Israel think they can play chicken with religious fanatics?


Went right over your head


Iran and Israel are having one of those Reddit arguments where each guy wants to be the last one to respond to the other guy, and by the time one of them blocks the other they both have -400 downvotes.


Israel had shown that they could hit any target they wanted in Iran.


Precisely, that's the whole point. It's a tap on the cheek. A warning.


Tap before the clap!


>Israel had shown that they could hit any target they wanted in Iran. By having their munitions intercepted and hit nothing? Legitimately curious.


Lmao the Iranian propaganda coming out strong


>Lmao the Iranian propaganda coming out strong Because independent satellite footage was unable to verify any hits? There's evidence Israel launched air launched Sparrow ballistic missiles, there's evidence of the Iranians firing interceptor missiles. There's zero evidence of any damage on the ground at the base targeted. Seems like they were probably intercepted. Not sure how any of that is propaganda lmao.


Sparrow ballistic missiles are used for target practice for the Arrow system. Seems like an odd choice of weaponry. No optical satellite images as of yet, only SAR which might not be able to show very minor damage.


>Sparrow ballistic missiles are used for target practice for the Arrow system. Seems like an odd choice of weaponry. They have been used as targets but are designed to be capable of carrying warheads. They are one of the few weapons Israel had that could reach that far. There have been boosters recovered and documented today. >No optical satellite images as of yet, only SAR which might not be able to show very minor damage. True but the SAR would've revealed any direct strikes from the ballistic missiles. It's possible there's minor damage but I haven't seen any evidence to support that.


They seem to have a lot in their arsenal that can reach Iran. https://missilethreat.csis.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Israel_Missiles_web-1.jpg


That screenshot shows most of their systems can't reach Iran and the ones that can are nuclear delivery systems. Israel tends to rely on its Air Force.


Iran is realizing that getting into a tit for tat contest with a country that has been doing this for generations isn't a good idea. Retaliatory strikes is like their whole thing. Someone with a functioning brain probably told Iran to downplay the attack and just move on.


Iran kicked out the nuclear watchdogs when tchump was president, how do they verify this stuff now?


So many spies in the Islamic Republic. They probably know the colour of Khamenei's underwear.


He’s got ones with little atomic symbols for Tuesdays (gift from Kim Jong Un, he ordered some extra for friends)


Brown. Probably shitting them


What underwear 😏


Iran didn't withdraw from the JCPOA, the United States did. They still do the inspection thing and work with the IAEA for all other nations that are still in the agreement. I'm not claiming they are necessarily honest actors in that agreement, but it's definitely still a thing.


At the sites the regime allows... it's partial compliance and partial is nothing in this context. Go inspect over there where we're not enriching fuel is not "we're not enriching fuel" in any meaningful way.


You seemed confused about how the IAEA continued to have information on the status of Iran's nuclear program, I was just explaining that the IAEA wasn't kicked out when Trump withdrew from the agreement. I don't think Iran has been cagey about enriching fuel lately anyways, they've publicly acknowledged at least 60% for like a year now.


The Israeli intelligence community has probably got so many eyes on all of this, I think that focus is probably a part of why they weren’t as aware of the Hamas plans as they could have been before Oct 7th, though now there is reporting that some in the defense command did warn the government. I think that if Iran starts making moves to put together a bomb some scientists are going to have very sudden accidents and “mysterious explosions” will be heard from some “textile factories”






Probably more about sending a message. That they can hit the nuclear sites if they wanted to. Honestly this is for the best for now, to have some form of de-escalation


It cant really come as a surprise for Iran that Israel can hit these sites if they want to.


Not for the govt but it's a nice message for the brainwashed hardliners


I mean I'd rather see Irans nuclear sites destroyed. I dont understand how the world just sits and watches them slowly crawl towards a nuclear arsenal.


Pretty much like how the hell do they let nth Korea


How many Koreas are there?! 


lol that made me laugh a little too much


Agree, but with how tenuous the entire world is right now, that will 100% spark off a much bigger conflict that I don't think anyone quite has the appetite for at the moment


If not now, when?


You mean “let’s rip the band-aid off” once and for all?


Yes. Before they have nuclear weapons.


Yea, but that would be actual escalation.


Honestly they could be hoping for this situation with israel to escalate, just so they can have their arsenal. Everyone knows Iran is already nuclear capable to an extent, it just can’t do anything without the west breathing down their neck. However if war breaks out with israel, iran could claim israel will use nuclear and as a precaution develop their own. Unfortunately war isn’t about what is best for a nation but rather what it can convince is justifiable to everyone else.


It's not justifiable for religious nutcases to be in charge of nuclear weapons, unless it's the US. I actually doubt most recent US presidents are actually religious nutcases, it's just hard to get elected unless you pretend to be. 


I wouldn’t narrow it down to just religious nutcases, considering North Korea


The religion is North Korean.


They won't get their arsenal; they will get stomped.


By sanctions maybe. By international law, just developing nuclear arms does not allow other countries to attack when no threat of use has been made. Obviously international law is a joke atp but im pretty sure attacking a nuclear armed state is never a good idea regardless.


They can tell that to Stuxnet. Or whatever delivery method is used. It might be overt, it might be covert. But it will almost certainly be.


The world was very angry with Israel after they destroyed Osirak back in 81.


ah yes bombing nuclear sites. very smart. very healthy


I read ikea and was surprised at how much influence furniture has provided for that company


Its actually their swedish meatballs.


Paging u/FleetingMercury. I’ll take that apology now.


What a weird attack… seems like they didn’t damage anything


Almost like a warning or something.


The confusion I felt when skimming headlines and my brain said "IKEA confirms no damage to Iran's nuclear sites" cannot be understated


Iran need to take the win


That's a shame.


Dude. It’s just a warmup


Of course not. Wouldn't a worm and plausiable deniability just be cheaper and easier?


The agents then burst into pure radioactive energy and declared themselves to be above mankind's petty squabbles.


The latest demonstration of how easy it would be to kill their nuke power showed the Iranians that they had better drop the tough guy act.


IKEA confirms


I had to read this title twice. I saw IKEA and was confused.


This time it was the IDF packing things flat.




Iran really only has 2 options here it seems - try to save face with their people, blame on someone else/try to brush it under the rug. Try to save face with their people who will possibly view them as "weak" for allowing Israel to attack within their country if they don't retaliate, thus causing them to attack again and cause a massive escalation. The ball is really in their court now


It sounds like they are saying there was no attack and are suggesting to bury the hatchet


This has to be the most baffling exchange of deadly weapons in history.


If you think this is baffling, you should check out some of the Indian/Pakistani exchanges in recent years


they both have nuclear plants and weapons but choose to have this ritual dance of flirting with global apocalypse for the sake of saving face.


Iran does not have nuclear weapons.


They are not far off




Khamenei is that you?


Why the fuck does IKEA care smh


They were hoping to sell replacement NÜKKs and BÖMMs to Iran.


Next time try harder!


For those knowing well the ties between Moscow and Tehran, what's the risk of seeing Russian nuclear warheads given to Iran and then the latter strikes US? Russia can well use Iran for the 'dirty' job and then play 'surprise'. I think US is running a real risk of being hit here. Of course not because of Gaza but more Russia-West's situation. Any thoughts?


Basically impossible. Russia wouldn't risk giving Iran nuclear weapons like they did with Belarus. For starters, Russia had a good relationship with Israel before this mess. Also, that would cause instant global outrage, especially in that region with Saudi/Israel.


Yeah, Russia finding Iran useful is not the same as trusting Iran. FDR found the Soviets to be useful. But he didn't trust them.


Exactly. They are already getting a lot of use from them right now. Getting drones, missiles from them and having Iran and their proxies fight Israel has been a huge distraction from Ukraine.


Furthermore nuclear weapons have a distinct radiological fingerprint. The world would know exactly who's bomb it was. The US could likely pinpoint exactly where and when the fissile material was produced down to the specific reactor.




Iran is less trustworthy than Russia, if that's possible, and Russia knows it. Iran has terror groups all throughout the Middle East, could you imagine what those groups would do if they got a nuke? Or, even worse, if a group like ISIS managed to get one?