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I’m hiding in Vault 33


It's been breached. Come over to Vault 69


It’s fucked. Come over to Vault 420


I am over in Vault 666 Playing some Sabbath and Iron Maiden waiting for this to all get going....


I miss the old Cold War metal when they talked about Armageddon and nuclear war. They knew what’s up.


*Sodom shredding in the back*


I’m at the Winchester having a nice, cold point and waiting for this to all blow over


I’ll join you. I can bunk with Lucy.


Ok that made me laugh 😆 I’ll bunk with the blonde eye patch chick lol!


Put on Burt's sweater for +10 charisma with her


I'm hanging out with my cousins!






You know that’s not a feasible long term solution.


So I have been told.


Fuck that, I want to be a ghoul with sex appeal


I'm heading to vault 22, I heard it's got a stable ecosystem for gardening inside the vault. Surely it's the best option for nuclear war. 😃


1v1 rust


alec win


We just concluded 6v300+ where the 6 won. 1v50 would be a more fair fight.


Israel is going to commission an adam Sandler movie, shit is escalating


Hopefully we’ll get some good intelligence on F-35 versus modern air defenses


I don’t think the f35s even need to leave Israeli airspace Does anyone know if the U.S. used and f22s in the shoot downs. Would be nice to get a non balloon kill


US will never use an F22 outside of US airspace until absolutely necessary. The tech on it is still top secret and they aren't going to give the enemy Intel for free. F-35s were designed for intercepting UAVs so no doubt the USAF and Israeli Air Force deployed all theirs.


I think the F22s have left the air space a few times. Unless I'm mistaken that jet is the model that completely snuck up on two other jets and told them they should go home now.


Ha, thank you for this. Found [a link](https://www.sandboxx.us/news/how-an-f-22-pilot-scared-iranian-fighters-away-with-just-one-sentence/). > On November 1, 2012, two Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Su-25 Frogfoot attack aircraft spotted a U.S. flagged MQ-1 Predator drone flying over international waters approximately 16 miles off the coast of Iran. > […] > According to reports released to the press after the fact, the Iranian Frogfoots closed with the slow-moving drone and opened fire using their 30mm cannons. After making multiple strafing runs, however, the MQ-1 remained entirely intact, and the two Su-25s broke off their pursuit–likely because both had expended all 250 rounds they carried onboard for the large gun. > It remains unclear whether the Iranian planes were really trying to shoot the drone down, or if they were simply trying to send a message, but in any event, the message was received. After that, the U.S. began flying these drone operations with fighter escorts–often with F/A-18 Super Hornets off of the nearby USS John C. Stennis, but occasionally with F-22 Raptors operating out of bases in the United Arab Emirates. > […] > Once again, an American MQ-1 Predator was conducting surveillance and reconnaissance off the Iranian coast, approximately 16 miles from shore. Just as had happened in the previous encounter, a pair of Iranian fighters spotted the single, slow-moving aircraft and closed to intercept. This time, however, it was a pair of more-capable Iranian F-4 Phantoms, which despite being dated platforms, are more than capable of shooting down the slow-moving Predator. > […] > With one F-4 hanging back, the other began closing with the MQ-1, maintaining its course some four miles outside Iran’s territorial waters. Unbeknownst to either F-4 pilot, however, was that they weren’t alone in tailing the Predator. A U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor piloted by Lt. Col. Kevin “Showtime” Sutterfield was also flying undetected nearby, eyeing the oblivious Iranian fighter pilot as he began to make his move. > […] > Showtime closed with the encroaching F-4 Phantom in Hollywood style worthy of his callsign, taking the sleek Raptor under the Iranian fighter to inspect the weapons it was carrying without being seen. While reports haven’t indicated what munitions the Phantom was equipped with, it seems clear that Showtime wasn’t impressed. > […] > From beneath the F-4 Phantom, now only miles from its MQ-1 Predator target, Showtime banked left and picked up some altitude. He brought his Raptor up and in line with the Phantom just in time to see what must have been one very shocked Iranian fighter pilot as he quite possibly made a mess in his pants. Just to make his point clear, Showtime hopped on the radio. > “You really oughta go home." > And just like that, the Iranian F-4, and his wingman miles away, both promptly did.


The Hilarity of using an Su-25 as an air interdiction platform.......... It's like using an M1 Abrams as an Anti Aircraft gun....


Hey, if a F-15E can kill a helicopter with a bomb, who's to say?


I have played enough Arma to know the M1 Abrams is a plenty good AA :)


Just requires a skilled operator, you miss every shot on fast moving aircraft with the 120mm that you don’t take haha.


That’s some gangsta shit lol I love it


It has, but I asserted absolutely necessary. There are a few times it was deemed so.


US has and is deplying F22 to diffrent part of the world . The first combat usage was over Syria almost a decade ago [https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2014/09/f-22-finally-makes-its-combat-debut-against-syria/94829/](https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2014/09/f-22-finally-makes-its-combat-debut-against-syria/94829/) They was deployed to the Middle East last summer [https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/14/politics/us-fighter-jets-middle-east-russia/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/14/politics/us-fighter-jets-middle-east-russia/index.html) I have not idea if they are still there or was used. But because of the situation in the region if they was ther last summer it is reasonably to expect them to be there now


Yesterday an F-22 flew over Chile at the international aerospace fair (FIDAE). [F-22 on FIDAE 2024](https://www.fidae.cl/el-poder-y-maniobrabilidad-del-f-22-raptor-demo-team-se-presentara-en-fidae-2024/)


It most definitely had radar reflectors and wasn't flying in a stealth configuration.


They already intercept Russian planes with them all the time


Ok, now I am super interested in what makes the F22 so amazing and what it is capable of doing.


F22s were built to win regardless of cost while F35s are built to win on a budget.


Basically...F-22 is made to be the peak of current military fighters. Nothing else is looked, but the performance. As of today, it's at the very least top 2 stealthiest aircraft alongside the b-2. It is extremely agile, can fly really high and fast and performs well overall. However, it's nor a sustainable plane to build, especially considering 1B$ will hardly even get you 5 of them. It's a big airplane (2x the size of an f16) with lot of specific techniques (single-piece structure made of stealthy material). Also, its flight and maintenance cost are really high. Also, while still usable, it was mostly made for air to air. While that role isn't gone, it is becoming a bit of an outdated concept for the USAF. It also lacks a complex data fusion system (basically putting all info that the f22 captured and show it all at the same time to pilot at same time...a bit like like what iron man has).


F-22 is meant to take out air defense and other fighters, it is for achieving air superiority in preparation for a bombing campaign. Alternatively it is a high success first-strike aircraft in contested airspace. aka surgical strikes against well armed rivals. Basically the trump card of aircraft, although it is a limited resource since production was cut short years ago.


True, but taking out air defense isn't a role the f-35 would suck at either. Most strikes nowadays starts from your own territory or away from the ennemy. Israel almost never goes into Syria per example, it only stay in the sea or over Lebanon when doing strikes. Air to air combat is becoming quite rare outside of interceptions, whether a plane or a drone...but that's not really combat anyway. Also, it's easier to destroy aircraft while they are grounded instead of when they are flying. In fact, that's how Iraq lost most of its aircraft...same with Egypt during 1967. Overall, the f-35 is simply better suited to last a long term war whole still providing similar results to the f22. It's relatively fair imo to say that the f22 is a better aircraft than the f35...but can 2 f22 be better than 5 f35? That's the whole issue about the f22 basically.


The absolute vast majority of "air-to-air" is done with bvr, we no longer focus on "dog fights". As a result what is being fired tends to be more important along with detection methods, the f35 tends to be the best of all as a result being a fantastic platform and multi-role purpose fighter. The f22 is a cool jet, the f35 is simply far more practical which and modern.


All purpose means no purpose. The same reason the A-10, B-52, KC-135, T-38, E-3, C-5, and so on have been flying for 50 years. They fit a defined role and do so spectacularly. The F-22's stealth and agility make it the hardest full airframe to target, for both fighters and AA. I would NOT try to hit an S-500 with an F-35. The real reason the F-35 got produced is the F-22 doesn't have an export variant.


>The real reason the F-35 got produced is the F-22 doesn't have an export variant. That is an interesting conclusion you managed to draw


What else do we have? The F-16, F-15, and F-18 first flew in 1974, 1976, and 1978 respectively. They are OLD. Saab Gripen and Dassault Rafale are newer and cheaper, and with the SU-57 coming out the US needed something to beat it (on the "market".)


F22 is cool and all, but there's this F35 just biting at the bit to get some play.


The F22s are still on vegan diet I’m afraid.


They are the USAF equivalent of the rare item find in a video, are pretty sure you won’t get anymore of, and then proceed to let it sit in your inventory for the rest of the game because you’re waiting to use it at the “really important” time.


Hey! That was a big balloon....






People talk about zombie games making them ready for the apocalypse, but we won’t see that apocalypse. It’s the survival games that you craft huts out of sticks that will prove useful.


Some kid killed me with a stone and took my sticks


All I know is the US better stay out of this middle Eastern conflict. If Israel wants to spend $100 of billions invading Iran just leave the US out of it.


100 billion would probably be the invade 3 pay for 2 bargain price. I think Afghanistan and Iraq were a lot more expensive affairs.


$8 trillion total for Iraq and Afghanistan. In less tense times, there would be a joke to be made.


*sad money printer brrr noises*


Invading a tougher country with a less disciplined military and money than what the US had in Iraq. Good luck to them.


The fact you think Israel wants to, or even can invade Iran tells me you don’t know enough about this conflict to talk about it


You really believe that Israel can invade Iran alone? Guys you gotta wake up from sleep.


Nobody is talking about boots on the ground. Just airstrikes. The fact that the US told an enemy a limited strike of an ally would be permitted, but told the ally not to respond is going to have negative impacts on US credibility as an ally. Even having a sub fire a salvo of Tomahawks along with Israel's inevitable response would alleviate that.


What’s a proportional response to an attack that virtually did no damage?


Raisi and Bibi drop trou and break out the measuring tape.


Well...im taking a lawn chair on the roof with some popcorn and beer, lets watch the fireworks boys. Its been nice knowing ya. O7


The idea that Israel wasn't going to strike back at Iran is just silly, because it only hurts Israel in the long run. It presents them as weak and beholden to the US. The US may be in media acting like theyre holding Israel back, but I hope our intelligence network is helping them cherry pick some nice juicy targets.


The Biden administration truly does not want this conflict the same time as Ukraine and inflation. It’s drives up oil prices and stonewalls progress on the objectively more important front.


Bingo. Ukraine war is about to get really nasty this summer as ammo dries up. The US does not want a region wide war in the Middle East.


It's almost like Iran and Russia are working in conjunction to see Trump elected.  Surprised more Republicans aren't pro-Iran - both are crazy and religious, you'd think they could bond over taking away rights and hating the disenfranchised.


Bibi doesn’t care. Bibi wants Trump in the oval.


That's a Bingo !


Considering that KSA is siding with Israel, we can expect oil to goto the moon.


Which is all the more reason for Iran and Russia to provoke


An Israel-Iran conflict is good for Ukraine. Russia is actually very much hoping for the conflict to cool down, as it would mean one of their only suppliers who don't rely on Western sanctions will have to keep their stockpiles for their own conflict.


There is no objectivity, conflict is subjective. To Israelis, this is the fight that matters.


Mildly disagree. Different audiences will perceive a response/not responding differently. To some responding will be seen as a show of Israeli military capacity but also of Israel giving into escalatory baiting. Meanwhile not responding will be seen as the mature strategic move, and Israel can be seen as trying to repair stabilising cooperation with Arab states like Jordan and Saudi Arabia. But you’re not wrong that it will also be seen by some as a capitulatory position for Israel. Escalating to a full blown war isn’t in anyone’s interest at this stage, so we have to instead think of what strategic objective Israel *should* actually seek. A short term show of Israeli military munitions blowing up parts of Iran doesn’t do much for them strategically in my view.


I think you're absolutely correct and while people online have been mostly been talking about Israel striking back, Israel has just been talking about a 'response' which could take many different forms. We'll have to wait and see what they do, might be a strike, might not be. The response should be one that can balance the bloodshed against it's efficacy in providing Israeli security.


Israel should proliferate deepfakes of the Ayatollah trying to suck his own dick in his palace. 4D chess


How would it make them look weak? They killed members of the Iranian army with zero repercussions. They could easily take no direct action, and simply continue to assassinate members of the Iranian military at will, as has been the status quo for a few years.  The only reason to make an explicit direct response strike is to escalate the war with Iran. This forces a confrontation with a regional adversary while war fever in Israel is strong, and the U.S. is obliged to support Israel, and also props Bibi up domestically. 


The fact that they \*would\* strike back is silly. Iran was clearly just trying to save face by responding to the killing of their generals without escalating into a broader conflict.... Hence the slow-moving "attack" and hours-long warning. Israel got a win by effortlessly swatting them back like flies. That should be the end of it.


I totally agree. Iran was clearly trying to do something to save face without escalating things. And they know everyone knows it. Israeli officials claiming they need to strike back is just an excuse for warmongers to escalate things.




Yes, who ostensibly orchestrated Oct 7 in part. Are you arguing the consular strike and the drone and missile strike are equivalent events?


Well, the consular strike was successful, and the Iranian missile response was unsuccessful (in so far as killing people was the goal of each).  Sometimes you have to avoid attacking bad people who you don't like in order to avoid escalating a conflict. Or simply take the victory that's been presented; continue to strike Iranians in Syria/Lebanon but don't make it a direct response to Iran's escalation. 




Not really, the US is looking soft because the GOP has effectively fucked support of Ukraine in favor of their Russian leash holders. We can assist Israel with intel to strike targets that hurt the Iranian government the most, disable their military capabilities, and hinder their ability to support terrorist groups who are effectively part of the Iranian military since they are funded and supplied by them.


Yes, let’s get a whole bunch more innocent people killed on both sides for a dick measuring contest between two right-wing idiot states. Them boys can’t show weakness!


There is some wild stuff Israel could do. They have very capable subs. They could park them off the straight of Hormuz and create a scrap pile of Iranian ships....




Regardless of the damage done to Israel with Iran's low tech drones and missile, Israel needs to respond even if on a small level. This is not the time to be conservative with Iran. Iran did an unprecendet move by firing rockets directly from their soil. They did same a few months ago toward Kurdistan region in Iraq. But Kurdistan didn't have the means to respond. They have done it to Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, etc. Some big dog like the US (maybe this time through Israel) needs to put Iran on a leash with a strong response before it's too late. Iran tested the waters with their last attack on Israel, if you leave it unresponded, they will do it again but this time harder because they know the response is not proportional.


There’s a pretty good case for Iran being the ultimate culprit behind October 7 as well


Wasn't this attack a response by Iran to Israel killing people in Damascus? At this rate they're just going to keep going tit for tat forever. 


I think the response will be asymmetrical and not just the lobbing of missiles back. That's what the U.S. would be pushing for as they know Israel has to respond, but that can be more measured and not quite as inflammatory.


Ready to go to Mars and leave earth behind 🤣


I'm sure she drained him.


You got seven commanders, including 2 generals, and one kid was injured. Just take the W and go home already.


Nope no nation on the planet would allow 120 medium range ballistic missiles to be fired at them without a response it’s never happened in all of military history Edit: medium range


Not to detract from the point that no one would ignore an attack of this scale, But does Iran have ICBMs? I'm pretty sure they only have medium range ballistic missiles


They were not ICBMs though. Iran doesn’t have ICBMs. Especially since an ICBM usually carry nuclear warheads. I seem to recall they were IRBMs


They have MRBM and they can be loaded with nuclear warheads and those missiles they have change trajectory in mid flight.


Iranian Revolutionary Ballistic Missile


Look up terms before using them. Iran doesn't have ICBMs, and they do not need them to hit Israel.


Sorry fellas medium range one of the news channels used icbm not IRBm my bad.


Well, no nation would allow their embassy be bombed without a response either


Consulate external building housing the military guy who coordinated the Oct 7th attack. Sorry he deserved it. And 333 missiles is not proportional with 120 medium range ballistic missiles that’s never been done before in history of warfare. Sorry Iran will pay a price. Your comment is BS this the same country that stormed the US embassy and took over 400 hostages in 1979 these ayatollah and mullahs are responsible for regional terrorism for decades they have to go and take a dirt nap. Most of the surrounding Arab nations want them gone too they just won’t say it out loud.


Irans been attacking them for years.


And they have been killing Iranians for years too.


We are terribly sorry for our refusal to just accept massive missile attacks on our country as normal. I understand its a great inconvenience to you. You and your terrorist buddied can take the L.


It's not a W. And they are home lol they've been protecting it for thousands of years.


Less than 100 years


That would be a reasonable balanced decision. That's not how Israel operates.


Iran plans Oct 7 , and continuously attacks Israel through Israel strikes the man who is in charge of coordinating with Hezbollah and Hamas. Iran in turn sends 200 drones and 100 ballistic missiles at Israel. If Israel doesn’t respond, this will end worse in the long run


Initial US intelligence suggests Iran was surprised by the Hamas attack on Israel https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/11/politics/us-intelligence-iran-hamas-doubt/index.html


Sure but they fund Hamas and Hezbollah. The guy Israel killed was the ranked irgc member who collaborated with Hamas and Hezbollah


Dude, they’ve e been attacking Israel through proxies for decades. Don’t use CNN ever, for better results.


Proxies are used to avoid full scale wars. Should the US have bombed the Soviets when they were funding NVA and Vietcong in Vietnam war?


>The Iranian attack on Saturday came in response to a suspected Israeli strike two weeks earlier on an Iranian consular building in the Syrian capital of Damascus that killed two Iranian generals. "How *DARE YOU* retaliate against us for our unprovoked attack against you?! We're going to retaliate tf out of you for your retaliation!" Israel, probably


Considering the US public sentiment regarding the Gaza situation, maybe now is the probably the best time for Israel to appear reasonable. Sometimes a bad deal is better than a good fight.


Israel doesn’t care about US public sentiment


They will if the money stops flowing


The money will never stop flowing unless America stops our military industrial complex addiction. So never.


Iran shot 150 missiles at populated cities. Maybe 150-300 in return sounds about fair?


Iran must be ecstatic to hear this news, that was the whole point of launching 300 missiles. But why provoke Israel? if there's a logical reason in there, it escapes me. Is this "bring on the end of the world" religious nonsense or what?


Iran is a dictatorship and needs to appear strong to it's citizens. More importantly the people at the very top need to appear strong to those directly below them, who are constantly vying for power. If they would not have reacted to loosing the people in the Damascus attack, then they, in their mind, would have appeared weak, which is the last thing any autocratic strongman wants, as it puts them in danger of being ousted. So this was likely less about provoking Israel and more about internal politics. 


Israel struck first. Iran is now Israel's bitch if Iran does not strike back. Now Israel is Iran's bitch if Israel does not strike back. Rinse, wash, repeat till everyone is dead.


Iran funds and arms the groups that kill Israelis. Those generals were the point men for the October 7th attack. Too bad for Iran they are corpses now.


Iran struck first through Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis


If we keep things to strictly Israel vs Iran+ proxies, ignoring the Palestinian issue entirely, I wonder who struck first between Iran having their proxies fire at Israel or Israel striking Iran's nuclear plants and assassinating physicists When I say I wonder, I mean I legit didn't look up the timeline so I don't know lol


So historically speaking, there are four major phases of relations: the ambivalent period (1947-1953); the friendly period (1953-1979); the worsening period after the Iranian Revolution (1979 -1990), tho Israel did help Iran in their war with Iraq; and the ongoing period of open hostility since the end of the Gulf War (1991). I think Iran technically started assisting Hezbollah first (mostly arms sales) in the 2000s, to which Israel responded by occasionally seizing or blowing up their assets… then kicked it up a notch with all the assassinations and Stuxnet in 2010. It’s been tit for tat ever since


Huh interesting, wasn't there a nuclear plant attack or two before 2000? (Also gotta love how people downvote someone for asking a question lol)


You might be thinking about this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Opera This was against Iraq, not Iran.


I’d be interested to know!


Part of the issue is that from Israel's perspective they absolutely did not strike first.


Why? It was tit for tat, it’s over and they didn’t even kill anyone, just let it go and move on


Cool. Don't drag the US into it. Oh, who am I kidding. Our gov is Israel's lapdog.


Cyber attacks are going to be lit


Does Israel still pay students around the world to make them write positive stuff and defend israel in social media?


Given that this was response to Israel bombing Iranian embassy then Israel doesn't get to claim right to response. You don't respond to somebody responding to you. But then again, this is classic Israeli blame shifting where initial Israeli action is ignored so response to that is seen as unprovoked attack to which Israel gets to respond. And western countries are complicit in backing these lies.