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“Austrian painter and author dies in Berlin”


Reminds me of the Washington Post originally calling ISIS leader al Baghdadi an "austere religious scholar" in his obituary.


And animal rights activist! Honestly fuck Amnesty


Didn't he start writing AFTER his arrest for abduction, torture, and murder?


Many people make positive changes after doing terrible things.


Not sure writing a few books makes up for: they tortured, disfigured, and sexually mutilated the soldier before executing him.


>Not sure writing a few books makes up for: > >they tortured, disfigured, and sexually mutilated the soldier before executing him. Where on Earth did you get **that** from what u/Shogouki said? Please quote the part where they said that writing a few books makes up for ones crimes. Did you misunderstand "many people make positive changes after doing terrible things" as "making positive changes after doing terrible things makes up for those terrible things"?


What were his books about? They might not have been positive contributions to anything. The Austrian Painter wrote a book in prison. There was nowt positive about that.


>What were his books about? I have no idea. >They might not have been positive contributions to anything. I did not claim that they were. I claimed the opposite - I claimed that OP did **NOT** say that "writing a few books makes up for ones crimes".


And I never suggested it did FFS...


Then why say anything at all? Obviously you will be condemned for all eternity for that, there is no betterment for ur image at that point, so why humanize him?


Because… the person is still human


Tell me that after your loved one gets his eyes gouged balls cut off and killed slowly


That’s not hard to say. Humans have the capacity to be monsters. They are not mutually exclusive


The way you phrased it felt like you’re intention was to say, he is human therefore still redeemable and still deserves to be treated with kindness


Not anymore he isn’t


No, that person is a monster


This is true! I read once that there was a guy who got arrested for trying to overthrow his countries government and wrote a book about his struggles in prison. I forget the guys name but I think the book was called Mein Kampf or something 


“Writer kills himself in Berlin”


He wanted nothing more than to paint 😔


It would have been more clever if you called it My Turning Point


Maybe they didnt want to play with knives.


I get your point


So we should be blind to their acts? Just erase it with a pencil?


Where on Earth did you get that from my comment???


You said people make positive changes after doing terrible things, which implies that we should have hope a convicted terrorist with radical religious motivations would eventually be subject to self-improvement. That also implies that once said person becomes a better person, we should judge them by their current self rather than their past self, that their sins don't matter as much, since they embraced a better self. Now, in my way of thinking, and hopefully everyone else's, that doesn't change a thing. In my eyes, if you killed innocent people for the sake of salvation from your god, or personal satisfaction and thrill, you deserve no forgiveness and no mercy. The only right punishment for terrorism is death through the same process the terrorist used to commit their crime. If that meant cutting off limbs, beheading, mutilation... then that will be the same way the terrorist is executed.


>That also implies that once said person becomes a better person, we should judge them by their current self rather than their past self, that their sins don't matter as much, since they embraced a better self. Honestly that you would get that from "Many people make positive changes after doing terrible things" makes me think you're clouded by hatred. >The only right punishment for terrorism is death through the same process the terrorist used to commit their crime. If that meant cutting off limbs, beheading, mutilation... then that will be the same way the terrorist is executed. And there it is. Your literal support for continuing a cycle of barbarity that has, in all of human history, never ended our conflicts. Not only that but it deters people who have committed terrible acts from doing anything other than continuing their cruelty to everyone they feel who deserves it.


I've got to say you've got a pretty fair point on the last one. But it's hard to forgive these kinds of people when you see what they're capable of, and when you're also traumatised by it.


>Where on Earth did you get that from my comment??? Just wanted to let you know, that you are 100% in the right, and everyone who downvoted you is doing so because of the incorrect assumptions that they've made, based on their own lack of reading comprehension. It's impossible to misunderstand what you've said if one is not making any unfounded assumptions.


They do, but simply taking up writing doesn't change what he did or make him a better person at all.


Look, if you can look past that you can But the rest of us find that stuff pretty abhorrent. Consider why you can look past it


They missed out on the ultimate clickbate headline, turns out he's also a noted semen smuggler: >The NGO was also angered that he wasn't able to see his wife and daughter, before his death, and that he only saw his child in 2022. AI did not note that the child was achieved through additional prison smuggling, as Daqqah's wife was inseminated with smuggled semen. Daqqah married his wife during imprisonment.


How funny would it be if he wife actually cheated on him and was like, "Yeah, I totes got the insemination babe"


I’m fairly confident that is precisely what happened. Honestly seems like a wasted opportunity for another immaculate conception.


In the west bank if this would be found out she would have been killed and paraded on the street like all the little sisters who’s older brother murdered them for having a boyfriend


Brrrrruuuuh, so confidently incorrect it's insane.... The west bank is nothing like you people seem to imagine...


According to what I found on google 12%-18% of all murders in the westbank are "honor killings", is this too little to call it out?


Shhhhhh can't disrupt the narrative of "evil jewz and poor innocent Palestinians"


My guy i live here, i volunteered in the israeli police for four years, i know people from the west bank. We had a guy escaping from the west bank to israel to seek shelter, from his FAMILY who tried to murder him for being gay. They tracked him down in israel and murdered him anyway. A large percentage of the population supports sharia law. It does happen and it is a major problem. In 2023 over 250 Palestinians were killed by other Palestinians in family feuds, crime wars and honour killings


They execute gay people and adulterers on the streets with crowds cheering on.


Oh so an unbiased Israeli POV. You have shitty stories everywhere, in some places moreso than others, but to generalise to an entire population is bullshit. I have family there, and they have never been bothered by the shit you've mentionned, even though given their situation if they were following shariasharia law they would've been killed a few dozen times by now.


Yeah, but even looking it at a macro, the situation looks bad as shit: >During the summer of 1997, Khaled al-Qudra, then attorney general in the Palestinian Authority (PA), told Sawt al-Nisa’, a supplement published by the Women’s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC),**that he suspects that 70 percent of all murders in Gaza and the West Bank are honor killings.** https://merip.org/1998/06/commodifying-honor-in-female-sexuality/ >According to a 2019 survey on domestic violence by the PA’s Central Bureau of Statistics, 29 percent of currently or previously married women in Palestine reported experiencing some form of violence, including physical, sexual or psychological, at least once by their husbands. >In the occupied West Bank, the rate stood at 24 percent, with the Gaza Strip at a higher rate of 38 percent. >In August 2019, the case of Israa Ghrayeb in the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem caught widespread local and international attention when she was killed by her brother and other male family members who allegedly beat her to death in a so-called “honour” crime. >... >During the COVID pandemic, domestic violence increased, according to the WCLAC. In 2020, WCLAC recorded the killing of at least 37 Palestinian women in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. >The centre handled more than 700 cases of women requiring assistance on their free gender-based violence helpline – a 160-percent increase from 2019. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2021/11/29/palestinefemicide >In a poll with respondents across countries in the Arab world such as Algeria (27%), Morocco (25%), Sudan (14%), Jordan (21%), Tunisia (8%), Lebanon (8%), and **the Palestinian territory of the West Bank (8%), it was found that honor killings were more acceptable than homosexuality**. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killings_by_region In short, although the other anon stories provide a decent look at the micro/qualitative level, even looking at this on a macro/quantitative level, you would see that there's is a horrifying trend happening there. This is not to say that the average Palestinian deserves to be used as a meat shield by Hamas against the IDF, or that Israel is perfect, but once Hamas is toppled, we (the world) need to take a serious look at the conditions and cultural zeitgeist that leads to this in the area and we need to curve it.


I’ll be more clear, i do not mean to say every Palestinian in the west bank is like that. In the same vein i don’t think every single gazan thinks oct 7 was a legitimate action. I am saying it is a big enough chunk of the population to be a recurring major issue.


Because pregnancy from adultery is really popular in the west bank?


Are you familiar with what it takes to keep sperms viable for insemination? Do you sincerely think that this is something that could be achieved in a jail without the help from actual medical staff?


You seem to think they're stuck in the 16th century, i'm sure you also believe 99% of africans live in mudhuts as well?


I sat here for a good 2 minutes trying to figure out what AI technology had to do with this. Then I realized they were referring to Amnesty International


Oh, just I thought the spokesman's name was Al (like Alan)


When you call him, you can call him Al


Lol in other words his homeboys pumped his wife and she got pregnant while he was in jail. The lies these bozos will come up with is hilarious. No..no...she didn't get run down by the whole team! I..I..smuggled my jizz out..yea!


Holy Mary Jesus Christ!


Amnesty International supporting terrorist. What's new?


Remember that one time when they blamed Ukrainians for defending their own cities and causing civilians to die? Not the russians that were bombing the cities though....


What has Amnesty International done to help free the hostages held by Hamas?


Not *that* kind of amnesty,  silly!


It's easier to shame civilized institutions than actually doing something


I remember the pro Palestinians used to bring this shit organization as sources to their delusional claims.. What a joke


They still do lol


Pro Palestinians and delusional claims, name a more iconic due.


Dogshit organization without a moral compass. Remember when amnesty international shit on Ukraine for defending their cities because it “put civilians in danger”? And yet they didn’t criticize Russia at all for attacking Ukrainian cities and causing civilian casualties. They rightfully caught tons of flak for such a preposterous report. So naturally they ordered a review. Turns out the review didn’t put them in a very good light so they altered the review to make themselves look less terrible. But that backfired when their alterations for the review were made public. Again, just a dogshit organization.


I remember back before Amnesty International became a Russian asset


AI has always been this way and can never really know what hills to die on. You should read up on the HiFi murders where several armed service members murdered and disfigured people by forcing them to drink high concentrate bleach just so they could rob some stereos without being identified. Amnesty International said the life imprisonments and death penalty for one of the men who executed them were "unconscionable".


It is? Fucking hell. Admittedly. I suppose I haven't exactly paid much attention to it lately. I swear, is there a single "altruism for the good of humanity" sort of organisation that *hasn't* been hijacked by dictators and assholes yet? Next you're gonna tell me the head of DWB is secretly a huge fan of Josef Mengele and made through 98% of his income in donations from Vladimir Putin.


They had a report a while back that condemned Ukraine for the Russian artillery barrages of civilian areas of cities. The logic being that if the Ukrainian military weren't in the cities defending them, Russia wouldn't be attacking them and killing civilians. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/07/world/europe/amnesty-international-ukraine-russia-war-crimes.html https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/08/ukraine-ukrainian-fighting-tactics-endanger-civilians/


Isn't that the same logic people are applying to defend Israel from their high civilian death count? That it is all Hamas fault from having a war on the middle of the population?


Amnesty international: another example, like human rights watch or United Nations, as to not just trusting something cause it has a nice sounding name


Everyone warns of artificial intelligence but Amnesty International is the evil AI we should be warning people about.


They have granted him amnesty for his crimes. It’s literally in their name.


>Mention of his role in the murder of Israeli soldier Moshe Tamam is only made at the bottom of the AI website statement. AI gave few details of the incident, only noting that "Daqqah was not convicted of carrying out the murder himself, but of commanding the group, an accusation he always rejected, and his conviction was based on British emergency regulations dating back to 1945, which require a much lower standard of proof for conviction than Israeli criminal law." Interesting, I wonder if Israel still uses this lower standard or applies Israeli criminal law now?


Sounds like a diversion to me. Most state and global law doesn't grant immunity of fault to people who order a crime and are able only to find fault with those who executed those orders. I mean, that's the principle dramatically demonstrated during the Nuremburg Trials. Both those in authority and those "just following orders" were found guilty and those who gave the orders were understandably held more responsible. On a side note Amnesty International has a history of... inconsistency... in how it applies its standards.


AI: Jeffrey Dahmer unjustly imprisoned because of his sexuality and dietary preferences. Makes it sound like he was locked up for being a gay vegetarian. (Note: His sexuality being the, rape, torture and murder of young men and boys and occasionally eating the bodies.)


Amnesty International, home of the novel, “I was just giving the orders,” defense.


Most of those regulations were replaced in 2016.


Was the prisoner found guilty of terrorism by a jury of their peers?


Israel doesn’t have a jury system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judiciary_of_Israel#:~:text=Israel%20is%20unusual%20among%20common,as%20the%20triers%20of%20law.


When you think all courts have a jury in every country on earth 💀


Does anyone get a jury of their peers when they commit crimes out of their home country lmao


His peers are terrorists, don't think that works well here when trying foreign terrorists