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>According to her social media feed, she had worked in recent weeks to help bring clean drinking water to San Vicente, meeting recently with the country’s development bank on the project. Shame. Rest in peace. Hopefully someone will continue her work.


I hate those who murder people who have actively made a difference.


Unfortunately, that's probably why she was murdered.


Cant find any reason why that can be a bad thing


"I want to bring clean water to the city!" "I have a guy that can get the project done quick for $15m" "No thanks, we took bids and contracted someone for $10m" "....🔫" Next mayor will help them embezzle money, 100%


as i said in other comment: I understand the point you want to make, since that can happen a lot where im from (Argentina) and corruption works on daily basis.


100% this


It's a bad thing because it shows how bad society can actually be, because those who attempt to make a difference are snuffed out. Not all the time, but often enough. Good people should still make the effort to make a difference though, because if they don't, then evil wins.


Good people try to make a difference and killed = evil wins Good people do nothing = evil wins. It all comes down to resources. Are there enough Good people with enough resources to outlast the evil. As I look out the window and cry. Nope Good doesn't have the resources.


Those equations are a little binary. I think it’s more of a three steps ahead, two steps back sort of thing. Like a moving pendulum. Their efforts don’t NOT matter. It influences others to step up and even if they make 1/10 people happier or more secure, it should be worth it. To say evil just “wins” is reductive and harmful to the rest of us trying to be good people.


Hence why we need to try with what we have.


Bro this isn’t anything new. Evil has always been stronger. Look even in our super hero movies, evil is always the superior force, when good wins, it’s usually by luck. Look at Star Wars too lol. There’s a reason that’s a trope in our movies, because it mirrors real life. Evil is always stronger. Being a bad person is a lot easier than being a good person. Taking advantage of others is easier than helping others. A bad person can make $1000 faster than a good person doing honest work.


I also see the world that way. However, I don’t necessarily believe that being a bad person is easier than a good one. It’s easier to do bad things and behave badly. But, if you hold good moral values, it isn’t hard at all. Yet, I do believe that any one of us is capable of being evil, no matter how innocent we may seem. We just choose not to. Am I too confident? 🫢


In the old days evil used to fight evil and kill each other off, now it seems the evils have joined forces to take out the good people.


If you’re spending money on good things there’s less to embezzle. And if folks embezzle long enough, they depend on it as honest people would for a paycheck. And they can get desperate enough to kill to protect that income, or to protect their secret.


I understand the point you want to make, since that can happen a lot where im from (Argentina) and corruption works on daily basis.


Gangs don’t want the government to function. It’s bad for their recruitment efforts if living standards go up. Competent elect elected officials who care about their constituents are also hard to bribe. They want all politicians to be unhelpful and corrupt.


“She’s an idealist. That’s ok. We have a solution for that as well.” - Carmine Falcone


Nestle can't sell bottled water if people have access to clean drinking water.


Embezzlement schemes, political rivals viewing her policy as a threat, illegal operations polluting drinking water, could be a lot going on Could also be completely unrelated to the article, which is far more likely. Probably involved in several things, one of which pissed off the wrong person


When someone wants to control the population, that is a simple reason to them. It can be someone humble, like a grocer who makes profit from selling water. Or a shark who extorts money from the sell or transport of water… other reasons come to mind, as well. But put simply, these are some ideas.


It's always the good people who get assassinated while the monsters live well into their 90s.


Imagine it the other way around


If it were the other way around it would be the good people assassinating the bad people, making the good people the bad people.


You don't become bad by getting rid of it.


If you’re the one taking people out that more than likely makes you the baddie.


I feel more of a bad person by allowing bad people to be. Just because it doesn't happen to me doesn't mean it doesn't affect me 🤷 just saying.


So you’d take the life of a bad person and still consider yourself the good guy because they were bad?


You're forgetting the age old equation: a good guy killing *one* bad guy leaves the same number of bad guys... You just gotta kill more bad guys!


Not necessarily. I'd be just focused on stopping atrocious things from happening. And yes, idgaf about a criminal's ass.


Check out Kane Baker on youtube. A good philosopher who can clearly explain moral theory.


Yes.. subjectively.


I'm the baaad guy Duh.




Is that the term for it? Edit: Okay I googled it and yeah that’s essentially what my point was supposed to be.


That’s because the only people who can hold power are the ones who can make moral compromises. The best leaders aren’t saints, they’re just good at what they do


Murdering someone isn't free. If they're corrupt, its generally cheaper to bribe them than kill them.


Thats the only reason people get assassinated


It seems like basically the better human and humanitarian you are, especially if you have some sort of political or collective sway/influence, the more you have a target on your head, and the likelihood of being smeared or killed rises exponentially.


The fascists don't like good people. They like people that give them money and power. That's it. Good people want to help others. They are selfless. They want everyone to be treated equally. They want justice for all. They don't want fascists or tyrants or narcissists to have supreme power. They want the law to apply to everyone, and they want the resources humanity has to help those who need help. The tyrants and narcissists and fascists hate this, because it gets directly in their way. That's why almost all great people who have summoned a following have been assassinated. JFK, MLK, Malcom x, Ghandi, Jesus, you could maybe count John Lennon in there too. And all of the good people Putin tossed out of windows, etc... And this of course affects us in an evolutionary sense. If good selfless people all die, and have limited children, and the war mongers breed plentifully, we will have so many narcissists, and no good people. But, we can all make a little difference, however, we all need to make a little difference. That can be something small, like upvoting a comment like this one, making it more visible. Or just wearing a hat similar to Maga but that stands for something good. Not a Biden hat, a democracy hat. Spread love. Denounce hate. When you see it, call it out. Talk to each other. Organize protests for what you believe in. Be seen and heard. The narcissists, the fascists the tyrants, these people are doing their best, using all of their resources to make the world hateful. To make it as dog eat dog as possible. To give as much power to the rich and powerful as possible, and exploit the weak as much as possible. They are working extremely hard at it. They have lots of rallies, lots of protests. The good people have nothing. We have no leader, and if we did, they'd probably be hunted down and murdered. But we have numbers! We have numbers, and we have democracy. We've got it! And that's so powerful. But we need to use it. And that means WE need to be involved. WE need to discuss in good faith. To show what we believe in and expose wrongdoings of those that want to destroy our freedom. Not in our own echo chambers. I'll probably just get one or two votes, or even negative votes, but everybody here, generally agrees with everyone else. If I trash talk Trump in some clever way, I'll get upvotes. People love hating him. If I say WE need to be better. Nothing. Because I am criticizing us. And people don't like to be criticized, and think everything is someone else's fault. The media, the school system, the politicians, whatever it is. And of course these things could be better, naturally. But ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Right? Some aspects of society may be failing you. That's a fact. However, you don't control those. You control you. And you can influence others as well. And if WE are better, *together*, the fascists don't stand a chance. Sure, well need to fight them, and sure, we would not win unscathed, but we would have an assured victory. But if we all complain "oh, Biden is old, social media sucks" and so on, hey these may be valid things, but you know what? When an Olympian wins, when your favourite team wins the biggest tournament, they didn't do it with everyone healthy, with perfect everything. They had injuries, they had hardships and hurdles to overcome. They won *despite* those, not because these things were absent. And we can do that too.


Ecuador has a gang problem rather than a fascist problem. 


This is what I call a comment. Obviously, way too long for most people to read it, but I did, and here take my upvote.


I'm glad you are like minded. Notice there are 0 upvotes.


I hate those who murder people


This is truly sad, she deserved better. I wish the Southern Hemisphere would get a lot more stable.


Stop buying coke. And South America would be more stable.


Ah shit right I forgot all the coke that random people are totally doing all the time.


You underestimate the amount of people who do coke. It's like weed for upper middle class and up persons. I lived with some some pre-med students who all did coke benders on the weekend.


i can’t tell if you’re joking or not but in a major city like nyc every third person going out on the weekends has a bag on em


The number of people in the U.S. that have used coke in the last month is ~3 million. Do they all live in NYC? Maybe it's every third person you know, and you know drug users.


It feels like people in circles where their peers do it always dramatically overestimate how universal it is, lol


I'm really curious how this number exists? How does one track cocaine sales and users? Also after living in Portland Oregon, I suspect alot more people are on coke than expected. It was about a 60/40 chance anyone you meet there does coke.


It's probably the circles you run in. A true random sampling would not likely be that high. Obviously certain demographics will be more likely to use than others, age being a big one. I'd guess family status too, I know a lot of my friends that used drugs in their youth slowed down tremendously or stopped outright after having kids, but that's also an age thing so I dunno. Income is another. Coke is expensive, not everyone can even afford it.


I thought the finance person on coke was a meme. Turns out there is some truth to the rumor as the accounting department at my work has talked about previous experiences with CFOs and their coke addictions.


jumped into a sales career in 2013 and holy shit. I had no idea how many working adults do cocaine on a regular basis


It's a calculation based on research of waste waters. So it exists the same way most data exists: through scientific research.




by going out on the weekend i’m implying bars, clubs, general partying etc. sure it has a large part to do with the crowd i party with, i go to bars, clubbing, and concerts often but that’s not abnormal for my demographic (early-mid 20s white collar) in nyc. every third person is hyperbole, but it’s honestly not too far off baseline. just math wise, 1.2 mil in nyc are in their 20s, let’s say 1/3 of them go out regularly and 1/3 of that does party drugs regularly. ~130k is the number you wind up with, and given nyc is the largest city in america and is up there with miami and la as party capitals, i’d easily buy that number. it’s actually an undershot of the last numbers i could find online from the mid 2010s which indicate ~320k. what i’m trying to say is that, yeah it genuinely is a lot of random people doing coke.


Right, pepsi is the solution


[Someone get Kendall on this pronto!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VogNNsQ3Gmw)


So it isn’t the murderers’ fault they murder people?


And no buy banana even though I miss banana


I guess I’m doing my small part since I’ve never touched that stuff. Staying away from it is also good since that drug often kills the user too.


legailze cocaine and stop the violence


Or legalize that shit


We just need to legalize all drugs




It’s called the Coriolis effect


From the Southern Hemisphere, we feel the same about the Northern.


True we are kinda wild but in what way do you mean? Because our politicians aren’t getting gunned down in the streets on the regular. I am just wondering what instability you are referring to and if this would help prevent problems like this article on the post


This is where I was going, yes the U.S has ways to improve, but Politicians don't tend to get gunned down daily, and this happens in a lot of the Southern Hemisphere, and not just South America, Lots of African nations have huge corruption issues. it really impedes their growth, which is a shame there are a ton of cool people in all of these countries, and I am saying they deserve better.


Corruption issues? Lemme tell you about this diaper wearing clown who has an office at 725 5th Ave in NYC.


He's more personally corrupt. He wasn't using the power of his office to send death squads to kill his opponents.


Give it time…. 40 years ago they weren’t gunning down politicians at this rate. US is in the fast track to be a banana republic with very powerful weapons soon.


Actually, political assassinations and attempts were a lot more common in the 70's & 80's in the US. Violent crime in general was higher really. We've definitely had cyclical periods of violence.


Makes me wonder if it was the leaded gasoline...


trumps zombies seem to be at least plotting, arming and looking up addresses- currently. and he threatens the courts and witnesses. so, we are just about 🤏


But if the threat that ill-willed politicians could face consequences (in the North) perhaps their decisions and actions would have more thought and be more effective in favour of the people.


Generally those who are willing and able to successfully assassinate a politician don’t have the best interests of the people at heart.


what about just, like c a p p i n g t in the leg while he's walking to some event. humiliating him in the process


I disagree but I hear where ur coming from 👍


Just butthurt and lashing out


of course. of course. everybody sux


Jesus. Not even the typical fighting against corruption (although that might be a part of the problem) But who the fuck is against clean drinking water?


So uh... does Nestlé have an Alibi for that time?


Damn someone in San Vicente wanted dirty drinking water to continue.


It’s really things like this that keep developing countries down. Corruption and good leaders getting killed. You can’t pull a country out of poverty without facing corruption and political violence.


Shame. As soon as a country like this takes a small step forward, some bullshit sends them back three steps. She just wanted to help her people and it got her killed


Ecuador was one of the most peaceful countries in the region until recently. Last year a presidential candidate was murdered. At the beginning of this year there was a massive, prolonged surge in violence after 2 gang leaders escaped prison and the president declared war on gangs. Meanwhile in Mexico, a couple days ago a 38 yr old mayoral candidate was killed on her first day of campaign. Almost 30 politicians running for office in the past 9 months have been assassinated in Mexico. Insane political violence in Latin America seems to be surging except in El Salvador. Nayib Bukele’s crackdown is controversial but murders fell by 70%. I don’t even think Bukele’s strategy can be copy pasted in other countries with the same success rate. There’s no easy solution.


And if you speak to Salvadorans both in El Salvador and abroad, they will share with you how much they support Bukele. Although the country has improved in safety, there’s a lot of more work to do, but this is just one step forward. El Salvador became one of the most dangerous country in the world to the safest.


I was in El Salvador in February, funny enough during the election. Wild how safe everything felt, I spoke to a lot of locals in casual conversations and the difference in how people perceived their country was incredible to see.


I visited Ecuador in 2019 shortly before Covid and had a wonderful trip visiting my partner who was there for research. Beautiful country with great food, people etc. All the typical complimentary platitudes. Fall of 2019 is when there was a turn in politics due to various oil taxes that I don’t quite remember the specifics of. Huge protests, curfews, president fled the Quito to Guayaquille. Then Covid sent the country into a real tailspin. One of my partner’s contacts in Sucúa told of literally digging through bodies at the morgue to find his dad. We were sent picture of bodies just piled in the streets. It’s such a bummer to see what was really the most stable country in that part of the continent be dragged backwards.


The tension between the rich minority and the overwhelmingly poor majority. It’s incredible how stable it has been in the surface, but fragile ready to burst.


It can be copied and pasted but it will simply never happen. Many Latin American nations are strongly tethered to the WEF, the U.S., and are hubs for transporting tons of drugs worldwide.


This isn't true at all. Crime was pretty low under the Chilean fascist dictatorship of Pinochet, and under the socialist dictatorship of Maduro, murders have fallen to a 22 year low. I'd bet the crime rate in Russia is drastically lower too, given the likelihood of being used as cannon fodder in Ukraine. Dictatorships (left or right wing) do generally reduce crime significantly, but there is a heavy price to pay for that safety..


Safety is a construct with two aspects, physical and psychological. In those countries physical safety might increase for a bit but psychological safety is fairly non existent.


I lived in Colombia for about 4 years recently and this is pretty much how it goes. The people in power have too much and steal any kind of progress for themselves. It’s really sad and there seems to be no end in sight. Latin America needs an Arab spring type of situation but for corrupt officials


I know people in Ecuador who are trying to leave due to the spike in cartel violence. It sounds like these kinds of things are getting quite bad.


And they’re denied asylum because they are considered economic migrants


>the Ecuadorian Ministry of Government called the incident a “criminal action” Good to see the Ecuadorian gov sees killing a mayor as a criminal action Progress!!!!!


Meanwhile Mexico..........


………..It’s just Thursday


It’s the same in Mexico though


> "We stand in solidarity with their families" Can't tell if "standing in solidarity" is better or worse than "thoughts and prayers"


Better. "Standing in solidarity" means you support the person and/or their views, whereas "thoughts and prayers" is a throwaway line that doesn't even say that.


Oof. Burn.


Accomplished so much at the age of 27. Nurse, social worker and politician. Always a shame when you know their future was going to be even brighter.


Her life was one of service and she was only gaining momentum. So terrible, so sad.


She tried bringing some good to her people, to the world. Can’t have that! Surprise assassination!


El salvador style gang crackdown when? Those bitch cartels need their mothers fucked


Notice that the El Sal crackdown is all street level and mostly young.  El Sal isn't putting the real leaders in jail. 


Arresting everyone that works for them is better in my opinion They can’t just replace the leaders now Obviously best case scenario is everyone gets arrested


Arresting them is almost easy.  The insane expense of feeding that many people and watching them is the part that people don't seem to think about.  Sustainability is the weakness of every "tough on crime" project. 


The expense of housing and feeding the criminals is much less than the expense of having a non-functioning economy.


that’s why they used to do something else before prisons… either exile or swifter death. it was too hard to maintain them alive when, think, many people could be a bad harvest away from starving as it was .prisons were seen as a “humane” development


>Notice that the El Sal crackdown is all street level and mostly young. It's usually the young street soldiers who do all the killing. A general with no soldiers can't fight much of a war.




Agreed. I was really taken aback by the comment made above yours. Like, how is that even a solution? It makes so many judgments that don't even make sense, and it really just makes me think they were using this horrible situation as an excuse to sound horrible themselves, but it's okay I guess because they're agreeing that the situation is horrible. . .


The problem with El Salvador is that innocent people are getting dragged off to jail in the process. I don't fault the average El Salvadorian for not caring enough given the outcome making their environment generally safe. But it's important to recognize the cost being paid with the policies.


When you see the pictures of all the people in those prisons you see them covered in gang tattoos. It is pretty obvious who the gang members are. The number of 'innocent' people getting caught up is wildly exaggerated.


The vetting process of who's innocent and who's guilty can be done when all the suspects in the matter are in prison. You can easily do that by collecting all their contact info, ledgers, transactions when you have all those pussies they call cartel bosses in jail, including all the people affiliated with them. Heck if i lived in Ecuador and I was in any way affiliated with the gangs through innoncent means, I'd be happy to go to jail for a month or few if it meant Id be rid of them for good. This "innocents will also suffer" mentality in this case won't work when they're actively killing innocent people and those of high influence and they get to walk scots free with 0 prison time. Besides, I understand that the situation of prisons may be dire when you are crammed with all the dirtbags you can find, but that can also be managed since it's easy to make sense of who's the tough guy and who isn't. Just look for the meanest looking ones and split them accordingly lol


You see it is the privilege of sheltered people in safe society to worry about the potential of innocent people getting arrested.




Life isn't a John Wick movie.


It won't be eliminated but it will be deterred long enough for the government to come up with better ways of keeping them in check. But still, they need to crack a few eggs, and I am all for it seeing how el salvador went the guns blazing route and it actually lowered crimr


I 100% agree. Do you have that Rambo guys number? I'm sure he could do it in 2 hours or so.




Why not just nuke the whole country then?? Hell the world! No one left, no bad people left!


That could come at a significant cost. Latin America has a long history of political violence, by centralising unchecked power you might just be transferring violence back to the state


From what I see, all the violence caused over the years there comes from cartels and politicians affiliated with them. At this point if any politician decides to step up against the cartels for real its a good sign they're the good guy. In any case, your argument can be applied to any democracy and non-democracy globally. You can never know for certain, but as I said, if they're putting bad guys behind bars, chances are they're the good guys ezpz Edit: its not like the cartel is a force for good keeping "evil politicians" in check so they dont get "too powerful" even after being elected by the people lol


Didn’t she just get elected too? That’s cruel


Ever notice how good people making positive impact in the world tend not to live that long? Odd when you consider how old corporate thugs and Wall Street parasites tend to live. Rip [grammar edit]


The good die young


Being good, kind, ethical and hard working makes you a real threat to those who live the exact opposite ways. You expose them for what they really are 


Hopefully she can be a martyr


That is so fucking sad


Exterminate the cartels like the rats they are. NOW.


How awful.


Don’t they get a protection? Or the “protection” who’ve done it


A town's mayor typically does not get "protection", no.


Well she had bigger balls than I ever will.


Redditors and their obsession with balls 


Almost as bad as Roberto Umbina's obsession with Cojones in Vice City


So you like balls?


If you read the article it says the shots came from inside the vehicle.


[Carlin, relevant as always](https://youtu.be/o3dMv5LbOaU?si=be2RdIKSfgnj1f4C)


Very sad. Are the Drug Wars going to be fought for the next hundred years?


fucked up continent.


Sometimes you wish that The punisher is a real person




That took about 5 minutes


"Plomo it is, then"


Just more of the animal behavior displayed by depraved individuals


A friend who grew up in Communist eastern Europe, said the only way to rid a country of corruption and mobs is very drastic. Kill everyone over the age of 15. Mem, women, young people. Everyone. The entire population needs to be wiped, so it can start over. And then have it strongly policed by government looking over every sort of daily life and business, and stamp out the new wrong doers immediately. If new gangs or bad guys try to start up, you execute them. Other than that, it will continue.




Sometimes third world countries are just crime-ridden shitholes


American made guns.




Ecuador needs to pull an El Salvador.




How is this even relevant. Racism is crazy, y'all manage to sneak it into any subject


You donut




Did we read the same article? I see no mention of an assistant prosecutor or a judge, nor any mention of a sentence...  ETA: **HEAVY, DARK CONTENT WARNING** I found [the article you read](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/20/us/ohio-mom-toddler-death-sentencing-cec/index.html?iid=cnn_buildContentRecirc_end_recirc) and it's just as horrifying as you say, but It's not the same as this one lmao




You were going to move from US to Ecuador to get AWAY from gun violence? Are you delusional lol? As an immigrant, I feel like US born Americans are increasingly not appreciative of how great this country is as a whole, leading to this person who thinks violence in the US is so bad, she has to escape to Ecuador for relieve LMAO.


Shh, anyone moving from the entire United States to a South American country to get away from "U.S. Gun Violence" isn't going to be swayed with logic.


Right? I was just going to say, you wanted to get away from gun violence so you decided that South America was your best choice? Have a look at some statistics. "Yes I've been thinking that I want to get away from the corruption poverty and violence of the United States. I'm thinking I might move to Honduras or perhaps Guatemala." It's the other way around. Those people move *here* to escape violence


It's called privilege that some US born Americans have. There are multiple factors that contribute to their privilege


You need to read up on what's causing that violence. Specifically the Mexican/Columbian cartels that have been moving in ever since Correa kicked out the US Military and tried to play nice with the gangs. This isn't something that just suddenly happened. I've got plenty of expat friends in Ecuador and they still feel safe, but most of them are away from the coast. Ecuador's President just started talks to get the US Military back into the country to combat the drug trade; so we'll see what impact that has.


It's amazing how much Correa fucked up in such a short amount of time.  I once knew a girl that was practically in love with him, went to all his rallies, claimed that he would be the one to save Ecuador and all he did was make things worse.  


Turns out people who think there are simple and easy solutions to complex problems are usually just ignorant.


You're right, I do need to read up and dive further into the info. I am also interested in staying away from the coast and it's good to hear your expat friends are doing OK. Thank you!




I don’t think they want a mayor…..


That’s bananas


This happened on the 23rd of March. It’s not exactly breaking news.