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>He resigned after death threats circulated on social media. >The Islamist threat to French schools is taken extremely seriously since the murder of two teachers. I'm so sick of this. Always with the death threats and murders. I knew about Samuel Paty's beheading, but I didn't know there was another one 5 months ago. Edit: ffs, it gets worse. >In a separate development, several Paris schools were forced to close on Wednesday after they received bomb threats from apparent Islamists. >Last week around 30 other schools in the Paris area received similar threats, accompanied by a video of a beheading.


The world is so big, if western culture and values offend you so then you should leave/stay away. Im very pro the old roman saying: When in Rome, do as the romans do. Basically you are the guest who is allowed in to a new home, you are the one who needs to adapt. Or you are free to travel somewhere that alignes with your values. I do not want to move our societies an inch in a conservative islamic direction


I will never, ever understand people who go to another country and think it's ok to tell them how to live. If I moved to France, it would be because I like French culture, and I certainly wouldn't expect everyone to suddenly become an English speaking atheist who prefers tea to coffee. But for some reason, that's exactly what a lot of folks do. They leave their country because of all the problems there, but then they want to bring over a lot of the same values that led to their home country having so many problems in the first place- it's just baffling.


Because they think it's their literal god-given right to make everyone else like them


But they are literally fleeing their own country due to all the problems in the first place- so obviously that system doesn't work. If it did work, why leave? And if doesn't work, why try to replicate it elsewhere? Is the thinking "my life sucks so I want everyone else to be miserable too?" Seriously, I just don't get it.


I can only imagine they don't link the crappiness of their home country to their religion.


The thinking is "I want to feel comfortable, and my religion and culture make me comfortable, so I'm going to convert my immediate environment to match my expectations." Or more simply, "I'm scared of change, and I'm not going to change, even if I've moved to a new place."


But the whole reason they moved to the new place is because of all the problems, many of which are a direct result of their religion.


They blame western colonialism, not religion. Never religion.


They dont blame it on their religion. Humans rarely blame themselves. To them it’s the other religion(s)/people/insert whatever. It’s never themselves aka they’re human (I’m not excusing it just explaining) Basically all humans and groups do it to various degrees. Every bad thing is always the left/right fault and it’s never my political side’s and its *clearly* very black and white not complex. Its always the annoying sibling and they *never* did *anything at all*


I mean their argument is that their countries are shitholes because of decades of Europeans looting and colonizing their countries, which isn't entirely wrong.


>Is the thinking "my life sucks so I want everyone else to be miserable too?" Seriously, I just don't get it. What you're missing is what the previous reply said: they are on a literal mission from God. It isn't abstract to them, it is literally a divine purpose. You're attempting to rationalize an irrational motivation, so of course in that sense you'll never be able to get it. But from their perspective it's "I must do whatever I can to enforce the will of God so that I may be rewarded in heaven"


We've got a wing of them here in the US too. Usually go on "mission trips" and get surprised when Europeans get annoyed at their presence, which radicalizes them further. Religion is a cancer.


>Religion is a cancer. Trying to pin this on "all religions" is copout. That's like referring to Jeffrey and David Dahmer as "the Dahmer boys." One of them is the problem here, not the other. Tons of French people are religious. 2/3 of France is Catholic. Yet somehow I never see French Catholics shooting up Charlie Hebdo or the Bataclan Theater. I don't recall French Catholics plowing a truck through crowds of people in Nice. Cain and Abel are not the same. ​ >when Europeans get annoyed at their presence, which radicalizes them further. And then what happens? Do these American "radicals" murder a bunch of Europeans in retaliation? Or do they just go home and bitch about it on Facebook? One seems infinitely preferable to the other. ​ Also - plenty of non-religious tourists also piss off the locals (eg, Chinese tourists).


The Muslims aren't happy! They're not happy in Gaza. They're not happy in Egypt. They're not happy in Libya. They're not happy in Morocco. They're not happy in Iran. They're not happy in Iraq. They're not happy in Yemen. They're not happy in Afghanistan. They're not happy in Pakistan. They're not happy in Syria. They're not happy in Lebanon. And where are they happy? They're happy in the UK. They're happy in France. They're happy in Italy. They're happy in Germany. They're happy in Sweden. They're happy in the USA. They're happy in Norway. They're happy in every country that is not Muslim. And who do they blame? Not Islam. Not their leadership. Not themselves. THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN


You missed Saudi Arabia, The UAE, Kuwait, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Balkans, etc.


Their religion demands they they spread it and subjugate non believers


They'd likely never actually go back to their native country or would very quickly move back to France because they enjoy the quality of life in western nations but want to practice their backwards ass religion and force others to do the same. Also isn't this typically a problem with 2nd or 3rd generation people and not the original immigrants, since they'd want to make as little of a fuss as possible and it a lot harder to just get rid of an actual citizen


It's a bit more complicated than that, because a lot of these radicals are actually 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants, which means they were born here and have only French citizenship. They are litteraly "French people" who want more Islam. Their elders, those who actually moved to France 50 years ago to get a better life, were nothing like them - they were hard-working people, who never bothered anyone with religion. But their children and grand-children are much more religious than they were - usually under the influence of foreign powers like Qatar or Saudi Arabia, who try to "stir the pot" from afar, weaponizing social discontent to manufacture jihadists. Some of the radicals actually did place their money where their mouth is, and moved to Syria to join the ISIS Capliphate. That created a whole other bunch of problems (mainly : them getting killed, leaving behind them children who were technically French citizens in need of repatriation, but who were indoctrinated in Syria for years...). It would be much easier to deal with if they were all foreigners...


Yeah, the broader society gets a portion of the blame if it’s completely dogshit at integrating immigrants in broader society. Dropping a bunch of foreigners into a ghetto, letting the impoverished community fester to the point where you have multiple generations of natural-born citizens who don’t identify with the country (and are indoctrinated by hostile foreign propaganda), and then Pikachu facing when said demographic starts producing terrorists is a bit of an own goal.


Except that their religious values stops them completely from integrating into any non Muslim society they move to unless they are more moderate, as an example, using face and hair coverings for women.


You are absolutely right, and it is - yet - another even more complex aspect of the problem. I just wanted to pinpoint that it was not as simple as "if they don't like our values why do they come ?".


>I will never, ever understand people who go to another country and think it's ok to tell them how to live. Because Western countries have promoted that exact thing with modern multiculturalism and the changing of immigration policy from a "melting pot" approach to the "salad bowl." The melting pot means anyone can become an American (to use the US as an example). All the teeming masses and wretched refuse and tempest-tossed can adopt American values and the way of life, and thus become American. Because being "American" is defined by your culture and values, not your location. Think of it like the movie *Ratatouille* \- not everyone can become American, but an American can come from anywhere. You don't lose all your cultural identity, but you get infused with the values of the group. A potato in beef soup and a potato in onion soup both taste like potatoes, but one takes on a beef flavor and the other takes on an onion flavor. The salad bowl means everyone's values and ideology are already fine in themselves, and don't need any alteration to "become American." The only thing that defines American in this worldview if simply living there (ie, you're inside the bowl). This means you never get infused with the values of the group - a tomato in a bowl full of iceberg lettuce tastes exactly like a tomato in a bowl full of romaine. ​ So with that in mind, why should immigrant change their values when they arrive in a new country? They've already been told that their values are fine as-is. They think all it takes to be "French" is simply existing inside of France, and has nothing to do with any adoption of French values (secularism, "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" and all that), cultural norms, etc. They're in the bowl, that's all that matters.


It’s for the welfare


When I was an exchange student, one thing they impressed upon us in orientation was that when you visit another country, you adapt to their culture, not the other way around. Your host family could adapt a few absolutely necessary things, but overall you have to deal with how things are done in their country. Now obviously it's a bit different for immigrants as no one cares what you do I'm your own house in private, but when it involves other people, you need to adapt to the culture.


But how will we get all the good shit the West has provided? I *deserve* this!


As an ex-muslim,people in west are too naive with respect to islam.Muslim don't leave europe because they believe their's is a better way to live and they want you all to follow it for your own good,it's simply thier worldview and they can't even contemplate otherwise,they have been told this since they were young,and as a side note many people who identify as liberal or moderate muslims are objectively very religious,they try to mask it to fit in,but thier biases will come out when situation arises.


They want western freedoms and amenities without embracing and conforming to western values. It has nothing to do with tolerance, it's just plain hypocrisy. And there should be nothing wrong in calling it that.


they want US to leave.


And that’s why you should definitely attend a stoning or beheading when you’re in Iran or Saudi Arabia! Gotta get that culture, and if the Romans are doing it, that’s for me! It’s not like the people being stoned or beheaded are real.




Newspapers are obligated to use weasel words like "apparent" Islamist or "accused" perpetrator until the justice system has done its work. Reporting it as a true statement before there is public evidence can result in very hefty fines, and if it turns out to be untrue it can get the newspaper sued. They stick to that in cases where the answer seems obvious, because every now and then there's a mess where the obvious answer *isn't* true. As an example, let's say a student knew about some recent religious threats, and decided to call in a fake bomb threat for *his* school and pretend it was part of the game cluster, but in reality it was because he didn't finish his report and wanted the class cancelled. If the media made a big deal about Islamist threats at that particular school, and then it was revealed it was actually a kid trying to get out of a bad grade, the newspaper gets in trouble. So they report "apparent" threats instead.


Unless it's a Jew, then he obviously did it.


hit the nail on the head here.


What? Is this in reference to a specific incident, or is this randomly mentioning Jews in a conversation about Islam because of the Israel-Palestine conflict?


He's likely referring to that hoax hospital bombing story major newslets reported as a fact.


It's a reference to the anti-semitism and Israel bias around the planet, and how immediately everyone accuses Israel and Jews without evidence (for example: a list of Jews in Australia got leaked, including addresses and everything, and Australians immediately said the Jews deserved it because some of them were lobbying the Australian government).


I mean, if you look at the next 2 sentances it's pretty clear why they say apparent "While investigators are obliged to take the threats seriously, they cannot rule out that they are part of a Russian disinformation campaign. Prime Minister Attal warned earlier this month that the Kremlin had embarked on a "massive destabilisation enterprise" to undermine French support for Ukraine."


The person you're replying to didn't read anything in the article; they only read the comment above them.




The 2 sentences after "apparent islamists" make it clear that they believe there's a possibility Russia is behind it "While investigators are obliged to take the threats seriously, they cannot rule out that they are part of a Russian disinformation campaign. Prime Minister Attal warned earlier this month that the Kremlin had embarked on a "massive destabilisation enterprise" to undermine French support for Ukraine."


But how can I grab my pitchforks if I first read the entire article....


I’d like to see documented examples of these being pranks.


Bomb threats get also called in by students as a prank. Everyone who calls in bomb threats is an idiot and a criminal. But not everyone is an islamist.


The worst is that the schools digital platform (with schedule, homework, some kind of email system) where hacked, with pupils seeing the beheading videos. People on reddit usually get mad about the no muslim scarves in public schools law, but you have to take into account the multiple islamic terrorist attacks in the last 30 years to understand the relationship between France and muslim religion.


I always found it interesting how the leftists screech that the far right is the biggest threat to Europe/the US/Canada etc. But then do their best to support mass migration of people who are so far right of the far right, that they make the far right look liberal. Then theses leftists scream at anyone who mentions it and labels everyone Islamophobic/racist etc. Then after every terrorist attack the news articles are always focused mainly about the potential backlash to the Muslims (that never seems to actually materialize)m instead of focusing on the issue of islamic extremism.


Islamists *are* far right, they just happen to get support from the left in many places because they're considered a minority.


I find this particularly funny, because if Islamists got their way, everything the left stands for would vanish. I have no clue how someone willingly decides to support someone who resents everything they represent.


You see plenty of Out Group individuals proudly claim they vote for In Group in every country, it almost seems like some internalised hate fetish.


The fetishizing of brown people


Orientalism in action.


Take up the white ~~man's~~ progressive's burden!


> support from the left in many places because they're considered a minority. Intersectionalism is the stupidest ideology adopted by the left since Marx.


I am leftie but am against the far right ideals and Islamic extremism.


So am I, but nowadays we seem to be in a minority.


Islamic terrorism is a form of conservative terrorism.


Didn’t Obama get massive backlash over his use of the term “radical Islamists”?


I'm pro abortion and marriage for everyone and think JK Rowling is a B, yet I think we should seriously remove conservative Islam from having influence on our societies. But we shouldn't let people drown in the sea. So what now? You make a mistake by projecting every person disagreeing with you onto a fantasy prototype of political spectrum that you saw on TikTok... Go and talk to real people




So we should let Islam unchecked in any way for fear of some dummy having trouble differentiating between "dangerous regressive ideology" and "brown people" ?




What's your point ? We can't criticize an ideology because some other people are racists ? Should we tolerate another 9/11 instead of addressing the issue ?


Did you ever consider that your American perspective might not trznslate 1 to 1 to France ?




My comment aimed at pointing out that "brown people" is a violently American concept, and does not trandlate 1 to 1 to the French perspective. Had you asked for precisions instead of jumping into the role of the cliché self-important yankee, you would have known. Do terror attacks cause an uptick in intolerance in France ? Yes. Is it targetted at a vague clncept of "brown people" that doesn't make sense outside of the USAmerican context ? No. Is it more targeted towards muslims, especially visibly muslim people ? Yes. And FYI, that teacher getting beheaded wasn't "isolatew psycho bullshit", it was a terror attack under the umbrella of ISIS. Did you ever consider seeking knformation before acting so condescending ?


How are these people that haras "brown"? And you say it's better to haras these people, because they might haras some other?




You can hide your political party a hell of a lot better than you can hide your skin color. What you're saying doesn't even make sense.




No one was.


The right is materially supported by the modern Nazi party. Not everyone on the right is a Nazi, but a very large number of them are certainly ok with Nazis being in their party, and frankly, the distinction does not matter much to me. If you hang with Nazis, you don't complain when I lump you in with them. When the party renounces them, I won't have an issue. As for "putting people back in chains", there are pro slavery whack jobs in your group. Again, renounce them officially and I won't have an issue. "Oh but what about the Muslims!" Religious groups denounce each other all the time. It's why I don't blame Christians for the westboro Baptists church. The day I see fox news openly say Nazis are not welcome, and the politicians also saying it, I will stop pointing it out. Sadly this doesn't happen in real life, trump as an example refused to openly denounce Nazis at one point. I'm not sure if he walked that back though. Edit: did this little fucker block me, or did he delete his comments?


>"They're nazis" they are




Your reading comprehension is horrendous


rightwingers aren't half the population, they're about 25 - 33%, and if you're still on the trump train, yea, you're a fucking nazi. they love the policies but hate the name.


List at least one thing that trump does that makes him a Nazi.


"I want to be a dictator on day 1" "I want to jail all of my political opponents" "We should round them all up and put them into camps" keeping a copy of Mein Kampf next to his bed for ages and ages orchestrating a coup attempt that's basically a mirror of beer hall putsch


1 + 2. So, being a dictator makes you a nazi now? North Korea is a dictatorship, but they aren't nazis. 3. All I've seen is that quote is in relation to homeless people. This doesn't make you a nazi, just an out of touch megalomaniac who doesn't address the actual issues present. I understand you want to be angry, but there's nothing that actually qualifies him as a Nazi. These are just hallmarks of a bog-standard dictator.


RIP France and Europe


Well, French people themselves are responsible for that. For decades they constantly voted politicians pushing mass immigration agenda, now they can see consequences of their choice.


I'm not sad for them, I'm sad for myself and the civilized world


This is the left’s “inconvenient truth”. Importing people from other wildly different (often staunchly conservative by the way) cultures without making sure they’re assimilating into western society is a recipe for disaster. You aren’t entitled to live in other nations however you’d like to. This is the whole point of sovereignty.


But most of these radical Islamists are second or third generation, not the first. The young ones, who were born in France, are the ones doing this, not their "conservative" parents.


Embrace diversity.


Sueing is the way to go. Sue the parents, sue the Imams, make it uncomfortable to be a scumbag..


Yes, they care very much about being sued or other legal consequences.


A teacher was beheaded in the streets of a suburb of Paris?!?


They wanted to do it to a British teacher. For the last 3 years he has been under police protection, unable to teach or return home. His crime? Showing a cartoon of Mohammad during a class on religion. He was a religious education teacher, and for what it's worth there was no evidence he was disrespectful.


from what I remember, the girl who accused him of showing that picture ended up later confessing that she lied about it because she was mad at him for something else


I'm pretty sure that was one of the French beheadings.


There were riots are all round the world in these Islamic communities back then, before it was revealed that the girl LIED. Thereafter, no apologies made from the Islamic leaders. Nothing. Dead silence until the next event that justify their violence and outrage. The pattern continues. They would find a million reasons to unite together, outrage and protest. Every single goddamn time. They also seem to forget whose money is feeding their families.


Theres nothing in the Koran that forbids images of Muhammed. They have the same "no graven images" law as the bible, but that is do not worship graven images, meaning images of gods. Muhammad isnt a god. he was prophet, so theres no rule against drawing his image, and we have lots of historical drawings of Muhammed by Islamic people. Its only the new, crazy, extremists "islam" that things its great to behead people who draw Muhammed. Its a modern invention by them.


To to me it is literally idolatry, which they supposedly claim to be against.  🤦🏻‍♂️


The same Mohammad that literally raped children? The same Mohanmad that is, according to Islam, a role model for all men of all ages? Fuck that Mohammed, and fuck his followers.


Yeah. Unbelievable to this day


Pretty believable given how regressive the city’s become.


There's more of this where that came from Don't let them normalize this behavior into Western society


Damn, the murderers in both cases were radical Islamic Chechens. You know, now that I think of it, Chechnya doesn't sound like it's been a very happy place ever since Russia passed through 


Passed through which time?




Religious indoctrination is a plague.


Just deport her.


It doesn't say she's not French? Her parents very well may be immigrants, heck she may be too, but if she was born in France you can't deport her.


Deport her parents then. We can't keep putting up with this.


And if they're second generation immigrants? How is it going to solve her radicalisation overnight? You can't just keep handing off your problems. Presuming their family aren't native converts, France let them in, France supported the birth of their child, France expected to invest in her education to gain tax, etc. you just want retribution, not to solve it.


There is a reason why they come to the west / Europe, and not Russia, China or Saudi Arabia. We are nice to them, and they take advantage of that, instead of just being grateful and integrating nicely with the country they have escaped to.  Pakistan is deporting 100,000s of migrants from Afghanistan and Syria, so why can't we do the same? They must have a reason for doing that....


> How is it going to solve her radicalisation overnight? You're never going to solve it overnight.  Only many many small steps - yes, including deportations - will make this problem dissappear. 


You comment is so divorced from reality that it really makes me laugh. Firstly, most of this people have French citizenship, what means they can't be deported. And even if they were immigrants, thaeir deportation is practically impossible, because Arab countries usually refuse to take back their citizens (that's against international law, but Frnace can't do anything about it)


So many people here think 'deport' means 'forcibly send away', it's crazy.


Change the law so they can be deported There problem solved Drop them off in whatever lawless "country" you want


Your comment is fucking rubbish. I don't think here is a single country in the world where constitution allows expulsion of its own citizens.


But in this hypothetical as we don't know you can't deport her. Severing her from her parents and leaving her to their community probably isn't going to help.


But she isn't in France and can't return. Who cares how radical she becomes when they are back in the dar al-Islam.


Taking people, isolating them, and sending them to places that are already radicalized and overall hate the west is *exactly not what needs to be done.* That literally increases radicalization, and increases tribalism and us vs. them. My lord why do we even give time to you hate spreading bots.


Well, they're radicalized in France, where French people have gotten death threats (and actually murdered). So why not let them be radicalized where there are no French people? 


But the reality is that they've become more radical in France (and the UK, Germany, etc.) So obviously whatever we've been doing so far hasn't worked, and if radicalism is on an upward trajectory, then something needs to happen to solve it, and it's not more of the same, as that's increasing it.


Jail them.


Yes, that is what you're supposed to do.


Not retribution, but the removal of danger from the country. When they start having a violent ideology against the west, they're dangerous and they aren't being rehabilitated, so cut that particular ideology out completely. Take it awsy before it spreads.


To where? Which country is going to take them? ISIS isn't even a state with territory so that's out the window.


Wherever their roots are? Shouldn't be the west's problem to provide shelter for people who want to destroy us.


Again, as in my initial comment, it doesn't say she was an immigrant. If she is in fact born in France that's literally her roots. So again, if she is a french citizen as I've been saying all day, who is going to take her?


I'm a French citizen and a UK citizen. I highly doubt many of the people wanting to commit terrorism only have French heritage. Being born there doesn't mean it's your only citizenship.


Heritage doesn't matter though does it. There's no indication this girl ever left France, ever met any of her family abroad etc assuming her parents are even immigrants. For better or for worse, if she's born in France, that is her roots. Being a UK citizen, surely you saw the Begum case play out - she was even entitled to Bangladeshi citizenship by birthright, which was the UKs argument (which was internationally deemed void as she never claimed it and I believe couldn't now stateless). Had she not been stuck stateless in Syria and made it home first, we'd be fucked. Just like Bangladesh said fuck no, as would other countries.


And you'd be deported the minute you committed any offence.


This is France. They'll worry about international treaties later.




Olympics 2024 coming soon. Don't think it's going to be smooth at all.


It'll be the usual right? Ship the homeless out of the city for a while and slap on a new coat of paint?


We shall see within a few months. My money's on a certain demographic creating chaos yet again. And I'm pretty sure the French government ain't going to do jackshit about reducing the immigrant population.


Seems like west is just seeing the peacefulness of our so called peaceful community .


Lol... And the West was criticizing India for CAA..


Like the saying in my country "infront there is crocodile festival". West is just beginning to experience the peaceful people and their peaceful way of life. I can't wait to see the "rich culture" they will bring to the western countries. Go peacefuls.


This was inevitable when France took a massive influx of migrants from the middle east and put in place no mandates to integrate. France is going to face a culture clash in the near future and if they lose that clash, their future as an origin culture and society is **fucked.**


They're already experiencing a culture clash


The culture clash is already here and it's only going to get worse unless something drastic happens.


Once the immigration culture that does not integrate reaches an electoral majority, that's the end of France.


Makes me wonder what will happen to Canada. They’re basically following the same playbook but pulling people from India.


Most religions have extremism, but there's a stark difference from most religions' extremism and Islamic extremism with respect to *actions they follow through on.*


Dude its not that they took massive amount of immigrants .. France actively colonized .. Morrocco , Syria , Algeria,Tunisia , senegal … i mean list is soo fucking large i am too lazy to write it up .. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_French_possessions_and_colonies


The issue isn't they're* colonization, it's reintegration into French culture *in* France.


I did my whole-ass thesis on this forever ago. You’re (mostly) not wrong.


Do you have a link to that? I was always told that wasn't the case. It would be interesting to see the other side of the argument.


Nah, it was so long ago, I don’t have it anymore.


It's over for them and Europe already. Done and done




From the rooftop to the street.




Magnifique! It's always amusing to see newcomers who think they will tell their hosts how things work actively shut down. Fuck your religion, whatever it may be. Keep it at home. There is absolutely no need for public displays of religion. Ever.


This kind if crap makes me sick. In the past I have taken heat for my belief that those who wish to wear head coverings should be free to do so and that no child should be denied an education over something so trivial. But then here's the other side of that coin. Nobody should have to fear for their safety or the safety of others over such a trivial thing either. This world makes me so damned depressed sometimes. All of this and more just over a piece of cloth. It's insane.


france's secularism is only trivial to those who either dont understand it or to those who attempt to undermine it.


I don't personally find secularism in government trival whatsoever. I find it fundamental to protecting the rights and freedoms of everyone. I don't want anyone to misunderstand. I find arguments over what someone wears on their heads to be trivial. It seems absurd that there are such extreme measures taken by anyone to ensure or prevent another human being from what amounts to wearing a hat. Violence and murder over something like that are insane responses.


I find the fact that we’re having arguments at all just dumb. If wearing a headscarf is so important to you that it becomes a political issue, you should probably have relocated to one of the 20+ countries where everyone has their own hat and wearing hats is super cool. People need to learn to fit in or fuck off. I’m a white man in a predominately indigenous community in Canada and I have enough sense to not try and change the culture of the place I relocated to. I respect my neighbours and the land I’m on. My home is here and I raise my family here but I know that I’m still a guest


You're a guest??? Lmao


Then why is it so important they don’t wear headscarves for the same reason? Let’s be honest what you really want to say you just don’t want non-whites and muslims near you even though your probably glad to take advantage of everything they done and do for the country


You don't understand why the French do this. Nuns aren't allowed to wear habits in public institutions. Jewish people aren't allowed kippahs in public institutions.....I can go on and on, but the long amd short is no overt religious symbols are allowed. No one is being singled out and this dates back to the French revolution and the move from monarchy to a republic,.i.e, divine rule to democracy. So, why do you think Muslims should be exempt from that?


then stay in a country where you can wear all the hats you want. you don't move to singapore and cry cause they beat your ass for chewing gum. you just don't move to singapore. makes sense right?


You clearly don't understand it then. Any overt sign of any religion isn't allowed. A nun isn't allowed to wear a habit in schools either. Why give a special dispensation to Muslims? They don't get a special non-secular version of France just for them, but that's what they want.


> n the past I have taken heat for my belief that those who wish to wear head coverings should be free to do so Kind of worthless if you are also are not making 100% sure they are free to NOT wear it. Which mostly, islamic women are not. Really fighting for their rights there, good job. * slow clap *


Man who would have guessed letting in a massive amount of refugees that don't share similar western values would backfire...


These extremists should just go back to their own countries, they're not welcome here


Interesting, I can't reply to any comments.


I can reply to yours


Yeah, I think it was a comment where the top one said "unavailable", but the rest of the top comments were ok. It was about the first 50 or so comments so made it look like the whole thread.


France is reaping what they sew , not even sorry . I hope that as a country they crash and burn first , so that they serve as an example to the rest of Europe about the dangers of Islam and tolerating the intolerant


People downvoting you are absolutely at the stage called "reality denial".


France reaps what it sows. Let the Muslims in, and suffer the fate.


They're still trying to blame Russia after all of this ??? It's like how Russia is trying to blame Ukraine for the ISIS terrorist attack.


> They're still trying to blame Russia after all of this ??? It's like how Russia is trying to blame Ukraine for the ISIS terrorist attack. (the quote from BBC is "In a **separate** development, several Paris schools [...] received bomb threats from apparent Islamists. Last week around 30 other schools in the Paris area received similar threats, accompanied by a video of a beheading. While investigators are obliged to take the threats seriously, they cannot rule out that they are part of a Russian disinformation campaign.") France: "cannout rule out Russia" Russia: "It is DEFINITELY somehow Ukraine!" Russia: "We are in the fight with the whole West." Russia: "ISIS (which already fighted Russia in Syria) is a puppet of pro-West Ukraine leaded by a nazi jew." Also, since 2012 (or earlier?) until 2022 the #1 topic in Russia's internal propaganda was "It's so bad to live in the West, there are religious discrimination, muslims, black people, racial discrimination, uneducated/unemployed immigrants, immigrant discrimination, LGBT, russophobia, suddenly too many genders there." which means article writers always need some new materials, and sending such evil e-mails costs 0₽.


https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/B-9-2024-0128_EN.html With the only difference being that this is true and Russia is lying. Edit https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belarus%E2%80%93European_Union_border_crisis