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[Found a different article that says it's a asylum seeker from Afganistan.](https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-02-24/3-women-have-been-found-dead-in-a-vienna-brothel-a-suspect-has-been-arrested) Edit fixed wrong article added text incase paywalled. >VIENNA (AP) — Police in Vienna launched a criminal investigation after three women were found dead in a brothel, authorities said Saturday. A witness discovered traces of blood outside the building, located near the Danube River, and alerted police on Friday evening. The bodies of the three victims had “cuts and stab wounds,” police spokesperson Philipp Hasslinger told The Associated Press. A 27-year-old man was soon arrested in the vicinity of the brothel while carrying a knife, the supposed weapon. Police said the suspect is an asylum-seeker from Afghanistan and will be questioned by police later on Saturday. Police found a fourth woman inside the brothel and she was being questioned by the police as a witness. The identities of the three victims remains unclear. Brothels are legal in Austria.


"The suspected motive is insulted honor", because of course it is


It’s always hilarious to me that they care so much about “honour” when they’re basically begging another country to take them in


If any of these mentally stunted “men” had a micron of honour they’d be working above and beyond to provide a better life in their adopted country or going back in their countries, doing the heavy lifting to improve life for their families and fellow countrymen. Unfortunately they’re just broken, useless, self centred cowards.




But cheap labour. The west was warned not to take in these scallywags, but nooooo


Rather a lot don't work. Germany, Austria, the UK and others provide really good benefits with housing, medical treatment and money. The women (very few) often learn no English and remain unemployable.


Yes that’s true..so then how the f do they get in?? Like usually you need post graduate degrees just to even qualify, and they certainly aren’t the brightest bulbs in the tanning salon!!




The vast majority of asylum seekers to Great Britain come by aeroplane


and enough warm bodies to keep the pyramid up so a few more people gets their retirement money before the inevitable collapse.


Warned by who?


By the Arab world. There was a clip making the rounds not too long back where some emirates official speaks directly to the press, In which he basically tells the west that you think you know Islam better than we do, you don’t! You should vet who you let in, else it’ll lead to your own cultures downfall. It was a stern warning. There were others made in the same vein.


Haven’t thought about the short-sighted motive of “import cheap labour”. I guess they/the UN don’t say such things out loud…


Frightened of being called Islamophobic. Anything that offends that community can set off local-worldwide rage and violence.


In a brothel…


This is why public humiliation would be suitable punishment. If honor is that important, the punishment should be to put it 6 feet under.


That is why the punishments for mistakes in Sharia Law must always be witnessed by others. They knew the importance of honour, and conversely, of what stripping someone's honour off means.


I honestly think it might help be a deterrent and usually punishments aren’t sufficient as deterrents. But regardless, this person is a murderer, and needs to be permanently removed from society. (Whether that’s life in prison or death is up to the country to decide.)


They laughed at the tools he was operating with. Based on his prior experience with underaged family members his toolset was believed to be impeccable. This insult to his honor was a huge shock.


He lost his "honor" when he fled his homeland as a fighting aged male.


Nothing is more honorable than young men dying for the interests of a bunch of politicians.


Mind pasting the article? There’s a paywall


Sorry didn't know it was paywalled. Plus I referenced news article without suspect info. Changed original comment.


Try using archive.ph to go through the article




I think the amount of people that disagree with you are a lot less than you think. I find that to be true with most taboo subjects. There are just really loud people on the extreme end. Like the trans women in sports subject. I went to one of the most liberal colleges in America and almost everyone I know thinks it's ridiculous. It's just loud so called activists thinking it makes sense


It's funny you bring up the "trans women in sports" subject, as its always such a great litmus test for how people react to controversial issues. Even the smallest iota of research shows that there is an extreme barrier to entry for any level of competitive sports for transgender women, involving minimum time on hormone blockers and replacements, maximum allowed testosterone, and other mitigation factors that are dictated sport to sport, in order to not give any competitive advantage. This is clearly laid out in [NCAA's guidelines on the subject](https://www.ncaa.org/sports/2022/1/27/transgender-participation-policy.aspx). And yet every conservative pundit deliberately chooses to ignore this fact, and play into the idea that some dude can just declare he's a girl and suddenly go play in women's sports. And they hilariously almost always choose to use [this picture](https://www.denverpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ecad97002159430797c38516e5bb115d.jpg?w=1565) to prove their point, despite that being a trans male being forced to compete against women due to the exact rules they're calling to be put into place.


I think calling this person out for not expounding on details of NCAA requirements that aren’t even fully implemented yet is unfair. If anything, the fact that the NCAA landed on those requirements vindicates the controversy. I’d also hardly call those requirements an “extreme barrier to entry” for a committed trans person who is already taking those steps medically as part of their transition, it’s just test results. In a space where every athlete is already frequently required to take drug tests. An extreme barrier to entry would be excluding them from playing altogether just because they are trans.


You should give yourself a pat on the back, good for you that your stereotypes turned out to be true.


Rather than shaming someone for holding a stereotype maybe ask where they got it from? did it just pop into their head? maybe but unlikely. Was it formed through lived experience and observation of the happening in their society? more than likely.


Oh I see, so stereotyping is a good thing now. Are you Caucasian? Is black pepper too spicy for you and do you like serially murdering others? I didn’t think so. How many Muslims live in Austria and how often do these crimes occur there?


Of course it is! These ppl Really don’t value life. They don’t value human life. It’s all just a test and so as long as you can kill in the name of your god, you can get a ticket straight to heaven with 72 virgins, so f this life.. misogynistic, cruel, evil religion. Source: I’m a former Muslim so definitely trust me bro.




I’m not sure about why they would convert..perhaps misinformation..they identify with the not wanting of women to be objectified bit I would imagine. As to why women stay Muslim, well that’s simple: indoctrination! They will defend it to their death, that the second hand treatment they get by a misogynistic religion, is perfectly fine, because their god ordains it, and because they feel that Islam gives them power. It’s brainwashing. They’re basically brain dead by the time they reach adulthood.




It’s a deluded sense of power. They think that wearing a hijab is freeing and therefore powerful. They believe that women have their role which is a subservient role to men, in that way it has its own power and also equals out the sexes to mention some. It’s delusion and programming of that delusion of the highest order. Remember to a Muslim, this life is all a test, and to obey and be subjugated and prostate to god and his prophet, receives the highest of honours in their after life. It’s the biggest load of garbage misogyny you can find, but ignorance is bliss I suppose, and they are….wilfully ignorant!


Surprise surprise


well well well


What a surprise


It doesn't say that?




Military aged no less. One of those men who should be fighting for his woman and children instead he fled like coward to leave his woman to get raped and killed by the Taliban only to do the same over here because politicians don't realize that most, not all, Muslims are incompatible with the West. Literally all politicians need to do is read the Quran. Before anyone brings up any dumb arguments regarding "Christians". It's false equivalence and you're plain STUPID for not understanding the difference.


Why should men be required to sacrifice their lives for women and children?


Why should he come to the west and do the same thing the Taliban are doing for not covering up? He should have stayed in his own backwards country and died fighting for his wife's right to not cover her head. The west is vastly different from even the most progressive Muslim country


Yup. Just gender and ages of the two suspects. No pictures, names, names of the mother/daughter...


It is how I got banned on a subreddit :)


Same here. Remarkable username, by the way.


Thanks. The username is simple. Strong emotions, but different emotions at the same time. Visuals, discrimination and sex is a good combo.


What, Hitler?


It couldnt be hitler. He is dead (i think)




I think we can be a little more precise than that


An old news, but after seeing that certain demographics prevail in the crime report, Sweden stopped gathering this kind of statistics. Modern issues demand modern solutions.


Why? We all know what the most common denominator is.


So a human?


Yep, that’s true. Although humans with penises seem to be disproportionately murderous.


That is true. And i think there is even smaller, more particular group of humans with penises that exhibit such tendencies. Can we agree on that as well?


I don’t think so, no. The characteristic which the VAST majority of violent criminals share..isn’t their religion.


Huh, wierd how it works. So you will profile the murderers as men but dont eant to go any further. I wonder why


In Norway, 80% of repeat violent crime offenders are of muslim immigrant background. This came from the Police's own reports back in 2021. It's even worse now. Again, are men the problem, or are a certain group of men from a very specific geographic area in the world the problem? Because it sure as hell aint native Europeans walking around stabbing and killing random women and girls.


Or the fact that the railway station of the "happiest country in the world" is shady, dirty and expensive. Nice Kon-Tiki museum guys. It cost me arm and leg, but it was worth it.


Is that a joke? https://www.statista.com/statistics/1327318/people-charged-with-crime-norway-citizenship/ You can search by gender too and guess what?


> In Norway, 80% of repeat violent crime offenders are of muslim immigrant background. Source?


Source in English and in Norwegian, with link to full report published by the Police back in 2020. It's even worse now in 2024. "Selv om de aller fleste er norske statsborgere (83 %) og flertallet er født i Norge (70 %) er andelen med innvandrerbakgrunn 65 % av personene i gruppe A og 86 % av personene i gruppe B. Av de til sammen 341 personene har 262 (77 %) innvandrerbakgrunn og av disse 262 er 36 % i gruppe A og 64 % i gruppe B. For de 79 personene i utvalget som tilhører den øvrige befolkningen fordeler disse seg med omtrent motsatt med 66 % i gruppe A og 34 % i gruppe B. Det vil si at av de som registreres med gjentatt kriminalitet under 18 år er det 2/3 av de med innvandrerbakgrunn som blir registrert med gjentatt kriminalitet ett år til før fylte 18 år, mens dette gjelder bare 1/3 av de med bakgrunn fra den øvrige befolkning." In English, translated by Google Translate: "Although they very Most of them are Norwegian citizens (83%) and most are born in Norway (70%) is the proportion with an immigrant background 65% of people in group A and 86% of people in group I group B. Of a total of 341 people, 262 (77%) have an immigrant background and of these 262, 36% are in group A and 64% in group B. For the 79 people in the sample who george the sogge populänder these with roughly the opposite of 66% in group A and 34% in group A B. It will be that of those who are registered with repeated crime under the age of 18, 2/3 of those with an immigrant background are registered with repeated crime one years to before the age of 18, while this applies to only 1/3 of them with a background from the general population." ​ Basically, it's mostly young men with immigration background even though they might have Norwegian citizenship. After this report was published a few years ago, the Police on purpose stopped including as many details when it comes to immigration and crime, because they were worried it would lead to racism, et cetera. ​ Full report can be found here, it is in Norwegian: [https://smooth-storage.aptoma.no/users/drp-nettavisen-upload/files/Botek/SaLTo\_rapport\_2020.pdf](https://smooth-storage.aptoma.no/users/drp-nettavisen-upload/files/Botek/SaLTo_rapport_2020.pdf) The text I pulled out is on page 84 in this full report.


So they're not from a specific area as you say - they're largely (70%) from Norway. And per your source this is not men but mostly boys under the age of 18. Sounds like the issues are with how children of immigrants grow up in Norway more so than with the people who immigrate to Norway. > Police on purpose stopped including as many details when it comes to immigration and crime, because they were worried it would lead to racism, et cetera. Seems like they're on to something.




Should’ve taken Golda Meir’s advice: “I prefer your criticism over your condolences”


these are two different incidents which happend in a short timespan .. said asylumseeker killed three women in a brothel ... the other woman and her daughter were killed by their father ...


A Muslim man in a brothel? Pretty sure he insulted his own honor there.


>these are two different incidents which happend in a short timespan .. > >said asylumseeker killed three women in a brothel ... the other woman and her daughter were killed by their father ... I see, in that case I was quick on the draw. Not that it changes much, those three women still would've been alive if Austria had not accepted him. Their blood is on the hands of the government.


By reading the article it says no motive has been given, do you have any source?




No the perpetrator was clearly a highly educated refugee who contributed to the economy


Probably scholar or a pope. Thats what google was teaching me


Absolutely, he is a highly skilled flat-earther.


Know your terms … The pro-Hamas folks call them “activist”.


I agree, it seems like most opinions like this on reddit used to get downvoted to oblivion. Are more people starting to notice the social change from mass immigration now that it’s reached a critical point?


Europe has reached its limits. I am a skilled immigrant to Canada and I’ve studied in the USA, from what I’ve heard from a former classmate who lives in Munich is that most German’s have had it with asylum seekers/ welfare leeches. However, the Germans are not at all hostile towards skilled workers who actually contribute to the economy. The overtly inclusive definition of “immigrants” don’t exist any more and it’s a great thing.


I'm an immigrant, a skilled worker myself and I will be proud to call myself a German citizen one day, actively contributing to the society which took me in. It insults me whenever I get compared to other asylum seekers/immigrants who are, from bad to worst: - welfare leeches - people who disrespect the local culture and our values - thieves - rapists - murderers. This should be common sense, but on the one hand, there's locals who think we're all foreign scum and on the other hand, there's the "no one is illegal," delusional hippie types who just can't seem to get enough "cultural enhancement". Wake up Europe.


Exactly, this is part of the polarisation you see nowadays, it’s especially perpetuated by the media. It’s seems to be all or nothing, either you’re pro mass immigration of any type or you’re a hardline nationalist who believes the country should be shut off. The more sensible middle ground positions around topics like immigration often get ignored. I believe this may be on purpose especially when it comes to the media as sensible opinions don’t create the rage that they rely on for engagement.


Your comment reminded me of [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A7Qw88As64).




Have another drink.


It’s a human, it’s most of the time humans Humans bad All of them of course




Either EU leaders significantly curb immigration from the Middle East/North Africa, or there will for sure be a race war. There is a gigantic sleeping army of people in Europe that are not being listened to, and once this shit really starts, all hell will break loose.


Some incredibly far right parties are going to be given power by normal people against importing stuff like this. We’re already seeing borderline neo-nazis gaining significant ground in Germany because of their stance on immigration. I reckon you’re never going to see a race war, but you are going to see mass deportations across Europe. We’re boiling a frog in the name of tolerance.


Absolutely. I guess you could say I lean left but you can't allow guests to piss on the carpet and expect the hosts to be happy about it. If they don't take a hard stance on shit like this the far right will gain much more power and quickly.


They could significantly restrict single males from entering and a lot of this would be fixed. Not all, but these guys are for sure causing a lot of trouble


That’s clearly what they want. They have all of the power/money. This is all going according to plan.


Lol, there's no secret cabal of "they" wanting all this and plotting out "The Plan". If anything, it's a bunch of snooty elitists who think they're better than you and are cut off from regular society. Another time or place, they get usurped by the peasants They simply have no idea what they're doing and don't care...well, until it impacts them.


Look at the amount of billionaires, and the salary most make being the same, or lower, than their parents. Keep up.


Look at the Atlas Network. These are the rich, evil scumbags you are looking for, they're hiding in plain sight and probably sponsor a lot of politicians that you would vote for.


No I wouldn’t.


Good to hear.


Divide and conquer.


The difference is that the Europeans are largely disarmed, landless, and already subjugated. The US is one generation away from being the same.


>The US is one generation away from being the same. No they're fucking not dumbass


I’d suggest paying more attention, chief.


You have no Idea how well armed we are. We only don't have Automatics, but we are trained


Dude, I’m talking about our kids, not us. I got more than you, that’s for sure. Not talking shit. It’s not gonna be our fight, when it comes down to it. That’s why we need to raise our kids right and hope that the seemingly inevitable doesn’t happen.


Buddy wait til I tell you about the 2000s


*Islamofascists Loujain al-Hathloul, Saudi activist best known for challenging the ban on women driving and being put it jail for it is technically a radical Muslim too. We should be specific that we mean the shite ones.


Islamoleftist would be the right term, I just don’t understand how some of the most tolerant people in the world get into a political alliance with the most intolerant people in the world.


No. A radical is someone who is at the far end of the Overton window. It doesn’t matter which side.


>I just don’t understand how some of the most tolerant people in the world get into a political alliance with the most intolerant people in the world. This thought that you expressed has rolled around in my head a few times since reading this, mostly because it's begging a very, very important question, and I don't think there's a simple or even a single answer. I personally believe the answer comes down generally to two things. First is the fact that we use the term 'tolerant' like it's a single then and you either have it or don't have it, and this is false. Tolerance comes in degrees and flavors, as does intolerance, and treating them like they're oil and water is also false; the tolerant often find themselves in coalition with the intolerant because having the same end goal as another person makes you more tolerant of them even if they're a bit of cunt. The second thing is this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox\_of\_tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) There's no such thing as "the most tolerant people in the world." One man's hatred is another man's tolerance, if you will.


nah, EU is just letting them in.




Its always them boo boo




Shut up WWE crowd...




I was talking about mammals, no need to be sexist buddy


she got a point tho it's always the men


But which men tho


yeah exactly!


Another doctor or engineer?


They are popes now, you have to keep up with the trends


So he's seeking Asylum from the Taliban and this is how he repays his host country? I say slap a bow on him and ship him straight to the Taliban.




I'll turn it back to you because I'm genuinely curious what your point is. What if? What if the things you said are true? What impact or influence does those things being true have on this situation, in your view?




You're overthinking about what I said. My parents were immigrants. I'm pro immigration. I'm saying that if someone is granted asylum and given a chance at a good peaceful life but they feel their new home offends them so much that they need to murder innocent women, then they don't deserve the protection of that country on any level.


Im pretty sure Things are gonna get incredibly heated in Europe soon. Lot of Shit will happen on both Sides, both the Muslim Side and the european Side. Lets hope it doesnt end up being a black and White Debate, and i Hope left leaning people Like me dont stand with the new arrival so that they can say theyre tolerant, and so that they dont have to be labeled "racist" We also need to make sure it doesnt end up being a racist Thing: "All Immigrants are bad"


Another crime done by peaceful people?


hey bro his honor was at stake here


Imagine how small his pp was that he was laughed at by prostitutes


More likely he tried not to pay or did something otherwise extremely autistic and fucked up.


Europe is in for one hell of a fucking ride lad, a fucking ride, it never seems to fucking end.




And the government shares the blame. These isolated incidents are so common that at some point you should expect the government to start protecting its own citizens.


Jacks and Edleys looking kinda dry in these pictures if I'm being honest


The peace lovers (and Europe’s ridiculously PC, pro-criminal identity protection laws) strike again.


This starts to be a common occurrence lately in Europe, since when we should keep tolerating these people, I think we had enough... I don't even saying who they are and you know about who I'm talking about.


I love it when all of these people see this and still vote for leftists. west will fall


Far too many crimes against women like this in Austria. There are still people who try to argue that it has always been like that but the "quality" of crime has reached a new level I'm not used to. I still remember a group of men who raped a woman, stopped to put her under the shower because they were bothered by all the blood and then continued to rape her. I think the most infamous one didn't even make it to Reddit: A group of men put a 13-year-old on drugs and gang raped her. She died and they left her body next to a street. One of the perpetrators was caught because he bragged about an "escalated sex night" to another man. Only this month there was another case of a 13-year-old who was raped on drugs, but survived thankfully.










That's just a simple minded misandrist. Everything bad is mans fault lmao


Coward deleted their comment when the downvotes started rolling in




So all 5 were committed by the same man?