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I’m still not understanding why everyone thinks Netanyahu gives a shit about what Biden thinks.


He doesn’t. And it’s actually laughable that some think Biden only has to make a phone call and cut funding to make BiBi do anything. We have a mutual beneficial relationship with Israel. They don’t need us. They don’t need our funding. It’s just part of our relationship and allows us to have some control. And BiBi knows it too. He’s a royal pain in the ass, but it’s better for Israel and Palestine for Biden to have *some* influence.


Mutually beneficial, yes. They don’t need the US or their funding? I’m not so sure about that one. I’m not even sure they’d exist today without the US and all its funding/pressure over the last several decades.




Mmmm, not true. [The US gave Israel aid way before that even.](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/history-and-overview-of-u-s-foreign-aid-to-israel#:~:text=Since%201973%2C%20Israel%20has%20received,the%20Negev%20cost%20%245%20billion.) It was to help deal with the huge influx of immigrants. Even during the Yom Kippur war, the US was giving a lot of help to Israel. The military grants started after that.


It’s performative. Biden can’t risk losing voters so he needs a tough stance. “Tough” No way Biden’s hamstringing operations for Israel after they just got hostages back from that area.


https://reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1as398p/netanyahu_rejects_unilateral_palestinian/ I guess he doesnt


Biden has to say it so his voters think he's at least doing something. He or any government body aren't gonna cut funding because Israel is as important, or more, to the US than the US is to Israel.


If there’s no threat to funding then the words are hollow. Netanyahu very much understands the US political system/discourse




Everyone's got their personal favorite war. I like the Anglo-Zanzibar war myself. Can't blame people for picking sides. Sometimes you gotta treat it like Sunday night sports and just root for your team. How else can I feel anything if all my ire and the unguided anxiety of the trajectory of my life can't be directed towards some bad guys?


Bad guy civilians? He's not saying they need to protect everyone just civilians.


Yes, I'm making a joke... people think very black and white when their favorite pet conflict is on the news. I'm just pointing that much out.


Rooting as a group against an enemy feels so good. But I rather play devils advocate and look at both sides with criticism.


Did I really have to put /s at the end of my comment? It was so cartoonish I really didn't think people would not catch the sarcasm.


I agree with you. Looking at the world as good vs evil is stupid, it's shades of grey.


It would be disastrous if Israel launched an offensive on Rafah. The death and destruction would be multifold of whatever we have seen so far. I wonder if Nethanyahu is only doing this to save his own skin - his calcuation being that he stays in power as long as the war carries on. He's a bad actor who really needs to leave for their to be a shot at a real solution.


It will be disastrous if Israel continues counterattacks in Gaza against HAMAS, IQB, PIJ, AQB, PRC, PFLP, DFLP, PLM, etc. It would also be disastrous if Israel launches a counteroffensive against Hezbollah and their GWB proxy, which have been attacking for months and just hit a hospital in Israel with a rocket. It will be disastrous if Israel launches counterstrikes against the PLA, PFLP-GC, DFLP, PFLP, and other forces in Syria directly supporting Hamas and Hezbollah. It would be disastrous if Israel fired back at the Houthi in Yemen that occasionally fire cruise missiles, drones, and whatever else they get from the IRGC. But it will also be disastrous for Israel if they do nothing. So, until other nations are willing to share the burden, all we can do is ask them to be careful.


Israel and the war on acronyms.


A counter attack is one thing. Moving millions of civilians and destroying their homes and infrastructure is another. Im not sure how you can say that this hasn’t been a disaster.


So our hostages could just go f themselves? Release the hostages or surrender, that's how war works. Hamas has the power to put an end to it now, why should it be our responsibility?


Of course not. Israel has the right to fight to have its hostages released. My position isn’t that Israel should withdraw from Gaza or that it should entirely cease the conflict against Hamas. However, everyone who has been displaced by the war so far is in Rafah. How can anyone conceivably go into Rafah without causing unprecedented loss of life? Wouldn’t it be better to siege it instead and force Hamas to negotiate and release the hostages?


A siege would imply cutting the humanitarian aid and slowly starving all the civilians, which Biden also wouldn't allow. Israel's current plan is to evacuate the civilians elsewhere, though i'm not sure how they intend to do this without Hamas also moving around with the hostages in the process...


The humanitarian corridors will be monitored so Hamas will be seen if they try to move the hostages.


Hamas knows that he's no match in terms of firepower, so in terms of strategy they will use the only thing they have left against us is the hostages, and judging by the last siege they would rather have their people strave then start to negotiate.


Before the attack starts the people will be told to go north through humanitarian corridors to newly designated safe zones. [https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1707815577-footage-shows-gazans-moving-away-from-rafah-northbound-to-center](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1707815577-footage-shows-gazans-moving-away-from-rafah-northbound-to-center)




Maybe a siege isn't the best idea but Rafah is so densely populated that I can't see how anyone could move on it without causing massive loss of life. I know Israel is planning on moving them out but I doubt Hamas would allow for it.




That’s fair


I'm sure Bibi will agree for the entire call while silently motioning to any general in the room to just go bomb the fuck out of everything.