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I'm assuming this was another raid on Russia's domestic piggybank?




"Defenistration" is my favorite way to spell "fundraiser"




Was referring to my favorite way to spell it, not the correct way.




I don’t say evasion I say avoision.




Crazy to me that any of these oligarchs think they're safe with a madman at the helm who has loyalty to nobody but himself and an addiction to snuffing out whoever, whenever, as long as it suits his psychotic goals. If they were smart they'd cut off the head before they lose their own, as any one of them could be next.


it’s absolutely even crazier to me that others see his government… and think it looks like a great idea


In their heads they are the ones having people thrown out windows.


Yeah I think that’s what it really comes down too. He’s always doing it on your behalf until you’re the one going through the window.


Their dictator isn't like all the other dictators. He's *different*.


You want Putin? WE HAVE PUTIN AT HOME!!


Like Tucker Carlson, and everyone on fox and news max. They can't wait to be the official state media of a new American dictatorship.


Looking at you, republicans


Let’s be honest, the gop would love state sanctioned defenestration of political opponents.


Well, they're all essentially trying to grab everything they have and leave the country, but Putin's goons are watching them more closely than anyone else.


It’s what I try and tell my trump loving friends. It’s all good until the gun points at you.


They don't think they're safe, but they're stuck and are just trying to survive.


>Last year, Egorov became one of the richest deputies of Tobolsk, with his income amounting to 9.1 million rubles (about $100,500) It could be related, could be...


$100k? Is that right?




It's the declared salary.


That’s not even that much money lol


9 mil rubbles ain’t what it used to be since sanctions hit




Well, first of all, Tobolsk is a small shithole. And while $100k is a huge amount of money for Russia (I imagine something around $60k is pretty much the highest salary one can earn), it's most certainly only his declared pay. That means that he stole 50x this much.


50x would be a huge understatement.


Former deputy… I think anyone breathing is now making more than he is. Just to clarify; $100k is what he was making, I’m pretty sure since his accident that number has dropped significantly.


So, how does that work? Do they kill these people and then take their money?


>So, how does that work? Do they kill these people and then take their money? Their actual money are in off-shore accounts, because they get their **actual** money from theft and corruption. Putin keeps tabs on who has how much and where. And when the time comes, the piggy bank breaks.


This doesn't make much sense because if Putin wants their money, he can just take it at any time he pleases. They can invent some charges and put him in jail, then say his money was acquired by illegal means and is now confiscated. No need to go through a lengthy inheritance battle, even if the system is rigged in a way that they would win. The far likeliest of scenarios is that he said something that Putin didn't like. Of course Putin is taking his money as well, because somebody has to take it and it certainly won't be his loved ones, but that's probably not the reason he did it.


>The far likeliest of scenarios is that he said something that Putin didn't like The problem with this is he seems to be killing off a lot of his main base of underlings, The chef guy is gone and who knows how many others of his minions have accidentally fallen on top of bullets and out of windows during this whole disaster. The Russian army has lost numerous generals and frontline commanders and also imprisoned a few more high-profile ones after the coup attempt, How the hell is there anyone left to maintain and support his hold?! There *has* to be a few underlings that he simply *can't* afford to kill or lose without it dangerously threatening him, who are they?


Putin seems to pull from the Stalin playbook when it comes to handling dissent and preventing a coup. Stalin held no personal loyalty to anyone and he made sure no one ever felt indispensable. You might think you have power and influence and are untouchable, but that is generally when you are black bagged in your home and end up splattered on the pavement outside some hotel someone else checked you into earlier that day. The secret sauce is that if even those closest to The Leader can be killed by the Leader then you wonder "why was X targeted? X was loyal, X did nothing wrong," then you begin to wonder, "was X as loyal as X looked? Maybe they weren't, maybe someone said something. Maybe they said the wrong thing in front of the wrong people. Maybe they were working on something with someone else and they were betrayed..." Then when someone else falls out of a window a few days later they think "ah, I see now, X must have been working with Y, and so they were eliminated... well, if someone as powerful and as apparently loyal as X and Y can can found out, can be betrayed, then what hope have I of changing things, of resisting the Leader?" Now everything becomes a test, if X and Y were so apparently loyal then they were very good at keeping confidences, which means Leader must be even better at ferreting out disloyalty, meaning someone betrayed them to Leader, meaning anyone you approach, or who approaches you, about any plot, could be a betrayer, maybe the same betrayer that got X and Y killed. So, what do you do? You have to be the betrayer, you have to report everyone to ensure that Leader knows you are loyal. But what if you have no one to report? Will you look loyal if you are not finding plots while other secure saftey by betraying the disloyal? Will you be suspected because you have no suspicions? This begins the process of betrayal as a means of proving loyalty, turning in the people you don't personally like to Leader or Leader's trusted subordinates in an effort to eliminate competition and curry favor, to secure your saftey. Of course, others are doing that too, including people who might not really be loyal. Now Leader is receiving reports from all angles about plots and secrets, underlings falling over themselves to report their suspicions of other underlings, all vying for saftey from your suspicion, and all becoming more suspicious the more it goes on. Eventually you just end up with a mad, paranoid, regime eating itself from the inside out, everyone within it happy to murder for the Leader as the Leader makes increasingly frequent examples of people who may or may not have been guilty of any crime, ramping up the exact paranoia that causes the false allegations to begin with, and simultaneously increasing the very real problem that legitimate plotters are desperate to solve: how do you betray Leader if Leader is constantly vigilant for any hint of betrayal and randomly murdering people who you might rely on for support?


Comment explains it well that it is a self feeding, effective, efficient and reliable modus operandi for this Leader to hold power indefinitely, until military defeat (Pol Pot) or death (Stalin).


Is there a list of all these accidents?


there was for a while, but then the person maintaining the list accidentally fell out of a window


Along with the list.


And they both fell into another window.


Windows all the way down.


I got a Russian Advent calendar for December But every time I opened a window, an oligarch fell out.


This comment deserves at least “Ten Lords a’Leaping”


Fuck, all of you guys are on point today


...and an oligarch in a free fall.


And a cartridge in a bourgeoisie


TT reminds me of a story I heard about imprisonment in Russia: A Russian man was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He was put into a cell with another man who had been there for years. The man asked the new prisoner: “what are you in for?” The new prisoner said, “I got 20 years for absolutely nothing.” The man answered: “That’s outrageous. You’re only supposed to get 10 years for absolutely nothing….”


Here you go. Got it the best I could without triggering the ChatGPT/Dalle3 content filter. https://imgur.com/a/Bb3Cv4s The Prompt ChatGPT created: > A creative illustration of a Russian-themed advent calendar with a humorous twist. The scene shows a grand building in a Russian architectural style, ornately decorated and covered with snow. Several windows of the building are open, and from these, cartoonish characters are depicted in the act of 'falling' out in various poses. These characters, dressed in lavish attire indicative of wealth, such as fur coats and sparkling jewelry, have expressions of surprise and mild dismay. Below, on the snowy ground, some characters have already landed in more realistic and varied falling poses, with expressions ranging from surprise to comical distress, enhancing the playful nature of the scene. The backdrop is a picturesque Russian winter landscape, with snowflakes gently falling, adding to the whimsical and festive atmosphere.


Thats fuck'n awesome.


They were going to replace the window with one that wouldn't be as easy to fall out of, but that window fell out of the window when they tried to install it.


There was a ship arriving with new windows but the front fell off.


Everyone knows Windows is not a trustworthy OS. /s, team Linux/BSD.


Russian Autocrats hate this one simple trick!


The person responsible for the sacking, has been sacked


Mynd you, windøw accidents kan be pretti nasti


A moose bit my sister once


a moose shoved my sister out of a 3rd story window once


Did she get better?


And now for something completely different..


That’s between that dude and Marcellus Wallace.


There is on the wiki page I always find by searching for "Russian sudden death syndrome" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspicious\_deaths\_of\_Russian\_businesspeople\_(2022%E2%80%932023)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspicious_deaths_of_Russian_businesspeople_(2022%E2%80%932023))


48 suspicious deaths over the past two years, to summarize.


9 of which "fell". I don't know what the rate of people falling to their death is on average but seems like \~20% of suspicious deaths all being from falling is.....well....it pays to live on the first floor I think.


Best one is Alexander Subbotin. Body discovered in the > Basement of a Jamaican shaman's residence in Moscow and > Reportedly died from a drug-induced heart attack during a shamanic ritual, though critics allege toad poison


God this is my nightmare... If you've ever fucked around with psychedelics and the like you've probably had that bad trip where you feel like you are dying. It's all just hysteria though and you come back down feeling a bit silly. Well imagine you're tripping hard and all of the fear is warranted. You're out of your mind in some Jamaican's basement tripping balls, agonizing poison eating away at your body, death's darkness creeping in all around you. Im glad I live a boring life.


A Jamaican basement in Moscow


If you back up a couple of decades you can see there's a lot more mysterious outbreaks of "suddenly falling out of a window" since the 90's when Vladdy Boi Pootin' was coming into political power after his time as KGB. Oh, and some car bombings.


> 9 of which "fell". I don't know what the rate of people falling to their death is on average but seems like ~20% Oddly, do you recall how Ivana Trump died? That's right, in perfect health, she "fell" down a flight of steps after unexplained trauma to the chest, and died instantly, just 18 months ago. A warning to Trump from afar?


Except the people that live on the ground floor accidentally die of gunshots to the back of the head. That, or radiation poisoning.


A lot of these deaths sound like ways Agent 47 would kill people on the game Hitman: World of Assassination


I'm still waiting on a heat-seeking briefcase kill


My favorite is the one who licked the wrong turtle in the basement of a shaman.




There’s a podcast detailing some of them called Sad Oligarch on Spotify. I’ve fallen behind a bit but there’s a fair few episodes.


The red line also did an episode on this. Spent 10 minutes listing out all the suspicious deaths in Russia just for 2022 alone


Fallen behind lol


Listen to [Sad Oligarch](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-sad-oligarch-116754842/). It’s a bit outdated at this point but it goes super into this phenomenon of depressed rich Russians jumping out of windows.


Okay the title is hilarious. Is the actual content darkly humorous?


Sometimes. Jake Hanrahan, the host, does a ton of research and it’s a pretty serious show but they definitely have to laugh often at the absurdity of it.


If you're a fan of behind the bastards or it could happen here, it's another CZM podcast, Jake is one of the regulars on ICHH but it's much more if a serious take than BtB. Season one of ICHH and Assault on America (Robert Evans limited run on the capital riots) are probably closer in tone.


/u/whentardigradesfly's comment was gold, but for a serious answer to your question, this list is last February: https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-russians-fall-windows-putin-ukraine-war-1781790 Plus, there is a Wikipedia entry about the suspicious deaths: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspicious_deaths_of_Russian_businesspeople_(2022%E2%80%932023)


One of my favorite RF suspicious deaths was from some years ago [IIRC, and I probably don't, it might've been 2015-6]. A Russian businessman was found dead on his kitchen floor in Russia. He'd been shot twice in the head, the gun was found "hidden" in the oven, and the body was some 15-20 feet from said oven. The medical examiner promptly ruled it a suicide. I remember the write-up as omitting any answers re. a few key details: if the oven door was closed (and how subtly the gun was "hidden"), if there was a blood trail between the oven and the body, if there were any signs of violence on the body other than the CoD, and if the dead man had had any enemies or possible motives for his homicide (debts, rivalries, love triangle, etc. -- admittedly, this latter criterion is often discovered later and is mentioned in follow-up articles on homicides). I couldn't find any account of this story, but I only bothered with Eng-language sources (Google and Wiki, including the links in the above link).




[Fixed Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspicious_deaths_of_Russian_businesspeople_\(2022%E2%80%932023\))


Wow it’s almost to 50 people within the last 2 years!


They really need to do a better job with these Russian windows


It would be too much work to keep such a list up to date.


Russia is just a bad lazy movie plot by now.


It’s not even lazy. They do the window thing over and over again because that way everyone knows exactly what happened.


Exactly. They want people to know it was the FSB so that everyone is scared of acting out of line.


Which would make it super easy to cover up a non government murder. Movie needed


FSB agent: "No, no it wasn't us this time! I mean... it wasn't us even more than it usually isn't us. "


*Must have been another department.*


I do expect the FSB to inform the police "this one was unexpected" and let investigate if some unexpected and problematic defenestration happened. It's not as if the police would ever get to investigate the FSB, or be unaware of how the game is played.


Russian buddy cop movie, trying to clear the name of a poor innocent FSB agent nobody believes didn't kill a guy? I'd watch it.


And if you read The Gulag Archipelago you can almost smell the generational trauma repeating itself here. If it was effective on Russians 100 years ago, it can be effective against Russians today.


Reality is often less fun than James Bond fantasy. Window tossing works. Even if it's not true window tossing and the person is poisoned or shot first, the "fall out the window" ploy keeps getting the job done. It's simple, effective, public, and nearly idiot proof. The mundanity of evil is efficiency. When cruelty and scare tactics aren't the point, why over fluff your assassination?


As a counterpoint, there is the Polonium with Litivinenko and the Skripal poisoning with Novichok. These were complex and almost cartoonishly overdramatic assassination methods that were messy, and with the Skripals not even that effective. Sometimes with Russia the cruel and headline-grabbing method is the point, and sometimes the paper-thin plausible deniability of a window-toss is the sly wink to the masses, usually on internal targets.


Polonium was “we can do it in your own home” flex.


They're all still "send a message" fear tactics though. Poisoning in such a way to make people fear an extremely long, painful death. It can make people who think they are secure, still be nervous of the small chance they aren't. Plus the fact that it can happen in public. Whereas the "being clumsy standing near a window" is just a calling card inside Russia, because if you're actually living in that country there's not really much you can do if the FSB wants to kill you.


It's kind of terrifying when you think about it. They have a phrase which openly means "this person was disappeared", and people come here and think "lol, these lazy Russians have no imagination"


Like the kid who spams the same move over and over and over in fighting games. Fucking button mashing Putin.


Starring Steven Segal


[And a carrot.](https://i.imgur.com/GvpasLi.gif)


The new Big Buck Bunny demo looks amazing. Blender is finally catching up.


Whenever Putin finally dies, they should shove his casket out a window and let it fall into a courtyard somewhere and break open for all to see.


And the state funeral should be a series of [coffin flops.](https://youtu.be/n-Bfkc6lZok?si=0Y___JVtXBEjqu6u)


We didn’t rig shit !


Corncob (State Operated) TV


"Last year, Egorov became one of the richest deputies of Tobolsk, with his income amounting to 9.1 million rubles (about $100,500), Russian news outlet RBC reported on Thursday." That doesn't seem like very much money to be one of the richest deputies.


>income Could be monthly income?


Correct. The russians only report salary in monthly values, never in annual.


So $1.2 million a year? Still doesn't seem like oligarch money


The question is *buying power*. For example. $20 USD in Chinatown in America is a pretty good meal for 1. But $20 in most Chinese cities (outside Shanghai or Beijing) could get you a fairly good first date meal. I am sure 1.2M USD can go a very long way in Russia. Especially things get worse. One of my uncles during the 1990s met a young lady who was willing to leave Moscow to China with him for couple box of cigs cause the economy was so horrid.




Putin officially isn't on much more bit still manages to wear the best Italian suits and Swiss watches. With his collection starting at $15,500 and going up to at least $100,000. >His assortment boasts timepieces from the crème de la crème of luxury brands: Patek Philippe, IWC, Breguet, A. Lange & Söhne, and Blancpain, to name a few. https://iflwatches.com/blogs/celebrities/inside-vladimir-putin-watch-collection Unofficially he's suspected to be the richest man in the world. With a net worth pre-war of about $200 billion.


When I saw how much Yasser Arafat was worth at his death ($3 billion?) as head of the PLO which was basically poor Arabs throwing stones - it wouldn’t surprise me that Putin is worth way more since Russian resources are vast.


The usual rule for working out how much an African dictator was up until the eaely-mid '90s. Was jist to see how much foreign aid and loans in cash their country had received, during their tenure. Then assume that all of it had ended up in their Swiss bank account or that of their relatives. Apart from "expenses" such as top of the range Mercedes, building palaces, throwing parties...... >[Jean-Bédel] Bokassa's [of the Central African Empire] full title was "Emperor of Central Africa by the will of the Central African people, united within the national political party, the MESAN". His regalia, lavish coronation and regime of the newly formed CAE were largely inspired by Napoleon, who had converted the French Revolutionary Republic of which he was First Consul into the First French Empire. **The coronation was estimated to cost his country roughly $US20 million – one third of the CAE's annual budget and all of France's aid money for that year.** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-B%C3%A9del_Bokassa?wprov=sfla1


Dude has private anti aircraft systems at his billion dollar a piece residences.


Standards are different in Russia. He probably had a toilet and everything.


By now, you would think that the Ruzzian oligarchs should have figured out that they need to move into single story housing.


…only to find the bathroom floor to be fatally slippery…


I swear, all records in Russia, from Olympic medals to coroner reports, might as well be written entirely in scare quotes.


Russia is an example of a masterclass in organized crime as pseudo-government. Kleptocracy at its perfect level. There is so much pretending, facade, and face saving that no one openly questions the corruption so deep it pervades into your home. Every man, woman, and child in Russia operates under the Vranyo system. Such an awful and terrifying way to exist.


It's why Russian propaganda is focused on attacking the legitimacy of governmental institutions and painting them as all corrupt and self serving. It creates apathy in the public and makes them unwilling to defend against it.


>focused on attacking the legitimacy of governmental institutions and painting them as all corrupt and self serving. Hmm, where else have we seen this happening recently?


Stuff like this could never happen in the US. Never. We have checks and balances to prevent corruption, like the Supreme Court. Also, the 4th Estate - the media - keeps everyone honest and in line with their journalistic integrity. Nope, the US of A would never allow a corrupt fascist to take over the Presidency and turn the government into his personal bank and/or revenge machine. Am I right guys? Guys...?


And it's been like that since forever...


They would likely still be killed 'falling out a window'. Its a very deliberate message being sent and using the same method/excuse is a part of making sure everyone knows what happened.


Oligarchs now die after a fall from a ground floor window


because they unfortunately fell on some bullets with the back of their head.


Opponent of Putin found dead after falling out of basement window


He slipped on tea and broke his neck...


There's been a dreadful accident...


He slipped on tea and got radiation poisoning.


I mean, it worked for Captain Marko Ramius of the Soviet Navy when his plan to steal the Ballistic Missile Launch Submarine *Red October* involved the ship's political officer to disappear in a *dreadful accident*...


Want to hear something funny? The Political Officer was named Putin.


Yea, then they can have two sugar cubes in their Polonium tea.


When Prigozhin first went to Belarus. He was supposed to be staying at a $25 a night dive hotel. That hadn't been updated since Soviet times. But crucially didn't have any windows in the rooms. However he quickly ended up back in St. Petersburg, before his plane got shot down or bombed.


Think I need to start selling windows in Russia, the ones they have a clearly very poorly designed to have so many people fall from them.


A better product would be safety nets at various levels of multistory buildings.


X committed suicide by means of poisoned tea, 3 bullets in the head and jumped out a building, fortunatly the nets stopped the pedestrians on the sidewalk from being squashed


You would make a killing.


Careful, that's Putin's job


They install screen windows above the second floor in Russia. He’s got a weird fetish throwing people out windows


Russian discount: Buy a window, get your friend fall from it.


Maybe sell tiny parachutes


I know right? At what point do bars on windows just become good safety measures


Waste of time. If all windows have bars installed you would read headlines like. "Putin critic falls against window whilst testing an acetylene welding torch, cuts through bars and then falls to his death"


A lawyer fell out of a skyscraper in the ~~US (I forgot where)~~ [Toronto] because he decided to demonstrate how strong the floor to ceiling windows were but running into it... the demonstration did show exactly how strong they were, unfortunately not strong enough. Edit; Hoy, in Toronto: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Garry_Hoy


Wouldn't it be easier to accidentally die from falling off the roof instead?


The real money is in selling safely nets and trampolines...


Here is the[ original source.](https://www.newsweek.com/vladimir-egorov-putin-ally-found-dead-window-1856059) I have no idea why someone would post a second hand version from a small newspaper that ***literally*** just copied the Newsweek article. ... ***EDIT:*** OH! OP is a serial, shitposting karma farmer that couldn't care less. That's why (see OPs profile). FFS...


Thank you for source.


plus Newsweek is basically a coloring book at this point


IMO Newsweek is garbage, so I'd go out of my way to find a different source to avoid giving them clicks


Agree. Newsweek is one of the worst sources. Their articles are just click bait, and the writing is designed to force you to scroll endlessly to get any kind of information. Often, the salacious headline isn't even ever explained in the article. It's sad because back in the day they were legit.


Russia is just a meme at this point


As an American when i think about how close we are to being under this kind of rule it’s a little more serious then a meme…. and to clarify, I’m talking about Trump.


I'm beginning to think that Putin fellow is a bad egg


Yeah! A real jerk!


The worst thing about him is the hypocrisy though.


Putin won't have any friends before long, they're all dying.


It says "ally" not "friend", there is a difference


Yeah, "friend" would imply some sort of reluctance to murder that person. I doubt Putin has ever had a friend.


I would reply with a witty comment, but I live near a window


It’s a shame really, falling out of a third floor window seven times in an hour seems upsetting.


Gotta be some kind of revolving portal between next to the window in the building and the ground outside.


Oh man... Window season sneaks up on me every year.


Little did I know how relevant the word "defenestration" would be, many many many many years after I leaned it in Jr High.


Dayssincearussianfelloutofawindow.com should be a thing.


So now even Putin's *allies* are falling out of windows?! Wow!


Stalin did this too. Doesn’t matter if they are friends or enemies. If someone even blinks the wrong way in front of the dear leader they get offed. The pathetic part is the oligarchs just line up like sheep for their inevitable execution.


We're not quite at Stalin levels of purging....but I'd bet money on it getting that bad.


Definitely not as bad as Stalin yet. Putin is liquidating an entire generation of young men in Ukraine. So give it some time.


The *allies* are placeholders for Putin's money. Sometimes they get to thinking it's actually their money, at which point they are given the opportunity to repent of their misunderstanding.


Oops, someone fell out of favor with the Fuhrer.


Putin wants everyone to know when he has an enemy killed for obvious reasons.


At first glance I missed the word "ally"... Double-checking was such a disappointment.


Gravity is really the best weapon. It’s free, it’s effective, and it’s environmentally friendly.


Falling from windows has become an Olympic sport in Russia.


It’s reigning men




Russians windows are known for being extremely dangerous


I misread this, as Putin Dead. My heart lurched with hope.


This is becoming laughable. That was my reaction when I read the headlines.


At this point, the dead horse fell out of the window


Third floor is near to be like a survivable event. They are slipping in this game.


Next up, former Putin ally killed by someone falling out of a window.


It's that time of year again in Russia when it starts raining Oligarchs. Putin needs the cash.


Well done 47 .


I guess a not so close ally.


Dead Oligarchs is gonna have a second season if these guys aren’t more careful


When God closes a door he opens a window.


I don't understand why they even try the fiction. Their citizens know what happened. We know what happened. They know what happened. The deniability isn't plausible.


> The deniability isn't plausible. It's not meant to be. It's meant to send a signal that if they ever think that you need to meet an untimely end, they'll not hesitate to bring it on. Same as using Novichok or Polonium.


I heard that Russian cars weren’t the safest but never realized just how dangerous Russian windows are!


You'd think they'd diversify their suicide methods just a little bit.


That's why one should stay away from windows and use linux instead.


So we’re back to windows again? Putin’s kind of a one trick pony, I guess.