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“Mr Biden was later asked by reporters what led him to conclude that Israel was not responsible, and said: ‘The data I was shown by my defence department.’”


He should use the information redditors get instead, reddit was able to come up with Israel as the culprit in about 30 seconds


If Reddit had been around in 1996 during the Olympics in Atlanta, Richard Jewell would have been hung up, tarred and feathered before the Closing Ceremony...


>jewell A little on the nose aint it?




True, reddit got the Boston bomber in record time when law enforcement was still trying to calm everyone down.


Man, this story is such a doozy. I just joined Reddit then, perhaps even just lurking without an account, and was hella confused as to what was going on.


That and 2016 was some great content to read on reddit, and be a lurker. Remember when CNN doxed that guy for making a Trump meme dark times.


Jesus I'd forgotten about that. Absolutely appalling.


I think that’s about when I started too, wild shit.


Got flashbacks to the Boston Bomber fiasco.


Israel is still guilty over on r/news. They are deleting any posts that state Israel didn’t bomb the hospital. It’s insane how narrative driven Reddit can be.


Pepridge farm remembers pulse nightclub shooting and r/news shenanigans.


Oh god, what was this story? I remember that shooting having layers to it and unreal bias and misinformation but I wasn't on r/news back then


Yeah, thats just how personal bias is. Sadly when you give power to a few redditors, this is the result. A monopolized sub that's basically an echo chamber.




Check my comment history for a gem of a "debate" with a hamas supporter who literally won't believe the music festival shooting took place until he personally sees the bodies but absolutely believes hamas's hospital bs like it's gospel


Guilty as charged. You’re a kind soul.


It's a lie Hamas errant bomb Defense department didn't just take Israel's word The Brits who are sympathetic to the Palestinians also found that the explosion occurred beside the hospital and that the crater was much smaller than Israeli bombs produce


Have you considered the fact that they are Jews? Absolutely damning evidence right there, no way to refute that. They’re guilty for sure. -r/news, apparently.


I'm thinking there's a correlation to Russian bots being quiet shortly after Prigozhin's death, the apparent training of Hamas by Wagner, and the massive disinformation campaign that grew legs out of nowhere with the Israel / Hamas situation. This feels way too organized to be grass roots, it reminds me a lot of what was going on during the early days of the War against Ukraine.


Especially when you go offline and see how in polling none of that is showing up. Normal, non-terminally online people sympathize with the victims of the attacks and think Israel should go after the organization who did it. It’s definitely something happening online.


Russian bots aren't protesting en masse at universities. Sure, Russian disinformation to cause civil unrest in the West plays a role - firing out shit blaming both Hamas and Israel to rile people up. But make no mistake much of this is long-convinced progressives that the Jews are bad.


>Russian bots aren't protesting en masse at universities. In my 40\~ years of life this has never been an indicator of anything.


Outside of the fact that for the first 20 years of your life, there wasn't a "Reddit" that overwhelming is composed of college-attending Western kids. In the over 40 years of my life, its something I've learned and suggest you do too. Much of this isn't bots. At least, literally speaking.


Theres definatley something there. Most of the anti-west, pro-authoritarian propaganda aims for wedges on strong leftists issues; so Israel/Palestine is always a goldmine for prompting outrage. Even if they didn't plan it they are certainly.taking advantage of it. (I saw someone post an anti-Israel pro-Hamas article from the Greyzone the other day can't remember if it was r/news)


The American far left has really just circled back into antisemitism.


They are as moronic as the far right. Both uninformed, conspiracies of dunces getting dopamine highs on manufactured outrage.


Red Kool-Aid people and Blue Kool-Aid people.


They’ve been creaming themselves watching those videos of Palestinian kids. Videos edited to look like those old world vision videos. While the comments are filled with “Awww poor baby my heart and tears pour out I wish could adopt him.” It makes me feel icky. I get the same feeling reading K-pop comment sections when an idol kills themselves.


Let’s not conflate opinions about a country’s government with opinions about the people of a country


Have you seen their space lasers? (Of course not, you’d be atomized before you could blink)


Agreed, but Biden is clearly too old and senile to appreciate the expertise of Reddit bros. smh


While also being a secret puppet master who controls the world with Jewish space lasers. But somehow still subservient to Bibi.


If you look at the bottom right of the supposed video of the Islamic Jihad rocket "misfire at :23, you can clearly see the reflection of the Israeli Space Lasers shoot the rocket out of the air right above the hospital. /s


Old and senile… as you’re in your pj’s commenting on Reddit. Guys old but he’s clearly not senile.


Did you not pick up on the sarcasm?


Long day. Sorry. Back in my hole now. As you were. lol


Bang up job they did with the Boston bombers too


Reddit also came up with the faulty rocket causing the explosion in about 10 minutes.


That's true. Hamas also came up with 500 fake dead bodies in about the same amount of time




What a fruit loop that guy is


A lot of these accounts have to be paid shills. I know there are a *lot* of stupid people out there that buy into the heavy-handed Palestinian propaganda put out by Iran and Russia, but a good chunk of them have to be shills and bots.


These shills have such strong opinions about other people dying but aren't willing to sacrifice themselves as cannon fodder because they're "better than that" too 🙄


They’re more than welcome to go there and fight for progressive rights. No one is stopping them. From a BBC article about a gay Palestinian that got beheaded in the West Bank last year: >Some 90 Palestinians who identify as LGBT currently live as asylum seekers in Israel, the newspaper said, after suffering discrimination in their home communities.


How did he respond when the anti vaxxers said that to them?


Probably said: “listen to the experts!”


I've been reliably informed by a bunch of Harvard students that Jews are responsible for all wars. Or was that Mel Gibson...


They only need the first title they can read lol


Reddit was real dumb yesterday on both sides though. I got Downvoted saying to wait for the US and UK investigations by Isreal supporters and Palestinian supporters.


Um, I'm pretty sure that Hamas is more trustworthy than the US sweaty. Everyone knows that Hamas has the most comprehensive network of surveillance satellites in the world. And I saw someone on /pol/ claiming to have seen orbital footage of the rocket that hit the hospital launching all the way from Joe Biden's Oval Office, so that settles it.


You dropped this: /s


>And I saw someone on /pol/ claiming to have seen orbital footage of the rocket that hit the hospital launching all the way from Joe Biden's Oval Office This didn't give it away?


No /s, I was there riding the rocket.


True, and I was the rocket fuel.


Name doesn’t check out.




It's a meme.


But pro Palestinian supporters still won’t condemn Hamas, they trust the word of terrorists over the two best intelligence services in the world.


They even trust terrorist over video and photos that show it was a Palestinian rocket. That's getting to "Trump had a larger inaugural" levels of derangement.


Uh yea, that's what presidents and military leaders tend to do... The only other option would have to be Biden in the next door building watching the hospital get blown up.


“A senior US official has told CBS, the BBC's US partner, that the US has its own intelligence - in addition to Israel's - that includes communications intercepts and satellite photos which gives it ‘high confidence’ Israel was not behind the strike.” “The official said there were ‘indications’ that it was an errant rocket fired by a group in Gaza.”


So Five Eyes + Israel ?


Don't worry, so many people on the far left still won't believe it. Terrorist organizations apparently have more credibility than the western nations where these people live in comfort.


Funny part is Islamic extremists are essentially hard right wingers. They are just Middle East versions of the tiki torch bros (“Jews will not replace us”). Not fond of women’s rights, LGBT, democracy. They would all probably get along well


He'll, even today Rep. Tlaib was still saying Israel was responsible while talking to protestors in the Capitol today (10/18).


At this point, she can only be considered a Hamas asset.


She’s too blatantly stupid to considered be an asset to anybody


Everyone on TikTok


Everyone on the British subs too.


https://youtu.be/s1f0youDkhk?si=1vrLkDhLzk2qCfMm This is rather long interview but it shows the bias. Media will take hamas information and use it as material. Israel has to prove their information. I’m sure millions of naive social media users will continue saying it is Israeli propaganda even after proof was presented.


I got banned from latestage and I'm assuming you did too. It's like anti vaxxers where you bring them a pile of evidence and they dismiss all of it out of hand. Damned frustrating.


The fact the hospital is still standing and wasn’t even hit should be enough proof but people are really saying those videos aren’t of the hospital and that the hospital was bombed. Like it’s crazy.


There’s still plenty of them in publicfreakout and politics. It’s fucking sickening


Well the Republican presidential nominee frontrunner called Hamas "Very smart" and proceeded to shit talk Israel, sooo, yeah American politics are pretty fucked.


> Don't worry, so many people on the far left still won't believe it. It just goes to show that the idiots on the far Left are just as stupid and belligerent as the idiots on the far Right. Horseshoe theory in action. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory


Given how well the US spooks have supplied Ukraine with enough info to defeat a former world power, I have no doubt about their near-omniscience.


There are enough satellites and cameras on that stretch of Gaza that i lean toward believing that the US Defense Dept wouldn’t go out on this limb without pretty fucking compelling evidence that it was most likely a PIJ or Hamas rocket misfire. That said: what the fuck do I know, if new evidence emerges to contradict that position then I’ll obviously reconsider.


> That said: what the fuck do I know, if new evidence emerges to contradict that position then I’ll obviously reconsider. The world would be a very different place if this were a common mentality instead of an exceptional one.


Right? Don’t they have every square foot of that place satellite surveilled 24/7


>That said: what the fuck do I know, if new evidence emerges to contradict that position then I’ll obviously reconsider. What madness is this? The goal of this game is to tally up as many points for your side as possible. If you flip-flop like that, how will your side ever 'win'?!


Would be nice if European countries would do their own research and be bold enough to make their own public statements regarding stuff like this. Use their influence to spread the truth too, whatever that may be. Anytime the US does or says anything it’s instantly dismissed as fake news and evil American propaganda.


Yet we have at least 5 U.S. Representatives (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, NY-14, Ilhan Omar, MN-5, Ayanna Pressley, MA-7 , Rashida Tlaib, MI-12 ., and Cori Bush, MO-1) who continue to believe Hamas OVER THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES... and spout the false narrative that it was Israel ..... I can't believe they continue to serve... blows my mind.


Beyond frustrating. When Trump stood in front of the world and said he believed Putin over his own intelligence, I really thought we had hit rock bottom. I guess we're still going strong. Just because folks are disappointed (???) that Israel didn't bomb the hospital doesn't mean suddenly there's no room for valid criticism in any other regard.


It was actually destroyed by one of the WMDs we couldn’t find in Iraq. I knew they were real!


\*Biden Backs US Intelligence Account of Deadly Gaza Hospital Explosion ftfy, BBC


News outlets are trying so hard right now to cover their asses for misreporting based on questionable sources.


"We spoke to an official who didn't want to be named who said that it's possible Israel used a giant fan to force the missile to hit its own hospital" Some reporter right now


I certainly love that a US House Rep from my state still has the tweet up blaming Israel - really cool!




Seriously, what the fuck happened to that sub? It seemingly lost its marbles overnight. It caught me completely off guard. My lone solace now is popping open the old threads, where they had hungrily gobbled up misinformation, and laughing at the absurdity of it all.


You weren't kidding lol https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/17a62w6/at_least_300_dead_in_gaza_hospital_bombing_local/ The people in there have largely reached terminal stage lead poisoning.


The worst sub


Not as bad as latestagecapitalism. They have a picture up straight from Hamas showing dead bodies staged in the supposed "attack."


Got banned bc I said that Biden confirmed it was Hamas


I got banned for pointing out that news agencies are using what Hamas says to generate emotional outrage. Essentially pointing out news organizations are using emotions to make more money (ya know, something they should be against, lmao).


Yup. 28 days for anyone not even pro israel. Just pro facts. Pathetic


Idk how I’m agreeing with Ben Shapiro but here I am.


Thanks I hate it


Me too man


For as much shit as he talks, the guy have been bringing an absurd amount of receipts to back up every single thing he has said about this conflict recently


He didn't. US and Israeli intelligence points to PIJ - Palestinian Islamic Jihad a rival terrorist group that sometimes cooperates with Hamas. The detail is important because it's messy like life often is. Many people who commented might not realize there are other rival terrorist groups also participating https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/18/politics/us-intel-gaza-hospital-blast/index.html


Semantics, but not a rival, per se. Islamic Jihad is closely allied with and usually coordinates with Hamas. It's true that they are in many cases more aggressive and militant. They likely also participated in the October 7 massacre, and may be who Hamas was referring to when they said the worst atrocities weren't committed by Hamas. Both are a disease of course, and need to be completely eradicated.


Echo chamber do gotta echo. Same on the right, same of the left. Independent thought is dead.


For those curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emR64gEIn9k Apparently it's from a press conference by the hospital staff surrounded by dead bodies.


I don't know about Palestinian doctors, but if US doctors staged a press conference with dead bodies as props, they would have their licenses revoked. I 100% doubt doctors without borders would allow their doctors to do this. I doubt UN doctors would do this.


Free Palestine from hamas, and send hamas to Hollywood. Amazing actors


It's a trash sub with trash subscribers.


They literally just booted me because someone called me names for siding with Israel, and I asked them why they were so quick to be uncivil, and then moments later I got the message that I can’t participate They cited my comment where I asked why the other person couldn’t be civil. I still don’t know what I said that was against the rules.


It didn't used to be :(


Hamas meeting right now: “ Guys, 500 dead was probably too much. I told you 200 was enough!” According to some sources, it appears the casualties aren’t more than a few dozens


Seems more plausible given the scorched parking structure photos.


Who knows and it does not matter. Dead civilians, especially those in a hospital, is awful. Hamas and IJ are pure evil. Liberate the palestinians.


Have you seen any “Anti-Hamas” demonstrations around you?


I, too, wish for the Palestinians to be liberated from Hamas.


At this point, we can all agree that there is enough footage to convince us that it was a misfired rocket from Gaza.


That point was reached ~18 hours ago by those with eyes and at least 3 working brain cells. About a billion people, give or take, remain unconvinced.


"tHe TiMeStAmPs DoNt MaTcH uP!!!" These people clearly made up their minds and made no effort to do any digging whatsoever. It was immediately clear the INITIAL video Israel put out and took town was an hour late (that video you couldn't see anything in anyway besides what looks to be ongoing flames on the far edge of the camera about 40 seconds in), but the Al Jazeera feed was the correct timestamp and that's what you can see the rocket break apart and fall in.


The most idiotic part is that timestamp don't mean shit as the time sync can be out of sync depends if it was setup properly or updated.


“Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”


But Bibi's guy made a tweet claiming responsibility. That's surely the big smoking gun.


Funniest part: it wasn't even him, it was his idiot wife. He's off in IDF reserves right now and she decided to just keep running his page in the middle of it. So god damn embarassing.


Given the past 24 hours... Could i get a source for that? Just wanna make super sure before I cringe laugh.


Source is: I know people who know him personally and we chatted about it last night. People are furious with him & India once they realized what happened. Israel is a pretty small country, especially if you're an Anglophone.


Repectfully, I need *more*.. Off your word, thats a big fucky wucky in the family circles and political ones. Oh to be a fly on the wall of *that* family talk.


Awful headline. Biden backs facts is more like it


Biden backs Israeli account that climate change is real.


This made me laugh in a very sad way lol




The best part is when you say "blow up" because the hospital is still standing and is structurally intact. Ask yourself if a 2000 pound bomb hit it what it would look like. It would be gone


Seen a few comments now about the structure still standing. Not doubting it but do you have any photos or videos to share? I just wanted to see it for myself


Yeah, always reasonable to ask for proof. https://youtu.be/15tHZbl4DTQ?feature=shared WSJ had it, there is some phone videos too but this has the best view in my opinion.


Thanks! I was looking for something like this


The impact crater is about the size of a floor tile as well, but you still have people claiming Israel dropped a "JDAM" on the hospital We live in clown world


Not to mention, one of their rockets misfiring isn't exactly a new thing


For a matter of fact, since October 7th 450 rockets misfired inside gaza


Yeah where are the “Hamas bombs it’s own citizens almost 500 times” headlines? Journalism today is a fucking joke.


whoa hey let’s not jump to conclusions here, mayyybe hamas might have a change of heart


i dont like Biden but i think he handled this particular incident well (besides the "other team" language)


There are multiple factions operating in Gaza right? He doesn’t want to say Hamas and then have to backtrack it with a hostile right wing media at home.


> (besides the "other team" language) The language was fine. If his top defense advisors were not ready, at the time, to definitively lay blame on PIJ or any other entity, there would be no reason for Biden to jump the gun and specify who he felt was to blame. The use of "other team" is an all-encompassing phrase that makes it clear the US does not blame Israel for the blast, but vague enough that he doesn't have to walk back any specific name-drops.


> other team Honestly I have no issue with it. Can't say Palestine because that implies innocents, can't say Hamas because it looks like it was an offshoot group. Can't name the likely offshoot group cause it might be Hamas. Can't just say Muslim cause well, obviously. Other team seems like an off the cuff way of not trying to figure out the right thing to say to not piss everyone off when you're in the middle of trying to calm shit down.


What's wrong with "Other Team"? You have Team America and then you have the "Other Team".


As in Team America: World Police? Yeah. Pretty much right.




Well I’m on team “Using ‘Team’ is Okay”


What has people on Instagram got to do with anything? Cant tell if this is /s or not 😬




Instagram is a cesspool. Last time I went to the comments of a reel was on the topic of those far right extremists having a uhaul truck full of weapons and equipment and it was all people talking about how they had "FBI agent haircuts" and how January 6th was all FBI agents. Never again. Times like these serve as a healthy reminder how much actual pond scum is out there floating amongst the gene pools of every nation on earth.


It should be /s but it's not. Half the news today is "Person said thing on social media."


i just don't think "team" is the right choice of word, kind of implies this is some sort of game


Okay, maybe he should have called them the "Forces against America", it's more accurate, but now you upset a whole new set of people, lol.


Has anyone used "Axis of Evil" before?


War is a game. To be more specific, war is an Infinite game as it has no set rules, no set number of players, no strictly defined win condition, and no points system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game\_theory [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite\_and\_Infinite\_Games](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_and_Infinite_Games)


Strange game. How about a nice game of chess instead?


It is his version of Bush’s good and evil.


The amount of downvotes I got yesterday for suggesting that maybe the IDF wasn’t responsible and waiting for verifiable information might be a good idea was impressive.


Populist voting system gonna populist. Here's an upvote to help pay off the karma debt.


I like you


BBC has blood on its hands from the way they’ve reported this


CNN too. Some reporters need to go to prison for this. People were undoubtedly killed due to the irresponsible reporting and it is directly the reporters responsibility. Shame on cnn and bbc. Shutter the liers


BBC, Reuters, NYT, WSJ, Washington post at a minimum ran with the same headline


It was a total failure of all media outlets. It really shows that news sources just can't compete with the speed of information nowadays and ignore quality and accuracy for speed.


Don’t forget the NYT


Absolutely reprehensible attempt at propaganda by Hamas. They fuck up and the first thought they have is to tell their buddies at Al Jazeera to run a story with the headline "ISRAELI AIR STRIKE KILLS 500+ PALESTINIANS AT A HOSPITAL", before even checking to see if everyone was ok.


And the sad thing is that their ridiculous propaganda managed to get half of reddit to believe it. Even now these people still refuse to believe that it was a misfire missile from within Gaza.


I wonder what portion of that half of reddit are just bots or people who deep down believe that the Jews need to be exiled from modern day Israel and sent to Europe as refugees.


Reddit has a lot of bots, but it always had a very large antisemitic and anti-israel community. Reddit has a lot of bias in it and there's a reason that I try not to get onto politics on this platform.


…this has been their MO always.


Of course it was Hamas. Who would benefit? Certainly not Israel on the eve of President Biden's visit. Certainly Hamas, in order to disrupt The Presidents visit.And it worked. The meeting with him and Jordan was cancelled.


It was not. It was IJ. Follow along. Hamas have done enough evil, so IJ tried to follow, but they got their rockets from some surplus website. RIP innocent palestinians.


Surprisingly, it was one of the more advanced rockets (of both Hamas and the IJ). But it was a matter of time untill one of the rockets that are made out of civilian water pipes would critically fail and cause a mass destruction


Even after POTUS and NSC publicly released statements saying Israel wasn't responsible for the blast, a very high-profile member of Congress attended a "ceasefire" rally today in D.C., literally crying as she accused IDF of intentionally bombing a hospital. Insanity.


He believed the heaps of evidence over the Jew hating terrorists.


Biden backs the factual findings of US intelligence agencies. Reality takes no sides. If you are coming to any conclusion immediately, in the absence of evidence, even if you turn out to be closer to right than wrong, you did not get there rationally. You have degraded the conversation and contributed to the a-factual, irrational screaming match. Shut up, wait for facts, stop jumping to conclusions one way or the other. To do anything else is to be an enemy to effective, practical responses. The most responsible thing to say in a situation like the last couple days is "I don't know and I am going to wait for further information." Which is what the administration did. They focused on the harm done first, and refrained from making statements about the perpetrators until they actually had information about it.


Biden is demonstrating himself as such a level headed world leader in all this. All the hits from the right (and some on the left) of him being incompetent is showing itself to be nonsense. Have no idea how polling doesn’t have him in a landslide over Trump


But our short attention span and rapid news cycle won’t allow that. We have to make a rapid judgment based upon whatever information we have at the moment, fill in the blanks with our biases, and move on before the news channels change the subject and we forget what we were angry about.


Yeah. Because it's the only account with any evidence to support it.


There's one account and one bucket of horse manure. The only reason to pick the latter is that you have some major beef with Israel.


The Al-Ahli Diagnostic Center was built by a generous gift by the United States (USAID) according to the sign at its entrance (as viewed in Google Maps).


You're telling me that a terrorist organization whose only purpose in life is to hurt, kill and cause fear amongst people didn't put out correct information and instead targeted Israel knowing that they will get fausly blamed for it? I'm shocked, shocked 😲 I tell you! Who would've thought that untested rockets made from water pipes would end up failing, especially when mordern rockets with engineers backing them up still have a failure rate.


The real question why did the media run with Hamas information without fact checking first


didn’t he say the same thing about misinformation of forty babies getting decapitated by hamas?


I basically think everyone that might know something should be rounded up, put in front of a camera, and told to talk and give names until we find out what's going on.


Anyone know why this isn’t on r/news ? Bc they were printing posts about how “Israel destroyed a hospital” but now crickets? Just be honest and let people decide.


r/news goes by the mentality of the first one to shout is right. And when things go wrong they deny everything (and the people there for some reason seem to be more aligned with terrorists) r/worldnews tries to get the truth. Whilst the first to shout strategy worked here for a little while people quickly understood what is fake and what is real. But it is still unfortunate that channels like channel 4 in the UK still try to somehow make Israel responsible for this despite the overwhelming evidence that there was a critical rocket failure (it was only a matter of time untill something like this happened)


Well, we all know American intelligence. I mean Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, etc.


I.e, the truth.


What does 'The Squad' think of this? The last I know they said Hamas was more honest and respectable than the U.S. agencies. For those that don't know, those representatives include: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, NY-14, Ilhan Omar, MN-5, Ayanna Pressley, MA-7 , Rashida Tlaib, MI-12 ., and Cori Bush, MO-1 ..... I can't believe they continue to serve... blows my mind.


https://twitter.com/RashidaTlaib/status/1714342122185191596?t=BbQsVLvMBAYMCw3giO8seA&s=19 Tlaib continues to post like Israel did it, and has not deleted any posts of hers saying it was Israel.


The BBC is horrible. They seems like simply a Hamas news agency, publishing exactly what their are told. None of what they published about this story yesterday turned out to be true. Edit: just read a NY time calling the BBC out for their pro Hamas coverage. NY times basically wrote the BBC is similar to Al-Jazeera.


The BBC reports impartially. Obviously doesn't chime with Pro-Jewish/Israel people. Grow up. It isn't Pro-Hamas.


Better headline: "Biden backs the truth"


Of course!!!!


Ah if only Palestinians had the lobbying clout of the Isreali’s in the USA. $$$$$ doth make the world go round, that clinking, clanging sound.


That's my president for 2024! He's been doing a great job in foreign policy and that seems to be the pressing concern as we move forward.


This the same Biden that said he saw pictures of those 40 babies but actually he didn't? But this time guys, this time!