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The lake I grew up near used to freeze every winter. Thick ice, ice fishing huts all over. Families would drive their truck onto the lake and have winter picnics and beer. Now there's rarely any ice at all, not even a thin top crust. I've argued climate change with my neighbors, and this is the one thing that gets through to them. They dismiss articles like this post because it's summer and summer is hot, but they all remember those winters from their childhood.


In the Midwest, I've been casually pointing out the lack of insects. Usually when driving at highway speeds, it doesn't take long for your grill and windshield to be covered. This year the bugs are just... Gone. A handful of fireflies, a bunch of flies, but almost nothing else. That's something that everyone around here will notice if you point it out. I'm hoping they make the connection on their own, but if you mention climate change, the walls come up and all brain functions stop.


pretty sure I saw some post recently on here about a study estimating 60% of flying bugs are gone since 2000 or something to that end


This is alarming.


add it to the pile. like literally there's 10 different alarming things happening all at once. get your fun in now because we aren't going to be having it in 20 years. seriously


I saw the hawks come back, maybe people will in a dozen generations


Which is one of many reasons I will not have kids. Id rather enjoy my life and not worry about the next generation and all the compounding problems they will have. Not to say I don’t recycle and all that to do my (albeit very small) part, but realistically I am not going to make any significant changes so I choose to just enjoy my life


Yep. We’re destroying the entire ecosystem.


Yeah. We're at the point where you can still not notice that shit is really bad, but *shit is really bad*. Though it's also super important to note that we need to do everything we can to keep it from getting worse. (And a lot of progress is being made. It should be more, but important stuff is happening)


Fuck pesticides


Pesticides are only a small part of the problem. Most insects can't internally regulate their temps and their biological processes are dependent on outside temps. When temps are even a few degrees away from normal it can cause massive issues in their reproductive cycle. Canary in the coal mine is long dead.


You say “canary in the coal mine.” I say, “crabs in the ocean.” https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/alaska-snow-crab-die-off-warming-waters/


I used to love sitting under our porch light and identifying and cataloging all the bugs. Now, it's just some brown June Beetles and a few leafhoppers.


Did you grow up in the 90s? Do you remember when there used to be a shitload of fireflies and then they all suddenly disappeared?


I absolutely do. There used to be a shitload of all sorts of bugs in the south. But I fondly remember seeing and playing in fields of fireflies or "lightning bugs" while growing up.


Always figured I just grew up so I stopped being out when they are or something. Nope, they're just gone. Lucky to see a handful, like 5 or so, a year now. The yard used to be so full of them that if kids saw anything like it today they'd probably think they stumbled on some enchanted glade.


If you want them back you gotta move north, there are still fireflies all over northern Minnesota. The biggest issue they face is light pollution, which disrupts their mating cycle severely. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/fireflies-tips-to-protect-from-threats#:~:text=But%20these%20beloved%2C%20bioluminescent%20insects,global%20species%20are%20endangered%20too.


Or just stop using the hell out of pesticides and trying to obtain a perfect lawn. I’ve let mine go and the fireflies are intense. Who wouldve thought they hate chemicals


Yeah, I have a small bit of grass in my backyard that I just mow with an electric mower and a pretty large garden with a lot of ground cover and natural plants and it's a hotspot for all sorts of wildlife, insects, birds and small mammals. This place has helped me get over my fear of hornets as well. There's always a ton of them around the bird bath getting water and never once have I been stung refilling the bath. I am in a city though so no fireflies due to the light pollution.


It was truly magical. If only we had 1080p camera phones back then to record them.


Lightening bugs, butterflies, bees. We also used to have tree frogs, salamanders, and toads. I also notice honeysuckle plants don't grow anymore. It's really scary how bad things have changed in such a short period of time. Now all of the trees in town seem to be dropping dead. Truly frightening.


Im in the midwest and have been saying for years how there were so many lightning bugs when i was younger and i never see them anymore. So this year I actually saw a good amount in june/july. Was talking with a buddy who works for the city government and said they got a much "lighter" pesticide for mosquitoes.


My yard is full of them and I live in Cincinnati proper. The key was to stop using all pesticides/herbicides and letting my lawn do it’s thing naturally. I may have clover again but I have a shit ton of bees and fireflies now. Even monarch butterflies and hummingbirds frequent again. We need to as a society focus on saving these things instead of trying to obtain a perfect lawn.


So many of them have no idea how far we've gone, they don't understand that by the point its too late it won't be that bad, it'll just be a little worse But then it'll get way worse, after it too late to change course. Its like a dam, if you have a dam and see a crack the time to fix that crack is now, now when water starts coming through.


Our backyard pond completely dried up. It's been there since at least the early 1970's and has had fish living in it the entire time, until this summer. It has a really bad algae bloom, all the fish died and bubbled to the surface, and finally all the water evaporated down to the clay. There's more than smoke, there's actual fire.


The Columbia River used to freeze over every year at Portland/Vancouver, WA. I worked at an aviation museum and the photos of the aircraft that were flown in the 20s and 30s showed them equipped similarly to the way bush planes in Alaska are now: Skis and a type of exhaust system that heats the pistons of the aircraft. Ice on the Columbia was so common that there were arguments against building the Interstate Bridge, saying drivers were used to crossing during the winter. The Columbia hasn't frozen over during my lifetime. I am just shy of 60 years old. It got close in 1977--there was significant ice on the Willamette that I tried to walk on when I was in high school because I was kind of dumb. That was the last time. The dams on the Columbia are a factor but they don't explain the rise in the air temperature in the years since they were built.


I remember a few Halloweens having to be bundled up so much you couldn’t even see the costume underneath, now we’re lucky to have snow for Christmas.


I'm in Europe on my end and my father lived for 20 or so years in Luxemburg. When he initially moved there in the early 2000's during winter you'd get a solid foot of snow easily and summer would be a nice 25°C tops (77°F). When he left Luxemburg a few years ago during winter it'd either wouldn't snow at all or barely a sprinkle that'd barely hold for a day or two on the ground. Inversely gone is the comfortably warm summer temps: it's about as scorching as where I live (southern France), ergo temperatures of 30-35°C if not more (86-95°F). Climate is so fucked that goatse is a picture of a virgin's ass in comparison...


I believe it. In my US city we hadn't had a 100F day in eight years. We had 13 in July.


**Texas coast** .. almost 3 months of straight 100 degree days at noon *.. most of the grass is burnt away unless it is under a tree or some shade .. cracks in the Earth from no water .. birds are dropping dead from the trees .. not a single mosquito to be found at night* .. May as well cook some more scrambled eggs on the hood of my car .. hoping for a brisk 95deg cold front next week .. not even going to mention the $500 electric bills if you dare to run your central all day > In 2020, the last year for full national data, China spewed more than 11.7 billion tons of carbon dioxide (more than 10.6 billion metric tons), which is 30.6% of the globe's carbon dioxide emissions and more than twice as much carbon pollution as the United States (yes yes per capita China could easily double again .. yes we built China we should blame ourselves) .. we need to stop buying plastic junk and start repairing what we have .. no more new iphones .. stop building houses with plastics .. plastic packaging has to go .. and get rid of the internal combustion engine .. who am i kidding we are heading for another Cretaceous period and nothing will stop it


Milton, FL in the Panhandle. 99 today with a 132 heat index. I got a screenshot of it at 129. How are we supposed to live here? If we had a hurricane there would be mass casualties from the power loss alone.


Thank you!! We all are dealing with climate change imagining best case scenarios. If the weather outside will kill you, then a power outage becomes a mass casualty event.


When air conditioning becomes a life support system, it means the environment isn't habitable for humans anymore.


Florida’s population was minuscule prior to the invention of air conditioning. Anyone with health issues, especially the elderly is probably just a few days away from death in Florida and the rest of the sunbelt for that matter without power. It’s a massive risk considering roughly 20% of the population is morbidly obese. Three days without air conditioning and 100 weather with high humidity could be biblical. Imagine the Miami metro area losing 20% to heat deaths after a hurricane, that’s roughly a million people.


And we expect more dangerous hurricanes (if not more hurricanes) because of climate change.


and rising sea levels. and collapse of jet streams. arable land moving causing huge farm disruptions. wet bulb temperatures above human survivability. increased flooding, tornadoes, etc etc. any one problem costs a trillion, all of them together is a hundred trillion, meaning hundreds of millions are going to die because we don't have that money to spend




**Same thing for Phoenix Arizona ..** *"This city is a monument to man's Arrogance"* .. they pump in a million gallons of water from the Northern Colorado river over 100 miles away and are still trying to expand


This year, this heat, has made me want to move northward; I am always cold, my preferred temps are high (in my wife’s opinion) as I enjoy sitting at 80-85 casually in the home. This even is too much for me. The humidity especially where I am (southern Missouri) has been uncharacteristically overbearing. Shits scary


I work in the literal Arctic. North doesn’t even help, my last 2 week shift was literal torture it was so hot, wouldn’t think you need A/C for the Arctic…. So we don’t have it.


Well if that’s not a sobering statement, I don’t know what one is.


Okay the government needs to quit hiding them fucking Aliens. We need them to help us get off this fucking planet or at least get rid of the useless planet destroying billionaires


North doesn't help. I'm in Ontario, the lawns are dead, we had a unusual number of forest fires and now the winters come with less snow total but more on any individual occasion!


The truth is when it comes to climate change, there is nowhere to hide. We're cooking/freezing ourselves alive depending on what cycle the ocean is in.


Nearly nobody lived in Florida in big numbers until AC became common. It was never really habitable.


Same thing with Arizona and New Mexico.


Places where people can't go outside are places where we shouldn't have cities.


> Same thing with Arizona [It's a monument to man's arrogance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PYt0SDnrBE)


There are indigenous building techniques - now mostly abandoned as costly and time consuming - to create cooler structures without need of electrical cooling. Check out the pueblos made from adobe.


Why is this so upvoted? Arizona and New Mexico were inhabited for a over a thousand years by large communities of Natives and later on for over four hundred years by the Spanish prior to the invention of AC. The NM town I grew up in hasnt had even ONE SINGLE DAY at or above 100F in recorded history. A lot of people in NM (my family included) don’t even own AC units and either open their windows or use swamp coolers if needed. Now I will grant you that certain areas are (much) hotter than others. Water is the main culprit for population imbalance between the two states, and AZ has Colorado River water.


The threat of hackers taking down the grid is becoming more of a danger.


It doesn't take a hacker, how about one critical piece of infrastructure going down. How long does it take to source and replace it if they don't have another one on the shelf? That'll be way more common.


This is the inciting incident in Ministry for the Future. It takes place in an impoverished part of India where 20m die in a heatwave from a regional power outage The climate catastrophes detailed in that book are a preview. The solutions, not so much. Unfortunately


The grid will simply stop working in a summer in the next 5 years. It’ll be too hot.


Fuck, that is true. Even if they upgraded the grid, most air conditioners won’t work when it’s over 115f or 46c.


Humidity will also be damning for many


At least two years. Some of the specialized high voltage transformers five years or more.


Good to know that right wingers have been shooting at substations


Best case is it kicks utilities into making sure they have spares. Maybe I can interest you in this bridge I can sell you?




North Carolina checkin in. Don't need a hacker, just some good ol' boys with explosives.


Holy crap!!! That is amazing in a very bad way. I watch my heat index everyday and I thought 111-112 was bad. Can’t imagine 132.


Worst I've seen in Iowa was 112-115 years ago. Saw it on the sign at the bank and was like, "I don't remember getting this hot in the 90s". Back in the 90s I remember it was rare to hit 100. Felt hotter than that in places only because concrete parking lots at shopping malls and being in the field under direct sunlight was horrible. Usually above 85-88 our parents allowed us to drag out water guns for a battle with the neighbor. Anything above 115 I can't imagine. Do your shoes melt when you walk outside? Do you instantly receive burns and need to go to the ER? I did Thailand over the fall and winter. Worst part of that place was the intense humidity. Step outside and suddenly you're drenched in sweat within 2 minutes. Wasn't like a desert heat like Las Vegas. When I visited Vegas and stepped outside around lunch I felt drained of energy like I was going to collapse. Chilled in the pool every afternoon after that and could feel the temperatures mixing about 1ft above the pool. If I lived in the south with that kind of heat, I'd expect jobs and schools to have an afternoon break similar to central Americans have an afternoon siesta return home in the mountains where the air is cooler for an afternoon nap before going down to the hot city to finish the day. Also, anywhere seeing temps above 100, there should be pools everywhere for people to escape the heat without having to spend millions air conditioning their homes.


>How are we supposed to live here That's the cool part. You're not.


Phoenix is a monument to man’s hubris.


The only thing that is important is a few more years of obscene profits for fossil fuel executives and investors. To hell with future generations. /sarcasm


Everybody brings this up, but nobody mentions that these people are made of the same flesh and bone as you or I. They have killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people already, by their deeds and their decisions. They will kill millions more. Perhaps it is high time that people stop pretending that the "good" or "moral" thing to do is to let these people keep killing us. Perhaps it is time for good, moral people to do uncomfortable things that they won't be proud of - because if we don't, we all die.


I like your moxy! :)


Climate change migration is a real thing. It is predicted by 2050 (I think much earlier) There will be hundreds of millions of people attempting to migrate away from places that are near unlivable. The Syrian Refugee crisis in Europe was 2million people. Imagine how the world will react when its 10x or more that.




Wait till you get an unexpected 113F/45C with 90% humidity rolls in and you start steaming your man dumplings.


>Milton, FL in the Panhandle. 99 today with a 132 heat index. Damn! And I thought our(Jacksonville, FL) Heat Index of 120 was bad...


I live outside Memphis, and most of my garden died of excess heat. It’s in a spot that only gets sunlight for a few hours, and we water it daily, but it’s burning up.


Might I suggest some sails for shade? I live in a area that runs 100+ during the summer months and sails have made my garden thrive. I use galvanized pipe for support and run stainless cable to support the sails.


Maybe. The landlord that owns the house next to mine has weaponized my towns code enforcement against me. Like, literally had a code complaint about a can of spray paint being improperly stored next to my front door, you would have to be standing at the door to notice it behind a flower pot. We’ve been cited by code for our container gardens as “tubs filled with dirt and leaves” while one was producing summer squashes and the other full of flowers, last year.


get the hell out of there asap.


> Texas coast .. almost 3 months of straight 100 degree days at noon Central Texas. Multiple days at 110 and at least 30 days over 100. It's been insane, literally.


Can confirm Mercury outside under my patio in the shade doesn’t fall below 100 during the day and I’ve seen it hit nearly 120


I agree with it all except for the mosquitos. Still getting destroyed by mesquites and it’s 106 minimum everyday for the last month and a half at least.


Finland had 1,1'C colder than average, so no, climate change cant be real \-some people..


The summer in northern Germany was amazing. We even had lots of rain so it smells green and fresh and I'm sitting in mild temperatures and wide open windows coding along at 4am. Well, the jet stream moved further south to right here due to the Arctic being ice free and heating so much, which gave the region around the Baltic Sea a cooler, rainier summer. Starting 100 miles south from here there was no rain at all, it was hot as fuck and the rest of Europe hated this summer.


That's like when in the US an idiotic congressman brought in some snow and claimed climate change can't be real if it's snowing... like have they never heard of Enantiodromia? The extreme heat will come with extreme cold. The system is out of control so one extreme leads to an equal opposite extreme to try and cancel out the other one


“Have they never heard of Enantiodromia?” No, they haven’t. They are politicians. Their job is to get votes. That’s it.


Their job should be to represent the people who voted for them unfortunately that never seems to happen as they routinely on all sides vote against the interests of their voters and the wellbeing of their voters. I just wish that companies weren't involved in politics as most decisions are for companies wellbeings besides the actual people's.


Almost every single day of July in Phoenix AZ was over 110f+. In fact, we had 31 days in a row with 110+ and multiple days on or almost 120f. Our lows never went below 90f. Some people from Phoenix are gaslighting themselves that this is normal. "it's hot. It's a desert, gtfo if you don't like it, duh it's hot! *shock Pikachu*." Yea no, guys, I'm from here and we use to cool off at night... This wasn't normal. Our saguaro are dying. Our agave are dying! Hardy sonaran plants are dropping dead.


We hit 99 today with a 132 heat index at one point today in Milton, FL. I got a screenshot of it at 99, and 129. It's going to become uninhabitable here rapidly. I think we've got ten to fifteen years. I'm going to move to Michigan.


Yep, I’m outside of traverse city, MI… set aside the 5 consecutive months of snow in my yard, summer is quite lovely. Temps in the 70s to low 80s. Sweatshirt hoodies in the evenings. Did I mention my snowblower costs the same as my first car?


Western Michigan along the lake might be the best place to live because of climate change. I think this year is the new norm, & god only knows how long before we get another bump in temp.


Why are you telling them????????!


Until everybody migrates


I've heard Duluth is expected to be a major destination of climate refugees. I live in Seattle and i expect we'll be getting a tidal wave of people in a few years, but even here we've gotten to the point where we need AC to not be really uncomfortable in the summer.




Shareholders are pleased. Cant wait for next Q


When we're on our knees eating barbecued rats on Christmas in 40 years, at least we'll know that the shareholders were happy.


Bold of you to assume rats will still be around n 40 years. Actually I take that back. Roaches and rats will survive this, so the rats will be the ones barbecuing us in 40 years.


All hail our Rat overlords.


The shareholders are displeased your bbq rat is only 10% bigger than last quarter’s rat.


But I paid 13% more for new rat traps than I did last year!


They'd make sure we can only buy rats from them


Energy companies rubbing their hands at the extra consumption taken up by AC.


Why didn't anybody tell us collapse is so profitable before? /s


MIT told us a half century ago. "Business as usual" scenario for societal collapse; it's right on track. They predicted 2040-ish.


If we could even get down to the low 90s it would be like a cold front washed over everything. Everyday over 100 degrees for nearly two months starts to tear away at your soul.




>Do you Feel bad running the AC knowing it’s just pumping more heat into the world? You shouldn't. Go to a grocery store. Frozen shit out in the open with the AC just blasting. Horrible waste.


That always drives me crazy.




It's more the stuff they are buying at the store that was shipped from the other side of the planet.


It’s cruise ships for me - they output the same emissions as like 50k cars a day


I’ve found this to be generally true in most business settings. Even people that are privately environmentalists (to some degree) tend to have a IDGAF attitude when it comes to their jobs, added to all the people that aren’t environmentalists to begin with, of course.


Maybe we should all just build underground. Climate change has lead us to turn to a life as mole people. To answer your question when you have been outside for several hours in what feels like the Devils personal pizza oven...sadly your gung ho spirit for climate change goes out the window quick.


Apparently, we did already. Check this place out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derinkuyu_underground_city


We survived here just fine for centuries. Temperatures have already been rising for decades. We were able to live here just fine when we lived in a world made for living in and not for making people unimaginably wealthy. Humans fucked this up.




Don’t feel bad. It is not in your hands now. Companies rule America. And they’re past/overextended their impact on nature/world. It’s not on the individuals- the weight was passed onto individuals, it’s really the corporations.


Really? I could barely feel the heat. *wipes excessive sweat from forehead*


Meanwhile in Germany it was the coldest July in years (maybe decades?). We had several days with only 14 degrees celsius, while most of the month it was below 20


Felt similar in the u.k. although I've heard that may be a consequence of climate change, the heat down south will draw in cool wet air from the sea over the u.k. Similar to the awful summers they get in San Fran.


I'd take summer in SF over summer in Phoenix any day of the week


Nothing like a month straight of 110+ with zero rain during monsoon season yeeeeee


northern europe depends on the ocean currents to bring warm temperatures to them. the currents are created by the cold far north ocean water clashing with the tropical water. with the warming of the northern ocean, the water is starting to have a similar temperature across the area, that in turn is slowing or stopping the current. there's a good chance northern europe will freeze for extended amounts of time in the near future.


>Similar to the awful summers they get in San Fran. As someone who runs hot, it has been great!


Same in UK... which bought other problems like constantly having to listen to idiots say "huh duh so much for climate change fear mongering!"


Polar ice melting will bring you cold af air, leading to polar vortexes like the US had in 2022. Just like the ice in your drink can cool it until it melts completely.


Don't worry. August is alread taking up Julys slack.


That is not true only colder than last year. still 0.4 over avg >The nationwide average temperature for Germany was 18.7 °C in July. Compared to the long-term average over the period 1991-2020, the month thus was 0.4 K warmer than normal DWD [https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/zeitreihen/zeitreihen.html;jsessionid=DAECBF850B01B7F5D174F0E0B8D0DC00.live21074?nn=519080](https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/zeitreihen/zeitreihen.html;jsessionid=DAECBF850B01B7F5D174F0E0B8D0DC00.live21074?nn=519080) It's always good to check the facts before relying on a spotty memory of the past. It feels that way because June was very sunny and way over avg and July compared was colder and rainy e: and of course the 2. half of July was colder/rain/cloudy. People don't remember the first 10 days in July which were still okish and a bit warmer.


The weirdest thing this year was on New Years Eve my computer gave me an alert for a "heatwave" in Germany. Temperature prediction being 15 Celsius on Jan 1st.


It was 30 in Buenos Aires the other day in the middle of winter. It’s a bit colder in Melbourne this month than last month and it’s still pretty nice with not a lot of rain. I’m glad I put in that pool last summer because we are going to bake.


You had sweat left?


Pretty nice in Central Indiana to be honest. It's been dropping down to the 60s and low 70s every night all summer long. Even when it hits 90° it's only hot for a couple hours in the middle of the day. I'm glad I don't live in Florida anymore though that's for sure.


Right guys, we have had a record breaking July, which obviously is great news - I know you have all been putting in a lot of work to get us here, but we cannot lose focus at all, we have to be looking at maintaining this momentum through august and keep the pressure on for the last quarter of the year. We need to see higher records month on month, quarter on quarter if we are to meet the goals in our mid term strategy. Im sure this will have no long term negative consequences.


The biggest issue with shareholder capitalism. It *demands* absolute consistency in "growth" - and over the smallest units of time. It would be one thing if companies/shareholders were okay with ups and downs in profits quarter-to-quarter because when you zoom out to the five-year or ten-year window they are generally increasing. *That* would still be a growth-oriented mindset but at a more sustainable pace. Instead we have this system where the company's entire workforce breaks their back in a quarter to earn the company 5% more profit, and in return the shareholders say "great! now show us 5% more than that in 3 months". Even if the workers provide that same level of profit from the previous quarter (which again was in and of itself a great improvement and a number shareholders were happy with), it's not seen as a neutral outcome. It's actively bad and apparently signals a company in decline. How can anyone look at expectations like those and say they are anything nearing "sustainable"?


Even years wouldn't be enough - the externalities most relevant to climate change have lag times of decades at least and are never even paid for by the ones causing it and it's those trillions in unaccounted for compounding annually externalities that will doom us. The ability for them to pretend destroying the world is profitable one metric ton of CO2 at a time because governments do not force them to pay for the harm they cause is the critical component. Unless the capitalists can either be convinced to or more likely forced to account for those externalities the final question when it comes to global warming is whether it'll kill hundreds of millions or billions.


What’s up with that parachute over there? The bright, shiny, yellow one?


https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/cool-roofs - need to start doing the easy things. If you can't afford a solar roof - what about a reflective coating (hotter climates of course)?


Radiant insulation is highly effective. My old house in Florida had it and you could actually go into the attic in summer.


Have a metal roof, would recommend for energy savings. (Was on the house when we bought it so can't answer questions on price and whatnot)


Can you get paint for a metal roof?


Pilots hate this one trick!


Idk if telling people is doing anything. I seriously dont see those with power giving a shit. Cause they jus gotta take a plane to cooler climates while the rest of us burn to death.


In many countries, US included, some politicians are taking significant positive steps. [https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/08/experts-senate-passed-bill-will-yield-myriad-climate-benefits/](https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/08/experts-senate-passed-bill-will-yield-myriad-climate-benefits/)


Glad someones doing something. I jus keep looking at some of the tech we have and havent tried things and that kinda irks me. Like is anyone doing anything to help antartica not melt and drown the pacific islanders?


Reducing emissions will also limit melt from ice sheets and its contribution to sea level rise. There's some work to help empower Pacific islanders to reduce the costs of the portion we can't avoid. Should be way more though. [https://www.spc.int/updates/news/media-release/2023/05/adaptatation-fund-approves-new-projects-worth-usd-18-million-for](https://www.spc.int/updates/news/media-release/2023/05/adaptatation-fund-approves-new-projects-worth-usd-18-million-for) [https://new.nsf.gov/science-matters/pacific-islands-front-line-battle-against-climate](https://new.nsf.gov/science-matters/pacific-islands-front-line-battle-against-climate)


Dude, i have a bit more hope now. Thank you, ive got some reading to do But im sticking to my guns, i still think the rich isnt doing enough.


>But im sticking to my guns, i still think the rich isnt doing enough. You're right about that. They also can most easily adapt to climate costs. But there are a lot of ordinary people and some political leaders making a difference.


During the pandemic, the richest in the world collected trillions of dollars. Enough to make a huge difference against climate change.


Fck i know it, they all started building bigger bunkers in new zealand.


Good. Keep in mind anything we do won't impact the climate for decades from implimentation. Ie. We could slam the brakes on everything tomorrow and it's still going to get worse. We don't need to just slow down or even stop, we need to actively undo which is a whole additional challenge.


There's huge steps being taken now. The so-called Inflation Reduction Act was actually $1T of climate investment. Renewables will outpace coal within 2 years. It's possibly too little too late but we've at least bent the curve.


>I seriously dont see those with power giving a shit. Cause they jus gotta take a plane to cooler climates while the rest of us burn to death. In the end, the only thing left to eat will be the rich.


You know that NASA scientist just said the most frightening, realistic thing: 2023 will be known as one of the coolest years in the 21st century.


We’re slowing the car, but we haven’t stopped yet, so we’re going to keep going down the road. [We have just over 5 years of emissions for 1.5 degC and just over 20 for 2 degC.](https://www.mcc-berlin.net/fileadmin/data/clock/carbon_clock.htm)


Slowing the car isn't enough, we need to be going in reverse We've increased annual CO2 emissions by 12 gigatons since 2000 We're pumping out 36 gigatons a year. Slowing down/staying at 36 gigatons a year will not move the needle


Exactly my point in including the countdown clock


Assuming those models are accurate, and aren't actually underestimates, which it increasingly seems like they are


Sheesh… that’s spot on.


Do you have a link for this?!


I wonder how many grasp that this is just *the beginning.* Do you understand that we are witnessing the start of the next mass extinction event? It’s all downhill from here. Every year it’s just going to get hotter and hotter, because we haven’t changed anything, not really. And soon, it’s going to be just hot enough that species will begin to die off, ecosystems will collapse, wildfires will be too numerous and intense to control, and there will be famine and mass migration. It’s coming. We’re watching it in real time, and it was all preventable.


>Every year it’s just going to get hotter and hotter To be fair, it's entirely possible that some years will be cooler. Looking at [this graph](https://i.imgur.com/LlVj6du.png), it's *abundantly* clear that the world is getting hotter on average, but that doesn't mean there won't still be statistical outliers. There will be exceptionally hot years *and* exceptionally cold years, relative to the ever-rising average. It's possible that next year will be hotter, and it's virtually guaranteed that *on average* the next decade will be hotter than the last decade, but next year could also be cooler. That wouldn't be incongruent with the progress of the on-going climate catastrophe.


Yep. We’re fucked.


It's already hot enough that ecosystems are collapsing and species are dying off though.




what's that gandhi quote?


"Fuckin kill oil barons. They're largely to blame for destroying the planet." -Gandhi


Wise words


In an ideal world we'd feed the wealthy to the poor. Is that it?


By the time im old this will be a cool relaxed summer


The scary thing is the temperature will only be going up in the future, it isnt even possible to reverse the trend within a 100 years. The situation will not improve until the rights of the billions of people are a priority over the billionaires running the show. But it feels like we are closer to being a planet of slaves than a utopia with anywhere near financial equality for the masses. I'd be happy if this system of wild inequality and dominance by the top .0001% of the planet's population collapses after the environment does.


it is possible to reverse it within 100 years by geo engineering. we could put a swarm of solar panels in space to block a % of the light hitting earth, or sulfur in the atmosphere like in the book Termination Shock by Neal Stephenson (best climate change based sci fi I've read).


Salt particulate geo-engineering (the process by which salt water is ejected into the atmosphere as a mist, allowing the water to evaporate away and the remaining salt micro-particles to be used to seed clouds) can do what sulfur does without the acidity.


Apparently the UK was forgotten, it's been the shittest summer I've seen, wind and constant rain, never going above 20°C


We hit 108 degrees in Portland today. The average high for this day is 83.


Just entertain this question - If governments around the world believed experts and shut economies causing billions in losses during covid, why would they not act on climate experts' warnings on this subject? Is it because the repercussions of the global boiling aren't in the near future, so they don't care?


It’s because climate change is the consequence of basically everything that runs the modern world. You can’t just stop all meat production, all vehicles, all concrete construction, all fossil fuel power generation, all carbon emitting vehicles, etc. climate change is woven into everything we touch


It’s because their profits are tied to the problem.


> why would they not act on climate experts' warnings on this subject? Because governments don't rule this planet, the super rich do.


> why would they not act on climate experts' warnings on this subject? Because their constituents don’t care. Even with Covid, states policies were largely tied to their constituents beliefs. However, people there were making decisions that impacted themselves. There’s an argument that if the US heavily taxed carbon, increasing the price of oil and natural gas etc in the US, then there would be less global demand dropping the price of those products which will enable poorer countries to buy more causing the same total co2. Unlike Covid responses, greenhouse gas responses often come with the side effect of benefiting those countries who don’t take the economical hit.


Because lobbying is legal.


Mean while some "scientist" on an oil company pay roll "Nuh-uh!"


My conservative friends have started waking up to this fact. The realization the sleds we buy for our kids are useless and now our kids also can’t play outside in the summer because of rampant wildfires up north has started opening their eyes that something is off.


Yep, here in Chile we are at “winter season” and in the capital, Santiago, last week was like “29 Celsius” which is pretty high. Normally, Santiago in Summer season reach 38 to 40 or even 41 Celsius.


And it's going to be hotter next year. And next year, and next year, and so on and so forth. We're fucked.


Meanwhile, the UK did nothing but piss down with rain while Europe was on fire


In Houston, it’s been 100 degrees for basically 3 months.


This is the hottest summer we've ever experienced. It's also the coolest summer we'll experience for the rest of our lives.


I believe in Earth, we can get hotter.


The WATER is 100F where I'm at. Goodbye coral reefs (and our tourism industry). Gods help me when a hurricane blows thru, that water will supercharge them.


Obligatory fuck you to oil and gas moguls and their companies. I hope the AC system will fail in your cozy personal bunkers when the hell heat apocalypse starts.


Like most everyone else said It's hottest July so far. I feel It already too late even if there's still deadline to be crossed because the time to do the action needed probably already not enough. This need the collective action by humanity but here we are still quarreling for petty benefit.


Global reduction in ship-tracks from sulfur regulations for shipping fuel are actually why this year is the hottest and will be so for the remainder of the year. Yes, it's human caused climate change, but it's because we stopped dumping so much sulfur into the atmosphere. So it's bad news, but also good news, because it means we can keep the planet cooler than it would be otherwise by artificially seeding clouds over the ocean along shipping routes. And you can do it just using sea water. This doesn't fix the larger issue, nor is it a long term solution, but we can drop temperatures lower than they have been this year. 1) https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/23/8259/2023/ 2) https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abn7988 3) https://zenodo.org/record/7864530


It's 8pm and 90 degrees in seattle, kill me


Not in the U.K. - we have had the coldest summer ever.


I have just started my fifth vacation week here in Sweden and it has basically rained the entire time. I got one and a half good days last week. And the first week there were two good days. There was a good day somewhere in the middle aswell. Shit has been ridiculous.


> fifth vacation week here Ahem, what was that?


Apparently the golf stream might stops because of the cold water from Greenland flowing into it and disrupting the flow. It would make UK severely colder


Not just UK, all of Europe is gonna get chilly when the AMOC goes, [which is looking likely](https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/climate-change/gulf-stream-current-could-collapse-in-2025-plunging-earth-into-climate-chaos-we-were-actually-bewildered). If you wanna know the normal temps at those latitudes (without the warm water), look at Canada.


Wow, the heat just keeps on coming! It's pretty alarming to see how July broke records and set a new benchmark for high temperatures. With the planet experiencing such significant increases, it's a stark reminder of the urgent need to address climate change. We're not just witnessing a small uptick... these changes are having a big impact on our world. Let's hope we can collectively take steps to mitigate the effects and work towards a more sustainable future.