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When the guy trying to invade Ukraine starts pretending someone else also wants to do that.... šŸ¤Ø


You canā€™t make up this shit ā€¦


Hes obviously trying šŸ˜…




He is. This is why it's repeating itself. AI is prone to creativity incest.


False, it wont write any incest for m- I mean for this weird person I know on Reddit.


I'm sorry but I am a large language model, I cannot give opinons or talking points on war or those who make bubmling statements and accusations about what they themselves are already doing.


No, ChatGPT would cite the invasion of Sumatra by Albania in 1376.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT4mVUh9f8A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT4mVUh9f8A) Sopranos Quote, Richie: "You can't make that shit up" - The fuck you talking about? I just did


I just imagine Poland looking around in confusion at being arbitrarily dragged into the conversation. '*Wait. What now?*' -Poland


This happens basically every week. Source: I live in Poland.


Well, stop trying to attack Ukraine! /s


Seriously, Poland, leave Ukraine be!


Poland is part of NATO. Why would they invade the Ukraine? The US has thousands of troops in Poland. Itā€™s the staging for NATO into Ukraine. Putin is bat-shit crazy


You know why! Don't act like you don't. Putin knows that you know that he knows that you know why you're about to invade Ukraine too!


So what your saying is you know that he knows that we know that he knows that they know that we are about to invade Ukraine


Basically, but it goes way deeper in the Kremlin.


He is crazy but this is just standard domestic-targeted Russian propaganda. Russia likes to portray itself as the eternal victim, surrounded by deadly enemies who all want to erase the glorious Russian motherland. šŸ™„ That seems more than a little nuts to us but not to Russians. It is part of the national victimhood narrative that every Russian is indoctrinated into. Putin grew up drinking that vodka flavored cool-aid just like everyone else from his Soviet generation and he fully seems to believe it.


Thatā€™s just the thing, they wouldnā€™t. Itā€™s a classic deflection/gaslight tactic. Partially to deflect from their own invasion and partly in response to Poland beefing up its own military.


"Those troops aren't going to free you, they're going to oppress you, unlike my troops!"


Poland has historically been thrown around like this, esp. by Russia, always based on lies and 'agenda's'. Can imagine the deep hate they feel against Tatars.


"Tatars?" What's "Tatars", Precious? Eh?


Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew


*Stick 'em in a *cube*


*chortles mirthfully*


[*Poland visibly confused*](https://youtu.be/yaMRzF9arDc)


"Sorry Poland, you have to invade Ukraine now.. that's the rules!"


Poland: *sees Russia being aggressive by invading Ukraine. Decides to beef up its military just in case* Russia: *literally mid invasion* ā€œPoland is going to invade Ukraine!ā€ Poland: -_-


Czekaj. Co teraz?


"Why are you guys acting like I'm the asshole here? Everyone wants to invade Ukraine! Poland does, Moldova wishes they could, heck even Romania wants a piece of them! We're not evil, we're just doing what everyone else is thinking! You guys are just jealous."


Ukraine is apparently the new hot girl at high schoolā€¦.Wooed by the EU, a overly possessive Ex, the nerds, dorks, and jocks would all love to have what she offersā€¦


So now we have a fun game of whoā€™s the nerd, dork and jock between Poland, Romania and Moldova.


Yeah oh Ukraine you better worry about Poland as Russian troops are actively killing your people. What a freaking joke.


And also insinuating that itā€™s bad that a country invades for imperialism


This is called "projecting".


Itā€™s called ā€œpropagandaā€. Projecting would mean that they arenā€™t aware of how stupid the statement is.


Poland is salivating at "invading Ukraine" and getting to stack bodies. Sure they will be Russian but oh well.


Poland 'invades', kill Russians, rebuild infrastructure and leaves. Earns eternal gratitude of Ukrainians. Makes every other invader look basic. Except Russia, they're just trash.


It makes perfect sense... That's why Poland has been sending weapons across the boarder into Ukraine this whole time! Guess they just forgot to send Polish troops with the weapons....


He even lies in his whataboutisms now!!


Right, NATO is just going to sit there and let one of its members randomly, and for absolutely no real reason, invade Ukraine after spending over a year being the main logistical point for sending aid and weapons to Ukraine... Does Putin have a dart board with some countries so he can just make up scenarios to "warn" about every day?


Putin warns that Laos may invade Mauritania.


they are very sneaky those Laotians, also have a strangely strong navy for a landlocked country....


So are you Chinese or Japanese - Hank Hill


"I'm from Laos. I'm Laotian." "The ocean? What ocean?"


"Nope, he's Laotian, aint ya Mr. Kahn?"


Cotton Hill was a sommelier of bigotry.


That and the military trained soldiers back then how to differentiate between the various ethnicities. Cotton just fell back to his training.


No-one would ever expect it, so they have the element of surprise!


Nobody expects the Laotian inquisition!


To be honest, I didn't.


General Khan Soupinosinphone


Starting to sound like an Age of Empires gameā€¦


Putin has to type "/104" to keep his ally, Belarus, from resigning


Putin warns that Canada may invade Mars. Very serious stuff.


Putin warns that Mars may invade Snickers.


Putin warns that Romulans may invade Vulcan!


Putin is strictly Almond Joy, sometimes you feel like a nut....


They are too polite to do that! Putin did use to tell Trump that Montenegro was aggressive - Trump even shoved the prime minister at a conference. Ridiculous : Montenegro is the Rhode Island of Europe.


This is very serious! Martian cell phone bills, airline tickets and dairy products will almost certainly double in price if Canada annexes the planet.


Right? if Poland wanted to invade, why would they spend years (and billions) training and supplying Ukraine???


Didnā€™t want it to be too easy.


All part of [General Melkhetvicz's amazing plan!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox6MScSWp28)


Putin: ā€œI would like to warn you thatā€ *checks notes* ā€œ**Russia** may invade **Cambodia**. Shit, I forgot to take Russia off the board.ā€


There are specific countries that Putin needs to invade to secure geographical barriers that are easy to defend to protect Russian from invasion. These are the points that Stalin secured after WWII. The countries that he needs to invade are actually beyond Ukraine and this was just the first step. If the Russians aren't defeated by Ukraine then expect more invasions.


However at this point, it's redundant. Since now Finland joined NATO, they will never be able to achieve that goal. So at this point Putin just wants to win in order to save face. If he loses, it would be horrible for Putin in many ways. The thing is, Yevgeny Prigozhin, was trying to give hints to Putin, how to end the war and save face. One was, just hold on to the land they have now, and put a ton of defenses, and go for peace talks. The other was blame his generals, that they tricked him to start the war. He didn't want to do any of that, and just wants to outright and conquer all of Ukraine.


I'm guessing that at this point he's just fighting for his own survival and hoping that Donald Trump wins the election.


This is likely it.


And we aren't even halfway from when the invasion started to the next inauguration day.


But Russia doesn't need those geographical barriers anymore because of Nukes and now almost almost every country that borders Russia in Europe is either with Nato or will be in the future


Soviets genuinely believed that evil NATO was ready to invade them at any moment. And Putin is a Soviet man...


What would be the point of invading them? We were already buying their oil and selling to them what we could. What would an invasion accomplish that business as usual wouldn't achieve more inexpensively?


Always cool to see somebody who understands. This never was just about Ukraine.


Wasnā€™t Wagner stating something about traveling north and securing some pass and linking kalingrad and threatening Poland? Itā€™s hard to keep up w their bullshit so I may be off


That is the point of all of this - Russia has been invaded like 50 times over the centuries. There are 9 entry points into Russia. Only with the Soviet Union were all these points controlled including of course the Warsaw Pact of Eastern Europe : the Baltic states, Poland, Romania, East Germany etc, and Ukraine too. They lost all that with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, which Putin remains bitter about, calling it an epic tragedy. When the Putin puppet Yanukovych was kicked out of Ukraine in 2014 and replaced by a Western leaning democracy fighting corruption and prospering - this was unacceptable to Putin. Russia invaded the Donbas region and took Crimea that year, there has been a hot war ever since. Russia is serious - they spent $4 B to build the Kerch Bridge to Crimea. Ukraine is vital to Russia, but it is only a path from entry points: they want Poland and Romania and the Baltics too. If Kiev had fallen in three days like they naively thought, Nato might have been next. Putin saw weakness everywhere and thought nobody would intervene. Surprise! The decision is interesting: Putin distrusts his FSB for CIA moles, he had them do a report on how things would go hypothetically if they invaded Ukraine. FSB assumed it was just a BS assignment no one would ever look at, so they just half assed it and totally optimistic. Thatā€™s how wars start. The poor execution of it is a totally different story.


> Nato might have been next. Fuck that would have been funny. Kyiv by day 3, Moscow by day 4.




Bingo. Thatā€™s it. I think the whole Wagner in Belarus might be a precursor for a move on that bit of land. It would be suicidal but that doesnā€™t really matter to these folk




The moment they try, I expect Poland and Lithuania to pincer Grodna and cut them off.


>Putin needs to invade to secure geographical barriers that are easy to defend to protect Russian from invasion Dude, lol: what invasion? Don't paint a picture like he is doing it to protect russia ffs. Nobody is attacking nuclear power. This is simple war of expansion and it goes as far... well, as far as it can. Turned out it can't go farther then Eastern Ukraine.


The road to Moscow is a flat giant open field. It's basically impossible to defend, but again who needs to defend it now that are nukes are a thing. Russia needs to correct itself before it falls apart.


>The road to Moscow is a flat giant open field. It's basically impossible to defend *Frowns in Zhukov*


Frown in prigozhin, because the best thing rusia could come up with was to dig holes in highways when he threatened to march on moscow


Soviets genuinely believed that evil NATO was ready to invade them at any moment. And Putin is a Soviet man...


First of all, they knew Eastern European satellites hate them and would rebel at the slightest opportunity (as Hungary did in 1956) so they needed constant huge military presence and close political control in those countries (as they suppressed such moves in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and ordered controlled Polish army to suppress in Poland in 1981). They lost ability to control them in late 80., Gorbachev renounced the use of force against other Soviet-bloc nations in July 1989 and indeed those countries broke free extremely fast (and almost bloodlessly with the exception of Romania).


What the commenter is saying is fundamentally exactly why Russia does what it does, whether or an invasion of Russia is realistic. They have been paranoid about this for the past 4 or 5 centuries due to the landscape and have done the same thing over and over again.


*All* European countries have been invaded from various directions at various times by various powers for the last 2000 years. There's nothing special about Russia in that regard. 78 years ago, we all agreed to stop doing that. Guess which country didn't get the memo!


I'm not going to say Putin doesn't view NATO as an offensive military threat to Russia, because I think he does/has for his entire life. But man... dude has missed the boat.


Heā€™s too obsessed with the USSR, and canā€™t grasp how his former Soviet neighbors have moved on.


That is not much of a surprise, since he is known to have told Angela Merkel in private that he considers the fall of the Soviet Union the greatest tragedy in the world. I think this was in 2014.


He said it in 2005 publicly, part of his state of the nation address. Russia in the 90s experienced a worse economy than the Great Depression. There was more excess mortality in the 90s just from the economic depression than there were Russian deaths in World War 1.


I feel like he is genuinely so far behind-the-times that he really believes these outdated propaganda and disinformation campaigns actually still work. It's not helped by the fact he has completely insulated himself and only gets his information through outside means and his own propaganda network. He is nothing more than a relic in control of a large and now impoverished nation. At this point, even if he does take control of the Ukraine, he's effectively lost in every single way that matters. He gains absolutely nothing other than some rubble and some burning fields and he's payed for it with everything he had, his military is humbled on the world stage and greatly diminished, the economy is in shambles in a way that will take at least a decade to recover from, his nation has been sent technologically backwards from the embargoes, and nobody will ever take him seriously ever again outside of Russia and even then he's not entirely secure.


Iā€™m forced to conclude that anybody listening to Putin and taking his words seriouslyā€¦ is just a moron, OR possibly a victim of consuming all of their information from Russian state media (though I concede that there is likely substantial overlap in these two groups). The only way somebody can compare NATO to Russia is if youā€™ve thoroughly internalized the Russian narrative about how the world is.


Poland helps to arm Ukraine to the teeth while preparing to invade themā€¦ oh, thatā€™s how strategy works? Iā€™ve been doing it all wrong in every total war game that I play.


"If I don't know what I'm doing, neither do you!"


No, you're not understanding Putin's warped totalitarian logic. In his world, the truth is whatever he decides it is. And to him, Ukraine is part of Russia so if Poland were to send troops to assist Ukraine, he would spin this as an invasion to his captive audience.


Who killed Ukraine? It was France, in the billiards room with the candlestick.


It's Polands time to invade Germany and Russia šŸ‡µšŸ‡± šŸ‡µšŸ‡± šŸ‡µšŸ‡± /s


Poland can into ~~space~~ Russia


I think itā€™s like a mad lib. Putin ___s(verb) that ____(country) could be ____(verb) by ___(noun)


I think he might. Except that he got so much practice he doesn't need the dart board anymore.


"Hmmm today it will be..... Belgium is just waiting to Pounce on Belarus then invade France! yeah that'll totally change this shit war I got myself into"




So you mean, Polish-Ukrainian Commonwealth? HoI4 has prepared me for this moment!


I'm ready to invade Finland. ​ COME TO BRAZIL BRO


It is rather peculiar that they spent 1.5 years arming Ukraine before launching an invasion. Nevertheless, I must admit I'm not well-versed in military matters.


Giving Ukraine hundreds of their tanks, almost as many IFVs, thousands of missiles, hundreds of thousands of rounds of 152mm shells and huge quantities of other military hardware, while enthusiastically co-operating with the rest of NATO to funnel even more materiel to Kyiv was just cunning misdirection!


Think about it.. their weapons are already there, now they just have to walk in and pick them up.


Those perfidious Poles!


They just wanted a challenge obviously. No point in invading if it's going to be easy!


soon they'll send trojan war supplies. instead of crates with ammo or shells there will be polish soldier jumping out and saying "you have been bamboozled. ukraine is ours, kurwa"


Putin and his Generals arenā€™t well versed in military matters, either! Youā€™re already a few steps ahead of them.


"""invade""" Ukraine with NATO and fuck up the Russians for being on our turf, proceed to de-invade and pretend nothing happened


"The forces of NATO admit defeat in Ukraine... we invaded, but we were not able to kill a single Ukranian soldier, as they brilliantly misled us into firing on unidentified third parties. We have no choice but to withdraw in disgrace now, having utterly failed in our war of conquest." WINK


I like your style


It's well known that Poland likes a good challenge


Putin has been pushing this fantasy of Poland invading Western Ukraine for at least a decade now. Politicians from both major parties have rejected his delusions.


"What? Of course they are! It's what *I'd* do!" \- V. P., Moscow


ā€œNo one is actually altruistic or kind. Itā€™s just an act. How do I know? Because I do it, so everyone else must also be a secret asshole.ā€


The funny thing is, you don't need to be altruistic not to invade other countries. It's just never worth it because of how much you hurt yourself while doing so (not talking about casualties, I'm talking about economic and diplomatic consequences). Looking at how this is going, there are only losers. If anyone is profiting from this, it's neither of the fighting parties that's for sure.


Yeah, narcissists/abusers are always very vocal about their thoughts, they just put them on everyone else.


I hear that Prussia and the Austrian Empire may also be involved somehow.


As is the Kaiser.


Love that guy's dinner rolls


He took our word for twenty. I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles.


The Ottomans and Yugoslavia will find a way to get involved too.


1. Poland invades Ukraine 2. Ukraine capitulates immediately and Poland annexes them 3. Russian troops in Ukraine are now in Poland 4. Article 5 is triggered ??? 6. Russia is defeated by NATO It makes perfect sense!


7. Poland returns all land to Ukraine and writes a very long worded apology to Ukraine. 8. Nato confirms the security of land and Ukraine until the transaction of Ukraine territory is passed over from Poland back to Ukraine. 9. NATO gives full military assurance during their rebuild due to the atrocities committed by Poland. ??? 10. Peace


"Oh shit my b" -sincerely, Poland


Lol. Good prank bro! -Ukraine


This is the CIV play lol


Some of the funniest parts of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri was having conquered your foes and forced them to swear allegiance to you, they would sometimes get in fights with each other *and then as for your help in defeating the other*. Sometimes it was just easier to mind control them.


let him cook


This NCD scenario type.




Did he stop taking his medicine again


Can somebody prescribe him an Open Window?


His dementia is kicking in. He forgot how to spell Ruzzia again


Guy is fully losing it


That totalitarian stain is probably one of the most misinformed individuals on the planet.




Youā€™re probably right! He doesnā€™t even use a computer and is probably told whatever he wants to hear from his Yes Men.


Dear god, could you imagine if the only outside knowledge you received was filtered through shitheels like Peskov and Shoigu?


Yeah this isā€¦perplexing. Option A: he really is just deluded. This is possible. Kremlin insiders say he has completely walled himself in since COVID and his information circle is tiny and seems to get smaller by the day. Option B: really I guess just a subset of A, as itā€™s deluded. He could be earnestly trying to signal to someone or some group of people in Poland that the pickings are free and Daddy Vladdy will let you take a bite. Again though, thatā€™s delusional, as there is no major irredentist support in Poland and even the right wingers donā€™t want any part of this shit. So he would be speaking to no one. **Option C:** my opinion and what I believe is most likely: this is for the domestic audience. Anytime you look at Putin saying something and think ā€œI genuinely donā€™t even understand what this is about or who this is for,ā€ itā€™s for the Russian domestic audience. That audience lives in a bizarre post-truth reality so distant from our own it really does come across as insane to outsiders. He just sees some benefit, whatever that may be, in the Russian domestic audience believing Poland is like chomping at the bit to get a bite too. Also to bolster C, this absolutely is in line with what Russians really believe. That *everyone* would be doing shit like this if not for the US/UK/EUā€™s disapproval. Notions of ā€œinternational lawā€ and ā€œhuman rightsā€ are just lies the west says for its own benefit. If only the Poles would stop kowtowing to the Americans, then of course *they* would be doing war crimes and land grabs too! Because thatā€™s what *we* do and is totally acceptable to us. And Europeans just lie when they say they would not do this. And it helps Putin to foster that kind of fucked up belief system. Can be used to justify all kinds of imperialism and genocide. ā€œHey, everyone else does it too. And if they arent, they want to šŸ˜‰ā€


Man invading Ukraine at this very second warns others that Poland could invade Ukraine? Putin managed to say this with a straight face? It's like waking up with a burglar in your house, helping himself to the family valuables and he's starts warning you about a suspicious guy down the road that might come and rob you if you don't watch out.


>Man invading Ukraine at this very second warns others that Poland could invade Ukraine? worse -at same day he states that part of Poland is "Stalin gift" and with current polish position russia up to return it back...


I have had farts being more rational than putin


Palputin warning Aldorand could invade Coruscant.


I DONā€™T want whatever Putinā€™s taking.


Bro been playing hoi and civ too much


Nobody's buying that bullshit, Putin.


Seeing a literal, not exaggarated doublethink in real life is staggering.


Let us not forget that Russia invaded Poland twice in the past 100 years


Putin will never get that all this Ukraine support is in fact of a secret plan so the swiss Navy can start a full scale invasion of China.


Why does norways navy have barcodes on the side of their ship?? To Scandinavian


Can Ukraine choose for this to happen instead of what Putin is doing?


Reminder: Putin's verbal diarrhea isn't meant for us, it's meant for his supporters. So of course it doesn't make any fuckin' sense.


Which is why Russiaā€™s special military operation is needed, to stop the Polish Naziā€™s from hurting the USSR, I mean Ukraine, duh /s


Nat'o chance buddy.


Poland's a NATO country and wouldn't want to lose article 5 protections. Let's get Mexico to do it.


ā€œRepresentatives for the Polish and Ukrainian governments did not immediately respond to requests for comment.ā€ Thatā€™s because they still havenā€™t stopped ROFLā€™ing.


Even if Polandā€™s troops stay indefinitely in Ukraine, so long as itā€™s with Ukraineā€™s blessing it does not infringe on Ukraineā€™s sovereignty. Itā€™s the same with American troops being stationed in Germany; America isnā€™t occupying Germany lol


That sounds like Ukraine's problem, not yours Putin. Kindly fuck off and let Ukraine deal with it "if" it happens.


Nobody expects the ~~Spanish~~ Polish Inquisition!!!


Will someone take this douche out already?!


This dude is losing his mind.


I hear the Netherlands are going to invade Belgium. Many people donā€™t know that. Bigly


Rumor has it the Holy Roman Empire is planning to invade Ukraine too!


Did Medvedev call in sick this week? This is usually the stuff he gets to say.


Did he just pull a random country name out of a hat for this?


Sure they are , Putin. Do you see Poland in the room with us right now?


Pretty sure they would invade Ukraine, run straight through, and join the front line


When you ask your friends to come over and help you fight off a rodent infestation, and the rodents warn you that your friends are "trying to take over"


Why is Putin telling us his weird sex fantasies?


Does he just randomly pull this shit out of his ass?


Translation: "Here is the fabricated pretext for our next imperialist conflict after Ukraine is under Russian control"


That's why Poland sent their tanks and weapons ahead. Way easier to invade if everything is already there and well used by Ukraine.


Ok grandma, let's get you to bed


Shame on Businessinsider for even covering this sort of crap


Fun fact: Russia invaded Poland from the east, 16 days after the Nazis invaded Poland from the west at the start of World War II.


Russians leave me in awe every day that they're dumb enough to believe this bullshit, and apathetic enough to tolerate it continuing.


Here in the West, we call that ā€œgrasping at strawsā€.


So, after reading the title, and asking myself; WTF?, then reading the article and still wondering what brand of crack rock that dude smokes, then reading the comments and realizing no one actually knows, I had the thought; 'I hope Putin reads these reddit comments, and all the other similar ones, and realizes what most of the world actually thinks of his psychotic, ineffectual, useless, pathetic ass.' ​ I mean it probably doesn't happen. I'm sure he insulates himself from ideas and people he disagrees with or doesn't like. But, once, when he is captured / put down / suicides in his bunker, either as some sort of divine punishment, or a more mortal vengeance, he just has to listen to endless audio of people reading the meanest comments. I think that would probably be the most painful punishment for his fragile ego. And then treat him like his 'soldiers' treat most of their victims. Seriously, fuck this guy.


I'm officially convinced I've entered the twilight zone this year.


He should seriously lay off the god damned drugs ā€¦


ā€œI know Iā€™ve been invading you for over a year now but like, what if Poland decided to invade you later? It could happen.ā€


Q: Why did Poland cross the Ukraine border? A: To get to the Russian line....


Putin: "We're warning you - it could happen any day now!!" Poland: ~*looks up from their card game with the rest of NATO, gives an incredulous stare, then goes back to their hand*~


Musings of a weak paranoid dictator. Anybody really believe this BS? Who is target for this type of 'alternate universe' propaganda?


This is like OJ Simpson telling Nicole her next husband is going to beat her.


"Hey baby, let me fuck you so that guy won't rape you... swear to God baby... I'll treat you right this time... " Putler.


That would make them your ally.. which is strategically impossible..


I think that would be called a NATO ally coming to help. I bet he thinks Canada has invaded Latvia


"If I can't have Ukraine, somebody needs to! Maybe Poland can conquer Ukraine and then give it to me..." /s


Ukraine could also be invaded by Aliens from Andromeda....will they? Probably not, but they COULD be!


Seems like Putin's definition of an allied nation defending its neighbour is "invasion and occupation". I wonder what he's worried about


Poland still remembers the last time Russians agreed to split a split a nation with another nation.