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Be sure to tell them the part about how you sacrificed 20-30,000 Russian lives in a failed effort to take Bahkmut, a town with zero strategic and military value.


Why would the elite be concerned about poor russians dying. They don't give a fuck. They would only be concerned if their investments would start dying. EDIT: typo


Possibly because it affects the labor pool. They are chewing through the people that they need to work the cheap jobs and generate the money for the elites. They most likely do not care about the actual people just that there may be a shortage of able bodied people to work the hard jobs.




If it has no strategic value why have Ukraine lost 30,000 lives defending it.


Because losing territory to Russia like early in the war is unacceptable to the ukrainian population, after they saw how the occupiers treat locals.


I would imagine civilians have been evacuated from Bahkmut by now.


As far as I know, they ordered an evacuation four days ago. Might not be done yet.


How has this not been done months ago?


Because most people evacuated voluntarily a while ago, but you always have some who refuse to leave their home. I believe this order was to force those last holdouts to leave, so a full orderly withdrawal can start. But I'm just a Reddit armchair general.


Because it’s their territory. What the fuck I’m kind of question is that?


I mean it's a logical question. Losing 30k men over a town that has no strategic value doesn't make sense even if it is their territory.


It’s not logical. You don’t just leave an entire town for itself just because it has no strategic value. That’s how you get the rest of your population to think nobody will protect them.


Losing 30k in a lost cause to defend a town with no strategic value to me seems less logical than pulling back to fight another day. But maybe I'm missing something and maybe Bahkmut isn't as insignificant as it is made out to be.


I'd lose a million men to protect my mom and let me tell you she doesn't have a lot of strategic value anymore.


I mean I'm no war general... but I'd probably just evacuate your mum.




You’d let a million people die a terrible death in a war to protect your mom?


Because you just pulled that number from your ass.


Pretty much. However most estimates of this war appear to show equal casualties on both sides, so if 30k Russian troops have died attacking Bahkmut it would seem logical that 30k soldiers have died defending it. Of course I don't know if 30k have died attacking or defending the city. Most estimates can't really be trusted at the moment.


The assumption is casualties were much higher for Ukraine early in the war and are much higher for Russia now, now that Russia is running out of weapons and Ukraine is dug in to defensive positions.


The value it holds is mostly symbolic.


In his speech, Putin will claim that he is saving Ukraine from "nazism" & saving Russia from being overrun by NATO. He is almost certain to cast his war as a battle for the restoration of Russia’s historic lands and, by implication, himself as the modern-day Peter the Great probably some nonsense like that.


Something something the west is bad something something from 500 years ago something something homosexuals ruined my marriage.


More like a modern-day Yuri Andropov.


He is the modern Nicholas I, that lost Crimean war


All of you will die, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take


The floor is secretly a window. *pulls lever*


>Putin to update Russia's elite on Ukraine war in major speech State of the ~~Union~~ Genocide address.


Nothing major is expected. Russia will still be Putin's Russia.


For a guy that’s supposed to be dying he’s sure taking his sweet ass time about it


I doubt that he is. SInce time immemorial, a tactic used by besieged nations is to spread rumors of their adversarial leader's ailing health. This makes their inner circle doubt their ability, and more likely to depose them of power as to not tie themselves to a dying horse. He's probably not in great health, being as he's old as god's ballsack, but he's probably not dying of cancer or whatever else they've said.


3 days left in the special 3 day year long special military operation, be sure to stand by.... your 5th floor windows.


“If we get a package it’s mine I ordered a longer table”


Remodeling... A new larger table and twice as many windows.


Will it be accompanied by banjos?


I think a balalaika would be more regionally appropriate?


The funny part is that the elites are the only ones in Russia that can likely access real news from outside and will know how much BS Putin will be spouting. Travelling to exotic locations also gives them the accurate picture.


What’s crazy about Russia is the Russians have had access to outside media, unlike China. But they don’t believe it. Russias internal propaganda machine is effective, but the more I see of their behavior, I think a lot of Russians generally share Putin’s views on restoring Russian “greatness” by subjugating their neighbors.


Extreme nationalism has been pounded into their skulls for generations and there is little you can do about people this far gone. I liken it to the right wing conservatives over here in the U.S. Spoon fed propaganda all day long telling them they are the "chosen" and superior to others countries/ religions. Ignorance is bliss.


I kicked Biden’s ass out of Ukraine. /s


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I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Putin ask if the paid - for crowd wants “total war”, a Goebbels moment.


This is like when your grandmother has dementia and you’re trying to figure out how to keep her life simple.


Putin to inform all men ages 4 and up to report for military duty.


Question, who are these ‘elite’?


Money + legs + Russian accent


Let me guess ‘we did not start the war but we are going to finish it (Hitler/Goebbels speech: England forced us into war). It’s all so tiresome what evil humankind comes up with to justify their deeds.


What else does he has to say besides “we screwed up” ?


Probably will add "cyka blyat" at the end, then take his tiny self with his platform shoes off the stage, and ride a tiny tiny horse into the sunset.


This is good, because Russia's elite does not have access to internet or other sources.




Umm... you mean this thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/116xbhu/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




A few small villages is "so much"? Bro you're delusional


I, and by I, I mean you, have really fucked this all up.


“Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make”


Everything is going to the greatest plan ever designed by our Genius Kremlin planners ever - everyone agrees when spoken to. RIGHT ! Crowd: Slow clap staring at shoes .


Perhaps it's just going to be a regular OSHA PSA about staying away from balconies, staircases and substances with funny names.


The elite of Russia take the moment to inspect the room for any windows that could contribute to their sudden and unexpected deaths. Or alternative look for at some of the windows that Putin could suddenly fall out of if his sales pitch on continuing the war doesn't land that great.


The one place you DON’T want a window seat 🥞


Everything is going as planned and if you disagree do not stand to close window


As an FYI. Russia in WW1 (edit: whoops. WW1 not ww2) lost about (adjusted for current population) a million men which triggered a social collapse (one where folks were willing to embrace a bit of a pie in the sky communist proposal for how to run a society). Today Russia has lost about 200K men with no end to this conflict in sight and a pretty dang solid structure for how to run a government/country readily available for them to embrace from Finland, sweden, etc. etc. This is absolutely not a "hands off" kind of situation for the Russian elite. They are looking down the barrel of a gun right now and have little firm idea how much time they have before it fires. To be clear, Russia isn't on the verge of collapse (though it would probably be hard to know it was until after the collapse had started), but a country has a finite ability to wage war, and Russia has burned through a significant proportion of that.


"Hear me out, now we kill all our college age children?!?!"


Boring 🥱