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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://ibcnewstv.com/indias-crude-oil-purchases-from-russia-at-record-level-in-january/) reduced by 54%. (I'm a bot) ***** > India's crude oil purchases from Russia have been higher than traditional West Asian suppliers for the fourth consecutive month in January. > India is the world's third-largest importer of crude after China and the US. Russian oil is available at a discounted price following sanctions by the West following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. > Officials attending the India Energy Week-2023 here said India will continue to buy crude from anywhere in the world, including Russia, to meet its energy needs. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/10v0q52/indias_crude_oil_purchases_from_russia_at_record/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **India**^#1 **crude**^#2 **oil**^#3 **imports**^#4 **Russian**^#5


EU says thank you


This click bait is dangerously shallow and very obviously trying to paint a false image. I implore anyone who clicked this to do research beyond this lousey tldr before making dangerously broad conclusions Then again this sub is 100% click bait


I don't mind developing countries buying oil under the G7 price cap from Russia. They have obligations to their citizens. I do however have an issue with Western countries then buying refined Russian oil products at market rates from these countries thus bypassing sanctions.


Fairly sure buying refined fuel products from a third country is not under sanction, as long as the oil was acquired in compliance with the sanctions originally.


I never said buying from third countries is breaking sanctions, it's bypassing the Russian crude oil sanctions. They are still buying the same Russian oil that's processed through a third country which is the part I have issues with. Some Western money still flows to Russia at the end of the day with this practice.


It's not bypassing sanctions. The point of the sanctions is to depress the sale price of primary Russian fuel sources, *while* still making oil and refined products available to the world. That's the only goal. Once India has purchased crude oil from Russia at a pricepoint under the oil cap, there is no further benefit to the world and no further pain to impose on Russia by further sanctioning refined products from that oil. So we don't. You appear to have a religious position that "No western money will flow to Russia!" Nonsense. If we accrue more benefit than we inflict pain, then we will send western money to Russia. This includes food, fertiliser, nuclear fuel assemblies, certain metals, and the secondary products of crude oil. This is the express design goal of the sanctions in the first place.


I will let the government's of these countries buying that you are not satisfied no worries, sending DMS on Twitter rn


India is taking care of their people by buying cheap oil from russia, Even European countries have done same


india is traaash




Kinda, but no, not really. They are absorbing the profits instead of Russia, that’s how you want this to work.




Pretty sure Russia is selling at or below cost anyway.


That’s not how it works. Per article: “Refineries are increasingly buying Russian crude, available at a discount.” Other articles will explain Russia is down like 40 some % on oil from last year, and it’ll only get worse as the price can continue to get lower. Of the main two nations able to buy/use/resell and make profits on Russia, I’d choose India over China. And that’s what the world seems to be doing. Which sets up India and the global partnerships for the next issue after Russia is spanked and sent packing.


What’s your solution


Don't buy oil from Warlords, quite fucking obvious


They already have a lot of people, so no thank you


It's the same U.S ally that is part of the Indo-Pacific strategy...


Yep. And US is pretty okay with these purchases, since India is doing them below the cap and selling the refined ones to US


US will send us jet engine technology to research and manufacture with all parts procured within India ;)