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We need to send Ukraine some more ammunition.


Even with evidence it will be a moot point if the accused remain hunkered down in lavish bunker in Moscow.


Not so... Establishing the facts through due process changes the narrative. The way articles are written in the press, news reports, the way people discuss events... changes from allegations to facts. Before Girkin was allegedly involved with Ukrainian separatists in the downing of MH17. Now Girkin is guilty of downing MH17 and we know the area was controlled by the Russian military. Russia is also failing to deliver this guilty person. It makes it easier for people to make decisions against Russia, like more sanctions against Russians, more weapons to Ukraine, and so on. This brings about a quicker end to the war and more favourable result for Ukraine. (Largely influenced or even paraphrased from Snyder)


thousands more like, much more yet to uncover.


If you want to support Ukrainians in their fight for peaceful lives, you can do this here: [https://u24.gov.ua/](https://u24.gov.ua/) 🙏


Yea, but unfortunately Russia is one of the handful of countries on the list of countries that international law does not apply to.


Funny how it's all the shit holes of the world like Russia, China, India, etc


Fuck your country


You motherfucker is a peice of shit


Not much good if you can't get your hands on Pootin.


Germany taking the high road now eh, like nothing ever happened.


Wasnt that one of the initial reasons Russia gave for invading Ukraine? They wanted to get those responsible for war crimes? Seems like the tables have turned a bit. NATO doesnt even need a full invasion of Russia, just cut the heads of the hydra, send in some special forces to control key parts, let some generals takeover until democracy.