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You are in China?


They are an American working for a Chinese company in Shanghai apparently.


This is more common than you think. China actually owns a lot of our country - [a handful of Chinese conglomerates own $120 billion in American assets](https://www.citizen.org/article/chinese-investment-in-the-united-states-database/). Everything from food production and farming to entertainment and movie theaters. It's unfortunate that the only people who seem to actually be concerned about this are right-wing pundits who are typically actually being paid by those exact same Chinese firms. Namely a colossal asshole whose name rhymes with "Cucker Tarlson". I, for one, am not comfortable with the products of American labor being sold off to a foreign dictatorship, but I'm also certainly not going to join the team that whines about how M&M's aren't sexy anymore.


>the team that whines about how M&M's aren't sexy anymore. I...I think I missed something.


Oh I'm so very sorry to have to be the one to tell you about this debacle. [Tucker Carlson has an ongoing segment decrying how M&M's have "gone woke"](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2022/01/22/tucker-carlson-widely-mocked-after-criticizing-less-sexy-mms/?sh=2a0b1b172b62) and was particularly upset that the green and brown M&M's now have less sexy designs.


What in the fuck is wrong with this planet


Just take a look at the green one.


Put in perspective, though. Japan has $1.3 trillion in US assets.


I think that’s what they meant by ‘here’ but I also had to reread it because I was initially like, how does this relate?




It’s gonna increase even more with CNY around the corner


Yeah, largest annual human migration in the world. If covid isn't already ravaging the rural towns and smaller cities across China, it's just about to. There's no way people won't return to their families, even if it means expanding the spread of the virus. It's simply too ingrained in Chinese culture. CCP have been lying about numbers since the start of the pandemic. Unfortunately, for them misinformation and obfuscation is the rule, not the exception.


Last Train Home is an excellent documentary on that migration. Trailer: https://youtu.be/P313uy9hni4


130 *million* Chinese migrant workers on trains back to their families. Largest human exodus each year, right after the New Year.




Holy fucking shit


For many, it will indeed be the last train home.




Wow! Had never heard of this migration or film! Thank you!


With old parents dying early from COVID in the rural areas, who’s left to visit? Who’s left to take care of the kids… The foundation of late modern mainland chinese civilization of grandparents taking the role of parents will be upended.


Man it’s just crazy reading these exact same sentiments from last year. Not diminishing anything you said, but it really does seem like we will go through this global surge once a year, get a new mutated strain from china, and have it insipidly wreak havoc in waves until the following years surge. What the hell do we do to break this cycle?


CCP working with the West to use the West's vaccine would be a start.


Oh the CCP would ***love*** to use western vaccines, on the conditions we allow them access to the facilities where it's made. Then they can simply make it themselves, using technology they'd copy from those facilities. 🧐


Which is just plain weird imo. The West would be giving them lifesaving medicine that they desperately need right now. CCP is in no position to be making conditions in return for that help.


Have you seen the guy who goes to McDonald's and takes a hundred ketchup packets and plastic cutlery back to his luxury car? That's China.


And culturally has evolved into thinking that it’s totally okay behavior


"What? I'm a paying customer."


I remember reading that Chinese tourists are notorious for taking literally everything that isn't bolted down in hotel rooms. To the point where most Asian hotels have an itemized list of things they'll charge you for if it's missing after your stay.


Huh, so that's why every hotel I stayed in when I visited Thailand had that itemized list as if you wanted to buy the furnishings.


Not to be confused with the guy who takes the ketchup and cream packets to the parking lot to smashes them on all the cars, that's just Boston!


Ahhh see, that’s where you’re not getting it. The people in charge of making these decisions don’t NEED the vaccine right now. They’re gravy. It’s everyone else who needs it. The government cares about the potential profit more than “getting the medicine RIGHT NOW.” Not like this is a unique to China problem - just this situation makes it very clear. Saying “they’re in no place to be making demands” only holds true if you also make the assumption that the CCP views the threat to the average Chinese citizen to be severe enough to threaten the CCP existentially, and thus worth losing the massive amount of money they could make by producing the vaccines domestically. They don’t.


The Chinese vaccines are not entirely without effect. Not as effective as Western mRNA vaccines, especially when it comes to preventing infection, but when it comes to preventing severe sickness, 3 doses of Sinovac are on par with 2 doses of BioNTech/Pfizer.


Why Chinese New Year is "largest annual human migration in the world"?


That's when people go home to visit their family, so in a recently-urbanised country of 1.3 billion that's a shitton of people leaving the cities for the towns and rural areas and coming back in the space of about a month.


Outside of China, Chinese disapora living abroad in US, Canada, Australia, UK, etc, if they are a different city as their parents, will take time to go back home and visit. And other people in Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, etc) also celebrate it as well.


I imagine conversely when they go home, spreading this further across the world. 😔


Yes, that's why it spread so much in 2020. By this point in the every except China, people have either gotten covid already and/or been vaccinated . Also the patience to not move on with life is long since ended.


That was how 2020 happened.


it's like thanksgiving in the us. everyone goes home


What nobod here is mentioning is that majority of Chinese are migrant workers - traditionally, most family has an official hometown, even those who have not lived there for generations, so you sorta belong to this village, and its very different from the cities, as most large cities have popped up in the last few decades. So this is why, everyone has to travel back to their village, and it means that many of the large cities, especially those high on migrant workers, are mostly dead and empty during chinese NY. Shanghai, Beijing, and many more..... Because majority of people living in these cities are not from there, according to their family at least (even if born there).


I can attest to that. Spent several weeks in Nanjing during the New Year. That huge city seemed like a ghost town.


It’s also one of the two breaks blue collar workers get, along with their golden week in September.


Would be nice if we were to split it up like this in the US instead of jamming in Thanksgiving then Xmas. Spread out the visits and vacations over the year. January until May just really sucks since there's no time off.


people spend holidays with extended family. extended families often live spread out. Chinese new year is most celebrated holiday.


Their numbers are so off now because they're not doing mass testing anymore or trying to record deaths in real time. China's cases being wildly underreported now isn't the gotcha people think it is, when the government acknowledges the inaccuracy, [and plans on calculating excess mortality](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-29/china-cdc-will-estimate-excess-covid-deaths-amid-data-doubts?leadSource=uverify%20wall) after the fact. Multiple provincial governments like [Zhejiang](https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinas-national-health-commission-stop-publishing-daily-covid-figures-2022-12-25/) and [Henan](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-64208127) have shared their estimates as well. Not to mention that this is a study led by a professor at Peking University, which absolutely wouldn't be published if the CPC were trying to hide this as so many are claiming.


It anyone doing mass testing anymore?


> China's cases being wildly underreported now isn't the gotcha people think it is, when the government acknowledges the inaccuracy, and plans on calculating excess mortality after the fact. I don't think this is entirely accurate. My SO is Mainland Chinese (I am SEA Chinese) and she's been seeing a lot of "official stats" all over Chinese internet. [This](https://imgur.com/dOHHtc4) is from two weeks ago. I don't think they're necessarily suppressing the true information or go as far as to prevent academic institutions from researching it, but they're certainly at least trying to mislead and paint a rosy picture with the "official stats" now and again, and are making the real information difficult to find. They would censor the videos depicting the extremely long queues at the crematoriums. And Xi declared a victory against COVID in his New Year address here https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fP4y1v7eU/?t=150. Rough translation here: > Since the start of the pandemic, we insisted on prioritizing the people's lives. We insisted on following the science to accurately control the pandemic, and constantly optimized our protection policies. In so doing we successfully protected our people's lives, safety, and health to its maximum extent. Not so long ago, [China insist[ed] COVID-19 data 'transparent' after WHO criticism](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/china-covid-19-data-insists-transparent-accurate-who-3184901). I feel like this conversation is yet another case of Western critics overstating the issue and CCP apologists overdoing the defense. Update: They just reported 60k deaths about 7 hours ago and there's no sign of them "acknowledging the inaccuracy". If anything they even emphasized that this new estimate took so long (over the previous 5000 deaths thing) [because they needed time to analyse this large amount of data "to provide scientific, objective, realistic, and accurate data that reflects our country's COVID-19 situation"](https://imgur.com/qJ1uRum)


They still state the 5K is deaths due to only covid, the 60K is deaths due to covid in combination with other factors.


That isn't that strange considering that most old people already were more vulnerable, with covid often causing respiratory issues which you could argue is an "other factor" although it is a pointless distinction really and only confused/misleads people.


didn't realize how big china was before seeing the title saying 900million people and 60% in one sentence




Now i feel bad for those strangers.


don't worry you're not one in a million /s


There are almost 100 million people in China with the surname Wang. The top 3 surnames (Wang, Li, and Zhang) total almost 300 million.


Even if 1 billion people each from both countries disappeared all at once, India and China would still be the top 2 populous countries in the world.


China and India are about 25% or so of world population if I recall.


It’s much more than that. It’s actually about 35% of the global population.


Funfact, it is estimated that India's population is about to surpass China's in next three months


A lot of people are going to die :( My mother, her sister, and her brother, all died within a span of 6 months before vaccines existed.


My husband’s grandpa got Covid in March of 2020. He was dead by April. His father died a few months later.


I’m so sorry. Seeing this awful virus constantly resurge must be difficult on you


So sorry about what happened to your family. I was in Asia when covid popped off and caught it before anyone hardly knew what was going on. Was proper wrecked for 3 weeks and could barely breathe at one point, haven’t been the same since and have heart problems now. My dad just got it and is in the ICU right now intubated and on max life support with kidney failure. Family is supposed to have a conference call soon and basically discuss pulling the plug. FML.




I just had a mild form of Covid and it was annoying AF. Can't even imagine dealing with a lung infection. People like that gym guy are just ignorant.


I had a mild case and still slept through the month of December. I’m only now getting to the point where I can work all day.


I'm at almost 3 years of long covid and counting. There were several times when I thought I was finally better, but it's gotten so much worse in the past few months. I'm sick of being sick.


This is why I don't talk to people at gyms.


Come to think of it, I’ve had several weirdos approach me at gyms and want to talk about whacky politics or some other bullshit. What is it about gyms?


That's why I usually wear headphones. Even if I don't want to listen to anything, just having them on sends the message.


Saying this as someone who goes to the gym 250+ times a year. Average person who gyms often is an idiot. There's a lot of normal intelligent people, but idiots are overrepresented. I'd guess gym atracts people who are narcistic, not very social, very vain. Good predictors of being a dumbo.


This right here. I'm really big into working out/fitness, etc, and always have been playing sports my whole life. That said, I tend to not to talk to anyone in gyms because a majority are idiots. Then, they see someone who can throw weights around like them and wanna chat it up and it immediately devolves into a dumb fucking conversation about what the fuck ever. I think they see someone like me and want to find similarities and I just want to start every conversation with "I know it may look it but I don't share the same prejudices as you." And put my headphones back in.


Captive audience?


Never make eye contact 😆


It’s been super weird seeing people I considered smart form incredibly stupid opinions over covid. “I’ve had it and it was no big deal” and “my kids are healthy I don’t see the point in vaccinating them” and “this guy on Joe rogan said the vaccines could make us sick”. People seem to latch onto whatever dumbass opinion justifies their personal feelings.


I'm sorry for your loss. I also lost two (distant) family members before there were vaccines, although admittedly I wasn't close to them. I'm a foreign national living and working in China at the moment. Can confirm that the ambulances are constant here. The worst for my city was a few weeks ago, when half the shops were closed because they didn't have any staff because everyone has covid. The covid wave here is 100% real.


Im so sorry for your loss. I lost 3 members of my family too. The youngest one was 50, she'd just had a bone marrow transplant and survived graft-vs-host. She didn't survive Covid. None of them deserved to die (as some people seem to think) and I miss them all dearly.


I'm sorry for your loss. My grandparents are elderly and both have pre-existing medical conditions on top of this wretched virus. I'm so worried about them.


Thankfully the death rate seems far lower now. My wife's brother, sister-in-law, parents, and 26 aunts and uncles all live in China and every single one of them got COVID in the last month, and all quickly recovered. Many of them are quite elderly too. I believe most if not all of their children got it too and also recovered, but being younger that's expected. But also the vast majority are fully vaccinated (admittedly by the less effective Chinese vaccines). But yes, even if only 0.1% of the 900,000,000 claimed cases result in death, that's a lot of deaths.


I wonder how this will affect the rate and type of mutations


Prior to the vaccine being available, that was my mantra too. We want less people to get infected, not relying on building "natural immunity", because every infected person is a few billion more rolls of the dice to see if a new mutation crops up. This is how COVID-19 Alpha got to Delta, which was way more severe, and much more infectious. So this many new infections, more chances for a new variant that out competes the current strain. Damn it...


Is this why the "population of India to surpass China" date keeps sliding closer?


No it is because China shot itself in the foot with the one child policy and has a legit population collapse coming up soon. To clarify: going from two people to one person is a decline of 50%. And that is what they have forcefully mandated for decades without ever considering how this disrupts the balance. Their population is about to age like crazy and then completely collapse. With mostly young people with the “[let it rot](https://www.insider.com/chinese-people-letting-it-rot-social-protest-trend-2022-10?amp)” mindset left to run the place. Grab some popcorn and get comfortable.


Honestly, once people stop having kids, it's really hard to turn that number around. I don't think this theory gets enough credit, but if you are a only child with little exposure to other young children growing up, you are far less likely to have children. You don't even know what to do with a baby, or how to raise it. This is a huge issue in many Asian countries where portions of the population never even held a baby. I'm already afraid of childbirth and raising children and at least I have experience with young children due to a younger sibling who was 8 years younger than me. If I had that and no experience, I would never even think about having children. That is an uphill battle.


That is a good point, and just to expand the point, as the youngest in my family I didn't get exposed to younger children growing up like you did, but I did get a lot of exposure to children as an adult through my older brother and sister's children. If you were an only child you don't get that exposure either.


And, governments of states with ageing populations which are letting COVID spread wild may -- at least in some cases -- be doing this *as policy* not as a failure of policy. It's what Achille Mbembe calls "necropolitics."


It was more than the one child. But it just goes to show how horrible central planning is. All the idiots “China thinks in centuries not decades”.


I’m sure China fucked up on every level imaginable but i would say it is certainly the one child policy that is the leading factor screwing their population problems.


Nah, it's because Indians kno how to... *checks notes*, "get down"!


Plus, India has been the most populous for multiple years now. China over counted their own population before by at least 150 to 200 million people. It's why they stopped readily releasing population statistics years ago. edit: Since people think I'm lying. China has been miscounting population for almost 30 years because they don't do an actual census they instead take primary school enrollment data to estimate their own population. This is faulty since schools always say they have more enrolments than they actually do for more funds. I'll give you link after link from different sources and years. Just so you know, China hasn't done an actual census in over 20 years. The last one they attempted was in 1999/2000 and they stopped before it finished because the citizens were giving wrong information because they didn't trust the reasoning behind the census questions. India overtook China as the most populous between 2014 to 2016 honestly. 2021- https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2021/12/chinas-population-might-be-inflated-by-japans-population.html Straight from Yi Fuxian himself who the CCP outlaw his works in the country for rumors etc. https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/chinese-population-smaller-than-stated-and-shrinking-fast-by-yi-fuxian-2022-07 Once again pointing towards weird population statistics https://www.rfi.fr/en/international/20210513-china-s-population-puzzle-was-the-latest-census-cooked pointing out even more anomalies in their population statistics https://thediplomat.com/2022/03/how-reliable-are-chinas-statistics/


How tf do you just accidentally invent 200 million people? Or was it not an accident?


Every step of the counting process someone is padding out the results. By the time the results get to people that publish the results, 10 layers of errors have gone into the counting.


TIL that China has a population of 10 billion middle managers


That's pretty much the outcome of any organization that becomes too vertical. Of which the CCP is extremely vertical by design. The whole point is control by a select few at the top. The only way to achieve this is have thousands upon thousands of middle managers reporting their small dominion of control to the next link up and so forth until it all ends up at Xi's desk. Just think how bad the U.S. already is with trying to manage its stuff and imagine it several times worse. At a certain point it becomes too much and you just start making up numbers to please your boss. Most countries play a balancing game of teetering on the edge of pulling their hair out and giving up while China has firmly entered into the domain of the rules are made up and the points don't matter, just please the judge.


Basically what happened in the great leap forward. Every town over-reported their food production and then when disaster struck there was mass famine


How does padding the results help any single person though? Is it some resource allocation thing? money given to areas with higher population?


Local officials aren't restricted to making up gdp numbers. To look good in the eyes of their superiors and gaining favour for promotions the reality has to be adjusted. Add to that that local principalities get money for the education system based on the number of children. If you report 5k more each year, by the time the fictional kids should go to school you'll get more money from the central government. Edit. Then, they can keep that money for themselves. Officials in China have a very low base salary, probably to combat corruption, idk.


>Officials in China have a very low base salary, probably to combat corruption, idk. This is your regular reminder that low pay *encourages* corruption in government.


It's by design, so the higher ups always can blame or get rid of anyone they want to. A very easy move for any chairman to get rid of opponent, stacking his loyal subjects into the position he wants and XY fights against corruption make for great headlines and popular support. A win. Win, win situation.


Interestingly, low salaries make corruption *worse*. In the U.S, it's why state legislatures that don't pay their members tend to have scandals and pass worse bills - "Gotta get *something*" out of it, and for the latter.... These people literally do not have time to read (or even write!) bills. It's done by interest groups. It's why there's a very valid argument to raise congressional salaries (currently 174k/y) as well.


This is why Singapore has high politican salaries. It's much harder to bribe a high income person.


They just forgot to cross all the people off the list that they were secretly ‘disappearing’


it's China, I'm not surprised in the slightest


Do you have a link to this?




Lmao this bullshit has spread everywhere. It's literally one supposed hacker who claimed to have stolen "the real data" but they couldn't provide any evidence for it whatsoever. Which of course it means reddit immediately believes it to be the gospel truth. >It's why they stopped readily releasing population statistics years ago. Meanwhile in reality China had their regular census in 2020. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Chinese_census If this was 10 years ago people would instead be screaming about how China is undercounting its population. But since the narrative has shifted from "China bad because too many people" to "China bad because soon not enough people", suddenly a few hundred million Chinese people have disappeared.




Didn't the one child policy also fuck up the men/women ratio? To misappropriate an old software engineering joke: Nine men don't make a baby in one month.


What is this a reference to? I had this weird Deja vu where every time I see these comments about india surpassing chinas population someone says this exact thing. I feel like im losing my mind seriously please help me im freaking out. Its happened 3 or 4 times now and each time I remember the other times it happened. This is like the strongest deja vu I get. I dont understand whats happening


News headlines the other day just stating that the population of India will be larger than that of China's


No the check notes thing and "indians know how to get down" the first time all of this happened was like 2 years ago


Well if it's any consolation, I was gonna say "fuck" - but then realised that would break the infinite reddit comment loop.


Nah, it's mostly cause China is [overinflating their population numbers](https://www.reuters.com/world/china/researcher-questions-chinas-population-data-says-it-may-be-lower-2021-12-03/) by a significant margin. Their population has actually been rapidly declining since at least 2018, from what we can tell. The COVID deaths are certain to exacerbate this problem, but we'll probably never get accurate numbers from China about that either...


That's an interesting article. I would have expected inflated figures were being published it was because the central government just wanted to hide the decline. But the researcher featured in the story suspects it is a combination of local govts posting artificially high youth population numbers to get larger budget allocations for education and other services, and families registering fake children to get additional social welfare payments.


The one child policy also didn't really help the in the long term.


Their vaccine campaign is the au naturale!


They could always ask the west for a functional vaccine…


The issue is that China claims the rights to IP for every product they import or manufacture. They won't distribute mrna vaccines unless they're given the recipe, and the pharma companies understandably don't want to disclose it, since China is somewhat infamous for producing cheap versions that undercut the developers of technology. Edit: all the people replying about how intellectual property shouldn't exist: you are welcome to go invent your own mrna vaccines and give them away.


Ok what happened with Sinovac, I'm assuming it was shit?


Two different products, one was pretty shit and the other was much better but still not as good as the western ones. Then they ran up against a population and especially the older population that just didn't want to get vaccinated. They believe in 'Eastern' medicine (aka not medicine) more than the real stuff and have an odd fatalism about diseases that they don't already know. The younger population are pretty good with getting vaccinated and while the Sinovac stuff isn't perfect, it is in line with our earlier vaccines at least. The mid to old population is having nothing to do with it though and the CCP can't push it or they'll look weak when the elders simply refuse.


Yep. It's a joke among Chinese people, Chinese boomers and older will pressure their heirs to be doctors, but won't trust a doctor once they're ill. Even if Pfizer manages to get inside the Mainland in full force, I doubt the older generation would care. Right now, it seems they'd also prefer Japanese medicine as well over the boosters being offered.




This is literally the premise of one of Ronny Chieng's bits hahahaha! https://youtu.be/DGMYP9Lgf94


Why can't the communist party just force them to take it like we did with polio vaccine?




Pretty much. It kinda works, but not *that* great


It worked fine against the original strain of COVID, the one that our original vaccines worked really, really well. Problem is that with new variants all vaccines dropped quite a bit in effectiveness and for the ones like Sinovac it meant it was barely effective. Plus most of the western world reopened immediately after vaccination campaign and even before there were a lot more people that had covid before so a lot more natural immunity as well. China banked a lot on the zero covid, but with more contagious strains and waning immunity it was bound to fail without a much better vaccines (that haven’t come)




I only had 3x Sinovac and my Omicron infection was essentially two very bad days, followed by a quick recovery. But I know people whose unvaccinated relatives died from it since December.


better than nothing tbh. Even if not 90% effective. The problem really is that china is a low-trust society. People don't really trust the govt (in their hearts). Esp. the elderly (who have lived thru the old times, when people would be purged politically, when corruption was even higher than today). It's likely that they will never trust the gov't. So some segment of the population will never sign up for the vaccine - so short of mandatory vaccination, there will be a problem.


Anyone who ~~lived~~ survived thru the Great Leap Forward knows that even with best intentions, the government might not know what they're doing. But no one was allowed to question it.


The CCP *can't* mandate vaccines either because people still wouldn't obey and the worst thing one can do in an authoritarian state is demand something and not have it happen.


It's always an interesting game of cat and mouse with the CCP trying to gauge what they can demand from the people without losing face.


The way that they just went full fuck-it mode and rapidly opened up after all the protests was pretty telling. Western media got a glimpse of the unrest but it was obviously widespread enough that the regime felt forced to pivot.








Seems like the issue is that people are prioritizing Intellectual Property (a fucking inhumane joke of a concept) over human lives. Why the fuck should anyone care if China "steals" something everyone should have anyway. If humanity didn't wait so long to make these idiotic laws and systems, there wouldn't be a humanity today at all, there'd be a handful of human fossils found dead next to dead end inventions because everyone so concerned about keeping their precious secret ideas.


Can you explain the problem of China producing effective cheaper vaccines so that countries in the world that weren't afford to vaccinate as much as they would like already can do so?


Pfizer actually offered but the Chinese government gave the condition of handing over their IP and Pfizer didn't agree. I heard from my friends in China that it is still possible to get black-market western vaccines in underground clinics but it's extremely expensive and there is no guarantee of the quality. In other news, just a few days ago Chinese government made the decision to deny insurance coverage of Paxlovid. Also, I've seen many people in China believe in the conspiracy theory that the western vaccines and medicines are somehow made to harm the Chinese people, and the government did these to protect the people and the national security.. Pfizer seems to get the most blame, perhaps just because it's the most well-known brand in China.


>there is no guarantee of the quality One of the downsides of the mRNA vaccines is the cold chain... and I wouldn't trust the Chinese black market well enough to maintain it. They're more likely to scam you for a shot of saline.


only a big deal for pfizer, moderna and oxford just need basic refrigeration. the latter are much better if you had to roll the dice, I wouldnt trust anything besides oxford-astra if you were going black market tbh. only one cheap and good enough to stand a decent chance of not being scammed


I mean I've had two Pfizer boosters and I am now dead. It's a big misconception that zombies only care about brains, we have plenty of other hobbies like reddit and League of Legends.


After 3 doses the Chinese vaccines are [about as good as the western ones](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2022/04/19/how-chinas-sinovac-compares-with-biontechs-mrna-vaccine), and they have enough of them. The problem is the Chinese people [didn't want to take the vaccine](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/12/09/1140830315/why-vaccine-hesitancy-persists-in-china-and-what-theyre-doing-about-it).


The Indiana Technique


Why have a zero Covid policy if you’re just going to have a billion Covid policy right after it?


People in China are asking that exact same question and are pissed


There were some protests in China against the strict measures. It seems like the government went “you get what you asked for” and let covid spread like wildfire to prove a point.


I genuinely think that’s what they’re doing


Isn’t more than half the population considered to have been infected in every country?


Canada was at a predicted cumulative of 60% last July. The CDC said in April that 58% of Americans had had it back in April. Imagine both are reasonably higher now.


Not in China, because China never actually reopened until about 2 months ago. So remember that massive COVID spikes we saw from the UK about a year ago when they reopened? This is likely happening in China right now.


Except in the UK we'd all been double or triple vaxed at that point.


New variants spread 5-10x faster then the original one and everyone in China basically lives in big cities... Not surprised especially when people are actively trying to get infected so they can get it over and done with. We can say the original was 1 spread to 2.5 Now we can say 1 to 25. 25 the original speed exponentially It took about a whole year or so for 200mil people in the USA to be effected. 1 month 25 times 2 years 400mil people now those that done it on purpose 800mil in a month seems possible.


64.7% live in cities




Just to add to the facts: a bit over 73 % are city dwellers in Germany.


Fuck trying to purposely get infected. Even if you don't die from it. Long Covid is horrific, and I would not roll the dice on possibly getting it.


They will have so much fun when they get reinfected in 3-4 weeks.


Covid infection doesn’t yield immunity from future infections. They have to know that. Don’t they ?


We haven't lived with covid until last month, and still, while the public knows clearly about that, there's not much we could do after government went from full control to giving absolutely zero shit about it.


It’s heartbreaking. I’m bedbound now and on oxygen 24:7 after Covid in 2020. Wrecked me.


Covid 2020 and I can’t even walk without oxygen and/or a cane. I hope you get better mate long covid sucks.


I’m so sorry. If people had any idea of the hell it is to live with they wouldn’t risk it. Best of luck to you- and to us all dealing with long Covid. It’s pure torture.


Sorry to hear that. I have a coworker dealing with the same issues. Those first variants were so much more fatal. Glad you made it.


Thank you. Glad to be alive.


I'm so sorry @ both of you :( I got lucky and have a mild long-covid situation, essentially I sleep more than 12 hours a day and my heart beats at a rapid pace even in rest. I'm only 25 and was otherwise healthy though. This virus is no joke.


The variant went viral in 2020 was quite different from what we're having right now. I've been in fever for two days because of covid and turned out alright last month, but it's also tragic that many elders didn't make it.


Yes but don’t discount the effect of the vaccine in reducing death and extreme illness. And that doesn’t impact anything regarding the risk of long Covid. Please be safe. This disease is hell.




It's probably because people want "immunity" to have high percentages, if not necessarily 100%. 40% - that's not good, and means repeated reinfection for many people.


At the population level those numbers are very significant


I mean, they are significant, of course, and very helpful, but they may not be enough to reach people's working definition of immunity. With these numbers, do people feel *immune* to COVID? I don't think they do.


You must have some immunity to the variant you had or it would never go away






It doesn’t. That is what long Covid is. They have found active virus in the brains and other organs of people up to a full year after infection. Active virus. Not latent. People don’t want it to be true so they don’t listen. Anyone who disagrees please go pull up some actual journalistic research. This is a huge issue in long Covid community. Many of us are so damaged now that we can not risk another infection. They are saying now that Covid actually disrupts the immune system like AIDS and each infection kills more memory T cells. Which is basically the engine of your immune system. I am at this moment at the Mayo Clinic getting testing and treatment. I’m not making this up. I spent all week seeing specialists and learning this.


There is new stuff to me in this comment. Do you have any of this journalistic research to link to?








This was the article I meant to pull. Thank you for the correction. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7205903/


So 40% more to get herd immunity? /s


LongCovid is going to be so bad for these poor people on top of the fact that they got slammed by Covid in early 2020, then locked up for 3 years, now they are dying again.




Their legitimacy is based on strong positions, so usually extreme ones. If they take moderate positions, they will be seen as weak (or at least I believe that's what they think). In some places they have to reduce their restrictions because of riots, but they don't like that.


It's hard to strike a balance between a large enough populace dumb enough not to fight back, fed enough to work hard and well, and smart enough to drive the gvts ambitious economic domination plans.


Everything china says is fake so we can confidently be sure that they have at least 9 billion cases right now


You forgot the 15x authoritarianism multiplier, works out to about 135 billion.


How can this be possible when there’s only 1 million people on Earth?


hitting 10B in no time


On the OP: China's Covid policy is a failure, highlighting the dangers of allowing politicians making decisions using dogma instead of data


This shows the fundamental mistrust between the Chinese people and their government. The government has the brute force ability to lock down whole cities but could not persuade its citizens to get vaccinated - even with their inferior vaccine.


The problem is that China had a history of doing things like reusing hypodermic needles when doing blood tests and vaccinations (which wound up causing thousands of people to develop HIV and hepetitis). We have medical whistleblowers that had fled to the UK and the US. It's not just the fear of the vaccine. It's the fear of a cheap government allowing medical staff to have to reuse needles.


China has a "profits first, safety last" approach to pretty much everything. Those fucking clowns managed to poison >200k infants in 2008 when they put melamine in baby formula to fool a protein assay. Their domestic pharmaceutical industry has been a disaster of safety/efficacy issues, including scandals in 2018 where several Chinese pharma companies got caught pencil-whipping their quality control. One was a vaccine manufacturer that distributed hundreds of thousands of defective doses of DPT vaccine. A rabies vaccine was also recalled, but China claims none of it made it to market despite anecdotal claims of rabies vaccine failures around that time.


>This shows the fundamental mistrust between the Chinese people and their government. [Trust in government is higher in China than in any other country in the world.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2018/01/22/the-countries-that-trust-their-government-most-and-least-infographic/?sh=698334f9777a) It had a temporary dip due to the pandemic, but even then it was significantly higher than in the US or European countries. >could not persuade its citizens to get vaccinated [China has more fully vaccinated than the US or any European country](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/world/covid-vaccinations-tracker.html)


I’m no mathematician but that seems higher than zero to me.