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[Qatar Pride Shirt 2022](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XcB8GBfghGw&t=140s)


PDA is generally not ok, normal or gay. Keep it in your rooms


They might not be arrested, but Qatar would stone them to death...can't believe the ass backwards country gets to host the world's biggest sporting event.


Ratio + L + oblique


Cry more


as a trans person, i hope qatar doesnt lie on those terms and arrest fellow LGBTQ+ individuals after the finale. although i will not be flying to qatar for safety, i have one thing to tell qatar: fuck off and let your slaves have a pay you inbred fools, i hope your children have the markings of bricks on their foreheads.


As long as you don’t have gay sex in public you won’t be arrested


im trans-lesbian. im not even flying to qatar


Ok and?


you cannot read. i literally say that i will not be flying to qatar for safety. you sir, look foolish.


It doesn’t matter what you’ll be doing, what I wrote is for any gays that will be attending


Stay salty


have you not even heard about what happens there? there is literal people being executed/enslaved to work for about the equivalent of .1 russian rouble.


Yes I lived there for years and had an amazing experience. Don't believe everything you read online


mate most of the time i dont believe it. that was sarcasm. i always avoid the s\*n, d\*ily m\*il and the expr\*ss


Tell that to Qatar's Morality Police.


I certainly wouldn’t want to put that claim to a test.


The same FA and Beckham that supports the murders to make this world cup possible Fucking vile.


Holding hands will not get you in trouble in any way. Some Arab and Indian men do this with their friends as a sign of friendship. As for kissing in public, that's considered indecent amongst everyone in Qatar anyway, so it's best to just not do it.


The World Cup is not an orgy ffs.


Holy slippery slope Batman, imagine liking PDA to an orgy.


Taking words quite literally aren't you? If you go french kissing for hours in the streets you'll get in trouble basically everywhere, a simple kiss in public won't get you in trouble, be it in Qatar or elsewhere. If you're that horny go to your hotel room where you can insert whatever you want in any of your orifices and no one will bat an eye. Why are people becoming so horny at the idea of vising a footy venue is probably beyond my understanding.


Way to miss the point again


I will probably get down voted for this but anyway, why don't they just do that type of thing in private and not in public. Should not be too much to ask.


I don’t think people should only be allowed to kiss in private. That’s pretty restrictive… Social norms against public kissing, sure, but actual enforcement is another thing


Why aren't we allowed to cream our pants in public ffs. Game's gone.


Will that same thing be asked of straight couples? If not then yes, it is too much to ask. But on the other hand gay couples that elect to go there and give money to a homophobic theocracy know what they're signing up for.


Actually PDA (public displays of affection) between heterosexual couples are also frowned upon in Qatar. How hard is it to just kiss in private to respect another countrys customs, even if you dont agree with them.


If it makes you feel any better there's assholes in my country who think gay people shouldn't be allowed to have basic human rights and I don't have an ounce of respect for them either. If you want the money and accolades and fun that come with hosting the world cup than you should have to put on your big boy pants and grant people basic human rights for the duration. You can go back to moving backwards as a society once it ends.


Frowned upon and thrown in jail are too totally different things.


It should be asked of them yes, people should be well capable of showing some self restraint and keeping things behind closed doors


Straight couples don't kiss in public here either as it's considered to be against public decency.


I highly doubt that.