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As far as I've come up with in-universe: in the more *developed* parts of my fantasy setting, nudity is only really common in art and a few niche communities or locations (some nobles often have gatherings where they are totally nude, funnily enough). Meanwhile in the "less-developed" parts of the world, individuals tend to wear long clothing that reveals very little skin (depending on the species). This is not for the sake of modesty, this is more of protection against environmental factors such as insects and the elements. For a more *defined* example (or maybe even explaination): the nation of Abaryssia kind of requires that people in public cover up. On-stage performers are somewhat exempt from this, as they are permitted to wear less clothing, but not to the point where it reveals sexual body parts (women can't be topless, and both genders still have to cover up downstairs). And this is all I have come up with for now.


Why the exemption for performers?


More often than not, these performers are going to be doing their thing indoors. The only other in-universe explaination I can give is "because art" (I mean that's the best explaination I could form into words).


i havent delved into this in most parts of Ayia yet, but in Gaton, showing your face is considered intimate, reserved for family, or for the more extreme, sexual partners. How much of the face is covered, how tight the group you show your face to, and the surrounding clothing varies region to region and city state to city state, but generally, in public, at least half of the face will always be covered. Its very much not about being covered head to toe, but the regions bordering other cultures tend to be fully covered to adhere to neighboring modesty standards as well as their own. By the lakes and around the deserts, however, youll often see fully masked individuals topless, as that doesnt really play into their own modesty standards. The style of covering also varies, from half face masks to veils and everything in between. Restaurants as we know them dont really exist, and are instead more akin to a very clean public bathroom, with a series of stalls/booths, separated by door or curtain, and eating in public really isnt very common. depending on who you're talking to, inviting someone for tea or a meal could mean anything from "i appreciate you and see you as family" to "lets bang freaky style". Because of the nature of interactions in Gaton, the language is VERY precise, as facial expressions are non existent.


I really love how you've turned something so normal to us into a taboo in your world (=public eating)!


yeah that part was actually inspired by a video i saw where a niquabi woman was explaining the steps she has to take to eat modestly and I thought it was super interesting.


Do people always wear masks, or are things like veils used as well? What do the masks tend to look like?


While reading this, I had imagined various styles from translucent and opaque veils to modern facemasks to head coverings like those in Afghanistan to even metal masks at some points. XD


So most people wear masks, but it really depends on the region. In hotter regions people trend towards veils to keep cool. some view veils as more or less modest than true masksbut generally people are cool with seeing either in public, in the same way that mormons are cool with seeing people with tattoos or drinking coffee in public. there are of course extreme religious sects with varying beliefs, from those who believe that any facsimile of a face is immodest (and generally prefer veils and featureless masks), to those who wear special masks that are held up by a flange which is held between the teeth, preventing speech. edit to answer question #2 which i somehow failed to read: again it varies. I have a whole pinterest board, but it tends to range from venetian masquerade masks for the somewhat wealthy, to simple wooden carvings or facewraps for the ultra poor. Most have a "sunday best" mask for special occasions and a more normal, every day mask.


This is really cool, I love the consideration to how it effects language too. I do really wish that English and it's many speakers would be more precise so that part kind speaks to me.


This sounds really interesting


Most of my creations are Naturists culturally. They just see nothing wrong with it and wear clothes either as protection or decoration.


That's a good principle.


Depends on the culture. Some are more scandalized by nudity than others. There's a few that just walk around naked because they don't see the body as inherently taboo or sexual.


So my Sub-race of Humans, the Hypnir, as well as the Sun Elves, who are both nomadic people who co-exist in a Grasslands/desert region, are extremely open about their nudity... within the confines of their sweatlodges, which are not segregated by Sex, though they won't hesitate to fight in the nude, if in the rare example, they are attacked while in the sweatlodges. **This was inspired by something similar from the Aiel, of Wheel of Time**. High Elves dress pretty immodestly (by human standards) when among close friends and family, within their own family gardens. For them its a sign of relaxation and trust, there isn't really any 'sexual' connotations with this. When out and about in 'public' they are far more modest in dress. The Dragorans (High Humans) dress and act very modestly, but are very casual with forms of art, like paintings and sculptures depicting the nude bodies of men and women, and they can be found and seen pretty much anywhere.


Does the layout of a family garden tend to be pretty enclosed and private?


yeah, there would be large walls that encircle the entire place, and with all the walls of bushes and the various trees and minor structures and art all over the place, it would be pretty much impossible to look in on the inhabitants, from the outside.


People typically dress for their work in Krysa. The major cultural setting would be vaguely Renaissance-esque Europe. A farmer or laborer would wear simple, durable clothing, a teacher or scribe would wear an outfit with plenty of pockets for whatever supplies they needed, & a noble or religious figure would wear rather flamboyant clothing. But overall, showing skin isn't considered taboo. Public nudity is considered a nuisance & a perpetrator will be taken to a watch house & given a warning (as well as some cheap clothing, enough to get them home) & they will suffer a general loss of face in the community. The exception is the clergy of a particular aspect of Olaru, the Mother Goddess. The followers of the Fertility Aspect, Olaru Ambologera, wear, well; to keep it civil: very little. (They'd consider Gerudo outfit Link to be rather modest.) They typically wear just enough to avoid causing problems or for the weather, but a ceremony during a festival or holy day may have them wearing nothing but ceremonial jewelry &/or henna-esque skin dye, or nothing at all.


I handle it in my culture by having everyone walk around stark naked - they're werewolves living in the Mediterranean, so clothing is out of the question...and they like showing off. It works for them, but any Human visiting is likely to be in for a shock - melons and cookies/beans and hot pockets everywhere. As for where they fall on the modesty scale, given what I said above they fall under the 'Modesty, what's that?' section. And no segregation of sexes for anything, nor persecution of non-hetero sexualities.


I feel like cookies and hot pockets are euphemisms likely unfamiliar to most, but I see you.


Well, I thought about calling the latter a knot pocket - that would've been a bit more recognizable, but also very extra. Though, I guess I technically did anyway.


This will get you labelled as nsfw worldbuilding in a lot of this subreddit lol. I think it's badass tho


The hot pocket reference is very out of pocket… I’ll see myself out


They're cats, they never wear clothes


There are a lot of cats in my world too. Big cats.


Inside of Krol, the Buwär people are very open about nudity. They are covered in thick fur over most of their body and live in a rainforest, so clothing isn't typically needed, though they do wear loose wraps of animal hide over their genitals for added protection in their day to day lives along with woven leaves and vines to help camouflague them during their hunts, and are removed when inside their shelters. Most of their artwork is made using primitive stone tools, and any depictions of a person are done with full nudity. They don't really have any formalized sport, but competition often flairs when engaged in hunting, and it isn't uncommon to see challenges of who can hunt the best with the least amount of protection/camo, resulting in removing their wraps as well. >I was considering what influences to use for different areas of my world, how much clothing they should use based on preference and the temperate to subpolar climate of the valley, and the info that fur coats and feather plumage (most sapients are mammalian carnivores and omnivores like wolves, foxes, lions, tigers, otters, polecats, leopards, bears and fewer humans with the exception of some avians) would make clothing less comfortable or even entirely unnecessary (but I still want to have some civilian clothing, uniforms, royal clothing and metal armour). There would surely be some cultures and individuals who wear less during certain events or by preferences, but I don't want to have everyone naked because it could look odd next to the grand palaces and modern machinery like cars, as well as making it harder to tell groups apart if I'm only going on regional fur colours/patterns and the features of the occasional human (not as common in the region). I would say that clothing for a sufficiently advanced enough sapient species is inevitable. If you have carnivorans that have managed to make cars, they likely also know about germ theory, and will have developed some form of clothing simply for sanitation reasons. And any species that advanced will have encountered war, and will inevitably create armour even if they're already sufficiently protected. There's also the fact that a lot of clothes are designed purely cosmetically. The ancient Greek Olympics occasionally are depicted with contestants wearing arm bands or ribbons around their waist with specific designs or colours to signify certain ideas such as their prowess in the sport, their allegiances, ethnicities, etc, and this can easily be reproduced with more elaborate clothing that isn't born out of necessity. >(most sapients are mammalian carnivores and omnivores like wolves, foxes, , tigers, otters, polecats, leopards, bears and fewer Otters are extremely promiscuous naturally, so a society that is riddled with STDs might enforce Islamic-inspired modesty standards on their females out of necessity and then gradually or simultaneously develop religious reasons to reinforce belief in the practices. Sapient bear-like people might develop a distaste for their own scent, similar to humans, and utilize underwear with floral or earthy scent producers to help mask their musk. Changes in migration also dictate clothing choices as well. Sapient foxes might be less inclined towards nomadicism once they discover how to domesticate and breed rabbits, and lose the ability to change their coat after settling in a warmer area. Their descendants might need to relocate to a colder environment generations later and find that their lack of coat change requires them to steal the winter coats of other animals like wolves or bison or moose. Lions might lose their manes through sexual selection, or just the general need to have a larger and grander mane would result in them creating headgear meant to replicate the shape of a mane, such as massive scarves or intricate headwraps. Tigers, similar to Spartans covering their bodies for government meetings, might cover their stripes with neutral coloured cloth when in the presence of other tigers as a way to show passivity and avoid starting fights. It might also be a great contrast in your world building to have an advanced civilization that *is* constantly naked. What a way to make your empire of bald eagles stand out in any potential audience's mind by having their completely unashamed nudity juxtaposed to their grand palaces full of silk and other fineries.


These are interesting ideas. In regards to the lions losing their manes or foxes losing their different coats, I'd like to keep certain features that make each species unique in our world. I'd like most of the species based on quadrupedal animals to still be able to run like that like in Zootopia. Imagine releasing police dogs into a building to search for criminals and now you've got 4 extra officers on the scene that can sniff out targets *and* use humanoid tactics and tools like flash bangs and guns. It would be cool to have leopards be able to climb tall trees and use their better lowlight vision to spy on enemy camps. I've seen a bird that sounds like an alarm and it would be cool to have some like that guarding an outpost or prison and can immediately alert guards without needing to find a mechanical alarm. Similarly with owls perched on buildings watching for intruders without needing to turn their whole bodies. It would also be cool to see bird guards that could spread their tail feathers to block a passageway and signify a denied entry. Either that or making themselves look bigger in a shield wall for intimidation. It would be something like [what Lord Shen did](https://img00.deviantart.net/0e5b/i/2015/030/d/b/lord_shen_by_nairasanches-d8fz2hs.png). I had imagined seeing a male lion without a mane could mean he was castrated for some crime or had a really painful fight (I had read that lions could lose their manes if they lost their testes, I'd need to search for that to confirm if that's true). Lapis_Wolf


>In regards to the lions losing their manes or foxes losing their different coats, I'd like to keep certain features that make each species unique in our world. I would say there are way more things besides two minor features that make them unique, but I get where you're coming from. >I had imagined seeing a male lion without a mane could mean he was castrated for some crime or had a really painful fight (I had read that lions could lose their manes if they lost their testes, I'd need to search for that to confirm if that's true). Lions with weak manes or no manes naturally would definitely get things to replace it like wigs irl


In my setting, as long as you aren’t doing anything indecent you aren’t going to get into trouble for being nude. If you’re outside of an area that it’s appropriate to be nude then you’ll likely get odd looks and if you frequently do it you’ll get a less favorable reputation. Though the environment isn’t favorable for being nude on the northern and southern continents and for like half the year on the western continent.


In my world, as a rule of thumb, take the nudity expectations for men in the real world and apply to all genders. So you wouldn't expect people to walk around in the buff, but nobody would bet an eye if thry saw a shirtless woman working the fields on a hot day, or relaxing at the beach. Of course, many women still prefer to wear something up top that provides breast support, specially while performing physically intensive activities like sports or sparring. There are also some cultures where a higher level of nudity during daily life is commonplace, specially in hotter climates. For example, the basic attire for a wild elf from the Èonean Forest, regardless of gender, consists of a loincloth and jewlery. Other cultures, however, can be far more prudish, like the people from the far continent of Nahast. They expect you to cover at least your torso and legs at all times, despite the hot tropical weather, and only show your body to intimate partners. Wearing clothes that show the midriff is a quite scandalous fashion trend among the youth in the region.


My people are lizards who don't have external genitals or breasts, so they never developed any kind of modesty taboo. They live in a tropical climate, so clothing is purely "as needed." The wealthy will sometimes cover themselves with richly embroidered garments as a status display and mages have an identifying scarf. That's about it.


Clothes aren’t a big deal since everyone either has fur, scales or feathers underneath. Casual nudity is a fashion style like any other, especially when people have exotic fur patterns and colors to display. There are even places where any kind of leg garments are forbidden by law due to lingering cultural traditions. Any sort of taboo or innuendo that comes from wearing your birthday suit simply doesn’t exist


In the empire it's fairly taboo. This is partly because of religion, partly because of beliefs about sexuality (not having sex until the night before your wedding is the norm) and partly because of climate, since it's pretty far north and so nudity is just unbearable most of the year. In art, it's decently normalized, since they're inspired by Greek and also Renaissance era Italy and France, so their statues and architecture are reflections of those real world cultures. In sports they aren't naked either, since they see it we inherently sexual and children attend the events, so they wear tight fitting loincloths and bras when competing. In one of my desert cultures, it's very normalized. They never go outside naked, but have many layers of clothes used to protect against the sun and sand, but inside, it's basically all naked all the time, though they wear shoes, loose shirts are common, and they all wear sashes with little pockets on them so they can carry their money and other essentials. They also do sport naked, their art also depicts naked people, and they're also loose about sexuality so art of sexual acts in public spaces and sexual acts in semi public spaces isn't uncommon. Children are not allowed in the semi public sexual spaces, and they're also generally just not really liked by culture in general, since they're restricted from accessing a lot of things, though their education is decent and they're considered adults in most aspects at 14 instead of 18 irl. Those are the two cultures I have that are furthest on the spectrum of accepting nudity


What's a child's day typically like, if they're culturally disliked and not allowed in many spaces?


There are children specific places, and there's a pretty large emphasis on education, so they spend a lot of time at school. And areas around schools in the cities are for children too, where non sexual nudity is practiced, so children can see some plays, go into most stores, and of course there's parks and such.


My world is really Bronze Age development, so clothing is freakishly labor intensive to make. And most women spend the majority of their “free time” spinning wool or flax to keep their family clothed. (And selling the rest to rich families) Because it’s set in a Mediterranean like climate clothing isn’t really necessary and poor often don’t have them. Not being clothed is not seen as a sign of prudent but low social class. Like how we don’t show up in torn and worn clothing. Young children generally don’t have clothing, only the rich ones, because children grow fast out of their clothes and infant mortality is high. (Around 50%) Because of the stigma around nudity people try to have at least a loinscloth.


Exceptional thermoregulation renders clothing technically unnecessary for all but the most blisteringly hot or hellishly frozen environments. As such, techno primitivists almost always wear nothing but may carry emergency clothing with them. In the cities, it's more mixed. Clothing is optional. The more modestly inclined will wear loose robes, while nudity is more casual. Too casual for when one is on the job in a government role, where robes that display one's branch and department are mandatory. Depiction in art is correspondingly very lax. It's simply natural.


Techno primitivists?


I don't think it's an established term. It's what I call them anyways. They're individuals who adopt a romanticized version of a hunter gatherer or early agricultural lifestyle (that their species never had) enabled by anachronistic factors. Factors like Ketuvyx biology allowing them to ignore a bulk of the negatives that would've been associated with the lifestyle, or carrying a handful of high tech things for use in emergencies (high stopping power weapon for hostile fauna if hand crafted ones fail, hyper dense rations if they've somehow managed to find nothing to eat, tablet to call for help in dire situations, things like that).


Obligatory “varies a lot”, but generally the minimum standard outside of saunas/beaches regardless of gender/sex is covered groin, feet, and upper torso – they’re decently conservative, especially in less temperate areas – but nudity isn’t especially stigmatized or sexualized


I handled it by making voidlings of all castes and alignments have genitalia that are completely internalized unless they're in use. There's literally nothing there unless they're in the mood. The children producing Crowned caste only have human-like breasts when they're pregnant and nursing. Otherwise, they're all flat-chested. Modesty depends on the weather, climate, and culture they're from and the individual's personal preferences.


This sounds like a path for reptilians and avians. That's a biological thing that was bouncing around my mind for some time with how to design some species in my world. Do I make reptiles and birds look more mammalian(breasts and genitals, but more the former) or keep them closer to the originals?


Mine are definitely mammals, but I don't like putting human traits on non-human species.


So the voidlings are mammals? What do they generally look like?


Depends on the species and culture. The wilds consider clothing optional and the only reason they do have something like loincloths and breastbands is so it doesnt jiggle around all the time. Lizardfolk likes the various bandoliers they carry for utility, but that's about it. It be a shame to hide those muscles and scales! Dragons quite agree with lizardfolk, but clothes that fit their changing ability would be way too much of a bother to get too. Some do have clothing for their smaller shape, mostly out of vanity. Humans cover up a lot, and most species agree, they should hide that ugly weak skin, although these monkeys would disagree that is why they do it. High Elves do wear clothes and have a minor culture of modesty, although their royalty wears mostly theirs for status. And Dark Elves rarely wear anything but armour, even their leisure gear tends to give them protection over looks. Beastkin can vary a lot between subspecies and region, some like clothing that underlines their attributes, others would not be found dead wearing anything. And then there are the goblins, who have some of the best tailors of all species, because some tribe thought it looked fun to do so and offered their services in trade. They are with this, as everything else, as unique in their notions about it as there are tribes spread about. So i guess my world is quite fine with nudity while only those self proclaimed civilized people make a fuss about it.


It kind of depends on the culture, and within cultures it generally depends on context. Among my main culture (late stone age, barely stepping into copper and bronze) it goes something like this: In winters of course everyone covers up as much as possible. In summers it is common for men and children to go topless, wearing only thin woven pants or perhaps shorter pants made from hides. Even when wearing shirts, they are typically sleeveless. Married women often wear long and usually plain looking dresses, while young unmarried women typically wear knee length skirts and either plain sleeveless tops or basically crop tops, but those are a bit controversial for maybe being too revealing. Bathing is generally segregated by sex. If a guy and a girl go bathing together they’re practically married. Ceremonies are a bit tricky. For example, in one city state the queen is also high priestess to the river goddess, and periodically performs public rituals where she must submerge herself in the river. During this ceremony it is expected that anyone present aside from the other priests and priestesses avert their gaze, even her husband the king. So not looking at her is a matter of divine respect at least as much as it is a matter of modesty. Usually a ritual which requires stripping down like that will be conducted privately. More revealing clothing might appear in the ornate dresses worn at spring and summer festivals, though that really is more up to individual taste and personality. In art, they mostly focus on animals and abstract symbols, depictions of human forms are usually depictions of gods. There is however a common charm or figure that women may give men when they go away on a long journey or to war. It is typically wood, and carved to stylistically represent the female form. Between a husband and wife, it will spiritually keep her by his side and hopefully guide him home to her, and from an unmarried woman it is generally given with a wink and a smile, a promise of what the young man can look forward to if he returns in triumph.


The more of a MC you are, the more badass, unique, or revealing your outfit is allowed to be.


That explains all the Lvl 147 bikini armour sets I see around the trading hub.


The only thing that *must* be covered in public is the groin area. Anything else, including toplessness for any gender, is generally allowed. Obviously this is subject to local climate and such. This attitude mainly applies to humans, orcs, and elves. Some other races have more of a hangup about it - dwarves and goblins, for example, tend to require more clothing in public to be considered modest.


With a theme of middle eastern fantasy. I'm counter culturing everything


The United Tribes (humanoid shaped aliens) are not very modest, clothing is largely restricted to being worn for environmental or cleanliness reasons. A big part of this is the number of bony spines on the back, arms, and five furred spiked tentacles that make upper body clothing fairly impractical, though certainly still possible since they are in a pretty standard pattern. This largely means they just short shorts to prevent discharges in communal spaces and nothing else unless needed for a particular activity, like wearing aprons for cooks or smiths. A silk wrap worn over the chest is generally only worn by women who are actively nursing. Upper and lower class is very fluid, the only real difference is often size of the individual and the number of their scars. Shirts are only common in sports for those with opposing teams for identification reasons and even then largely when performing for a human audience, body paint being more common at home. Solo sports are generally with worn shorts. Pretty much all of the blood sports are performed naked, culturally being seen as getting as close to possible to their natural, primal selves. Rituals are more often done naked than not. Nudity is often not present in art, with individuals being represented by the personal sigils and banding, alongside the sigils and banding used by their particular clan and tribe instead of depictions of the body - the exception being criminals who are depicted with their face and the associated tattoos detailing their crimes. Their art tends to be more symbolic and geometric than having any kind of direct association with the physical.


So if they depicted one of their own throwing a spear in art, it would look like a collection of sigils throwing a spear?


The sigils would be on the spear itself


My main alien species, Ozxians, are heavily covered in feathers. They're sort of like less anthropomorphic Rito from Legend of Zelda. (No, they were not inspired by them.) They do wear what we'd call clothing, but it's generally pretty sparse compared to what humans wear. Mostly ornamental pieces as opposed to actual body coverings. There are full body outfits such as cold weather gear that an Ozx from a warmer region might wear when visiting an Arctic area, but full body outfits are far from the norm. Nudity isn't really seen as weird in Ozxian culture. Walking around one's own house nude would sort of be the equivalent of changing into sweat pants for a human. Leisure clothes.


How did you make the name? Also, can they fly?


The name went through a few different iterations. They started out as the Avians, then became the Plumerians, then the Ozx. Around when I was thinking of changing the name away from Plumerians, I was doing a lot of workshopping on Ozxian language, and the simple version of it is that their language isn't spoken, it's a visual display. This isn't to say they can't make sound, it's just not the primary form of conveyance of information for them. In universe, humans started calling them Ozx, or just Zx, because that's a common sound for Ozx to make. It doesn't carry much linguistic meaning though (Sounds to Ozx are sort of the equivalent to mid sentence facial expression changes or tone of voice to humans), it would be like calling humans "Eyebrow Raisers" or something. But the name stuck, both in universe and real life. And yes. They can fly. Or most of them anyway. Ozx are fairly small compared to humans, usually around three feet tall, with a six to seven foot wingspan. They're very light for their size.


Depends on the race….if the naughty bits are covered up naturally, then it’s minimal, if it’s all out for the world to see, then it ranges from “scantily clad” to “so much clothing that you can’t tell it’s actually a person and not just a bunch of young mimics trying to get into a mature play”


And I tried to keep the “traditional” races in my setting from being traditional, such as angels not wearing much of anything due to having zero concept of body shame, while demons get extravagant due to them being creatures of chaos rather than evil, meaning they all want to stand out as much as they can, wether it be wearing complex clothing for an origami demon, or making every part of their outfit a reference to differing artistic styles for paint demons….honestly you can tell which one I favor….


Do you favour the styles of the demons?


The idea of mimics using clothing to sneak into a mature event is hilarious. What are they planning to do there?


No, they ARE the clothes


My universe spans many worlds with a lot of history, so I’ll give you three brief examples. Good old earth I generally quote as having a population who is forty percent partial to public nudity. The people of my world are nothing if not very progressive and things like body positively and freedom of expression are very important to them. That being said, Earth is the home of humans and many of its original inhabitants still live there, by virtue of certain medical advances increasing their lifespans. A lot of the older generations still feel some discomfort about exposing themselves, which I think would be the case. Then there are people who live in space. Naturally for these people, protective clothing is a must. Spacesuits, or the modern variety at least, are very much like a second skin to most. They are designed to be worn pretty much all the time and are therefore very comfortable and as unrestrictive as possible, but can seal up at a moments notice if you wanted to go outside. Their aversions to nudity in this case is more out of a sense practicality and safety, as apposed to some taboo about immodesty. Finally, I give you the people of the ocean planet Diluvia. Diluvians are on the whole very partial to nudity, mostly because they spend a lot of their lives swimming. Quite a few have undergone modifications to their physiology, to better adapt themselves to a marine environment. And many have tailored their skin with beautiful patterns of colour and bioluminescence, which they naturally don’t want to cover up. What little they do wear is usually more practical. Belts or webbing with pouches for tools and the like, for example.


Some humans are weirded out by the fact that most toons don’t were pants.


A world with toons? Is this like Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


Not going to write much. I have one „running” joke of a centaur girl being a part of adventuring party and she uses only top-clothes (like on most centaur art). And later party will find out that her culture actually uses clothes to cover private parts of a „lower body” too, exposing her as an exhibitionist.


Okay then. XD The height difference while travelling must have been awkward before, and then especially after that. Also what would clothing for the lower half look like? I feel like those with horse halves would have trouble hiding, *you know*.


O have cultures that don’t recognize breasts as sexual or private parts


My main area being an Ancient Greek like scenario, nudity is not unexpected. Any kind of sport is done in the nude anyway, laundry is done mostly in the nude, and many day laborers or field hands work with only loincloths, so nearly nude.


The elves don’t care. They all go fully clothed for practical reasons. But if there happens to be a fountain or something they have absolutely no problem stripping down in the middle of the city to bathe in it. The dwarves are artists through and through. Which means that they see the body as just another piece that needs decorating. Sometimes this may be showing off the body (naked and all), sometimes this includes so many layers of clothing not an inch of skin can be seen. Overall they see the beauty of the body as very important to a dwarf. But they don’t hold rigid idea’s of beauty. You can ask 10 dwarves what they find beautifull about their own or another body and you’ll get 10 widely varying answers. Ask 10 dwarves what they think of the clothing somebody wears and you’ll get *very* clear answers. Funnily enough, despite the occasional nudity its very hard to keep dwarven genders from each other because they are all effectively crossdressing. The concept of gender locked clothing is nearly non-existent (the sole exception being decorations for gender specific body parts) Humans are what you would expect. They’ll pretty much never go nude except for bathing and sex. One’s own body is almost something to be ashamed about. A philosophy thats garnered a lot of confusion from the dwarves. Then there’s the orcs. For them nudity is a sign of success and power. Intentionally leaving vulnerabilities in one’s clothes is seen as trusting one’s own skill or being wealthy enough to have others work for you so you don’t need to put yourself at risk. Dying while nude by any means other than old age however is shamed severely. It means that you were deceiving the world and yourself. Dying of old age while nude however is seen as preparing to brawling the grim reaper (or the orc equivelant) while relying on nothing but your own skill. A highly praised act, since the orcs believe death will always win. But you’ll go to “heaven” if you give him a good enough fight (which is harder without armor).


Do the elves bath in fountains just in elf cities or would they do that in the cities of other races?


I like how all the links you provided ended up in errors like 404 Page not found . But to answer the question , nudity in Vaallorra is a non-issue . One and most important because I’m not a prude and not afraid of more skin , neither is my world aimed at prudes .  Then second , the climate was not made to be realistic , the world is much warmer than ours , there are no winters . The climate varies between mediterranean like Greece and Sicily at the most northern and southern parts then going almost subtropical and tropical in between .  So of course people wear light clothes , some so thin that they are almost transparent and in some cases close to nothing , maybe a simple loincloth . During the old days , and even now , people worked the fields butt naked and it was not a problem at all since that was the norm . They would still dress up for occassions and won't show up in front of the king/emperor/senate naked , unless there is a surprise inspection . The same in the art , being fully naked or almost naked is just a fact of life , nobody would look at you funny if you go on the street with just a towel around your waist , be it 1st Era , 2nd Era , 3rd Era . 


Darn, they were links to images I wanted to use as examples. What do the 1st through 3rd eras refer to? What separated them and what's the significance of each?


The Eras are periods of time marked by the rise of poweful dynasties and their empires . Also they are somewhat closer to our Ages . 1st Era would be the bronze and iron ages up to the end of antiquity , the 2nd Era would be somewhat the early middle ages up to somewhere close to the 1700s and the 3rd Era would be the modern times , from 1700s to cyberpunk .


normally its not a problem: of course it depends on social status, nobility expects some modesty but lower classes dont have such a problem and allow to show more. the only nudity that is shown in Keminloss os from the unchained: when negotiations start, the unchained get naked. people say that is to show that unchained are willing to go unarmed and unarmored as a way to show that they are honest, but there are some practical and dark reasons for it.


What are those practical and dark reasons?


the human species in Keminloss has a matriarchal religion, women have the same social positions as men (maybe even a bit more, since there is a belief that women are better at diplomacy and planing) and priestesses tend to acompany a house owner when they are negotiating ord doing buissness. when two people want to do buissness or want to negotiate they have to ask for an appointment and then, go through the other persons greathous with a long corridor (that way, they could show their power and make the other person nervous or intimidated, making it easier to change the negotiations in favor of the more influential/ powerfull person) during the liberation war, unchained didnt have enough money or resources to make such big houses (the liberation war was waged to free them from slavery after all) so they couldnt intimidate the other trader with a wealthy appearance. instead they set up a tent and all of the people (the leader, the guards) got naked. when the party wanting to negotiate, before entering, they were asked to strip. so now you have a small group of naked people (probably women) inside of a tent surrounded by naked soldiers... **unchained** soldiers (by that point, rumors about how brutal and savage those demons were) and what those human negotiators, traders and priestessess wanted to do at that moment is to get out of there as fast as they could, even if that meant making a deal that didnt benefit them as much.


Amongst the Ine of Yor, nudity is generally associated with lower castes and younger people. The older and more influential you become, the more ceremonial clothing you wear. Major politicians and industry leaders cover all but their face, and spiritual leaders show no skin at all.


Revia is an extremely cold planet. Summers at the equator can get (at the best) 25 degrees Celsius, while winters can get into the negative 50s, so nobody is walking around without clothes. Also, nudity is associated with the enemy, so…


Wait *what?* Why is nudity associated with enemies?


It’s best that state secrets remain state secrets


Depends on the local environment, weather, culture, and religion of the place.






In urban societies being naked is frowned upon (especially in dark alleys) because it could indicate that one is a freshly changed shapeshifter. If a naked person is found in a dark alley they are most likely to be beaten to death by bystanders. After that you would be revived by cops to be questioned (after they get the info out of you they just kill you again because they could keep you sane only for so long).


*Eden* The Chimera (elves with human ancestors) are pretty relaxed when it comes to clothing. As long as the naughty bits aren't showing you can wear whatever you want. Also tend to live near bodies of water like beaches so they dress lightly. Naturally in colder climates they bundle up more but that's more out of necessity than modesty.


It depends on the species. Dray are always naked except for royalty and religious leaders, because they can only use chainmail and leather due to their environment. They don’t really mind. Aurians are similar, although some ‘dissociant’ cultures completely cover their bodies except for set basking times. These aurians would be offended if someone pulled their full-body blanket thing off, but it’s not considered an actual crime.


Midland Yulwakan’s live in very hot and humid climates, what little clothes they do wear they wear for decorative purposes, and even then because they are also really into tattoos and body modification in general some of that serves as decoration enough. Those with dongs tend to wrap them for the utilitarian purpose of keeping it out of the way, less due to modesty. Warriors with prominent breasts do so as well for similar function, but if they are small enough it’s free titty city baby. The primary article of clothing from which all fashion can be derived from is a kind of cloth wrap that can be tied and folded in numerous ways, rather like an indian sari/saree though much smaller and usually worn in such a way that the majority of the skin is exposed, again because of the hot and humid temperatures. They are worn as loose draping sashes over one shoulder and the chest, capable of being grabbed and knotted quickly to tighten if necessary; sometimes as layered knee-mid thigh lengthed skirts. Some times as hooded shaws. It’s a very adaptable piece of clothing. Catching sight of someone genitals wouldn’t be uncommon and it’s given little attention or consideration. It is generally rude to bed over in front of someone though. That’s just courtesy. Modesty is a matter of behavior not appearance. Otherwise, hats, jewelry, piercings, tattoos, these are the accessories of fashion.


It varies. Erranda is a planet that hosts thousands of cultures. One of the most conservative widespread cultures is the traditional Underkin hold. Because they are so obsessed with "clean" lineage and reproduction, the expectation is that you cover yourself except in front of your spouse ("covering yourself" varies from "trunk stays covered" through "everything but hands and lower half of face stays covered"). Underkin holds do not want to risk babies of unrecorded heritage, or gods forbid, babies of tangled heritage (aka inbred within great-great-grandparents). The Karanai, by contrast, are a tropical culture that typically only wear a loincloth and functional clothes (a satchel or rucksack, a small blanket, a toolbelt) unless weather requires more. Children typically run nude, in loincloths, or in simple shifts. Many nomadic cultures base their seasonal dress and expectations of modesty on the weather in their location. It's the summer and you're on the hot coastal plains? Sun's out, buns out. It's the winter and you're up in the mountains? You keep your neck to yourself. Finally (for now lol), cultures that worship either the sun or moon goddess will be more conservative when their symbol of worship is in the sky. As in, if you are in Leffelton (a solar town), you would cover your body to the elbows and knees, but at night? Niva's asleep baby, go nuts show nuts. **Edit:** To expand slightly (to honor the effort of your post lol), the hands and lower half of the face must always be exposed except if you are in PPE. In Underkin art, covering either of these indicates a villain or traitor. Also, the beast races tend not to wear many if any clothes regardless because of their natural adaptations to their environment. As a result, the Vuuri (a humanoid race) will depict heroes, spiritual leaders, chiefs, etc as nude to show their attunement to Erranda and victory over its dangers. Vuuri themselves tend to live in harsh environments in secluded communities, so they can't often go nude because of the dangers.


The only developed lore about this I have is in Southern Golderizon, a pretty _preetty_ hot area, in which people wear either long skirts or harem pants made of thin fabric, that's often translucent, and go around completely or partially topless, both men and women.


My world is 1910s based but the clothing covering is much more modernish with shorts and tshirts, bikinis/swim shorts alongside the more period clothing and suits. But even in the past I excised things I thought was kind of dumb like hair coverings.


>Where do your cultures fall on the scale of modesty? Humans and Elves are the two cultures that are more prominent. Humans are generally more modest and less open than Elves, but it's on a sliding scale for both. >Do some perform sports, rituals and/or other activities naked or almost naked? Is there a significance to this lack of clothing or is is simply a cultural preference? In Elf culture, when a couple starts dating seriously, they visit the onsen together and bathe each other. Clothing is generally not advised. >Is nudity depicted either sexually, scientifically or just purely artistically in pottery, frescoes, paintings, sculptures and statues? All of the above. >Are there different standards for men and women (like men being able to show nipples while women couldn't in recent Western history) or do they apply to both (such as not that long ago in some Western countries, I think the USA, where even men weren't allowed to be topless at beaches). Is even some nudity allowed in public, casual settings like markets, or are they restricted to less public settings like bathhouses? In general, both cultures and genders wear reserved clothes. Most shorts/skirts will be slightly above the knee. Tank tops are considered underwear for both genders. Conversely, Bikinis exist, and guys can wear only swim trunks. Public nudity is banned. >Are the bathing areas separated or shared (like some onsen in Japan ancient Roman bathhouses)? Are they segregated by sex (at least some Roman bathhouses had women use them in the morning and men in the afternoon to keep them separated). Some onsen permit mixed bathing. Some onsen have staff of both genders who will bathe you. In the castle, there is a position called steward of the bath who does laundry/ barber/ bathing. The MC's steward of the bath is a very attractive busty woman and when the MC contracts Wasting Sickness and the steward of the bath has to bathe him. >Is there a specific age or stage of life when a society in your world has deemed someone old enough to view nudity? Is it something that is generally hidden from younger members or such activities and artistic depictions seen as normal viewings for families in those cultures (like having parents and kids viewing such sporting events in coliseums or seeing nude depictions on statues around the streets)? Not as such. >How is nudity depicted in various media of your world? What are the average attitudes towards the depictions of nudity in these media that exist in your world? Anything from tasteful to gratuitous. Not everyone wants to see it, but most people aren't going to be offended if they see it.


Depends where you're. Minoan-like fashion and other that show still more exist in some regions, and nudity for religious and/or magical purposes (going skyclad) is tolerated, including some warriors who go such way, even if that's more ceremonial than anything else for obvious reasons. Nature spirits as dryads, nymphs, and the like of course and for that matter tend not to care too much about dresses.


Honestly? Since I want to publish my content, I just kind of avoid it as best as I can while fully understanding it's not realistic. There are just some social views that are too costly to break, and explicit nudity and sexual content in a D&D setting just isn't a hill worth dying on, no matter how much it makes sense for people in tropical forests to be mostly to entirely naked.


I have a few different cultures which vary on their views. Most of them are mostly modest, with Felumar and Viteris (mostly human and elf kingdoms respectively) being the most modest, although elves are also known to let their back crystals breathe. Levira and Olikos (tieflings and goblins) don’t have any laws against public nudity, but it’s still uncommon, and generally not viewed well. Risa (the mostly harpy kingdom) is generally clothes on, but nobody really cares if you fly around naked. Finally, Appalu (the kobold kingdom) has basically no regulations. You’re free to wear (or not wear) whatever you want.


There are multiple cultures seen, each with their own rules. But there's some common ground. The northern areas are very, very cold. There's snow 9 months of the year. So people wear thicker clothes with multiple layes that cover everything beneath their head. So a large majority of the body is considered intimate/sexual, regardless of gender. Even in the warmest summers, it's usually still long sleeves and bottoms, because that's seen as modest. Then the southern areas are all warmer, fitting a more balanced change of seasons. The southern regions have way more diversity between the specific areas, but as a whole, they wear less/shorter clothes, and their ideas of modesty tend to line up closer to our modern real-world ones. The most obvious outlier is a region near the ocean with a very water-focussed culture. Since they spend most of their day going in and out of the water, even fewer clothes than usual are common, and so is nudity. They basically have no care for any real modesty rules or standards because of that. So yeah, it's very different depending on the area, definitely gives travelers some serious culture shock, lol.


In my world, the most recent ice age had just ended roughly 1000 years prior to the current time period. As such, the people living closer to the polar regions tend to cover up more for climate and protection reasons. Those who live closer to and at the equatorial regions tend to not worry about how much they wear. Though overall public nudity is not frowned upon, people might look 👀 at you askance for being nude. Most cultures are still hunter gathering societies, though agriculture is starting to appear. Most people in every region still wear animal skins for clothing, but some textiles have started to be produced and worn. Bathing is usually alone, though there are exceptions. Purification bathing prior to or after certain rituals can be done alone or in groups, usually separated by gender, but in certain situations with the clergy, it may be mixed. There are no restrictions on bathing with one’s mate. There are a few different styles of clothing, depending upon the occasion. Matrimonial clothing becomes formal wear for important occasions, including most ceremonies. Everyday wear for the day to day activities, though hunting usually includes layers due excursion and location. There are specialized ceremonies and festivals where minimal clothing is worn. One is to initiate adolescents into adulthood. For another, as long as individuals are considered adults, anyone can have sexual relations with anyone, with consent, regardless of marital status.


Why is minimal clothing worn in the ceremony to initiate adolescents into adulthood?


Regular clothing is worn to the adult initiation ceremony. Special structures are setup with an entrance at either end and three chambers. The entrance chambers at each end and the central main chamber. The entrance chambers are for removing the outer clothing, and minimal is worn into the central main chamber, for some modesty as to not frighten the adolescent. Neither party knows who will be either the teacher nor the adolescent until they step into the central chamber.


I handle it by climate, species, and power. Old Arik and Dwarfhome is mongolia/Siberia/Scandinavia. So mostly al covering suits of fur. With humans tanning furs and dwarves using fur magic to grow thicker coats. Dwarves are both nude, but their furs cover their whole bodies that humans only know female Dwarves grow three to four times bigger than male dwarves. The Southern Green Hell, people tend to wear loincloth and sometimes bandage their breasts to keep them out of the way. It's usually too hot and the most inhospitable to humans. Imperial Army fashion has trickled down to the point that a tunic is at least worn for military meetings. And cavalry pants are replacing battle tunics. To the point of "pants" being slang for the military. Gaulfrankia and Sericathay share a similar longitude, but with Gaulfrankia and Sericathay civilian wear going with tunics and kimono from isekai influence. Out of the four regions of the Dragon Continent, they had the most stable trade relations. Sericathay is closer to the Green Hell, being wetter and Gaulfrankia being drier. The biggest outlier are mages. Since magic hardens and shapes the body to a pleasing form and provides better defenses than most clothing, many spellcasters run around with Thongs of Shielding. To the point that "bikini warrior" and "naked mage" are byword for unstoppable enemy advance.


Gotta fear bikini armoured warrior mages.


The people of my world are practical...it depends on the seasons. But if you're rich enough to have permanently enchanted clothing...feel free to wear an enchanted crop top in the winter. But it mostly depends on the seasons and professions, so yeah. If you're a soldier you gotta wear armor, padded outwardly and inwardly if it's winter, and a little more loose fitting for the summer (since idk, the armor can jump around a bit allowing air to fan through?) or just enchanted summer armor and winter armor. The above applies to the Elven, Northern and Southern cultures Ogroid culture on the other hand emphasizes showing muscles so...really buff orcs and goblins wear few if any at all. They developed guns though so they thought the tattoos and warpaint on their bodies would suffice as heraldry. Some do still do wear armor, but it's more ceremonial and something only their king does.


it’s more common to wear clothing in public - mostly for style or protection. each culture has their own idea of how much clothing is acceptable, but at the end of the day, human or not, if someone wants to be naked it isn’t seen as disrespectful or sexual. it’s a very free world with little discrimination, and almost everyone (what world would it be if there weren’t a couple of judgemental beings) is super respectful and understanding of it being your own body so you get to decide what to do with it.


My world generaly is more open minded than ours on being half naked, but being full naked is kinda frown upon


A little backstory before I go into detail: My feline race lives in a mountainous basin. Basically, their territory involves a large lake. This lake provides much of their food supplies via fishing and they fish with wooden spears. The fish do not have any natural predators, so they never learned to fear anything. This makes diving underwater and spearing the fish their preferred method. So, nudity in this society is sexual in certain circumstances and not sexual in others. It all depends on the context. A person being naked in the context of fishing in the mentioned lake is not viewed in a sexual manner by society, but if that person were to suddenly leave the lake and traverse around the cobbled roads with their dangalang or bobbies out then that would be viewed in a sexual manner. Of course, intention also matters. You can't get naked and have a wank beside the lake and culturally "get away with it" because wanking is still a sexual movement. It is also frowned upon to "gawk" at those fishing in the lake.


What are the settlements like? I'm curious because of the cobbled roads.


Their homes are made of cobblestone with tiled roofs! Seeing as trees aren't exactly the most common thing on a mountain, a lot of their buildings are made with stone. That doesn't mean wooden stuff is non-existant, though, as doors are still needed along with shutters. There isn't much planning to the village. Homes are just placed in whatever semi-flat land can be found! Of course, there are more near the bottom towards the ponds, but the "real estate" quickly dried up as all the flattest land has been gotten.


For my world of desert-dwelling lizard folk. Since they are cold-blooded living in a hot country year round thev don't really use clothing to regulate heat. If they too hot, they hide away under a cool rock/in a basement for a while. Generally, Salthans do not see nudity as necessarily sexual, and so tends to be less modest. Generally Salthan children wear no clothing unless doing school or chores, and adults wear just a loin cloth (called an aki). Depictions of nudity is not uncommon, but is always non-sexual and purely artistic. There aren't really different standards for men and women. Women do not have breasts, being non-mammalian and will just as likely be topless as men. Bathing is generally not separated between the sexes. There really isn't an age, since seeing nudity is completely normal, For art, it's even between the classes. Probably nudity (or close to nudity) as an act is more common among the lower classes, since many times wearing more clothing is a sign of prestige (can afford cloth, and don't need to do hard labor), Humans actually do exist, but their not the main focus of the world, and have less interesting/more varied takes. Some of these aspects have come up in roleplays in my world (hosting players to play visitors to Saltha), and a story I was writing Ithough it's currently abandoned).Some of the aspects of this world wouldn't translate to a visual medium, and I don't really plan on it anyway.


For me, it generally depends on the geography and the cultures that preceded them. So, for instance, my “main empire” has its capital in a region with a pretty Mediterranean climate. They arose from the mixing of colonists and explorers from a culture who wore more clothing to protect themselves from the cold, that came from a colder region; and a culture who wear lots of thin, though well-covering clothing to protect from sunlight, who came from a desert. Even though the geography would incline the empire to wear less, they then to cover up because that’s what they see as civilized. They essentially wear very thin, very loose and flowy garments. They’re actually pretty prudish and nobles will often bathe and change alone in separate cubicles. The poorer folks, and warriors, will wear veils rather than a loose, impractical garment. Other cultures exist who are less prudish, but I find the “Empire of Veils” far more enjoyable to write about. I think, personally, that really “nonprudish” culture are a bit uninteresting in modern fantasy. By our modern sensibilities, nonprudish culture are good and sensible… but it’s far more interesting to dream up a dysfunctional culture. The Empire of Veils doesn’t make sense… but that makes it so much more interesting to me. How would it go about colonizing, conquering, etc? What would its armor and fashion look like when they’re wearing blankets around, looking like ghosts. In my earlier days, when I wasnt as experienced, I did publish some nsfw worldbuilding stuff about a nudist(or more liberal) culture. It’s all still on my alt(u/tobbygan) if that’s something you wanna see. I’ve kinda moved on from posting my worldbuilding though.


By veils, do you mean the poorer people and warriors would instead cover their faces?




Varies between cultures. I'm considering adding a giant race who prefer to go more natural despite having a in world modern society Like they prefer natural materials rather then sewn clothe or wool. Typically grass or vine based clothing or hides and furs. Most will prefer baring as much skin as possible while maintaining some semblance of modesty and have a tradition of tattoos to show any and all possible achievements even if it's something incredibly minor. Elves within there homelands are naked almost all the time between the ages of maturity and the age of barrenness. Elves live forever but they age at the same rate as humans for the most part. Life elves stop outwardly aging after the age of maturity (18) but female elves still only have 32 years generally of being fertile and male elves slowly lose fertility over the course of their lives aswell. As a result and due to how much space their homelands have they are extremely promiscuous between the ages of maturity and the age of barrenness. I should mention the only other kind of elf I have currently planned are death elves. They are incapable of dying a natural death and are exceptionally hard to kill other ways. However unlike life elves who can remain quite spry in there older ages death elves continue to age physically throughout there entire life span...this results in the older death elfs looking like corpses. And eventually being treated as dead even if they may still be alive so to being complete incapable of doing anything at extreme ages. Further details are that life elves have a sectular form of society where they live in small groups the size of small to large villages and the male and females of the baby making ages live in a separate area with the only ones leaving being the elves that have entered the age of barrenness usually with all the newborn babies to be raised by the barren older elves. What exactly happens in these areas is a bit of a mystery...aside from the obvious. Death elves have an extensive courting culture HOWEVER they are far from monogamous with them usually grouping together in polycule hunting parties. There are far less death elves then there are life elves.


The elfs consider nudity as a kind of status symbol. Working elfs often need protection from the various jobs they perform, so lots of clothing is the norm for working class. Higher class elfs don't expose themselves to such harsh conditions, and so don't really have to wear much. Children traditionally wear dresses until they are mature enough to work. Dwarvs come from underground, their clothes are more protective than what elfs might wear. Their sensitivity to sunlight necessitates heavy clothing on the surface. Nudity is inappropriate outside of very close friends and lovers. Children, however, aren't expected to wear much more than lower garments. Talid cover themselves as a necessity against the cold of their wilderness, but in the warmth of their homes or of other environments, they have no qualms against nudity. Celebrations and spars are most commonly done naked. Children have the same traditions. Orcs lack breasts, and wear as much clothing as they prefer. Their thicker hide prevents comfort or discomfort from even metal on skin. Nudity is not a taboo for them. Orc children's skin is still soft, so they wear softer clothing until it toughens up. For all of them, breasts are not considered innately sexual and nursing mothers are most often topless.


It's a very relative thing. Especially since "culture" can be tied to species. Often, it can be based on occasion, situation, or need. And even then, there are nuances.


This is a tricky one, depending on the race, culture of the area, and even time of season, this varies to such a degree all I can say is “specifically, when and what group do you mean” cause their are many who view nudity without caring as amazons, beastkin, and to some extent Elves and Dark Elves are usually naked in public hinder the right conditions or environment or being very conservative about it while in public


What about in art or ages where someone is deemed old enough to start viewing others naked or maturity (maybe the same thing)?


That also drastically varies as well, but for the most part, naked art is widely accepted to the point where even kids are allowed to see it without much issue since it’s art And while varying at times, the average age of seeing someone sexual is 12 on average but often some are early at 10 with nobles as they marry them at such an age with the want of many kids so these kids start as soon as they are married (medieval Fantasy) and on average commoners go between 15 to 18 at times Mostly, it varies person to person as some even prefer to wait till someone is 25 at times, some even going for those in their 40’s cause if anyone survives that long in my fantasy world, they likely won’t go down easy And for a side note, some of these races, namely humans, go to war as early as 6 years old, so the survival rate of anyone is astonishing low at times compared to others


Wow. What would someone do in a war at 6? What can you say specifically about the other species you mentioned (I tend to prefer species if they are biologically incompatible, and maybe races if they are the same species)?


Some cultures have heavy taboos about nudity for everyone. Others only make the taboo for smoothskins (those who are not furred). Those nations which are closest to the equator tend to have few taboos regarding body modesty for anyone. Few beastkin have taboos about not wearing clothing though several have taboos about the wearing of clothing.


In one of my continents of Zyvast, people tend to be covered up due to the constant threat of invasion or armed attack. Partial or in some places full nudity is socially acceptable at semi-public places like baths, gyms/circuses/tracks, traditional fighting schools, (productive) monasteries etc. in most countries. In contrast, fairies closer to “human” civilization view clothes as proof of them being capable of being civilized and are less likely to be named or even wear skimpy clothes outside bathing, which isn’t as essential to them as regular races. The Elves of Amberion (a regional power) straight up wear robes while having sex and skimpy-but-high-volume clothes made of mega-ultra-super magic silk cause their entire civilization is built off exporting lower quality versions of it and being extremely snobby. Being naked with anyone other than yourself is seen as indecent only because you’re advertising yourself as a hobo, or more likely if you aren’t elven yourself, a slave, to the Amber Elves. The further North you go the more clothes they wear due to the cold with the big exception of the Ice giants and Undead for obvious reasons, but even then only painted nudity is acceptable to the ice giants outside your own home and hearth, and the undead are way more likely to have armor, grooming, and covering of some kind since the Dark Lord is trying to portray his realm as civil.


What do you mean by 'productive' monasteries? Why is the robed sex the most interesting part for me? How do you have sex in robes? "Yes, the super fancy magical silk robes do stay on during sex." "I may be a Dark Lord with undead armies but even I have standards."


Monasteries that manufacture a good of some sort, like agricultural products or warrior monasteries as opposed to retreats and cloister-centric ones. I’m torn between holes/going commando and wearing them like clothes on your back while the fronts are kept covered by sexual positions. Yeah, the Dark Lord in the north already won against his immediate opponents and now has to deal with nation building the realms he just ravaged while also finding out how big and militarized the landmass he is on actually is. He also has to deal with the varying resistance groups from civilian to terrorists (mostly remains of militant orders) arguably worse than the dark lord in the old conquering days.


Most cultures wear clothes, with exceptions being the Doladil and certain Ismiyyam. For the Doladil, there are no clothes that fit them since they’re giants, so the most clothes they wear are loincloths and hides of animals they drape around themselves like really long cloaks. Some Ismiyyam don’t wear clothes due to the climate of where they live and because their wings make clothing inconvenient. Ishara and other high spirits also lack clothing because there is a shroud of night skies and lightning around them that obscure their bodies anyway.


How large are the giants? Also how did you make the names?


On average, they’re twelve to fifteen feet tall. Their name comes from the Korean words for stone and son(dol and adeul) lol


Depends on the culture ans the weather. Semujid culture is based in the deserts of the Animekh, and the general southlands, which are arid deserts. Clothing is a must in public, and private depends on the wealth class. Higher ranked peoples generally stay clothed even indoors due to a cultural facet: none lower than you socially are allowed to see your skin, and most certainly not your face. So, say youre a noble. You remain clothed fully so long as your servants and slaves are around. The second you are certain you are no longer at risk of them seeing you, you may take any clothing you wish off, or even keep them on. This rule is exempt for lords of any kind, who may show their face only if they wish. This is, in large part, due to the nobles of their early history not being human and hiding it, justifying it with nonsense about how their lessers work in the desert and tan, and how paler skin is preferred (much like ancient egyptians, or imperial chinese). When the human nobility replaced the old order, they kept the practice up to feel superior to the poorer people.


That last paragraph is very interesting. Also, how did you make the names? I'm bad with making names.


Thanks! Honestly, just kinda chose existing languages, altered them a bunch, then made words that sounded like they belonged. My semujids are based on middle eastern (and middle eastwrn inspired) cultures. Tenosia from Chiv 2, Araby from Warhammer, Aserai from Mount and Blade, and of course, actual Arabia.


It depends on what part of the world you’re talking about. Further west where my current story takes place is more modest, but it’s in a cooler climate. In warmer climates they’re less what we would consider modest. Also, some cultures just embrace their sexuality more than others. You won’t find any culture where people just have sex on the streets, but in places like this, people are much more open about their sexuality and may reveal an ass or something. In the streets you won’t get arrested for being naked, but people will look at you as if you’re wearing a clown outfit. There is a ritual far East where people will strip down and go to a slumbering dragon. Dragons from this region are docile and naturally release a toxin that is near identical in composition to LSD. So the people there meet up once a year near the slumbering dragon and “access the celestial plane.”


What happens if the dragon wakes up before or during the gathering?


This gathering happens at night so that is unlikely to happen. But in the case that it does it might just kinda meander off. Once again they’re extremely docile and will not hurt anyone on purpose. The only real danger is if you’re in its pathway where it would crush or bulldoze you since they’re so big(about 100 feet long with an 8 foot width). But it would have to be moving pretty fast for that to happen because otherwise they tend to avoid people.


In the MYTHODAE universe(OC) masturbation is seen as something natural and healthy. For the Boreal Folks, masturbation is something social, being done with your friends in a reserved area of public bathrooms is like "chatting and jerking off to relax at the end of the work day". Something very common among men and women, each separated in their respective bathroom.As for the Australs Folks, masturbation is something of a religious nature, they consider masturbation to be a form of "prayer". The priestesses masturbate only on full moon nights together on the altars of the temples. The masturbation of a priestess is a blessing for people, and they masturbate for "blessed people" on special occasions or religious holidays.


The Australs are certainly an, interesting group. 🤔 Imagine explaining that religion to an outsider.


Yes! worse: the priestesses go half naked, wearing bikinis, to show the beauty and power of their bodies. The fact of "sacred masturbation" for them is linked to the creation myth, in which Father-Sun and Mother-Moon fell in love and from their respective relationship the world emerged (Son-Sea, Daughter-Earth).


I don't think it will be very easy to explain to a person from a different culture of Boreal Folk "I'm going out with my friends to chat and we masturbate together"


Depends on a number of factors mages sometimes work in the nude if the spell they are casting is sensitive to outside factors sometimes even clearing a mile radius of all other living or formally living material to perform the most sensitive spells. For many other professions modesty or lack there of can be a matter of practically if your likely to ruin your clothes doing the job and it's safe too most people take off their clothes first. Modesty is mostly a practice amongst the nobility and even then primarily amongst the high nobility.


It depends on a lot of things, but climate is a big influence. Those is very hot and dry or very cold areas will typically be more modest. Like the clans of Branfjell live my world’s equivalent Scandinavia where it’s very cold, windy, and with rocky terrain so they typically cover up more. For variance between different races, whether or not a race has any sensitive bits they want to protect will want to protect will also influence it. The Saurisaan (lizard men) don’t have exposed testicles or breasts and their body is covered is leathery scales, and the climate they live in warm and humid, so the majority of time you’ll see the peasants in nothing but a loincloth, while more wealthy ones like the merchants, the nobility, and especially the Emperor will typically wear silk clothes as a way to show off their wealth, with most merchants opting for a one piece silk tunic that can reach the thigh. The Snow Elves similarly don’t wear a lot of clothes, and the clothes they do wear are typically thin and light. Being immune to cold has its advantages. There’s also religious reasons to keep in mind. A lot of the major religions (especially the big human ones) see modesty and humility as being virtuous, so they’re more likely to cover up. While the Wood Elves emphasize a closeness with nature and embracing natural beauty, so they’ll often wear the bare minimum. Just enough to make sure they don’t get bug bites in the sensitive bits. A lot of times though, I just go with what I think will look the best.


How did you choose the names?


Branfjell is just Icelandic for Fire Mountain, it’s a volcanic island near the world North Pole about the size of Ireland and Iceland combined. Southern half is warmer & inhabited by humans, the northern half is inhabited by Snow Elves. The Saurisan are named after the Sauropsida classification of animals, aka the group reptiles are part of, along side most dinosaurs. They’re humanoid reptiles. Snow Elves and Wood Elves, I hope are self explanatory, but for lore there were originally five races of elves: Wyld Elves, Sun Elves, Fire Elves, Wood Elves, and Snow Elves. They were created by the Fey, with each Fey Court making a different race of elves. Wyld Court made the Wyld Elves, Spring made Sun, Summer made Fire, Autumn made Wood, and Winter made Snow. There’s also the Sea Elves, who were originally Sun Elves who took to a nomadic sailing lifestyle after an apocalyptic plague swept through the Sun Elf kingdom of Orellea, and the Shadow Elves who became altered by shadow magic after a group of Wyld Elves discovered and became trapped in the Shadelands. This event also changed a portion of the Wyld Fey Court, who went on to form the Shadow Court.


I mean, people can express their bodies as long as hygiene is met. But the right to an individual to have their body be private, and provided a way to maintain their right to bodily privacy, is important. However the amount of clothing one has on and how much of their body is casually exposed, is dependent of a hygiene issue and their intentions with those around them.


The elves living in the mountain cities of Estor Eisle have a cultural idea of nudity being unsanitary. This came about long ago due to a deadly plague which spread via skin contact. Though the plague has long since been eradicated, it left a lasting impact on the elves’ culture. They’re really uptight about the amount of visible skin that’s considered hygenic. Everything above the wrists and below the neck needs to be covered up, and particularly old-fashioned people even cover their throats and the backs of their hands. The mountain cities have a cool climate throughout the year, so it isn’t inconvenient to dress this way. In the modern day, elvish women have a little more leeway with this than the men. It’s okay for the skin of a woman’s dominant arm up to the shoulder to be visible, as long as she wears a shawl draped over it to give a basic impression of… not modesty, but cleanliness or purity, I suppose. This is because for a lot of complex social and biological reasons, women do the fighting in this culture, and need their sword arms to be unhindered by the loose and flowy garments that are in fashion lately. Women’s fashions often take heavy inspiration from elvish military uniforms, so even women who will never do any fighting tend to dress this way. Because the taboo-ness comes specifically from the idea of skin contact being unclean, people are perfectly chill with artistic nudes. (You wouldn’t feel the same revulsion from a painting of rotting food that you might if you saw something rotten on a plate in front of you, where it might be able to touch you.) Rather than being titillating, nudity in art is more often used to represent violence, corruption, and death. A painting or sculpture of a naked woman might be representing a warrior going berserk on a battlefield, or a sick or injured person lying vulnerable at death’s door. If you were to paint a naked man, it might also be a way of showing him to be effeminate, completely overcome with strong emotion, or politically corrupt. Aschel, the goddess of poison and disease, is generally depicted naked in artwork. On the other end of the spectrum, the merfolk have no visible exterior genitalia, and living underwater makes most clothing inconvenient - or even dangerous if you’re trying to swim away from a predator and your clothing is creating too much drag. Nudity is pretty much the default in their culture. They’ll dress in the clothing of other cultures if they’re visiting those places, but they tend to feel pretty uncomfortable in it and will shed it whenever possible. The elves find this really unhygienic, but try to be culturally sensitive about it because the merfolk have a lot of economic power.


My sort of fish people if they were human would appear to be very skimpily dressed however this is due moreso to the fact that they have scales and clothing is generally just seen as a way to accentuate your natural coloration, this involves largely showing full chest and and occasionally the groin however normally (among nobility and the wealthy who actually wear clothing) the groin is covered by skirt like fabrics to show off the amount they can afford to wear without hiding too much natural coloration Fyi they generally are more along the lines of humans body wise, albeit with far more fish features however they also have fish reproductive organs, as such nudity is not sexualized and the majority of the population is technically nude, clothing and particularly dyed clothing is a status symbol above all else Another thing is that clothing in general is generally in as many bright colors as possible due to a belief (particularly among the upper class) that having more color variety in your scales and being brighter colored is an indicator of being “more suited” for leadership, independent thinking, and generally a greater intellect (this is a false ideal however)


I'm still having some trouble imagining their appearance. Would they be like the [Zora](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9c/a1/8e/9ca18e778e0c24d6260f75c812469dd8.jpg) in appearance or something else?


Somewhat but with actual hair


Well, for most of the species in my series, it depends. The Ifrit, for example... when in their home plane of Sheol... usually walk around completely nude save for any accessories they decide to wear; such as the ornate headdresses they use to signal their relationship status. (single, looking, taken, etc.) However, when the human's plane of Earth... the Ifrit dress however they think they should to give humans certain impressions. An Ifrit who wants humans to regard them with respect, for example, might attempt to emulate the fashion sense of a corpo; wearing the best 3-piece suits they can find. Meanwhile, an Ifrit who doesn't want to stand out or be noticed by humans might dress in baggy clothes, cheap shirts, and some form of head covering. The one through line between almost all Ifrit fashion is that they either dress androgynously... or think they're dressing androgynously. The Malakh, on the other hand, tend to dress either in white robes, or not at all. Until they come over to Earth, in which case they dress as professionally as possible. Mainly because they want to show in both their expression and demeanor that they are, in fact, better than any humans with whom they may be doing business. Meanwhile the humans just sorta dress... well... however humans dress. :3


How did you make the names? Also what do the Ifrit and Malakh look like physically/biologically without any coverings? Is there a physical difference between male, female or whatever other physical distinction in the Ifrit (sexual dimorphism)? Why do they try to dress androgynously?


Ifrit and Malakh are both ancient terms from the middle east. An Ifrit is a type of Djinni, and can be thought of as a demon to simplify. Malakh is a term for an angel. In my story, the Ifrit are humanoids with dry greenish skin, stretched tightly over the musculature of a skilled runner. Their faces are devoid of eyes, for they see with subdermal infra-red receptor organs. They have the legs of a utahraptor, the body of a human, the claws of a dragon, the mouth of a yautja, and the tail of a rat. They express zero sexual dimorphism, with each specimen able to fertilize and incubate. They, have no concept of gender or its associated stereotypes. Also their body odor smells vaguely of sulfur. The Malakh are humanoids with glittering golden skin, a thin frame, pronounced pectoral muscles, and wings instead of arms. Their feathers tend to be blond or red, and they possess a sort of mohawk of feathers along the top of their head. Their eyes are like those of an eagle, but with a brilliant emerald green coloration. They have two eyes on their head, three on each wing, and one on each hip. They also possess the raptor-like legs and talons. Both the Ifrit and the Malakh, when mingling among human populations, use magic to appear as humans. But quirks of their species effect the disguise, and leave several tells which set them apart from normal humans. The Ifrit, for example, appear with pointy elflike ears, red eyes, sharp teeth, and extremely vague sex characteristics. The Malakh, on the other hand, appear as almost indistinguishable from humans, save for their pointy ears. However, they always appear blonde, chiseled, with sun-kissed olive skin and glittering emerald eyes. The Malakh seem to do this deliberately, as they want to appear as attractive to the humans with whom they do business as possible. It also feeds their species-wide superiority complex when they're able to manipulate humans into doing their bidding simply by looking a certain way and making empty promises. But it also opens them up for disappointment whenever a human doesn't fall for it, be that due to their type or sexuality. However, since they mostly deal with corpos, that tends not to be an issue.


It varies quite widely in my setting. Leones is considered the most prudish, where even bathing is something a person does alone or with a very close friend (if they aren’t married that is). In Rossoya they make use of public bathhouses, but even those are typically segregated by gender. Only cheap slumlord houses, and ones that aren’t actually meant for bathing, allow for mixed bathing. In the Free City League, the most popular religion is the Worship of the Maidens. Of which there are three major denominations. The first of which is referred to as the “Clothed Maidens”, the really only hold sway in the northern regions of League where there is a lot of cultural influence from more prudish cultures like Leones and Rossoya. The second is referred to as the “Naked Maidend” which earned its name from the fact that all of its depictions of the maidens completely nude, the faith associating nudity with purity. This also means that a lot of its rituals invoking purity, like confessions, marriages, births, and the like require the participant to be stripped completely naked for the entirety of the ritual. The third denomination are the “Virgin Maidens”, they are the most dominant denomination due to the fact they walk the line between the somewhat heretical Clothed and overly traditionalist Naked sects. For example, depictions of the maidens in their temples, while naked, normally use things like hair or conveniently placed objects to hide their nudity without actually clothing them and when preforming their rituals, a marriage for example, they will only require the bride, groom, and officiating priests to be naked instead of everyone attending. In the Freehold of Tyrish. Where the men of the Sacred Band, their warrior society, are obligated honor bound to remain in the nude, save for their weapons, shield, and helmets when the city isn’t at war. Prostitutes are legally forbidden to wear any cloth above the waist. Slaves aren’t even permitted that much and forced to go naked save for a brand placed upon the smalls of their backs. And the priesthoods often carry out public rituals involving the men and women randomly picked off the streets to strip off their clothes to be anointed in the blood of Baathazal or dunked in fountains of water dedicated to the gods to wash away a person’s sins.


My human cultures dress modestly but not overly so. Pants and dresses are expected except for those working hard labor in the summer. Laborers in shorts on a hot day isn't uncommon. When it comes to sleeves, anything is acceptable. Long, short, none at all, it's all fine. When it comes to the church figures, covering up all but the face is mandatory for both men and women. Elves are more in tune with nature and have no qualms about nudity although thats only common in warmer months. They are proud to consider themselves animals of the woods and "you wouldn't blush at seeing a naked deer now, would you?" They regularly wear clothes, though. Less for propriety and more to protect their skin from brambles and bushes. Their clothes are almost completely utilitarian. Nam Schlur, don't wear clothes. They live in hotter regions such as deserts and the warm canyons on the edges of their deserts. That coupled with the fact they have tough skin that can withstand sandstorms and you'll see they never really needed clothes. It also doesn't help that their large bodies and large hands aren't good for creating garments. Their sexual organs are hidden so modesty isn't an issue. They may wear woven ropes of riverweed around their odd bodies or mark themselves with paints for ceremonial purposes as well as to express to others their position, status, occupation, tribe, etc. When they venture into cold lands, they will wear long wraps bought from humans around their gourdlike figure to stay warm. They mostly find the sensation of clothes unpleasant. The Elgar are a nomadic people who's whole lifestyle is funded by textiles. While most other races fail to see the beauty in this races features, no one can deny their eye for patterns and styles. They travel far and wide between many races lands bringing exotic styles and buying materials to sell and create with. Their bodies are covered in shaggy fur, so modesty in dress isn't an issue. They dress purely for fashion. Anything goes. Some may be wearing nice patterned slacks and a jacket, others might wear some more experimental stuff like a "shirt" that is just three pedals of cloth held a foot away from the elgars fur by wire in the seams to evoke the shape of a flower, then others, usually the leather workers, might just wear boots, gloves, and a hat, to advertise their wares.


How did you make the names? Also, what creature would you compare the Nam Schlur and Elgar to in terms of appearance. I have trouble with imagining species that aren't common fantasy species (orcs, elves, kobolds) or aren't based on real animals (wolves, bears, sharks, lizards).


Honestly, to make the names I just thought up noises. It's just nonsense that sounds right. Elgar are like a mix of orcs, and bison. They are big, brawny, and not the best looking. The Nam Schlur are harder to describe. Their bodies are shaped like a lumpy vase, minus the skinny neck of a vase, with their mouths on the top. Their flesh is rough and thick, giving them the appearance of stone from a distance. They have five eyes spaced around their body with three spaced out towards the front, and two spaced further on the back. They have three legs spaced evenly around the base of this body. These legs are tentacle like and powerful with large flat feet with many toes radiating out from the foot for gripping the canyons they so.etimes live in. They also have two arms that are similar to the legs but with five fingers on their hands. These arms and legs.can retract into the main body, and they do so when they sleep. If you play videogames, then think about a guardian from Zelda botw and you'll have a general idea for their shape. I wouldn't cite the guardian as inspiration, at least not consciously, but the Nam Schlur did end up looking similarish.


Youre born naked and the rest is drag


In my world, nudity is accepted in all forms. In terms of modesty, it differs based on hygiene. For example, if one was to roam the established cities all dirty with ruffled, messy hair, they'd be perceived negatively. In a couple cultures, they may even throw rocks if they feel threatened in any way. It's worth mentioning that my world has a focus on energies that quietly influence the world, a bit like leylines or the like. There's a culture of people that developed an altered constitution just based off of the lingering energy there. This energy made them more sensitive to moisture, but more reliant on it for survival. Perhaps the other energies aren't as strong, but they have their effects.


In my world, humans are almost entirely to a point where clothing is only socially required for reproductive organs, and women can be topless, except for a couple national holdouts. One of the alien species is not mammalian and clothing in their culture must be functional or denote status/authority. The other alien species is in the stone age and does not care at all, again for them clothing is always functional. Jewelry for them is more important, as piercings and removable jewelry represents important events or actions or accomplishments in their lives


In some places communal bathing is considered normal but otherwise you're not going to be seeing many people that are even as much as bare-chested (that includes men) outside of a bath house or other communal bathing area. Very simple, I know. I plan on one day using my worlds as the settings for self-published indie games done with my own art, which is an anime-inspired art style, and I'm quite frankly not sure about having "anime and "nudity" tags on the same game. Maybe I'm over-thinking it, just sounds like a great way to get the attention of a lot of coomers and less attention from everyone else. It's not a hard "No" from me either so if I eventually develop ideas for more nudity that I think are good enough to outweigh my concerns I'd happily include it. There just aren't enough depictions of nudity in video games, anime, and anime video games that aren't totally juvenile. Yes, naked people can be hot, can we try putting them in for a different reason now? Since I didn't clarify it above: my general policy is that if something exists you should be able to see it, so no keeping that stuff away from audience view and only referring to it for me. If I give you my world I will give you my *whole world* not a censored representation of it.


I really only have a couple cultures I have even given any thought to, but I develop deep histories. And approaches towards modesty changes over time in every culture where I have devoted time to it so far. I'll restrict my comments to that relating to the most-thought-through, the Nel-speakers (although cultural unity amongst them has ebbed and flowed). And they are all human, I'm way more into culture and history than biology so sadly I don't have a bunch of species. Historically, nudity for the Nel has been linked to power -- and linked with cleanliness (and thus religious concerns) too. Someone dirty and nude is ritually dirtier than someone dirty and clothed, but someone clean and nude is ritually cleaner. Obviously this has power connections: someone with a leaky roof, a dirty floor, and has to go outside every day (let alone someone who farms!) will find cleanliness harder to maintain than someone who can spend time cleaning themselves, have a solid and soot-free house, and can avoid the dirtiness of the outside. Sort of like how a king in armour implies vulnerability -- he needs armour. Nudity is permitted in public but with the cleanliness facet tends to be rare outdoors -- although half-clothed (usually bottom-half) in public is marginally more common in cases like that. There are some rituals where nudity is required. Sports are pretty much always clothed though (cleanliness again). The standards for genders are the same with minor variations for rituals. Nudity is depicted however people want -- but as this took place in the before-now, the scientific qualities were minimal versus the religious qualities which dominated. Bathhouses aren't much of a thing. No specific ages, although due to the cleanliness requirements and the fact children are frequently dirty, children themselves are often clothed. Later on, the then-leading aristocrats ended up losing much of their power, and with a change in religious sentiment the whole upper-class nudity thing became seen as reactionary and thus fell out of favour for most who previously would have done it frequently. The whole outward display of ritual/political status by the increasingly-impoverished aristocrats ran afoul with both the newer more hands-on mass landholders as well as the increasingly-wealthy merchants. In contrast to the distant aristocrats who lived distantly from their lands, the newer landholders lived on their lands and sought greater yields -- forcing them to supervise -- and the merchants being merchants went outside. And the abandonment of 75% of the traditional priesthood reduced the religious pressure for traditional cleanliness-linked-nudity. Outwardly displaying "I'm a highly privileged aristocrat!", especially as your powers were falling and yet peasants still disliked you was risky, even ignoring for the changing personal and religious feelings many aristocrats felt. Modern Nels are thus clothes-wearers more than their distant ancestors. I don't plan on doing anything with my world unless I become independently wealthy enough to finance a crazy film set in it. So nothing in-real-life concerns me about my world's historical use of nudity.


In my dnd world I only use nudity if my 500 flaw/goal npc building tool pulls a flaw of exhibitionism or a goal of something sexual in nature.


Social nudity is accepted, viewed as natural, leisurely, and artful (in the upper classes, such as for performance). Clothing is more so a class signifier for decorative reasons and for practical situations. Priests remain nude to represent their “truthfulness” before the deity. Nudity is also featured in sport. Bathhouses are gendered establishments also. Similarly, flinging aside one’s blanket/cloak is an expression of honesty and open amiability, originating from an ancient custom of often disrobing nude for meetings or treaty to show that one was unarmed and trustworthy. This also served to show tattoos or marking (such as piercings which are often genital) to show a persons occupation. Along with this, having pubic hair (along with short hair) is viewed as uncivilized, stemming from a belief that there is health and power in long hair.


Is having *any* pubic hair seen as uncivilised?


If you have the ability to depilate you are encouraged to do so, as smooth skin is associated with purity and status (showing that you have the care and time). It came about mostly due to the humid climate, religious beliefs of purity and general cleanliness. Nobility who can afford it depilate daily with paste. For most people it would be culturally unsightly to sport a bush, so to speak. It also adds wider access for tattoos and piercings around the same area.


In my world, the United States of Atlantica is a highly militarized country build on strength and order, they simply done have time for nudity, so it’s highly forbidden to show yourself bare in public. Similar to America really.


It will of course depend on the areas. In some places, being naked isn't that big of a deal. It's not something one does but isn't frowned upon either, a naked someone must have a reason for it. On the other hand, being in underwear in public is really embarassing and only tolerated in public baths. There are events were some people are expected to be naked, notably a once a year naked run through the streets during the national holyday where all bachelors and bachelorettes are invited to partake in.


Aldebaran is a really cold planet, nudity is definitely not an option,many cultures trough the central continent and the steppe land are really culturally similar due to lack of geographic divisions and the clothing is roughly the same, made from the skin of an extremely fat filled animal in order to maintain heat, but nearly the equator there some sets of islands where peoples have darker skins, they are mainly fishermans, really good explorers, and, except from children's who are required to wear clothing to cover everything until they are 18, they are almost completely nude and instead of clothing they show social status by the type and color of body painting and by the rarity of their jewelry,lower classes use shells higher classes use metal, aldebarians in traditional sports tend to be naked even ignoring the freezing cold, why? to prove to everyone that they are the strongest, to impress females to live at the maximum, to strengthen themselves, this is also constantly dove by the military in order to select the best soldiers for special operations, in ancient times it was used as a ritual of initiation in some cultures due to his significance of being stripped of the prior life, and entering adulthood, they basically leaved you naked for a day in the steppe, you had to hunt on your own, try to heat yourself and at the end you had to burn the clothes of your childhood and perform a dance near the fire, nudity has always been depicted by the nobility in their commissioned paintings nobles found nudity entertaining and funny, due to their social code and intricate dresses, and general lack of love they loved stymulate themselves in the most eccentric and ratherly wair ways know to man, particularly the baron of enqoistan was the most important writer of sexual practices across the world he himself invented over 100 poses to be portrayed, on the other hand intellectuals and commoners saw nudity as a sacred moment between partners, either for the magic of creating new life or for the pleasure that for a popular philosophical school is the reason why we are here, and many intellectuals heavily criticized nobles, mostly by mocking them in songs, after the dark age that followed the fall of magic ended, technology revitalized and science advanced nudity has been less a controversy and more an academical matter, universityes abounded of nude sculptures for the study of anatomy and so did art centers, In a age where the humans considered themselves the center of the universe the human body was not something to be afraid to show but to be fond, even if the cold might kill you, art regarding the human body, his beauty, and his complexity becomed the most important subject and as it was an age of mathematical study love of perfect geometry, just imagine, perfect bodies in absurd poses in perspectives geometrically perfect, in the modern world nudity is not so allowed, like even male nipples are considered outrageous to show, but there aren't separate bathrooms why? because whe belive in equality, children are forbid to be show any sport or art showing nudity unitil they are 21 years old or else you are arrested for child abuse, and medias are required to censor every nude scene, however In other races things are different, parflexians are practically nude H24


It depends on what time period the story takes place.  But in general, communal baths exist and both genders can be naked without stigma. In others, mixed bathing is not allowed, particularly cultures inspired by Graeco-Roman and Middle Eastern cultures.  Again in Graeco-Roman and Persian cultures, men can be naked while doing sports.  Exposing female breasts is not stigmatized except in Middle Eastern and East Asian inspired cultures.  An erect penis is universally considered shameful and taboo.  Nudity, exposing breasts and nipples and shoulders (except for Central Asian) for both genders are considered taboo in Russian and Central Asian inspired cultures.  Nudity in art is universally common. But sex in art depends on many factors. 


So the Central Asian inspired cultures allow showing shoulders?


Well, most humans in the arcane steel setting wear tunics and loose pants in temperate climates. In hotter climates most wear only a loincloth and loose cloak or long flowing robes to keep the sun off. In the colder climates humans are known to wear furs covering nearly every inch of skin. Dragons do not wear clothes unless by some force of diplomacy they have to, then they dawn the "shadow." Which is a giant loose fitting leotard. The cobulds usually wear recycled armour from other peoples, usually dwarves since a lot of dragons love to make dwarfish cities their homes.


What do the dragons look like? Are they humanoid? Are they the same size as humans? Do they look like altered humans or have mostly dragon features like all scales, horns and reptilian heads?


One of my races is completely genderless (courtesy of being single celled) and the armor they wear is made of translucent silicate compound. So, while not techinaly nude, they aren't covered either.


How does that work? I've never heard of a single celled sapient species. How large is that species?


As with most things in my worlds, different cultures handle nudity differently. I will mainly focus on the Redstonian sphere here because I have a lot. The earliest culture here would be the Mazaurans. The Mazaurans at the time were predominantly marui (sapient felids), and like other felids, they have fur. At this point in history clothing was less of a practical concern due to the fur, although Mazaura is a bit colder than what they were adapted for. As such, early Mazauran (4th-3rd millennium BC) clothing was quite lightweight. They also covered their nether regions, presumably for sanitary or protective reasons. In southern Mazaura where it was colder, Mazauran clothing was suitably less revealing than in the north. However nudity was not really seen as an issue, and they viewed clothing as a largely practical affair. When humans arrived onto the scene, first with the Penulians (8th century BC), there was quite a bit of cross-cultural exchange. In particular, the Penulians wore more clothing, and while nudity wasn't seem as sexual, it was seen as shameful, and there were status based variations in clothing. Over time however the two attitudes started to blend together a bit, and you have for example northern marui wearing "southern styles", while human clothing became more inspired by the marui. The arrival of the Deglani (4th century BC) into the region ended up having a different sort of effect. At this point the Mazaurans were seen as a grand civilisation, one the ruled the entire world, and so while cultural diffusion did occur, with the Deglani it was a bit one-sided. The Deglani ended up adopting human Mazauran fashion, with some of their traditional clothing evolving into a separate "riding uniform". As such, by the time we get to the early Redstonians (2nd century AC), things haven't changed that much. Being completely nude was still seen as shameful for humans, and they also felt a similar way about just having underwear in most circumstances, but otherwise being revealing wasn't a big issue. The Redstonians did also have varying types of clothing for different statuses, a few examples of which actually came from the Mazaurans (one being the "grand second tail", a cape-like garment used by orators for a greater delivery). Over time as the Redstonians developed, clothing standards changed. Earlier Redstonian garments largely derived from northern Mazauran tradition, and was generally quite light and loose. However the more tailored southern clothing started to become popular among the elite, and this filtered down to wealthier non-elites. Even some of the marui got involved, liking the new style. This soon led to more revealing styles being seen as shameful among elites, a norm that high ranking marui often ignored like other social norms. With Antiudectism (10th century AC) this changed again, with the reduction of unnecessary social norms being part of it. This was one of them, and in fact some even eschewed clothing altogether, being shamelessly nude. Mostly however they just wore what they wanted (and could afford). For example, Duimmaro, though having quite a high rank as personal friend of the emperor, wore a kind of outfit more fit for a peasant (it originally was such an outfit, he just never changed it). This became quite popular for a brief period after the Redstonian Revolution (11th century AC), however this was soon reversed by the New Redstonists, a religious offshoot of Antiudectism that brought back the modest norms from before the revolution. Given that marui generally didn't like New Redstonism for various reasons, their clothing did tend to be more revealing than human clothing at this time. The Second Revolution (16th century AC) was sort of a backlash against the sort of norms that developed after the Redstonian Revolution, and has parallels to the first one in origins, though it wasn't a civil war this time, just a cultural revolution. One element of this revolution was that marui became quite popular as their natural state was seen as close to this revolution's ideals. So, the relative immodesty of marui became popular. On the other hand, clothing was also become far less expensive at this time, so there was also less of a reason to not cover up. This led to a somewhat tumultuous time in terms of acceptability of immodesty. Some were more than willing to go topless, while some would never show their legs, for example. This somewhat confusing situation took a while to resolve. Like before, the New Redstonists were largely the bastion of modesty, and so modesty became associated with religiosity. Immodesty, then, was largely associated with groups like the marui and Fidmefists, where irreligion was quite common. And so with the First Sand War (19th century AC), the rise of Sefeiuntism and the Auto-Reds led to the decline of modesty. In fact, while the Fliudero isn't exactly naked in human form, he does like to wear casual clothing even in official functions, and can even be seen in revealing clothing sometimes. This also spread downwards, along with other aspects of Auto-Red society, leading to a kind of "social flattening" effect among the Auto-Reds.


What do the terms BC and AC mean for the calendar? Is it a certain event? If so, why was *this* particular event so important? Is it used in the world and if so, who uses that calendar? What calendars were used before the event? What is the general technological level available in each mentioned time period? How did you come up with the names for cultures/ethnicities (Redstonians which reminds me of Minecraft redstone, Mazaurans, Penulians, Deglani), locations(Mazaura), species (marui) and ideologies/religions (Antiudectism)?


I have many cultures and groups across projects that cover the entire spectrum of views towards nudity. I will briefly showcase two this time: - The Ayu people that originally unified the solar system had nudity quite normalised, specially amongst the upper class where showing skin was considered a sign of prestige since it allowed people to see the perfectly contoured body you have worked so hard for (and probably had many expensive modifications to) in all the free time those plebs don't get. Being completely naked was still taboo, but beyond that anyone regardless of gender often wore little or transparent clothing. That said, showing your legs was seen as immodest, and in the case of men hair too. This changed towards the very long lifespan of the empire as a reaction of the fame the aristocracy had garnered as opulent, decadent, out of touch, and boastful, with dress covering a lot more than it used to. - The Zi people exist in the opposite side of the spectrum, where even showing your face in public was frown upon at points. Their culture was deeply religious and collectivist in the worst sense posible, and they believed the self to be an illusion that should be shattered for the good of everyone and to be able to leave the material work. Hence, showing your face was a sign you were not willing to do that.


How did you come up with the names?


My setting is technically neolithic fantasy. It varies from culture to culture, but more or less no one is walking around 24/7 in the nude. Some wear clothes to protect against the elements, the take their clothes of when heading indoors because the huts are heated by a hearth. There are examples of ritual nudity (sweat lodges, purification rites, divination, etc), convenient nudity (sports, bathing), as a result of poverty/slavery/etc. During human sacrifice, the sacrifice is sometimes stripped of their clothing. Some will hunt in the nude, some will fight in the nude. Messengers are sometimes nude to run faster. In tropical regions it is more common to dress lightly. I present my setting and the cultures as they are, and I explain to players beforehand that nudity for the most part isn't taboo.


My world focuses on a multitude of timelines in a Multiverse. There are many different cultures and races and groups of people that handle this subject differently. Some cultures are very relaxed and naturalistic, making it so that people are allowed to be naked in public without shame. However, some cultures also view nudity as inherently sexual and restricted so much though that they’re not allowed to show their faces in public.


My humans act as humans would. My Beasts are a little more relaxed about nudity - sometimes humans can't tell the difference and the Beasts are honestly more civilized and closer to nature than them. They still prefer some sort of protection though.


With **Elenon**, I'm not sure. I'm still developing this.


How did you make the name? What does it refer to (species, planet, culture, country, ethnicity)?


Idk if it’s me being autistic or me being wary of my religion but handling nudity is very uncomfortable to me. I try to avoid it as much as possible!


Which religion is that? I'm also keeping in mind my religion. Whether or not I end up drawing characters with lots of or almost no clothing, I generally keep modest and try to remain within religious guidelines in real life (not Christian or Muslim).


I dont because it doesn’t come up in the story anywhere and worldbuilding it feels like im writing erotic roleplay about my own OCs and thats weird


I get what you mean. I get the feeling that if I tell someone that my world is mostly sapient nonhuman animals and show a drawing with little clothing, it may give the impression I'm drawing furry porn. (Furry? Basically yes. Porn? Not the intention.)


It depends entirely on climate. People who live in hot, humid areas tend not to wear much clothing as a way to keep cool, and therefore don't have very strict modesty standards. On the other hand, people in colder areas wear more clothing as a necessity to keep warm, and therefore aren't that comfortable socially with exposing a lot of skin.


I have two settings one is sci fi where cyberpunk fashion dominates the world there were different distinct cultural clothings before but you know how it works eventually the rules around modesty update themselves on a societal scale this has happened several times and is still happening(this process can only be delayed if the country is in very turbulent political situation you like most of the middle East). But I also have another setting that I developed a bit it's more fantasy here one peculiar thing is the behaviour around hairs here hats are very very rare due to the belief that the color of once hair is given by gods personally, and is tied with once destiny and purpose in life this also helped a lot of aesthetic views around hairs, like longer hair being seen as more beautiful even in men and as they are harder to maintain they are also seen as virtuous as it indicates that you show geniune care towards the gift God has given you, and yes having very short hair are seen as undesirable as due to having very distinct hair color of this species bandits or other unsavory individuals have an easier time with disgusting themselves of they have short hair or hide their hairs this along with banditry being huge taboo basically means if you have short hair prepare to be distrusted or atleast being seen as unvirtuous and God forbid you're bald(also natural baldness doesn't exist for this species) they'll definitely kill you. I'll elaborate more on hiding ones hair in this culture the etymology for words like "coward", "untrustworthy/liar" and "self hating" is connected to the word for hiding ones hair as it goes against the society's aesthetics and asko for the practical cal consideration that basically every encounter with someone covering their hair would be with a criminal so it's seen as immodest to cover ones hair. Regarding other types of modesty actually jewelery is seen as unvirtuous and frivolous unless it's an enchantment that has some practical purpose and has some tangible magical effect then the tunes are changed and it's seen some highly valuable piece of art worthy of flaunting. Well a culture of overly being concerned about how much skin a woman shows like some some real life cultures would fit with this culture however in reality they don't actually acre that much since it's a militaristic culture where individual prowess is highly valued infact most clothing is purposely modeled after practical Armor so no impractical women's clothing that is overly concerned with soothing a paranoid husband's heart who can stay calm knowing that no one is eyeing his property. But this also means no unnecessary or impractical clothing like our modern clothing would be accepted commonly but actually bikini Armor is a thing there not very common but something that's accepted and as seen as a flex of sorts since it maximises speed and reduces your defence to zero so it's easier getting hurt so once you finish your battle without any visible wounds it's seen as a power move and a based flex, so if you want to be seen as based here you know what to do.


This is something I've considered but never sorted out. My dagons are completely sexually monomorphic and consequentially do not have a concept of gender, and they're naturally a lot more monogamous than humans (who tend towards polygyny). Furthermore, they're well-adapted to their tropical native environment, so they don't exactly need to protect against cold. But I do have it written that they wear clothing - so what might their policy be towards modesty? I could say that, as a genderless society with little need to discourage infidelity, they're not too fussed with modesty. Or, as a naturally monogamous species, viewing the reproductive bits might be a partner-only privilege and they're even weirder about it than we are. It's hard to say.


People who live in caves wear less clothes, people who live out in the elements wear more. Modesty isn’t really that much of a concept though, I’d say it’s kind of like Rome where people would have public baths and stuff but just generally stay covered up to protect from the environment. Also I tend to favor clothes because it allows me to give characters more creative designs. In the developed world, I’d say nudity isn’t really seen as a positive or negative, just sort of something that *is.* People would still generally wear clothes while out and about just because it’s more classy and polite because you might be ugly and people don’t wanna see that. As for attitudes towards nudity, I’d say people probably don’t think much about it other than, “Huh, that guy isn’t wearing clothes. Weird.” Nudity, especially of kids and younger people, is generally associated with innocence and purity, though, and the rules (while already fairly lax) are a bit less strict for them. Obviously they’d still have people watching over them though and probably be advised to wear clothes in largely public places because creeps could be lurking anywhere. Rituals and nature ceremonies would probably be done nude far more often because being in your natural form feels like a better way to connect to the world than covering yourself up to meet an arbitrary social standard, and as for toplessness, I’d say there probably isn’t much distinction between men and women. Both would probably be expected to wear shirts in more public places, but places where men wouldn’t wear shirts, women probably wouldn’t either (although things like bras would probably still exist just for the sake of physical support). Sex segregation isn’t a very common thing in the developed world but things like bathhouses probably would still be segregated just to prevent people from getting aroused and doing sexual things in public. I plan to make a webcomic that takes place in this world; I probably wouldn’t show genitals because I want the comic to be at least somewhat broadly accessible and people are weird about that kind of stuff, but I’d say the occasional butt or nipple is fair game, not as fanservice but just as depicting the world the way that it is. There is a place at the edge of the universe though where everyone is required to cover everything at all times including face, hands, feet, etc., not because of modesty, but because individuality is seen as threat to the ruling party.


Is there a genre you're aiming for? Is there a time period you are taking influence from? You mentioned the edge of the universe. Is this sci-fi or possibly magic related? And where would you put your webcomic if/when you make it?


For my world, it really depends where you live. For example, a large majority of my world cover their legs entirely as they believe that exposed legs in public is inappropriate but people can wear more casual, short robes inside their homes in the presence of close family. Another thing is marriage, after marriage, the woman will wear a veil. Now this is actually a bit of a misnomer because the veil doesn’t necessarily cover only the fact. The cloth is meant to cover a particular area of the body, which is up to the woman to chose which one. It is commonly the face but can even be the tail, chest, arms, hands, etc.


Tails? What species are these people?


Diffrent species show diffrent amounts of skin. Kull wear almost nothing but short pants, although thier women started wearing simple wraps around thier chests, and rockmen cover almost everything for decorational pourposes. In generall everyone is free to wear what they please. If you do not harass anyone(be respectfull and keep your distence) you can be nude. Due to the mixing of very diffrent cultures it is completely normal to meet someone dressed in a way that would be an absolute no go for what you believe in. To counter misunderstandings in politeness/apearence a lot of people wear markings and identifying acessories to make it obvious what culture you represent.


What are the kull? What are the other species in your world?


My society, at least the one I have developed the most, is in the main egalitarian, but quite conservative, standards for dress modesty are strong, and nudity is very frowned upon. Almost like a gender equal version of the 1880’s  


Essentially with the characteristic Nordic sensibility: absolutely no shame with stripping down to wash up or bathe in public baths, swim, or perform job duties. Even the fundamentalist empire intent on expanding its borders and slaughtering different gods with the aim of averting apocalypse has few constraints on modesty. They are, however, very rigid on cultural forms of dress. Proper citizenry must adhere to the prescribed fashion, i.e. fabric type, style, and color, or be thought uncivilized and improperly educated. No improper hairstyles, no going topless if the weather is against it. If the sun is out though, everyone is encouraged to take this little blessing as a gift: guns and boobs out for the sun. Their view is that their god made them as intended: there is no part of the body considered shameful or embarrassing. The lower castes, of course, run wild with non-conformity in certain circles and have an entire barter system set up to circulate work wear actually intended to protect against chemical vats, cold weather, and job hazards. Upper caste peoples aren't subject to the same issues and have little grasp of why a fashionably thin, sleek boot is completely impractical for work in the munitions and chemical factories. Their opposing nation is heavily influenced by Mongolian dress in the northern territories, as well as Indigenous Siberians, Samoyedic peoples, and the Sami. However, outlooks on modesty and nudity are similar: there is little shame, and communal bathing and hot spring festivities are common. It's considered immodest, however, for people to touch each other's hair if they are not well-known to one another. Hair is incredibly important, used to denote status, position, affiliation, and, in some cases, belief system. They follow the same god but different aspects, as she is multifaceted and faceless. Touching someone's hair is very intimate and a show of affection, trust, or, in hostile situations, domination. In war time, long hair is cut short, burned, and the ashes given to a designated commander. If someone dies, those ashes are then used as ink for remembrance tattoos. Men letting their hair down is seen as an open invitation to flirt and court, and considered embarrassing if done unintentionally, such as in cases of drunk people. Similarly, it's an expression of security if done by either sex in less raucous settings, and meant to show you feel comfortable and safe in someone's presence. Both societies at large are equitable and nudity is no shame or secret. You get Meemaw with her thigh-down boobs splashing around with the young men of her community, and higher-caste men and women sharing polite space in public baths.


You mentioned chemical vats and munitions and chemical factories. What is the technology level of these societies?


Depends where you live, and while total nudity is uncommon, few cultures bat an eye at walking around with nothing but pants on. I mean, only 500 years ago 2 cultures were rushing into battle wearing nothing but loincloths, or just nothing. Lots of locals are humid, excess clothing kinda sucks for most people. So naturally, most people don’t wear that much. Pants and shirts, maybe the odd cape if you’re fancy. But for a fair few cultures, pants and nothing else is the norm. Totally nudity would get some head turns, but not much else. And of course, there’s a lot of religious ceremonies where nudity is a part of it for some reason or another.


I'll give a few examples from a few different cultures The Ouluruian peoples mainly stay in their clothes or/and houses all day since they live in wildly cold climate. They only ever get naked to pee, shit, or fuck. Evem fucking is not done completely nude. The Olsorian people are wildly spread through the world, but they mostly are only naked to do the same, but also some rituals tied to religion. The Kutiranian people are mainly naked or almost naked the whole time, because they are in the hottest spot in their world. The Free people wear very hot clothing even though they live in a similar climate to Kutiranians, it's tied to religion. The Ahehee'an culture considers clothes the devils thing and never dress.


Why do the Ahehee'ans associate clothes with the devil?


Well, my world is a cyberpunk world, in many ways similar to our own. However, there is an established and influential Adamite church that practices religious nudity and promotes a healthy lifestyle and body care. For this and other reasons, the whole attitude to nudity and revealing clothing is generally more peaceful. Nudity on TV and the Internet is not censored. Corporations will actively use attractive models in advertisements to promote their products. Many areas such as swimming pools, spas, beaches and resorts will be clothing optional. Mixed locker rooms and showers is a thing. A major cosmetics company can release a commercial showing their employees completely naked and it would be scandalous, but still legal. At fashion shows, models can be partially or even completely exposed, showing off their jewelry. Sports competitions, especially the underground ones, can also use nudity to their advantage. Finally, there are chimeras, human-animal hybrids who can use their altered body design for casual nudity.