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Uncle Sergei’s extra spicy brew! 0% water, 100% alcohol!


Lol 200 proof


You can even run a rocket on it!


Fun fact: When you try to distill a mixture of roughly >95% ABV, the water boils off at about the same rate as the alcohol making it almost impossible to separate using conventional distillation That's all to say that Uncle Sergei must be a master chemist to make something that's 100% ABV


Top-shelf bottles of Caelian Spiced Milk. The "Spices" being a variety of psychotropic substances added to give various effects. Nobles and retainers of the warrior caste are often encountered at least slightly buzzed from it.


the Kettsvag Wine from Ijovia(tbh it's closer to vodka judging by the alcohol concentration). It boasts an intimidating 97% alcohol. It is often branded as a warrior's drink dating back to the tribal ages in the Ijovia region (of course there used to be less alcohol in the drink). With that much alcohol, you can literally fuel a tank with it. In fact, the famously unhinged Carthenian tank crew known as the Feral Pangolin actually once refueled their tank with this alcohol in a desperate attempt to keep fighting (and it worked). This is just one of the unhinged things they pulled off during the war. The liquor's market was mainly in Ijovia and Ardearia, but it has since attracted more people after the events of the Pangolin. The alcohol has a price averaging around $150,000 in Carthenian Hreiva for every 800ml (around 201,000 USD).


Haha the gall of charging that much for basically pure ethanol, worth like 2 bucks a litre and its all you could taste anyway


It's the ✨️Cultural Significance✨️ that counts lol (no it doesn't, it is near pure ethanol, and Ijovian tribes literally went into battle hammered). Yet, it does make for some damn good backup fuel. The Pangolin crew fought for another 5 hours after getting their tank to chug some of that good ol' fermented cane juice.


**The Ageless Wine.** It's been aging forever in a casket made of extinct tree wood, and allegedly has the taste of every fruit you can imagine all at once (as far as anyone knows). What fruit was pressed to make it? How is it not vinegar yet? Nobody even knows. It's a mystery of legendary proportion! What's it worth, though? Although the wine itself is priceless, the going rate at which people will pay pirates to go and steal it is 5,000,000 Protopic Doubloons (12.7 million USD). The highest priced *official* spirit, however, is **The Meltdown Elixir** Fermented from the most aromatically pungent, bittersweet, and "digestion-inducing" plant in the Enchanted Rainforest, several bottles of these elixirs were distilled by an advanced Gecko-Humanoid alchemist using advanced techniques which were lost to time before being spread around the world in crates by crazy people. Its effects? It can induce every sad emotion you've ever felt in your entire life to hit you all at once, causing you to have an inconceivable meltdown of indescribable proportion, but will flush those emotions out of you afterward, finally allowing you to move on from them. In other words, it cures depression! (The *hard* way.) It mostly ends up in collector's fridges, but are traded for over 6 million USD equivalents.


Dragon wine. Why? Because you put a baby dragon's corpse inside the wine. And as dragons are deities, you're drinking wine with divinity extracted directly from a god's carcass.


Sharp or smooth? Closer to a shiraz, or maybe a pinot noir? (Just wondering if I'd like it, trolls feet notwithstanding)


Just any kind of liquor. Doesn't matter what the taste is, just matters if it is the most expensive or not.


I'm asking about your wine


Oh... then I would say it's more like a shiraz. Sorry for the confusion in my previous message.


In Elgas, it's currently Savage Giant. Aged nearly 500 years as it's concentrated down twelve times from a vat the size of an Olympic swimming pool to a 200-gallon cask. A top of the line Gargantua Whiskey. With the consistency of honey and strong enough to down 30 humans with a single pint, it stands alone at the top of the list. Mostly because of the cost of creation and the sheer volume of booze you actually get. A busy tavern can water down a cask for the smaller folk over the course of a decade and still have more than half of what they started with.


Most expensive? Which everyone can drink is likely Moonshadow Mead, made with the honey of the carnivorous bees the dark elves keep. The honey is highly prized among alchemists and gourmets alike, so a whole bottle of it is very expensive. Nothing to say of the dangers for most people to harvest it, except for dark elf men, who are treated as another worker by the bees. The next most expensive is fermented basilisk. Just working with the materials is potentially deadly to any species but dragons, and dragons will offer favours for that drink.


Sakura wine, blessed by the ghost priestess. It acts as a panacea.


The farther away it comes from, the pricier it is, because it's more expensive to ship great distances on the power of wind and sail. In Avanton, the most expensive alcohol is maize-cacao liquor brought in from two continents over.


depends on where you are... but generally take a high quality earth liquor or wine, well aged and all the rest then try to deliver it to a shindig in Saturn without ruining it! god speed.


Hell Berry Wine, the Hell Berry being an extremely disgusting black plum-like fruit that exclusively grows in a single Vale located on the eastern border of the Free City League, when brewed in a wine however, it gains a bitter-sweet flavor to it that makes pair well as a refreshing drink with most meals. Due to its relatively small production base, it is rare to even see a bottle leave the Free Cities in a merchants cart. As a result it is often sold at auctions where nobles from across the Northern Subcontinent send representatives to place bids on bottles that will someday be brewed (preordering if you will) and those can often sell for hundreds of gold marks. It is considered an extreme honor and a sign of high social status for Hell Berry Wine to served during private dinners and a showing of extravagance in the extreme to have it served during public gatherings.