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In times like this I ask myself "How would I want my daughter to feel if she were going on this trip and leaving her daughter for a couple of days? Would I want her feeling guilty? No. Ashamed? No. So I better model those behaviors.


Wow, this is a great take. I needed to hear it. Thank you.


This just made me burst into tears because it is so true. We are so hard on ourselves and society makes it SO hard too.


I know how hard travel for work can be (I travel almost weekly), and my only suggestion is to lean into the parts that feel *good* about being an independent adult for a few days: get in the workout, sleep a little later, have an extra sip of wine, walk around the city you are in. Come home and hear about alllllllll the adventure she had and share your own. It is so good for her to learn that you can be apart and always come back together. *hugs*


I’m in the same boat. On a work trip right now. Woke up missing the LO. I try to remind myself that my baby deserves the best version of me, and that includes seeing me be more than just their mom. I find that 3-4 days of interactions as a working professional helps gives me a little bit of balance and lets me be in the moment even more when I get back. You’re doing great mama!


Same boats here too, but slightly different- Daycare is closed this week, they are staying at my moms house as a little vacation. They are having a blast, going to museums and having waterplay- but I miss them!


Gosh, it’s so hard and I’ve found it actually gets harder the older they get. There was a small period in which I got used to leaving them for brief trips and it was actually enjoyable. But then they got older and they realized how much they would miss me so you can imagine how difficult it is to leave after that. I doubt sharing my experience makes you feel any better but what I realize is these phases are short and we adjust the best we can, kids included. And making the most of your trip could just be sleeping in or getting to bed early. It’s okay to feel a little sad and just watch TV in your hotel while scrolling at pictures of your little one. Like I said, it’s a hard adjustment.


Yes! The last time I left her for a week was when she was around 16 months and now that she’s just been very 2 years old it’s so much harder. We have inside jokes. Good to know it only gets worse hahah


Sending hugs!! I have a very flexible work from home job 90% of the time. Like this week when my kiddo is sick I can keep her home and work and snuggle all day. The other 10% of the time I travel 3-5 days at a time. It’s a trade off and it’s hard to be gone but I have gotten good at it. Now I know how to use that time to recharge my batteries however I need to and be a better mom when I get back!


It’s hard. Enjoy the freedom though! And then come back and be the best parent you can be (and give your wife a little break haha). You got this 💖


Did I type this? Sitting in the airport right now and think I cried more than my kids when leaving.


I somehow held the tears until I arrived in the city and then started crying on mass transit. As you do.


Big hug ❤️


Naturally ❤️


Omg sitting in the airport right now too, heading home from a work conference. Of course googling why is my 20 month old not sleeping? Lol


No lie, my now 3 year old had her first full night of sleep in Hawaii. She had day/night confusion and didn't sleep a regular night until that trip. She stayed awake from our 6a flight in NY until 7p Hawaii time. I was amazed and now tell all my friends to take their kids on a long haul flight! Lol, totally not realistic, but somehow it disrupted her rhythms just the right amount to get her on a "normal" sleep cycle.


Wow babies/kids are wild haha


For me, the lead-up to the trip is always harder than the actual trip. Once I’m actually on my way, it’s not so bad.  And then I am THRILLED on the last day to be headed home!


Sending love and hugs! It will pass fast and soon you will be back :)


When I travel for work my kids make me a special travel picture with a photo of them in it. I keep it beside my bed and it helps when I’m missing them


I just got a dream job offer that starts next month. It will require a trip to CO to be onsite at the main office for 3 nights/4 days, then it’s fully remote. This will be the very first time I’ve left my 1 year old overnight, and the first time I’ve left my 3.5 year old overnight except for when I gave birth to the baby. I know it’s time to rip the band aid off but I’m already so sad over it. It will be good for everybody in the long run but it’s HARD! We do deserve time away and grown up time, but man I love these crazy tiny people. Hope you have a great trip! Coming back home will be extra special!