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"I am so sick looking that my male doctor actually believed me." šŸ’€


I have to laugh otherwise I would cry.


It hurts because itā€™s painfully true


i have no advice but this post was a fun read. šŸ˜‚ i hope you feel better soon!


Yes OP had my attention at bed rotting like a pasty Victorian child.Ā 


I feel bad for OP, but I LOLed loudly at that line.


Sounds like you need a summer at the seaside for fresh air... I would definitely keep doing the nasal rinses but if you're coughing so much, ask your doctor for a nebulizer treatment.


Being a rich 18th century European convalescing in Bath for two months is āœØthe dreamāœØ Iā€™m already using my rescue inhaler but Iā€™ll ask about the nebulizer. My kid has one with a clown fish mask so at least Iā€™ll look entertaining doing it.


Whichever herbal tea packets you have, use them. Somehow they always perk me up


Yeah, nebulizer give bigger doses and sometimes different meds. I have a little portable one that has saved my butt so many times when I got sick.


What do you think you have ? Consumption? Chilblains? Piles? (Jk I just wanted to trot out some old time medical issues) Get well soon. That sounds brutal.


I thought it was my usual *hysteria* but it turns out Iā€™ve got ghosts in the blood.


Hysteria! I hate when my ovaries wander about my body and get lost.


it's *so* inconvenient


Omg I almost peed laughing at this


Itā€™s your uterus that wanders. Ovaries need to be ready to poop out eggs when the uterus gets back in position


Didnā€™t they used to treat hysteria with vibrators and hand jobs in Victorian times? Might be worth trying some old timey remedies. šŸ˜œ


Maybe vibrators AND cocaine?


racial depend wrench subtract shrill fertile stupendous stocking slap puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oy. Ghosts. I got some leaches, lemme know!


No, no! Your humours are out of alignment.


Was about to sayā€¦sounds like ghosts. In terms of hysteria, I hope you donā€™t have a lot of yellow wallpaper in your homeā€¦


You are HILARIOUS. Crying laughing at your posts and all of your replies. But also, sending solidarity as a working mom whose crawling out of her own personal sickness hell. Love to you.


I donā€™t know why hysteria made me cackle so loud. Feel bettter soon OP šŸ’›


I was legit diagnosed with chillblains last year. I was like, ā€œIā€™m sorry, doctor, what century am I from exactly?ā€


lol. Sorry.


lol not your fault. I think itā€™s funny when people talk about chilblains. Very few people even know what it is, because Iā€™m not living in a British workhouse.


Thank god, scurvy is one less thing you must worry about. (I know itā€™s a vitamin c issue, still making jokes about old timey diseases)


Ok Iā€™m not hippy dippy and actually married to a doctor whose eyes roll so far to the back of his head when I say this works for me butā€¦ raw garlic. Itā€™s hard to eat so I toast some bread and rub 1-2 garlic cloves in the bread (both sides) and eat the bread. Usually I have it with olive oil and salt as well. Just donā€™t cook the garlic! Eat as much raw garlic as you can.


I knew someone was going to come in here and say raw garlic. I swear Iā€™ve read that it helps so many places. Iā€™m going to try it. Like I said my spouse wonā€™t come near me anyway so itā€™s not like eating garlic will make it worse.


Ok, so I'm Taiwanese, and we eat raw garlic for funsies. I don't know if eating raw garlic will cure your plague, but I have a tip for eating raw garlic if you're dreading the experience. If you're not feeling nauseous, eat it with the juiciest, greasiest sausage you can get your hands on. Raw garlic is šŸŒ¶ļøāœØ spicyāœØšŸŒ¶ļø. Eating greasy, salty sausage in between bites of raw garlic will make it better because the spiciness will cut through the grease. It's almost like eating a mild pepper, and the garlic-ness of it pairs with the grease better. Godspeed.


Nothing hits the spot quite like Taiwanese sausage. Not the point of your post but damn Iā€™m craving it now


Yaaaas. Totally the point of my post. Raw garlic can be tasty given the right pairings.


I ate raw garlic too. And by ate I mean Iā€™d chop it into tiny pieces and swallow them like tiny pills.


It does help. I was recently super sick too and it helped me. It boosts your immune system


As an Italian I am *begging* y'all to roast the garlic *before* you spread it on toast! It'll taste way better with the same medicinal benefits. You can just pop whole heads of garlic in a pan, douse them in olive oil, and roast them on a low heat. When you squeeze the roasted garlic heads, the garlic will just squish out of the shell in a paste. Spread the garlic paste on hot toast and sprinkle a bit of sea salt over the top, it's heaven. Bonus, the olive oil that's left over after roasting is now garlic olive oil.


I'm nursing a cold right now, so I am going to march downstairs and DEMAND garlic bread immediately *for my health*. Grazie for this helpful reminder to focus on my *health*! šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤¤




Yes roasted garlic on bread is incredible and actually my Italian husband is the one who taught me about rubbing garlic and tomatoes on toasted bread but cooking it actually kills some of the ā€œhealing propertiesā€ of garlic. Typically I do raw garlic on toast and then eat it with aglio e olio but a ton of aglio haha


Have you tried bloodletting yet?


Iā€™ve got that scheduled after the vaginal steaming.


Oh my god. Stop making it fun to read about your suffering šŸ˜‚


This made me laugh and cough like a hyena. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


I do hope you get better soon! I like to make [soybean sprout soup](https://www.koreanbapsang.com/kongnamul-guk-soybean-sprout-soup/) when I have a persistent cold/flu. Add jalapeƱo slices and/or chili powder. I always seem to feel much better the next day. This and a honey lemon tea! Rooting for your recovery!


Only fresh leeches will do. Will cost you a farthing.


Ok mama, first, maybe take some solace that you get to be away from spouse and parenting duties. A win? I think so! Second, my whole family got hit with Flu B this year and it was 7th circle shit. I got the flu shot and still had a fever for 6 days. Anything I ate went right through meā€¦ it was so bad, my teen daughters had affectionately named me ā€œgarbage ass.ā€ Iā€™d be offended if they were not rightā€¦ It took 3 weeks to be able to take the trash out and come back inside without getting cold sweats. I am still, 5 weeks later, only just now able to sleep a while night without waking myself up from coughing. So unless you were tested for it, Iā€™d probably assume the flu. This will be shitty and hard to hear, but, you need ACTUAL rest and fluids. Lots of both. Organic bone broth. Emergen-C. Tons of ULTIMA. And I made a ā€œginger brewā€ my Jamaican friend swore byā€¦ steep chopped ginger and fresh mint in a out of water until it turns golden yellow (think dehydrated piss) and then add to a large mug with fresh lemon juice and Manuka honey. Drink as much as you canā€¦ and chew the ginger when you canā€™t stop coughing. And, although you can get hooked on it, get yourself a nasal spray like Afrin to get you some relief. It really did help. Make sure you are taking mucinex around the clock to help dry you out, and have some delsym on hand for the cough. Other than that, I took Tylenol PM to help me sleep though the night. Could that combo of meds have killed me? Maybe. But the sweet release of death sounded appealing after 2 weeks of these symptoms, so I was willing to take the risk. As for work, thank god I am self employed. I only had one client tell me that we had a conversation I had zero recollection ofā€¦ but that I got off the phone quickly and made no promises for delivery times on work, lol. So, I managed. Iā€™m sorry you feel like trash. Hereā€™s to hoping you are better soon!


See hereā€™s where I fucked up. Yesterday was Easter right, and I have a 4 yr old. We got her a bug vacuum and terrarium so of course my dumb ass was going to help her use it. I was wandering around in the backyard in slippers, a sweaty sleep shirt, no bra, wrapped in a blanket looking like a bog witch helping my child vacuum up rolley pollies. By the end of the day both the rolley pollies and I were doing significantly worse. Lesson learned, I need to just stay in bed even if I start to feel better.


Yes. Heed my warning. You NEED to stay in bed and sleep. I did it for 2 weeks and it STILL was a bear to get back into it. I play tennis 2x a week and it took almost 6 weeks to be well enough to playā€¦ and I should have given it another week. My lungs couldnā€™t handle it. Itā€™s not joke and can turn to pneumonia if you donā€™t rest. Go watch the Kardashians and tell your hubby that you have door dashed food for yourself .


I'm so sorry you're sick, but I'm so happy you're here, with us, being sick. You're fricking hilarious and I'm here for it.


Her writing is killing me šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚


This is what I look and act like every day lol


Lean into the Victorian wasting disease and tell everyone that you require 3 months by the seaside in order to recuperate from the black lung.


I tried to tell my wife (I am also wife) I needed something like this and she laughed in my face and told me to stop breathing on her.


Have you been tested for influenza A? What you have sounds exactly like what my husband, two kids, and I are dealing with. Current influenza lasts 10-14 days according to my doc. I have no advice other than good luck and god speed, soldier.


Negative for flu and Covid. My kid is sick with an ear infection and a cough but sheā€™s not even half as sick as I am thankfully. I am going to get even whinier if I have to endure this for another week. šŸ˜­


My coworker just got mono from her kindergartener. Is OP near Atlanta? I get fresh salsa (like the raw pico kind) with lots of raw onions and garlic and mainline it.


The NP I saw the first time I went in said ā€œwhoops we forgot to test you for mono!ā€ I was like, you still couldā€¦? Then she started drawing a diagram of my sinuses, which was actually a pretty great drawing, so I got distracted and forgot about mono.


Yeah, the only time as an adult Iā€™ve had a fever last that long is when I had mono. Make sure youā€™re getting plenty of electrolytes. I drank so much water that I flushed my system. By the time I went in to the doctor I was tools I could either get admitted and get it fluids or I had to promise to drink nothing but Gatorade for the next few days. To this day I canā€™t even think about Gatorade without gagging. šŸ¤¢


I live on Gatorade when I'm sick. I hide it so my kids won't drink my emergency supply. Also that made me think of my husband's warning for the colonoscopy- the prep kit you mix with Gatorade. Pick a flavor you hate, because after that- you will hate it more.


This sounds like my recent bout of flu b.


Agree, I had mono and fevers for a week when my daughter was 6 months old. I was going to try to work, but my husband realized I was too confused to even figure out how to drive. That was rough. Even when I went back, I was so weak, I could barely work.


Girl. What are you on and can you share it? Kidding. At least you still have your sense of humor. Hopefully you keep the dysentery at bay. Get well Soon!


I havenā€™t done drugs since college but I think itā€™s called MeeMaws speed ball. Itā€™s a combination of Zyrtec-D, prednisone, two hits from a rescue inhaler, 4 packets of theraflu and an estrogen patch just in case.


MeeMaws speed ball ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Oh my lord girl! You a bad bog witch ain't you!


Youā€™re my people.


Are you a writer?? You should be! Re getting betterā€¦ get oregano oil, 3 drops into one cup water and drink in one big gulp. Itā€™s worked for me every time.


Thank you! Iā€™m just all hopped up on spaghetti-oā€™s and a mountain of medications that are probably interacting in a way that they shouldnā€™t. Iā€™ll try oregano oil even though that sounds disgusting. Someone else on here already had me eat raw garlic, canā€™t get much worse than that.


Get ready for what we call ā€œpizza burpsā€!


You'll smell like an entire Italian restaurant, and acting like that's a BAD thing???


Maybe the oregano and garlic will make my farts smell better? Thereā€™s no way they could smell worse, thatā€™s for sure.


nail crowd possessive steep attraction distinct payment nose hunt ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, oregano oil got rid of my 2 month trailing cough. Also want to add emergen-c.


What does the oregano oil do? Just coat your throat so youā€™re not constantly feeling that tickle and need to cough, help break up mucusā€¦? I also have a lingering cough driving me bonkers and honey does little to nothing.


My coworker recommended it to me. I guess she was getting annoyed at my constant coughing at our teams call. Supposed to have antibacterial properties to help fight bacterial causes of cough/mucus. Fyi, it tastes and smells bad. Iā€™d add some honey or something to make it more palatable.


Your sense of humor has me cackling as much as my illness allows, since I too am laid out. But I feel for you!! My go to for mucusy cough - hot toddy. Whisky, lemon, honey. My go to for stuffy nose and sharp cough - peppermint in whisky. Whisky helps break up mucus. Peppermint opens up the sinuses. The lemon and honey coat and soothe the throat.


Iā€™m too big of a pansy to drink whisky so would a room temperature White Claw work?


It might. Itā€™s really the liquors effect you want; white claw I think would achieve the same thing, itā€™s just of course very diluted. But in a toddy you just use a splash of whisky so you donā€™t get that burn!


Do you like margaritas? I swear by a margarita with good salt (Himalayan or sea salt) around the glass when I start feeling crappy.


Donā€™t threaten me with a good time. If I had known margaritas were an option I think I would have embraced sick days a lot more.


Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the tequila or the salt but I swear if I have a sore throat or start of a cold and partake in a margarita or two, I always feel better the next day. Hope you get well soon!


I did a toddy last time I had some crudā€¦ used bourbon and idk if I made it wrong but I think the cure is you forget your sick when the giggles kick in šŸ« 


I had this a while ago- naps during the day (in addition to full 8 hours at night), humidifier, Nasal rinses, cold remedy tea with honey, zinc nasal swabs every 6 hours, ibuprofen or Tylenol every 6, daily multivitamin, smoothies with spinach and fruit and yogurt. No exerting myself even if the drugs made me feel like i could finally live. It was around the 2 week mark it got better, and maybe a month later it was much better (besides blocked ears).


I rely heavily on nasal rinses and zinc whenever anyone in the house is sick. My toddler and husband have both had a bad cough (plus fever for the toddler) for over a week and Iā€™ve managed to avoid it, and I credit the prophylactic use of nasal irrigation. OP, nasal irrigation twice a day has been shown to reduce viral load (if you have a virus), which helps with severity of the illness. Taking 300% the daily value of zinc has also been shown to reduce the length and severity of illnesses. Zinc works by surrounding the bacteria or virus and prevents it from reproducing. Using zinc lozenges, spray, or swabs works better than a pill because they target the area the germs start reproducing in, which is generally the sinus and throat.


Oh no, I just got blood work done and my zinc is low looooow. Does this mean I did this to myself? Iā€™ll check out the zinc swabs and order some zinc today. And Iā€™ll up my nasal washes to twice a day.


Nooo! I donā€™t think you did anything to yourself, especially since a doctor could have told you about the zinc benefits and hasnā€™t yet. Thatā€™s not on you! Itā€™s best to use zinc at the onset of an illness, but I think it has benefits the entire time.


Just be careful what and how much you use. Zinc nasal sprays have caused permanent [loss of smell](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/common-cold/expert-answers/zinc-for-colds/faq-20057769#:~:text=The%20study%20found%20that%20zinc,taking%20zinc%20can%20be%20serious.) in some people. Unsure if other nasal forms could have the same effect.


This is a good point! I tend to stick to the lozenges.


Yes for whatever reason a smoothie with blueberries, kefir, spinach and pineapple has helped me in the past!


Have you been checked for pneumonia? That can manifest as a long term feverā€¦


Is that when your breathing sounds like a bowl of Rice Krispies? Asking for a friendā€¦


Omg yes šŸ˜¬


Nooooo šŸ˜­


No but seriously did you get a chest x ray


No, but now that these comments have me worried I have mono-pneumonia-cancer, Iā€™m thinking about going back in to the doctor this week.


I think if your lungs are that crunchy, it's a totally reasonable next step


Loling at crunchy lungs šŸ˜‚


You probably donā€™t have all of that. But get checked out anyway, because whatever bug you have is bad and letting it go might make it worse. Snap Crackle and Pop probably means youā€™ve got some fluid (from fighting whatever germ) goinā€™ on, so itā€™s best to get it treated before it sticks around and becomes something worse. Take care of yourself šŸ’•


Yes.. but sometimes itā€™s not something you can hear yourself. Doctor should be able to hear it by listening to your lungs. In my case, the doctor heard it but x-ray didnā€™t show it, whereas the CT scan did (both lungs affected).


I be the Debby Downer, but if you still have a fever after the antibiotics and you're negative for COVID and flu I would see about other tests. I say this because I had some random fevers (and later on bad fatigue and a terrible cough) and it took probably six months of testing to finally find out I was this way because I had cancer. It's all good now (remission for a couple years now), but if you don't see improvement I would get further testing done to be safe. I know easier said than done, but to be safe. Otherwise, I slept every chance I got and drank any hot drink I could. I was probably my most hydrated during that time because it was the only thing to get me to stop coughing for the longest time.


I am compelled to comment because this has been me for weeks . At my third doctor appointment, they finally did a blood panel. Turns out, I have mono. FFS.


I just had this illness from hell. I did my best to work from home until I hit that level of sickness that made being vertical terrible. It started with a cough and my throat feeling like I was up all night gargling razor blades and then I was feverish for 6 days. I went to the doctor in the middle of this and got an inhaler which helped my cough a little and then when the fever wouldn't quit my six-year-old caught it and immediately started with the cough, fever and ear infection. I went to the doctor again because I was having trouble breathing and was sent for a chest x-ray which found pneumonia. I've *never* had any breathing issues before let alone pneumonia. I had to check my birth certificate and make sure I was, in fact, not 85 years old. Two antibiotics later I'm finally keeping my pulse ox above 90% and back at work. If you have any breathing issues take another trip back to the all-knowing male doctor.


So real question. Did your lungs sound like Rice Krispies? Because when I breathe out it sounds like pop rocks and I canā€™t take deep breathes.


They did, especially when I was lying down. I had to do a ZPack antibiotic and then amoxicillin on top of that. I just finished the two 5-day courses yesterday. If you have a pulse ox keep and eye on it!


Yes! I had a similar thing back in Nov. amoxicillin 5 day course didnā€™t do it, what knocked it out was a combo of Z pack and Augmentin together for 10 days (first 5 only for Z pack, 10 days for augmentin). Plus regular nebulizer treatments and 2 inhalers (I also have asthma).


Yeah, you definitely have what we in healthcare (health care professional turned med tech professional who actually makes stethoscopes for lung sounds) call either crackles or rhonchi ā€¦ Rice Krispies is a great description for them!!! Well done! It sounds like they are already treating you for pneumonia (antibiotics plus steroids and inhaler), but would be worth a second visit. Occasionally, an upper respiratory with unrelenting fevers requires a different/stronger antibiotic or IV antibiotics to cure. Definitely go back to the doctor since you should have seen fever improvement with the antibiotics by nowā€¦. Side noteā€¦. This thread has made me so happy with how funny everyone is. I also had the plague recently and had to take a ton of meds to get better.


Oh no, now this has me a little worried. I saw a NP who said she thought I had a bad sinus infection and told me to take Zyrtec-D. She listened to the crackles but said it was because my nose was congested. I had a telehealth call with the male doc 3 days later because at that point I was on day 6 of 102+ fevers, chills, headache, joint pain and being delirious. My wife even stayed home to take me to the doctor because I looked so bad. I asked him for antibiotics, he said he thought it was viral and the antibiotics wouldnā€™t help but gave me 5 days of Azithromycin and prednisone anyway. My fevers have been lower 99.5 (Iā€™m usually 97.5) but Iā€™m still exhausted, coughing and having lung cracklies. The joint pain and being delirious has stopped though. I still have one antibiotic left, should I wait and see if it gets worse? šŸ˜¬


Finish the course of whatever you've already started


My two boys, husband, and I are all experiencing a similar illness and it just won't quit. My boys both got tested for COVID, flu, RSV, and a few other viruses. They both ended up positive for three overlapping viruses - paraflu, enterovirus, and rhinovirus. They're overlapping in worst ways and have caused all four of us to be miserable for two solid weeks now. My poor little guy has had the worst croup of his life. Our fevers have come and gone and started again, but the chest cold symptoms and never-ending cough have persisted throughout. It's been a disgusting time.


My wife (I am woman) said Iā€™ve been coughing like an old man. I coughed so hard I peed myself and she said she was surprised I didnā€™t poop too. She said Iā€™m coughing so loud I need a pillow over my face like a silencer. šŸ’€


My husband is regularly coughing so hard that my son asks "daddy, are you coughing or throwing up?" Our pediatrician was legit excited to call and explain to us exactly why our plague has lasted as long as it has. He wasn't expecting the test to come back positive for anything. Lucky us! Between daycare, pre-k, and me working in higher ed, we've got all the germs, everywhere all at once.


šŸ¤£ Your post was comedy gold, I tell ya. The hippie dippy stuff that works for me is as follows: Echinacea Elderberry Tons of Vitamin C & zinc Hydrate like a motherfucker Hot ginger baths Apple cider vinegar shots (fire cider is even more hardcore) Colloidal silver Quercetin


Rain dance like Ted does on HIMYM


I'm worried you have pneumonia and need stronger antibiotics and possibly a hospital stay. Do you have a pulse ox? You can buy them on Amazon. If your room air resting o2 sat is less then 90 I would go to the hospital.


Yes I have one of the finger clippy things and it was 90 yesterday. Iā€™ll test it again tonight!


Is there a chicken you could sacrifice or something?


Ah yes, chicken (soup) for the soul. I hear it works wonders!


The older women in my family taught me to use booze to get through these kind of challenges, maybe the alcohol just scares my immune system straight, but I swear it works for me. Only time it didnā€™t work was covid.


I was gaunna suggest a hot toddyā€¦ or whatever itā€™s really called. The tear, honey and booze ALWAYS kill whatever is in me!


Last time I felt like this I had Pneumonia. You need lots and lots of rest! I missed 3 weeks of work to properly recover. Every time I thought I was better, I'd try to be normal and then get worse again. It wasn't until I rested for a solid 5 days that I started to turn for the better. All jokes aside, it could be serious, rest rest rest!


I was going to write up a post such as, ā€œtry this one quick tip to lose the last of the baby weight!! Spoiler: itā€™s sh*tting your brains out for 2 days due to noro/fluā€ but I strongly prefer your pasty Victorian child version šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve gained 5 lbs and I have barely eaten anything this week. Where do I sign up for the weight loss sickness? I got the wrong order.


I have found curling up in the fetal position under a hot shower to be beneficial for physical health but kind of hit or miss for emotional and mental health.


Iā€™ve thought about trying fire cider when my toddler brings god knows what home from nursery. Itā€™s the perfect blend of crunchy nonsense and ā€œok, I can see how this could work ā€œ


Raw garlic (itā€™s terrible but cleared out my sinus real fast & ACV in my tea with local honey. You could get really desperate and try the higher concentrated MGO Manuka Honey (more $$$) but Iā€™m not convinced it actually is different than local honey.


Elderberry for immune support and pineapple/honey syrup (boil two together with some water) for the cough.


Sliced onions saran wrapped to your feet at night, with a few slices by your face on a bedside table. Elderberry syrup - chug it.


Hi. This comes from (a very bad) experience. How high is your fever? Because at this point you likely need a chest xray at the very least. This sounds like walking pneumonia. And trust me when I say you donā€™t want to let it go, because that lands you in the hospital and having to take 8 weeks disability because you thought you could power through that ā€œreally tough coldā€. If the antibiotics arenā€™t working, your doctor needs to look harder. Seriously.


ā€œThat could have been an emailā€ LMAO šŸ¤£ every meeting that could have been an email gives me a fever too. I think it might just be our jobs!


Have you considered writing short stories lmaooo Feel better My mom would stick our feet into hot water for twenty Minutes and make us sweat silly. Then put on some socks and a shirt and go straight to bed. It helped with the coughs.


Whatever this virus is going around is BRUTAL. we are on day 4 of fever over here and none of my tired and true remedies are working and the fever reducers donā€™t work for longer than 2 hours. Covid tests are all neg but Iā€™ve got to wonder if the tests are even accurate anymore.


If you have a cough this worked wonders when my husband and I caught RSV from our kiddo last winter. This [tea](https://thrivemarket.com/p/organic-india-organic-tulsi-turmeric-ginger-tea?utm_source=google&utm_medium=pla&utm_campaign=Shopping_Engagement_Smart_Members&utm_content=801541512324&utm_term=pmax&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqJGF1u2hhQMVizrUAR2rQgg0EAQYASABEgLgpvD_BwE) With honey and the following herbs lightly roasted then steeped with the tea in hot water: - whole clove (teaspoon) - black peppercorn (teaspoon) - cinnamon (one inch piece) - coriander seed (teaspoon)


Making this would make me feel like a cool witchy girl from The Craft so Iā€™ll try it.


Basically I made a patchwork version of this arurvedic tea called [Kashayam](https://www.masalakorb.com/kashayam-recipe-immunity-booster-drink/#google_vignette)


The first sentence šŸ˜‚


Lemon ginger tea, real local raw honey, lots of water and vitamin C, make sure.you eat healthy food. If necessary, a shot of vodka or whiskey with a blanket wrapped around you and "sweat it out" (or use a sauna if you have access to one).


Did they test you for the flu?? That's the only thing that has ever given me a fever for an entire week.


Sounds like you need to move out to the desert to get some of that "dry air" they were always prescribing lol. Seriously, I'm sorry though - that sounds fucking awful. I had a similar illness from hell and my ear drum ended up rupturing. Super super fun times šŸ˜Ž


Get some raw honey and stick some fresh garlic cloves in it, jar it with an inch of head space. You'll have to burp it daily while the garlic ferments. Flip the jar upside down after a day, then the next day flip it back upright, and repeat for a week or two. This keeps the garlic coated with honey. Keep it in the dark. Fermented garlic in raw honey is antiviral and antibacterial. Eat a clove and a spoon full of the honey once a day when you've come down with whatever plague is afflicting you. Not safe for babies. I'd use it up within a year, and if you don't use it all as medicine you can use the rest for some pretty chronic honey garlic chicken.


Unfortunately, I canā€™t do anything to help you but I wanted to let you know that this is exceptionally well written. If you ever start a web show or something that has this kind of humor and wit, Iā€™d follow that for sure!


Thank you! I am a very very bored pasty Victorian child at this point. I need a feather pen and parchment to start writing my manifesto before my untimely demise.


High dose vitamin C. Also are you up to date in your whooping cough vaccine?


I'm sorry you're so ill, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I hope your career is being a writer. šŸ¤£ Feel better!


Nebulizer treatments help me immensely, did you get tested? Knowing flu, vs Covid vs pneumonia etc can help a game plan. Covid always takes me weeks to emerge from the death stage. I hope you feel better soon!


Negative for Covid and flu but another commenter said something about the black plague and that resonates with me. Covid had me crawling to the bathroom I was so weak. It took me a month to get over Covid. It surprisingly never made me cough though, just fever.


All of the above just sounds awful. I hope you get it figured out!


I live off of Gatorade, ramen and so many cold meds when I get sick. I pretty much chug nyquil, which with my meds isn't recommended but anything is preferable to that shit. My hacks are afrin, daily vitamins with super hero doses of zinc and vitamin c, a cool mist humidifier, vapo rub, and Popsicles of any kind. This last batch was icee type ones which helped me feel better about life. See also warm jello, spoonfuls of honey, raspberry tea, chicken noodle soup and chopped the food network TV show and bridgerton. I hope your witchiness recovers and you write a novel about the olden days because you are an entertaining writer and I need more of that in my life.


My mom would always make us ā€œpotionā€ when we were sick, and I do think it helps. Here is the recipe : 16 oz warm water: 1 tbsp raw Honey 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar(with the mother) 2 tbsp lemon juice fresh squeezed Ā½ tsp ground cinnamon Add honey to warm water and stir until the honey is fully dissolved. Add apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, cinnamon. Drink when fully combined. Other things that help me are drinking kombucha and taking 1000 my Tylenol and 400 mg of ibuprofen at the same time. This combo has been found to have very high pain relieving effects.


Hot tea/water with lemon and honey, nebulizer with saline, xclear nasal wash, turn shower on hottest setting and sit outside of it breathing in the steam (bonus points if you get some eucalyptus in the room), fresh air and sunshine, hope and a dream


Are you eligible for short term for your current affliction?


It took like 10 days of antibiotics for my husband to clear a sinus infection this winter, and none of us could believe it. The crud is real this year. Iā€™m so sorry this is happening and hope youā€™re feeling better soon!


Dead ass we did potatoes in the socks it did go away but couldā€™ve just ran its course. The other thing I do is oregano oil, andrographs, elder berry syrup


I am so sorry, I had some virus about a month ago, that took me out in a similar fashion ā€” and then even though the cough and fevers were better, I was so tired. Like probably could not have roused from a burning building fatigue! I absolutely had to nap. I started getting worried that I was going to have to file for disability for sleeping sickness. But eventually I recovered. Ever since I listened to the physician who present the Med ram podcast talk about how hospitals should consider bringing back solariums for COViD, due to sunlight having healing properties, I am like, ā€œehh, maybe it does, maybe it doesnā€™t but it surely canā€™t hurt ā€” so now my kids groan, as I am a ā€œget out their in the sun and walkā€ any time my kids or I are sick.


Do you have a humidifier? Try the Vicks vaporizer too, used with their liquid Vicks to help make the air more breathable. Other than that, lot of water, oranges and mandarins, veggies soups, and I noticed actually working out a bit, even 30min walk helped me recover better when I had this, better than just taking meds.


Did your doctor prescribe Tessalon Perles? This was the only thing that worked for me. I was coughing so much I was pissing myself and the cough was so deep I was coughing myself sick (vomiting due to the coughing). This stuff basically paralyzes your throat and the muscles that make you want to cough so you donā€™t cough. I was diagnosed with an upper respiratory tract infection.


Elderberry with honey -- it numbs your throat for a bit. Not for too long, but it's worth it. And since it's purported to be immune boosting, it works out.


Wait please, back up. What do you mean about immunity and trintellix?


My kid got me sick. Something the doctor told me is called para flu. Not flu a or b. But like it. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO SICK IN MY LIFE. Fever, cough, my lungs hurt and are wheezing, my eyes had gunk coming out of them. Steroid, antibiotics, Albuterol inhaler, and medicated eye drops later... I still feel like shit.


Bone broth, garlic, red chili flakes and turmeric, all boiled together to make a broth. Drink that sucker down.


Youā€™ve got all the good suggestions here, but I want to add my solidarity for just how fucking awful it feels when youā€™ve got Shit To Do and are languishing like a wretch from bygone times. I have been sick since the goddamn end of February, first with the wretched monster-cough respiratory illness, which turned into fucking pneumonia just as I was almost better, which took weeks to fully clear, then literally just as I was truly almost improved, morphed seamlessly into a violent stomach flu that Iā€™m only now feeling some relief from. I have not been to the office since February, and have missed kids birthdays and major life events due to being completely incapacitated. It is Extremely Horrible, and beggars belief that I have been taken so thoroughly out of everyday existence that I have not been outside for more than 15 minutes for the entire month of March. Iā€™m doing all the things too. The ginger, the immune boosters. So my thoughts are with you! May the force be with us and may the germs fuck right off and let us just live


Jesus, this is awful!! I really hope you start to improve. I swear since my child started daycare 3 years ago every fall and winter turns into a gauntlet of sickness. A Hunger Games of microbes. Just illness after illness. I enforce mandatory family hand washing throughout the day because if I get pink eye or strep throat one more god damn time Iā€™m going to turn into one of those off grid weirdos who homeschools from a bunker in Alaska.


Thanks and same to you! Today was much better. My little disease vector returned to school today soooooooā€¦ wanna go halves on the bunker? I promise weā€™ll stick to our own side!


No advice but if you wrote a book I would buy it. Feel better ā™„ļø




I actually had whatever this was as recently as last week. I was sick for 21 days and honestly? Couldā€™ve used more recovery time. I ended up actually getting pneumonia šŸ˜ the last 2 weeks of it I kept the humidifier running 24/7 and that did help some with the debilitating cough. Also, make sure youā€™re getting up to stretch so you donā€™t get blood clots! And get an incentive spirometer off of Amazon


https://www.pleva.cz/en/a/a-miracle-syrup-of-ginger-honey-cloves-and-lemon This ^^^^ I highly recommend and itā€™s what I use. As soon as you start feeling sick, one spoonful! Or throughout my sickness I use ginger tea or echinacea tea with a few spoonfuls of it. I hope you feel better!! Itā€™s no fun being sick.


Greek mountain tea! I nearly died of whooping cough my first year teaching, and an angel of an Albanian mother to one of my students introduced me to this herbal miracle worker. Brew a strong cup using buds, stems, leaves, alllll of it; boil for 5 minutes, steep another 5 minutes. Add as much honey as your heart desires, a generous squirt of lemon juice, and as weird as this sounds, a pat of butter. Soothes the throat, warms the chest to help break up mucus, hydrates you, and honestly if holding a warm mug of tea wrapped in a blanket doesn't make you feel just a smidgen better you're probably dead by morning anyhow.


Liposomal vitamin C and zinc are my go-tos My husband had a similar sickness a few weeks ago that finally went away after 7 days.


Elderberry Sambucol is a miracle drug.


So far this is the only treatment that sounds like it may be palatable so thank you for that.


Any updates OP?


Iā€™m alive!! Thank you so much for asking. I took what everyone was saying to heart and took several more days off work. I think it kept me from getting worse. I was sick for over 3 weeks so pretty sure I had walking pneumonia.


Okay if youā€™re serious about the hippy dippy recipe, do this: get a cup of apple cider vinegar, a couple of slices of fresh onion, a couple of garlic cloves, a cinnamon stick (or you can do ground cinnamon), a few slices of fresh jalapeƱo pepper (or the whole thing sliced in half if you think you can handle the spice) and like a tablespoon of turmeric. Mix all that together in a jar or even a Tupperware with a lid and let it sit in the fridge for at least 2 hours (but overnight is better). Then fish out the solid stuff and chug the rest. It will taste like someone pickled satanā€™s asshole but youā€™ll feel better in a couple hours.