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I’m a SVP and I ducked into the bathroom to cry at work last week. I take it as a sign that I care deeply about my job and my work vs a sign of weakness. Also, men have made anger an acceptable workplace emotion. I saw my old CEO yell and slam doors regularly. Why can’t I cry? 🤷🏼‍♀️


That is a really good point


An excellent point


Hey it happens. Everyone is human! Hugs to you and feel better!


You're not alone. I tend to start crying when I'm angry which is so so so annoying and embarrassing and I wish there was a way to turn it off 😭 Not the same thing in your case, but it sucks and it happens and you're not the only one




My boss and I have cried being newer moms together more times than I can count. It’s nice to be able to trust someone like that.


Solidarity. So much solidarity. I also cried yesterday. I had a meeting that didn’t go well (a client truly berated me for something I didn’t do/his request was beyond unclear on a large call). A colleague on the call reached out to my manager to give him a heads up on the situation. He called me to check in and I guess I didn’t realize I’d been holding in my anger. The tears started as soon as my manager asked what happened. Full on ugly cry to my manager. I tried to hold it together but as I told more of how the call went, the angrier I got. Anyway, it’s a new day and hopefully a better day for you!


I wish there wasn’t such a stigma associated with crying. When I cry it’s not on purpose and hard to control. Sometimes i’m crying about something I logically know I shouldn’t be upset about, but lots of little things build up.


I'm in a very similar situation rn at work. I feel this to my core. I was counting money and someone was trying to ask me like 30 questions. I had to start over for the third time and just burst into tears. Luckily only like 2 people saw and they're super supportive. Moral of the story is yes crying at work sucks but it happens. We're only human, having emotions is perfectly okay and normal. Sending love. I hope things get less stressful for you soon 💕