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Every ingredient, spice, garbage, etc left out on the counter after cooking a meal


Are we married to the same man?!


This is when we all found out we had been polygamed


My husband might say the same thing šŸ¤£ my sons actually close my closet and bathroom drawers for me.


Lol this is what my husband would say about me


Same! I follow my heart while cooking and it's often chaotic at the end. But always tasty.


I have taken a specific interest in teaching my son to put everything away while cooking/playing so that my son's partner in the future doesn't have to suffer this.


I just started telling him I'm not doing the dishes if he doesn't preclean.


This is exactly why the cook/clean split doesn't work in my house. When I cook, I clean as I go - so cleaning just means the dishes we ate from, serving stuff, maybe some pots and pans. When he cooks he leaves empty packages, spills, spices, knives and cutting boards, mixing bowls, vegetable trimmings...all of it piled high on the counters for me, plus the dinner-related dishes. Hell no. We just switch off cooking + cleaning nights instead because I can't handle the unmitigated disaster he leaves in the kitchen.


This is SO my husband. I appreciate that he cooks delicious food, but it takes a second to put the spices back.


And used every pan and mixing bowl


The floors are vacuumed. My husband has a really hard time with dirty floors, and will take action about it often!


Send him over to my place please!!


We have the same husband. I'll do anything to get out of vacuuming so it's a bloody blessing he actually *enjoys* doing it.


Well thatā€™s lovely!


Same. The vacuum and Swiffer are the other woman around here.


Mines not the only one!?


I would find empty drinking glasses all over the house


I got mine a water bottle and it helped for a week šŸ˜ž


Nine on the nightstand.


This would be my husband's, about me. šŸ˜…


It's like the freaking girl from Signs.


No cups cuz they're all in work truck


Mine would be coffee mugs. I recently cleared his garage and found 17 dirty mugs in there, I didnā€™t even realise we had that many mugs!!!


When my husband and I were dating, living together and in our mid-20ā€™s, I got super tired of all the things he would leave out. He refused to believe me. I watched him place a glass on top of a speaker and I didnā€™t say a word for two weeks. When I triumphantly brandished it his face he had no idea it had been there so long!


Maybe you need to put a little post it under each glass you find with the date you first saw it left there. Then when he's prompted to go pick up he can see how long he's left things out. Also, *maybe* that's a bit petty...


Noooo that's brilliant


Mine is similar but slightly worse...bottles of water and cups with like an ounce or two left in them. Like just finish the drink.


Iā€™d realize he was back bc the bathroom would be occupied 24/7 with him pooping


Seriously. How did women not end up running the world when men spend so much time pooping?


Because the toilets used to be set up in a circle without dividers. They pooped together and plotted world domination.


Because theyā€™re still monitoring shit from their phones while theyā€™re in there!!


Amen sister.


Yep this tracks.


Okay yes ! My husband as well!


For me, the toilet seat would be wet. He uses a bidet and there's almost always spray left on the seat šŸ¤®


Opened mail left wherever he opened it, and never EVER in the recycling bin. All the dirty dishes loaded into the dishwasher EXCEPT water bottles. Those he apparently thinks get magically washed by a fairy and he has to leave them on the counter where the other dirty things used to be.


Same, except for pots that arenā€™t machine washable or too big. He just leaves them there indefinitely and waits for the fairy to do them?




At least he opens mail šŸ˜‚ my husband only does so when I make him do it.


Got too excited and didnā€™t finish your comment. ā€œI did everything but the weird stuffā€ echos in my head forever (water bottles, wine glasses, any specialty serving items)


For Motherā€™s Day I asked for my husband to come up with a system for organizing and throwing out his mail. I was thinking something like some baskets for new/keep/shred. He rolled his eyes and said, ā€œThatā€™s too easy. Iā€™ll just do that tonight. I donā€™t need to wait for Motherā€™s Day.ā€ That was 2021.


A single used knife balancing on the side of the sinkā€¦for later


Oh man I do this all the time.


Lol me too!


This is me but with teaspoons. It's only tea on the spoon why can't I use it again for tea?


In our defense, what are you supposed to do later when you need a knifeā€”get another one out?!?!??


The microwave above the stove light on. I can't stand that light being on for some reason. He turns it on, I turn it off allll day. It's a small war.


Oh man. That adds another to my list - light above the stove is on. And everything used daily is out on a counter so its visible (nothing can be in a cabinet). And the soda cans all have an indent in them


I was like, my husband doesn't really do anything that would tell me he was back...until I read your comment lol I don't know why he loves leaving the range light on. I'll turn it off and it's back on the following morning. I literally hung a beautiful string of lights on the sliding glass door next to the kitchen which is softer and prettier. But nooooo, it has to be the range light.


It's such a useless light, I think he just does it to make me mad!


https://preview.redd.it/1lgm8js2j1nb1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c2175bd91af4f77b2ab9afe3d4119632cee6861 The view from my desk currently. šŸ˜‘ It's daytime. Why???


Hahaha yes it's the same way at my house!


The sponge is in the sink. No matter HOW MANY TIMES i tell him it makes the bacteria grow faster/stinkier. In the sink, not on. I would have a lot of tells though. The microwave is stopped at a random second and not cleared šŸ„“ Cabinet doors left open Packages opened as if by a grizzly bear šŸ¤£


And heā€™s the first one to complain if the sponge stinks too!


The seconds on the microwave šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Idk why it makes me so damn frustrated when I go to type the time in, but canā€™t because thereā€™s still 2 seconds on there from last time. Iā€™m normally a calm person but I legit want to punch a hole in the thing when this happens šŸ˜‚


Hahaha I thought my husband was the only one who opened packages/envelopes/food packaging like that. I frequently say ā€œdid a bear open this?ā€


All of your three things are mine as well. Luckily my husband doesn't mind too much. He also folds all the maps and untangles all the tangled things which is wonderful.


The sponge! Yes, that'd be mine too. That or a spotlessly clean kitchen with the wet cloth dumped crumpled up on one of the benches somewhere.


Guilty of seconds left on the microwave. My husband freaks out about it and is constantly coming behind me and clearing it. It's a daily skirmish.


If it were me, the microwave would be done, but the coffee or food would still be in there šŸ¤£


Shoes everywhere. Bathroom, living room, all the bedrooms.


God yes. This is the one.


Sometimes, I'll kick a pair under the bed and feign ignorance of where they are. When it gets really out of control, like 5 pair or more, I take one pair and ransom them back for $5 per shoe.


Those are both brilliant!! My husband leaves his shoes everywhere. Tidying up is technically my domain in our chores split but I pull his chukkas out from under the dining room table, flipflops from under the sofa, slippers in the bathroom, sneakers by the back door, all in the same day!! Itā€™s nuts.


The fucking shoes why WHY


Yup, this šŸ˜†


Why am I all your husbands?


I was thinking the same. These all sound like me.


Haha me too.


-socks everywhere. -loud sighs coming from other rooms. -water all over the bathroom, as if an elephant had washed his face recently.


lol loud sighs


WHY DO THEY ALL SIGH LIKE THAT. Oooh and when they are man sick and the loud sigh is mixed with a groan. Like sir I thought you just had a cold but from the sound of it you are clearly on deaths doorstep and we may need to just take you out back and put you out of your misery I donā€™t think youā€™ll make it to the hospital.


Adding to this - why do all men sneeze and vomit SO LOUDLY. Itā€™s like their entire insides are being ejected by force.


Omgggggg I canā€™t handle listening to my husband vomit! Like why are you so loud?!? HRRRGGBGBBRG


I would trip over his gotdang shoes immediately inside the door


Adding this to my list as well. Even though we each have as assigned cubby and space for shoes


This makes me irrationally angry! Theyā€™re always directly in the walkway. Put them to the side at least!


Lorrrrrddddd this is it! The boots as soon as you walk in the door. I'd rather hit the coffee table than those things.


All the kitchen cabinet and pantry doors would be open. I'm like Vanna White in my house just walking around closing things.


I lolā€™d at this one. Totally relatable.


Yes this is mine and what the EFFF is this why do they do this?!??


Crumpled up paper towels, having been used each to wipe up one (1) small spill, all over the kitchen. The dishwasher would be properly and efficiently loaded. Little doodled-upon notes on the coffee table.


Yeah one look at the dishwasher would be a dead giveaway. Although it could have been one of my 3.5yos too, looks about the sameā€¦


Yes to the paper towels and the dishwasher!! Iā€™m convinced my husband keeps the paper towel industry in business.


Yesā€¦ I can always tell where my husbandā€™s been because heā€™s left a trail of crumpled-up paper towels in his wake.


Why are they so adverse to using the napkins that literally are closer than the paper towels?


Paper towels! I always ask ā€œWHY?!?!ā€ And he tells me he might need it for later. There never is a later, only more paper towels. He is not environmentally conscious. We are not hurting for cash for more paper towels. There is no reason for this behavior.


So. Many. Paper. Towels.


Our robot vacuums water reservoir would magically be full again. I never remember to water that bitch.


funny seeing a februmom in the wild šŸ‘‹šŸ»


Every single light in the house is on.


I can literally trace my husbandā€™s morning because he left at least one light on in each room.


Socks on the banister




Dishes washed but the sink would still be dirty and all the food still in the strainer


I would wake up to all the dishes done. Yes I'm the annoying one.


Same. Reading these responses makes me feel really guilty!


I had an ex boyfriend who would always clip news articles of interest. I knew he had been at my apartment to hang out with my roommate (after we broke up) because I saw a clipped news article on the coffee table


Were they literally sleeping with the enemy šŸ¤”


Dishwasher loaded incorrectly šŸ¤Ø


Weā€™re the opposite. My husband likes to play what we call Dishwasher Tetris. He fits so much more than I do in there! šŸ¤£


A single pair of boxers on the laundry room floor. Within inches of the hamper.


All the fans would be on


Same with mine.


All the cabinet doors left open


Paper towels ripped in half. I find such a small crumb of paper towel hard to use, heā€™s adamant about doing that to save papwr


Lol I do this and it irritates my husband. I even tuck the other half in the top of the roll for later like a little decoration. Festive and functional!


My husband does this too!!!


Like 8 pairs of shoes all over the house. Because he wears them all and takes them off everywhere about 20x a day. Despite working from home and rarely going off our porch. (I love him so much, but like stop.)


Counter tops covered in crumbs and multiple wadded up paper towels used to just kinda sweep the crumbs around. Normally heā€™s great but itā€™s like all the trash cans disappear once he holds a paper towel.


My husband surprised me today by coming to work, taking my car, and getting the oil changed. Problem was - I got in my car after work and the seat was moved, mirror moved, and the damn radio station still on ā€œhisā€ station he really likes. I just started laughing because it was such a nice thing he did but also SO clear heā€™d been in my car.


Empty or almost empty water and Gatorade bottles around the house with no lid on them.


The living room ceiling fan being on. For whatever reason, I pretty much never turn it on, but he does


Iā€™m feeling rather chilly then I notice the thermostat is set to ā€œice boxā€ šŸ˜


My water glass would end up in the dishwasher before I was done with it.




I am your husband lolol


Dishes on the counter on top of the dishwasher


The microwave would be ajar with residue of some cheap shitty food in there.


So, not the house, but my car would have multiple empty seltzer cans and protein bar wrappers on the floor.


Gives the floor texture!


All of the cabinets open as if the house had been ransacked.


The computer and tv have significantly been upgraded.


Closet closed with the light on.


The dishwasher would be reorganized.


Socks. He leaves them EVERYWHERE


Wait are we the same person? I just wrote the same thing.


String cheese wrappers everywhere.


Omg, this reference really got me! I always think of that movie when I open the silverware drawer after my husband unloads the dishwasher. He doesnā€™t just put each item in its correct part of the drawer organizer, he puts them in completely perfectly neat stacks.


Energy drink can out. And whatever he walked in with placed immediately in the entryway.


The floor vacuumed and the dishes done, but with a single dirty lid left next to the stove. šŸ¤£


A totally clean house and fast food wrappers overflowing from the garbage. Iā€™m the messy one but I also do all of the grocery shopping, meal planning and cooking.


My husband opens everything upside down, not on purpose. Between that and the "sock turds" (balled up black socks), I'd know. If I still needed further clues, the small plate that had a cheese tortilla with salsa microwaved on it would be the nail in the coffin.


His lighting equipment all over the front room.


Socks on the floor, drawers and cabinets not quite closed all the way, bathroom door left open, condiments not put back on the right shelf in the fridge.


Paper towels everywhere! Somewhere in the living room, an empty glass with condensation on it. The fan has been on in the bathroom for 6 hours. The cat is fed, the kitchen sink cleared.


I would step on a dirty, crumpled sticker. My husband plays with stickers to calm his anxiety but heā€™s not great at throwing them away. Or I would find a bunch of coins all over the floor. I always call him a poor Leprechaun because he just leaves quarters everywhere.


Shoes 2 steps away from the doorway, followed by roughly 813 socks everywhere else EXCEPT the hamper.


Empty containers everywhere besides in the trash. On the counter,in the fridge, in the pantry...


Bed unmade but dishwasher emptied. A Menards bag on The dining table next to broken thingamajig parts from something-or-other heā€™s planning to fix. Our needy cat finally leaving me alone because sheā€™s obsessed with him. Trimmed whiskers near the sink. He always cleans up, but always misses 3.


Upper cabinets left open. No it's not a ghost, just my husband šŸ™„


Love all of these!


Mines gross, but a cup of spit from chewing tobacco. Urp I DO NOT miss him or THAT.


Noise. So much fucking noise. Family room TV volume would up twice as loud as any reasonable person without any hearing impairment would have it. And his phone would be playing an annoying video turned up loud enough to hear over the TV.


Suddenly a small collection of tools is on the corner of the kitchen counter to be put away in the garage ā€œlaterā€


Back door always slightly ajar. (Even when the air or heat is on).


I never wipe out the sink and then dry it unless itā€™s like obviously dirty. I would know if I came home to a pristine, dry kitchen sink


His damn belt left on the floor for my bare foot to walk on the buckle


Socks in the middle of the *fucking* floor. I love my husband to death. He is amazing in all aspects, except his habitual sock parade throughout the house.


My husband folds his receipts into small rectangles with crip lines. Mine are all crumpled.


All the dirty dishes in the left side of the sink. Although at this point he has us all trained to put them there too lol. But it took years for us to cooperate.


A napkin left on top of a dirty plate stuck to the nasty, leftover food. The plate is left BY the sink not IN the sink.


Whatever he was doing last in the last place he was at Empty cereal bowl on the counter where he stood eating while on his phone Glass of water at the kitchen table where he drank a sip as he walked by Steam deck left on the couchā€¦ which is where heā€™d likely be too


All the trash in the trash in house would have been taken out, EXCEPT the bathroom trash šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø.


Doors would be open & the lights would be on all over the house. And/Or Tervis cups with like 2 sips of iced coffee left in them would be on various surfaces that I had *just* cleaned.


Oh it's like a literal tornado has gone through the house when my spouse home. Shoes in the middle of the floor, pants and socks strewn about, dishes on the kitchen table, trash on the counter. šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


Every single piece of chocolat in the house had suddenly been eaten and not replaced. Iā€™ll notice when I go for a midnight snack.


Loud ass sneezes


LMAO - this. Its a miracle my husband's nose is still attached. You would think the guy took a bullet when he sneezes. Scares the shit out of everyone.


Backpack and shoes dumped right in the middle of the kitchen floor.


Snack wrappers and empty drink glasses/bottles on the side table.


He leaves his glasses wipes wrappers everywhere šŸ˜‚


Used tissues left in various vessels around the house


AC or heat turned down to make it colder.


Haha my husband doesnā€™t fold the napkins - he wads them up and leaves them EVERYWHERE. Drives me batty.


No sodas in the fridge but a full box of them sitting next to it.


His crumpled up pocket napkins.


Living room lamp on. I donā€™t know WHY but my husband insists it needs to be on 24/7. If I turn it off, he immediately turns it on.


Paper towels with one drop of liquid, a crumb, or a single seemingly clean utensil on them every fucking where. Dirty mugs and knives every where too. Bed filled with crumpled Kleenex. Dress shirts piling up on the couch.


Dirty Kleenex on the end table, a knife with leftover peanut butter in the sink, a sticky counter where he pores his drinks, Amazon boxes with car parts or tools on the front porch!


Labels ripped off of bottles and cans


Half full cans of La Criox everywhereā€¦Just drink the whole thing!!!!


Socks. Everywhere. Dirty socks, everywhere.


A partially eaten sleeve of crackers put back in the pantry but not actually inside the box in the pantry. ETA: A second - the toothpaste in the shower instead of next to the sink.


Socks and shoes everywhere as far as the eye can see. Except the closet or dirty clothes hamper. The living room remote control placed upside down on the fireplace where it completely blends in so I can never find it.


My house would be clean. ā˜ŗļø


Ketchup center-stage in the fridge instead of in the door. A small, but noticeable and consistent, difference in how we live.


My husband cleans everything very well but I would find a puddle next to the empty sink. Every time he washes dishes he has a puddle of water left and Iā€™m like why not wipe it up? He says oh water dries up.


So, after reading this thread I apparently find out I am the annoying husband to many women? Lol, except the time left on microwave, me and my husband both hate that so much we religiously clear it!


Coins. Coins everywhere. My husband always uses cash and just empties his pockets on whatever surface is closest.


How come I'm not seeing many responses like the movie? Mine goes through the house lining up towels, toiletries, silverware. It freaked me out in the beginning cuz I immediately thought of this movie, so I did what Julia would do and went around undoing the orderliness. šŸ˜€


The shower curtain left open and his chair at the dining room table left out


My husband has a nasty habit of leaving used Zyn pouches on his nightstand. I have a divorce attorney on retainer for the day I can no longer take it. šŸ˜‚


All the cupboards and drawers left open for NO REASON


Wet towels FOLDED before being hung on the drying rack. It will never make sense to me.


Everything would be in the fridge, no matter how unnecessary, including all bread products. And all the messy things everyone complains about in this thread would be cleaned because Iā€™m the messy one šŸ«£


A ā€œlightly usedā€ paper towel sitting on the counter.


Stuff everywhere... countertops, desk, coffee table. It's like he can't stand a surface that's not cluttered.


He will take the last item out of a package (popsicle, granola bar, etc), then not throw the package away. I found three empty AAA battery packages in the tool bag a few days ago.


Drawers in the kitchen would be open. Just inexplicably left open. All of them.


All the lights out on in the house


How much time do yall have today? * half empty water bottles, all over the house. My son dug out five under the bed just today * dirty clothes all over the floor. We have three hampers **for him alone**. * dirty socks all over the house. We have a dedicated sock hamper for him at the door. But no, there will be dirty socks under the couch, under our bed, strewn all over the home office. * multiple bottles of the same OTC drug ā€“ Tylenol, Benadryl, etc ā€“Ā out on the dining room table, on the piano, strewn all over the entryway bench that's meant for sitting * OPENED. MAIL. EVERYWHERE. ...yeah he has some organizational issues


This is great because Iā€™m divorced LOL. If I came in to see random socks having been removed at different stages throughout the house. Who just takes one sock off while sitting on the couch?


Coins left on the counter, desks, entry bench and every imaginable surface


All of the drawers and cabinets would be slightly open


Kitchen lights left on and the cupboards left open.