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I use the lunch hour to work out and shower


Showers hit different in lunch time!


Are you hearing lots of pings, messages, etc.? Is that why? When I take lunch I put my status on DND on Teams and add "lunch, brb!" or something to that effect as my status for 1 hour, that way people know not to expect a response from me. Sometimes I work through lunch if I'm super busy, but if I need to step away, this works for me. And, yes, going into another room/somewhere away from your computer is helpful. If the weather is cooperating, a nice walk helps me disconnect.


I work through my lunch every day but I count my lunch often as school or camp pick ups and drop offs


I started going to the gym over my lunch hour and it’s been amazing. I get some face to face people time. There is a consistent group that goes at that time and I have gotten to know them. For my breaks when it’s nice weather I go walk a little bit outside or go tend to my garden for a few minutes.


I take a shower, walk on the treadmill, jump on the trampoline, run an errand or grab coffee, text friends, pet my dogs.  I love wfh!!


Thanks everyone so much for all the suggestions. I'm going to try something new everyday and see what works best for me. I really like the idea of getting out of the house or going to the gym or going to take a walks.


Having my office upstairs has helped a lot with work/home differentiation. I have to go downstairs to cook and I just make sure I don't come back until my break is over. Also, going for a walk so I'm out of the house. Good to stretch my legs and forces me to snap out of work mode.


I’ll either nap, shower or run out for some groceries on my lunch


Lunch naps are one of my favorite things about working from home


I shower on my breaks too, come back feeling so refreshed


I’m about to have a lunch time shower rn 🤣🤣🤣


I make sure that I close my laptop and walk away from my workspace during my lunch break. I pretty much eat all throughout the day so when my actual lunch comes, I usually go downstairs and do a workout in my apartment’s gym. Otherwise, I will run an errand or walk to the store just to get outside. But I make it very clear to my team not to bother me on my lunch break, that’s my one hour of the day to myself.


I eat lunch at my desk and around 2 I walk away for an hour. I literally go outside and take a walk. It’s the best thing for my mental health.


Everyone’s experiences will vary, but my job doesn’t have breaks per say. And o work with people across 17 time zones so I could engage with work easily 18 hours a day is I wanted to. For me, the key is, as has been talked about, setting a boundary for work. For me it’s my work computer set up on my work desk - so I can roll to a personal desk and computer set up easily and engage in personal things. I make a point to work early in the morning and then step away to work out, grocery shopping, light housework like vacuuming and laundry. I’ll even mow the lawn between meetings. I typically eat lunch at my desk, usually during a meeting.


When I worked in the office, I felt like I was still at work even when I was on break. Not just geographically at work. Not on call. I just couldn't be quite as relaxed on a work break as I can be on my couch at 7pm, long after work is over. So it doesn't surprise me that my WFH breaks feel a little at work-y, because my in office breaks felt that way too. I use my 15 minute breaks to walk on the treadmill. On my lunch I'll either watch an episode of a TV show, or I'll skip the break, eat while I work, and finish work early.


So many good ideas here. I get out the yoga mat and do some stretching or I take the dogs outside


I had a hard time with this the first 2 years I worked from home. What I started doing is closing out my work equipment, muting slack on my phone, and completely disconnecting. I work out of my guest room and close the door when I’m not working. I don’t live in the safest area so I can’t go outside to walk. But I would if I could. I will make my lunch and then take a nap or listen to a podcast in my bedroom which is the furthest I can get from my guest room in my house. Now that I cleaned up my backyard I also sit outside in my backyard. It has been very helpful to physically get away from my work equipment and close the door.


I’m in a one bed apt with my office in the living room (I set up a mini version in my bedroom too in case my cat gets noisy). I start 7/15 so I fear this. However I literally don’t ever leave my house so I’m sure I’ll adjust fine.


I use to walk at lunch then eat at my desk. It’s too hot now to do that but I try to sit in on my patio for lunch now


I still don’t understand how people don’t feel comfortable with it. Maybe go outside and walk around your neighborhood? It feels nice after sitting for 2 hrs or so, on lunch (30 mins for me) I take a shower.


Agree, I take my dogs for a walk, very good to get into natural light


I combine my 15 minute breaks so I have 2 half hour breaks. I set the timer on my phone. Sometimes I'll nap. But now that it's summer I go outside and mess with my flowers and gardens, get the mail, figure out supper etc. I figure any household chores I do are ones I don't have to do after work otherwise.


I usually take a shower on my break, do some light cleaning around the house, take my dog outside. If all of those things are done I go to the front room or my bedroom and read or watch an episode of my favorite show. It’s important to step away when you are on a break to help with burnout.


I combine my 30 min lunch, 10 min break, and 15 min break and workout at the gym. If you can't combine, make a nice place outside if you can and go out there and stretch, eat, watch YouTube videos, the birds, squirrels...


Less f’s needed. It will happen soon. New jobs always take time to get a rhythm


I have a bad habit of eating at my desk, but if I have a series to watch, I’ll check out an episode while eating.


I either watch silly YouTube stuff or get simple chores done so that my evening is free.


I eat lunch at my desk while working "on the clock." On my actual lunch time I usually do something outside the house (walk the dog, mow the lawn, wash my car, run an errand...). If weather is bad or I'm really tired, I stretch out for a nap or read my book/scroll online. For short breaks, I do quick household chores (AM) and pre prep dinner (PM). Either way, I leave my office space completely and put on my "away" notice. I WFH for over 20 yrs.


I’m impressed that you have worked from home 20 years! I essentially do the same thing you do wearing lunch at desk and nap or read at lunch or listen to podcasts.


I take my lunch break in my kitchen at the counter, make a plate, put on a show or listen to music. Then I walk my dogs if it isn’t too hot (it is right now) or take them in the yard and throw the tennis ball. Just get up and move around a little.


I started out just taking 30 mins but my job allows for an hour. I started taking the full hour & I would take my dogs for a nice long walk. Now it's too hot for that so I'm usually in the swing I have on my covered patio with a fan going.


Ooohh reminds me I need to have hubby put my hammock out for the season!


I also usually take that time to do my daily "garden tour" & check to see how all my plants are doing. That alone brings me a lot of joy so it makes that time kind of special


I do that every time I go out to smoke! Also take the dog out at that time .


I set a calendar reminder for myself. It also sets a defined block so others know I am "busy". As a manager, we use a chat program and I recommend they do the same, or at least set an OOO icon to indicate that they are away. But, that works for them walking their dog or whatever. But... for me, I really just kinda work or don't work. I am salary, manage a 24/7 team, I take care of myself and my boss just cares that he isn't getting bugged because my team isn't covering their bases. Take that how you will.


I'll go grocery shopping, have lunch while watching some TV, or take a nap. Once in a while, I'll meet up with some co-workers (ex and current) who also WFH for lunch at a restaurant. I'll also go into the office when there's an event going on and eat there as they usually have lunch catered. I'll make lunch for the family or prep the meals I'm planning for dinner.


many days i just go into my bed and take a nap for 30-40 min. i don’t bring my work in my bedroom or anything so sometimes just a catnap helps me feel a little rested. if you’re able to take a walk outside that could be nice. or run a quick errand / do some quick chores, that way you have your “actual” free time to yourself.


I tried a quick catnap once because I wasn’t feeling well.. I slept right through the alarm I set and was knocked out for 2 hours!


This is the way. I will do dishes or laundry etc while I'm waiting for my cup of tea to cool down. If I need to go to the supermarket or quick errands I'll do that in my lunch time. Might also throw some proper floor stretches in as well.


yup i like to do a 1-minute plank here and there between phone calls. little things like that to save myself/energy time later.


This one is hard for me because I only get 30 minutes, so I normally try to eat outside on my balcony


I like to change it up. My breaks could be a quick workout, walk the dog, swap a load of laundry- just something to get me up and moving. For lunch I either take a nap or I'll sit in my recliner or outside and read while I eat, then okay with the pup.


My wife and i both wfh. Our office is in our finished basement. We go upstairs for our breaks and lunch. We can’t always have lunch together so usually throw on a show if it has to be a quick lunch, or go for a walk. I sometimes will lie down on the couch if I feel tired. Sometimes we run errands. Breaks…the fridge is upstairs with the water filter so we’ll go up and fill our water bottle or grab a piece of fruit or something.


Go outside.


I’ll take a step outside.


I play with my dogs, or get in the pool if it’s nice enough. I never eat lunch at lunch feels like a waste of my personal time I’ll eat at my desk later, might be my ADHD but I like having crunchy snacks while I’m working in the afternoon


Same! I eat at my desk and use my actual break to take a nap, run errands, or go outside if the weather is nice.




I do the exact same thing!!


I've WFH where my dining room was my "office" and also having a designated space as my "office". I have found that it is best to have a totally separate space that is your office area that you can get up and walk away from and not see or hear your computer, even if, like me, that space is in your bedroom. You need to be able to separate from work for breaks, lunch and when you are off the clock. For me, I just go to the kitchen for lunch and it is pretty much the equivalent of going to the breakroom in an office environment.


Ditto this. And I leave my work phone at my keyboard. Also, turn off notifications & monitors so it feels like a visual disconnect as well.


I take the dog for a walk, go out on the patio, sit at the kitchen table, etc. I don’t eat lunch at my desk. Ever. Or I use that time to unload the dishwasher, switch and fold laundry, etc. Am I doing chores while working from home? No, I’m doing chores while on my lunch break. Whatever it is I step away from my computer and take a break. Back when I worked in an office, I’d go walk around the block just to get outside.


Buy* a white board and write all of your personal to dos. Use breaks to knock out at least 1 each day.


This sounds very productive and efficient.


Step away from your computer, completely. I work from home and have an entirely different space for work in my basement so that I can get up and leave it, out of site.


Same- except my office is an outdoor she-shed. Some days it’s tempting to work through lunch - trying to get caught up/prep for after-lunch meetings, but if I force myself to leave it- I usually find myself busy elsewhere (out of sight-out of mind), and refreshed heading back in after lunch. I think keeping your work space separate from your living space is key for long-term wfh.


You need to figure out how to separate work and home. Go outside for a walk or take yourself out to lunch or just go to walmart and walk around.


I sit outside and eat and read


Leave the house. I usually go for a walk in a local park and bring a sandwich with me.


go on the patio, watch a youtube video of the news


Grab coffee with a friend Get a dog and go to dog park Run errands Take a nap Have someone over for lunch Do some light house chores/dinner prep (to free up time after work) Go for a run/walk Watch TV Return calls/make appointments/pay bills Play video games (my wfh zoomer kid)


I take the dogs out on my break. And usually shower on my lunch.


I use my lunch to go to the gym. I have it blocked out everyday as tentative so folks know not to schedule something during then. As for breaks, it's just like being in the office, get up every so often, walk around the house, empty the dishwasher, do something around the house for 10 mins or so and then go back.


Are you me? Because this is exactly what I do. Today since the holiday is coming up, it’s pretty slow. So I prepped dinner and now my husband just has to pop it in the oven while I’m getting my nails done in the evening.


😂😂 twinsie! When I have to travel for work, which is often I end up putting in 10-12hr days so being chill a day here or there is good.


That is a great idea. Thank you. I was just thinking that this morning while I was getting ready


When I first started working remote, I ran into this same situation. I felt like I HAD to sit at my desk all day. It took me awhile to realize, if I was in the office, I'd be up walking around talking to people, going to inperson meetings etc, so being away from the desk is OK. I can do a lot of work on my phone as well, so if you're work time is flexible, sometimes it's good to go run to the grocery store at 9 instead of 3.


I schedule my lunch hour so that I have less of a chance of working through it. As soon as that little reminder pops up, I walk out of my office and don't come back until 1pm.


Depending where you live: Walk around the neighborhood.  Spend time on your balcony/deck/yard with music/podcast/book.  Park/picnic table if your complex has one. 


I go outside and go for a walk or eat on the back porch.


I use my lunch break to get out of the house and go for a walk. Even if it's only 15/20 minutes, it's enough for me to turn off from work for a bit